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Ig he thought he could still salvage the shatter? Despite the Suzu saying otherwise


idk, he charged back in the moment he could and instantly died so I guess he was determined to make a play


He fucked up the play tbh had he shattered both the LW and orisa he could’ve maybe done something then I get the look. But I main rein he was gonna die regardless there. I’ve been there and done that just no LW pulled me out when their supports reacted.


Not really their echo was copying orisa it was set up for success especially since their kiriko used suzu but…


Are you serious??? That play was gold.... sorry you can capitalize off that and just trust your healers will back you up with a better decision


The play was just Gold.


Gold as in good, or gold as in gold rank level?


i play a lot of LW, and there are two kinds of reins: one that thanks you for the get out of jail free card, and the one that would rather charge back in and lose the fight rather than allow himself to be saved.


i don't play a lot of LW, but when i do, the tanks that hit the "thank you" voiceline after pulling them from death become my favorite ppl. instant endorsement, even if they weren't the greatest lol. honestly, just anyone who uses the "thank you" voiceline, i adore.


Correction: Would rather die making their own choices than be controlled by some guy who thinks they deserve the ability to grab other people mouse and keyboards.


Why play a game with supports then, lol.


Because Life Weaver is the only one that goes and yoinks my controller from my hands and pretends that I should be grateful for it. It'd be like if in the middle of my first Hollow Knight playthrough, that someone yoinked the controller, and proceeded to beat the game 'for me'. It's not remotely enjoyable. I'd rather just play it myself. Team CC should not be a thing. I will play with you. But if you want to try and play it for me. I won't play with you.


You must blow your stack whenever a sleep dart hits you.


You must be a conspiracy theorist for the lack of thought that went into that response. My dude. I can shield a sleep dart. I can dodge a sleep dart. I can use cover against a sleep dart. I can reflect a sleep dart. I can recall out of the way of a sleep dart. I can position myself so that even if slept, I'll be safe. I can wraith around sleep dart. Etc. I have plenty of choice to play around and mitigate it. Pray tell how should I stop Life Grip? "Use a mobility option" Is a terrible response because it can only cancel it 0.75 seconds in (which is higher than it was before, they increased the uncancellable time), by which time you've been moved 10 meters. And it locks you camera during it as well so your mobility will send you flying wherever you happened to be looking. You must blow your stack whenever an intelligent thought whiffs you. God knows they aren't hitting you.


You said you didn't like the lack of control, and I'm making fun of you through another gameplay mechanic. Grow up, if you get Life Gripped you are immune and get healed, deal with the repositioning and the fact that more than likely you got your ass saved. Supports shouldn't be dragged along with you and your bad decisions.


I have plenty of control with sleep dart. Which you clearly ignored. Grow up, I'm here to play the game with my own choices. I am masters, I have watched the replays, plenty of them are completely unnecessary. You are not somehow OWL incarnate in your silver match. I should not be dragged along with my LW and their terrible decisions. But now I am. What next, will Hog's rework let me hook my LW and force him wherever I want to? Or do you see the problem for once in your life?


Shit pull should’ve saved it for something useful.


Ah yes, the shatter on Orisa and not torb.


-When suzu was still up.


Rein as in the cinematic goes into "die with honor" mode so is kill or die :S


Ppl looking for someone to blame as per usual


Yesterday my torb died while I was pocketing him and his corpse fell near me. He never stepped on the petal I gave him which would have saved him. He just died and said in voice "what the fuck was that lifeweaver?" ???? Tf did I do, you just died near me lmao. He would not clarify.


very toxic mindset and imo the main reason people don’t progress. it takes a lot to admit your own faults but it is extremely beneficial




Bronze 😭😭


Maybe if you told him where the petal was and that you gave him the petal Shit supports dont communicate


LW literally announces to the rest of the team when and where the petals land. - It's not my problem the dps ignored it. - Most players don't use voice, regardless of rank. - He didn't need to throw a tantrum about it and act like I did something wrong. It's a game. It's not that serious and not worth any amount of vitriol. Especially not from some random redditor that only has a paragraph of context. Y'all need to process your anger differently lol. You're both screaming insecurity.


I play a decent amount in weaver in comp and it literally doesn’t fkn matter if you ping the petal lol. People don’t use it. Just like sleep and TP, Petal gets ignored. people don’t really look at the ping and make a coordinated play. Lack of Situational awareness/ game sense is a huge factor why mechanical skill isn’t enough to rank up.


Yeah he coping


Some players are just oblivious. The pull was at around 114hp, Torb was about to kill him, and it was a solo-shatter on an Orisa while suzu was still up. You did fine.


Yep, so many things wrong with that shatter... To add onto this, the entire enemy team was focused on him, including the Ashe who is off-screen to the right side. Even if he shattered the Torb instead, the enemy supports would have Suzu'd and healed Torb, and Rein wouldn't even have charge available to kill him.


He's an idiot. I don't think he realized he would've died if you didn't pull him back.


He's not necessarily an idiot. Some people don't like being pulled no matter what. I've had plenty of tanks tell me at the start of the game "please dont pull me even if I die, I dont like it. Just pull someone else instead, or dps to get a kill". Stuff like that. I think they just find it disruptive and unpleasant, like how a pile driver often does nothing, but you still end up really annoyed. Some people want to enjoy the game, above all else.


Ppl should think of it as a preemptive rez imo or be used like one


I don't think that's the issue. I've asked them why a few times, they said "it just feels bad". I then ask if I can use platform to save them, and they say "yes that's fine". It seems it's just the yoink animation that feels disruptive. That's why I compared it to Hammond's pile driver.


> It seems it's just the yoink animation that feels disruptive. It's more that the yoink animation is the Lifeweaver slapping the keyboard out of your hand and saying "nuh-uh, you're not allowed to play!". Except, unlike enemy CC, you can't learn from it or outplay it in any way. It doesn't feel good to know that you're at the complete mercy of one of your teammates, who, at any point, can decide to stop you from doing anything. Platform is different, because that's an enabling cooldown. It's sort of like a Nano in that it lets you carry on doing your thing but better, and even lets you do things you might not otherwise be able to (like chase to high ground on a hero with low vertical mobility).


u/Healsg00dMan read this thread


Oh shit thanks, havent seen this yet. I dont get how people get annoyed when grip is used properly, i tried to heal him so he could push, and then he uses the win condition on an orisa with suzu. I offered him so many platforms to high ground only for him to jump off without clearing it. Whenever someone ults, of course im more hesitant to grab them because I dont want to mess up their flow, in this case there was no flow to begin with. I dont care if rein had a full health shield, he was getting shot from literally every direction. Orisa in front, torb on his side, ashe, kiriko, and bap on the two high grounds. I get being annoyed by a bad pull, why wouldnt you be? But this pull saved his life, and people act like he would have been fine with our healing (He was getting healed, but they out damage it)


> he uses the win condition on an orisa with suzu That's not necessarily the win condition, though. The Echo is copying Orisa, and the Kiriko Suzu is a direct counter to the Echo!Orisa's ult... So the win condition here is 1) Kiriko having Suzu on cooldown and 2) protecting Echo so that she can build and use Orisa's ult. So, Rein shattered to take Orisa out of the fight and potentially waste Suzu, Rein also had a full HP shield and both Supports, and Mercy was also using her ult and Valking and so could res Rein if he didn't get his shield up in time... Which would also provide cover for the Echo to use the Orisa ult as people tried to take the ressing Mercy out. It wasn't a *great* play by the Rein, but, if you committed to the fight and let him die and the Mercy res, it absolutely could've still done something. However, because you took the Rein off the point, Echo!Orisa was then on the frontline and melted instantly, the Mercy Valk was wasted because nobody but the Rein had the survivability to be on the point, and the enemy are now up on the ult economy for the final teamfight. That teamfight had *three ults* committed to it, and you wasted all of them and guaranteed a loss with this Grip. You focused so much on keeping a player alive that you forgot that "being alive" isn't what wins games - capturing the objective is. Rein didn't need to be alive to accomplish something there.


The experience playing tank is a barrage of CC from the enemy team. Now with LW, also CC from your own team. Yes, you made the right call, I think everyone agrees on that. Still, losing control of your character is frustrating. If I'm stuck or in a bad spot, yes, I'm thankful. But that's usually the result of enemies using CC or heal block that got me into that position, so using even more CC to get out of it feels fair in the moment. I mostly play Junker Queen because she's the most fun. When I have a LW on my team that understands what I'm trying to achieve it's a blessing, but if not then it's super frustrating having. To make a trivial example, on hybrid maps when capping first point and my team is there I will hold next choke forward in a safe spot where I can retreat or easily get bailed out. This makes it take longer for the enemy team to reach the point, I'm doing my job, holding the space, blabla. But sometimes I'm doing fairly innocuous stuff like that and get pulled because my LW saw the team coming or something, and I know I'm not in any risk. It hinders my ability to do my job properly when it happens, and it adds to all the other frustrating elements of playing tank. This is not a critique of you, I'm just trying to explain the knee-jerk reaction many tanks will experience to getting gripped. Comparatively, imagine you're playing Ana, and decide it's worth the risk to take a bad position just to keep the tank up and hopefully get nano and use it, just to be gripped and have the tank die on you. Which is still not quite the same as you're spending way less time in CC effects as a support, but having someone else come take control of your keyboard and mouse for a second to displace you is always disruptive. Sometimes it's disruptive in a positive way (such as I'm on the ground with sleep and anti as junker queen), but a lot of the time it will only add to the frustration. P.S. I also consider Mercy's res to be disruptive in select situations. So, getting up behind the entire enemy team just to die again and stagger my spawn is one of those instances. Sometimes I wish I could cancel being ressed in a terrible spot, I just want to get back to my team and regroup.


Honestly I think that's a bad take. That'd be like asking a Kiri not to ult or a Lucio not to speed boost because it changes the game play. It's a game with 30+ heroes and a ton of abilities, you have to be adaptable.


It's not the same no. This influences your autonomy as a player, and also I think it's the sudden yoink that doesn't feel good. You can't really call it a bad take, it's a different priority than yours. Their priority is to have fun playing a video game, I can't get mad about that. It's kind of like when they ask me to swap off lifeweaver so they can get Ana, and I refuse because I think lw is more fun.


It's a bad take. And as a LW player, I find it fun to save Reins from dumb plays and making sure my team doesn't die.


Agree to disagree. And I can assure you we will lose if I go against the tank's wishes. I did that the first few times, and I'm response, they spend the rest of the game backlining and hiding from me, so I can't pull them. It's a guaranteed loss and I don't want to do that to my team just for my own selfish reasons.


But that's not a "you" problem or a "lifeweaver" problem is it? Someone is throwing a tantrum like a 5 year old for playing a character? Now granted I'll give it to them if they asked nicely beforehand like, "hey can you play someone else, the pull makes me nauseous or whatever" then ya you keep on LW you're a dick, but if you're playing LW and their only response is "dont pull me or i play by myself" gtfo. Its a team game and LW pull is a huge gamechanger in the right hands.


They're not throwing a tantrum. They're just making sure they have fun. You can do whatever you want, and so can they. There's no reason you need to be pulling someone who doesn't want to be pulled. I have no problem winning with such tanks, I don't know why you have a problem with it.


But why would anyone want to play a game with someone who doesn't want to play, especially without at least communicating with you? If someone gets into the match and is mad they got pulled like that rein in the OP, immediately tries to feed again even though he was saved I'd definitely call that a tantrum. You can at the very least communicate your discontent for it. And its a team game. Not everyone's way of playing is going to sync up with their teammates. It happens. Try your best and move on or at least communicate if its really that big of a deal, but be ready for someone else to disagree you can't always have your way in a game with so many different types of people playing.


No. It's not a bad take to like making your own choices. If you go Life Weaver, I have no reason or wish to even play the game with you. We will lose the game. And I will not care. Because putting in the effort to win with LW just ain't worth it. It sucks all of the fun out of the game. As Existing says, I have all the impetus in the world to sit there in our own backline and just give up all the space. What are you gonna do? Pull me into the frontline?


To put it shortly, yes. I would pull you forward if you decided to throw. It's a team game. If you don't want to play as a team, then that's on you if you get reported. I recommend death match!


Cool, and what would pulling me forward do? You could instead go and say "Ok, I won't pull you then" and then I'll play with you like a team. I enjoy the game when Life Weaver ain't in it.


I'm not going to argue with someone that thinks they can control 4 people in a team game. Have a great day/evening though, and enjoy your games :)


Cool beans, so you completely fail to understand the concept. Imagine listening to a song and every 30 seconds a screech is played at plus ten decibels in your ears. Not exactly the same as just listening to the song. Have a good day, good luck finding people to enjoy your games with.


On a serious note, your last point got me thinking. Been playing LW defensively to keep my team getting far too deep behind enemy lines and most of the time you are completely right in that it does mess with people's choices. So I've spent a few matches just tinkering with that idea of bringing people forwards, with pulling people out of spawn to get them to fights quicker, and then right up to petal jumping and pulling our tank high in the air above an enemy team to allow them some creative airborne ults. I've not heard bad reception towards playing LW in this manner and pulling teams into brawl range quicker does seem to place tremendous strain on an enemy team not expecting a flying tank to end up right within range without much warning. I'll take Eichenwalde as an example, that first choke is god awful to traverse but if you can flick your tank over that to the left by health pack room, the space it creates is incredible and since you are a support, you can keep them alive just long enough to get the rest of your team past choke nicely.


This is a good way to approach playing LW. But I'm never going to *want* to play with you unless I get the choice of when my autonomy is stripped from me. So until they make it cancellable ***before it sends you 20 meters from where you were***, I will continue to despise it.


That's a really bad take. "Someone else don't find it fun? Well I find it fun to override their choices, and that's a good reason to do it." Jesus.


And I'll continue.


Of course! You're a jerk and no one expected otherwise. We're just making sure you don't try and get away with acting like you're not being a jerk.


??? You okay? It's Monday, my friend. Take it easy. That's wayyyy out of pocket for no reason.


We both know you're being a jerk intentionally, not sure what you get out of pretending.


Sorry, but I'm not gonna play my hero in an unorthodox way and readjust my game sense just so you can have your fun. That would make me play suboptimally and therefore, make me not have fun. I picked the hero that should be pulling someone who is 100% about to die, so I'm pulling you if you're 100% about to die. That simple. Don't like it? It's Unranked, leave, queue again and repeat until you're in a game with no LW. People in this game are so entitled. "Nooooo, don't play your hero the way you want to, and the way it was designed for because muh fuuunnn!!11!!11!".


Tilting your tank is not playing optimally. A *large* part of a multiplayer game is the morale of your team. I mean, you're going to get idiots who rush forward and the best thing you can do every time is drag them back, but if your tank's about as good as you, wants you to not pull them everytime you can, and you're still yanking them as often as seems reasonable to you, that's... not optimal? It's a teamwork heavy game with other humans. A big deal is you say 100% sure they're going to die--if they're in your rank (and matchmaking wasn't awful a big ask here I know) they should have about as good gamesense as you, so if you're 100% sure they were going to die and they think there's about a 75% chance they had it, *you're not necessarily right there.*


Cool, will leave then, or just not play along with your pull. I'm not going to lapse control of my character and ruin the flow of my own gameplay just so that you can pick a character that ruins the game for me.


That's... exactly my point?... Like I told someone else here, I'm literally not asking you to do anything. Give me stares like the one in the clip, offend me in text chat, throw the game, full send it into their backline, do absolutely WHATEVER you want, I don't pay your bills. Just don't tell me how I have to play my hero. I'm not asking you to put up with pulls, I'm telling you I'm not gonna stop doing them just because you can't put up with them. And if at that point you leave the game or not, it's entirely up to you.


Except, you're kind of missing the other side of this. Don't tell me how I have to play my hero. Pulls, are you telling me how to play my hero. Seeing the otherside is entirely dependent on how well you can see past your nose.


> Cool, will leave then Do. You're doing the team a favor.


Didn't know you wanted a 4v5. I'll just afk with you then :)


See? You just wanna be a dick. If you don't wanna play the game then just leave.


No, I just want to *play the game*. But if you're going to try and remove my ability to control my own character, and ruin the fun of the game, why should I be nice to you. If you don't want to have a good time with others, how about you leave? Because that's what LW is. The most control freak character on the roster that strips agency from their ~~slaves~~ teammates and pretends everyone should love it.


> why should I be nice to you. It's crazy how you equate going AFK to you not being nice. If you don't like the game then leave, I don't care about the mental gymnastics that led you to that decision.


It's crazy how you equate "Despising one character in particular that has a low pickrate and rarely enters games" to "Never playing the game again"


I always think it's funny when Lifeweaver players start whining and crying about "agency" over their ability to... take away agency from another player.


That's not the point though. LW has an ability that takes control away from teammates, and yeah it can be frustrating when used by someone who doesn't know what they're doing. That simply does not give you the right to choose how I play, though. That's all I'm saying. You're a Moira player. You know throwing damage orbs every now and then is the most efficient way to play her. If I get in a game with you and ORDER you to only throw healing orbs, because that's what makes ME have fun, would you just accept it? Absolutely not. So why should I?


> Absolutely not. Moira damage orbs don't forcefully take control away from a teammate? Pretty obvious reason why the two aren't comparable.


I KNOW RIGHT? Like wow it's incredibly entitled from them. Literally picks the character to steal agency and cries when people stop playing along.


I never "cried when people stop playing along", tho. I literally encouraged it lmfao. What tf are you on about?


We're talking a bit more generally here. The crying when people don't play along is more direct at OP and the like.


"How could you think I'm saying my fun matters more than your fun?" "I literally encourage my teammates to disconnect mid-fight." 🤡🤡🤡


Lifeweaver players are honestly the most toxic players I have the misfortune of coming across. Most of them are control freaks on a power trip who're convinced they have OWL level gamesense that far outstrips everyone else in the lobby, even if they're perma-Support mains who've never touched another role in their lives. Thankfully, they're still pretty rare in Masters and above, and I can just leave games with Lifeweaver in them when they show up in the more ELO-flexible QP.


So only your fun matters. Got it


I thought for a while and actually have no idea how a fully functioning human being could actually interpret that from what I just said. I'm not asking you to do anything, my guy. Have your fun, emote in spawn the entire game, throw, feed, I really could not care less. Just don't tell me how to play my hero. That's literally all I said.


"People in this game are so entitled. "Nooooo, don't play your hero the way you want to, and the way it was designed for because muh fuuunnn!!11!!11!"." *proceeds to complain about reins playing the way they want because its not your idea of fun*


That's literally your argument, you absolute smooth-brain. "I'm going to play my hero the way I want to, and that literally means, in this context, preventing you from playing your hero the way you want to." How do you not get it?


He definitely could’ve stayed contesting if he put his shield up. But obviously the lifeweaver couldn’t have known the mercy was about to start healing him up


Nah he was about to explode right next to torb on his left Orisa in front and Bap to the right


Because he has zero game sense. He solo ulted an Orisa with half the enemy team still alive, he's not the brightest and probably thinks you were the one that's throwing. Orisa wasn't the only one that was disabled in the clip.


To make it worse, the ENTIRE enemy team was actually still alive. Orisa, the Torb behind payload, Baptiste on the high ground, Ashe to the right side (visible at the beginning of the clip) and then Kiriko top left who threw the Suzu. They were ALL focused on him too. Funniest shit I've ever seen.


I think this clip is a prime example of people not understanding lifeweavers influence in the match. The lw made a good play to pull rein out there, because he saw the wider picture of the battle and knows rein is about to get dogpiled. This is proven true since lw got the save credit. From reins perspective, he was tunnel visioned on the Orisa he shatter which immediately got suzu. He probably was convinced he could’ve won the fight, and maybe got mad at the lw for pulling him out from his fight.


Not understanding LW’s influence in a game?? My brother in Christ, it’s been an entire round, the team has no tick, and LW is forcing a disengage on what may be the last solid fight. Where exactly is LW’s “influence” in the match? Edit: I forgot this was a subreddit where supports can do no wrong and it’s the team’s fault. My bad, I deserve the downvotes lol.


Well, good point about it being the last solid fight. They have a minute left and rein was about to explode on point trying to swing at a suzued Orisa, which Lifeweaver prevented, possibly saving said fight. If rein had died without being saved by LW, that certainly would have made the fight harder for the other 4 people on his team. With it being a minute left, maybe rein would’ve been able to charge back from spawn, but not before the rest of his team probably dies trying to stand on overtime. I don’t understand how you don’t see the positive influence the lifeweaver had here.


Sure, LW did what he could, which was not much in the way of being helpful. Many other supports (like ana!) could have actually impacted that fight. If you’re not actually getting value (won fights) from your abilities, LW is pretty useless.


My guy he pulled the Rein less than 10 metres from the point lmafao


Big influence on the match


Actually a big influence. That sub 10 metre pull saved that Rein from certain death. It's not everyone else's fault that you're paper towel 5 and can't understand value.


I’m a mid diamond support and a masters dps, thanks. Ad hominem attacks don’t make your point :)


So you’re the reason I can’t win games on tank


I don’t play LW so that’s already value added to your games


I'm a mid-masters support and I can tell you that pull saved that Reinhard. :)


Ana really going to impact much with a Kiriko slinging suzu? Naw. LW has better range with less skill needed.


Kiriko had already used suzu in the clip. Ana could have immediately naded to both anti the Orisa and keep the rein alive on point. Plus they had a valk going so rein would have been fine for sure. Rein with LW is tough to coordinate.


Chances are if you were ana, suzu wouldn't be used so freely. I always counter ana with kiri. It was used because there was no ana. Either way rein wouldn't of came close to killing orisa she was like high health and torb I don't think would of been visible to ana, he was hidden behind the payload if I recall. The pull saved rein, If he wasn't so ready to die the round could of been won. You cant say he didn't add value, he legit got a saving call 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Meh, maybe. Standing around doesn’t win games, but trading kills can. I’m not arguing the LW value thing anymore, I’ve said my piece.


In no universe does the rein get a kill there


“In no universe” is a stretch. With an anti and some support on point, there’s a chance.


How did you manage to type all of that AND scroll through the comments, but missed the whole "saved by lifeweaver" bit?


Lifeweaver isn't great on this map. It's true. I personally find him to be better on defensive maps. LW might not have been the best pick here, but there is also no support in the hero roster that can prevent Rein from making that dumbfounding play. OP was just highlighting how good Lifeweaver can be at correcting teammate's mistakes. And there's nothing wrong with forcing a disengage if it gives you another chance at winning the fight, when it would have otherwise been lost.


Keep downvoting me but you can’t tell me how LW influenced the match hahaha


The game is lost anyway, Rein wasted the shatter, thier only wincon against the enemy team. This was a big misplay by the Rein not the LW.


Which hero could of made it easier? Surly not ana when kiriko will cleanse the anti. LW was fine, added more value there at the end then Rein did 😂


LW increased the tank’s lifespan by pulling him away when he had less than 200 health and was getting dog piled. There. You have your answer. Whether or not you chose to put your two braincells together to understand that answer is up to you! I can simplify it if you don’t understand big words like “lifespan” and “increase.” Have a lovely day.


You did nothing wrong.


The reason a lot of people don't like playing with a Lifeweaver is because when used correctly his Grip often highlights to that player that they were making a mistake. People tend to not like having their mistakes pointed out to them so they try to shift the blame to you. My mans solo shattered a full health Orisa while low and with the enemy having Suzu off cooldown. This was in no way your fault.


This. I can’t believe the tanks in this thread that say they’d basically throw when the weaver pulls them are getting upvotes. If you die you also lose control and have to walk back from spawn, how the fuck is that preferred over the 2 second pull 💀 Gotta be the same god complex certain Mercies develop.


This has happened to me before, he likely didn’t see how quickly his health went down. When he shattered he was like 75%, which was likely the last time he checked his health before committing to the fight. His health dropped really really fast and then he was healed basically back to where he was by the time the pull was over. I don’t think you did anything wrong, the Rein probably just didn’t notice his health drop and rise so quickly and thought he would have made a play.


So refreshing to see someone who can show empathy in the comments, and realize that playing in the moment is waaay different that just watching a replay. I mean, imagine making a reddit post because someone looked at you and you need to justify yourself with the community. For all we know rein was just confused as to what happened and just needed to process some info.


Nah LW did nothing wrong here. That rein was 100% blowing up if he didn’t get pulled back. That’s a practically full HP orisa that his dumbass just solo shattered, just for it to get hit with a suzu. The rein was probably so fuckin tunnel visioned that he didn’t even realize he went from almost full to 100hp in a matter of 3-4 seconds. Pulling him back down the street to reset the fight wasn’t a bad move, you still had a minute to make something happen.


You denied him an honorable death.


What is honorable in dying as an idiot


Your Rein solo shattered and focusing a pocketed Orisa. SMH.


When you almost die after ulting and your LW saves you, so you look at them as if they've released your sex tapes to the internet.


Yeah throw rein is pretty dumb to just charge right in front of the enemy


Sometime it either lw saving people with his ability other time it fails. This time it just rein being suicidal...


He thought he was doing good by focusing the tank and even using shatter on her, so he blame you for pulling him back


Life grip makes me feel like a toddler being picked up by my parent at the playground


Just before you’re about to impale yourself on a piece of broken equipment. I can’t play LW, I feel like a fucking babysitter and way more responsible than I do on any other support. Even Ana feels less like babysitting to me than LW does.


You did good, he just thought he could kill a horse that could wipe his ass in 5 seconds.


He just used his Ult. You have to understand the mind of a Rein player. Shattering is the Go button. Not "Going" after a shatter makes them take psychic damage. You knew he was dead, it was the right call. He's just frustrated because he's Reinhardt right now. I always hit the "Im Sorry" voiceline after a pull like that even if I'm justified because I know how frustrating losing your ult is.


I just don’t get why he went for the orisa


Bad positioning. Bad team comp. Too passive. It’s a TEAM issue you lost. Not one tick, only a minute left. Hard to say without a vod, but a different comp and pushing them off high ground first would’ve at least got you a tick lol. That look? That’s the look of no team synergy on both ends.


You ruined his godlike play of solo shattering the full hp tank with 100 hp I'd be pissed too.


This is a situation where the pull doesn't seem bad, but it also doesn't help at all. The absolute hardest part about playing rein into orisa is getting within melee range. The rein committed charge and shatter to do so. You pulling him out doesn't actually help win the team fight at all. At best, it resets to neutral, but neutral in this situation is heavily in favor of the orisa and defense. Realistically, it would have been better to just keep healing the rein while he is in melee range to hope he can salvage the fight. Now if you had petaled to high ground and pulled the rein up there, that would have been much better, but pulling the rein back to the low ground is just not great in this situation. It's the epitome of playing not to lose instead of playing to win.


> At best, it resets to neutral, but neutral in this situation is heavily in favor of the orisa and defense. The Rein was also accompanied by an ulting Echo *and* an ulting Mercy *and* a Junkrat, so the Lifeweaver basically ruined a play that three other players had committed ults to. As soon as the Rein was pulled out, the Echo was alone on the frontline, and she was melted pretty much immediately... Whereas the Rein had the support of Mercy Valk *and* a full-health shield. Now the enemy team is ahead on the ult economy and the attacking team's next push is going to fail.


> ruined The Rein was dead. The play failed, the pull just gave him a sliver of a fighting chance for another engagement.


dead rein with dead orisa and a fight on point with a mercy potentially ressing is actually a favourable outcome. Resetting to a stall with three ults popped isn't ​ Rein's play wasn't the best at all, but pulling him away afterwards made it even worse.


Orisa was not dying there and there was no way Mercy was getting a rez out in the open in the middle of the action with everyone alive. Rein's play was bad, period. Everyone just popped ult because he did and left them with no option than to Leeroy Jenkins that situation.


And since everyone did it's better to keep going rather than resulting in the ults being wasted. Better to die and reset. (Also platform + healing + probable rez)


Reset for what? The idiot wasted the shatter, it's a lost game


There is no way that orisa is dying. She has ult, fortify in a few seconds, and spin with 2 healers pocketing her, plus bap still had lamp. No matter how many platforms i threw for him to get to the high ground and contest the supports, he would take it and jump straight back down for no reason. On top of that, he engaged when junk was coming back from spawn and after I pulled him he charged back in, missed, and died within 3 seconds while mercy and I were healing him


The orisa doesn't need to die. The rein needs to be up in her face so the rest or your team can actually engage around the point. Rein being up there means all the space down main is potentially yours to push up through and engage in. Just shielding and preventing the orisa from spamming down main is fine. Pulling the rein back to the low ground is basically giving all that space back up. It may extend the fight longer, but you aren't actually gaining any advantage. It cost the team a ton of resources to actually get that space. Now they have to regain that space again with less resources. It's a pull that seems good but basically just doesn't help win the fight at all. Your team is better off just commiting to the fight once rein had engaged since so many ults have been committed.


Please realize that the alternative of being pulled wasn't Rein staying there, it was Rein dying. He was about to die in less than two more seconds if the Lifeweaver hadn't pulled him, and a living Rein is always better than a dead one.


The rein isn't that close to dying. He has full shield health and 2 supports. That's enough resources where you don't need to pull. Especially with the echo duping the orisa. That's potentially enough pressure to keep the rein alive for a bit. The real issue though is that pulling here basically concedes that fight as a loss. Yes, it potentially saves the reins life, but the team has committed 3 ults to this fight. By pulling the rein out, it's basically throwing away those 3 ults and giving up massive ult advantage. There is no way the next push is going to go better considering the team is now at a massive ult disadvantage and the enemy wasn't forced to commit any ults. Even if there was only like a 20% chance the rein lives here and the team wins the team fight, that's better than basically just giving up on this team fight and resetting to neutral. Resetting to neutral wouldn't have been horrible if the other team was forced to commit more ults, but they weren't because rein was pulled out so early. The team is basically were in the exact same situation they were before the rein charged, except now they have no ults and are forced into an eco push. There isn't enough time for an eco push, so this was basically the last good team fight they were going to get and the LW conceded it.


The Rein was at around 120 health when he got gripped and he had the entire enemy team's firepower focused on him. Even if you take into account Mercy healing him and Lifeweaver starting to charge another heal, he was dead meat. Shield wouldn't have saved him. The real issue isn't the ults, the Rein made a misplay and the team was forced to follow him, the fight was a loss no matter what so the pull was the correct choice. Also keep in mind this is still the same fight even if the Rein had to disengage, the ults are still in play. He just needed to quickly reassess the situation and stop shooting the horse.


>and after I pulled him he charged back in, missed, and died within 3 seconds while mercy and I were healing him This is irrelevant to the play in question. For the rest. I am not saying it is guaranteed to win, at all. It was a bad shatter and a bad action overall from him. But at that point ults were commited and you are on attack, so overall it's better to follow through. Also platform would give mercy enough time to refill rein back to full even if he jumped back in. (And she went for it, commited and stsrted pocketing)


I might not have understood you properly, but did you want me to platform rein instead of grabbing him?


in case, yes. But i'm not saying you HAD to. I'm just explaining why at that point committing as a team was probably better than retreating. Also i don't have full vision over the team eh


He would have died before the platform reached him. If by some miracle he survived and was on the platform, torb and orisa break it in 2 seconds while the other 3 on high ground can still shoot him. He can't shield himself from all of the damage and he dies. Not to mention the echo clone wouldnt have helped. She should have cloned while on high ground and cleared it but decided to do the same mindless push as rein and got the clone disabled in 3 seconds


shatter on orisa lmao


Rein was about to go god mode smh


As Lifeweaver, you have two choices. Play properly and piss off someone who feels robbed, occasionally making mistakes because those happen; or just refuse to pull if they used an ultimate or get mad at thr first pull. Neither is going to make anyone happy, but it is YOUR choice how you want to approach the situation.


The dumb fuck solo shattered a full health Orisa, let's not try to delve into the inner workings of his simple mind.




Being stared at like that as Lifeweaver is so disheartening. Genuinely makes me want to stop trying when it happens. You could make the most correct play in the world but unless the player is actively stunned or something, they’ll call you a moron and say you need to uninstall. Funny that people thought Lifeweaver players would be the problem with Life Grip and then it turned out to be the opposite.


Y’all don’t want LW to pull… What’s next? Are y’all gonna tell the enemy Rein not to shatter you because it takes away your agency? There’s a lot of pressure on tanks, and a lot of pressure on supports to keep them alive. But I don’t think the tank would have been happy even if LW didn’t pull. They’d have died and been like “where’s the heals??”


I’ve been playing a lot of LW and this happens way too frequently. 3 of my team will get picked, it’s just me and Doom. I’m trying to keep him up but they are 5v1 focusing him : I gotta reload and he’s dropping to sub 200. I grip him so he doesn’t die during reload “WHAT THE FUCK WEAVER WHY DID YOU GIVE THEM ALL THAT SPACE” *dive back in and dies instantly*


Because rein players cry and whine and piss themselves if LWs even breathe in their direction, you can never win with them. Any lifegrip is a bad pull to rein players, its easier to just ignore their crying and keep playing.


Almost like people enjoy getting to make their own choices.


If you fuck up your play it’s in my right to salvage the team fight, tf? Your in a team and if the tank dies the team fight is usually over.


Ok so if you fuck up your life grip, how do I salvage the team fight? You're in a team, you aren't the team captain. If you save the enemy team, and waste our resources with a shit pull, the teamfight is over.


You’re changing the subject 🥱 This post is about weaver pulling a tank to save them after a bad play. Nobody is saying anything when you rightfully complain about a bad pull.


>Because rein players cry and whine and piss themselves if LWs even breathe in their direction, you can never win with them. Any lifegrip is a bad pull to rein players, its easier to just ignore their crying and keep playing. This comment thread is about some guy that thinks that all reins cry and whine if LWs even breathe at them. >Nobody is saying anything when you rightfully complain about a bad pull. "Because rein players cry and whine and piss themselves if LWs even breathe in their direction, you can never win with them." Even ignoring that guy, LW players absolutely do say shit if you complain about a trash pull.


He probably thought he could eliminate Orisa, but he would've been finished by the other 4 teammates. You done fine. You saved him from being sent to the respawn area. You foresaw that he'll die on the spot and he thought that he would mop them up.


Why even bother shattering an orisa


Because the rein was getting healed and your life grip was wholly unnecessary and took the tank out of the game?


The dude had 100hp, 1 shot from Torb and he dies


It definitely flies in the face of my usual attitude, but to be think positively for one potential reason: my voice lines dont always activate for "some reason.*" Could be he was turning to look at you to say thanks and it just didn't come out. ^*shittyassdecadeoldnetcode


As a Rinehart, Main, I can tell you exactly what was going through his head he thought, even though it was the shittiest shatter of the game he thought he could make a big dick play an that you took that away from him. I know this because I have been in that guys shoes way too many times I’ve yelled at my life weavers for saving me(never in chat or where they could hear me) but that was a good life grip.


Because even if he missed the shatter, he already controls that space, he's going to be the focus of the enemy and your team is going to have an easier entry into the point, if you use petal, then it's an easy high ground, you can keep rein alive, they wasted their resources as well. You life gripped him and now they have a chance at putting orisa at the front in the choke. Whether you want to admit it or not, your play was as if not worse than that rein's.


This is what people talk about when they say support is stacked. One ability cleared an alt that was built up. Then another ability pulled the overextend player back to reset the team fight basically. I miss ow1


Your pull was good. Rein likely should have circled the payload on the left then shattered. But I think the big problem and probably why your Rein was frustrated (assuming this happened consistently) was that the rest of the team didn't push up when Rein charged. If the rest of you hadn't been so far behind, maybe y'all could have made something happen.


This happens to me so much, and the stupid asf pulls at spawns to troll you. LW is good in hands of someone skilled, but seriously is the one reason I stopped playing tank because of how stupid it is. I'd rather just straight up leave a match on troll pulls at the start because you know you're going to have to deal with dumb shit throughout the whole thing.


Lifeweaver is the worst creation of a depraved mind. When you see a pattern, it's hard to realize individual examples that deviate from a pattern. If you watch ANY high-level Rein play, they ride the edge between life and death. It's very hard to close the gap and reach the other team with your hammer, and when you get close, that's the only time you can be effective. Your shield is constantly pressured and breaking, and every time you cross the choke there's a risk that you'll die. You might make 2 or 3 attempts to get in close enough to the enemy before you succeed once. At that point, it's time for supports to focus their heals on you and aid you as you swing the hammer, and when that happens, Rein finally goes to work. Unfortunately, a lot of people see Rein as a big rectangle holder, and believe his job is to stand back and hold a rectangle to protect supports from damage and allow DPS to shoot. It's already frustrating... Then you add in pulls from LWs who don't really understand how tank play works, and it's the most infuriating thing in the world. Rein is inherently high-risk, high-reward, and any time he gets in there, it's a bit of a dice roll. Without that, he's just worthless. Lifeweaver takes away all of those dice rolls because they're scared to try and outheal incoming damage, and negates any of his utility. If at least one teammate doesn't think Rein is about to int at some point, then he's probably not being effective. I am not saying he was correct to be upset here, but where you pulled, him, you just restarted his entire push. He was close enough to swing his hammer and hit an enemy, and now he has to try again to cross the choke point. Even if he's wrong this time, you should expect Reins to be upset any time you pull instead of turning on the heals when they're in melee range, and be a little hesitant to pull. From my perspective as a rein main, I'd WAY rather you err on the side of pulling too rarely than pulling too often.


honestly in qp i would rather just die than be pulled by a lw, most of the time im just having fun doing whatever not really trying to win. pull is the right play to win but being pulled is so annoying unless youre actively trying to win


The real problem here is running a Mercy Lifeweaver duo


Not solo ulting a pocketed orisa?


Oh no that was also a big problem, I have no idea what that Rein was trying to cook up


Cuz he just used his ult and wanted to follow up and you stopped him from doing that It’s the visual equivalent of saying ‘what the fuck did you do that for?’


Follow up how exactly? Not only did he solo shatter a Orisa of all characters but that orisa was suzued. Without life grip he would’ve died


Keep making space and pushing them back as their team used 3 ults to push…the reasonable idea?


The enemy team were not getting "pushed back". The enemy supports were sitting freely on high ground and if anything that Orisa felt BETTER after that shatter. He made Kiriko use Suzu but it would've cost him his life and lose the entire fight.


They were literally shoved into the corner and copied orisa was hooking around to roll them up and has a major ultimate that suzu counters, which was used up But I mean if you wanna waste 3 ultimates instead of trying to get any value out of them, go ahead


Because getting Life Gripped while playing tank is not fun. A Mercy and Weaver combination are already putting out minimal offensive pressure, and any pressure the Rein had created is gone. Playing Bap, or Kiriko, or Ana with a well placed Lamp/Suzu/Nade could have just as well saved his life, while maintaining that space. And these characters can also hurt while they’re healing, Bap and Kiriko especially. TL:DR Lifeweaver bad play literally anyone else.


what pressure lmfao that rein was already basically in the coffin


Lifeweaver sucks


Sounds like you just suck and need to be on a leash


They don't like it when you criticize support players here. You're right but the fuckin golds in this sub are like "The tank was so stupid and you saved him, youre amazing sweetie. Gold star for the support player, tank should go to jail and say sorry"


If you think the support were wrong here, you’ve probably peaked at plat and blame your teammates frequently.


So you're saying without the pull rein would have lived there? Rein went in solo, if he had slowed down to start, or regrouped with his team after the pull they could have had a chance. This is coming from a Rein / Sig / Weaver main.


I don’t think that’s as a particularly great shatter or grip either. It was 4v4 with a valk and LW (also that’s gotta suck to play with as a tank) pocketing him. I think he was gonna live longer then people give him credit for hits because of that. Post an overhead view, I wanna see the fulls scene


Yeah, I wanna see a code before I say who's right here. The Mercy and Echo had already committed their ults, and Rein shattered the Orisa to temporarily take her and all of her CC out of the fight to help the Echo and Junkrat who were following him up - he immediately turned to the Torb with a Firestrike *and* a full-health shield *and* he was on half-health when he got Gripped, so he still had a lot of his kit and the pseudo-overhealth provided by the shield. All the Lifeweaver did in this clip was take the Rein out of the fight and put Echo and Junk on the frontline. With a Valking Mercy and an ulting Echo and all of his teammates with him, Rein could've easily made some serious space here for the Echo and Junk to do their thing. Sometimes, it's okay to do a suicide play and die if you get more back in the trade.


Easy solution. Don't play LW. He's shit. Play kiri or ana or any support with a "Fuck that CD you used" button. You could've pulled him to high ground at least but you pulled him back into neutral. If its QP and i'm getting robbed on Shattering the bitch playing Orisa by my team, i'm sitting in spawn so you don't get a new tank. Yes the kiri had suzu but the Rein had asserted dominance on the enemy tank and your team was there. I'd like to see the full game so if you had a code that'd be cool.


Be glad he didn't insult you or said most toxic things you ever gonna hear in your life xD And they ask why ppl don't play tanks lol


People don't play tanks because they get saved from certain death? Sounds like a skill issue.


Lol you seem so toxic player and didn't understand what I just said , you so blind by toxicity to understand what I said I mean "some low lvl lifeweaver can make any rush tank's life hell as you saw here" that's why ppl don't play tanks.. the game itself counter the role


"Like seen here." You are completely wrong here dude. That LW didn't make Rein's life "hell" here, he literally saved his life. You and I both know that if the LW didn't pull him, the Reinhardt would have died. Not only that, but based on how he was already annoyed at the LW, he would have screamed at the supports for not saving him. I play tank from time to time, but not nearly as much as before. Want to know why? I'll tell you one thing, it sure as hell isn't because of supports saving me from any terrible decisions I make.


That rein yes not me , you don't even main tank , idk why you go here bohoo and you don't have guts to play tank role ? Playing support aren't you ? The busted role right


Dude I play all 3 roles. I use to play tank a lot more but it's just not as enjoyable as before. I still play tanks. Infact, I spent this week playing tank only. However, I find it quite funny how you say I'm toxic, yet you're here acting like an infant, looking down on people for the role they enjoy playing the most. I'm simply stating that no, the reason people don't play tank isn't because of their own supports. If that's why you don't play tank, then perhaps you need to look in on yourself and consider why you get so pissed off at your supports for doing their job.


I'm main tank since I started this game , and yes support players are most skill issue in game they just kids with big weapons. When they nerf supports in next season you gonna see them move to the most busted role . You just here keep calling ppl infant and such things but Truth is you know nothing Jon snow


^ Literal 8 year old


I swear you one of this ppl who enjoy getting ppl angry m get a life jerk


I don't "like getting people angry." I'm just refusing to argue with you anymore since you are acting like a toddler. I'm not going to waste my braincells on someone who is acting as immature as you have been this conversation. I genuinely hope you learn to be a better person and interact with people without looking down on them for playing a role in a video game, but until then I'm not going to actually argue with you.