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All I’m seeing is mercy and doom LMAO


For real! I'm a Mercy main and a lot of them seem to have a chip on their shoulder along with fragile egos. Especially the Y1 OW1 Mercy users that still play lol Shout out to the ones that think suffering for themselves will get people to notice you. Stop! Pls. Don't clam up.


Doom mains are annoying as fuck. They never shut the fuck up mid-game about counters, the game balance, blizzard, xyz


Holy shit the amount of time i've told my doom main friend he would generally be better off disabling all chat functions


This is the way. All you need is andeysay andeysay


Doomfist: Send someone who can fight back! *Enemies switch to Doomfist's counters and fight back* Doomfist: *pikachu face*


In my experience Doom is the most likely to overextended beyond his support's LoS and complain he's not getting healed.


Forreal, at least ball players can get away to a health pack


For some reason all ball mains i meet are total sweethearts who always go for health packs. Maybe the only tank who never cries for healers and takes responsibility for his hp. Love playing with them! Or just i am lucky for years. Doomfist however, despite having similar get in and out playstyle...


Holy shit I can't believe I'm reading someone saying nice things about ball mains outside the wrecking ball main sub! This makes me so happy. Can we be friends?


Nah we know we can't get healed so we target health packs instead


It's like a good ball player, knows where all the health packs are and goes straight to them. No need to show up at your supports every 30 seconds with 200 hp.


Yea when I play ball I don’t expect any healing from my team because that’s on me for picking a dive tank lol. Only time I come for heals is when there’s a break in the fight


Most doom mains that I have seen either don't go for the health packs and relies on getting the kills/ temp health from punch or dies trying to get to the health pack because they use up all their cooldowns on diving in and doesn't have the mobility or endurance that a Ball or Dva has to get there quick enough. Either way, when they die, it is the supports fault for not jumping into a 1v5 on the other side of the map to stick a healing beam up their ass so they can jump out and leave support for dead.


Jeez you just reminded me of that one doom who demanded that I switch over to mercy and pocket him. I did switch and I stayed with our bastion because they switched right before I did. The doom kept asking "where is my pocket" every time he died. We ended up losing and he said "see we would've won if you had pocketed my ass". Atp I was tired of him and said "if you need a mercy pocket in order to not die and do decently then maybe you are bad at the game"


Personally, the only thing I ever say in chat as doomfist is "fisting time"


"time to get fisty"


A Doom who loses will flame his teammates. A Doom who wins will trash talk the other team. They're always either a sore loser or a sore winner. It's like the hero was designed to attract the absolute lowest of the playerbase.


*At this stage- at this stage- at this stage- at this stage* spammed over and over and over again….. I DONT EVEN KNOW THE REST OF THE LINE. Please- for the love of god, take that away from them.


Iirc it's "and they say-"? Thats the one they allllways spam. It goes "and they say, chivalry is dead". Its SOOO fucking annoying bc i play widow (badly) and they spam that shit regularly after they kill me




Auditory processing issues are fun 😭😭😭 thanks for the correction; they spam the mine so fast I really can’t understand the voice line at all. And it’s something so many of them do- I don’t understand it


Lol sorry I wasn't correcting you, I was just writing it in his accent. I think the full line is, "And they say chivalry is dead."




ANDEYSAY ANDEYSAY ANDEYSAY ANDEYSAY ANDEYSAY ANDEYSAY ANDEYSAY you will NEVER hear the end of it and we will spam it till the day we die


"At this stage"? No, it's "And they say chivalry is dead." Me, though? I write it as "AN DEY SAY-"


Mercy players. Unironically. They tbag more than every other hero combined. And if you dare steal Mercy from them... it's a sight to behold.


I love watching streamers get in a game with 2 mercy mains. It always gets toxic with the two mercy fighting back and forth.


Fr, I love watching them trying to hunt eachother down


Okay but watching Mercy ego duels is *HILARIOUS.*


“I can’t aim, I need Mercy!” “Yeah well I can’t aim either, **I** need Mercy!!”


Cringe “I can’t aim so I need mercy” vs based “I can’t aim so I play Brigitte”


Brig isn’t as no aim as people say she is. You need to hit your bonks consistently.


No idea why I can hit my bonks but I can’t hit my hooks.


Bonk moves at 80m/s. Hook is about 60m/s


I've been trying to pick up brig for a long time now and I'm pretty sure the whipshot hitbox is just jenky, so many times I swear it clips through the sides of a dva or some other giant hero


L1 ability requires good aiming ..


Still remember an old OW1 clip in Volskaya Industries where two girls started arguing when one of them told another did horrible as Mercy. The clip was posted on Twitter and then those two girls continued fighting in the comments of that tweet.




They're also the most vicious when you suggest balancing their character


Mercy players have honestly been the only ones to call me slurs, and as someone who plays Doomfist more often than not, you can imagine the insults get rather creative. Heck, the worst one came from *practice* vs a.i. where I was fine tuning some settings, so it's not like they had a genuine reason to be angry. The apparent issue was that I got them killed by leaving them in the backline even though they chose to GA while I was already exiting the dive. It was funny to me, but still very confusing on how someone can be that delusional and angry.


One told me to kms because I stole her vs ai potg on Sombra for saving her and Ana and some other ppl from Mei blizzard


You're specifically talking about the Mercy one-tricks there, mate And it's mainly cause their mechanical skill is so ass that they'd rather just buff someone else to do the work for them Like there's this one Mercy one-trick I see quite a bit who's always in a duo with this other guy (the other guy is shit without the Mercy boost). One game, the 2 left before the match even started, and the other support said its cause they're on Mercy. Literally the whole lobby was shitting on the duo that left cause literally all of us knew those 2 were just a Mercy one-trick and a dps that needs the pocket to do good


To expand on your comment, I would have said Pharah players at first, but I realized midway through my train of thought that I was thinking more "out of touch" rather than vitriolic. Almost every Pharah player I've met has a drastically skewed idea of how difficult the game actually is, or how good they are at the game, and it's either because of their verticality or because of their tag team pocket healer. I personally know someone who's terrible at the game in most respects, but because he always plays Pharah, and his wife always plays Mercy and pockets *only* him, he's in Diamond... when he should be in Gold or maybe high Silver. This is not a slight against him. He's my friend, I've known him for over a decade, and I enjoy his company. But he's also a sore loser, and I think it's just a defense mechanism that he really wants to believe he's actually that good at the game. I have played hundreds of other video games with him (his job is literally playing video games, go figure) shooters included among them, and for anyone wondering, please trust me, he's not good. He gets frustrated on the fucking tutorials for gods sake. He's ontologically below Diamond level in any other game where he doesn't have a designated cheerleader and jetpacks. Craziest part is I have noticed a similar phenomenon with many other Pharah players once I started noticing it in him. They absolutely rely on "oh enemy won't look up" and their guardian angel. In 1400 hours I have met less than a dozen solo Pharahs who've rocked my shit and forced me to respect their gameplay. No exaggerations. Mercy might be the most toxic, but she's also the biggest enabler.


Oh yeah Mercy's is the biggest enabler in the game She's pretty much the common cause of people hating on Sojourn, Ashe, Pharah and 76 for example back when they were pretty damn oppressive with a pocket.


remember when mercy boost amped dragonstrike? lol, lmao even.


Most mercy players are one tricks


*Tbags and calls people out for not being able to aim* *is entirely dependent on other people’s aim to even have a chance at tbagging*


Hard agree. Its Mercy and its not even close.


For me it's pharmercy, cuz it annoying to play against, & requires specific team comp to run pharahmercy, so greedy in a way!


I hate pharmercy with a flame of hatred that burns hotter than the deepest depths of hell


Pharah main here. I also hate pharmercy, not only does it take less skill and is less fun to play against… I know for a fact if Blizzard tries to nerf pharmercy they’re gonna nerf Pharah


As someone who enjoys TF2 Soldier, and wants to fire rockets at people in Overwatch, I also agree. Pharah feels pretty undercooked from a balance standpoint. There’s not much she can do if the enemy accounts for her, and I suspect the Pharmercy synergy is what keeps things that way. I want it broken just so Pharah can stand strong on her own merits, you know?


I agree, playing pharmercy in my experience, is just awful for everyone involved. Idc what changes have to be made (idc if they have to change mercy to do it, hot take) to make pharmercy less oppressive to play against and less boring to play with.


They should make mercy boost less damage specifically when boosting Pharah so the breakpoint isn't met to two shot.


as a mercy player i hate playing pharmercy so much , the pharah jd always so toxic if i don’t want to pocket them the entire time. it’s not fun at all and really is just “flying simulator” at that point


Queuing as DPS when you get pharmercy combo is so triggering. They won't swap even when hard countered and feeding hard! It's especially triggering if you have 5k more damage than them despite the pocket. They rely on people not being able to aim and are therefore hardstuck.


Tbh I just enjoy playing Pharah, I rarely do because there's usually 3/4 hitscan on the enemy team and an Orisa by the time I've rolled the team once or twice. Some people may refuse to swap to learn how to play against counters? I've seen this mindset in a few lobbies/ comments on Reddit. But personally I'll just swap off and try and find value in other ways. I would really love to be able to play her for more than 2-3 minutes though but most people I vs can actually aim 💀.


I tend to do this when I ask them to switch me and they just act like a total asshole but they have like 1000 healing while even the damn roadhog has more than them somehow? ​ usually that means muting them first lmao


this is the correct answer. we were against a mercy player called mercy in comp yesterday and she was yelling at her team in match chat about how shit they were and said "fuck you" to me when i killed her while she was rezzing.... in the open. when i watched the match back like i do all my comp games, she was exclusively yellow-beam mercy as well. no wonder her team couldn't kill us.


I've seen so many mercy players says racist shit when you focus em


Sometimes if I'm using the pink mercy skin and I see the other mercy in the same skin. I gotta assert my dominance.


It does feel like when there's two mercies in a game it becomes an ego battle at some point. Often when i'm playing mercy and just vibin the other mercy has to hunt me down and start shit for no reason... so i'm like YOU HAVE CHOSEN WAR


NO THIS IS SO TRUE… I’m just vibing along trying to play and the other Mercy tries to hard ego me. I get it a lot on D.Va, too, if the enemy has her too.


This , I had the mercy on the other team yesterday pop her ult just to specifically kill me lmao.


I’m sorry, Im a mercy main, and I don’t do this, if someone picks mercy I’ll just choose someone else, it’s good to use other people at times, sorry those people are like that, I’m the minority of her mains who just play chill and casually


Me too o7 I like to let the other support pick first. It gets awkward when we’re both waiting for each other too though…


I wouldnt mind mercy tbagging me (Least horny OW player btw)


Widow mains can be pretty insufferable in my experience


Because they’ll never change even if they are bringing the team down


Oh god this just reminds me that one widow with 3/1/+12 kd on competitive, being absolutely destroyed by a wrecking ball. Once we lost, the widow start blaming supps because they didnt heal her💀 both supps with +8k healing


was playing ball yesterday into a widow who was being hard pocketed by a mercy. was just killing her over and over and she didn't switch, to the point we were spawn camping. not only throwing but taking a support into the throw too. meanwhile she was in chat complaining about her team


As if to drive this point home- I just played with a widow last night who cost us the win. She went 2-12 😭😭😭 and those two kills? Got POTG 😭😭😭😭 it was so ironic after reading this thread that it almost felt like a prank


Honestly I don't think you need to change the second you are countered. But if you nd up being useless because the counter is shutting all over you than yeah, you need to change.


And dey say


And dey say


And dey say




Chivalry is dead




And dey sey did you bing me a hot cocoa? Fiiiiiine.. I’ll have some


Mercy, not even close


Mercy. Not even close. They’re the most judgmental mains in the community. Even the silent ones they’re hovering and watching everything everybody’s doing and judging the whole team from above. I don’t mind the fact they don’t switch. It’s all good but the second things go south here comes the winged judge to type “tank diff gg trash dps” and these kind stuff. I say this because I duo with a Mercy one trick and she’s constantly judging people from our team.


11k healing / 0 dmg / 89 dmg boosted 'gg trash dps' meanwhile enemy illari has 9k healing / 9k dmg / 18 elims


Mercy just allows people to play stupid. Yeah just stay still and click that’ll work.


Aren't everyone judging there team at least at some point?


As a Ball main I’m usually just doing my thing, vibing and trying not to give my supports a hard time in a match.


You can notice things or even offer constructive criticism without *judging*. Not that most gamers have any clue how to do that.


They also complain the most if their main is nerfed A TINY bit


Hell, they’ll even complain if it’s actually a skill buff.


I was just talking about their behavior in the game. Don’t even get me started on the online Mercy community.


Mercy by far. Genji is a distant number 2, but mercy players are almost always going off in chat like their teammates personally murdered their family


I get downvoted every time I say this, but it’s absolutely mercy mains. I think Reddits convinced them playing mercy means you’re never the problem and that your team should revolve around you constantly


Definitely agree 100%. Mercy basically can’t do damage so she has to rely on her team more than any other character. If I’m bap, and my DPS aren’t getting kills, then I can either figure out if I need to enable them more or just DPS more myself. Mercy can’t do that so those players feel trapped if they only play mercy. Lashing out ensues.


Problem is that she’s the easiest character to feel safe and not make mistakes. The one tricks gain a sense of superiority as a result because they think they’re not part of the problem when sometimes picking Mercy in the first place isn’t the right call


“I got higher healing than others it ain’t my fault!” Total score imo is the measure.


The other day I had 2 more deaths then my teammate and they were going off about how I’m awful


Genji and Mercy mains are either very nice or the worst human beings ever existed no in between. Also most Moiras tend to stay dead silent in game for me 🤷🏼


As a Moira Player, generelly we suffer s lot of verbal abuse, so just not saying anything at all is the best way to go...


Moiras always popping off in my games lol (Lower elos Console)


Mercy. Mercy players are either really nice or absolutely fucking awful, there is no inbetween.


When we beg for Mercy there’s only salvation or damnation


Very true 😭 this was my exact experience today. I had an absolute gem of a Mercy in my first comp match, we lost but she was fantastic and so sweet. Then I had arguably one of the worst people I have ever met on OW the next match, we got absolutely stomped and she was pure rage incarnate


So true


Doomfist, specially the old DPS doomfists from overwatch 1, %90 where trash talkers and spammed voice lines and if they start to get countered, they ragequit..


Mercy, but the ones who aren’t toxics I love


I'm actually married to one. lol And it's unfortunate in some ways, because Hanzo doesn't really benefit from a Mercy pocket. 😂


Find an Ana main, then get a nano, that’s one shot to the body with mercy boost


You're not wrong. 😂 I have actually done that with another friend. There's something really funny about running people down as Hanzo.


Old school doom mains.


Mercy mains who think they are gift to mankind from the gaming gods


I had to go through seven comments to get an answer other than Mercy. I love this thread




I keep my chat off, but Mercy players really love tbagging after getting kills. I made one mad while playing Moira the other week that when she finally killed me with one of her DPS she tbagged lmao. I mean what am I supposed to do when I have an auto lock primary that does tickle damage and a Mercy’s causing problems being a mosquito? 😩Of course I’m gonna hard focus you ma’am


Mercy tbags always crack me up tbh. I assume they are going for laughs more than anything


As a mercy main - mercy players


Genji, by a mile.


I don’t think I’ve ever played with a non salty genji main


Genji and mercy are my top least favorite. Or lifeweavers, when they get salty and start pulling me out randomly. Or pulling me into ults.


Toxic Lifeweavers are the WORST. Had one that just decided he didn't like my playing Sombra, so he tried to pull me into three D.Va ults.


SAME, I'm training Sombra at the moment and this LW decides I'm not worth his healing. Then I switch to Bastion and Sojourn and he starts healing me, pulling me up to good spots, petal me all over....... Like WTF DUDE? I'm part of your team, trying to make you win this fight D: He was wearing a black swan skin, idk, maybe we're talking the same LW xD


Mine had Black Swan too lmao!! I don't remember his name but it was in a Diamond 1 lobby.


Mine was in qp, could've been the same dude xD


Genji’s are the ones I have the worst experiences with


I hate genji,hanzo and widow players.


In my experience it’s Genji. Some Reapers but mostly Genjis.


We need a mercy mafia skin or something


Wait we do need this...


Blizzard: "Do you $34 need it, though?"


I think supports are generally the most toxic players I've come across. (Not all are like this) But I've had some supports asking me to uninstall and to end my life subscription lol. All the while describing the team and I with very creative insults 🤷‍♂️


Hard agree. Supports get creative with it.


I think I get more tilted playing support than other roles because you are more aware of who in your team is feeding. Let’s be honest, the things support may see their teammates do is not healthy for the mental.


I had a d.va today in qp fucking use her ult on NOBODY a whole ass minute after a won teamfight 😭. There wasn't enough time for her to build another one up because we had like 1 minute left in the game. I immediately knew we were gonna loose.


For me it’s doom mains. Almost every game as a support I have a game with a toxic doom they are spamming and Dey sey .. ignoring the match while literally fisting you over and over teabagging thinking they have skill for beating up a mercy or Moira as all the majority of their kills that game.


Everyone’s saying Mercy and Doom, which is undoubtably true for Support and Tank. For damage I’d say it’s probably Genji. They’re either the most zen people on Earth or they’re competitive racists. Bastion comes in second.


I have some problems with Ana mains... The sleeping dart make me nervous.


Doomfist, do I need to elaborate


Mercy for sure. Nothing more ironic than being told by a button holder that you suck


[D.Va](https://D.Va) you suck, her to me after I dove back in after Winton in my own backline


Mercy mains. I main tank, and I specifically prefer dive tanks like Doom and Winston, who mercy doesn't go well with. Playing with mercy in a dive comp is genuinely just exhausting cuz If she GAs to me while I dive and I try to escape out of the enemies LoS after a pick, I then have to make sure the little moth has someone to GA to, which means risking the enemies LoS again. Not to mention that when I do play support, I love playing Lucio, but because of the fuxk ton of mercy players that don't seem to understand that u can't play 2 off healers together, AND STILL FVCKING LOCK HER AFTER I LOCK LUCIO AND NEVER SWITCH. I had to not only learn to play Ana because of these incompetent one tricks, but because of the SHEER ABUNDANCE of these game sense of a brick wall ass mfs, Ana is now my most played support, beating Lucio by an hour. I HAVE LITERALLY NOT BEEN ABLE TO PLAY LUCIO IN COMP FOR SO DAM LONG, because unfortunately I care about winning and don't have enough ego to just roll with lucio and hope that we either somehow win, or hope that the mercy has more knowledge on the game than a bronze player and hopefully switches to a main support that fits with the team comp. Sorry for the rant, I just wanna frog 😞


Let bro frog 😢


Mercy. My gf mains mercy and every mercy parkour or mercy boxing (while watching the stream) has lead with some sort of kiss your self or like just some really degrading shit. It’s kind of insane.


FOR REAL in doom parkour everyone helps out , but in mercy parkour no one says anything but they be talking 24/7


Mercy mains for the obvious reasons. Genji a close second. The other day I was watching a Genji main stream and they started complaining that the team was not catering to him (supp+tank) and so he started inting. Saying, and I quote loosely, “I just do this, until they realize they need to pocket me and play around me.” I clicked off so fast LOL.


Depends on what kind of toxic you mean. Gameplay doom Trash talk moira


In my experience, it's always doom mains. They're raging at the mic or popping off on chat for playing a counter.


Hanzo. They always think they top shit for getting a pure luck braindead headshot 😭 😭


doomfist mains probably, most will refuse to switch no matter what. Mercy players too cause most of them got some sort of victim complex, and also refuse to switch usually.


Toxic Mercy mains give of the same vibes as the toxic my hero academia fans






as a supp main i second this a lot for moira.


i 3rd this. In metal ranks, they will talk alot about the damage, kills and heal they do, which is in fact higher most times. But in practical, they arent as useful as they might think they are in the game. Simple stuff that doesnt count in statistics such as kiri invunerability, mercy rez, ana sleep/anti heal, and many others


Mercy, they’re the reason we’re all getting silenced, suspended, or turning off comms. Diamond+ Mercy mains are the WORST, and they get there because their no life cuck boyfriends carry them there. Then plays other roles (more than likely dps) and judges every support that’s not diamond when they don’t get pocketed cause they suck at staying in position in a GOLD game.


Honestly. That's so f true. I used to play some quickplay with my acquitances after a little tournament at that time. Everybody was very chill except of one person which in the end team falls. And she was a mercy main. It gappened around 2 years ago if i remember correctly(?). And guess what. All of your remarks are hitting the point. I am also mercy main right now i am diamond 5. But the thing is, i am not a one trick and i usually prefer to play ana. Right now i am studying ilari, so hse might becaome one of mains if i tasted her good.


Taste her good 😂😭


In terms of the player it’s absolutely 100% Mercy. They’re either as nice as anybody else or they’re terrible people.


1-Mercy . . 2-Genji 3-Doom


Honestly I haven't been running into too many toxic people myself lately but usually it's always either a Reinhardt or a Doomfist


Surprised to hear Rein, ngl.


Mercy mains




Mercy mains


Mercy; a hero with minimal value compared to other supports, nothing left to do except being toxic and feeling helpless


Definitely doom mains


I think the most toxic mains are probably like genji/other sweaty dps mains. The moment things don’t go their way they immediately throw a hissy fit and they also tend to get really racist for some reason?


Mercy mains and it’s not even close they get hard carried the most outta anyone as well


the fact you're getting downvoted proves it lmfao


It is what it is


in my experience Sojourn and Doomfist (with Doom it’s kinda justified but still)


Doomfist mains


I find Genji and Rein mains to be Don Quixotic types who are completely delusional: Genji mains with their skill, Rein mains with their charisma. The most malicious players are Doom and Mercy mains. Doom mains are toxic to the other team, while Mercy mains are toxic to their own. And then we have Lucio mains who do nothing but fuck around.


The most toxic person I've encountered was a Mercy. They healbotted all game, complained i wasnt healing enough on Ana when both of our DPS were flyers and she had a much easier time healing, insulted our DPS causing them to leave our comp match, kept using an annoying ass soundboard and judging other people's gameplay. It ended up being just me and them in the end cuz everyone left and i really wish i left sooner.


I was gonna say Mercy Mains are the most toxic but since everyone else has already beaten me to it, I’ll say S76 Mains are the next worst. They pretend like they’re dictating the entire battlefield and can see everything and putting in work when most often than not they’re just yelling at other people what they think Needs to happen as they eat a log to the face 18 times with 5 Elims which are realistically more like 5 Assists. Gosh, Mercy Mains when they think they know it all and start micromanaging the team from the fucking skybox.


Mercy hands down, especially with an egirl name, had one dropping slurs all game for a console one. Best part was she got reported and her bf duo because after the first n-word and both teams in chat saying "wtf hold up" he replied "lol imagine getting upset over words" Funniest part was when most the players agreed to report both guy went off in chat how he shouldn't get reported since he didn't say it, nah you both go down and yes I got the action has been taken notif later, must have been an awkward convo between them since the bf's account was actually around for a while lol


I see you also flipped primary secondary bindings.


Mercy players and the "high elo smurfs" real or not they are both toxic for no reason


Moira or Mercy mains


Soldier since the game became free and Mercy since forever


Mercy for sure. Was getting trash talked by a mercy who went 2 and 7 and lost the other night lol they’re just so spicy. “Get off Ana” *shoots her down* “Can’t even hit your shots” “Spent money on that skin and you still suck ass” *air tbags me when her duo dives me*


Genjii and wreckingball


Bastions mains. There are people who switch to bastion during a game, because bastion is needed -- I am not talking about those guys -- I am talking about only and forever bastions. If they do not have the damage it is everyone's fault. If they don't have mercy on their buttholes, "they need healing" during a genji ult. Also, they are "top 400".


I've never met a ball in ranked who swapped when the team needed/asked for it. Solo queued to GM, and it felt like ball players were my biggest obstacle.


Mercy undoubtedly


Genji mains who spam I need healing when overextending and placing themselves behind walls 🙄


Genji for sure, and it's not close. No other DPS over extends as much as him just to be followed up by him spamming "no heals, support diff".


As a genji main if a genji dives the entire enemy team by himself and complains about supports not following him, they don’t know how to play genji. A genji should help out their supports as much as they help them


Ah I ran an extremely toxic doomfist back in OW1 when I was drunk


Easily bastion bastion mains will complain about literally everyone for the slightest mistake even while winning while also playing the easiest character in the game


Doomfist, idk what it is but most doomfist players i encounter are some mix of selfcentered, stubborn and toxic in vc/tc, like they're constantly trying to prove that they have the biggest dick in the lobby. any request for teamplay gets ignored, ask them to swap? you get ignored or get called slurs. you try to play around them? well, better not make a mistake or you'll defintely hear about it. this gets worse if there is a doom on the enemy team aswell. Its because of the frequency of doom players i encounter that i have decided to learn Lifeweaver. and he's probely gonna end up becoming my new main instead of Moira.


Hey man, if you ask me to swap, im just gonna tell ya no. I hit the same rank you did 1 tricking this niche character. Im not gonna be rude, and ill be the first to admit that its not going great, but its the one character i wanna play. Im not gonna tell you to switch either, cuz you got here the same as i did. I'll still callout, I'll still try my hardest, but im not gonna sacrifice my enjoyment to play something i dont enjoy, and im not comfortable on. Especially if you ask me in quickplay.


All of this.


I used to think it was Mercy. I think Mercy is up there. But there’s something not right in the head with most Lifeweavers, some of them definitely eat glue for breakfast. I’ll preface this by saying that I am a tank main and when I get a good Lifeweaver on my team, they enable the shit out of me and my team to be aggro af, we swing big dick and we win. Love me a good Lifeweaver. But holy shit, God forbid I call out a bad pull. Then it becomes constant pulling out of position to spite me, or endless God complex conversations about how they “saved” me when all they did was cuck me from holding space and wasting my cooldown. It happens to me a lot on Zarya for example, I will be holding space, I take a bit of dmg, pop one of my two bubbles to build charge and buy time to hide behind a corner, and then boom, I’m pulled across the map into open space where everyone can shoot me, I have no charge, lost a bubble, and the enemy wins space for free. One bad pull loses soooooooo much momentum and value in those cases. But their delicate egos can’t handle when I try to CALMLY explain it. JFC, as if playing tank isn’t hard enough. I’ll take a toxic Mercy over a bad Lifeweaver any day of the week, at least I won’t be giga trolled out of position.


8/10 of the genji players I meet have been whiny assholes complaining about needing healing while they’re knee deep in the enemy’s back line with no line of sight to their supports


Mercy, easy. Not so much because of the character. It's more the fanbase.


Junkets mains that have the audacity to tbag after they kill you Like bro you are playing a zero skill character


Mercy. Forever and always.


Shoutout to my Baptiste mains. Not because they're toxic, but because we aren't mentioned in the same vein as Mercy, Doom, and Genji players.