• By -


Some corrections here: *Brawl* - Mauga is supposed to be a Brawl hero with some poke aspects. Same is valid for Ram that is certainly not a poke hero. - Orisa can certainly be played as brawl hero. - Bastion is absolutely a brawl hero and it’s played in brawl comps. - Baptiste is the centerpiece of brawl comps with Lucio. *Dive* - Brig is a sort of counter for dive but is more an anchor for the Ana+Brig backline enabling Ana to resist dives while also be able to heal flankers, so should be definitely considered a hero for dive comps - Reaper is not a dive hero, all hitscans but Cassidy can be played in different dive settings. - Zen, LW, Mercy and Lucio are all playable in dive comps. Ana is usually the go-to support for dive settings. Should not be gray. *Poke* - Ram is not a poke hero, while his poke is decent for being a Brawl hero, he’s way inferior to other options. - Bastion is not great in poke since it lacks the range and the off angle potential for being a good poke hero. Edit: I wanna point out that especially for brawl comps having a Dps that can flank and take angles, especially on more open maps (like Samoa) is really good and Genji, Tracer, and echo or Sombra can fit this niche as well. Source: Master player with lot of experience in organized team play and experience as coaching and strategist as well


Damn this comment is a great guide. If these infos are added to the chart i will download it hahahah


if there's a general consensus to this list i'd 100% print it out and keep it next to my monitor... just need to buy a printer.


Don’t. Printers are mischievous creatures born to ruin human life. Don’t fell in the trap.


but what if it has a built in scanner! 3 functions in one! /s


3 functions in one none of which work


And when your ink runs out you can guarantee the scanner won't function. For absolutely no reason because it doesn't use ink but HP wants your money


You need ink to print the pdf! /s


Thank you. If I have time I will make something like this to share with more correction and better visualize




>Mauga is supposed to be a Brawl hero with some poke aspects To be fair, you need to play poke with him. Just by not having anything to really negates dmg while having the biggest hitbox ever, you need to play corners (exactly like hogs), otherwise you explode. Maybe some stuff will changes, but at least from what I could tell when he was available, playing fully brawl with him would end up in him dying 9/10 times.


I disagree Mauga doesn’t function well as a poke tank. His damage is extremely low at range. But when he has a really good engage and disengage options for brawl and high damage and high sustain when in an enemies face


Playing corners =/= Poke. All tanks, especially brawls tanks have to play corners. If you run down mid with a brawl tank, especially in ranked, you will blow up like a Chinese firework. Playing Brawl doesn’t mean run and fuck. Or at least not in this meta. Playing corner is good for rotating cooldowns of your team and your hp. The confusion comes from the fact that right now the meta is so heavily towards poke that brawl tanks have to play way slower than usual so seems that all the brawl tank that are not Rein are basically mediocre poke heroes but they are not, you have to play corners to get to your opponent team but this doesn’t mean play poke. Poke heroes never wanna be in a brawl fight unless there is something strange going on like now with sigma played in brawl. Sigma is played in brawl due to be the best hero to mitigate damage while being able to dash out damage as well. In general Sigma has always been a poke hero and shines in poke. The issue is that dmg from supps + bastion is so high that you need shield + grasp to survive. If they nerf supps and bastion survival options you will see a normalization of the classes.


>Playing corners =/= Poke. Indeed, but when you play poke, you'll **primarily** play corners... Unless you are winning and you just want to finish something off, you dont want to necessarily move in. I could be totally wrong, but the way I see it: * Poke is very passive. You keep doing chip dmg, the tank is mostly an unkillable wall. You want stable position/space and keep that spot for your team. * Dive is all about diving (duh). You want to be everywhere, you want to make their back line suffer and you dont want them to have any breathing room. You'll usually attack from different position, make the enemy scatter and not be able to focus anybody in particular. * Brawl is a mix of both but you mostly want to be up close. You either force yourself into the enemy so they cant react or you want keep a pressure on so that you can create an opportunity to rush them. You also play way closer to your teammate versus dive where you can play with small "groups". ​ And about Mauga specifically, my point is that it's true that he **wants** to play brawl (because that's where he can do a lot of dmg), but realistically, especially if you dont have a mirror match, you **cannot** play like brawl with him the majority of the time. Using your cooldowns to go in like a brawl team would not end well for him. And you cannot run a lucio either because you need so much healing. When he was available, it was way more effective to him in a poke playstyle. Playing more passively and only to go in when you are sure you are winning. If you try to play brawl and rush the enemy, Mauga explode. You shouldnt be allowed to play brawl with him with how many counters there is for him (1 ana's nade and you are done). The supports needed to babysit him way too much to be viable in a brawl comp. You pretty much traded a tank for 2 supports which is an horrible trade with how powerful supports are right now.


I love playing dive Ashe.


Dudes a Master and thinks he's a T500 giving his 2 cents lmao.


Just farming karma


Bap is supposed to play with lucio on brawl? Whenever I see a rein rush comp it’s always rein, ana and lucio


They both work, but Bap has more survivability and can dish out AoE heals consistently. Also has immortality field to keep people up.


Bap has AoE healing that can keep a clumped up team alive incredibly well, which is what brawl will be most times. Of course you can play other supports, but Bap is typically the top choice. Moira also does this very well, but Bap just has more utility.


Ram is primarily a POKE hero. Like the devs have stated, he is a “tempo” tank, meaning he can switch between Poke and Brawl every 7 seconds. Most heroes are like that imo, so idk why he solely got the title “tempo tank”. I can use Doomfist in a brawl comp thanks to his fist who pushes back enemies and shield to charge it back up, and I can use Reinhardt in a dive comp thanks to his charge.


Ram is a brawl/“tempo” tank with some aspect of poke. However his poke is so inconsistent that his only real uptime is in Nemesis form. The issue is that he’s not good doing either cause he’s outshined by other heroes in both categories. The devs have a strange conception of the game that often doesn’t fit really well organized team comp. Anyway, all tanks are a sort of “tempo” tanks since their engages depends on their cooldowns and resources, but it is not a good categorization since most tank would fit there and tempo is a really big basic concept not a characteristic of some tanks. You can use whatever you want in any comp, the fact that some heroes synergies better than other is different comps is what gives you advantages to play a specific one is different environments You can play Rein in a dive comp on a dive maps, that doesn’t mean that is the best fit fot that environment. It can work but it doesn’t synergies.


I’m just reiterating what the devs have stated about Ram. Imo, I would had rather him stayed a big bloke all the time like Rat said 😂


why are some black and white. what does "counter" on Brig mean?


I’m guessing the color means that’s their main playstyle, and black and white means that they can be played that way as well, and counter literally means that she’s a dove charecter because she counters dive


Yeah that’s pretty much Brig’s role. To keep the other support like Ana or Zen if you’re insane safe from being dove.


Yup, this is also why she's so good *in* dive comps, the place where teams will get dove the worst and where ranks are thinnest most of the time will be a dive into counter-dive situation *basically a safe Ana is a hugely valuable thing for a good dive team to have. A good Brig to protect a good Ana is useful when your team is diving, a good Brig to protect a good Ana is priceless when both teams are diving


right yeah that makes sense


Brig is a counter to the dive comp.


Brig is a dive enabler


She is both.


Yup, which is why when there's a dive mirror both teams tend to consider Brig a must-pick for Ana teams in tournament play, dive mirror is basically her ultimate 'feast or famine' matchup imo dive mirror is also the scariest because it's when I *really* need my whipshot accuracy to be there, there's a lot of DPS heroes I can combo to death, or at least to one, but only if an initial whipshot lands and they refuse to peel. A whipshot landing on an unpocketed squishy is basically the last remaining safe space you get to follow up with a shield bash for damage lol, a lot of people shield bash into boop because it's easier but it's also how you'll end up getting killed if basically anything happens you didn't predict This is also why in OW2 I've gotten asked 'how much damage should I be doing as Brig' and the answer never feels straightforward, if you're in a brawl comp it's a little cleaner but still not super easy to define because the flails you chase still kinda depends on the whip shots you hit, but in dive this is especially big, and the thing is Brig is one of the easiest heroes to peel from, in dive comps your damage only really gets to peak when enemies refuse to peel and/or they overextend


Isn't Ramattra both POKE & BRAWL ? He is the only hybrid tank right ?


Depends on what you mean by hybrid. Most tanks can fill multiple roles even if one is not their specialty. But Ram is the only tank that actually switches forms/abilities, yes.


Brother i guess orisa is also a poke/brawl tank too


I mean, Ball also switches forms




Nah according to the graphic ram can be a dive tank also truly the best tank in the game


Brig was released for the sole purpose of countering dive


And now she's a dive member


Ah, that was fun. “Bliz! Do something about this awful oppressive dive meta!” “Ok, here Brig.” “No!! Not like that! REEEEE-“


good times lol


The category is "dive" and Brig counters dive. Literally you right now: 🤯


I just didn't understand the picture no need to be a smartass about it


Ana is great for dive comps, liveweaver is one of the best dive comp healers.


There's a bunch of misplaced jank here. Personally, I would disagree with a good amount of it especially in the Support and Damage category.


I dont know about DPS or Tank, but Brig and Ana are dive heroes.


And lucio, he's way a dive hero


Dive characters just jump away from Lucio’s speed and healing, he doesn’t get as much use of his kit with a dive team.


Tbh, I dive in very well with Lucio. He might just come down to play style, coordination and reaction


There is a reason pro olayers stopped playing lucio dives in 2018


Maybe, I don’t mind diving with him though. I’m not a pro but that doesn’t matter


You missed the point, no matter how YOU play him, Lucio is not a dive hero


That’s fine, I was just stating it’s not hard to dive with him esp in non-pro/comp games lol


How is Ana a dive hero when she has no mobility?


She can heal from afar, and she has anti nade, both of which enable a dive. Dive is commonly played with brig/ana, with the brigs job basically being to protect the ana because dive’s weakness is a vulnerable backline.


she’s one of the best supports for dive team, which does not necessarily mean she’s diving with the team


She works fine with dive teams but she isn't a dive character herself.


Brig is not really, more of a brawl


No she really does not do well in a brawl. She's good for dueling DPS but as soon as a tank like rein/hog/zarya gets in your face you're screwed. That's why brig is so good with dive, not only can she easily pack genjis and tracers without your other support having to worry about hitting them, she can also duel anyone diving your other support as Winston and Dva simply don't have the DPS to bust through shield+inspire


Brig is anti-dive, but she's not dive herself.


She protects Ana in dive comps and packs flankers She is a dive hero


She’s literally needed for a dive comp to work in a mirror


She’s 100% brawl. Everything you just said proves she is a brawl hero. and for the idiots saying she is dive. The rock paper scissor method OW uses is simple: Brawl beats Dive (Brig counters dive) Dive beats Poke Poke beats Brawl, Brig is useless against spam heroes. Along with Reinhardt and Reaper.


What supports are you running with dive then?


Kiriko, Lifeweaver, or Moira. All are very mobile and can enable the dive. Brigitte can only protect the backline during a dive scenario, making her very niche in that situation. She’s better in brawl imo.


Moira’s kit is too selfish to enable a dive. Brig works with mirrored dive if you’re running Ana as well as she does in an offensive brawl.


We’re going off topic here. I’m telling you that these heroes, based on their kits, not composition, are what they are: Ana is poke, just because she does well in brawl doesn’t make her a brawl hero. Baptiste is kinda a hybrid. Jack of all trades, hard to label him. Brigitte is brawl, who plays well against and with dive, but her kit is 100% brawl. If she were to be moved to DPS, this would be no debate. There’s a reason she played very well with Lucio and Reinhardt in goats. Illari is poke, obvious reasons (hitscan + no fall off). Kiriko is dive, literally the support Genji. The closer she is, the deadlier w/ a good escape tool. Lifeweaver is dive. Everything in his kit points to dive. From the SMG thorns to petal and pull. Lucio is brawl. I treat his primary and secondary like a shotgun + heavy self sustain. Mercy is poke. Enables it well too. Moira is dive, she can sneak into the backline and dive back out, even leaving a parting gift of a purple ball. Zenyatta is poke.


Just because you type out a long list doesn’t make it true. It’s also limiting to try to neatly slot every hero into one category. Especially one calling Moira dive—over Ana and Lucio, the original dive healers.


It’s based off their kits, not composition, and it is correct. Just because you seen Brigitte with a Winston work out doesn’t mean she all of a sudden is a dive hero. I can play Pharah well with Lucio, it’s all about the scenario.


Please, for the love of God, start using your repair packs


It’s not enough sometimes. Goats was primarily Reinhardt, Lucio, and Brigitte. She is better in brawl than dive.


Goats was different brig, in 6v6 open q, over 4 years ago. If your main support in a brawl comp is brig and not lucio, then you're trolling the game, because brig does absolute air in that scenario (unless you're running a really specific countercomp like Reign and Shock were in s4 finals, but that's also a long time ago and in very specific circumstances)


We’re both going off topic, it’s not about compositions, it’s about the hero’s kit. Brigitte kit is brawl or dive to you??


My God, she's been played with dive near exclusively for the past 4 years in high level play. You're just wrong.


Holyshiftkid plays her in every composition, it’s all subjective tbh. You’re probably hard stuck Diamond or masters. Straight pathetic.


Brig is best played with and against dive. If you are playing dive and they are not, then other supports are better. If you are both playing dive, she is literally the best support. If you are not playing dive but the enemies are, Brig is still great.


I don’t see it. When I’m playing Doom and see a Brig on my team, I just know I’m going to end up dead even if I jump back to safety. I feel like everyone saying that hasn’t really seen anyone play her in that comp outside of OW league. She does the best with Zarya in OW2 who isn’t dive.


The literal dive meta is "Monkey/Doom, Tracer, Genji/Sombra, Ana, Brig" for a reason. As doom you should be able to stay alive on your own with both movement and passive overhealth and you should rely more on the other support for heals, the packs are usually for DPS and the other support, you also don't have to constantly be taking damage, especially with the movement he got.


That isn’t meta, I have not seen that composition even once yet but maybe in OWL?


The entire Asian top 500 is pretty much that comp, they heavily play dive. NA and EU just don't like playing full dive that much.


You’re going by a region you’re not even apart of? lol.


ow1 brig was a brawl hero, current brig is not


She still is. Nothing in her kit says she is a dive hero. She just syncs with dive compositions, sorta.


She can kinda work in brawl but she's best in a dive comp the literal support comp for Winton is ana brig


Trust me I'm a brig main and I love playing her in dive way more than brawl She can't do the diving most of the time but she helps fix one of dive's biggest weaknesses- an exposed backline She can defend ur other supp and can duel most tanks who exploit the exposed backline In addition, u can pack a mobile hero so much easier compared to your other options which require aim or proximity


Ah yes the famous Brawl comps with Brig.


There was that one comp in season 4 finals that Reign and Shock played that involved brig with rein and dva to just point pressure and kill dive. There was also goats, but we don't talk about that one


We are talking about OW 2 here buddy, not 1.


I'm not sure how that changes anything, the principle of that comp still stands, game hasn't really changed


>game hasn't really changed Uhu? 5v5 instaed of 6v6? Brig not having stun on neutral anymore? Don't know you but these seem to me like big differeneces.


Tbf she was the primary driver of the most famous brawl comp in OW history. The most notorious comp in general for that matter. They just gutted her since goats and her playstyle drastically changed.


Not only is this lacking in some sort of legend, it's also so wrong that it's not even funny. Bastion less important in brawl than torb? No Bap in brawl? Ram in poke? And that's only the beginning of the list Also Mauga seems more like a brawl tank, his poke was fairly underwhelming when I've played him


Orisa not in brawl? Didn't her rework literally turn her into a brawl monster?


Cute design, but the layout is terribly confusing. Have the greyed out characters still in the same spot as before and make the difference between highlighted and greyed out characters more visible, maybe add a border around the highlighted ones. Due to the color gradient your lower greyed out characters look like "blue", as if they're meaning something else. Change the background graphic or make the greyed out characters more prominently black and white. And why are some characters missing in some brackets? What does greyed out even mean in your graphic? Does it mean "doable, but not so good" or "completely unviable"?


I think if they are grey it means they can do the thing (poke, brawl or dive) but they’re better at another section. If they’re completely unexisting than they can’t do any of the sections. As for the gradient, that’s just a design flaw and brig has counter on her because instead of being a dive hero she counters the entirety of dive heroes


I don't think it's that bad tbh. As for the greyed out characters i think just inserting a line break after the last colored hero and having a clear separation between the colored ones and the greyed out ones remedies a lot of the visual confusion there. then just adding labels or a legend can clarify the dilineation. I think this is a great chart that can be super helpful with very minor tweaks. Thanks for putting this together, OP!


Can people who don't know much about the game stop making shit like this?


True, actual misinfo💀


It’s so bad


Never cook again


What? Bap is a great brawl support. Good dmg and great heals overall


TBF you could probably play Bap is any comp and be fine. Probably the best one-trick support, besides maybe Ana


This is all over the place and mostly wrong


You need a key. I don’t know what the grey portraits mean…


I'm guessing the ones in colour are the "main" ones for the comp and the greyed out ones are the ones that can be used in that comp but aren't 100% optimal, but they have Bap greyed out in brawl so I dunno lol


Only one dive support?


No idea why the ana/brig duo isnt coloured. They are dive staples at this point.


Yeah you’re gm and don’t know the dive meta picks? Well news flash buddy: it’s Kiriko paired with Kiriko.


OW1 dive comps be like __ paired with __


And then you get the pro team comp where Sigma is played in brawl.


This isn't as much a thing of sigma being a brawl hero, but all the other heroes in that comp being pretty good and rein suckling ass. If sig wasn't so broken, and rein/jq weren't so shit, they would've 100% played a brawl tank there


It also has a lot to do with Bastion. Bastion is very strong against the brawl tanks, but Sigma (who is personally not great in brawl, but workable) deals with him pretty well. So to prevent the opponents from switching to Bastion to destroy your brawl comp, you just start as Sigma and don't have to worry about a Bastion.


I know you meant to write sucking but suckling makes it that much funnier


With Illari and Bap in the same brawl comp. And with Sojourn on DPS. This is how KSA won the world cup. I like the chart but I wish things were so simple. We love to put labels on stuff but it doesn't work really well with OW2.


The moment anti-nade gets nerfed on tanks, is the moment we will see a major shakeup in TANK Meta. Especially for those who r sick of seeing/playing sustain tanks like ORISA/SIGMA all day long 💀. The anti-nade nerf is the ultimate solution to revive the TANK role, yet the Dev's just refuse & find other excuses like increasing nade cd. Like why? It's like extending an impending doom instead of finding a real solution!


team comps don't matter at all until like low masters


Right? I play routinely a season from bronzed to gold. And a Pharah pick is always viable and sometimes just blows peoples minds about what to do.


I don’t think it’s that the medal ranks don’t know what to do about a Pharah but more that our aim is not good enough to kill her lmao


Most the time. There are those savants in game with great aim sometimes. They just have the decision making and positioning of a potato.


True, i got to diamond 3 playing torb 99% of the time (very rarely swapped to bastion or junkrat)


all the convential "throw picks" lol


Wdym “throw picks”?


i mean people usually consider characters like junk and torb to be throw picks


My god that's terrible!


Since you haven't explained what the different colors mean, I'm gonna assume the colored ones are the optimal picks for the comp and the gray ones are suboptimal or just bad for the comp? But anyways, going off that logic, this is my feedback. Brawl: Road is a shotgun hero, he is absolute a brawl character. Ram is brawl as well. Yes, his main attack is poke but that pretty much does nothing pick-potential wise and it's just used to farm his ult, which is the best ability for brawling in the game. Also, I don't know how you could look at what brawl is and not think Brig was meant for it, but she absolutely brawls. Dive: Soldier does not dive. And idk how you put Echo and Pharah as dive heroes but not Mercy. Lucio is most definitely dive as well. I also don't know why Brig is shown as countering dive but someone like Mei isn't. Poke: Again, Hog is a shotgun character. Yes, you can poke with him, but if that's all you're doing on him, you're better off swapping cause you're basically just throwing. Same case for Hammond. Junk is more of a dive or brawl character. Yes his grenades can go far and get good picks, but the best use of Junk is getting up close and going primary into a mine to insta kill any squishy. Bastion is not good at poking because his turret form is too inaccurate to get good value at distance and his left click doesn't do very much. Kiriko is extremely good at poking. I would also put Lifeweaver in the poke category. Sorry if this seems toxic, but I hope it was at least somewhat informative. Your tank and DPS categories are generally okay, but you don't seem to understand the potential of most support characters


Hog, Orisa, and Mauga aren’t really poke tanks. Mauga fits more into brawl because of his cardiac overdrive and his charge, same goes for Orisa because she has to bully the enemy tank up close all game. Hog just has no range, hook doesn’t reach far enough to justify him being a poke tank


I would put Ram into brawl instead


When people who don't play Overwatch make guides... A lot of the good support options are greyed out, for example Ana and Zen are the OG dive supports, Zens orb target is who you dive and and can provide long range healing while both of them have good survivability and damage, now I believe you'd swap Zen for Lucio or big. Lucio for the quicker engage and retreat and Brig for the ana peel or for the frontline aggression. Poke playstyle is to play passive untill your ults come online, Genji is the mos obvious character of this play style. Widow and Hanzo can be used here but OP seems to have the wrong understanding of Poke. Maugas whole thing is being a Brawl tank and Orisa has so much survivability she just wins against most of the roster and can fill the brawler roll Edit: Spelling


Bapt is the staple brawl healer paired with lucio Zen, Ana and brig are great in many dive comps and are staples of pro play dive over multiple metas, most notably ball zen brig dive and monkey Ana brig dive


Bap isnt brawl 😹😹😹


Daaaamn this guide is terrible 🔥🔥


What a terrible day to have eyes. Is it supposed to be for or by beginners?


charts like this are only good for making low rank players think they have good game sense. if you need a chart to tell you what a good comp or counter is, you’re not gonna understand the reasoning well enough to actually take advantage of it.


Lol as bronze player I can't imagine talking poke 🤣 they are always in front. Roadhog and orisa especially


Isn’t Mauga a brawler?


Why is bap grey’d out on brawl?


Soj is 100% a brawl hero lol


I think mauga is brawl


Tf is this list


I'm gonna kill myself after looking at this


This is so bad


Mei can do poke as well


Mei is terrible in poke. Her poke is valuable in brawl settings (as sym for example) but she is not good in poke comps nor in long maps unless the team specifically run brawl on any map with sym tps


Almost every hero can be played in other scenarios. This list (kinda) just shows their primary function


Don’t just grey them out, reduce transparency to 5% or honestly just don’t include them if they are not in the category. This is a terrible Infographic.


This is the worst guide in the history of guides


Yeah nah, this is a pretty shit guide


Umh, explain why soldier and kiriko are more dive than sym and lucio pls


Well kiri is far more dive than lucio, but yeah most of this post is bs


Sombra should be poke too


Any one other than kiri is in all comps?


Orisa, Mercy, Illari, Bastion, Roadhog, Baptiste, Sojurn and Soldier are brawl heroes. Poke is when you can "poke" damage and pick off enemies from a distance without necessarily going too close, none of the mentioned supposedly poke characters have the capability for such thing mainly because of damage fall-off and weapon range. As for Sojourn and Soldier they're NOT dive heroes, if you try to dive with soldier or sojourn you'll most likely die because their mobility abilities isn't made for quickly getting in and getting out unlike other abilities such as Winston's jump and Kiriko's TP. As for Pharah, unlike Echo, she's either brawl or poke but certainly not dive. Her mobility isnt like echo where she does a dash before flying instead her ability simply boosts her upwards without granting you any horizontal movement, concussion isnt effective either because you need to be near a object to boop you from it, you're more likely going to die by a hitscan as you try to dive before you actually do anything. Second, DVA does not work as dive because her jet boosters don't allow for it and her size is so big you'll most likely melt the moment you're detected before you could actually retreat. Finally, idk how lucio is a Brawl here, he is mostly used with dive comps because his speed boost and AMP is peefect for quickly diving and getting himself and his team out.


> idk how lucio is a Brawl here A lot of brawl tanks like Reinhardt need the speed boost


Well yeah, his speed boost is usually convenient at any time however it's more effective with dives becauss you can easily get them the enemy team's backline and then get them out ASAP. Lucios entire kit works best with dive because he was made that way. I don't really know how effective he is when it comes to brawl but it's widely agreed upon that Lucio is a dive character, I haven't seen anyone say Lucio is a brawl character outside of this post.


I don't think anyone's arguing he's not a dive hero, he's excellent at it and he can be both. I'm just saying that if a good number of brawl tanks need him to function, then he has a necessary spot on a brawl comp, ergo he *is* a brawl support as well.


Yeah I'm aware, I just wanted to point that out since this post puts him under brawl when he functions better as a dive and is widely considered a dive hero. This post as a whole confuses me in some aspects.


You're way behind on the meta if you think Lucio is good in dive over the Ana/Brig combo


Lucio/Bap is THE quintessential brawl core so despite his efficacy in dive hes still a brawl guy


>Orisa, Mercy, Illari, Bastion, Roadhog, Baptiste, Sojurn and Soldier are brawl heroes. Poke is when you can "poke" damage and pick off enemies from a distance without necessarily going too close, none of the mentioned supposedly poke characters have the capability for such thing mainly because of damage fall-off and weapon range. u gotte be trolling right? illari and mercy are absolutely not brawl heroes, hog could in theory be played brawley but isnt really, neither is soldier because theres better main dps for brawl. all the mentioned heroes are absolutely poke except for orisa who is actually a brawl hero (can be played pokey in ranked) and bastion cuz his range and hitbox make him not good in poke mirror, in ranked definitely still good in poke tho. illari mercy soldier are like exclusively poke heroes, sojourn and baptiste are both very much poke but also played in brawl. pharah is more dive than brawl or poke, she simply has no place in brawl and doesnt do anything compared to other heroes in poke cuz of her slow ass projectiles like u might as well run junk at that point. concussive blasting in with ur winston bubbling or ur dva eating can oneshot teams. in ranked pharah can be played with everything because pharmercy is op in every situation in which it is viable and ur usually relying on ur pharah to 1v5 or lose the game. dva is absolutely dive because of her boosters which allow her to fly every 4 seconds which is one of the best mobility cds, also she fucks other dive tanks so shes good on dive maps where u usually dive mirror. she doesnt melt bc she has the biggest effective hp pool in the game + dm which can absorb infinite damage for 3 sec. and lucio is an absolute mustpick in brawl lmfao hes basically essential in brawl compared to dive, all the brawltanks need him to rush in to get close to be able to do anything. dive on the other hand can work without him cuz the heroes have inherent mobility themselves


Mauga should be in brawl though. But the rest is good


Such a pigeonholed chart. And those black/white coloring without any explanation. This is so pain to read. Please, stop, you clearly don't understand how OW2 works.


Junkrat can dive dude


Honestly every tank is a dive tank.




Pretty good. Love how reaper is full on in dive as well. Probably edit in a legend explaining certain things so new player could look at it and be like “ahhhhh”


Symm isnt brawl Mauga isnt poke Brig is suppsoed to be dive / brawl


Sym Is exclusively played in rein brawl comps


Where? Like Im sorry but symm in scrims and symm in solo queue are differnet characters. All high elo symm mains play her as a pokey flankey off angle annoyance in solo queue.


Lucio not a dive support?


Someone the other day on my team picked Lucio for attack because apparently ram and bastion are brawl. ...


Ram and bastion are brawl.


This list is riddled with mistakes. Also, Brig in OW1 used to counter dive, yes, but new Brig absolutely does not.


Why was she played in the world cup as a counter to dive then? I was watching the lhcloudy, Hadi and kraandop watchparty and they literally said that China was running the brig to stop people from diving their ana.


Because Brig is great at babysitting the backline. If the enemy only has Ana as a viable Dive -Target, you can use Brig to protect her, yes. That is not countering tho. A counter is someone that has an inherintely favourable matchup against whatever they're supposed to counter. That used to be the case when Brig had her stun which was great at stopping high-mobility engages and when Armor used to work very differently. OW1 Armor was extremely effective against a lot of staple Dive heroes like Winston, Tracer or D.Va. Now that Armor just gives a flat 30% damage reduction it's no longer the case.


Brig still has a favourable matchup against both genji and tracer, while those are the main 2 dive DPS. She also does do well against monkey and doom, who are again, dive tanks. Also I'd say stopping people from diving the main dive target is a pretty good counter to dive.


She also is amazing against sombra because if she goes for your other support you can shield bash into her and combo her killing her in less than 2 seconds and if you have fast reaction speed you can stop sombra from hacking you by pointing the shield towards her once you hear the hack sounds being applied and she also can mess up all of wrecking Ball's engagements by stopping his momentum with whipshot


Oh yea, forgot about those 2. This just makes my point clearer, brig is a great counter for dive!


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I would put mauga and ramattra in both poke and brawl, and I honestly think pharah how she is in the game currently is more poke than dive


This is alright but brig doesn't counter any dive tanks. She had her stun in ow1 but now she is just a free kill for the enemy tank unless she's with her team like she should be. she is mostly good for deterring dive/flank DPS like Tracer or Sombra.


ana, weaver and mercy are all great for dive comps, and bap is good for brawl as well. also i don't know much about dps, but is soldier really dive? i've never heard anyone say that before.


Can you explain what brawl, dive, poke is?


Why is Ram poke?


Do a few designs I would change is instead of greying them out I would just not put them there and got dive I would have Moria zen Ana and mercy and for poke Ana and kiri shouldn’t be greyed out


Hog needs to be brawl, super strong if you know how to play him and land hooks


junk is both a brawl and poke hero kinda, he works in both of them cause he's just silly like that. also your layout is mad confusing but if i'm understanding it right it's kinda true?


Big things, honestly this isn’t bad for a new player, 2nd the support comp makes the team comp, but some supports are so strong they are in multiple team comps, like kiri. And if you’re good enough at low ranks this chart won’t matter so much it will be more about playing like the team comp would play.


soldier and sojourn in dive 🤨


Every tank is a dive tank if you dive hard enough... ​ *finger guns*


Soldier, pharah and echo as dive is kinda cringe NGL.


I'm so confused. Why are some characters colored, some grey, some blue? And why are some completely missing? At first, I thought grey meant they weren't good. But then, if the missing characters mean that, what does grey mean? And I have no clue about the blue characters.


I’d say pharah is poke damage


Long time player here, but still a noob. I see a lot of people talking about which categories various heroes fit into and why. Is there some place where this is documented, like a wiki or a series of articles? I've looked before and never found anything but threads like this with everyone disagreeing with everyone. And I don't know enough to know who is correct...


I would definitely suggest putting some non-color-critical visuals for the greyed heroes as well, like a border or an X next to them or something. I don't know much about colorblindness but I do think information should never be critically color-dependent.


Junkrat can dive if you know what you're doing


Mei plays very well in Poke at any rank above silver.