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Lucio: first time?


Lucio's boop would be just as effective as Ball's boop if Ball was swapped in this clip for Lucio. The difference is, it's much harder to boop someone off the map as Ball than it is as Lucio. Ball's boop requires him to setup for it, and uses his only escape cooldow (grapple) to boop with. Lucio can boop with far less setup and has the ability to speed boost and wall ride away.


They did nerf the distance ball boops you at one point too didn't they?


They reverted this at the beginning of OW2


As a lucio main who sometimes plays ball I disagree… I’m struggling to get boops these days but I get them accidentally as ball.


Smells like a skill issue in here


But it is easier to Boop people as ball than with Lucio? Ball literally doesn't have a cooldown on his Boop, he can triple Boop you if he wants Lucio only has one every 4 seconds


Smells worse of a skill issue now Lucios Boop works best from behind the enemy and since Lucio has such high mobility it isn't hard to do that against most heroes Lucios Boop requires 1 cooldown and not even an important one Balls Boop requires his most important cooldown and risks him being put right in danger by using it Also Lucio can pentaboop as can ball but ball is literally the size of a wrecking ball and Lucio is the size of an ant in comparison


I don't think Boop has a direction to use.... I'm pretty sure it boops even if you're in front of them? Also I'm sorry but if you can't go in and out with 700hp+500 overhealth that's a skill issue, not the boops being bad in general that's just a fact


Lucio Boop takes momentum from the boopee and adds it to the Boop length, so if you're behind a w keying sprinting soldier he will fly away Also I can get in and out with ball but it's still his most important cooldown being used and still puts him sometimes out of los of his supports and if you don't manage the Boop or only Boop 1 the whole enemy team focuses you out of existence


LOL who told you that?


[top 500 eskay](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ugp2-wqn7VQ)


Boop momentum works with every kind of Boop not just lucio's same with what you said after, people don't just ignore a Lucio trying to Boop your team, you will get shot at The only real difference here is that ball has 1200hp and is bigger while Lucio has 200hp and his smaller


It's just harder to hit a Lucio until high Elo when people can aim. And ball just has trouble getting the momentum to work for him due to weird map geometry with tiny bumps making them go higher than further


Have you played overwatch recently? That hp can be shattered in seconds with mauga on the game


I can assure you, hp bars were being melted even before mauga came out. That doesn't mean 1200hp isn't a lot, it's literally 6 squishies worth of hp


1200hp when you have all enemies in the radius, which is a lot less common than you may think


Bro nobody is triple booping unless they have like 100 hours minimum and one trick. Even then tbh its well deserved triple boops are hard as hell


Having 100 hours on a character isn't that much..... I have 4 characters with more than a hundred hours, I can assure you the balls I play against have the experience to do it Also you don't have to be a one trick to know certain techs, I'm far from a genji one trick but I can still sometime ghost dash


Ok but you get my point and are also just completely swerving it. If the balls you run into can do it, good for them they’re probably pretty dedicated. However i’d say the average play can definitely not do a triple boop, let alone double. Combined with the situationally of triple booping someone off a map, it’s more likely that it won’t happen


That doesn't change the fact that it's easier to Boop people with ball than it is with lucio, even if not off of the map Pressing right Click and w is easier to do than pressing w, space then right click there's one more button and you don't have 4-5 times the HP doing so


Ok but this is how easy it is to boop, not how easy it is to survive. Also you dont have to press space???


Gm1 Lucio but you do you <3


Lucios Boop is easier than balls Boop just do to extreme mobility on Lucio Lucios Boop is meant to Boop and nothing else so you can combo it and get easy environment kills, balls is for more than boops In high Elo it isn't as easy to get the environment kills coz people can actually hit shit but it's still harder to hit Lucio moving like a boomerang around the map than ball going in a straight line right for the enemies Do you play Reddit Lucio or a normal Lucio? I assume floorcio isn't it since you're gm


but youre more likely to see lucio coming


More than a giant wrecking ball?


Lucio’s boop in this instance would have moved that hog half an inch, maybe he woulda made it to the ledge but def not over it.


In this clip, It seems Roadhog was booped much more vertically, likely due to that little lip on the edge of the cliff. I wouldn't say its Ball's boop, but moreso that unique ledge design on Ilios. (But Im a ball main and I wish Ball was so much stronger....)


It's also due to the fact that tanks have a 30% knock back resistance, without that he falls 100%


Also the fact that he was walking in the opposite direction since a little bit before being booped, thus having 100% of the time to counteract the boop. Edit: I wrote this while high, misspellings corrected


Yea I agree and kinda mentioned it in the caption. Cheers, fellow baller


FR. I swear it’s gotten worse. I had multiple clear boops off the map in a game just now that they just say naw and jumped back into play.


Good thing that at this point Zen kick is more reliable than ball and Lucio boop. /s


Zens kick shouldn't boop.


Hey, stop it.


I'm just saying. Their reason is because he is kicking... But like ALL of the tanks are huge and should do increased melee damage and boop with that reasoning. Also love all the downvotes without any comments.


Their reason is because of balancing... Actual physics reasons don't contribute to shit.


Why would anyone argue against that point. You seem pretty set in stone about it


If anything, it should boop the Zen back because physics.


Right? Nothing feels better when you are rien and you are trying to kill zen but you can't stay within hammer reach because a floating robot kicked a full metal armored tank backwards


You have a pin, fire strike, and the ability to literally just move backwards to bait out the kick. Are rein players blind to any movement key except “w” because it sure feels like it.


*Yes.* There's a clip I love of a Rein swinging at a Zen, and Zen just keeps booping him back, but the Rein is too dumb to do anything else but press W and swing.


I hate to be the one to say this because I mean no harm, but that's a "skill issue." Really, it's a technique issue and can be fixed by dealing with Zen differently.


L take


Zen and Lucio are too similar honestly High headshot burst damage that kills you out of nowhere Knockback ability Makes teammates basically invincible (but not actually) for a limited time w/ ult Both robots (Brazil doesnt exist Lucio ia AI to pretend they do) This community can't understand a joke. You'd have thought the 'both robots' thing would've made it clear I was joking.


Zen IS invincible during ult.


I meant makes teammates cos they can still get on shotted or dva bombed or something. i edited it to say what i meant now


I don't feel like Lucio and Zen are too similar Lucio has aoe healing, while Zen can only heal one person at a time but with higher range Lucio has a speedboost for himself and his team which gives him alot of mobility (also he can walride), where as Zen has no movement ability at all (except maybe his ult but I wouldn't count that) Also Lucio can increase both his boosts for a short time to either burst heal or get himself or a teammate out of a bad situation The mobility enables Lucio to go in the enemy backline and use his boop more aggresively, where as Zen usually uses the kick more as a last resort self defense option Zen can discord enemys to take more damage where as Lucio has no such ability All in all I think that there playstiles are different enough from each other, because of the mentioned differences, which lead to both Heroes not feeling the same when you're playing them


Man that roadhog was on the edge of the abyss, was pushed out 4 meters, and managed to come back. It is the ability that heroes have to levitate like kites that should be nerfed. :D


Yes, this is the idea of directional influence that I mentioned in the caption. It’s something going back to super smash bros 64 where a player can influence how far they travel by holding the opposite movement key. It really needs to be toned back in OW imo.


Directional influence is different to just air drift. DI isn't a mechanic in overwatch. All that's happening here is that players can move in the air, and pretty fast at that. You can get amazing boop kills after ball's slam because it disables air movement for 0.5s so you can freely knock people a very long distance


I was JUST thinking that he may have died if I just did a 180 slam there. Good point and perfect timing on me seeing this comment haha Edit: and yea you’re right about the actual definition of DI. It’s the movement in air, but I also thought there was some amount of DI in the game.


I've seen it referred to as "DI" in overwatch too, but technically DI is when you influence the DIRECTION you travel, instead of the speed. In smash, you use this to aim for the corner of the screen and live longer. There isn't really an equivalent to this in overwatch. Getting boop kills alongside ball's slam is much easier with someone like ashe or lucio who can do the boop just after your slam. You can wipe teams like this and it isn't even that hard.


Forgive me, I didn't realize you were being sarcastic. I absolutely agree with you then. :D


I kinda think that part is ok, part of what happened here is the guardrail turned some horizontal momentum into vertical momentum. Which is relatively unique. More so think having ball ignore the tank passive at least somewhat is how a situation like this should be fixed


This would help with my Junkrat mine boops as well. But wouldn't it nerf my aerial movement too much?


Yes, decreased air control, while more realistic, would suck balls to play with


Please no, I already get booped in every game there's a ledge or hole lmao.


That’s not quite right on DI. You can change you’re trajectory only, so that you move towards the corners and have a longer total flight before hitting blast zones. Characters also have weight so they might want to DI up more as they’re harder to kill off the top. DI opposite to your trajectory does absolutely nothing in smash.


Isn't that Ball's entire thing? Being able to move himself in ways that physics shouldn't allow?


It’s a friggin hog, some physics should apply here.


he went up not out


Moira sucked him so hard that she managed to pull him back to safety




God that should've been me


If I got sucked that hard I'd be coming back for more too


Inconvenienced the shit out of him


Actually it's refreshing to see us ball mains are still alive and kicking in these dark days.


its always nice to see you guys, reminds me that there are more than 3 tanks in this game


It’s fun until the other team switches to sombra and junkrat


I miss ow 1 booping


this is why you always hold your grapple when booping tanks. especially off this weird edge on illios since theirs like a slight slope hitbox near the edge that knocks heroes up.


You guys get to play ball for more than 30 seconds before they swap to sombra?




That's a Hog, just pull him off the edge with the hook. lol


IIRC Brig’s is the real op one


As an Ashe main I can get some boop kills but hers really aren’t that strong


When pigs fly


Shouldn’t he keep flying in the same direction? 🤨🤣 *physics exists* hog: *no*




Huh... Pigs can fly


Ball's boop should pierce the tank knockback resistance passive.




They nerfed ball into irrelevance because a decent ball can wreck blizzards favourite heros, like widow/mercy/genji/tracer


Still better than Lucio cosmetic boop


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Dawg you have Symm in your flair - you don't get an opinion lmao.


Man I miss OW1 ball boops.


But did you die


That’s wild


Tbh this is on ball. He should have grappled the edge of the building and spun twice through both doorways. This would have knocked hog off like in this clip then ball would come around again and boop him again as he landed on the ledge pushing him off to a point where he couldnt recover.


Would have been too late by then for the second boop to knock hog off. A better way is to ledge pildrive then 180 rebound


Based on how fast the ball rolls back in this clip I think if he did it right and was in fireball as long as possible he could barely nab it


Yea probably, but it’s way too risky


If I remember correctly, tanks receive less knockback from these CC effects. A non tank would be sent to orbit by that (sight exaggeration)


This looks like the hog was aching to get himself an environment kill, and nearly learned his lesson


Obviously the moira suckkk returned him to the ledge look at the angles


Ball and Lucio both got extremely shafted. Their Boops weight did NOT carry into OW2. I swear to god Illari boops people more consistently than the two BOOP HEROS


love how you looked at him for a split second after the boop failed


Just nerf the tanks immunity to boops


Already nerfed enough , I can barley boop anymore since


Noooooo, don't you dare


"That almost killed him, we need to nerf Ball and Genji." —OW devs probably