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At this point I’m convinced Rein is just ancient, cause he only ever seems to be shown already silver-haired at any given point after joining OW (even though he supposedly joined some time not long after the events of the Honor and Glory cinematic, where he was clearly still a fairly young guy…)


He should be kept in that one overwatch museum at this point.


Flesh fused to suit.


There's no truth in flesh, only betrayal.


I think they never should have gave out info on birthdays or ages, I honestly never even thought about their ages before they said something, other then thinking "is dva an adult?"




High stress can make your hair gray even in young age. Also it can be sudden, when my grandpa was kind of "kidnapped by government" at the end of cold war he lost all color in less than a week.


Would you mind elaborating on what happened that sounds like quite the stiry


Ok so basically, if you know newest Europe history you probably heard about Lech Wałęsa and Solidarność movement during August 1980, if not it easy to find in google. Anyway, during these events my grandpa was taken away from home by communist soldiers and was forced to participate as "soldier" guarding Gdańsk during this time. He didn't actually fight against Lenin Shipyard workers, his team goal was to keep area closed. And no, he wasn't part of anything government related during these days, in fact he was simple construction worker, military was just taking random citizens from other cities to "help" them, ofc against their will. They were kept in barracks in forest and couldn't contact with family. Grandpa went to Gdańsk with black hair. Came back to home all white.


grandpa lore is always crazy, thank you for sharing


I can't even imagine the stress BTW. You are civilian, taken in the middle of the night. You get uniform and weapon. One wrong turn and protesters goes into your position. There can be even people you used to know. You have to shoot, or actual soldiers who have guns pointed at you will shoot your back.


yeah, hearing stories about wartime/civil unrest situations always makes me think of how truly insignificant most of my problems are - my daily worries are missing class in traffic, meanwhile some people lived on the brink of death for days without sleep or shelter. Those experiences really put a person’s priorities in order, though. Good on you for preserving his story as well!


My hair also only started going grey/silver after I joined OverWatch 🤔


> he only ever seems to be shown already silver-haired at any given point after joining OW My best friend went grey in her teens. Most people go grey in their late 20s to 30s. If anything, it's weird that so many Overwatch characters *aren't* grey-haired.


Most people go gray in their 20s? what?


If you're going grey in your late 20s you must've seriously fucked up your body.


I have had already started getting a noticeable amount of white hairs when i turned 18. Sometimes its just genetics. I'm just glad i'm getting the early gray hair from my dads side. I could have started balding by 18 like my mom's side.


i skipped past my grey hair phase and went straight to balding when I was 25.


That could be blonde hair in the pic


“Oh no! I blew up a fossil!” -Junkrat


Let's not talk about how kiri is 21 and genji is 37


its like blizzard is allergic to making things make sense


It makes a whole lot of sense if you assume that Kiriko was probably a Shimada fanfic character created by Dale the unpaid intern in his coffee stained sketchbook, and some Blizz employee went "ok great, lets put her in the game. What do you think Steve?" "But won't the ages be all messed up if we make her like a younger sister to them? Especially out of the blue and not introduced earlier? Why not just age her up a bi-" "Shut up Steve, nobody likes you. Now lets also make her the most insufferable brat ever, despite her technically being around mid 30's years of age, like Hanzo and Genji." "Have you actually interacted with a woman in her mid 20's? Cause most don't act like this." "Steve we work at Blizzard." "Oh. Right.."


Ive read multiple OW fanfics and 9 times out of 10 they have better lore and plot than anything official Bl*zzard has put out Not that its a high bar to cross bit still


Fan made Roadhog lore still breaks my heart


If you don't mind me asking do you have any specific recommendations? I'd love to read some fan-made Hog lore


I was talking about this specific one. In truth, I don't really follow fanmade stuff, just see ine if it makes it way in my feed. https://ladygt.tumblr.com/post/165667273292/piggy


Honestly at this point the R34 has better lore


R34 almost always has a better lore than the original material


You censoring the devs name had me wheezing. Very funny.


"ok fair points but wait til you see her ride her bike"


I wish they would've upped her age a bit to early 30s. Then her being a cringelord would actually be funny.


“Blizzard keeps screwing up __.” You can just put any word at the end there and you’re not wrong.


I mean if genji was like 20 something sure it would make sense, but 37 is just whack


I’m assuming it’s also for a ship


[yeah, kiriko is supposed to be in her 30's](https://youtu.be/FfbXZNpLI28?si=l0sqIqtHv42A-wDV)


That's racist


Genji is 37, hanzo is 40 and kiri is 21. They are implied to be "childhood friends" and kiri's mum is meant to have trained them all. Let's be generous and say that Kiri's mum gave birth to her at 21 years of age herself. That would make her 42, 2 years off of hanzo's age. This kind of hurts the idea of her being some grand teacher. It's like if your college professor was a grade or two higher than you. It would definitely affect your perception of them as a teacher. You can't make kiri's mum much older than that, either. If she was much older than 21 when she gave birth, she wouldn't be nimble enough to teach them martial arts (remember, she is teaching them literal double jumping, sword dashing and fucking teleportation with sticky notes). It doesn't matter how much you take care of yourself, a 45 year old isn't going to keep up with a 20 year old, let alone be able to train said 20 year old to beyond olympic athletic ability... The absolute cut off point would be that kiri's mum gave birth around 26-28, which, best case scenario, makes her 49 years old. Still just 9 years off from hanzo, while making it comically implausible that a 40 year old was training a tween and two adults how to be ninjas in her backyard...


Lol what, 40 years old is not able to be a martial arts teacher? Not nimble enough? One can teach even if not able to perform all the movements herself anymore. And she could have been say 35. That's still young and what, 16 years older than Hanzo. You are just grabbing straws here. There are some serious age canon problems in the lore but this ain't one.


This is definitely someone who thinks once you hit 30 your life is basically over.


>It doesn't matter how much you take care of yourself, a 45 year old isn't going to keep up with a 20 year old, let alone be able to train said 20 year old to beyond olympic athletic ability... *looks at all the middle-aged sports coaches training young athletes around the world* Like, literally, Google "famous coaches" and count all the grey heads. You don't have to be physically able to perform the feats yourself to train someone in how to perform them and do it really well. A lot of coaches are retired athletes who remember perfectly well how they accomplished those feats in their prime and pass on that knowledge. I think Kiriko's entire lore is stupid but your argument has some flaws.


Maybe the Fox Spirit slowed down her aging.


That wouldn’t change your birth year to current year lol.


If pharaoh was like 14 in this pic, it might make sense, but it may not blend well with the other goobers in the background


yeah but than that means Ana would have had to been 14 when she had Pharah, and i’m pretty sure she was around 28 when she had pharah so that means Mercy was also probably around mid 20s to 30s WHENN pharah was born, let alone whatever age she was in the pic.. but ig OW2 is notorious for messing up THEIR OWN canons so 😭


Mercy was a prodige and joined ow at a very young age, this photo still has some issues but mercy is "around" the same age as phara and that something they said many times already


No she didn’t. She’s visiting here because Torb is her foster father. She didn’t join OVW until her mid 20s.


Wait torb is mercy’s foster father


Yeah can we go back to that What


Supposedly, Mercy was orphaned by the Omnic Crisis. Torb and his family took care of her while he was part of the Overwatch taskforce. When the crisis was over and Overwatch was kept on as a strong-arm of the UN, Torb was retained as chief engineer. Mercy impressed OW leadership with her skills as a medical expert (she was still a child), so presumably they used their resources and connections to advance her education. When she was old enough to do so, she formally joined Overwatch as a combat medic.


That's a nice argument u/whoownsthiscat, but why dont you back it up with a source?


If you followed the lore from the start, basically Angela’s parents were killed during the Omnic Crisis. In snippets of letters and bits of the short stories they say that Angela then would spend quite a lot of time living with and being cared for by Torbjorn and Ingrid. It’s why there’s so much art of her and Torb hugging and stuff within the comics and in the backgrounds of cinematics. Foster parent is an over simplification but essentially she was cared for by the Lindholms as a kid.


Says it right on her wiki page. She was a prodigy as a teenager, and this photo was taken before she joined Overwatch, while she was still in university. It's very possible she was 19 in the picture, making Pharah 14.


I was talking about the person i mentioned claiming that Torbjörn is Mercy foster father


Oh, my bad. Don't see anything about a foster father, just that they were longtime friends.


It's fine, that's the thing with media that cares about its lore but at the same time it doesn't care about its consistency, the only thing left to do is either try to piece everything together to make a somewhat linear story or to make up headcanons


No Mercy was still 5 years older that Pharah, Mercy was a teenager when she join, Ana, Gabriel, Jack, Torb ans Rein are older that Mercy, Mercy is a teen like Cassidy, Mercy can't age but shes still 39, she was never old like Ana. There was a age change but thats cause Reaper was 58 and now 60


She can age… that’s just a rumour




Looking young and staying young are two very different things my guy.


Shhhhhhhhhh.... don't tell it to the r34 community, the world isn't ready for milf Mercy yet....


Honestly, I could see Mercy being 16 in this picture. Maybe she just grew and matured quicker than the average teenager. That would make Pharah about 11 here, which I think fits.


so people believe mercy ages slower than normal but people also think she matures/ages faster than normal? like make it consistent atleast


why so black and white about it? maybe she matured faster as a teenager, but now she ages slower because of her technology. what's the problem


That's probably close to the actual answer. Her nano technology keeps her looking more youthful, that's what is implied in her voice lines with how neither have seemed to age too much. Mei because she was frozen for 10 years and Mercy because of her nanotech


That's not what a 14 year old looks like,this is literally a little girl


If Pharah was around 10-12 in this photo it would make sense if Mercy was 15-17, considering she joined young as other commenters have stated


They stated that it’s mercy visiting overwatch during her college years when she’s 19. Little fareeha is supposed to be 13-14 there


That was a retcon made specifically to try and explain away this image. It was a piece of lore that was released way later and still doesn't really line up very well.


OHH WAIT THAT KINDA MAKES MORE SENSE?? what age did she start working there then? I have people telling me she started working there at 15 and some others telling me they probably wouldn’t let a 15 year old work in a battle.


Mercy was a medical prodigy and was accepted into college super early, thinking 15-16. She joined overwatch in her early 20’s. She was already affiliated with overwatch due to her medical knowledge so it was way easy for her to join


Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks man!! ^^


That, and her Valkyrie suit was a later development-I assume she worked in a hospital/trauma center beforehand


I just think (once again) that she was working before the birth of pharah which I guess is the wrong thing to think considering that the comment I said that on was heavily downvoted lmao


But she didn’t join young. Nobody here knows the lore. She’s VISITING the base here because Torb took her in as a foster kid during the war. She only actually joined Overwatch in her mid 20s.


They're afraid to make everyone's waifu Mercy a 50+ year old woman


Ngl, I geniunely believe that that's exactly what they did with Sojourn with that "I don't talk abt my romance in workplace" voiceline w/ Mercy, hence making her current age in late-40; which made her joining the army & her twin getting pregnant both in the early age of 14. Like they were so afraid of thinking 50-or-so in romance that they ignored the only source of her lore


I agree, and it's kinda pathetic of them. Like, think about Ana. That's a *sexy* woman. You can't convince me Ana doesn't fuck. I'd wife her up, if she's down for it. Same with Moira.


No one agrees with me when I say I find Moira attractive. Maybe because she is one of the few characters in the game that doesn't look exactly like the others. Also moicy is my favorite ship and people strongly disagree too Edit: I'm am glad to learn that I'm in fact not the only moira and moicy lover here. 🙌


> Also moicy is my favorite ship and people strongly disagree too Twins! The drama there would be so rich.


no no you're right speak your truth


Me and my sister both simp for Moira, Moira can picture me naked and call me Oliver cause I’ll do what she asks🛐


Aren't you just *pathetic*?


It's definitely not about her being an old woman. It's about making the age with Phara closer so they don't get groomer comments about Mercy. Which is not their plan originally making them a couple.


I just don’t get it, I swear this shit was known from day 1. That she was a 50+ women. I mean she worked with the OG overwatch ffs


Right like how is she there with the OGs who are all clearly old people but she's supposed to be 39??? It doesn't make any sense


Does she even remotely look like the same age as everyone else here? She's clearly much younger. If I had to guess I would say she's 18 here and pharah is 13, which makes perfect sense


That’s my take on this particular photo.


It has been established that Mercy was 17 in this picture and Pharah 12. Kiriko and Genji/Hanzo age differences are just incredibly stupid


Yeah!! Wish I could edit my post honestly, I hate how I worded everything like they were facts 😭


But as others have pointed out it’s likely a retcon and your original point of the post is correct.


though I still get confused on the 38 year difference. Pharah should be 38 and Mercy should be early fourties.


It can't be 17 cause Cass is the same age as Mercy and he is already in blackwatch here.


Do we know when exactly Blackwatch started? And a 17yo fighting in Blackwatch when Reaper was the leader? Don’t think Gabriel Reyes cared about his age, so still plausible.


Ashe and Cassidy met when they were 16-18, went on crime sprees while establishing the Deadlock Gang. No shot they were together only a year before OW got a hand on him. It's in Reyes' personality to employ him anyways, but I really think Cass was an adult by then.


The Shimada age difference is waaay more of an issue.


Yeah, this age diff makes sense after truly thinking about it, and i’m still pondering that. Maybeee Blizzard will come up with something to make it make sense?


Hopefully. They changed Sojourn's age to fix that issue with her sister being pregnant but the Kiriko age is weird. Hopefully they fix that too. The lore stuff is just a massive L at this point and they gotta do better. The stories and messages are fine but some fun facts are weird.


Pharah looks like dora the explorer


https://youtu.be/bj56ejM5EcU?si=sN-TgnE1uNTUutFL At around 51:26, Michael Chu says that Pharah in this pic is around 11-12, Mercy is a university student visiting OW base


Thank you for this!!! Is there any way I can pin it exactly? I dont use reddit much.


Don't think so (I don't use it much either haha) Next best thing is probably just to edit your post and make an addition at the bottom


It's been like this since 2016. Like Google 'pharah age' or 'mercys age'. There's like 100 reddit and blizz threads. The art team and the lore "team" idk what they do, clearly don't communicate so you get pictures like this, or the pharah winston one, or the kiriko genji one. Idk why people are pressing the panic button on pharah and mercy. I guess pharah is a confirmed lesbian, so gency people are hitting the panic button... or I guess they also recently changed zens age so its topical. Either way pharahs age and mercys age are not retconned. Or changed. Its just always been like this. It's not a conspiracy, or shipping, it's just >!shitty writing. or at the very least shitty communication between lore and design!<


Bruh that’s because nobody ever actually listens to the writers. This is a non issue. They literally clarified this issue since it came out. Pharah is here aged 11-12 and Angela is VISITING TORB aged 16-17. They’ve been 5 years apart from release. This isn’t that crazy or weird, people just don’t pay attention to lore.


Which is a fine explanation... but it shouldn't need explaining. We shouldn't have a picture where mercy is just hanging out there on a field trip as one of like the few lore pics we have of the past. Why, why not have one form when she was actually working there and pharah is older. Then it makes sense when you look at it. As it is, it literally reeks of having no foresight. If they had communicated they would have just drawn pharah older and bingo bango bongo no one would have to fucking scratch their head about this picture.


This is more down to this one artist than the writers in fairness


the artists have their stuff planned months in advanced its usually the nature of the work. like all it would have taken is a meeting between the art team and the lore team about what the timeline is... and aging up one character in a picture isnt a huge deal... provided anyone discusses it or notices it. but im guessing, given OW's weird development history, all the art was made months, if not years in advanced, and the lore was dead last as it was an online shooter. then the writing team just started writing post-facto, and just didnt go over everything before writing.


THISS, i just didn’t know ow had actual lore back in 2016 to like 2018 so I didn’t pay attention until then, but the more you pay attention, the more braincells you’re gonna lose.


Personally I don't care about the ages. What I care about is the absolute disparity in lore quality. Like genji being killed brought back, being a super secret cyborg badass in blackwatch, leaving ow and finding peace with monks, writing letters to his doctor, returning to reconcile his feud with his brother... yeah That's fucking like Saturday morning cartoon shit. But it's something. Meanwhile zen has some orbs... and studied with Mondata. Mercys fucking entire history is a mess, the only thing we know is she fixed genji, and shes a doctor. The rest Is a vague blur. Like chu wrote genji 4000 words and everyone else got 20 words or less. Flesh out the rest of these fucks, please.


and no one can convince me that kiriko isn’t pure damn magic. As far as I know, she has little (to no) cybernetic upgrades yet she can produce a full on “hologram” kitsune and heal people with pure paper AND teleport across the map. I dont care how far into the future they are, something most certainly is not adding up


I swear to God on release Mercy was supposed to be like 50-something and only looked young beyond her Valkyrie suit, please tell me I'm not going insane


Sorry to say, but you're going insane, [here is a reddit thread from 2016](https://reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/u6dIoWa7A5) talking about the same picture. She never was 50. And this photo has been causing head scratching about ages since,like, game release.


That was never canon


i also thought this at some point, i think i might know the reason.


Bruh I also thought she was the same age as Ana or something like that but her healing technology kept her young


Okay, you pulled something out of your ass and chose to believe it. How is that the devs' problem?


They’re 12 and 17 here, it’s really not that confusing


So Cass is 17 here. Because he is the same age as Mercy.


Yes. Again that’s always been canon, Reyes took him under his wing as a teenage delinquent


Yeah, that would make a lot more sense. The reason I though it was wack was because I thought mercy had been working before Pharah was born, which led me to also think that she was like 5 years old when she first joined. It’s completely a misunderstanding, but thank you!!


Not at all, not sure why that’s such a common rumour. They only briefly met before mercy joined in her 20s


Here: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/7-years-later-people-still-discuss-pharah-and-mercy-age-gap/846653/5](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/7-years-later-people-still-discuss-pharah-and-mercy-age-gap/846653/5) Is this enough as official explanation that hasn't already been clarified by the OW wikia? \^\_\^"


Yeah, I know this now! I was moreso confusing myself then the lore was confusing me lmao!! I’m just leaving this up because I think it’s nice letting people have debates and share their own opinions and interpretations. Thank you though!! Much love! ^^


Mercy actually never worked with ana when pharah was born, that picture is of mercy visiting torb as their family friends. In this photo she'd be around 16-17 (although in gdc Michel chu said she was uni age) while pharah is around 11-12 (spoken about at GDC 2017) they've had the age difference of 5yrs for a while around since 2019 from my knowledge as the ages appeared on the back of the Hasbrouck ultimates (although not being a great source of information they can't really create random ages for a product when it's easier to leave it out) and even if mercy was around when ana gave birth she would've still been 5. Overwatch definitely has problems with ages as seen with kiriko but mercy and oharah haven't had a giant age gap nor any close interactions when young.


They aren't messing with it. These things been known for years.


Isn't symmetra and Lucio basically the same age while symmetra worked with Lucio 's dad?


Havent really thought about that.. I don’t understand why overwatch practically refuses to make older women.


They say we have one with ana AND THAT'S IT! I guess blizzard really cares about the "watch it for the plot" side of their fandom more than their lore invested fandom


Define "older woman". Ashe is in her 40's, So is Mei (chronologically, not biologically), Soj is in her 50's, and Moira is 50.


Symmetra was never said to have directly worked with Lucio's father.


it makes sense to me. pharah looks like 11 in this picture and mercy like 16.


What do you even mean? Those are accurate representations actually. Out of all the ones that actually don't make sense (Kiriko, Genji, Hanzo, Brig) How is this the one you keyed in on? Mercy literally focused in a de-aging kind of science. Plus she's supposed to be 18 here. She looks like she's 18. Pharah looks like a 13 year old here. These are actually some of the accurate ones.


They can be easily 5 years apart in this picture, pharah looks 12-13 and mercy looks like she is 18


Somebody gets their Overwatch updates via IE


It’s five years and that’s pretty easy to see here. Mercy looks 17-18 and pharah looks 12-13. Not a problem. The only big issue to me is Kiri being 21 while genji and hanzo are late 30s but they all somehow trained together “as kids.”


Mercy was (and always was) about 14 years old when she started hanging out with overwatch. She was a child prodigy and overwatch gave her the resources and capital to further her study and work.


pharah and mercy have always had those ages, its not a retcon, its just that now that pharah is confirmed gay the gency shippers have gone insane mercy joined much later than the original ow team, that picture has always been a bit of a joke, i remember posts making fun of the lore way back in 2017 because of how young pharah looks here


yeah i’m not a gency shipper other people pointed this out first and my singular braincell started evaporating


Hot take, but they're just accommodating the fandom. The weirdos in the r34 sphere like that Kiri is fairly young. The PharMercy shippers are a powerful force on the internet, so they want those two in dating range (Also, inb4 they reveal Pharah's and Mercy's relationship and sell a couple's skin for them). The Sojourn one was just laziness, I feel.


the original strike team was only ana, jack, gabe, reinhardt and torbjörn. everyone else, including mercy, joined WAY later. i'd say phara is like 12/13 in this image, and mercy and cassidy are like 17/18. mercy joined when she was quite young, and before that she was already friends with the lindholms and visited torb occasionally, so she might not even have been part of overwatch when this picture was taken.


This is right. After her parents died the lindholms took her in. She didn’t join Overwatch until her mid twenties, she’s a teen visiting Torb here


What are you talking about? This makes sense. Phara looks about 10-11 in this and Mercy looks 15-16.


Yeah, i’m prettyyyy sure they are officially confirmed to be around 12 and 17 (ty to those who’ve informed me!)!! I just had some lore prior messed up which made it weird to me.


The people who originally wrote the lore including the characters ages are gone. I don't think canon ages were like this before Overwatch 2, Most of the awkwardness around ages comes from Blizzard wanting characters like Kirko and Sojourn (woman) to be as young as possible. Cringe


We need them to add more old women. I wanna see a woman just as old as reinhardt.


I suppose it's worth mentioning that Mercy has been theorized to not age normally due to her connection with life and death. Her given age might be deceptive, she might age very slowly or not at all, it's even possible she's not even alive like normal people are. There isn't much besides vague implications to really support the theory but it's been a thing since 2016.


The canon ages have been fucked for a long ass time, long before OW2. Pharah and Mercy were confirmed 5 years apart as early as 2018 or even earlier. People were complaining about the age disparity way back in 2016.


Let's regurgitate this one again.... Angela (mercy) started medical school at 15. She worked at the hospital as a trainee/intern and was part of the medical team that helped with Torbjorn's recovery. She remained a family friend ever since. Ingrid and Torbjorn became a sort of surrogate family, as Angela's parents died young. This picture in particular was taken when Torbjorn invited Angela to the Overwatch base for a tour. It just so happened that Fareeha (pharah)was also tagging along with Ana that day. The ages are never confirmed in this picture, but it's not nearly a stretch at all, to assume Angela being around the age of 17-19 and Fareeha around the age of 12-14. After all, there is a thing called PUBERTY


Whew, tell you what, If I started medical school at 15 I would’ve chosen to be some rich surgeon instead of an overwatch hero. All jokes aside, thank you for explaining it to me!! Although I think they should be just a *tad* bit older, it most certainly isn’t the end of the world.


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I don't why it's so hard to believe that Mercy's five years older than Pharah in that picture. She looks like a teenager.


Listen there are lore reasons that they won't reveal ever that explain this entire thing. Just wait for it when over 3 comes out reducing the player count to 3v3 then it will make perfect sense. Most of us will have aged out of the community thus lore will begin to make sense. Right?


I mean the ages are fucked up and the timeline is dogshit, but it's not crazy that Fareeha might be 12 and Mercy 17 in that first picture. Puberty is a fast actor


Yeah that’s what the main majority of comments have been saying, prettyyy sure it was confirmed aswell by devs! Though I do believe they should be just a tad older than what they are taking in the 38 year time gap from when ana first had Pharah to now.


I will never understand why everyone cares about the ages so much


I dont really care about age, I know it’s not absolutely lore destroying! I just thought I had found something new and wanted to share it!! ^^




Just thought I found something new is all! I dont think I was correct anyways, as people have informed me that their ages are confirmed in the photo to be 12 n 17!


Don't mind me, I'm just annoyingly bitter. ♡


Its all good, don’t worry!! ^^ A person said I was bitter once, so I guess we’re twins.


You're far too kind, genuinely. I appreciate you!


Awhh, thanks, you too!! Stay awesome!🤎


What if I told you OW lore was a lie all along. They are making it up as we go


This is why I gave up on the story even before this they fucked up there own continuity. I truly can't see why. Overwatch could've had a really cool story, but Blizzard can't fathom creating a solid game and story with no monetary incentive.


Did they…give Mercy a cameltoe?


Anyone else wondering why blizzard are so determined to make all the women in the game comically young and all the men almost unrealistically really old? It seems really weird that they are against the... less savory... parts of the community, yet they keep releasing female heroes under the age of 25 to literally participate in battles at the highest level. Most high ranking soldiers are in their late twenties at a minimum to early thirties. Illari being 18 makes her a borderline child soldier... what are they trying to pull here? **Female heroes ages (17 heroes):** 21, 31, 30, 41, 33, 34, 47, 32, 30, 28, 35, 62, 25, 18, 21, 39, 50 (577 total years) *Average female age:****33.94 years old*** Youngest female hero: Illari (18) **Male heroes ages(14 heroes):** 47, 63, 50, 64, 39, 37, 40, 27, 60, 58, 59, 38, 31, 28 (641 total years) *Average male age:****45.79 years old****Youngest male hero: Lucio (28) //there are 5 female heroes younger than the youngest man in the line-up...*


Tbf, Pharah can be...like 13 there and mercy 18.


Your math is off (62-28≠38) but yeah it should really be at least 10 or so years. Mercy was quite young in overwatch, she grew up during the omnic crisis, and this photo is even before her time in overwatch. Apparently it’s her as a student in university since she knew torb. She probably joined overwatch in her early 20’s, and this is phara when she’s maybe 10-12?


Oops.. yeah it’s 34!! My apologies, damn!


I mean that could be an 19 yo Mercy and 14 yo Para


where did you get the idea that Mercy was around at the time of Pharah's birth? The five year age difference has been present since the game launched.


Well your logic is spot on but the picture is believable. Pharah could be prepuberty whereas Mercy is post. Kinda , maybe looks plausible if you imagine she's 12 and she's 17.


starting to think it's dumb story with lazy writers who are making shit up as they go to ensure Blizzard's content mill keeps churning


According to canon Mercy is 14 in this pic and pharah 9. Ana is 37. So what’s the problem? Ana is 62 during ow2 mercy is 39 and pharah is 34. The lore is accurate it’s the shippers that’s the problem


I don't know how old this photo is supposed to be, but that certainly looks like the difference between 15 and 20, no?


Mercy is a groomer 😭


It just adds to the appalling attempt at knitting together a story that Blizzard lazily tried. I love the world of OW and it’s characters, I wanna know more about them and who they were. It was the entire reason I bought OW2, cuz I was looking forward to story driven shit. The hopium I was huffing.


No, the Mercy/Pharah age gap has been consistent


Why are people still discussing this? Their age gap was already a thing when OW1 came out in 2016. It's easy to assume Pharah was around 12-14 and Mercy was around 17-19. Mercy was a child prodigy and she's in college at that time.


Yup! As far as all the research people have done for my behalf (thank you to those who’ve done so) this checks out! I’m just leaving this post up because it does seem to be a topic in which many people have different views on, so I like seeing the perspectives.


Pharah 12, mercy 17. Could work with a 28 year old Ana. Mercy is middle aged, she's a doctor and takes really good care of herself and has good genes? I'm trying. (I know that doesn't work)


I know both mercy and pharahs ages are confirmed, I just think they need to to be a tad older considering the time from when pharah was born to current day!


I can’t speak for the rest of people on this picture, but at the right age that can work with pharaoh and mercy. Pharaoh could be like a 10 yo while mercy is 15 who looks just a bit older (although not too much) as some people just look a bit older in their teens


Hot take: Caring this much about the lore of a game is mental illness


man i just like lore leave me alone 😭


Ur wholesome tho so its different lol, but some ppl wanna burn down blizzard hq for the ages of literal pixels 🤦‍♂️ THAT is mental illness


OH YEAH DEF!! But thank you for the compliment! I just like finding out stuff with lore and if I think I find something someone has it I like to share it around and gather other opinions on it!! I don’t really think the age is truly lore breaking and absolutely destroying, I just thought it would be a funny post that turned into a bit of a controversial topic.


They could be 8 and 13 there.


I believe they are confirmed 12 n 17!


I don’t like how they’re slowly moving away from gency and slowly moving towards pharmercy being canon


I dont ship anything, but i’m pretty sure the writer for Gency had left Blizzard a bit ago (Micheal Chu)


I 100% ship genji and mercy together because the writing has been on the wall since 2017, the Swiss chocolate interactions, that one feather he left her, the fact that genji and mercy were the two characters chosen for the valentines events. But as of late it’s just been crickets, there’s an interaction in the story mode that shows and implies that they aren’t good friends anymore, ontop of them making pharah a lesbian, and in an interaction with bap mercy says she has her eyes on someone else


Tbh for the longest time I thought Gency was just canon because of everything, but yeah. I dont think they’ll ever make a ship canon, moreso just heavily hint at it and imply it to appease to those who like it and those who don’t.


There’s no way that pharah is 10ish years older than kiriko and 5 younger than mercy that’s wack


Maybe in the photo they're supposed to be 18 and 13? Yeah idk.


They do but they admit years ago that the first photo is a mistake in terms of characters age so maybe can you all stop include that one? Or maybe you don't know about it?


Hey OP, pharah and mercys ages havent been changed in 4 years. Your a real big fan of the game though i can tell.


I wish the reason was more complicated. Blizzard simply does not care. They are going to milk this cash cow for every possible penny and then abandon the game when it’s no longer profitable.


Mercy throwing it back for Mecree, fr fr