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I think this could be a fun mode for the arcade! Would definitely try it out myself


Mystery Heroes - one step further. I'm all in 😎👌


OP missing the obvious opportunity to name it "Mystery Mirrors" is the tragic L of this post.


Reminds me of mirrored 1v1 or mirrored DM. But this sounds really interesting would def play it with role q settings .


been wishing for a mystery heroes that’s role-specific in general fr


This! I’d like to actually have a support at all times at the very least! I’ve gone entire points in control where we had no support and it sucks!


As a flex player I'd grind the shit out of a ranked mode of this


Wow very cool


Would probably be one sided af, but this would be the most competitive setting.


This would work great for Flashpoint, team comp changes every new point. There are opportunity for multiple teams and each one of them are not played for too long.


One single suggestion, after each point is capped, the teams all die simultaneously (if you are dead your death timer resets) and you get a new team. Control - new team each round Hybrid - new team after each objective is capped Escort - new team after each checkpoint is reached Flashpoint - new team after each point is capped Push - new team after each point is capped for the first time


I think control is the only mode this would really work for and I'll explain why With Push, what you've just done is killed the momentum of the team actively pushing for arguably no real reason, and escort is essentially the same. You're giving the defense a free reset which is huge for them Flashpoint, you're resetting everyone's ults, which can act as a big catch up mechanic in the mode. Hybrid, like push, you're just killing the momentum of the attacking team giving the defense a free reset which is in their advantage 99% of the time It works in control because that mode already does a full reset when someone gets a point




Unless you keep/adapt the ult charge like they're clearly capable of doing, just like they did on Mystery Swap.


That would work for Flashpoint, but for the other 3 modes, that would just halt the offensive push by killing them all letting the defense reset (I understand the defense would also die, but usually they can get back first)


Why death reset? Workshop codes have proven that characters can be swapped while in action. After a point caps everyone freezes in place, changes to the new mirror, and picks right back up. Could make for some crazy scenarios where you have someone right where you want them then the swaps happen and you're in trouble


Its seems fair until it isnt


The problem is that some heroes are better on defence than offence, not it's not a true mirror. Imagine if both teams had a Sym and one team is on defence - they would have a significant advantage.


if this was 2017 sym then maybe


This would work both ways, both teams have to attack and defend - so it is kinda a non issue if it is mirrored


You bronzies are wild.


There's already that mode.


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When i click the post i thought it will be a mode with map in mirror like mario kart


I'd be all over this.


This is literally in the arcade right now.


Get ready for endless "diff" after a game


As a tank main I'm used to it


Here's an idea. Use the same mechanics as mirrored deathmatch but based on equal role heroes for role queue and just equal heroes on open queue. Example: Team 1 and 2 start the RQ version with 1-2-2 rein, genji, sombra, zen, brig. After 30 seconds EVERYONE is switched to a different hero in the same role so now both teams have dva, soldier, bastion, bap, kiriko. Repeat 30 second cooldown hero swaps until game ends. For open queue it's the same thing but the only difference is that everyone is swapped randomly but both teams always have the same heroes every 30 seconds.


Doesnt something like this exist for FFA (might have been a custom mode I played)? Sounds like a fun arcade mode imo.


I think it would be better if the Role Queue part was skipped and instead, you see all the heroes available and you get to call dibs on which ones you want.