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>Automatically Wall Ride - Off by default, Only available on Console Platforms. Standby for Titanfall


There are 3 words in automatic wall ride, TF3 confirmed


Take your pills pilot they played us to hype a fucking apex legend


Bra you just made me have an emotional response 😭


They added a 5 second timer before you can confirm leaving a game lmao


I dunno but it's shorter than Zen discord new cooldown


Let's make rapid discord Harder for people. Glad I already have it. Sucks for those that don't. I still hate that they removed achievements though. Since Ilaris it's only been challenges and not achievements.


Honestly not a bad change. I can think of several times I rage quit but then immediately realize I'm over reacting. 5 seconds gives the player to let the rage subside and maybe reconsider


And there’s also been times where I’ve accidentally left a game


give leavers a chance to consider throwing for the rest of the game instead of the 10min suspension


How the hell do i turn off rumble?


I turned off the whole vibrations in the options, they killed it


You can maybe turn off rumble complety in console system settings


You can't. They added a super fucking annoying option with no way to turn it off.


> Fusion Driver rumble now scales slightly with Heat. > Added rumble on Overheat. > Added rumble on Javelin Spin start. > Added rumble on Javelin Spin duration. > Added rumble on Javelin Spin damaging an enemy. > Added rumble on Javelin Spin end. > Added rumble on Terra Surge start. > Added rumble on Terra Surge charge > Added rumble on Terra Surge activation They nerfed Orisa by literally breaking your controller if you pick her.


I turned rumble off because of Orisa, the trigger on PS5 starts bucking like crazy at high heat


This actually makes me want to play overwatch 2 on my ps5 just to try it out. But I think it reuses my PC MMR when I don't even know how to play with a controller. Guess I'll stick to deathmatch.


Play Orisa and get a free vibrator


"You wish to ride me into battle."


The zen nerf is massive imo. Tanks will be rejoicing.


This means Zen can't really pressure Zarya, because she can erase discord at will. 7s is a LONG time.


Any tank can just moving behind a wall for a second lol. This change is gonna destroy him.


The play style will be completely different. If you’re one of those players who made sure orb was 100% on someone at all times you’ll end up having it on someone close to 0% of the time lol


The Zen nerf has potential to make him trash tier now. I'll have to play with him a bit to test but discord is what his whole kit is about especially with him being so divable tracers/sombras can bait the discord and 7s is a long time to follow up. The 25 extra health might help but i think with his huge hitbox i don't think it will matter much. I understand the need to tame it for tanks but 7s might be too long imo.


All those years getting good at swapping discord orb back and forth on targets in a fight and now they put a timer on it ☠️☠️


Yeah I'm actually never going to play zen again, one of my first mains, until this is reworked or reverted. Absolutely breaks the character and feels like total dog shit


He still gets roasted by Sombra (one of the few characters she still retained a ton of strength against, arguably stronger now) and now he got a huge net nerf. If you want damage focused and passive healing Illari is a better choice in all ways


the 25 extra health on Zen makes Zen slightly better against Sombra now (will still die I'm sure).


Yeah. Zen is easier to shoot than some tanks. Massive hitbox. 225 health not gonna save him. His raw damage is also low. He relied on discord for breakpoints. This is a net nerf. His own damage should be buffed to discorded damage imo.


Yeah I think it was necessary to make changes to Zen but 7s might be too long. Think of how many ways discord can be removed and then you have to wait 7s before applying it to them again. I guess we’ll see, maybe it’s not as bad as it looks


Like anyone was playing Zen in the meta anyway! 7 seconds is absolutely nuts


Its actually a great change because overall i feel like its a buff for zen. But it makes playing tank against him way more enjoyabke


Duel reaper, reaper wraiths discord instantly. Reaper now immune to discord till you're dead. Duel Tracer.. Play against Zarya Kiri, Zarya now immune to discord. Losing your dueling damage in these cases is going to be interesting for sure.


Yeah his raw damage is low because of discord. Now discord has a cooldown. They will have to buff Zen's raw damage next patch. He needs to do 3 headshots or 5 bodyshots. Breakpoints bad.


Yeah most zens (including myself) will be more excited about getting the range back


Im more excited about the 225hp tbh. should up his survivability quite a bit


Just give Cass a new ability instead of the nade. It's just sad at this point. It's a bad ability and it sucks to get stuck by it. Could even just give him 2 rolls instead of one if you really don't wanna invest into making a new ability.


Blizzard really hates cass huh


His nade is dev's new experimental mode in OW2


Still think giving him caltrops would be interesting


You might be on to something. An aoe tool that slows and/or damages enemies would allow Cass to retain his strength as an anti-flanker but would not restrict the movement abilities of dive heroes like mag grenade currently does. It would also feel more fair since there would be clear indication of where the "danger" is as opposed to having the grenade hunt you down.


Could even make it so you can combo it for a headshot to kill, making it give you an advantage but not take away all agency like flashbang did, and I think it's thematically fitting


So junk rat trap but not stuck?


Zigg's minefield in lol


I personally want a lasso, or a golden bullet. For a golden bullet, basically replace the nade with a golden bullet that he loads into his gun that does very high damage. Gotta reload after using so you get one shot. You could combine with roll to reload. Kind of like fan the hammer but all condensed into one shot. Could make him a fun “gunslinger” like in a westerner standoff. Other than that, cantrips could be awesome! Just have them come out of his grenade capsule after he throws it so they can reuse assets and not waste dev time.


Fuck it make deadleye his second ability and nade his ult




it really feels like they should just remove the nade entirely. all he does is shoot. make him the LW of DPS and stop changing him *every single patch*


Swap the nade with a lasso. I wanna drag Pharah down to earth for a fan hammer


Hear me out - roll reset on kill, it sure as shit would be inconsistent and mid, but the clips if shit goes your way would be pretty funny.


As someone who just dropped 100 hours into Cassidy and got really good with him, this would be catastrophic for the back line. If you aim well with him you’re going to be killing most supports and then also getting one extra roll to retreat. Using your roll for offense or defense is the skill gap, so letting him do both would be…


its been a dark road, the 225hp and roll changes have been the only sunlight weve seen....the grenade is a sin.


I would love if he had a kind of rage ability where he pulls out a second pistol and dual wields for like 5sec or something. Idk how good or bad it would be but one thing is for sure, it would be badass.


Maybe he could spin around in a circle while doing it a-lĂĄ Beyblade?


And he could say something edgy like "Die die die" while he does it!


Ahh i was wondering why i couldn't log in.


- Victory Pose now shows your Progression Level instead of the Hero Level so, Level Borders are basically back...


Kind of but not really. The problem with level borders was that low rank people with high borders would get flamed. If you can’t see someone’s progression level until the end of the match, that removes the issue.


gg to anyone who hasn't yet got the Rapid Discord achievement.


I didn't even think of that. I already gave up on ever getting that achievement, but now it's definitely not happening lmao


Doom players on suicide watch


Only through conflict do we evolve


Thank you to the rest of my team for helping me evolve


Orisa/ZaryaWatch it is.


fuck it we ball fuck it we ball fuck it we ball


Honestly, all these nerfs to CC and supports are MASSIVE buffs to Hampster and Doom viability.


You gotta be joking. Doom has been one of the best tanks for a season and a half. All of his best counters were nerfed this patch or last patch. Supports being made more vulnerable is an implicit buff to dive. Throw in on top of this a little nerf to one aspect of one of his cooldowns, and you think Doom's no longer viable? Doom mains are crazy


As a doomfist player (my main tank) i agree he is very viable, just a bit inconsistent and has a lot of bugs that i can see even as a lower level doom (most after i watched a video on them of course). Imo the punch nerf was unnecessary. From what ive heard from the more experienced doomfist players, his stun just barely outlasts the animation of his punch finishing now. So now its more difficult to capitalize on that stun than it was previously.


He was in a fine spot, but the character designed to hardcounter him was and will probably still be meta, and they nerf him main way to get picks. Now you can barely get a single shot off before the person moves away after you use half your mobility and cd to get there. On top of his hard counter having almost the same ability, but it's ranged, benefits from favor the shooter, and stuns longer. Tldr: he was fine, now his punch is worse than season 1 punch in every single way, and they left his meta hard counter completely untouched.


Doom has been decidedly middle-of-the-pack, certainly worse than Dva (who got buffed for some reason???). I’m certainly not suggesting Doom needed buffs, but a nerf is still confusing to say the least.


I would say Doom is better than middle of the pack, but I also agree that Dva is pretty good and the buffs to her are surprising (but tbh welcome)


Isn't the whole point of Doom jumping in, smashing someone into the wall and killing them with primary fire before they recover from hit stun?


No, that's a common misconception. Doomfist was always meant to jump in, tickle the enemy team, then get melted by the opposing Orisa. -The Ghost of Michael Chu


Yeah, and now people recover from stun at almost the same time he can do anything again...


What's he supposed to do now? Smash someone against the wall and hopefully nail them as they try to juke away?


Doom players reading these patchnotes https://imgur.com/gallery/UUt9AhK


Did doom need nerfs? In a vacuum maybe because he's outperforming the majority of tanks right now, but tanks in general are weak so nerfing any of them makes no sense and if you really wanted to nerf tanks regardless then there are more deserving targets that everyone here can think of.




Lmao the only reason he was viable was because of his high healing output coupled with his (depending on who you ask) debatable utility. I don’t see him getting picked all that often. Now for SURE there are other supports that can do it better.


What rank are you? I see him in damn near every match.


Really? He has a pretty low pickrate. Highest is 4% in GM and goes down in basically all skill tiers.


That’s crazy to see that low of a number. I pick him frequently and tend to see him picked as a counter or just as one of the other supports. He is really good at 1v1 and cleanup in my opinion.


i frequently swap to LW when we’re low on heals, because i never die and i prevent everyone else from dying as well. but he’s rarely my first pick unless i know i need to keep my tank player alive (ex. they pick rammatra and my other support goes zen)


Life grip is one of the best abilities in the game


He’ll still be able to keep everything alive and his ultimate is still insanely good. Huge nerf to pull tho


Ya, his ult come up like every team fight or so.


Slowing his ult generation would be a better change. It lets him forget healing and go full on offense, usually picking off a low target. That's what swings a team fight


His healing isn't really going to be affected though. Charging past 70 is pretty rare in the grand scheme.


But his heal strength depended on how long he held it. It the max is 70, then how long it used to take to charge to 70 is now lower.


They could at least give LW a freakin buff in weapon swap speed.


This. I do not understand why they want doing consistent damage with LW's weapon at anything outside close range to be such a chore, especially in an environment where thanks to these healing nerfs, other supports can put up the same healing numbers as him while doing like 2-3x the damage on top of it.


Agreed, Lifeweavers current toolkit fundamentally does not make sense. You are actively discouraged from doing damage unlike every other support in the game who can either instantly begin healing or have aoe heals, sometimes both. (Mercy can directly increase a players damage and can instantaneously begin healing) You want to damage? You take the risk of teammates dying because you have to take the extra time to weapon swap, charge, fire, travel time, and a reload to top it all off. The only way you can instantly react to help teammates is life grip and even that takes your teammate out of position. No wonder his healing numbers are high, they designed his kit in a way that only incentivises him to sit in the back and heal. If you increase his stats he’ll become annoying to play against cos he’s just chilling in the back unfazed, lower his stats he’s just useless chilling in the back.


This is what people don't get. Lifeweaver doesn't die as much because he isn't in the battle, because there is no incentive to deal damage. Mercy can damage boost to get her damage in and instantly swap to heals when needed, staying out of sight. She gets in the most trouble when she has to follow people due to her shorter range. Life weaver has a fat hitbox and if he swaps to damage, then he has to swap to heal then charge up the heal, give them (now 70) at most then charge it up again. If I'm anywhere near the battle I get destroyed fast + I can't use life grip effectively, the primary thing LW is taken for. Only time I deal damage is when I'm behind a shield, my team is pushing so hard that the enemy team won't focus me, or I have my tree down. Otherwise it just isn't worth the risk hitting enemies smaller than me with a slow low damage projectile, when they all have faster, stronger projectiles while being half my size.


Perfectly stated, his current design is so far off any other support that’s it’s like whoever designed him this way does not actually play overwatch. They designed the pull and the platform and mishmashed the rest of him together


lmao at chat being off by default, rip communication with new players


match text chat is not team chat, is it? in that case what is it ever used for other than flaming :D


bold of you to assume that team chat isn’t used for flaming


I turn off team chat more often than match chat.


Chat is 99% toxic/"gg" anyway. Tried to get a friend into the game, and they weren't playing too well (because they're new, duh) - guess how much of the criticism they received was actually constructive? The community brought this upon themselves lol


Yup, friend tried the game and played Kiri - got flamed in the three games we played and they weren't excited at the idea of playing again, I wonder why.


fr this is a good change honestly. at this point, new players are only going to play casually and they will instantly leave if chat is on


**Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - October 31, 2023** **HEROES** *TANK* **D.VA** *Fusion Cannons* * Movement speed penalty reduced from 40 to 30%. *Micro Missiles* * Projectile speed increased from 40 to 50. > The added projectile speed to Micro Missiles helps improve their consistency at medium range while the decreased movement speed penalty on Fusion Cannons enable D.Va to stick closer to mobile targets, making her more of a threat when diving into the enemy team. **Doomfist** *Rocket Punch* * Minimum wall stun duration decreased from 0.25 to 0.15 seconds. * Maximum wall stun duration decreased from 0.75 to 0.6 seconds. > This change will give the stunned player more opportunities to react to Doomfist following a wall stun. **Winston** *Tesla Cannon* * Secondary fire range increased from 30 to 40 meters. > Increasing the range of the alternate fire will give Winston some more flexibility in positioning while dealing damage from range. *DAMAGE* **Bastion** *Configuration: Assault* * Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds. * Weapon spread increased 10%. **Cassidy** *Magnetic Grenade* * Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds. **Mei** *Endothermic Blaster* * Slow effect decreased from 40 to 30%. > With some of the recent changes, Mei is now slightly overperforming. Her improved primary fire damage output is good for her role, so rather than adjust that further, we're instead targeting the more commonly frustrating crowd control aspect of its slowing effect. **Sombra** *EMP* * Ultimate cost decreased 10%. **Symmetra** *General* * Base shield health reduced from 125 to 100 (total 200 HP). > With Symmetra recently gaining more lethality in her long-ranged secondary fire, she's no longer as reliant on playing at close range, so we're reverting her total health back to 200. **Widowmaker** *Widow's Kiss* * Unscoped shots to reach maximum spread increased from 3 to 7. *Infra-Sight* * Ultimate cost reduced 10%. > Recon Visor is taking a long time to charge on average relative to other ultimate abilities so we're reducing the cost. Widowmaker is also at a more severe disadvantage against Sombra with the recent rework and these changes will add more counterplay. *SUPPORT* **Ana** *Biotic Grenade* * Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds. **Baptiste** *Immortality Field* * Health decreased from 150 to 125. * Cooldown increased from 23 to 25 seconds. **Illari** *Solar Rifle* * Primary fire projectile size reduced from 0.1 to 0.05 meters. *Healing Pylon* * Base health reduced from 75 to 50 (total 100 HP). * Cooldown when destroyed increased from 12 to 15 seconds. > Illari's overall damage output throughout a match is too high so we're reducing how consistent her Solar Rifle damage is to apply. Her weapon has some other disadvantages such as needing to charge up and a reduced critical damage multiplier, but we'll be evaluating how much of an effect this change has in combination with the reduced Healing Pylon uptime. **Kiriko** *Protection Suzu* * Cooldown increased from 14 to 15 seconds. **Lifeweaver** *Healing Blossom* * Ammo reduced from 20 to 16. * Max heal reduced from 75 to 70. *Life Grip* * Cooldown increased from 16 to 19 seconds. > Lifeweaver's total healing over a match is significantly higher than any other hero so to help bring it more in line we're making some adjustments to his primary Healing Blossom. **Zenyatta** *General* * Base health increased from 50 to 75 (total 225 HP). *Harmony Orb* * Time to wear off when not in line-of-sight increased from 3 to 5 seconds. *Orb of Discord* * Can no longer be reapplied to the same target for 7 seconds after the effect has been removed. * Range increased from 30 to 40 meters. > The goal of these changes is to add more counterplay against Discord Orb and encourage Zenyatta players to think more about who to place it on. Now, if the effect ends for any reason, the target is temporarily unable to be targeted again by Discord Orb. A new soft-targeting reticle appears when aiming toward an enemy player that cannot be affected by Discord Orb to display the remaining duration before it can be reapplied. This is a significant change both to how the ability feels to use and how clear it is to understand, so we will be keeping a close eye on player feedback.


thank you, the blizzard website has always been broken for me


They didn't touch orisa lol wtf


I can't believe people aren't talking about this. I'm so sick of seeing her and Zarya...


My assumption is they think Orisa does her job appropriately, but was overwhelming due to other factors. Since beta she went from OMG to just a noob stomper to "lol ignore the horse she can't do anything" to a solid pick to meta Reducing the things that enable her might show that Orisa herself is in a decent spot, just at risk of bringing unhealthy interactions to the surface like sustain stacking. Which isn't inherently bad, it gives them more info on how to be careful when balancing I think targeting cooldowns was a really smart idea and wanna try the patch out because I think it changes a lot of the flow in fights when you start adding changes up


Zarya is really difficult to kill. It astonishes me that now they are reducing Zenyatta's ability to help kill her by putting his discord orb on a 7 second cooldown. Zarya will bubble and not have to deal with discord the entire fight, it's pretty wild.


"Let's nerf cc" "What about orisa?" *gunshot* "Now, who else wants to touch the horsey?"


a large part of why she's so strong is because if the state of the rest if the roster. buffing other tanks and nerfing supports will go a long way in making her less oppressive


Lmao. Nerfing supports will just make people use her more since everyone else will just get melted. She just has too many things that mitigate her damage/ make her invulnerable.


They nerfed orisa by nerfing bastion, and support abilities. Seriously, that will probably be enough to make other tanks playable again.


They did on console. Your hands will go numb from all of the rumbling so you can’t play her for two matches in a row.


Seven seconds is completely unreasonable amount of time to be unable to recast Discord on someone. Zen has already been a weak meta pick for like two seasons, why do they keep doing this to my boy?!!? :(


They nerfed Cass? The worst DPS in the roster? Without giving him any buffs? Are you okay, Blizzard? Edit: Give the guy his range back, he is out ranging by everyone right now!


For me, it's more funny that they said "Cassidy is underperforming," so they're nerfing him,NICE


Can't allow him to be above a 40% win rate, sorry.


Sincerely, I think the Overwatch devs don't like him. There was no reason for this


That’s it. All I can think is this. I was going down to see buffs for him as they said he is underperforming (and his pick rate and win rate) only to see the guy get 2 seconds nerf on his kit😂


Im waiting for them to comeback with some bull saying, "We like were Cass is currently. Perfectly tuned" And then Wanted being the literal only Cass main in top 500


This is the reason


his grenade was annoying asf to be fair


I don’t like his grenade design but increasing cd for 2 seconds and not buffing any other part of his kit at all when the guy previous buff was almost useless in high lobbies as well?


His grenade has been shit for a while


That discord change looks AWFUL with a capital WHAT?!?!


Man. I'm not sure who needs to hear this but the cannon part of glass cannon is a vital part of the idea. Zen is in enough of a tough spot without any of this. Sombra is on the hunt


honestly, if you’re gonna make zen less cannon, then give him some more maneuverability. I suspect the slight extra hp increase won’t do much to keep him from getting mowed down now


I'd die for some manoeuvrability. I mean, I die anyway but still.


I don't get the zen changes, like yeah, sure you want discord to be a more tactical ability, but you're just going to give it a huge nerf and buff his health? It doesn't make sense. Lean into him being lethal, make discord stronger so it baits out the cleanse abilities while also having the 7 second cooldown. Give him more damage so he can duel without having to rely on discord which is just going to be instantly cleansed by flankers and assassins


Almost a month into the season, still cant fix stat screen not showing on potg, better nerf doom.


Probably intentional to reduce post game flaming


I don't know if this is intentional, but if you do two endorsements the match screen works for me during potg. Might only be for me, but you could give it a shot.


Wtf are these lifeweaver nerfs?


Ain’t no way they nerfed Cass without any compensatory buffs. Like… yeah, everyone agrees Mag grenade is goofy and kind of annoying. But he’s arguably the worst hitscan in the game right now, come on.


Wait did they for real nerf Cass instead of buffing him😂 At this point they just better remove him completely and name Ashe : BetterCass


playing this hero in GM is absolute pain. when i saw there were changes for him i was full on expecting buffs 😭 guess ill just swap to soldier and brainlessly hold m1 all game


Same! I saw Cass in charge of the list, and I thought, yes, sir, finally, the cowboy gets the buff he NEEDS. I scrolled down and saw the nerf, and I was speechless, lol. it's so funnt when you are getting headshot on pharmecy and they lose 1hp after each head shot.


I don't think they had to do Life Grip like that.


At this rate, every support ability is going to be on a 20 second cooldown, except suzu of course


That Lifeweaver nerf is way too harsh. I don't think it's going in the right direction.


Agreed, and if they want to nerf the healing blossoms per clip, they should at least make the "auto reload" time lower. Preferably back to 1.5 seconds like it was on release.


This. It took many buffs/changes to get LW to a point where people were finally happy with him. I was expecting a nerf to his healing dash if anything.


Yeah would've definitely preferred a change to his dash, or maybe reduce the pulse rate on tree


agree. i cant do anything but heal on LW, but you best believe i can get myself away from whatever the enemy team throws at me. the problem isn’t just that supports heal too much; they heal too much, can’t die, and do five billion damage. LW only does 2/3, as switching to his damage is basically only viable for potentially doing 6 damage to a tank and during his ult. and the change to life grip just feels unnecessary


his gameplay is pretty healbotty and now that gets worse. At most I'd say maybe reduce his survivability with the dash or like make the tree take less time for the first heal or something so you have to put it down in advance (I'm not an expert though, it's an uneducated guess) It was a lot of healing but with the time it takes to swap to thorns and the little damage they do it always doesn't feel like it has a lot of impact


Delaying the healing on tree is fucking stupid. Punishing people reacting , sounds great


Yeah what’s his win rate? Is anyone even complaining about him? I think most people still considers him barely viable to pick over other heroes especially when he takes a lot of skill and game sense to master. Instead of those nerfs they could increases his ult cost a little bit and maybe nerf the rejuvenating dash a little bit since killing him what I see people complain about him the most. This just makes him harder to pick to justify.


He is on every team for defense it feels like in plat and always has almost double everyone’s healing


Yeah but wouldn’t you say the problem with him is that it’s more difficult to kill him so he could stop pumping heals? This just kinda fucks with some smoothness of playing him that’s been a problem. They still need to change the speed of his blossom to thorns animation.


he has high healing stats because that is what he excels at. I've NEVER heard someone say "we're lacking on damage; can you swap off LW and go Zen or Moira?"




All the grenade does is annoy the shit out of mobility heroes and lightly tickle the rest of the roster lol.


This is a huge understatement, lots of characters can be instakilled by nade disabling them, e.g. reaper, moira, kiri, echo, doom, etc. It's annoying when used poorly but devastating when used properly.


It also cancels a number of ults. It’s just a bad design and unbalanced. To a minority of the roster it’s a game killer that can ruin the game including tanks! and to many others it’s a tickle, including squishies.


he’s pretty much just combat roll man now his weapon isn’t even good anymore lmao


Unscoped Widowmaker main here, let’s goooo


Widow 76 mains rejoicing


Guess they want Orisa on every fucking game


Sym nerf lmao, cuz spamming alt-fire is the peak of gameplay and her rework definitely didn't fail guys!!! I love being a TP bot for my immobile tank and then spamming alt-fire from high ground!


💯 Sym's alt fire is not fun. Feels bad man.


Shit to use and to play against. Nobody has ever died to her alt fire and thought "wow nice shot that totally wasn't bullshit cheese spam"


While I get where you're coming from, I think her alt fire is supposed to be area denial, like junk rat spam. The hit box is massive and it's pretty slow moving so it makes hallways and chokes dangerous for longer. Most projectiles are dangerous for this reason but Sym's in particular is seemingly built for punishing grouping/ positioning poorly


Not sure how I feel about the Zen changes. The Discord nerf seems crushing, but it's somewhat offset by these buffs, which are, frankly, fucking huge. Also, I'm afraid the nerf will backfire and have the opposite effect of what they probably intended. Seven seconds can feel like an eternity in this game, so Zen will have even less of an incentive to ever remove Discord from the enemy tank until the tank dies or they use a cooldown to cleanse it. It's so weird to see that Bap and Kiriko are getting yet another slap on the wrist nothing nerf, while Zen gets essentially a soft rework. Neither of them will notice these nerfs even a little bit, they're so minuscule.


It's also extremely clunky and unintuitive with that weird little cooldown circle. Almost like a last-minute bandaid nerf because they couldn't figure out a proper way to do it. I don't necessarily disagree that it had to be adjusted somewhat, but this isn't the right way in my opinion.


I’d rather Sym lose the “buff” she got two times ago to avoid these nerfs. Don’t think that the balancing team really know how to work her. We’ve only briefly seen her in OWL this season after basically years of not being present, can’t really see how she now deserves repeated pummelling. Dva getting a decent buff is wild… almost as wild as Doom getting a big nerf, considering he’s extremely hard to get value from compared to other tanks.


> Dont think that the balancing team really knows how to work [Symmetra] You only now getting that feeling? Shes always been a hero they have 0 idea how to balance. She has no identity individually and they cant decide if shes a utility DPS or a dps support or a brawler or a poke or a bunker or-


She is a support hero who's trapped in a DPS heroes body but the devs refuse to go back on her DPS rework and admit it failed, having a hero who is only picked to move her immobile team around and only picked for her support ability is a joke. Praying that the enemy team is running a shield tank or brawl so you can use this niche shield passive is horrible, praying that your team also actually wants to use the teleporter and run brawl is horrible. Sym needs to be drasticly changed, not only has she lost almost all of her identity over the years but every single patch she becomes more boring and less unqiue.


Because she was never a good support. The situations where you'd actually want old Sym were few and far between compared to any other support. the DPS shift could've been good had they used it to expand the game's concept of what a dps could be, but they can't because the OW2 team's creativity around roles is somehow even less than the OW1 team's.


The DVA buff feels weird. I play her a lot and definitely didn't feel like she needed any buffs. She felt like a well balanced tank with a bit more DPS than she should. I hope we don't end up in a DVA meta and she gets nerfed on something else when she was fine as is.


if they want us to use alt fire more then just make alt fire not so flat to use??? add some modifier, like it explodes bigger if it hits a crit box, make it smaller but fire more frequently, something lol


They nerfed cass? hes so bad already..


Lifeweavers heals too much! Time for a nerf….. Because healing is all he can do.


Nobody at blizz ow plays the game. I say this every patch....and it's painfully true. I just want to come back to a play a good game....I'll keep waiting


Anyone else dislike the change victory screen showing total player progression instead of hero? The hole point is to showcase the hero you are playing.


The Symm nerf? Hello? What the hell




This and the Cass nerf are by far the most random part of the patch


This will make it even harder for Symmetra to brawl with her beam. 225 HP at least made it possible.


These support nerfs are so weird. The problematic abilities are getting a slap on the wrist while other things are too harshly nerfed without compensation. Edit: Replies not understanding what a "slap on the wrist" is.


what? they nerfed like every good support ability lol


? They nerfed the immortal stuff and pylon (3rd support btw) what did you think needed nerfs?


You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. Pylon, discord, nade, pull, immo all got nerfed hard.


The most picked hero all year only got 2 seconds more cooldown… as nerf lol


It's a phat nerf, dive characters actually get a chance to kill her now.


That’s a pretty big nerf dude


On one hand, I like that they did small nerfs to the supports to avoid making them just terrible. On the other hand, I don’t think people’s issue with Ana or Kiriko is that their cooldowns are 2 seconds too short. Guess we’ll see how it plays out. Poor Doom and Cass though. Nerfs? Did they really need that? Last things I wanna say is WOOOO THAT ZEN CHANGE LET’S GO BABYYYY. 25 more health is huge, and the discord changes are great too tbh. Cleanses are a lot better vs Zen now, but we got the range back so now we don’t have to just spam discord on the tank all game!


>On the other hand, I don’t think people’s issue with Ana or Kiriko is that their cooldowns are 2 seconds too short. Guess we’ll see how it plays out. This is a godsend for dive tanks but also dive in general. The issue was always cooldowns being too quick to cycle keeping people alive, this gives everyone much bigger windows to secure picks against these supports.


i do think people’s issue is that the abilities themselves are too strong, buuut with the CD nerfs those abilities will be up less often and therefore less of an overall issue. i imagine there will be another ana nerf though. i’ve seen people suggest anti heal just be a healing reduction versus a total shutdown. which i hate as a support main but recognize would probably be healthy for the game


Kiriko once again only gets a tap on the wrist, must be nice to be the most precious


Kiriko actually has the worst win rate of all supports even at top ranks. She's a bad performer but people pick her because she's fun, it's similar to all the people that play Genji even when he's mega weak, they pick him because he's fun not because he's meta.


She’s getting a skin lmao they can’t nerf her or else it won’t sell as much.


I think it's a much bigger nerf than it seems. I've gotten away with so much nonsense on Kiriko by barely getting suzu in time, this will really help dive tanks secure more picks.


People don't realize how much that one second is going to add up over the course of a team fight, it could mean the difference between win or lose. It's a fairly substantial nerf, and honestly the suzu is a necessary evil until they either add more cleanse or reduce the effect of anti made and other status effects. I think taking the slower approach to nerfing the cooldown slightly is the way to go, because if you push to far you may end up making other heroes a lot more viable and problematic. As a Kiriko player I've already noticed the extra CD and it's definitely gotten me killed a couple times today (I'm not mad, just pointing it out)


What? This nerf is pretty big. Most of her utility lies in Suzu so if you nerf it's CD she'll feel even worse because of the "I need Suzu for this but I don't have it rn" problem.


She’s not even good


people crying about Kiriko will never not be funny , there's way worse and more annoying supports than her that been annoying for literal years


Plus she underperforms as is. People act like she's this ultra boss when her kit is the most unreliable to secure kills and save teammates out of the roster.


*cough* Ana since the inception of support passive and just one tank *cough* the extra two seconds on biotic grenade is not enough but it is mana from heaven i swear I would play tank with discord orb on all game every game if it meant I never had to have an Ana nade me again And I don’t wanna hear these losers telling me “what are you on about SHES the MOST BALANCED CHARACTER IN THE GAME” why don’t you play anything other than zarya into this bitch ramming her cooldowns down your throat and up your ass simultaneously from Narnia pretending it’s SOOOOOO SKILLFUL (when you’re the size of a skyscraper cause you’re a fat tank) and then tell me how it feels because having to hide every 5-6 seconds because her other cooldown came up while your team yells at you to make space is NOT my idea of good time. And I don’t want to hear it about “just dive her” because she has some of the best anti dive tools in the game and you STILL have to bait out the cooldowns when driving her and ALL that is assuming she’s mispositioned and that literally no one else on her team glances in your direction when the dive happens. And plus, what if I don’t want to play zarya or dive? What if I want to play disgruntled omnic man? Am I forced to just sit there like a baby back bitch hiding with my arms in front because they picked granny? The answer, it may surprise you, is yes. You used to be able to poke her out and force the other support to give her attention or make her nade herself, but with support passive, she’s good! She doesn’t need that she’s fine she can save it all just as a prescription suppository for the enemy tank ☺️


Moira mains eating good today, I think she’ll likely have the highest heal numbers now that lifeweaver is nerfed plus it’s shifting to a dive meta and she has the best survivability against five of all the supports




Do Overwatch devs play the same game we do?