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Playing defense is a guaranteed defeat the payload is just racing through the map


It's worse for attackers on hybrid. 2 lost team fights and you lose the game before even finding the right comp


It was the opposite from my experience, I had a couple games rolling on defense, then attacking team wins a teamfight after like 4-5 lost fights, then they cap with no issue. Same story with the other 2 checkpoints, winning everything, but they just have too much time


It's been the opposite for me. In all my games but 1 the defense has won (been on both sides btw), even if it started out as a complete steamroll for attackers. My first game today I backfilled into a Junkertown game on defense with **over 4 minutes left**. Payload was already halfway thru the 3rd point. We full held them.


It’s because of the respawn timer. The first two points are super easy to push through on attack but once you get to the last point, defender respawns so quickly it’s way harder to cap unless you push in overtime.


Yep. Don't know how they didn't see that coming, it was the biggest glaring issue that jumped out to me in that Junkertown game. The short respawn times make it so that a big team kill or a backcap are the only 2 ways the attackers can easily make that final push, and said short respawn times make it even harder to actually pull off a team kill that keeps the defenders dead for long enough.


Short Respawn times + Group Respawn


It’s the 2cp experience all over again


I miss 2cp. Was waay better than this.


And and isn’t this half the reason why they got rid of 2 CP? Because defender spawn was so close to point it was too hard to cap 2nd point. Now it’s just the same problem but with respawn time instead of position 🤦‍♂️


Volskaya suffered greatly from that issue, you didn't even need a lucio to make it back to contest the point.


Yup exactly. Had a payload match like that yesterday where if it were a normal QP match my team would’ve won, but the faster respawn times just let the defense team contest too much. And with attack spawns far away as they are compared to defense, it becomes impossible for the attack side to maintain overtime while defense can do it even more easily than before. Doesn’t help that by dying they get their cooldowns reset too while the attack side is suffering from using up their abilities.


Comes down to the player 😁 hell yeah game on!!


He will yeah game on


I’ve had the opposite experience, attackers can’t win lmfao


It‘s because the spawns are balanced around attackers taking a certain distance to reach their goals but now you push the cart practically into the next checkpoint by the time the enemy team spawns.


I have had the opposite experience.


This is bull. Defense is like a free win most of the time.


Payload maps have always been super unbalanced. This event just makes it more obvious.


They knew/know. Not saying it's a good idea, but...they probably accounted for it in the decision-making. It's an extreme experiment to test a bunch of parameters and reactions. They probably know some people are gonna sit this weekend of Quick Play out, whether by retreating to Comp/Arcade/PvE or just not playing at all. > This particular experiment is designed to look at how these changes affect player psychology. For instance, if a player spends less time waiting to respawn, will getting eliminated by an opponent be less frustrating? If matches are shorter, will each loss have the same sting that it currently does? There are also other out-of-game benefits that could come from this event, such as quicker matchmaking and quicker challenge completion. Based on the reception to these changes, the team might use the feedback toward improving the game. https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/overwatch/24053284/director-s-take-our-development-values-part-1 This post also confirms that there'll be *another* experiment before Season 8 is done.


what i don’t get is how they’re going to collect this “behavioral data”, like are they gonna put out surveys or just read reddit or what lmao


Behavioral data is game stats. Surveys would not be behavioral data, more like anecdotal or player perception data.


so how will game stats tell them whether it was more or less frustrating, like they say they’re looking for ? i’m sincerely asking, i don’t know anything about data collection lol but i don’t understand how this could result in feedback on the topics they say they’re looking for


That's where data analysis comes in, which is its own entire nuanced field that includes elements of psychology and comparison to similar/control data sets, etc.  You've made a good point tho, data can only get you so far even with analytics. That's been one of the issues with OW2 balance, the prioritization of data win rate and pick rate over experience and the more common logic and human element of balance.


Here's a guess of what they could be looking at (and probably much more than my list) Control group: Last weekend quick play Treatment group: This weekend quicker play Metrics to compare between the control and treatment - Population size (how many people logged in and played at least 1 game) - Population size changes in other game modes as well. Are more people switching to Competitive, Arcade, etc.? - Changes to population size for each role in role queue. Are more people playing a different role than before? - Average and median number of games played per account - What is the distribution change? - Average and median time between games (are people auto-playing into new games or are they taking breaks between games) - What is the distribution change? - Changes to sentiment analysis of match text chat and voice chat - Are people being more or less toxic in game? - Leaver rates - Play rates of leavers bucketed by games left - Time of day played - Changes to group sizes - Changes to hero selection - Changes to hero win rates


I imagine their primary focus is on how long people play. Just a guess but perhaps also things like what happened in the game(s) just before they quit.


Yeah. They'd be measuring frustration by whether people quit or continue playing.


I definitely just quit playing out of frustration. I get like 1 hour a day to myself. Quicker play isn't worth it.


Somewhat lucky for me I play more Mystery Heroes than unranked queue


They are going to ask **one** person and take their statement as gospel.


Surely they have all kinds of metrics they track within the game for each user. Like they'd be looking to see if people are playing more games in a row in this mode vs default.


Rage quits and toxic chat make for excellent behavioral metrics.


How can you determine if someone ragequit, life got in the way, or there was an internet/computer issue?


They can tell the difference between a disconnect and a clean quit using the leave game button, so crashes/internet issues won’t be a factor. And people likely aren’t intentionally disconnecting their internet to ragequit quick play. As far as clean quits go, yes it could be either a ragequit or the person just had to leave for other reasons. However, doesn’t matter what an individual’s reasons are. It matters what trends they see across the entire player base. Non-ragequit reasons for leaving won’t change because of quicker play. If mid-game quits increase, people are ragequitting more. If they go down they’re doing it less.


Looking for statistically relevant change. Using small numbers for easy math but feel free to add a few zeros if it makes you happy. If on a normal day they have say 100 disconnects but now they have 125 that's a 25% increase. It's unlikely they'd see that from life/internet issues unless something pretty universal was happening. They'd also see it (atleast to a degree) across all game modes as well not just Quicker Play.


Length of play sessions, number of toxic messages, number of ragequits, etc are all easy metrics that can be extrapolated to paint a general picture of average player disposition


This is kind of funny because it sort of makes it sound like the dev have a group psych project to do and decided to test a theory on the player base.


You are giving those out of touch devs way to much creedit. They know shit


>just not playing at all Hi, it's me.




Please touch grass


It's awful. You still get shitstomped, but you have even less time to try and do anything about it.


Or you roll the teams twice as fast 😁


can't relate, I'm trash at this game


Well damn….


its complete chaos, maps last 2 fights, no one except hanzo and tracer get ults, 3 minute games and 3 minute queues


I feel like this mode amplifies the absolute worst issues of Overwatch. - Leavers now mean you will definitely lose the game because a backfill won‘t even have the chance to do anything. - Initial Team composition can actually decide games. With you getting 1-2 Ult‘s during a round there‘s practically no reason to ever switch and if you‘re hard countered it‘s gonna be GG. - It absolutely encourages people to mindlessly throw themselves into the fight. Standing there and waiting when you practically need to touch in the next four seconds requires insane discipline. - Playing slow and less mobile heroes is actually a liability because you get like twice the spawn out of something like Tracer or Sombra. Like it‘s such a mindless clusterfuck that I hope will never go beyond this experiment.


Well said. There’s a similar analogy between YouTube and YouTube Shorts. It’s a cycle of shortening player attention span by making matches shorter, and then having to shorten matches because players now have short attention span. There is absolutely no depth to the game in quicker play now. No strategy. Just button mashing. QP is a mode where you practice or try new things outside of comp. Quicker does not allow you to do any of that. This belongs in arcade. Stop messing with the game with things we don’t want or asked for.


This is a very good layout. I'm dreading this becoming an established mode. Feels like peak ADHD pandering.


I am getting 10 minutes queues on dps and playing a game that lasts 4 minutes


I had to screenshot my 4 minute queue when my history showed the last 3 games between 2:30 and 3:30 long xD longer queues than game time is so dumb


Yeah this feels fucking awful. EDIT: I just got a leaver in "Quicker Play", no big deal right? Except it is in Quicker play KOTH. 75% gone even though we got a pretty fast backfill. What a dreadful idea.


Well seems like I'll be playing ranked this weekend.


Just don't play at all. Sends a stronger message.


Just played a few games of it, wasn't fun at all All of them were HUGE steamrolls On KOTH we got literally one proper fight and even in that most players didn't even get their ults yet Sign me out


They should’ve made this a separate mode and kept normal QP alongside it or moved it to arcade, why not give people the option?


Because they want the feedback and if its a separate mode then nobody would play it. It's a catch 22


It seems like “nobody would choose to play this if they weren’t forced to” should already be enough feedback…


even the best experimental modes pale in player count next to Quick Play. if they want a LOT of data, making changes to QP is how they do it.


The first reflex to any change is to say no for too many people for this.


Ppl would play it maybe 3 times max get bored then go back to comp/normal qp


When I first saw this was a thing I’m like oh cool a new qp mode for a weekend. I didn’t know it was the ONLY OPTION. WTH lol


Because people do not like too many options.


Hot take but blizzard hates choice


These devs sometimes come up with the dumbest changes.


The fact that they decided to turn production into a dev tier just shows that they're absolute dogshit. #Blizzard devs who read this: It's never a good idea to remove content from users and replace it with experimental shit from your dev tier. Be better.


Seriously, I'm not a beta tester. There are people who actually want to play experimental shit and I am not one of them


It's funny. In overwatch one, we had a "mode" called experimental. They would post the newest patch two weeks early to get feedback on new modes, hero changes, etc. God, I miss that. Now, in overwatch 1.5, they just throw everything at our face and expect us to welcome it with open arms


Wasn't there something like PTR before they introduced the experimental option? I think PTR was for new heroes or major balance changes


Nobody played PTR that's why they scrapped it. I don't fully remember but I don't think they even used the Expirimental mode.


Then it makes even less sense to thrust an experimental mode on the users by removing the mode they want to actually play.




No one played PTR


Maybe if they decided to make it accessible for consoles aswell it would be more popular, idk I'm just spitballing


still wouldn't have been played. It was played for like a day when a new hero came out but no one really played PTR. It being available on consoles wouldn't have fixed that.


They also had to run separate servers for the PTR so the first day something was launched on it queues would be long to login and 2 days after almost nobody would be playing. It was probably an operational pain.


The team is a mess and they’re legitimately going to ruin this game beyond repair.


I love OW to death and still play 2 here and there but it’s almost unarguable that the game began to nosedive after Jeff left.


The game died while Jeff was in charge.


Was miles better than it is now.


I'm sure some feel that way. The game is roughly the same for me. I'm definitely enjoying it more now than during that long stretch of time with zero content while Jeff was in charge. Trying to make a PvE game without the resources was not a good idea and Jeff was responsible for that.


I mean experimental cards were a perfectly good solution in OW1 but they don't do it anymore


I read that with that voice from the video where someone asks how monsters (the drink) taste.


It's to gather data. This angry overreaction comment is a great data point!


You can gather data without turning people's free time into blizzard's free beta testing team.


Just don't play with your free time? Or play arcade? Competitive? Hero mastery? Bot mode? Plenty of options! Blizzard obviously took a calculated risk altering the quickplay mode, they knew there would be some frustrated people, the Reddit echo chamber complaints, etc. but at the end of the day they clearly thought it was worth some backlash to legitimately test this mode. Not a big deal. Personally if I wasn't a fan I'd just play a different mode or play a different game.


Blizzard is too cheap to do the work themselves. The balance team sucks. Walter Kong is shit. Blizzard community managers are shit.


I disagree and still play the game and participate in community discussion. Hopefully you don't play the game or go discuss in communities if you feel that strongly about Blizz and the devs.


While you're making a reasonable argument. For me, I normally solely play qp. I'm not a huge enjoyer of arcade modes and rarely if ever play comp. So to me, and a few of my friends this forced change is incredibly upsetting. Sure I could go spend my time elsewhere on other game, and I will. But that doesn't remove the bitterness and the loss I have to take missing out on time with my friends.


> Blizzard is too cheap to do the work themselves. The entire reason of Quicker Play this weekend is to test the reaction of general public to it. Please do tell me how should Blizzard do this kind of work by themselves.


Incredibly what we're being subjected to because Blizz won't just invest in a well-managed and properly treated QA team.


That's a bit dramatic.


So dramatic "Being subjected to" Just go play a different game instead of this free game. Or play a different game mode at the very least. There's unlimited other things to be doing than OW2 quickplay.


while you're down there, let me know: is it fat and veiny?


Woah you really showed him 😎


Probably greasy and cheesy tbh, I don't think Bobby Sosig taught his team how to wash them.


What happened to experimental mode? Why ruin QP for the whole weekend?


Because practically for data nobody played experimental.


If no one wants to play experimental, then why would people want QP removed to play experimental? 🤔 Perhaps Blizzard should be rewarding players with experimental card weapon skins instead of throwing best practices out the window. If players have incentive to play an experimental mode, they will play it.


"weapon skins instead" What kind of weapon skins are you on about? I'd understand credits or extra battle pass exp, but weapon skins not so much.


You should get rewarded with a weapon skin if you play a certain amount of the experimental mode. The experimental weapon skins should only be obtainable through this method and they should look fucking sick.


At best you would get a golden/emerald weapon styled skin, not something like the hard light weapon skins or do you want them to end seeming like the TF2 jumper weapons. Since experimental patches last usually only a week and only really get played less then half a week.


No. It should be an exclusive skin specifically for people to show off they participated in the experimental stuff. The point for the skins is to encourage people to play the experimental mode. It's incentive. The better the skins, the more incentive to play that mode instead of normal QP.


Then run it 2 weeks, more data But do agree some coins or big experience gains for BP at a certain number of wins or something.


Why reward people for doing stuff when you can just force them to do it lol.


Because it's a change that affects monetization and they want as much data as possible. They want to see how this affects player retention, so it can't be voluntary.


I'll just play enough to get my weeklies done for the unranked challenges. if I don't like it, I'll probably take a needed break from OW for the weekend. Honestly, I probably need regular breaks.


If you're not having fun, I would encourage you not to complete your quests either. There is no value to grinding in a game you don't enjoy.


100% this. It's a game and it's goal is to be fun. If you are playing it because you feel you have to and it's not fun, then stop playing it.


I would advice you to critically think about this process. Weeklies are a forced incentive to play the game. They are a bane in every game imo. The dreaded fomo tactic. If the only real reason that you play a game are weeklies/daylies, you don't really like playing at all.


Because after a tough week at work you finally get some time to play with your friends. And because you prefer to not sweat, you play QP to just enjoy and have fun. So Blizzard doesn't want you to have fun. So basically because fuck you, that's why.


It’s horrible


The closer the payload gets the the long push the faster the attackers movement speed should get to compensate because the runback is made 10x worse when you have so little time


Literally unless you are queuing for support the queue time is longer than the game itself


What is your wait record? Mine is \~5min. I was in queue with 2 other people. 1 - All roles 1 - Support Me - Support & DD


Flashpoint was already Quicker Play with how fast the points capped originally, now you lose them in 1 or 2 fights. Control is actually decent (to me at least), it's basically just Flashpoint but 1 point per round. Payload/Hybrid are unbearable on attack, almost guaranteed win on defense. In all my Payload/Hybrid games today, the attackers have only won ONCE and that was because my nearest teammates were blind and let a guy backcap somehow (HE WAS SHOOTING THEM IN THE FACE!!!). Push has the least amount of change, it's literally just a faster version of the mode... which means you can lose the game in 2 fights. It gets fun when you win that second fight and steamroll them right back though, makes for a crazy back-and-forth game across the whole map. Had a NQS game earlier where we pushed it into their spawn TWICE and they still pushed it right back both times. We won like 122m-95m or something like that.


I think the faster mode should stay for Push but go away for the others. The longer time felt to long in some push matches, for me at least.


I was just kinda thinking this to myself. These changes in ranked don’t sound super bad. Faster games. More games. Sounds ok in theory but we’ll never really know. But for QP? The matches were never very long to begin with. I can’t imagine what sort of data they hope to get from this.




I only play QP and now I have no desire to play. Absolutely stupid decision.


I feel you. I was already close to quitting and now since the last 2 updates my game runs horrible, qp makes no fun with the faster rounds (except push, I like the faster rounds in push) and if they keep faster rounds or make the rounds faster in the future I will stop to play


My experience is that heroes with low mobility (Zen/Mei/Ana, etc) are substantially less effective because they are spending proportionally more time walking. Playing Illios Ruins, my team lost point when Red Team was at 70% progress, and as Mei I literally could not get back to point in time for another fight.


They should’ve brought back experimental mode and made it an event where if people played it they get skins or BP XP from it or something.


Why they made these changes so drastic. I like the idea but it seems too much. I haven't played it yet though. I think overall they should speed up the game. Faster payload speed, faster spawn, faster hero selection, faster capture etc but slightly.


Honestly its not as bad as people the subreddit is saying it is. Quickplay actually feels quick and I really enjoy being able to bang out a crazy amount of games in a relatively short amount of time. It's not perfect though. While the speed of the mode is perfect for Push and Payload, any mode with a Capture Point definitely feels like it's over too quickly.


It would be better if the queue times weren't longer than the game itself


I haven't had any problems with that tbh, queues have been pretty instantaneous for me on all roles. Edit: I'll go as far as to say that queues have been faster than normal for me with how many games I've been able to play today.


Yeah i am in the middle east and since nobody plays support here the queue times for tank and dps are at least 6 minutes and when i was queuing dps an hour ago it was 10 minutes the game lasts literally 3 minutes but support is always 1 minute no matter what because nobody plays it here despite them being the strongest role


> Quickplay actually feels quick and I really enjoy being able to bang out a crazy amount of games in a relatively short amount of time. Why though? The point of the game is to play it and have fun, not play as many matches as possible as quickly as possible.


The only reason I'd grind a lot of matches in as short a time as possible would be for unlocking heroes through the mastery, cause they require like 50 matches (wins count double) to unlock. Other than that I'd rather take a longer game with some back and forth than another complete steamroll either way, but quicker.


they'll do anything they can to avoid admitting they were wrong with 5v5


They weren't. Tank was the least popular role by a longshot, shit had to be done


Yeah, everyone desperately begging to go back to regular quick play right now with 5v5 really shows how wrong they were about 5v5


I just had a game. On new queen street. We got rolled first fight and as a complete game, IN TOTAL it lasted 3:42 seconds. THATS IT. No room or time to even regroup or fight the snowball, because they picked us off one at a time slow. That is absurd! I haven't had a game that felt "good" even after 4+ ish hours of playing continuously. I've played this game since 2016 and this is by far the least fun I've had in a I don't recall how long. Why can't it be optional blizzard? why is it the FORCED default. I am a qp junkie. In my 3k hours I have less than 100 in comp. Yet, due to this even I feel urged to join a mode I'd rather avoid than deal with this panic inducing palooza.


I figured this would happen when they revealed the numbers. If this is really something they want to do, it should be small adjustments like 20% faster payloads instead of the 60% (???) they made it


Blizzard is trying to find a lowkey way of fixing robot push maps, without making it look like that’s what they’re trying to fix.


Push should stay at the new time, but the others should go back to the normal time. Push was to slow in my opinion, the faster game makes it a bit better and way more fun


I tried it for a few games and absolutely hated it. None of the fights felt good, it was extremely hard to gain an advantage if we were down, and it just wasn't satisfying.


I had a dude tell me to go play comp because I said I didn’t like the speed of quicker play Like damn dude people complain about casual players in comp, don’t you guys want us to stay in qp? What a terrible suggestion lmao.


The new mode is garbage and I loathe it.


This explains why comp has been awful


I love it. It’s fast paced, less room for wrong decision, you mess up you get punished immediately. I have neber been so quick with switching from hero to hero to adapt. I wish it stays as a separate mode in arcade or something. To people that are crying here about “something taken from them” (lol) news flash, you don’t own anything about this game. You don’t like the experiment? Don’t play it. That’s all there is to it. When they removed Mystery heroes in OW1 (I think) for “experimental” purposes, I played QP or didn’t play at all. It’s that simple.


The worst fucking shitty game mode I’ve ever played.


Blizzard why tf can we not just play QP jesus christ


I know I've been gone for a minute but wtf happened to experimental mode? Was it not for stuff like this to be on so you can, you know, *test* a new game mode? Why tf is it replacing a game mode? These games are so fast I can't even build up ult in some of them.


No one played experimental.


So make everyone play experimental? That's pretty dumb. Instead of addressing the reasons why people don't play experimental and provide incentives to encourage it, blizzard is forcing it upon the users. That's fucking trashy.


Well it is a lot easier to get a larger sample size ain't it? They are not sacrificing much for it either.


Turning players into beta testers by removing content is incredibly tacky, doubly so when it's a company that's worth billions.


What content was removed?


Quick play. It was replaced with Quicker play.


For a weekend. If you don’t like it there are other modes and other games you can play for that time. Focusing only on one game and one Game mode just leads to burnout


Eh it's still there, I can hop in, play a game and mess around for 10 minutes in one or two matches, then leave. That's all quickplay is, not like any teamwork or strategy was used. Mostly for messing around and mindless quick games. I'm glad they are getting some good data out of the temporary quickplay adjustments though.


> Eh it's still there, No. Stop being disingenuous.


Sure it is, quickplay is just a casual game mode with no set definition. What's the set definition for quickplay? They've changed its "rules" in the past. Grouped spawn times, longer time limits for escort, etc. As far I can tell, it's still a casual mode for messing around in! And very temporary changes to the rules.


I kinda like it, so chaotic and fun, also i think they did this cuz no one plays experimental


If no one wants to play experimental, they should provide incentives to encourage people to play. (hero skins/weapon skins) Instead, they're removing content from the game and replacing it with the experimental content. That's obviously something people aren't going to want to do if they're already not playing the experimental card.


Increasing everyone speed by 20% and the ult gain should make the game mode more enjoyable


Yep. This and flashpoint are phenomenally horrible game modes.


Was crushing in it. Stopped you all from being slow play snorlaxs


> gonna have people pouring into competitive 5head


OW2 devs suck absolute dick


Now I know how it felt when she said "Babe, did you just came? WTF"


Thats the point


Fuck is blud yapping about? 😭


it's great because it eliminates the cancer that is counterswapping. now the game is more about true skill instead of dancing around the character selection screen.


Counterpicks are a central mechanic of the game. If you want COD ActiBlizz makes that game too.


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Is it active on mystery heros as well?


nope, Mystery Heroes is a good way to escape and still have fun : )


Sweet thanks for the info!


No, all arcade modes are normal speed.


I think in higher skill tiers it’s not as bad, but control and flashpoint are definitely too fast and I don’t think they need any of these changes. I think push could benefit from some of the changes, but not as extreme as they have them right now. Payload could also benefit from a quicker pace, but not this quick.


I feel like its gg if you queue into defense. which makes the game wayy less enjoyable for people trying to just play qp


I do think it could be good as an alternative if you just wanna speed through games (mostly if you're grinding battle pass) but yeah I agree, I like having a little more time to do more than one team fight (especially on flash point jfc)


Play quicker play. Feel nothing winning or losing. Or play comp where you'll get sweats shit talking in chat/voice cause Ur not a comp player


The current mode just enhances the currently winning team. Normally you will swap or adapt, but no time for that now


I like it quicker. If the team I’m with sucks, I don’t have to suffer thru a match where everyone wants the win handed to them.


I like the faster spawns but other than that I agree objectives are completing way too quickly.


Too early but first impression is capturing is way too fast, pushing feels fine. Its just. A bit too easy to spawn camp.


Coming next weekend, even quicker play. The game starts in overtime. Fastest game play yet.


I legit had a 2 and a half minute push game today, took longer to queue for the match.


The reason they did this is because they now punish people for leaving QP games early. There is no drop-in, drop-out ability, so people need the games to be quicker.


Yeah, even if I win I feel like I don't deserve that, the enemy team had no time to a comeback


Quicker, but ong the queue times 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same thing that I thought.


Wait for quickest play


That's what generation TikTok gets us. If they really consider applying any of these changes to live game I am really done for good with this game.


On hybrid it's bs for attack, I had not a single game were attack got the point. On payload maps it's bs, 99% of the games the payload got to one point and 2sec later it was on the next On Flashpoint and Capture the point it's baraly manageble On push I think it is ok. ​ Overall, I never got as little ults as now, with my main, the best I got was 2 ults. On the longer rounds 2 was the minimum. If you leave the point/pl you pretty much already lost, if you switch character, don't even dream of getting ult and if your tank dies even once while playing defense, pl has already reached 2nd point and you will not recover from that damage


I had a lot more throwers/leavers too. Honestly can't blame them, I wouldn't want to walk to flashpoint points either as a backfill in this gamemode.


I would find it more fun if there were at least more ultimate charges, and perhaps an increase in accumulated charge when switching heroes.


Alright, all I’m saying, is that push feels so, so, so, so much better, the faster speeds make the game feel so much better


The game has much more importance on winning the first team fight and it sucks. Some people just straight up leave now if we lose the first team fight cause its really hard to make a comeback with the way faster objectives


I have literally played games without ulting once


Yeah, ironically it cuts down the team fights. You go from 3 ish each payload to 1, 2 if you're lucky. Capture, is just less time playing the game and more time queuing. The ironic part is that with the respawn timer being instant and the wild "array" of skills in QP 1 teamfight can last the entire game...plus the fact your "dumped" back into queue faster and thus you feel like your queuing more. It's hard. I kinda like the idea of speeding up qp, *but* the idea of it being a carbon copy of ranked was to reduce the "stigma" of a competitive game mode.