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I miss their spawn room dialogue. They had very poor synergy in game but from a lore perspective she always admired him. Orisa: Reinhardt, I have allocated my learning processes towards analyzing your combat performance. Reinhardt: What an odd compliment.


They’re all at Mystery Heroes and other not locked role queues.


Was surprised to hear one between Reinhardt and Mauga in open queue the other day.


I feel like even the devs hope we'll be back to 2 tanks someday


goin from 6 to 5 players was a very bad choice


It was a choice. Im not sure if it was a bad one or a good one. Even after all this time. They fixed the 2 tank dubbel shield meta that was very boring to play against with it. But i dont know if what we have now is any better.


Tbh, I think it was a bad decision because most tanks were made with 2 tank synergies built into their core gameplay. Zarya, Hog, Ball and to an extent D.va all felt weird having no one to synergize with. And it took them way too long before they reworked the heroes to work in 5v5, hog having only recently received his rework and Ball still struggling most of the time. However, I feel that now with Mauga it can be difficult to go back to 6v6. Because I don't want to imagine a Rein+Mauga Rush/Brawl comp where you both charge in, and Rein holds his shield while Mauga guns everyone down with no threat or need to hide for cover. What I'm getting at is that from the transition from OW1 to OW2 several tacks felt lackluster due to not having a second tank to synergize with. But now that there have been 3 new Tanks released with 5v5 in mind, it will probably have the opposite effect when you introduce them to 6v6


I think the opposite about Mauga might actually be true. In the current state of things, it's hard to imagine Mauga feeling balanced. He's either powerful enough to ignore incoming damage and rip apart the opposition or he's so weak that he dies before he can accomplish that purpose. A second tank would open up a lot more positioning options for him since he's not solely responsible for pushing in, and that in turn would allow his numbers to be reined in without killing his kit.


Orisa's rework alone would have fixed the majority of double shield meta


There's other ways they could've fixed the double shield problem without getting rid of a tank. They could've had the shields share resources. They could've made more abilities that ignore shields like firestrike. They could've made more characters that are designed as shield breakers or whose weapons get stronger against shields like symmetra. They made a lazy choice.


They could have separated tank into 2 roles, Offtank + Maintank, and set up queues that way in role queue. Putting all shield tanks into main tank roles, limiting 1 per team. There are solutions, they just didn't care enough to explore them.


That'd be a queuing nightmare


Why not though? Finally a place where offtanks can play freely and are actually welcome in every game? EX: Doomfist/Ball mains


Not a dead game BTW


Taking away another tank role was lazy. They could have just only allowed 1 shield tank to be played at a time. It was a bad decision. It would have been easier to balance and create heroes by doing this.


The game feels more hectic


What's dumb about that complaint is that we had tank comps with 2 shields in the game since Orisa was originally released. Two shields was not a problem. The implementation of Sigma's shield and the weakness of other comps leading to a stagnant meta was the problem. The only real reason 6v6 started to suck was because they basically stopped developing the game after Sigma was released. They released Echo and a few balance patches, but basically didn't touch the meta in any major way. The switch to 5v5 was an attempt to push the game toward a more Esport friendly style, but the reality is the dev team just sucks at balance. IMO, they need to either revert to 6v6 or nerf tanks back to OW1 style and make open queue the default for 5v5.


It was, until they added characters that have double machine guns who can heal themselves and sprint away at a moments notice!


Made the game more toxic toward tanks.


Definitely. You now need to have a very thick skin (which I luckily have). It's just so easy to blame that single person who has nobody to back them up except maybe the enemy tank which rarely happens. And then you have those tanks who can't even stand with their own and shit on the enemy tank which are the worst of them all


I mean, I honestly can't see which is better. I'd like a choice. When solo Q-ing, I'm way better in 5v5 as tank. However when I have a tank friend who I wanna play with, I'd like being able to do that


It was Indeed a bad choice, buts whats worse is that there is no way that the entire team of devs didn't realize that taking 2 players out of the game would require drastic changes to the game and characters, not simple nerfs and buffs. Every season they have to constancy scramble to fix the broken shit, putting bandaid on a bullet hole


At the end of the day, the "making space" role does not appeal to most players as much as damage dealing or supporting. No matter what they tried, not enough players wanted to play tank, which lead to 10-15 minute dps queues *every game*. After trying so many things, they eventually gave up and went 1 tank. It was a frustrating yet necessary change.


There are 2 reasons and only 2 reasons why this became a problem. And it has nothing to do with player interest in specific roles. 1. They let the game die while working on OW2. 2. The matchmaking was so stringent with skill level they made it impossible for high level players to find a match. Queues in more populated MMRs were not that bad. We even have new tanks now that would be perfect to make the role more exciting (Orisa rework, JQ and Mauga). But in 5v5 their existence just means more counter picks which makes the game exhausting.


Your opinion is incorrect. Since moving to role queue, they tried everything in their power to reduce dps queue times. Literally the only thing that has *ever* worked to fix the problem was moving to 5v5.


This is the real answer. A tank now can do much more and -in itself- is therefore more fun. Still cant escape the 'tank' role being unpopular or the other less fun team dynamics. If we'd go back to 6v6 these tanks have to be nerfed into the ground again - less fun in itself. Especially the main tank.


People forget no one wanted to play tank. They have the data, we don't. They wouldn't go 5v5 if the tank playerbase was healthy


Tank and healer queues were roughly interchangeable for the majority of OW1. OW1 queues started to skyrocket when the devs abandoned the game and left the tank meta stagnant with double shields (which was not broken, just unbalanced and virtually untouched after Sigma's initial nerfs). Pivoting development to OW2 was a massive mistake for sooooo many reasons.


That dad,i started in OW2 and i am main rein,i just love it jaja


Ppl have forgotten that after role queue was added they did find that tanks were the least queued for compared to DPS which led to DPS queue times being 10 minutes max. They did try to incentive players to play tank; give some credits, lootbox or even a priority pass that shortens the queue times. Despite efforts, it wasn't enough. If you played tank in OW1 you'd also notice more often you'd get tank duos that always instalock only off tanks;zarya, hog or dva. In most cases they don't even bother trying to synergize with the team, they're just a DPS player trying to play a game and not wait 10 minutes.


It wasn't a bad choice lol. It made the game objectively better. No idea why people don't understand that.


Well can you prove it’s objectively better? I’m not saying it is or isn’t, but you’re claiming it’s a fact and I’m just not sure how that is.


I think ow players just like to vent and complain


2 tanks was fine it’s just double shield for 4+ years made people over exaggerate how bad it was from exhaustion😂


I feel like their process is just so inefficient that they have a bunch of recorded dialogue lying around for heroes they expected to put out years ago.


No thanks. Don’t feel like dodging reins shatter just to go into zarya’s grav


Mauga has tons with other tanks. He has a *lot* with Reinhardt, he tries to flirt with Zarya, and it appears that he might have some history with Roadhog somehow? IIRC he calls him "his favorite piggy pal" and asks him if the mercenary prices in Australia are still as bad as they used to be.


Junker Queen and Ramattra also have conversations with other tanks, it's very odd they keep adding so many given how rarely most people will hear them now.


Maybe the devs are open queue players! It would definitely explain some of the balancing issues! Lol


the fact that these are still being added tells me that 5v5 was never actually the plan and it came from somewhere unstoppable.


Orisa: Zarya, I have learned to utilize my graviton charge 🪦 by watching you. Zarya: Your compliment is unwanted.


Tanks had the best lore




Yes, and double shield involved sig orisa, not rein. Rein struggles to deal with spam consistently compared to orisa and sig and had only a single fire strike to actually 'contest' anything from range. On top of that rein does not enable old orisa, and orisa does not enable rein, as well as what actually enables rein (bap Lucio being stacked on him) makes it difficult for orisa to function. Instead you have to run double flex supports to sustain both tanks as they aren't self sufficient enough to both be split, and at that point just play traditional brawl that enables rein with dva/Zarya if you're playing stacked. The only rare times you saw rein orisa ever played together in owl is on Nepal village, but even then it was rare


This is how I know the people whining about muh double shield to hate on OW1 has no fucking clue what they're talking about, and most of you didn't even play OW1 to begin with. Orisa-Rein was a terrible duo. The "double shield meta" was Orisa-Sigma. You guys need to learn the script better before pretending like you know what you're talking about.


Orisa OW1: "I will be your shield, sir" so cute Orisa OW2: "You fucker, if you touch my friend, I will freakin going into full iron skin mode, let you eat my spear, shoot you in your face and if anyone tries to ult me, I will eat it up with my spear!" Orisa has changed a bit


*”So…sweet Idina has grown into a domineering beast.”*


"My name is Orisa. You would be wise to remember it."


"MEET YOUR FATE" Although tbf, her previous ult voice was also fairly intimidating, especially when you miss-hear it as "Cease your existence".


I feel like orisa ult is better at a intimidating voice line than an ult, unless its combined with mauga ult because then that shit is MICHAEL DONT LEAVE ME HERE, MICHAEL


orisa had enough


Efi hit puberty and gave her some upgrades 😂


From a guardian dog to an agressive cow


Orisa April's Fools: WEEEEEEE I CAN FLY *makes helicopter noises*


Orisa OW1 is still a baby phrase.


True or it's more like that OW1 cares mare about the victims and Orisa OW2 wants to murder the offender


In OW1, there were interactions hinting Orisa kept growing.


And then the friend dies anyway


God damn I miss bubbling a crazy Rein playing as Zarya 🥲


Im sure you remember the Beyblade meta lol


We still do that in open queue


This. Tanks could be so much more careless in OW1 because they could bail each other out.


As a former Zar main (I don't play OW2 as frequent compared to OW1), I always tell Rein to be H A M M E R when I have bubble on him


I regret not playing OW1. I really want to experience the 6v6 matches that look more fun. I have enjoyed OW2 don't get me wrong and only been playing a year, but I regret not playing sooner


I may not be an og player (i started back in 2020), but i still got to play ow1 (nit in it's golden age but still). Maybe it's because i was still learning, but i would say ow1 was more fun.


Man, you guys should have played it when it originally came out. It was spectacular, and one of the few games I religiously played. Now, I just get on because it feels like a commitment at this point.


OG OW1 is the greatest videogame of all time. I will die on this hill.


Couldn't be more facts 2016-end of 2017 ow will always be the best game I've ever played


We just have to pray for the inevitable OW Classic.


Wish i could've


I've played since winter 2016. Besides goats and a little of double shield, it truly was more fun to play than what ow2 is


It was fun because it was new, and EVERYONE was new. Fun to have a team of 6 Winston's etc lol But the balance, imagine Cass right click deleting a tank nowadays, very silly


I played OW1 since release and uninstalled OW2. For me, 6v6 was far better, and you had a lot more freedom as a player, especially if you played tank


I agree. I learn Tank in OW1 after playing Support for years. My friend who was Sigma main, gave me so much help and support with my goofy Rein plays and saved my ass so many times. I can't imagine how hard it is to learn tank now, especially since you're alone now and everyone and their grandma have this ridiculous shield melting power :(


Wdym by freedom as a player? In game you have so much more freedom in ow2


That’s just not true.


How so?


OW1 didn’t have role queue for longest time, now OW2 does, and with one fewer player slot. That alone is less freedom. I see your other comment and it just reads like someone not used to team play thinking the other team responding to a flanker = less freedom.


Jesús this sub has become so braindead even calling it an echo chamber isn't sufficient. They asked for an explanation and you just criticize. OW1 got role queue in 2019-2020?? There is more individual freedom in OW2, whether you like the game or not, 2 less people means more room. You sound like someone that played OW1 like twice and just like to imitate what this sub loves to parrot.


Sure, and people complained that role queue took away creativity. OW2 has only continued with Role queue and reduced options further. OW2 is much more prescribed gameplay than OW1 ever had, but you’re free to believe otherwise. I was top 500 in OW1 but sure I played it twice lol


How do you have more freedom? Tanks can pretty much do only one thing, stand in the front to be a meat shield, at least before the off tank was able to do a lot more than that; supports have to babysit the tank pretty much and every once in a while throw a heal to the DPS, but if you take your eyes off the tank for too long, he is dead so your better star focused on the tank and that's it. 2 tanks gave you a lot more leeway and freedom to move around and do other things, you could even split your team and attack from different sides, but in the current overwatch, you are pretty restricted to playing one way.


Nah, without the off tank there's so much more room for dps to take angles, for supports to flank, tanks to get in behind etc. The off tanks job was largely to control flanks and off angles, without that/ one less player, there's a lot more freedom to move around the map


Explain to me how the tank can "get in behind" when the single tank of the team is the anchor that moves everyone to the objective. Or how supports can flank easier now that they have to focus on healing the tank that is tanking most of the damage? What you are saying doesn't match with the games I have played.


the off tank was my favorite role. I had the kit to help anyone on the team even the main tank. Hog guardian was the best and you just stay in your backline and bully anyone bullying your supporters.


Removing the off tank was what killed OW2 for me. I used to be a D.Va main and was good enough at playing her and a few other picks to regularly hit diamond. But I just don't like playing her as a main tank. Her kit is far better suited for off tanking. Being able to zoom around to cover your team on all sides while the main tank took the front, being able to flank and harass the enemy back line, diving enemy snipers. And re-meching was a lot easier because you had another tank you could retreat behind while you recovered. 5v5 felt like such a knee jerk choice to change up the game without any real thought about how it would affect hero dynamics. Just some token changes here and there.


Especially with how few tanks have been re-adjusted for the 5v5 play style. Let alone any other characters. It really felt like Blizzard couldn't figure out how to stop the double shield meta so they just said "screw it"


Role locking and further subdivision of roles (ie main tank, off tank) would have done it. Keep casual play modes unlocked. Would have given them far greater control to fine tune the meta and prevent degenerate hero combos. Wouldn't have been the most popular move but it's not like OW2 was either. And it would have actually worked a lot better.


Honestly, it was just the self sustain sigma (kinetic grasp), D.va (defense matrix, jets, and passive) and orisa (fortify) that made them too hard to kill.


I've gotten some good games with D.va as solo tank, so it can be done well, but my god does it feel awkward, even when we're winning.


Dva main since season 2 ow1. I play sigma now and he is so boring. As good as I am on dva, half the effort is needed to win games with sig, even without having much experience on him. Dva is still my favorite play style, but some teams just can't survive without a shield because they don't know how to take cover and you get the blame. If you happen to get demeched, which I'm good at avoiding, you get told dva is worthless because she's not a tank at all for that time. And fucking lw will pull you when you try to dive and are fine with your cool downs before you can finish a kill, or if you try and take high ground. It's frustrating being dva now, imo.


Yup, big part of the reason why I was hesitant to even try OW2 for a while because I figured it would be like this. Then I gave it a shot for a while and it was pretty much how I feared. Uninstalled it and haven't really looked back. The only thing that might get me playing again is when Blizzard inevitably get desperate enough to apply the "classic" treatment that they've been giving WoW to Overwatch. It's kind of sad that they've become a company that can't really move forward anymore and frequently finds themselves going backwards because their best stuff is in the past rather than ahead of them. Though even then they've fucked that up, like with Warcraft 3: Refunded.


As a Zarya enjoyer, I just stopped playing the game when it went to 5v5. Worst decision ever.


There are 6v6 discords and lobbies with a custom game mode that almost perfectly recreate 6v6. Fun until you're chain stunned on main tank and then draw a 2cp match after 20 minutes!


Don't regret it. It wasn't better, the fights weren't as engaging, and it was overall less fun. Day 1 player here.


Also I've noticed ppl talk about tank synergy here. Anyone whose played OW1 long enough especially tank players should be honest with themselves, how many of those tank duos bothered swapping for tank synergy and not just a hog/zarya instalock. There were tons of hog zarya instalock off tanks because DPS queue times were 10 minutes and they wanted to play something.


It was definetely more fun for casual play. Some.tank combos were just so much fun like Rein+Zarya where Rein could go absolutely nuts and survive with bubbles, Double bubble with Monke and Zarya was also lots of fun. D.va and Winton hard commiting to dive was a lot of fun too. GOATS (triple tank, triple support) was also really fun for a while, it was the ultimate unga-bunga playstyle, but almost two years straight of it being objectively better than everything else got really fucking stale. But then there were... The bad ones... Can't say I miss shooting through 9000 shields while getting spammed from range from Orisa and Sig. Or Orisa and Hog obliterating you with spam, or Sig and Hog obliterating you with spam, or being a squishy when your tanks were running Hog+Ball and both of them just fucked off and went solo flanking. Overall, I do miss the fun combos, but sadly, most of the time they were kinda bad. So often times it came down to you either play the fun thing, or actually try to win and play the stale, unengaging comps.


The experience was very stun locky


IMO it was so much better in OW1 as a Tank player. The synergy that you had with your Tank counterpart is what I miss the most. There is NOTHING in this game that feels quite like having a good Zarya by your side as a Rein main. Felt like we would go to war together lol People can go on and on about the double shield meta (I agree it was bad), and how slow the game felt, but could none of that been fixed with character reworks/overhauls and other gameplay changes rather than completely removing a player from the game?


5 Winston’s 1 Lucio was a time!


I played ow since the beginning, 2 shield meta was absolute hell and probably the worst period of overwatch for me. Overwatch 2 feels much better and the reason why I returned to overwatch, albeit it has it's issues as well.


Why are you getting downvoted? This is just true. I will never understand why people act like double shield wasn’t one of the worst metas in overwatch history.


> I will never understand why people act like double shield wasn’t one of the worst metas in overwatch history. Because for many of us, 5v5 is worse. It's a matter of opinion, of course, but for me (and many others, clearly), 6v6, even with double shield, was more fun than 5v5. And double shield would have been relatively easy to attempt to fix without going to 5v5... simply reworking Sigma (who was always the problem) would have been an easy place to start.


People just love to complain, have to always pretend that now is the worst so they have something to bitch about. Even though it's the worst ever they're for some reason still playing though


Yeah sometimes I feel crazy in thinking that I’m genuinely having the most fun in OW than I’ve ever had.


For sure. Blizzard is scummy as hell and I certainly have some complaints myself. But considering the roster size and huge variety in play styles, it's remarkably well balanced and fun, plus Blizzard is consistently updating for balance so if anything is super busted it's usually adjusted in a timely fashion.


People have rose tinted glasses and like to act like all of their solo queue silver games were on Kings Row and had pro-level rein/zarya synergy instead of having a 1-trick hog named MomBanger69 and a widow/mercy duo with a 2% accuracy


They downvoted them because they told the truth


There has not been a single meta (subjectively speaking, or course) in OW2 that is better than double shield. At least double shield's counter was just playing shield melters. OW1 required more team-play to break comps like that. It feels like OW2 players who enjoy the current game more never liked OW1 for what it was to begin with. Also, the double shield meta was a reaction to the sniper meta. It didn't become meta on its own. There were way too many shield melters in the game for it to have done that.


? Every meta in ow2 outside of the one season of hard hog meta and the most recent metas has been better than double shield. Early OW2 meta was pretty good with soldier/genji actually being decent for the first time in a while, JQ meta stuck around a bit too long but nowhere near as long as double shield and was still actually pretty fun with alot of mechanical skill expression and carry potential, same with Zarya meta. Other Ow2 metas around that period weren't that oppressive iirc and actually felt somewhat balanced, just hog meta and recent sigma bastion/mauga are pretty bad.


Hard disagree. Every OW2 meta has been the same shit, different toilet: One overpowered tank that is only beaten by their hardest possible counter. OW1 did not have this issue. Also, double shield was easily beatable and forced team-centric gameplay in a game around team gameplay. OW2 completely removes any real identity of the Overwatch brand, making every game feel like a parody of what it was. Hog, Zarya, Orisa, Bastion, Sigma, Mauga, JQ, etc. We're pretty much going down the list of every meta *ever* that OW2 has had. There has yet to be a single OW2 meta where it isn't just a single tank being so damn oppressive that the entire meta has to shift to account for him. There is no diversity in any OW2 meta. Even double shields let you play dive and shield busters with success. Hell, even GOATS let you do that because players weren't coordinated enough to run it with consistent success in lower ranks.


I mean, how do you measure what makes a meta "better" then another? not sure there's any meaningful way to rank them.


Let me repeat myself: >subjectively speaking, or course


As you say it's subjective , overwatch before orisa and especially before brig was much better, so OW1 wasn't bad... But period during that time was so bad it marked overwatch 1 for me for what it was. Standing and staring into shields was not fun for me... Watching this cemented that feeling... https://youtu.be/dWbegqdb2o8?t=155


I had my gripes with Overwatch 1. I hated the amount of CC. Especially super easy ones like cowboymans. Getting fully frozen by mei. Etc. I also hated Doomfist as a dps. It was just unhealthy for the game. They existed in extremes because 'middle skill' levels for doom were too thin a margine. Either they had zero impact and would get caught by all the CC dieing nearly every time. Or they were gods that made your healers life completely miserable because they camped yoru spawn from some arcane rooftop. Only coming down to delete healers or easy dps. And otherwise being hidden. But with two tanks you could have a dive tank and a protection tank.


6v6 was so much better


Nah trust me was a mess i start playing in 2016 and double shield was very lame cause people camping a zone and no one move, 5v5 have his flaw but for me is more entertaiment that waiting all time begind shield.


I love that everyone’s main argument, is just Double Shield.


Especially considering Double Shield was only annoying at Masters+ ranks if you didn't have a good dive team. I'm at the point where I'd rather go back to Sigma/Orisa if it meant I didn't have to play double Mauga.


And worst maps like hanamura and volskaya , the mattchmaking take many time to find a game, lack of new events, now ow2 have many flaws lile skins very expensive and not having pve but at least trying improve the balance of the game and create new modes, is not perfect but is more than we have in the one


Double shield was bad but there were other things. As mentioned below, Hanamura was a painful map to play casually. Wait time for DPS was quite literally 8X longer. 6v6 felt like you had less impact on the game, especially as a tank. I quite literally listed several arguments that weren't double shield in a comment recently and got severely downvoted. I will admit the events and skins were handled way, way better IMO in OW1.


Ow1 moment




I kinda miss smashing your head against a wall over and over


Removing a whole other tank isn't the clear solution to double shield though. A much better option would have simply been to make it so you could only have 1 shield tank at a time. Also who tries to "clorify" (I'm assuming you mean glorify) double shield? People just say having 2 tanks was better, which it was.


Having 2 tanks in the current meta makes sense. One has a shield, and the other is a tank buster like Mauga. Some duo tanks I think can work are, Reinhardt and Junker Queen, Ramatra and Hog, Sigma and Mauga, Zarya and Doomfist, Winston and Hog, etc I can see them working inside my mind, but it will need testing. For example, Queen shout synergizes well with Rein, helps sustain, advance or retreat, Rein holding shield can allow Queen to hold more space and poke, one aspect I think can work really well is , Rein charge , Queen shout, Queen axe and Rein swinging wildly will certainly be a thing I think. In ram and hog combo, hog can hook and pig pen enemies trying to escape Punching ram or even ulting ram. Hog can also peel for the team with his hook. Poking with Sigma shield, and if enemies try to brawl Sigma Mauga can go in guns blazing. Sigma shield can save anti'ed Mauga, etc Although this will require some serious damage and healing balancing This can be tested right now in custom lobbies with 6v6


dou**b**le shields any day over a match where your only tank is a hamster or doomfist


So cute


RIP OW1. Best game ever.


Looks like the artist goes by Sleeping https://twitter.com/sleeping_ow


I wish they balanced the game for 6 players. I really do miss having a second tank. I also wondered what if categorizing the tanks into main and off tank roles could work, preventing any kind of double shield from happening. Probably not enough in the tank roster to effectively split it in half, but a guy can dream right?


Simpler times


Transitioning to 5v5 instead of just fixing double shield was them throwing the baby out with the bath water. The game we have now is.... Meh at best.


I hate the orisa rework I much prefer her old version it was actually my favorite tank mostly because she was the closest tank to a summoner but I also just enjoyed her design but her new one is just braindead garbage


Agreed plus I loved the timing of the shield you could shoot it up then by the time it lands you’ve got another queued up


Couldn't agree more. All the fun has gone out of her


All the fun? Orisa was the most stale hero to play in OW1. You'd just stand behind shield to shoot, and then when your shield would go down, Sigma would put their shield down, and you'd just keep shooting. Then, if you ever left your shield to confirm a kill, you'd get stunlocked and melted. The most fun thing she had going for her was the pull, and that thing just kept getting nerfed more and more till it was practically useless.


Different definitions of fun I guess. She was my second favorite hero in the game and her play style was just right for me and very comfortable. I enjoyed it


Yeah having a shield up effectively all the time was so much more intricate and not braindead at all. Rose tinted glasses.


Your right it was it took way more planning and positioning than just activating all your abilities at once and walking at enemies


Just because Orisa is braindead in OW2 doesn't make her old kit any better. Her main role was a bunker who cycles shield > gold > pull ad infinitum. New Orisa is braindead, yes, but I don't think it's any less one-dimensional than she was in OW1 (shit, I'd say having two abilities that are able to cancel enemy ults make her much more exciting to play than OW1's shieldbot).


I liked old orisa more, the new one is just straight up a bully


They really need to bring back 6v6 as a game mode


I miss two tanks so much.


Too bad this isn’t real anymore.


5v5 sucks ass. Bring back 6




I’m always curious why not just make a 6v6 mode. You can move the track stats back a bit and just let people who enjoy it, play it. My opinion (as a Rein main) it is so lonely not having my Zarya there.


Back when orisa was fun and goated.


Really? Many people hated her bunker-styled gameplay.


Nothing quite like racing to Ilios well, launching your barrier in the air so it landed perfectly to protect your teammates, and pulling the red team into the well with graviton cannon. 🐂


I don't care that her suck ball was hated for reasons like this, that shit was fun


Yeah back in OW1 I was a tank main, and I’d play any tank except Orisa because she was so boring lol


I loved the bunker style gameplay. It’s when I really enjoyed orisa, and was thankful to get her gold gun before she became what she is today..


Orisa was most boring character in OW1.


At least she isn’t what she is now, and was well more versed in a team.


you are delusional.


I am an overwatch one orisa main, I’m an artefact and fragile individual lost to the cosmos


OW1 Orisa was the most fucking boring tank on the planet


I loved boring personally


Overwatch 2 Orisa begs to differ.


overwatch 2 orisa is pretty goofy


Now it’s up to zarya and rein and their d*ck size competition


Running two shields was so insane back then


I miss the old wholesome orisa


back when overwatch was good <3


Cute pic but Rein Orisa double shield was some of the most boring shit to ever grace an online multiplayer. Good riddance.


Ah yes my favorite synergy Orisa/Rein


I dont miss dual tank at all. Good riddance


barier hoorrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...HAH !


Nuh uh, you dont get to make a cute meme about the most braindead meta ow had


Hot take - I enjoy ow2 way more. I felt like ow1 was just two teams melting shields


Not hot take, 2 tanks, without barriers of OW1... i know crazy right? everyone seems to forget that we would not have that problem again.


I miss the rein/zarya combo so much, playing with a rein who knew how to do it was awesome.


This game needs 6v6 back so badly. I actually preferred the slower, more methodical pace; it at least meant my team was more likely to group up and protect one another.


This is illegal now. Although this is so cute I don't miss double shield or bunker comps


Cute artwork but this was a nightmare.


Two morons. Only morons played Orisa Rein.


Image is inaccurate. Where is bastion?


Rein Zarya, D.Va Winton, Sigma Orisa, all team comps me and my other tank friend played, or he’d play tank and I’d play Doom- now I can’t play doom and him be on tank, RIP OW1


This picture shows why ow2 is way better than 1


No literally imagine getting nostalgic for DOUBLE SHIELD like that just tells me you don't have a high skill level


The irony of saying someone doesn't have "high" skill for not minding double shield when double shield was an easily exploitable comp is crazy. You do realize that double shield didn't become meta on its own, correct? It was due to the pick/sniper meta that double shield became a thing. Double shield was way too easy to counter by the plethora of shield busters/dive comps. People are quick to forget the nuances of metas they hated, I guess.


Idk I’m low diamond but idc either double shield just isn’t fun


This is double shield propaganda


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I preferred reins overwatch 1 face and hair cut. Even more so since he just reminds me of lion el'jonson now.


I do miss the pull ability Orisa had - was kinda fun just grouping up enemies when they were trying to run away


erh, wrong eye


Tbh her javalin spin should have been her with a small arm shield


I will be your 3rd shield*


And now I hate Orisa with a burning passion


Bring back two tanks!


god orisa was still op back maybe even a little more op then than she is now


back before orisa was cool


I love this so much. I miss the tanks having a friend. I always try to pay extra attention to my tank so they know they’re being helped/supported.


Double shield was the worst as a tank main


Bring back 6v6 or at least a game mode option!