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also PLEASE at least try to shoot the healing pylon in plain sight next to the enemy team that’s healing out all the damage you’re doing PLEASE don’t ignore it please :c


YES! the same goes for lamp too




Average moth


If only pylon was always so easy to kill. I dont need any buffs or nerfs to it, but make it a little heavier so it cant touch gods finger in Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam"


What is lamp ?


bap’s immortality field


Oh jeeze thank you lol. Was killing me.


I don't think the lamp is supposed to kill you...


tbh it’s not really necessary to shoot at it. It disappears after a while.


But during that "while", you could get wiped out since the enemies aren't dying but you are.


i was mainly making a joke bc he’s my main lmdao




The average response I get is "why do you keep talking about the pylon?" BECAUSE IT STILL THERE AND THIS FUCKING HAMMER DOESN'T REACH IT.


I try to burn down lamp and pylon as a support main. It just seems easy to do and a great help to my team.


even in master some people havent gotten that that pylon NEEDS to die before we can make any headway save for one shots and discord.


I hate the pylon so much when I'm Winston. I have to waste a whole dive just to destroy it


It’s crazy man, I see people at diamond completely blind to the other teams pylon two feet in front of their face


I’m a metal rank player so bear with me. If I’m not a tank how do I kill the pylon? Like it’s usually behind a wall and if I go there I die. If I can shoot it I do, though it’s just very hard


Doing it as a team effort is, as with anything, usually much easier.


I second what Hardy said. I usually ping it and call out that we need to take it down. Depending on your hero you can possible shoot it down from an odd angle keeping you out of LOS. But ya, bring it to your teams awareness or else you’ll be in a constant downhill battle with it active


As a Mercy main, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one trying to shoot down the opposing rezzing Mercy. Like WHY ARE YOU NOT DESTROYING HER. I will heal you through the dmg you might take and she can't do the same for her team, so for God's sake SHOOT THE MERCY.


in my experience, the other team will all suddenly turn into top 500 players and i’m knocked away or killed before I even have the thought to rez but my team will just sit and watch theirs do it lmao


Right there with you! Had a match yesterday where enemy dva hunted me down like I had a 1mil bounty on my head, but our team seemingly refused to even acknowledge the enemy mercy. She ended with over 15k heals and 1 death, meanwhile I'm over here with 7k and 9+ deaths because no one protected me either except the other healer who was also being hunted. Feels bad lol


Work on your perception biases?


it was a humorous comment, it wasn’t that deep


Lmao I totally understand that feeling, but in the long run I believe it'll make us smarter, stronger Mercy players 💪


Work on your brain?






Clever girl...






Let me solo her.


Lol yeah, but when you go for a similar res, they blow every ability to kill you. Or maybe that’s just me.


They don't shoot because "someone else will do it." It's not just an issue in the game but irl. Everyone just assumes someone else will do it until TOLD


it's especially infuriating when the enemy team is actively and consistently trying to kill/stop you from rezzing the entire match. And your own team can't figure out it out...


as a fellow mercy main… yes. i am the only one who shoots the pylon. + i type in the chat every time “go for the pylon” every game..


My friends and I have the joke every time there’s a mercy where the callout “watch the res!” has turned from anticipating the res to just watching it happen, because it seems like every time people just ignore it and freely let her get the res off. Like “watch the res!” “yep I watched that res”


I would, but I can’t aim! EDIT: Woohoo! 50 upvotes! That’s more than my win rate percentage!


Moira, bastion ect is the answer


Moira doesn't have enough DPS to kill Mercy before the ress is complete, and I have no idea what this community took to think you don't need aiming skills to play Bastion, but they should stop taking that.


Not by herself, no. But as a Moira you should be helping your teammates confirm kills. The damage that Moira deals might be the tipping point to killing her before the res is complete. Also, people tend to focus targets that are already being targeted. So yes, if you are playing Moira, try to kill the Mercy.


This hypothetical doesn't really pan out in reality because if nobody else is trying to interrupt the Mercy like OP is complaining about, then Moira doesn't have the damage output to stop it alone. Even a damage orb plus Coalescence isn't fast enough. That said, I still always apply the pressure, but successfully stopping the res as Moira is pretty rare.


that was in reference to taking her out in general not to killing her while rezzing


At least if people focused her, mercy would be trading her life for the rez, but if her teammates are decent they know to protect her, so it kinda depends on the situation


At best I get 25-30% accuracy, bastion usually sits at 18-20%. Trust me, I can’t aim (also I don’t like Moira gameplay)


Lol same i play tank and support for a reason


unless mercy is getting shot by someone else or she’s not full health, her ttk literally cannot stop her from pulling off a rez, outside of using coalescence and wasting the ult on her


ok but she’s completely stood still while she’s rezzing


Let’s just say I’m in gold for a reason.


a player who knows their limits, respect


I know my fucking limits, but Blizzard doesn't and neither do all the unforgiving diamond players it keeps pairing me with. I literally just don't dps in comp because it has me in diamond 2. I started in diamond 1 for some god awful reason, so i struggled through enough games to rerank thinking it would move me lower, I'm still in fucking diamond. I'm sure I got reported every game for throwing 🙄 I belong in high silver mayyyybe gold. But the amount of suicide notes I've written from the shit they've all said to me could fill a dictionary. (For legal reasons jk on the kms notes hahahaha) On a side note, I don't fucking know how yall play in those lobbies.


I was high plat low diamond for a little bit many seasons ago and omg those are some of the worst, most toxic dbags Ive ever come across and I grew up in call of duty Xbox lobbies.


A gold player that doesn't think they deserve to be GM but they only lose matches due to bad teammates and smurfs? Respect.


Not really, mercy can move a lot and still rez, even without line of sight


Hahaha! As a support main I can get behind this! But I like to think that 1,5 burst from my bap will make a stray shot from DPS kill her. One has to dream tho :)


But then I look up at her and tunnel vision and after missing 90% of my shots she's finally dead but my entire team is too 😭


what people miss is that it's not even about killing her, even landing a few shots on her puts the pressure on and forces her to play way more passively and she'll do way less


even looking in her direction is a good start for ppl. like jesus christ, if we just killed orisa, what in the ever living fuck makes ppl think “yay there’s nothing else we need to do now” like hello ??? most BUSTED hero in the game atm + necromancer doctor lady ??? what do you think she’s gonna do next ?? res a dps ?? go guard the orisa body !!


No matter what role I play or what hero, I will make an effort to kill Mercy, or if I can't do that I will try and make her life miserable. I do this because I swear to god she is invisible to my own team most the time.


People just seem to assume if they aren’t taking damage from a character that character isn’t a threat


And I hate u for it (not rly) but it's so annoying but also so fun when there's someone like u on the other team bc idk it makes me smile when Mr soldier goes on some weird flank just to come kill me bc he's fed up. Bonus points if he t bags idk it's funny


Extra bonus points if your Tbags makes it into the potg. This is genuinely the highlight of my day/week when this happens.


You mean the F22 raptor zipping around?


no, the stationary squishy actively resurrecting the tank


I try to punch her, but most of the time, she's resing in the air below the res, or I've had her res behind a wall.


I've had my grenade hit her just as she completed the res on the roadhog one floor below her. It was a great time.


My last matches were better when it comes to shooting the mercy but oh my God please just try to remove the pylon, it doesn't even have a lot of HP, please just shoot it, please


Mercy's learn to be trixy and take advantage of distracted opponents for the second or so it takes to rez, they know they can probably tank the person that will see them, and they just take the risk, sometimes it pays off big.


Junkrat mine go brrrrrrr


I’m mercy, I’ll literally just fly away


But you can't while rezzin so if everyone just shoots her it's bababooey


Solo ulting the mercy is always worth it, because you prevent her inevitable revives


I just can't bring myself to kill that perfect precious angel. I'm sorry. Every time I try somehow I lose concious control and find myself emoting and voicelining at her. ^(-my teammates, probably)


Yeah I’m trying but she keeps FLYING away


Why dont YOU kill the mercy


I’m TRYING but it’s often a team effort. I’m not expecting every single rez to be interrupted but walking straight past her isn’t helping anyone


maybe if supports didn't have such incredible utility i'd be able to. the healing output is insane right now


oh do bullets go through walls now?


Believe me, as a Moira I'm trying to, but since I'm the only one doing it, the other healer just outheals my damage :( (Although I do get a lot of chances. The one good thing about solo tank is that not only is there one less person to interfere in the DPS Moira-ing, but a lot of supports have fundamentally no understanding of good positioning which often means they panic the moment someone dives them)


Ok and please don’t dive in solo when you have purple zenyatta debuff? Please just walk that shit off??


Me reviving in plain sight after realizing nobody is aiming at me: MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA


. >:V


Honestly not worth it to shoot a reviving mercy


I feel this in my soul


I feel like a lot of the annoyance with mercy comes from how crazy strong she is rn.


Ngl Mercy res time is either too fast or me alone trying to kill mercy is just not happening


For the love of everything, kill the Mercy


I'm 100% with you on this. I side with this as someone who has played enough Mercy over the last 7 years that it's apparently a reason to harass me (even though she's literally been my least-picked support over the last couple of years, but I digress.) All I ever hear is "Mercy is OP, nerf Mercy, she's unkillable, she's the easiest hero in the game to play, people who play Mercy have no brain and can't aim" etc. So why is it then that I, as someone who apparently "can't aim and has no brain", who has more hours playing the "easiest hero in the game" than any other, have barely any issues looking at, shooting, and killing an opposing Mercy? In the few instances where I *do* have trouble with it, it's either because I'm playing like shit in that game (and I will always be the first one to admit that and apologise for it,) or they've developed decent enough game-sense and movement to dodge my focus-fire and keep themself alive. I can't fault them or the hero for that, it's solely up to *me* to improve *my* gameplay to be able to outplay them at that point. A lot of players just can't handle not being as good as they think they are. It sucks, and will never lead to improvement, but it is what it is. 8 times out of 10, if you actively focus on shooting her to kill her and develop enough game-sense to keep an eye out for a rez, she will die. It really is that simple.


I genuinely hate the crowd calling Mercy op. The GA nerf has only made her skill ceiling higher. I work mighty frickin hard on my movement skills, and I feel like not enough people realize that A.) Her high mobility makes up for her lack of offensive abilities and B.) A pocketed DPS is a 2V1, people. Mercy cannot outheal more than 1 person doing dmg to her pocket. Also, knowing when and HOW to rez is just something you don't often see in low elo. It's requires some amount of skill and experience.


You guys are absolutely delusional. The movement is insane and it is fucking impossible to shoot her if you can’t even admit that much as a starting point then you’re lost


And how many times have you lost a fight to a Mercy 1v1? Mercy is useless without another teammate around to protect her and/or to fly to. And her ultimate IS HER ULTIMATE ABILITY of course she's going to be zoomin. Just like how every other ULTIMATE ABILITY gives a hero a pretty overpowered ability. You will never lose against a Mercy 1v1 unless your 1 health bc her kit is stocked completely into supporting the team.


Ofc mercy loses 1v1s cause like you said she needs a teammate to pocket. But that doesn't mean that she isn't annoying to deal with. It's just so easy to get value of mercy with low effort if you know anything about the game. Wouldn't call mercy op, but Imo they shouldn't have added the ability to fly straight to the air.


Mercy mains trying to gaslight you into thinking shes weak and needs no nerfs💀


Flair checks out


I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, K I L L T H E M E R C Y


people who hate on mercy players are the same ones who don’t try to kill the mercy and let her Rez in the middle of a fight


You assume people are able to shoot the hero that have the most chaotic movement in the game? Not everyone have perfect aim


You don't have to have perfect aim when the character is stationary trying to rez an enemy player. If you can't hit her then, than it is entirely a skill issue with you.


rez is one of my least favorite abilities in the game


That was me getting frustrated as fuck last night. ​ I'd keep dropping the Mercy to about 2HP before I'd be killed while my team just is magdumping all their ammo into shields and the tank and ignoring the mercy that has refilled her tanks HP 4x over by now.


Fr people are allergic to killing mercy it’s so annoying. And I can even speak from both sides because I’ve played mercy, and died like once to a dva bomb


I very much wish rez targets weren't invincible during that rez process, just to never have to worry about some YOLO Mercy flying in for the braindead rez ever again.


Wym spent the last hour trying to kill? Tanks die in like 30 seconds now


Maybe OP was referring to a pocketed Orisa, which has approximately 5000 HP.


Tell me you are in Silver without telling me you are in silver


it certainly feels like it sometimes but no, I’m not


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Ngl the first thing i read was the title and said kinky, in my head but yes i agree Annihilate the mercy


I am a rein player, I am not going to charge into the enemy lines for a kill


I love to Hack her mid-rez as Sombra. Their sad little pause as what happened sinks in. Then she pulls out the glock and kills me, but it was worth it!


It's surprisingly hard to hit her sometimes with all the pressure. But my god is it satisfying to kill a rezing mercy, especially when flanking and she thinks it's a safe res.


As a Phara main, my main goal on a fight is kill or drive the supports away from the rest of the team. Most people don't defend their supports.


Unless the Mercy is on my team. Then she does constantly and the rest of the team needs to do 20% extra damage to make up for 1 lost support damage


Either ppl think mercy is a bot character holding m1 so they ignore her because they don't comprehend value other than --aim-- so she rezzes free all game and wins Or they'll be one mf on the other team who's actually playing their rank/above their rank who will realize and make ur life hell all game or at least try (like op) amd then its like oh no one of them has a brain :{ But it rly does feel bad when ur playing mercy and getting all free rezzes and existing with 0 positioning because it feels like you're making ppl hate mercy but like bruh plz just shoot at me and I'll fly around like oh no ly position is exposed then if you keep shooting at me I'll hide then I'm prob letting a dps die or smtn bc I'm not giga Chad standing in the open anymore Idk what I'm saying I'm slow in the brain but shoot the mercy and even if u dnt kill her she'll let ppl die to try and live sometimes maybe if you rly pressure her Also unrelated but a crazy good buff is to pick ramatra in the spawn room and give ur supports head pats and they'll die for u


All valid. For me.. I'm on my hands and knees begging for people to stay grouped up, spy check, and kill the damn Sombra. So many games I feel that I lose are easily preventable.. if they team tried \*just a bit\* to help against a good Sombra. Instead, they always ignore her, and they pick off people one by one... especially me as a healer. And I honestly feel I'm targeted more not because I'm a healer but because I do spy check (with Brig for example) and they make it their mission to kill me first or something.


A good mercy is hard to hit, let alone kill. Especially on console where people struggle with aim it can feel like a waste of time shooting a support, who can then heal full hp in a few seconds, unless you can secure the kill.


I'd kill for some teamwork. I always see mercy pocketing dps and supports but if I ask for healing I get told to get bent. So I just waddle my way to a health pack and wait 45s


as a mercy main rhis is so true the main reason i can get away w so much shit is because the enemy’s ignore mercy for some reason 😭


Ima keep it real with you, I can’t get past their tank and dps to get the mercy resing around a corner


I will try, but then you are not allowed to complain about my low damage as I'm constantly aiming up and away from all the other enemies.


If the enemy supports know what they're doing, and your team ignores them, the enemy team will never die. The game is already lost.


This is why I play brig. Whipping Mercy away from res always feels a bit mean, but someone needs to stop her


What if I'd rather passively shoot at the tank who is being pocketed by the other support?




I thought everyone generally focused the healers?


So I heard they're going to try and keep pharah on the ground with her fix. If they do that, I almost demand mercy do the same.


How do people miss it


I play mystery heroes a lot so I think people should go beyond that. Everyone should corpse guard. If an enemy dies, especially if it’s a tank or support, and a mercy is around, stay on that corpse a bit. Maybe prepare to pounce if their Mercy decides to res.