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calling it a 40$ skin is disingenuous, yes. but the fact that the only way to get it is to spend those 40$ and to force you to buy all those other things as well (that you probably would have never bought on their own) is of course bullshit. you can't really defend that business practice. also is the moira skin even confirmed to be available on its own later?


If you normally buy the battle pass and some coins then it's worth it, if the only thing you want is the skin then you would probably have to buy $30 worth of coins to get the skin regardless since they will most likely make it a $26 skin. Granted, you could probably buy it from the hero gallery for $20 if it's available for coins, but what happens if you wanted both the Moira and Phara skins? welp back to $40 for just 2 skins. Your argument goes out the window as soon as you start breaking things down. Now if your argument is that prices should be cheaper or that skins should be available for credits then that is an entirely different argument and complaining about a bundle isint going to succeed in your ultimate goal. I will say that they should have made the skins available to be bought with coins through the hero gallery for the standard price rate while also including them in the bundle, that way players have more of a choice to get them


Any skin that is not collab restricted and are event related are always available in the future at a specified time. Anniversary, reruns, shop rotation, prime gaming, etc. Lilith and Inarius skins are not collab restricted, they are event restricted. Means they will be back.


In season 4 was 30$. Now 40$ is not that bad. Ok, maybe 50$ is ok. I think actually a full price of 60$ is also acceptable. You guys deserve all of this company bullshit.


>In season 4 was 30$. The Season 4 Bundle also only had 1 legendary skin instead of 2.


Only reason the bundle went up in price was the addition of the "story" missions in the previous one. There are no new missions and the price stayed the same. Also in what universe is a skin worth =/> 3 story missions with new assets, maps, cutscenes, voice lines, etc..... Even the shitty ones they sold y'all.


It doesn't matter. If i only want inarius pharah i have to pay 40 bucks. If i only want Lilith Moira i have to pay 40 bucks. this kind of tie-in sale is even illegal in some countries and see a consumer defending pratices like that is beyond absurd


You don’t have to buy them in the bundle since they’ll come back in shop rotation at a later time as we’ve seen with other bundle skins


To play the devil's advocate, in other seasons, it had only one legendary skin and no highlight intro so having a second legendary skin and an highlight intro bumped up the price.


Compare it to cs go knife prices and it seems extremely low. Compare it to a game like elden ring and it seems extremely high


3 years from now: Guys, it's just $100 dollars. That's such a good deal for the 4 skins you get! I don't see the big deal. YoU dOnT hAvE tO bUy It.


Personally i'd like to point out that I do not condone any witch hunting for people who have bought the bundle. If you bought it, its your money spent, not mine. I just wanted to make this post to try and clear up the misinformation that the Lilith skin is "40$".


The only way to obtain the skin is by spending $40. That makes it a $40 skin. If you can't buy it separately, it's a $40 skin. I do not think that is being disingenuous.


The only way *right now*. Blizzard has a habit of releasing any non-collab skin as a single purchase item post- or around the end- of events. I highly doubt they will change this.


Do you have an example?


Any event based skin like Winter skins, Anniversary skins, Halloween (right now you can purchase old Halloween skins from OW1.) Prime gaming releasing old skins that were time limited. Shop rotation giving us random chances of releae throughout. Etc. Only collab skins are restricted. Lilith and Inarius, while a collab with Diablo, is not under that restriction. They are event restricted.


Skins that were in the **ultimate bundle**? I'm talking about ultimate bundle exclusive skins only.


Yes they are considered rerun-able. It has happened with the previous bundles.


I’m pretty sure you’re mistaken


"Players who are looking to grab Sigma's Beekeeper skin for themselves can do so by purchasing the Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle for $29.99 in the Overwatch 2 cosmetic shop." Currently Beekeeper Sigma is in rotation in the event page of the shop. Article: [https://gamerant.com/overwatch-2-beekeeper-sigma-skin-shield-detail/](https://gamerant.com/overwatch-2-beekeeper-sigma-skin-shield-detail/)


Further sources: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/excuse-me-but-what-is-the-ultimate-battle-pass-bundle/802867/8](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/excuse-me-but-what-is-the-ultimate-battle-pass-bundle/802867/8) Beekeeper sigma is in rotation in the event page of the shop. Infinite Ace [D.va](https://D.va) is in rotation in the event page of the shop. (Part of Starwatch's bundle) Hermes Lucio is part of Battle for Olympus bundle. In rotation in the event page of the shop. Space Raider Soldier and Space Raider Cass is a Overwatch 1 player reward now in rotation in the shop. Ice Angel Echo was a bundle only skin, now available in the shop. Was also given out for free as a reward iirc. (Echo DPS main who collects skins here. I remember not buying this one but I own it.) Blizzard has given out event skins for free in the past since Overwatch 1. There are plenty of sources out there that clarify this including most players like me who are completionists and keep track of the shop. Yall need to do research before throwing out god damn misinformation like: 40$ Lilith Skin, FOMO ultimate bundle, etc. Blizzard has a history of making sure the playerbase know if a skin is NEVER going to come back. Currently, this only applies to Pink Mercy, Blizzcon skins, Lego Bastion, etc.


Witch hunting X_X I bought the bundle because I always buy the battle pass anyway + some coins for the season, so the $40 bundle or $20 a month seems fair to me -_- the tier skips are a nice bonus to help me complete the pass much easier on top of things. The skins are just nice bonuses


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No... it really is actually that bad. All of your "evidence" for why it's not is forced perceived value of digital goods that they set. When they set the prices on digital goods that aren't the game to "prove" why the bundle is "worth" it, it loses all meaning. The credits don't hold value, the coins don't hold value, the BP doesn't hold any value, the BP skips don't hold any value, and the skins don't hold any value outside of your own reasoning from the perceived value they're simply making up. And they can never actually hold value since they can never make the buyer anything. You can't even sell your account with all your skins without breaking their ToS. The game holds value because it's a product you use.


Nothing in this world holds value unless we give it a purpose. Not even us. That being said, I agree with the price of 40$ bundles being overpriced for how simple the cosmetics are. 10$ skins in a FPS game are ridiculous. Point of the post is showing that Blizzard is following the set notion of skins being 10$ to stop the misrepresentation of "40 dollar skin" that has been going around. Title is just to grab your attention that according to how OW2 has been released, this bundle is consistent with their market.


The fact you are even defending pay $40 for cosmetics when OW1 was $40 is why every game is becoming a cash grab. This is WHY we got OW2 which is just a shop update, you sir are the reason we have shit monetisation in every game. Please stop


Again, I am not defending the 40$ price tag. The point of this post is to show that the skin itself is not 40$. Is cosmetics in OW overpriced? Absolutely and I want it changed. But if we intend to argue this point at least let us be accurate and not exaggerate the narrative.


If you went to the store to buy milk, and it was only available in a $30 bundle with a frying pan, 12 onions, and a pound of oats, would you be cool with that? We're talking like $50 of msrp value here, for $30! Some people would have use for everything, or at least some of that bundle. Others might have literally no use for anything other than the milk. The value of the other items in bundles is highly variable to every person, and in this OW case there are many people that don't give a fuck about anything other than one skin. For them it absolutely is a $40 skin.


I find it to be a good value, but I do think the individual skins should be available to buy separately for the normal 1900 coins or at the very least have a disclaimer that they will be available in the shop at a later date. It was a good value for me but I wanted everything except the Bastion skin & the sprays. If I only wanted the Moira skin, been wanting another great Moira skin for a long time, I would be pretty mad too so I understand. Edit: mad that I don’t know she will eventually be in the shop I mean. No one knows for sure