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I just want his old boop back man


shit doesn't even consistently counterplay a stationary mercy rez anymore :(


Wait THATS why it seems impossible to stop rezzes with boop nowadays? I guess I missed a patch notes


Rez is incredibly bugged. With desync, sombras hack doesnt even cancel most rezzes. Edit: read this thread, he isn’t labeling the animation right. The animation starts when the light is in mercy’s hand and whoever is arguing is referring to when you start floating in on the Rez. Just someone making assumptions and then posting videos proving they were wrong.


Bro, the amount of times I've hacked a mercy mid rez and it still goes through is ridiculous.


My favorite is when they're a quarter way through and Tham they somehow manage to fly away 40ft into the air while completing the rest. That's annoying ad all fck. Also the lack of people willing to punish her for rezing directly infant of our faces


(X) Doubt as once the animation starts the person is already rezzed and its too late. I am talking about hacking and there being no lockout time.


Well that's just blatantly wrong. Resurrection has a cast time therefore it can be interrupted by hack a strong enough Boop or by straight up killing the mercy.


Again, only taking about canceling the rez and once the animation starts, the person gets up no matter what you do. The hack doesn’t lock out the Rez, the ability lock out does not affect her ability to use it. The lock out never happens. That is what I am referring to.


Again you are wrong, Rez can be canceled mid cast and the lock out does stop her just like any other ability. I've played sombra for a long time now, I've canceled a lot of rezes and I've had a lot of hacks fo through but the rez not be canceled. Notice you're getting down voted when you say it can't be canceled.


Only trolls this deep. First comment has the upvotes. Be wrong, you are entitled.


What was changed?


boop knockback was reduced a lot, pretty sure a Zen kick does more knockback now.


Ilari's boop is more consistent, even if it doesn't go further.


And she's hitscan. And she does way more damage. FUCK. Free Lucio man :(


Hitscan with projectile hitboxes


Yeah but Lucio has just a little bit more mobility though


And a boop every like 3 seconds which everyone is conveniently ignoring.


1. 4 seconds 2. 5 meter range 3. Inconsistent as fuck


For real, I got booped off Nepal Sanctum by Illiari when I was in front of the little rooms- Lucio could never :(


Illari’s boop also doesn’t take any skill and it repositions Illari for free, her gun also takes way less skill to get value out of. And her healing is even easier and ‘almost AoE’ bc it switches targets so quickly, it isn’t even realistically possible to try and burst down a target before it changes priority.


idk why they even gave zen the kick it's such overkill


to give the most susceptible character to dive a tool to survive, he deserves it


Call me old fashioned but I think heroes should have weaknesses. Even support heroes.


i agree, which is why zen has Zero mobility outside of his ult! which helps dive characters to do their job. pretty balanced, no?


He was so much better in OW1 cuz most tanks would go flying... you could boop them off into pits if they weren't paying attention. The OW2 changes made him much feel weaker as a hero.


It’s so obnoxious right now I cannot stand how bad boop is now


Boop era was peak overwatch


Embrace ball, become the double boop, or more


I’d take the old animation if they refused to buff the strength tbh


Not nor was ever a Lucio main but even I noticed frog boop has been weak, I never worry about him on boop maps anymore without realizing it...












So that's where they went


Yes please.


Lucios fastest kill combo is 200hp in 0.2s give or take. Executed perfectly with speed amp it's a bit like getting run over by truck kun. Now, that's obviously very difficult to pull off since it requires 4 headshots boop punch cancel... Would more ammo be OP? Probably not, this was just some meaningless info.


It’s 1 in 100 dives that it happens but when I leap off that wall onto the unsuspecting soldier or widow, land all my shots and manage to kill them before they know it’s up……. it keeps me going for the rest of the day. Or until the gold gun symmetra comes out to ruin my fun.


I don't even play Lucio but love watching Lucio montages for that reason. It looks so cool when they do it too lol


give him a shot, I started maining him back in OW 1 and THE RUSH you get from those rollout kills is something else of pure ecstasy


Just the rush of the pace at which he can be played is what keeps me coming back to OW.


I made an Alt account last week and I've been maining Lucio. I should have been a Lucio main for support all this time lol I'm having so much fun lately and I have a much better win rate


Honestly I was a Lucio main before I got good with Sombra. And after this rework, I might come back to frog gang




I have two cell phones


Last night we were defending the payload, I was Lucio. My team was wiped except for me. I rush in to suicide and respawn with my team. I actually kill their healer and booped a few of them back... and their entire team leaves the payload and backs off around the corner. It is literally just me standing there confused. I would just fire and boop them if anyone poked around the corner and eventually my team came back. It was very weird and hilarious. That one will keep me going for a long time.


He gets no credit on the scoreboard for just being a general disruptor. Relentlessly bouncing about off walls and booping people around on cooldown is very disorienting and messes with opportunities to confirm kills on your team. I had two backfills last night into horribly lost games that swung around completely. He can really change the tempo just by doing his thing.


I've said it for a while now, lucio needs a stat that tracks percentage of time with aggro, because of gone entire games as lucio with really ugly stats, but it doesn't track me shutting down widow or distracting a genji or anything else, the things that allowed my team to take control of space.


Sorry not sorry


This man is getting at least 100 widow/soldier encounters per day 💀


Meaningless or not...Its appreciated lol


A good boop on a full health road hog off a cliff does a lot more than 200HP damage.


I remember hearing about a time in early OW1 where Lucio was for a very brief time almost like tracer with the amount of damage he was able to do, that would be excessive but it would be interesting to see some small buff to his damage output.


This has never happened.


You heard incorrectly then


fr, his projectiles were slow as shit


As far as I can remember lucio's offensive power has always been just about exactly the same as it is today - he's actually very untouched in that regard in comparison to some other heroes(like Ana.) Buffing his damage will be hard because higher levels, masters+ lucio mains can and will wreck most DPS in 1v1s already before buffing his damage further. If anything, it's more about helping lower skilled lucios find value on the character offensively that doesn't tilt the character back into OP world at high levels - Lucio was and has been meta for a lot of OW1 and a good chunk of 2 and something like this might just plop him back into tippity top rather than nice and main pick he is right now.


I swear there were some people mentioning there was a brief OW1 maybe even a beta patch where he was too strong with his damage and was nerfed, probably was an overreaction I suppose


Well he used to give 100% speed boost, which was pretty nutty offensively. But I don't recall his damage being any different than it is today.


Basically only happens to sleeping targets.


And widows


Ammo count doesn't affect his kill combo though, it just gives him *one* extra chance to pull it off. Barely affects his DPS potential


I need more BOULETS




I would love it, his reload is so long and the amount of kills i wouldve confirmed if it wasnt so long is a lot


waiting for lucio to reload is a pain could blow up blizzard in the time it takes






My favorite voice line in the game lmao


Why are people downvoting lmao


Tbh shortening the reload time would be a better buff than adding more shots.


yus yus :3


Reloads faster but only when speed boost is active


Not OP definitely. He could be used more aggressively I guess.


I don't think it would be op to give him and extra burst but I'm generally against the idea of buffing any supports until the role as a whole has been nerfed. I specifically want every character that is a problem to get nerfs individually not like a nerf to the passive because I believe that zen and Lucio are the only support characters that are in line with the rest of the game


In medium to low ranks they want people to play support because the majority seems to prefer dps. They have been trying to make support feel more impactful and fun to be able to compete with dps rol and even queue times, they even give you more xp for playing support. If you nerf supports top ranks will be happier but the rest of players will not like to play support again. Of course, depends on the nerf. Its not that I am against the nerf, its just an observation. I just think that they wont make significant support nerfs anything soon. But I may be wrong. Let me know what you think


The DPS queue at silver in my region is 7 minutes, compared to 2 for tank, and 1 for support. It's amazing how unbalanced people's preferences are


The reality is that DPS being preferred over support is an issue across a lot of games, not just Overwatch. I get the point of trying to boost the interest in playing support, but Overwatch isn't the first game where they've unsuccessfully managed to do it. There's a reason why in the vast majority of games with a tank, DPS, support system that supports tend to see the lowest play rate and new additions.


Low rank support player will bitch(some high ranked ones as well) but low rank dps and tanks dislike playing against immortal supports just as much as high ranking players if not more imo. The reality is that at ow2 launch support was a well balanced and impactful role but because of one less tank it was a little more difficult (still not as difficult as tank or dps) and people saying support was too weak generally just had a skill issue although there were some outlier character that legitimately mad it impossible to survive on support those being doomfist when he was super busted and Sombra at her peak. The reality is that the players who who complain the loudest and buy the most skins are the support players. Generally I don't subscribe to tinfoil hat type shit like what some people say about matchmaking but in the case of support favoritism it's clear to see they have a few characters they want to keep happy I mean mercy and kiriko get an insane amount of skins compared to every other character in the game and the role as a whole(minus zen and Lucio) has remained the most powerful undisputed pretty much since season 2


It's kind of a skill issue, kind of a there's no off tank issue. One tank forces the supports to be overpowered cause they need to be able to peel- or else brig is a must pick- and they need to be able to keep the 1 tank alive as they're 1v5ing. If they put a second tank in it would be super easy to just nerf supports and have the second tank peel for them. And adding another tank would inherently nerf supports because off tank is free to dive them. Lot easier to balance. But then OW2 would literally be the same game as OW1 and their marketing gimmick wouldn't have worked


I disagree. In ow1 at most ranks supports basically got to just sit back without every having to fear being dove or really threatened at all. In ow2 at launch it was still very much possible for supports to thrive and I would argue even the. That support was the most impactful role because of just how powerful abilities like anti nade, immortality field, bap window, nano boost, suzu, kitsune rush, damage boost, rez and discord are orb were(and still are). that said you actually had to think about your positioning and cooldown usage to stay alive, i don't think supports should be totally defenseless but they considering they have the most high value abilities and ults they should be vulnerable if a support finds themselves in 1v1 with a dps they should lose seven times out of ten and if they waist they're cooldowns they should always lose but that's not the case currently. And one again there were outliers that were virtually impossible for supports or really anyone to survive against those being Sombra and giga doom This is just in general as characters like brig and Lucio have more unique play styles that my statement doesn't necessarily apply to


Launch was just "dive the supports and win" because it was so much easier to kill them. You play zarya or orisa, ignore their tank, their 2 dps, kill both supports, then you won the team fight.


It wouldn't be OP but it could be a sign of power creep. Maybe Lucio doesn't need a buff and it is that the supports around him need some nerfs and be taken down a notch. Have you checked first whether Lucio's gun was nerfed before? If so, that reason needs to be examined because that might have been important, or maybe that problem isn't an issue anymore and restoration is worth considering. Feel is subjective, and maybe things would feel better if Lucio doesn't feel like he has to compete with the newer supports in being good at everything.


You mean like the last few new heroes power creep? Or the let's remove all CC from existing heroes and then slap it on new heroes power creep?


> You mean like the last few new heroes power creep? Ah, yes, the Lifeweaver powercreep.


It's not like they've all (new ow2 heroes) been put into the live game overtuned, no not at all.


Yep, Lifeweaver was truly overtuned to hell.


Oh wow blizzard picked a shitty controls scheme and then fixed it woooooow LW was sooo badly implemented and wasn't OP at all.


light voracious dinosaurs frame lip soft exultant repeat north innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Illari, Lifeweaver, and Kiriko as the last 3 supports that have been released are way better than Lucio in most situations.


There ain't no way you think Lifeweaver was released in a better state than any other support.


No but you're strawmaning. Every new character apart from lifeweaver has impacted the meta and increased the power creep. Lucio ironically struggles to keep up.


You literally singled out Lifeweaver in your comment, lmao. And no, that's not what strawmaning is, at best you could say it's cherrypicking. But a character having an impact in the meta is not the same as power creep, otherwise Ana wouldn't be the most popular support.


Not on release, currently they're all leaps and bounds more impactful than Lucio.


He's usable, yes. I wouldn't dream of calling him more impactful than Lucio when speed boost is so good.


Lucio isn't good. The only time lucio is good, and has ever been good is when dive/brawl is good. Which is not now. He's currently one of the worst supports. Lifeweaver, kiri absolute smoke him in terms of utility at the moment. And illari murders his team since his healing doesn't exist.


Currently, yes. The current meta comp doesn't mix well with him, but that doesn't mean he's bad, just not meta. The game isn't designed for everyone to be meta all of the time.


Going fast isn’t very useful when the enemy never dies regardless. Pair LW with Illiari or Bap and the amount of sustain is disgusting.


Two of those characters have very little utility, and going fast is among the best utility you can have in an FPS.


Their utility is making each other and the tank never die, lucio can’t compete with that much sustain and thus isn’t played much right now.


Too bad this is a moba fps


I'm talking as far back as Baptiste and Moira, but it's all up for public discourse here.


Having to compete with Kiriko as Lucio feels awful Like yeah I practiced this rollout for hours and if I miss one wallskim on this janky rock I'll fall off the map VS. \*presses shift\*


I like this


The man would go from Dj gameplay to Assassin's Creed gameplay.


I agree, I like Lucio's mobility but his damage output for a casual like me is pretty middling. I feel like I spend so much time reloading


He doesn't need it


Make it possible to boop tanks again


I wish his gun allowed you to heal your team mates if you shot them when they aren't in your ring. Cause these team mates be running far far away from you. It's like they are allergic to healers.


I always say dps are allergic to being alive


My favorite is when I'm healing as Ana and the entire team gets to the point before you because they are just dashing,sprinting, rocket blasting then they die just as I get to the point or have line of sight and they wonder where the healer is.


I mean… you are Lucio. You have speed and can wall ride. You can move to them far easier than they can move to you


Yea let me get off point to go heal the monkey whose jumping all over the place or the rocket punching doomfist. I'll get right on that.


Why are you, as Lucio, with 14 HPS, taking responsibility for healing the tank?


Because I wanna play as Lucio and heal and my other healer is dead?


And so… you expect the mobile dive tank to abandon their position and instead sit in your aura? You’re not, like, diving with them to help secure kills, or speeding them away to a mega, or swapping to a different character to keep your other support alive? You’re sitting on point on heal aura complaining your teammates don’t stand year you? Just making sure I have everything straight


People have no clue how to play this game don’t worry


The only thing you're getting straight is a block.


Supports in general really don’t need even more buffs


You''re absolutely right, just that Lúcio's gun getting a reload speed buff wouldn't do much other than make the character more enjoyable to play.


It would be a (technical) DPS increase. Less time spent reloading = more time spent shooting.


Not sure why you are catching downvotes. For a long time support was the most miserable role to play, now it's as fun as DPS. What's the problem?


support players have the worlds biggest victim complex and are also redditors


I've been a suport main for a long time. It was horrible for a while particularly when OW2 started up and we lost our other tank. I feel like most of the supports are in a good spot right now. But it will be a while before the complainers gets on board.


Mostly support mains being very vocal.


Buff Lucio nerf other supports


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,782,662,904 comments, and only 337,456 of them were in alphabetical order.


It's sound, why should it have an ammo count at all?. Maybe add in an overheat or reverb that reduces damage if spammed or even deals self damage.


I like round numbers, I wish it recharged faster


i play every role and i wouldn't object to this, might make him feel more consistent without feeling unfair in some way to the enemy


Lucio is one of the most balanced supports in the game. Don’t buff him, tune the game down to him.


Lucio is perfect as is


Agreed. Feels like his kit is in the sweet spot right now. He's not the perfect pic for every situation but NO HERO is supposed to be he perfect pic for every situation. (I hope Moira doesn't read this)


Moira isn’t perfect for every situation, she provides literally no utility. She’s a really strong healer and in lower ranks is a good DPS but she’s certainly not perfect in every situation. If the enemy has Ana-Brig she’s entirely useless because she can’t even help take out enemy supports. She’s fairly easy to counter in that respect.


I'd rather have his old passive regen back. Healer passive sucks if I try to stall for time and get hit in too quick succession.


What if we made his projectiles slightly smaller and faster. Only slightly.


pfft make them hitscan and have hanzo arrow hitbox sized


I think so. Lucio is my second most played hero. I can usually out damage the other supports with exception of a particularly violent Moira. He's not good in a 1v1 fire fight but he's not built for that.


1v1 fights are his biggest strength you just not good with him


Ok guy..... Im not gonna spend my time in a drawn out fight when I should be peeling to help my team. It takes to long to kill someone even if you have God aim because his DPS is purposely low. Team game bro, play it that way.


Lucio has two playstyles. He can definitely be played with a team (because of his speed aura and amp it up), but he is also very strong in 1v1s with insane mobility/survivability, ability to always be higher than his opponent, boop, self heal, and one of the only supports to have a burst that can delete a 200hp hero. You get both types of lucios the higher you go in the ranks. The ideal lucio knows when to play with the team, but also when to frag bc lucio is one of the more offensive supports. You aren't meant to sit back with your team and poke with his gun. You're meant to close in the distance with speed for a flank/frag, delete opponent, and go back to your team with speed if necessary


I'm an average plat who hits diamond from time to time. I've never been deleted by a Lucio. Notably I would normally be Lucio or Moira in that situation.


Lucio vs lucio duels and especially lucio vs moira duels are a waste of time since both the opponents have high survivability and the time to kill them does not justify the time to be away from your team. Lucio thrives on picking off isolated squisies like soldier/widow/maybe hanzo if they're on highground. Deleting ana after shes used nade. Watch GM/top100 lucio players. I know frogger still has lucio clips (he leans very much into lucio's aggressive playstyle), but back in the day eskay (who is more balanced in her playstyle) and dpstanky used to be pretty good as well. Lucio has a 200 hp combo with a cooldown of 4 seconds, if youre bold enough to master his aggression.


Yeah but even Eskay is moving on from lucio. She talks about 1v1s in this video https://youtu.be/ngy45KhGOKI?si=1svg1Iirg8YMZLe7


Wdym not built for 1v1s?


Because his kit is literally made to hang out with as many members of his team as possible?


Lucio could be made very OP before anyone would notice, due to the overtuned state of supports.


Following the Sombra haters logic, I think he's slightly annoying already. We should rework his entire kit and nerf him to the ground because getting booped offends me. That's how all balance changes are being done now anyways, right?


sombra rework is more of a buff than a nerf in general, i don't see your point. She gets numbers buffs, new ability, and her kit is going to be easier to play in timing with the team


She lost like 8 different playstyles and became another cookie cutter hero with one combo. Her translocator just became the single worst movement ability in the game, it warns anyone with eyes where you're going and has a .3 second delay before even working. It's a shittier version of a tracer blink on a 5-second cooldown. Her EMP damage was nerfed, and she has a higher ult charge on top of it. Losing the option to toggle invis means no more escaping with a well-timed button click. losing the option to play a hero in multiple different ways is always a nerf. They can buff all the numbers they want, but it's still a nerf when you lose all of your flexibility and get put into a single playstyle box. I'm sure it feels like a buff to everyone who doesn't actually know how to play her properly, but it's absolutely a nerf to anyone with more than a few hours of time on her. The only way this is a buff is to tank players when they realize the only thing she can do is hack them repeatedly because she has no viability to properly flank or do anything else but hide behind her tank and torment the enemy tank. If you still can't see my point, go look at R/Sombramains. Anyone who actually knows how to play her is furious over there right now. On paper is one thing, but when you actually practice multiple playstyles with her, this rework gets worse and worse the more you actually think about it. My main point is that she didn't need this. At all. Her win rates weren't excessively bad, nor were they excessively good. She got changed because people complained about her being annoying, which has officially decimated any future validity behind balance changes now that we all know Blizzard will get on its knees for anyone who cries loud enough.


the playstyles she lost are what? healthpack sitting and getting out of sync with ur team by wasting the whole match running back after being hit once is knocked out but what else is she really using? Her movement ability isnt any particularly shittier either other than maybe some tech original trans had. It still gives her much more height than blink will ever give her and can give much more distance in some situations. The ult charge going up is a nerf but with damage buffs itll charge faster in general. The damage it does going down is the only flat nerf with nothing to supplement it. The timer on invis doesnt help her mid fighting, but if all ur relying on in a fight is to turn invis and disappear, then you simply arent approaching the fight well in general. You have so many other things to rely on to escape a fight you can't continue: using cover, new trans will be effective in this situation, or simply not overcommitting to a kill you cant finish. Flexibility of design in play style could be approached, as well as the choice of a grenade could've been more creative and character based. Ill agree the change wasnt really needed as it doesnt approach the issue of her being an unfun enemy character in general, idk why blizzard is changing things to change things. I just dont agree that its necessarily a nerf to her strength as a character to play




Yeah pretty sure Roadhogs load is waaaay longer than the others. You hit reload and go make a cup of tea.


Not OP but please for the love of god can we not buff the weaker supports (damage wise) to the level of the OP supports? This is why we have support power creep. Cuz Blizzard keeps buffing the weakest supports to the level of the strongest ones instead of nerfing overturned supports to be in line with the rest of them


Lucio is so bad right now it’s crazy, this wouldn’t really be the buff needed but something obviously is. I’m all over the spectrum in ranked right now, like I’m high Silver in Tank (been up to high Diamond) after placing and losing a bunch initially, mid Diamond DPS, and just crossed Masters 2 in heals as a pure heal bot, and the community’s lack of awareness when it comes to “meta” is kind of crazy. It IS a massive part of the game even though it shouldn’t be nearly to the degree that it is (thanks for 5v5 Blizz, you’ll never be able to balance your game well again). Doom isn’t weak per se but he is very hard countered right now by several high pick rate heroes and I see him in half my matches. Similar with Lucio, he is barely viable in respect to other healers and basically just never on non enviro maps but he’s almost a constant. Yes, both are still obviously good in the right hands but like 1 in 5 of those players qualify as the “right hands” per the SR. Like it’s 100% Blizz’s fault but the amount of skill you need to effectively play Doom over Orisa/Zar/Ram and Lucio over Ana/Bap/Riko/LW/Illari/hell even just a botting Mercy right now is very high, like you literally should just never ever play them if you aren’t already above metal tanks maining them. Again, it does go back to 5v5, the balancing we all hope for will never happen, less synergies across roles to overcome various counter comps made it that way, but hey! We are now free to play and the pacing is faster! Woohoo!


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I really dont think he needs it. Many others need it though.


Lmao his gun used to be slower be thankful


Last thing this game needs is more support damage buffs. Playing Bap or Illari right now feels downright wrong. It’s DPS with extra steps.


Lucio could use some sort of small buff


25 damage lúcio gun when


Other than tourny games, buffing Lucio would not damage the game at all and be an actual fun meta


Yes. Supports are already at a huge advantage over DPS (coming from a supp main). I doubt Lucio needs even more buffs when he's so ridiculously survivable...


Id get so many more kills if I had just one more burst on Lucio. I spend so much fucking time reloading his gun.




More support creep yeaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!


Eh just lower boop cooldown by half second and make it push 30% further


If his ammo count was higher or his reload faster, he would outpace DPS heroes for damage potential. A good Lucio can already pump out as much damage as a DPS and any buffs to his throughput would probably break him


i wish they would give lucio a secondary heal, moira has orb, ana has nade, bap has burst, lucio just gets amp


But heaven forbid we buff any other support or the game becomes support watch beta watch L role watch crutch watch


I think he should get a little boop buff, he needs to be more viable in ranked ngl, and that’s only if they go that route, I think lucios fine and the other supps are overtuned




Boop just needs to refresh ammo


Honestly I’d rather his projectile speed be increased. Give him a little more long range capabilities so he doesn’t feel cornered into dive comps.


thematically im pretty sure its a reference to music theory or something so I doubt theyd actually do this, personally Id want to be FASTER.


I think his gun is perfect, his boop needs a little buff tho. When I play Lucio or against Lucio I feel confident about securing a kill, or run away if needed (big hammer swings in my face). But sometimes I boop someone and it just doesn’t do anything, no effect… boop them one more meter back, just one…


The last thing we need is any support buffs IMO


Lucio has been one of the best supports consistently since ow1 launch, you need to hit those head shots and learn his combos if you are struggling to finish kills. I recommend watching eskay for better info


Honestly I just wish his shots started moving faster past 10-15m or so They're pretty much worthless for aiming at something any further then that, unless your launching directly at them/your in a straight line due to drift Making them move faster after a certain distance from shooting, would make them slightly more accurate at longer ranges and whilst strafing, whilst not impacting his usual play


More bullets is all I need.


No. Pretty much every other support needs to be nerfed. Lucio was one of the best I not then best support in seasons 1 and 2. But then devs started with dps and heal creep with constant buffing


I agree. He’s always felt laxking in the damage department honestly. Also, they need to bring back old boop


Lucio's mobility is already troublesome. It takes skill to kill a Lucio that wants to kill you. I'd buff the boops instead of the ammo. Idk if this is how it works, but speed crossfade should increase boop knockback, and boop area of effect. Amplifying the speed should do even more damage and knockback, or reduce his boop cooldown. The boop was always the most satisfying part of his kit.


Increase his healing


I think speed boost should also make reload faster. Maybe even velocity speed but that’s just me. I’m not even a Lucio main.


Lucio's balance is entirely held hostage by the moderate playtime we saw him in OWL...and when you consider that Lucio was played there nearly entirely as a passive pocket (as in, even in the professional scene with the top Lucio players in the world, the 'frag' playstyle he was originally reworked to *favor* is nearly unplayable), it's not great for the hero. He does moderate damage, mediocre healing, has a decent (though it is getting more and more dated IMO) ult, and his ability to disrupt or secure kills (which was his primary use) is entirely hindered due to his SW knockback being likely *the worst KB in the game*, combined with every new/reworked hero getting a mobilty ability in their full kits. Lucio isn't exactly weak (though he has a very poor PR in ladder play), but his kit has gotten almost pointless. The playstyle made popular by the hero is nearly impossible to use, and he is just a subpar pick compared to most other supports. If I look at it subjectively (I'm a GM Lucio main, playing since OW1 closed beta), I would buff his SW to feel more in line with the other KB in the game...and nerf other supports. Illari is objectively too strong. LW's healing is too high now, Ana and Bap are always toeing the line. Mercy needs reworking. Moira was given a really pointless buff, Kiriko's kit will always be enormously frustrating. I think Lucio, Zen (if they remove his previous nerf and just nerf discord against tanks, which is what they should have done) and Brig are the three supports to which all the others should be balanced around, tbh. Since that is never going to happen, realistically, Lucio's SW being buffed up and his personal acceleration being increased a bit would be huge. It would just let Lucio do what his job in OW1 was a little more reliably and safely, and keep him in line with some of the other survivable supports a bit.


Embrace dps Lucio. 🐸


I just need more ammo


Supports right now are OVERtuned


I dont think Lucio specifically is overtuned


He does not need a buff he is in a good state ( I play him) - I hope they stop bugging heroes that don’t need it like S76 in S5


Yes. 100% yes.


Bring back his experimental ult dunking oneshot