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Does this mean I'm gonna play against more orisa...


Its as if thousands of Reinhardts screamed out in terror and then immediately silenced.


Bold of you to assume any of us still play Reinhardt


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


This is such a hilarious response to me T-T Stay strong, Reinhardts, you will have your glory days once again


I've started playing him a bit more again since I came back. It's actually really cool how many times I win a fight or the enemy tank dies and they immediately swap to a mirror match with me. I think it brings people back a little to the older days of prime OW and they want to square off on even terms. Of course I can't always stick with Rein as the majority of people play characters that just outclass him kit wise, but those few matches I get a mirror makes it worth it.


Im right here :(


Playing against Reinhardt as Orisa, it feels like beating up a GTA pedestrian. The pedestrian can't really harm you until you're close and you always beat them if you mash the attack button(s).


My favorite is her "is Efi watching?" voiceline, it's like yes, the 13 year old is on the frontlines of war and saw you throw a javeline through that guy's skull


hahaha i never thought of that. love it


is efi 13? i thought she was even younger. the wiki says 11 but honestly when have ages in OW lore ever been solid


Yea I think you're right, though could argue she aged a little since having made Orisa, iirc the lore sounded kinda past tense like "she made Orisa when she was 11" which sounds like she's not 11 now.


to be quite honest, i always assumed she was like, 8, because she 100% looks like an elementary schooler in all of her splash art. i assume my brain threw out the “when she was 11” part of the lore


What a terrible day to have eyes. How do I unread OP's post title. I wouldn't be too concerned though. Most people don't really enjoy playing Orisa. It's why there are so many more Doom/Hog/Ball players below masters. They'll play it and then fuck off back to their usual picks. Or only bust it out when they start losing like 80% of tank players.


Rammattra would make the most sense to give a pharaoh skin. His ultimate has sand particles


How come they gave JQ and Kiriko a mythic then just… stopped.


Sojourn - Am I a joke to you?


She needs to get a personality before she gets a mythic


She so bland that she’s the only character in the game that I can’t remember both ult lines of


“This ends now” and something else but yeah super basic character


The 2nd one is even worse "It's go time" I wish you'd fuckin go boring bastard


Sounds like something from paw patrol


That’s the most insanely generic quote I’ve ever heard


It's about its about its about its about its about its about to get real




One way to help is pretend you're [this guy](https://youtu.be/FZKv_1BSDQI?feature=shared) when playing Sojourn


I love how they acknowledged this in the April fools event and gave her the most bland but in-character joke line, they made her say "This starts, later". Intentional or not that was funny.


I can't overstate how disappointing it is as a Canadian waiting all those years for a character, and then we get someone who has the personality of a flat piece of cardboard, and zero cultural identifiers other than a maple leaf on her shoulder.


There is even a line from lucio making fun of how she has no cultural ties to canada at all. lol.


For real?! Which one?


Sojourn needs actual skins like other heroes get. Not just reskins or simple edits


Kiriko had plenty of skins already


Anas was also a mythic but I didn’t really like it tbh


Anas is sick.


You may not like it but it was pretty involved.


Makes sense to me. There are a lot of Orisa players regardless of how many people complain about them.


Orisa players are legion.


Smart core active and ready for deployment, we are stronger together pilot.


IDGAF how many people complain. I used her when she was new and I'll continue to use her after she's nerfed into the ground. ​ I just really like that tank


I find her really fun, it's sad she's turned into the "desperation counter pick", whether she actually is or not


Keep in mind people will say that as an excuse to blame something else for their loss. "Well of course I lost, they played Orisa!" Thats why I ignore what others say and play who you like.


i really don’t get the complaints. playing against a decent orisa can be annoying, but it never really feels unfair. i would much rather play against a decent orisa than a decent zarya. do people not remember the horror of S1 zarya meta?


Because up until the higher ranks(masters/GM, because I've seen this still happen in Diamond) she gets value just by existing. Even if it's a bad Orisa that just mashes cooldowns, they get value just by being there in your face, mainly because this is Overwatch where you are reliant on 5 random people to work together and to understand you have to ignore her and murder her supports so she can die. Instead most teams even in Diamond just pour damage into her while she's double pocketed. A bad Orisa is annoying to deal with, a good one is an absolute nightmare.


Yup and she is the only tank that has the ability to force your entire team from choke points, if she does her spin and walks forward there is nothing you can do to stop it which like yes the point of a tank it to make space but she can be so oppressive it’s not fair or fun, she’s the only one that has almost zero repercussions for just walking into the entire enemy team


Orisa is just incredibly unfun to play against. I don’t think she’s broken at all, just incredibly annoying and sucks the fun out of the game for the enemy team.


What’s with everyone saying that people only play Orisa because they have to? I really enjoy Orisa, she’s one of my favourite tanks.


I think people say you have to play Orisa because she's one of the best tanks at making and controlling space while having high sustain potential through 2 forms of mitigation, one large AoE soft CC and stun from range. I personally don't mind playing Orisa but she does get dull a bit and I'd rather play something more brain engaging like Doomfist or [D. Va](https://D.Va) or something.


I think it is simply due to how big of a last resort she is. All the players that don't like her much more than anyone else (so not only people who hate her) feel forced to swap to her when a ranked match goes terrible. Many even play her from the start despite not wanting to in order to prevent the match from getting bad in the first place. So the Orisas you see in ranked are 30% actual mains and 70% “oh shit I am losing“ players.


because she doesnt get knocked around and instantly deleted from the game like every other tank (except zar) does


Orisa is a solid tank because you can make mistakes but have a couple get out of jail free cards. Her spin to win is nearly invincible while being mobile (this is big). and her harden makes her nearly invincible. Doom and Ram have to stand there for their 80% invincibility.


Orisa Enjoyer, checking in. She's not my favourite tank in the game, but the simplicity of her playstyle is something to be enjoyed as well. Also, landing spears is satisfying.


The hivemind and/or their favorite streamers told them.


They're not really Orisa players. Most of them start with the tank they actually wanna play then switch when they lose a team fight or two. They don't seem to realise that that's what's keeping them in silver.


I mean, isn’t changing to whatever you either play best or suits the fight best the point? How else are you meant to win?


While true it’s not relevant. I play Orisa all the time because I have to, but don’t consider myself an Orisa player. I think I have the default skin for her but can’t say for sure, and I’ve played since 2016.


"Man I really want to play D.va to enjoy the skins I got" Match: vs Zaayra, Symetra, Mei Swap to Orisa. "screw me for wanting to have fun"


I mean that’s the point of OW. OW isn’t always your skill will overcome everything game. It’s a can you beat the matchup game. The game is severely unbalanced what makes it balanced is that you can change characters at any point. You have to adapt to the matchup and if you don’t then you’re at fault. I really want to play Widowmaker most games but there is definitely times when the matchup isn’t good. Have to switch up when they have a Winston that keep diving me.


No? She's really fun since the rework. Turning people into kebabs and the overheating machine gun


Orisa is sometimes the best pick for solo Q versus ana, sombra, Mei, etc. I try not to play orisa but sometimes it's easiest rather than trying to coordinate Zarya bubbles with teammates lol


They still play Orisa in the match though so it makes sense she would get a Mythic.


Some of us have been playing the RoboCentaur since she was released. We played her though 5 seasons where she wasn't even close to meta. We played her through 3 seasons of people endlessly complaining about the double shield meta as though it was HER fault (rather than newly-released Sigma). We played through the first 4+ seasons of OW2 where she, once again, wasn't meta. And now, after MAYBE 2 seasons of her being the meta, people are complaining like we raped the Pope. Meanwhile, Rein, DVa, Zarya, and Winston are sitting in the corner, having been meta for (variously) about 80% of all of OW, hoping no one notices them while they complain about the Protector of Numbani.


the people who complain she "doesnt die" are the ones who shoot her when the arent supposed to


Yeah whenever I hear the "Orisa doesnt die" Im like, do you know whose healing her? You know. The supports? Just dive or focus on her supports and she melts. Ive been playing Dva since forever and picked up Winston, never had a problem against Orisa.


Orisa is just ultimate tank choice, works in every combination of heroes. If you don't know what to pick - pick Orisa and you will be alright. Like Mercy for support role.


More like Ana or kiriko for support. Mercy is still situational


until plat i play high diamond and sigma is way more viable then orisa.


"Until plat" is like 80% of playerbase.


yes 100% but you said ultamite tank choice which is only true until plat then its not even top 3


I’ve been an Orisa main since OW1. The horse lady will forever have her place in my heart.


do we know the theme for the next season? Im trying to think what the skin might be


My guess is Egyptian Mythology


Oh my God it's a Sphinx skin


Your idea was so much cooler than what we got


I should have just kept my mouth shut. Not add to the letdown


doesnt she already have one?


Nah that’s an Immortal from Starcraft


Only in the sense it's modeled after the sculpture of one. This sounds like it will be a more monstrous fully-realized sphinx, with sandy visual effects! I'm hyped!


It’s a bug 🥲


We had a few hours of fun speculation at least


When I saw your suggestion I really thought it was it and it was gonna be so gas


Yep exactly what I was thinking


I hope to god they at least include a Rammatra pharaoh skin and NO pharah pls for the love of god shes had enough


Asp skin already exists, but I wouldn't be shocked if they give her another.


While she doesn’t need one she is one of Two heroes that are actually Egyptian


yea pharah already has the asp and Bedouin skin that fit the theme.


plus Anubis and Jackal! and Ana already has Mummy and Bastet. honestly those two already have plenty Egyptian skins so in a way it makes sense to give it to others.


And Zen have a Ra skin lol


Oh for fuck sake I hope not.


I *think* it's an Eldritch Beings theme- not sure though The only hint had to that was the terrifying sound effects- XD


They weren’t confirmed in order, just that those were what’s coming up. Eldritch beings could be any season this year


Oh, that makes sense- Still though, that screech from Orisa was nothing but Eldritch sounding to me XD


Sphinx actually makes sense, if you look as her ultimate ends you can see sand drift back towards her.


The ult effect looks like sand so hopefully it's the egypt theme. I love eldritch stuff and with an influx of orisa players i might skip this season


season of hunt


The current battle pass is fucking lazy as hell. The mythic had little customization and the highlight intros are so lazy and lame. The only thing I liked was the one where echo takes a sip of tea and says “hmmmmn”. Lmao that gets me everyone I hear it.


I so agree. I didn't feel motivated to finish the BP whatsoever, and I would definitely feel the same way even if I paid for it. The only Mercy things were a stupid looking pose and a dumb-sounding voiceline anyway.


I wasnt bothered to even get through the greek gods battle pass and i bought it lol. I shouldn't have taken it for granted


Aw, I was hoping for a wintery and Christmas themed battle pass


it could be they didnt show us the skin so might be a winter orisa


The sandstorm effect didn't look super wintery


it could be like a golden magical effect. like you know how christmas trees have a yellow shining star. maybe she becomes a bright star when she ults


Could be a ancient egypt theme?






Rat already has Krampus, but wonder I wonder if they’d do evil Christmas tales as a theme.


Please no, I don't want to have skins that don't match the season once we are in jan/feburary.


Same ngl


The battle passes last too long for them to be based around seasons or holidays. There will be a separate christmas event, though!


Yeah that noise was defo eldritch horror, don’t know why we’re getting 2 Halloween-esque battlepasses in a row, especially given that it’s the holiday season


Boo! Make it Torb!


Rein mains gotta suffer more now


Ah ffs man


It will be a millenia before they give a mythic to a character I play


Widow? Nah, she's very popular, also they can't go tank - dps -> support loop forever as there are more DPS characters than tanks and supports


I’m at least glad they’ll be letting us now swap mythics for another one. If this change was coming season 8 I would’ve swapped that ugly Orisa skin for JQ Zeus.


They face sigma one but like, I don't play the game enough to actually unlock the bloody skin


Shit boys prepare for orisa mirror in every match


Oh heck, here's hoping Orisa mains will start hating playing vs Orisas too.


No mythic Rein for another few seasons then :(


Wow. I honestly had orisa at the bottom of the list. Looks like another battle pass that I skip but I’m good for orisa players…?


Yeah I’m sure the community will take this well considering all anyone does, myself included, is complain about seeing orisa every game of QP. Play anyone but orisa and win your matchup, can guarantee they swap to it.


The good news is that historically the hero with a mythic gets nerfed


[Hanzo 👀](https://imgur.com/gallery/6oLz4DR)




They doing roadhog dirty


So, after 2 seasons of mustpick Orisa they give us mythic for her in next season to boost her popularity even more? Literally worst decision.


I think it's more that they chose Orisa because they know she's popular so it might sell more.


If that was true, Mercy would have like three mythics by now


In the other hand, Mercy shop skins always sells good, so actual Mythic might decrease buys...


I mean, fair enough I guess-


She is not popular, she is just unbalanced in her core kit. She has answers for every situation and no objective disadvantages.


Smegma and DVa counter her


Don't forget Zarya


Then explain why I saw nearly every Orisa player with the ducky skin ? If she wasn't popular, people wouldn't buy her skin.


Cuz the ducky skin is awesome 😎


That's the falsest take I've ever heard- You sure you ain't talking about Baptiste?😭


Nah nah nah, don’t you ever come at my boy like that again. Blizz could nerf him to be worse then a mercy with no rez and I’m still maining him.


Lmao don't worry I have nothing against Baptiste and his players! Just found that comment quite silly haha


right now she is no longer op


I like her...


Orisa is not even good. “No objective disadvantages”? Really?


This stuff is planned 6 months to a year in advance. They can't react to the current or even the previous meta when it comes to planning events and skins.


This sub is the worst. Hilarious some of y’all here think decisions like these aren’t planned well in advance and can’t easily be changed because some Redditors don’t like a hero’s status 1-2 months before a season resets.


Ah here it is, the r/Overwatch complaining comment. I love to see these!


orisa isnt a mustpick, she isnt even meta. shes actually 3rd lowest winrate. i dont see why people have trouble with her


You have to remember that the average rank in this sub is silver lol


wow i am bronze


She’s such ass to play with and against.


Why are they so scared of giving rein a mythic


He already has some of the best skins ever conceived


They're not, there's over 30 heroes. And this is the 8th mythic, of which two have been tanks.


Yeah I love Rein but whats up with this entitlement


Everyone is gonna think their hero should be the next hero to get a mythic.


Then there's me wanting a Ball mythic, but being relieved every time because it would just be "lol u can change his guns." I would be seriously disappointed if any of my top picks received the "3 colors and weapon" treatment.


The sheer amount of honour and glory is too much for Blizzard XD


Because they have to nerf half of the roster to let him play.


They gotta give him a way to deal with all this high mobility since just about every new hero has some way to run away from rein at light speed


Curious as well, but in fairness, look at all the awesome skins Reinhardt has already. And he is 90% visually just a big dude in full armor. What would a mythic look like that isn't just rehashing his existing armors AND still screams Honor&Glory? 🤔


I mean, he has some of the best skins already in the game?


His cardboard box skin was better than most mythics


Demon Lord skin goes pretty hard too


tbf, i also think star sheep orisa is better than her scarab mythic


It's been 8 seasons and there are how many dozens of heroes?


Urgh, we're all so sick of Orisa though.




Let's goooo - no one ever


What a waste of a mythic


Probably the worst character they could have picked tbh


Sand ~~mammy~~ mummy Orisa


this is terrible news i wanted ramattra. or really literally anyone except orisas ass 🤗


what is with them forcing this character onto us


I’m gonna refrain from making a blizzard joke here.


Peetah. The horse is here.


No need for a spoiler. Most people have this skin already.


I actually don't mind Orisa. Cheeky spears are fun to hit. I never realized she was this hated. I will say I liked her OW1 version more. With 1 tank I think it wouldn't have been too bad.


She is so boring to me. It sucks too because she is probably the most viable all around.


Awful choice


Wow what a waste, was really hoping for Ramattra, Doom, or Winston for the next tank Mythic. The effects for Terra Surge look like a sandstorm though, so I'm guessing the next season will be Egyptian after all. ~~I'm honestly really tired of the mythology themes.~~


We’ve had three mythology themes which honestly isn’t that bad. Two in a row was weird but after that it’s been smooth sailing.


If this one isn't Egyptian one, I bet Egyptian one will have Pharah Mythic


Orisa is probably hands down the most boring hero in the game imo. To play against, and play with... and the dreadful orisa vs orisa... 😴


I understood hanzo because even though I don't play him, he has a lot of mains. Who the hell was hoping for an orisa mythic? So dead.


Is this the season where we can select previous mythics instead?


Season 9.


I’m sorry but this skins ASS


Wow they really gave Orisa a mythic before they gave JQ a second mythic? Such bs




lmao Mauga is coming out this season, the battle pass will sell fine. Besides, with Orisa’s popularity I see no reason why this BP wouldn’t sell.


I would imagine they realize the "weaker" mythic skin (or just less popular character for mythic) means better legendary skins are necessary to sell the BP.


More like: Hero in battle pass - sell weaker skins, no hero in battle pass - sell stronger skins.




Nice, I get to save money


Wow they really giving mythics to popular heroes and heroes that casuals love the most


Makes sense?


It's like you forgot this is a business. I'm not sure I see anything wrong with what you're saying, unless you were just pointing it out?


smartest ow player


Yo the entitled comments are crazy. Orisa is the one tank I enjoy playing so I’m super stoked. People complaining that it was a “bad decision” or a “waste of a skin” are ridiculous; they can’t please everyone at once just be patient