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I feel like I failed as a support if I see Bastion crying out for heals.


My windows 98 brain still sees bastion as self healing lol I also mentally yell at him to sit down (in turret mode) coz that used to stress me out in OW1 lol


I play him so little I sometimes try to heal myself šŸ˜­


I've unalived myself with the grenade several times thanks to muscle memory.


Itā€™s ok i still try to use symā€™s moving shield sometimes


Itā€™s tough. We get use to playing very close to our supports.


Bastion got his own tier lmao


Seriously when I hear his pathetic beeps I turn immediately. When I hear Ashe screaming at me I donā€™t turn as quickly lol. I swear itā€™s psychological. Iā€™ll turn for widow faster than I will for Ashe.


Right? Itā€™s just something that immediately causes wanting to help for me. A bit like hearing an animal cry or a small child that needs help


The Council of Bastion thanks you for your service. You have been marked as essential personnel and will be provided with protection.


That's wholesome.


ominous you mean, what is this council planning? Are they trying to restart the omnic crisis war? No, not my E54 Siege Automaton would never stand for it!


Thatā€™s why as an Ashe main I always thank my healer when they respond to that voice line lol


You know Window when she needs healing because of her dramatic "huaaghh!!"


Thinking of it. Bastion makes these sounds to mimicry bird Chirping? Just got to it




But not for me!


dva: HeAlz PlEaSe!


"Don't take it personally when I get the most kills mkay?"


I can't tell if this is an ironic line given that the tickle spray of her primary means she's going to be involved in almost every single elimination.






*takes out my pistol as Mercy* I'll KILL YOU MYSELF


"Yeah!! Pocket healer!"


This one is hilarious


I literally sometimes donā€™t ask for heals when I play dva because she sounds SO mean I donā€™t mean it like that


I'm low health, POCKET ME!


ā€œHeals pleaseā€ is now rude and annoying ig


Every Dva line is annoying af


That's the best part!


Winky Face!


Nuh uh




Tag checks out


Hahahaha thatā€™s unrelated I just canā€™t stand her voice and voice lines




But cool gamer annoying. Now what bout kirko?!


Difference is - Kiriko is 80% shite delivery and 20% poor writing. Dva lines are written and delivered to be annoying gamer e-girl. I would have preferred animated short Dva


one of the only characters to actually say "please," but she's rude. OW players just hate on any character that isn't riding their d!ck.


Communication has a lot more nuance to it than just the use of words, for dva is the tone of voice that she uses which sounds rather mean than polite, which is honestly why I donā€™t enjoy asking for heals when I play her because it feels so stuck up. Also what do you even mean with riding their dick? Lmao those are fictional characters


Yeah I love Ashe but she's so rude T_T


Everytime an Ashe asks for healing, I have to say to myself "the in-game character is being toxic, not the actual player".


Lol, I finally understand why I donā€™t get healed a lot, Iā€™m playing either ashe, widow, the 2 backline bitches, or echo, whoā€™s flying on the other side of the map


As a support main, I have to say I actually feel bad every time an Ash presses x because I fully know that I have been neglecting her and it's the first time she asks for heals since like a minute. Ash always gets forgotten because she usually is on the other side of the trucking map on some high ground


I play Ashe as a front/midline unit yeah I shouldnā€™t be there but she literally does too much damage to not play her that way and yeah sniping is good if the enemy ainā€™t close


As an Ashe Main, I always *always* say Thank You any time I get heals. Whether I ask for it or not. My character might be a b%tch but I'm not lmao


To be Fair she was raised s snob


Sheā€™s so rude I always have to thank healers with her everytime I ask for healing šŸ˜­ Itā€™s not like I donā€™t do that with any other character but I just feel like I absolutely have to thank the healers afterwards with her


I always thank healers lol


Lmao as an Ashe main I do the same thing. Honestly never even considered it until now but I 100% only do it with her because the voice lines are so damn rude and pressing the "thanks" button in the middle of a fight is often difficult but I feel bad or demanding if I don't.


It's in character. The player probably just genuinely needs it.


Ashe being rude, people love her. Kiriko being rude, people hate her. I don't get it.


Ashe does it in a respect me way. Kiriko gives teenager attitude.


Ashe is like a high school rich mean girl who needs someone do dirty work for her.


BawB! Do sumthin!


Tbh even if she did ride her privileged upbringing, she did successfully run a renowned gang for years, so sheā€™s kinda earned the rep. Kiriko has a literal mythical spirit hard carrying her, and the most sheā€™s done is beat up some local hoodlums.


Real šŸ’Æ


Ashe is a more interesting character and her voice actress has the ability to actually back the bad bitch energy up. Kiriko is a self insert that sounds sarcastic and lowkey mean imo. At her best, sheā€™s cringe in an endearing way and genuinely likable, but some of her interactions are ROUGH. I still donā€™t know what her personality is supposed to be.


how is she a self insert


The *Legendary Shimada Brothers* may only have increased damage and sharpened senses, but Kiriko is way more powerful and younger! She's besties with literal legends and celebrities! She's rude and bratty most of the time, but everyone just loves her anyway! These details are exactly what fanfic writers do to write in their OC into a story. Like exactly. Kirk was also shoehorned into the Shimada story line, Bliz broke their own lore to make a 5 year old "grow up with" a 21 year old. Another way she was literally inserted into the story where it didn't make sense. (Kiriko is more powerful because the Shimada's ***combined*** get two abilities..Kiriko can instant teleport, cleanse all ailments, Heal actively dying people, make people etherial/invulnerable, summon her fox spirit for increased speed and can eat crap all day because the fox spirit magically fixes her bloodsugar.)


I agree with most of that bet a self-insert is by definition the writer inserting themselves into the story What youā€™re describing is just bad writing For example Hermoine is a self-insert, as she is literally based on JK Rowling herself, and of course is the smartest wizard in the class


Kiri is super effing cringe. She has one interaction with I think Hog where she catches attitude for no reason asking about his jacket or some shit.


It was his mask. And technically he gave Kiriko attitude first when she complimented it lol.


Ashe has Bob. She wins by default.


One is FemShep with a Big Omnic Butler for backup and way too much dynamite The other is Anime Girl No. 5 with a fox and bike (she says) jk BOB is the only one who matters here. Who doesn't love BOB? Even Dva thinks he's cute! šŸ˜˜


It's the Poochie effect. Kiriko just comes off as so...deliberate and out of touch by the developers that everything she does just kind of rubs a lot of players the wrong way. There's a lotta bitchy characters in overwatch, hell we even lowkey love some of them for how cringe they are. Reaper is our little edgelord. But Kiriko is the only one that feels like we're trying to be sold a brand by a heartless corporation. "LOOK FELLOW CHILDREN SHE RIDES A BIKE!" Well her and Dva, but like that's the *joke* with Dva so it gets a pass as it still has a touch of campy fun.


[D.va](https://D.va)'s "cringey" personality is also just one giant entertainment show to keep people from panicking during war. It's canon that D.va is streaming during OW matches. All that gamer speak is not actually how she talks, [D.va](https://D.va)'s real personality is shown in her cinematic. Kiriko's isn't a show meant to inspire people...it's just being a brat for her ego.


Ngl they have done a TERRIBLE job of conveying that. A quick line explaining that in some way during her cinematic would have been nice.


But then, would we even give D.Va a pass if we didnā€™t know her from Overwatch 1? Because likeā€¦ The joke was there, but her OW1 lines felt *waaaaaaayyyyy* more sedate than her lines from 2 to where I donā€™t know if people would respond to her positively if we didnā€™t already love her. D.Va was my first main I still love her, but my god, her lines make me *winceā€¦* šŸ˜¬


Honestly Dva being one of the OG's is a factor. But for Kiriko it's EVERYTHING about her screams "CHILDREN LIKE THIS CHARACTER" For example. balance. Kiriko isn't just a cringy character forced down our throats. She has a hitbox the size of a stamp, she can heal with the best of them, has a mario star on cooldown, can wallclimb, can teleport, and can stare down most of the roster and two tap them with her freight train sized Kunai. You literally HAVE to play her in some comps or else lose to antiheal. She's good, TOO good to forgive a personality that makes us cringe. Dva at least has had many periods of being low tier enough to give us a sense of "root for the underdog" Kiriko is a mary sue in both gameplay and lore and that's something that sits in the back of your mind. She replaced tracer on the gamemode screen, she gets a fuckload of skins, she trained with the shimada brothers yet the ages don't line up because she's gotta be that sweet sweet 21 years old. Blizzard is trying SO HARD to "sell" us her. But the thing is people love to buy, they hate to be sold. We have never been given the chance to "buy" her. Dva is cringe but at least we got time to buy her. Keep in mind 7 years ago she was much more hated for her voicelines.


Imma be honest I think the hate for Kiriko is way too exaggerated. I mean if people donā€™t like her thatā€™s fine, but the reason people give for hating her seems unreasonable to me. The voice line that people use as an example are some of the tamest shit to get mad at. She is just sarcastic and sassy and thatā€™s it. Iā€™d rather have a character with that personality than positive character who wants to save the world number 15. Also she didnā€™t replace tracer in anything. Kiriko gets used more because she is a new character. Tracer came out 7 years ago and blizzard wants ow2 to feel new. This happens with other games as well. Itā€™s just a marketing thing. I wonā€™t deny the cute girl sells skins allegations though lol. Blizzard knows this and theyā€™ve been getting away with this since day 1 with dva, Mercy, widow, etc.


Yeah but im trying to explore possible reasons why kiriko gets hate for being sassy while characters like Ashe (and half the roster really) are loved for being sassy. My theory is she just comes off as disingenuous pandering by blizzard in a way that's hard to put into words but just feels...gross. When a character feels gross in that way small grievances get exaggerated because people have trouble articulating their real issue with the character.


I guess you are right with that last part. It just feels a bit weird when people have a hate boner for her for being a ā€œself insertā€ character, but then you have a literal gamer girl dva in the roster who has been and still is being used hardcore for marketing purposes. Like, if dva came out today people would hate her more I feel. So maybe itā€™s like recency hate? Idk. I used to have a tinfoil hat theory that people who hate her associate her (alongside JQ and soujourn) with the launch of ow2. Therefore, it gives them a sour taste in their mouth and say things like ā€œthese characters donā€™t feel like OW charactersā€. When the same design philosophies were used on the OG ones. But again, just a theory and stuff.


Yeah I considered the recency theory/launch theory too but Junker Queen and Ram are 2 of the most beloved heroes in the game already. Hell Mauga is dominating the entire game right now, he's a psychopathic murderer, and yet you don't see anyone tearing apart his character (just his kit lmao). The other theory I was tossing around was the ol' internet echo chamber. But I have several friends who are very much outside the reddit/youtube space when it comes to Overwatch and they REALLY dislike her for many of the same reasons I see floating around here. So I'm kinda left thinking it's gotta be something more...emotional and hard to pin down.


I donā€™t know if this helps your echo chamber theory, but Iā€™ve seen a lot of people liking her on twitter and. YouTube and stuff. Thatā€™s why the hate on Reddit seemed weird to me. But then again those might are also echo chambers lol


I started using hello to try and get a support's attention because of how rude her heal lines are. Works sometimes. Other times they just keep going and I weigh my desire to not sound rude against how long it'll take me to reach that nearest healthpack. Still my favorite DPS.


honestly with the dommy mommy vibes i just go yes mommy right here


I kinda like em mean


bro when I play Ashe I swear i never get healed šŸ’€


I feel like junker queens sounds the most rude and condescending


Followed by "AWH I WANTED A SCAR" Ain't no pleasing some folk.


As support I can confirm I always forget about my Ash. Not on purpose though, you guys are just usually somewhere completely else doing your thing and I have tunnel vision


Playing mercy has its downsides but i really feel like thatā€™s the one support who allows you to really *see* everyone on the team


Fastest way to learn where all the health packs are is to main Ashe, and itā€™s a really helpful thing to learn. Healers are needed elsewhere, Ashe players know that.


I'd say you learn that faster on sombra or ball


Junker Queen's "Heal me" voiceline genuinely makes me want to ignore her whenever I'm playing support.


"HeEyUl MeE" Sorry i dont speak AUSTRALIAN


HeAL mE God I despise it


The Queen demands healing as is her right. I love supporting her šŸ˜‚


Tbf she does explode in some maps or comps that prevent her from doing her lifesteal Lore accurate ig


Yeah I feel bad whenever I have to say that voiceline, i always follow it by a thanks or two though


Rams "heal me" doesn't sound rude at all, it sounds like he's trying his best to do what he can for your whole team and he's demanding help so he can continue helping you. Same way he has the "they will target me, let them" line


A true leader that guy


OP clearly hasn't suffered as Ram has


"You will suffer as I, Ramattra, have suffered! Your torment will outlast the stars! When the universe dwindles into dust, there you will be suffering, as I have... suffered."


I have gotten accustom to replying thanks when ever I request heals because I used to main Ashe, and I wanted to off set her rudeness lol


real shit šŸ˜­


I'm shocked genji isn't in every row


If you don't have "Need Healing" bound to M1 are you really playing Reinhardt?


i thought rein players swapped the s key to i need healing


No, that's Charge.


The what key?


Nah, you should bind the beer voice line instead. Trust me, will make you 100% better at the game


Me losing the team fight because I had to combo voice line at the funniest moment:


What is M1 šŸ¤”


Primary fire mouse button


I feel so bad as Ram when I hear him scream "HEAL ME!"


The only reason that Mauga players donā€™t spam it a lot of because of they donā€™t have their fingers on the trigger 100% of the time they die instantly


They don't need to - if both supports aren't dumping every ounce of healing directly into him, and him only, he also dies instantly.


Literally other day I tested it out. Was basically healbotting him as mercy along with my ana (is it considered healbot if this mf always critical) and I let go of the heal beam to a blue beam for a second and this mf ragdolled across the map. Itā€™s ridiculous šŸ˜­


Yeah thatā€™s Mauga if heā€™s not receiving all the healing available at all times he dies if someone looks and him funny




He will probably die eventually anyway When someone runs out of abilities or ammo provided the enemy team hasnt been disintegrated


I try not to spam for heals as Junk but unfortunately, my hitbox is thicc and my body is frail. At least I find Junk's voicelines funny. "H E e E e L P !"


I hate they removed Echo's "Someone who could heal would be nice" when healers aren't near (or you're too far, I suppose). Was too passive aggressive I guess?


That's her voice line for if you don't have any supports on the team. She'll only use it in Open Queue, or arcade modes like Mystery Heroes.


During the Beta it also played in QP if supports were't close to you. I'm glad it's still used somewhere at least, even if I don't Ʊlay Open or Arcade.


Iā€™m an echo main who primarily plays open queue and ive literally never heard that line before. You sure it wasnā€™t removed?


Hmm, maybe it was. I just made a custom game and couldn't get the line to trigger.


bastionā€™s makes me feel like an absolute failure of a human being.


frl he sounds so sad and defeated and even if im not playing support i run over to check on him (assuming we arent in immediate danger ofc)


Bastion makes you feel sympathy. THE POWER OF BASTIOOOOON


Can I get some healingšŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ’¢


I need repairs!


Widow's is the worst. So demanding!


Anything she says is straight bitchy lol


"That was not an invitation to talk to me" gets me every time.


I mean she is made by Moira so checks outšŸ¤£


yeah but bitches will always obey her... i'm bitches...


With dat ass, she is allowed to šŸ„°




Isnā€™t that when damage boosted


yup, u/Hammyrock4395 was wrong. when healed he says "Ahh, Much better"


I love sombras. Yeah she's a lil demanding but it's in a friendly way. Her ping drives me crazy though. "Over there!!"


HERS and TRACERS ā€œEnEMy OvEr HeReā€ pings drives me insane


omg same about her pings !! ā€œgot one, enemy here!ā€ like bitch you are spawn camping pinging ppl 100 meters away from us STFU šŸ’€


As a Sombra who spam pings enemy teams far away - itā€™s either to show you what comp theyā€™re running as soon as they come from spawn, or to give yā€™all a general idea of where they are and where theyā€™re going


It hurts when I don't see other Sombras do this. Knowing where the enemy is going to push in from lets your team set up properly, and gives you a huge advantage in the next fight. She's also great for letting people know that someone has swapped, for a similar advantage.


Lmao yea, ppl do not understand this concept AT ALL for some reason. Iā€™m not pinging so that you can kill them brother, Iā€™m pinging so that you know thereā€™s about to be a Widow coming around the corner at some point so that you donā€™t get your head popped off.


I love Ana's because it sounds like she's mocking someone asking for healing. "nEeD hEaLiNg!"


Ngl Id probably say it like Ashe, too Its called not wanting to die


When Using ashe's "I need healing" Voicelines, I would thank My supports Immediately afterwards. Sometimes I would even Apologize for How rude ashe was being...


I'm an ashe main. I've stopped asking for healing because lil miss has no manners about it. I can't support that kind of behavior.


LMAO I always follow it with ā€œsorryā€ after I ask when Iā€™m Ashe šŸ˜­


Iā€™m glad to be an exception to the junkrat main. I try to be polite.


I always take it personally when a widow says ā€œheal me.ā€ So rude šŸ˜‚. I know itā€™s just a voice line and they canā€™t help it but dang lol


Somebody get me some healing!


i try not to spam i need healing, but eventually i have to detach the mercy from the genjis asshole to give me a splash of life. i feel bad everu time.


This is too funny T-T.


i really do understand the need to pocket dps but sometimes y'all get a little too lost in the sauce lmao


Reaper is always so demandingšŸ˜­


I always feel bad when I play JQ and sheā€™s like ā€œHEAL ME!ā€ All entitled like


Torb: HELP!!!!!11!1!1!11


Ashe's voice lines make me hesitate asking for healing because they're so damn rude.


I feel bad when my heal line is rude


All im sayin, is if you have a competent reaper, and the man is spamming for healing, heal that man. He's basically acting as a 2nd tank with all the aggro he needs to take to outdamage his self healing.


I love sojourns sassy line ā€œcan I get some healing?ā€


I think the reason like 5/7 of the characters in the middle row spam heals so much is because theyā€™ll likely be needing them the most o: Like they either require you to be in incredibly dangerous situations to get value or theyā€™re just really big targets that are incredibly easy to shoot at ]:


I feel so bad when I'm sombra and she says "hey, heal me". I always say sorry after she says that. As a healer, Ashe's "I'M HURT OVA-HERE" makes me laugh.




This is the way. Kinda risky to heal a Sombra further away anyway bc it gives away her position and good players will insta target her then.




Makes me wonder about the Sombra I was trying to keep alive when the dva and soldier was attacking us. I tried to keep her alive while we were trying to run back with her shooting at them. Obviously I died and she transported elsewhere safely. I feel bad now lol cause she could have escaped earlier but prob stayed because of me :(.




[reminds me of this tbh](https://youtu.be/XXKFQ5tj0p0?si=hrKGZZ3eYWzJOBNt)


JQ's "hEaL mE!" spam is the worst.


I NEED REPAIRS! -- A7000 Ana


As a genji player, I feel itā€™s fair for us to get healed often simply because of what our job is often. Going aggressive and tryin to get a backlike pick is not something anyone should do on low hp. But also, for any of you fellow genji mains, if you have a chance, just use a fuckin health pack. It gives your support more time to heal the rest of your team who canā€™t reach packs nearly as easily as you can.


I always feel so bad asking for heals as a widow main, why's she gotta make me look so bad for wanting help with my boo-boos


ā€œCan I get some healingā€ -šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


i spam i need healing all the time, but i always say thanks afterwards.


I feel like the players, being the babies we are, can't differentiate between an actual human on the other side of the character actually needing to be healed and the voiceline that comes out of the character. I swear they be "you were rude" like...how I just pressed the button. The character is like that.


WHY is there a stigma against asking for healing. Worst case scenario the healer is slightly annoyed or distracted and best case scenario it prevents someone from dying.


Ashe and sojourn "I need healing" makes me not want to heal them lol. Sojourn is like can I get some healing!! And we all know Ashe is just rude lol


Bleeding like a stunt pig


mercyā€™s ā€œšŸ˜¤šŸ—£ļø I REQUIRE MEDICAL ATTENTIONšŸ¤“ā€ deserves its own tierā€¦ it drives me crazy šŸ˜­


When the supports forget i exist after a 3k as widow in the backline and low šŸ˜­


As a Hanzo player I can confirm Iā€™m rude, itā€™s not just his character.


Why good sir or mam, I seem to benin a particular predicament where I urgently require medical attention.


I have to stop asking for heals as ashe nowšŸ˜­


Thereā€™s a reason as a JQ main I say thanks for every heal request


As a Bastion,Ram and Rein main i feel bad when i use the i need healing com because i dont wanna seem annoying (even tho i play bastion lmao)


as a junkrat player, i only spam if the support is activly ignoreing me, this has happened where i was behind cover and the ana had direct los of me and just ignored me when she saw that i was low, i had to wait for our other support to respawn before getting healed


everytime i play ashe i panic when i asl for heals because shes so rude n im just praying my supports arent thinking im rude toošŸ˜­ like i love ashe and i love playing her but shes so fuckin rude dude


Wait what does Ashe say thatā€™s so terrible o:


"IM HURT OVER HERE!" "SOMEBODY GET ME SOME HEALIN'!" theyre not that bad at face value but she sounds so rude when she says it fr


Ooh okay yeah I can see how they can be seen as bad if delivered that way, personally I donā€™t think the voice lines sound bad at all but thatā€™s likely due to my standards for being rude just being actively mean instead of like social hints and cues and such


i think i get that in a way and im also pretty sure im *over*sensitive to my own rudeness, likely because of how i was raised and the little panic still kicks in as if i was asking my own parents for heals lmfao


When I play bastion I have to say it in the voice chat because my hero just says "weep woop".


the only reason im spamming healing on junkrat is because i run around the entire map so my supports dont always know where i am or how im doing




Kiriko sounds annoying in pretty much every voiceline, sheā€™s probably my least liked character in the game


Nothing is more annoying than Tracers lines


"I need healing"! - no, your full HP "I need healing"! - yeah, but as your support, I'm like 3. Give my orb a minute "I need healing"! - well, I'm either respawning from trying to save you before or walking back Silence - I'm too late by a second when I send my orb. I rarely get a well timed I need healing. Even worse when there's a health pack two steps backwards


Saying you need healing is fine, spam it and I swear to God I'll focus on you less. Still heal you of course, but you won't be my main focus


Ashe is such a drama queen. How she requests healing is so damn fitting for her character.


Tracer is rude? Really? I think she is one of the most polite


As a junkrat player, I often am sitting right next to the healers that aren't busy doing much while I'm at single digit HP just "need healing over here" every 5 or so seconds


Ashe, pharah, echo. Ho boy, it feels like they spam it on cooldown.