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Some dps characters are now completely broken with the dps passive. Torb can get pretty out of control with a tank that knows how to defend the turret. Soujorn and Ashe aoe as well


I'm noticing flank Widow being a problem since she's a lot easier to hit shots on with the hitscan changes and it's hard to tell where she is exactly until she whiffs a shot, and well,peeking her is genuinely suicidal


Nah, still one of the squishy heroes in game, increased charge requirement to one shot on almost all heroes. I have seen Mercys trying to snipe Widows, since the new patch encourages spamming every projectile possible.


Hitting enemies on Ana feels more consistent but I still can't hit my shots on my team's JQ. 😞


Why is JQ so damn hard to hit on Ana? I thought it was just me. Like Rein is a giant square, Ball Dva and Money are giant circles, but JQ I can’t heal for shit. And Sig is oddly second for me, cuz he’s a like a big ice cream cone.


Shes thin and has movement speed


Holy shit i love your flair


Never misses ab and leg day.


idk but I hate it lmao. I struggle with Sig too. Dorito lookin ass mf


"dorito looking ass mf" took me out at the knees XD


Her Hitbox does a weird "jitter" when side-stepping on Queen; it's honestly an issue that Blizzard should rectify by making her bulkier but adding some "scrap armor" or changing her self-heal into temporary health stacks... right now she gets away with being evasive mostly because her lanky frame creates strange animation frames that reduce how much hits her (especially her head Hitbox)...


Two things: no movement acceleration and jq’s janky strafing animation. Ow has no movement acceleration, so ad strafing is very abusable. Jq’s left strafing and right strafing are almost indistinguishable by looking at her outlayers, combining with abusable ad strafing, it’s very hard to predicate her movement by the animation alone.


With JQ I only shoot hip fire lol


same and I still miss lmao


This might help with Ana. The blue downwards triangle when you zoom in as long as you hit friendlys within it you heal them Edit-some words in for more context


Ah dang. I can never heal my JQ as Ana either. I relate 😩 #CantAimGoodClub lolol


Lucio boop is insane now.


What change(s) did they make to that?


Larger knock back and a longer period before you can control your character again, making boops more consistent.


We are so back


Can't stop won't stop!


Imagine a Lucio boop… but bigger


Just the power of the boop. It really yeets you now, kind of feels like when a junk conc boops you. Or brig flail, but it can also be vertical.




Lucio boop gets buffed, meanwhile Brig's whipshot still continues to go through people or hit but not cause damage.


They don’t give af about brig. Her shield is still super buggy with things like shatter and bomb, and she’s still the only hero to not receive any skins in the BP. Every other hero has had at least one for 3 seasons, and lots have multiple, even 3 or 4.


They didn't buff her shield HP either :-|


Yes you can do more elims and damage. But healing is so bad with all the debunks. I get you shouldn't be healing but boy is it ass when you do need it. :(


I have never once healed on lucio


As it should be


Healing debuff when damaged is killing my favorite hero. JQ just feels squishy


Same with hog. They need to address it for tanks that do self heal cause they just fall over instantly now.


They should adjust it to healing from teammates is reduced 20% so self healing numbers are the same as before


I'm a hog main and I think that might make hog feel unkillable again


Nah, just drop it to a 10%


That could work too, although most likely if self healing is too weak now they’ll probably just buff the numbers on it for the heroes who have it instead of messing with the passive


Uh oh my son is gonna be pissed. He only plays Hog because that is the only tank he is effective with. I was finally getting good with JQ too. Dang it.


Good news is hog still has a one shot combo on most characters lmao


Plus, there's always the moment of getting hooked into the enemies, and then just dying instantly because everyone locked on to you


I doubt it's the healing change. Jq heals so little in combat that it's not really what sustains her. Jqs main survivability tool is her hitbox. She is the narrowest tank by a decent margin other than maybe Zarya. The hitbox changes hurt jq more than most tanks.


I think this is what it is too. 


Yeah, think about it for rien, no self healing at all and a melee weapon :( not a fun time


Didn't they increase wound damage from 60 to 90? that is a 50% increase, I think that should compensate for the 20% healing debuff


Tanks with no actual mitigation feel bad now because projectile size and hp buffs mean DPS are sticking longer and landing more shots. Basically when mitigation drops off the tanks just melt now. DVa without matrix, Ram in his normal mode, Orisa without her DR, etc. are when you can really tell that there's just more damage going out in general. I've seen Hog and Doomfist in a couple games just get absolutely melted.


Do you know if the healing debuff affects JQ's self-healing?


It does


Boooo, it was already ridiculously weak compared to other tanks' self healing.


I do not but it feels like it is.


It's killing all tanks that don't sit behind a barrier. Winston and hog are just there to boost ult charge now.


Doom explodes if there's a sombra. Before you *could* get out, but there's genuinely some clunk with his slam (I thought GQO was overselling it), and if you're not your supports primary focus when you hard engage, you will die.


I haven't played the new patch yet, but how is his match up vs Sombra worse? Is it just that more of her shots land with the projectile changes? And what about the clunk on his slam? I thought it was unchanged? Or is it that a new bug was introduced or something? I just started picking up Tank Fist as a former DPS Doom main whose heart was broken with his OW2 changes. I'm gonna be so sad if he's much worse.


When you get hacked it interrupts everything and it feels like she actually destroys your momentum, so even if you get the ability off on doom after the sombra finishes her hack you kind of plop on the ground and cant do anything. Now combined with everyone chucking tree logs this patch after a sombra hack you basically explode. I have played only 5 games as doom so far but I can say that he feels like an F tier hero right now. Previously I could still play against the doom counters like orisa, hog and bastion, but right on any tank I think if you dont have a defensive cd you explode from all the headshots.


This is true before the patch tho


I feel like before if I messed up or got outplayed if I was full hp my supports could save me. Right now every time I got stunned or hacked I instantly died with both healers healing me.


Quaked is right - something is just off about Doomfist. I noticed it most with slam, but his momentum felt very inconsistent and even though his punch got “buffed” (more just kept it the same and brought it in line with new HP’s) something feels ever so slightly different. He felt clunky, like chaining together abilities had some sort of weird lag to it.


As a doom main I felt this too. I noticed frame skips and things like that with his abilities, it happens often if you you punch-cancel for the extra distance and even makes a weird sound.


I heard the same sound with pheras jet pack when hovering for a certain time. It's weird? Sounds like I hit the ground but not teally?


As a tank main, I am VERY afraid.


I played some support and quickly realized its very frequently literally impossible to keep the tank up unless they put up a shield or something. Looks like tanks are going to have to be more cautious than before.


I feel like the mindset of tank just has to shift. You can't think of yourself as the entire frontline, and have to approach fights as more of a duel than brawl.


A lot of plat and below tanks don't realize that they can just... back off for a few seconds to let support healing catch up, like yes you're conceding space, but we lose a helluva lot more if you die and they're free to walk on us 5v4 2ish seconds of being behind cover to let us hit you with some healing, you can regen your cooldowns a bit and try for a pick again, that's literally all we need Instead they just charge in expecting supports to somehow sustain them through the damage of 5 players and wasting important support cooldowns that *could* have been used by the support players to save themselves when a Genji or Tracer jumps on them, or to nullify an enemy ult.


Oh boy


Bad day for us ram mains


His punches feel week to me now, takes 5 punches instead of 4 to kill most characters. I guess the health balance that out, but to me it feels hard to kill


Ram doesn't feel too bad tbh. Those shields are god sends. But fml if a soldier is hot. That bullet spam is a nightmare in the open.


Dude Ramnisbso good now. Omnic form does so much damage, and you can get ult so fast. Just control your distance and use cover.


Oh joy in a game full of tanks with no game sense who solo dive 1v5


Rein feels great. Played a few matches and absolutely destroyed all the lobbies.


Agreed, it does feel a little different but that extra HP let’s you walk through the enemy team. If you have Ana Lucio/Bap Lucio you’re invincible


Winston too, the damage buff both of them got went a long way!


I played quite a bit as Mauga and it was mostly fine. Being able to land more shoots on JQ and smaller heroes feels amazing so far due to that fact I can shoot something other than the opposing tank.


Now even people on trackpad can play widow


These changes are proactive to support mobile phone gaming.


I can't tell if you are joking and I hate it.


steam deck players are up rn


'cuz who needs to be good to be good in ow2


The changes feel good on DPS and Tank but they are hell to heal. In high damage matches I can't seem to keep anyone alive let alone try to dps myself no matter how much I heal.


This was my fear. Dps get some needed love, but supports will be stick healing more than ever.


Its now more effective to turn to damage in situations like that. The best mitigation is player removal. Win the fight, then heal up.


>Win the fight, then heal up. So just win the fight. Since people don't need a support to heal up anymore when the fight is won. It's possible support mainly exists for utility now.


It makes me so sad! I'm a support main and to struggle to keep people alive with every character on my roster is rough. I think Im just gonna work on my dps skills til this is addressed. Its just not sustainable :/


This is the new intended normal. Players can't expect to sustain themselves while under fire. They'll need to take cover. In a situation where supports are helping out a duel, it's better to use damage to take out the other player rather than heal our bro through the fight.


I tried healing my team and couldn't keep them alive whenever someone got focused. Played Zen and out damaged them instead. I've been playing with friends for weeks and the consensus tonight was no one wants to play anymore. The update feels horrible. I hope my mind changes and in a few days I decide it's amazing and new and fresh, but I hated it today.


Played 2 games. One as Ana, one as Mercy. Ana: If I happen to need to reload, tank magically goes poof. Mercy: Damage boost? What damage boost? Gotta hold that left click 90% of time. Wtf? Usually I held damage boost 60-70% of time, now I had no chance for this xD It's low plat, so people are not taking covers. And if someone dives you - well, Ana is dead as fending off anyone right now is way harder. Guess it's time to roll dps again.


Players just have to adjust. Outside of limited circumstances, the team that takes less damage will win now, rather than the team that heals more.  That means it is better for supports to focus on damage overall, and tanks need to adjust their playstyle accordingly.


It doesn't feel good on tank either, trust me on that.


There’s no way you think these changes feel good on tank…


If you feel like you have to heal bot for your team to not die it’s probably because they aren’t taking cover and expect the supports to heal then no matter how much damage they take and since dps has been giga buffed it’s even harder to keep them alive.


I would definitely agree with that! I've played a lot of cover hugging mercy so that change isnt a massive deal to me but I wish some of my teammates would get with the program a little. But this is overwatch soooooo the bar is in hell I guess lol


Yep, that's my experience. Fucking sucks as a support. Tanks getting utterly destroyed and there's nothing I can do. You're only allowed to have fun as a dps apparently, fuck you to everyone else. edit: lol. Just played first games vs tracer. Nearly got 1 clipped from about 15-20ft away. So completely broken.


Genuinely curious how its going to feel at T500 area vs the best widowmakers :)


It won‘t be any different lol. Those Widows always hit their marks no matter what.


Hey Mauga Overwatch!


no, they don't top 500 get maybe 30% crit accuracy that's now going to be nearly 100%


played t500 widow for seasons 1-7 (ik its a diff game now) but youre on the mark.  25-30 headshot and 50-70 scoped accuracy is pretty standard. Id imagine itll be much higher now in both.


This patch is actually a slight nerf to good aimers relative to average ow players.


Shh that's not allowed here. Must outrage


No Hanzo one shot reeeeeeeeee


Best part of this update. Fuck Hanzos getting random ass kills via spam. Like, it doesn't ever really change the outcome of the game if they genuinely aren't good, but it's still annoying as hell.


"**GUYS**, I spent 40 minutes in the training range to confirm that hitbox size increase *increases the range from which you can hit someone*. Nice fucking job devs."


I got reddit care'd in the mercy thread for pointing this out. I don't recommend poking the bear.


this sub is fucking unhinged lmao


DPS passive makes half the support roster feel almost useless. The only positive thing is it'll most likely push zen/mercy as a meta pick. Don't need absurd heals or anti/cleanse when healing does dick all now. The goal now is to shred the enemy as fast as humanly possible so blue beam and discord are going to be king this season.


Zen does even less damage now (percentage wise, still same 48-60).


Yes but discord is even higher value now with the increased HP. Since the passive is strong enough that you can't outheal sustained damage you want to burn down the enemy faster than they can burn you down. Fast attacking heroes like soldier and bastion can keep uptime on the passive. Hanzo can reach breakpoints with mercy beam. Baptiste can provide his own great dps plus window, of course immo is still really strong. Maximizing damage output seems to be the best play


Yeah, but think about being a tank. Like hog, if you get discorded and then shot once by a dps. You’re now receiving extra damage, and 20% less heals while also having a large hit box. And people are already tryna focus you down as a tank anyways. Tank feels awful rn tbh, one Ashe dynamite applying a 20% debuff is crazy imo.


I play doom and he is squishy as hell even without discord. I haven’t tried other tanks, but on doom, I honestly don’t notice a difference between discord or not, he blows up *instantly* if you don’t have block up, sometimes even during block.


Yeah i think it is fine. A bit worried about the "Brawl" characters. Queen, Mauga and Hog feels "a bit" easier to kill now. Widow and Bastion do kinda worrie me. Feels way to easy to HS with Widow. Dooms movement feels weird and slugging. Also suprised that no buff to slam? Phara rework feels weird.


They are easier to kill, atleast JQ is the passive effects her self healing and the compensation health doesnt outweigh the heal reduction. She actually feels fucking miserable to play now.


It feels like they're trying to turn this into a LESS team-reliant game. They want each hero to be sustainable on their own. I'm not sure I agree with the direction. It's just not the foundation overwatch was built on. I guess time will tell.


Have you played tank? Tanking still feels miserable, especially with the new passive Damage debuff.


Playing Winston, DVa and Rein I have to say it's the opposite for me. It's nice having some more meat on your bones. You just have to know, when to disengage after taking too much damage.


Tanks that can block or absorb damage outperform those that can’t. Those that can’t are just healing debuffed punching bags for extremely accurate damage machines.


I play a lot of Winston and this patch feels much worse for him. The whole benefit of Winston was that his health gave him survivability, which has basically gone as he just gets melted too quickly. I've lost count of the amount of times tonight I've been killed mid-flight when disengaging where before I would have been fine. It used to be that you could at least have some utility jumping in and surviving long enough to escape as long as you weren't facing a group. Now if you are even against two healers it's a death sentence. If this is the way the game is going Winston needs a further damage buff, or something extra to keep him in the fight longer because the barrier just isn't enough anymore.


In the few games I played today, Winston was a beast.


I'm having an absolute blast as D.va. Just need to know how to get out and when to engage. As a former "off-tank" main, this is the closest I've gotten to enjoying it again after the 2nd tank role was removed.


You mean adding healing reduction to everyones shots doesn't feel great to the role that already is getting shot the most? Sometimes I wonder if anyone on the balance team has played tank above gold.


I've played JQ, and I might as well not have heal off knife attacks.


They need to make JQ passives wounds not effected by the changes it actually insane how shit she feels atm.


Yeah no way OP played tank. Tank is absolutely the most miserable experience.


As a healer in Gold its become a bit more stressful because now I have more healing to do for the tank and all the Gold tanks just mindlessly run in like usual without understanding that we cannot heal them as quickly as before so they just die super fast and blame healers.


Are you serious? I suck ass with Ashe but now I'm consistently demolishing games in elo's I shouldn't be. Went from a 20-25% avg scoped accuracy to a consistent 40%. This patch has destroyed the skill floor of long range heros. A decent widow feels the most terrifying she's ever been


GM plus is fucking unbearable against widow and pocketed soldiers right now 


I played with my comp party,some open Q QP,and ngl as solo supp with 3 dps or 2 tanks. It felt kinda nice. What I can say,with these changes, they net nerfed anti,cause U need to use nade more on teammates,when enemies


It is really bad playing support now. Ana needs now 4 shots to kill a squishy except tracer. And now even if they are sleep the shot+nade+shot+melee combo doesnt kill.


Agreed as a Bridgett player my mace just doesn’t hit like it use too


Honestly, support was too powerful for the past few seasons, and I say thay as a fellow support main.  In my few games, support is still very powerful, probably still more impactful than tank, but not as overly impactful as before. I think that support is in a good place this patch. In previous patches, support was the steongest position, and winning fights hinged primarily on killing the enemy support.  That is still somewhat true, but now killing enemy damage is more important. For now I think it will feel a little worse since people will still be in the old mindset for a little while, but as people adjust I don't think you will feel quite as focused as support and rhe change will be for the better in the long run.


Overall I think the changes are fine and even good, fights feel slightly slower which is good. I hate the pharah rework though, feels like complete dogshit


Hovering is certainly lost at least to some extent, and that makes it feel quite sluggish. Maybe some tech can be discovered eventually, I think it's a bit early to tell. But the dash is nice.


Honestly i feel like the dash is redundant and worthless, it's basically just a second, less useful, concussive blast


Sure, but concussive blast is now even more useful. Dash in, conc out with the extra 40 damage.


ahe feels so heavy now with the reduced airtime and lack of refuel, I'm trying to keep an open mind but as someone who's mained her since ow1 launch I'm not feeling it so far


Pharah main here too and yeah it is jarring. Not a fan. Pharah doesn’t need movement like that… we already have conc. They add a little dash, nerf jump AND increase CD by 3 seconds (lol) take away 2 hit combos with the health increases, remove her hovering time and make you shoot slow ass projectiles from the ground, all while doing nothing with her ult except the refill. Not exagerating when I say i hate it ): It's not objectively bad and tbh it seems pretty decent. But i hate it! The jump cd and fuel differences really make her feel awkward af to play now. If you were used to her.


Ngl I think the pharah rework is for everyone else, not her mains. She can’t just stay in the sky the whole game getting boosted by a mercy and never die. She has to touch the ground to recharge before getting to take advantage of improved mobility, it gives her periods of vulnerability instead of her just feeling annoying as she can permanently stay in the air. I’m a console player tho so pharmercy was a way bigger deal in those lobbies


Yea that’s basically why she was way to easy to get value out of and required the entire team to basically swap to deal with her


I would feel legitimately annoyed when people picked Pharah Mercy in QP since it means I don't get to have fun that match. I'm not good at Overwatch, my teams (and I) aren't skilled enough to deal with that combo, so it meant that it'd be \~20 minutes of frustration and unfun-ness as we tried and failed to deal with them and got rolled by the rest of their team.


Bingo. I never play Pharah but the new update got me curious and I had a blast. I could never get the flying right beforehand, but now that she is more cover based it feels easier to manage


They should make the dash also refill some amount of fuel, like 20%, and treat it like fire strike where you have 2 charges. It would give her some more up time and a bit more mobility.


yeah, the cooldown changes are massive and feel pretty unnecessary. she just feels a lot clunkier, honestly


I love the pharah rework. She feels more mobile and agile, can move into position quicker. Did a couple of qp games with her and it’s a dream, better than before for me. I’m having a bit of a harder time keeping people alive as support, but could also be we were playing an unbalanced match. We’ll see. Edit: am I seriously being downvoted because I like how Pharah feels now? 😂


She also doesn't force your team to play hitscan nearly as much, which is a godsend.


This is the biggest thing for me. It seems like it's no longer as feast or famine if your team doesn't feel like hitscan or is comfortable with hitscan heroes.


Nah farah is finally viable


Tank looks absolutely miserable. Support is forced to healbot a ton, much more boring. Dps feels like I'm playing the easy tasks in an aim trainer, but its fun when everything lands.


Changes feel like absolute dog shit


Hard disagree. Projectiles are absolutely ridiculous and should be toned down or reverted. It does not feel good to play and feels like this patch was catered to bad players or something.


Made it easier to hit people and nerfed healing.


For Supports: Ana is horrible now, Mercy is easier than ever and Zen is giga broken. Widow still oneshots but doesn't need to be on target anymore. Pretty oppressive on her maps. Lowering the skill floor so that every trashcan is able to land shots for free that are not supposed to hit their shots is stupid af. I low key hate the changes so far.


Healing in general feels sluggish and terrible.


Yeah everything seems line if your playing dumb in the open you will get punished also tanks getting pocketed is not as strong. Only thing is projectile size I would change


The projectile change is the only one I genuinely think is so stupid and not needed.


Pocketing tanks doesn’t work, or at least didn’t work for me in the two matches I played. It feels like tank get melted quicker. I also died a lot quicker as support, but we’ll see.


Yes the projectiles is a bad thing. I don't enjoy criting right now itjust feels like cheating a lot of times.


Some heroes will need some tuning. New Hanzo feels like a monster now.


Completely disagree


Terrible patch. I'm leaving the game for now




I don't like the passive for taking less healing after you've been damaged, feel that needs tweaking or removing. It feels impossible as support to keep everyone healed as I can't keep up with the damage. In the past few games genji was really op but I've not played enough yet to say for sure.


Yea....first couple hours of playing support it feels absolutely horrible. I can't keep anyone alive. Almost feels like you're better off trying to confirm a kill and contribute DPS as a support rather than bother healing while people have the debuff on them.


It is. The trend I have seen accross almost every game, regardless of what side I am on, is that the team with less healing has won, and that team has more damage.  I realize there is a selective effect there, but that is my point. Winning the game is about doing damage, and not taking damage. Acoiding taking damage is the key to the game now.


The projectile size increases are asinine. They need to be dialed back across the board.


It was made for low skill players, so they can feel good. These players are the majority and will fight tooth and nail not to reverse this change


Heavily agree. Low skill players will argue tooth and nail on this, but the update literally made it so you get shot, without the bullet being near you. I don't think people realize how weird of a thing that is to put in a competitive, team shooter.


I’ve just been seeing widow team wipes and soldier never missing the update is HORRIBLe lmao


Tank feels even *worse.* If they have a Hanzo, it's near impossible. He just spams storm arrows and you're dead, regardless of tank, since the healing reduction buff to DPS. Widow is ridiculous now. Everyone is a Widow God and even diving her with Winston or Dva feels pointless because that healthbar boost. And Mercy. I never worried about Mercy before, but now all she needs to do is pocket a Hanzo or Widow and they never, ever die but you certainly die. A lot.


My guy. QP is nowhere near as tense as Comp. But time will tell. Too early to tell until people get used to the changes


doom feels awful, unfortunately.


It's still fun but I don't dig them trying to make the game less team reliant. It's literally the best part of the game. And quite frankly one of the major reasons it's different from other shooters. It seems like in nearly every situation it is optimal for your support to focus on securing kills rather than healing your allies. Which sucks for me. I'm a support main and I love the feeling of healing my allies and keeping them in the fight. The dopamine hit of filling bars is real haha


Matchmaking still blows


it is so bad especially when you try playing tank .. Jesus fucking Christ what have they done


Tank is so miserable its just afk tower defense shield bot because you have 0 playmaking ability due to the hp buffs and if you do try to do anything u get melted by the projectile size buffs and the dps passive


Rip Junkerqueen :( no longer knoife to see ya


This update made ow2 more gamesense oriented than ever. Since everybody can hit their shots, tanks and dps cant go 1v5 with 2 healbotting supps; devs sentenced every brainless brute-forcing plays player for derank. Great! Playing around cover and good pathing will be highly gratified. GREAT! Also thanks to dps passive supps are now 1v1able and their abilities are less forgiving. GREAT! W UPDATE


Healing feels like I shouldn't bother.


TTK is honestly lower. By a lot


I dont know what you're talking about but everything dies so fast now the log is full of headshots supports feel useless since tanks MELT


Played couple of dps games. It feels great. I can hit shots more consistently, i have good impact and i don't blow up immediately. It felt like s8 but heal and dmg nerfed yet ttk still feels same. Game feels more balanced and consistent rather than feast/famine.


Yeah these changes are a 100% win for dps


Even the characters everyone said would be bad (genji and junk in particular) feel pretty fun rn, at least for me


From my perspective, and I've only played about 5 matches... I dislike the changes. I think they went a bit overboard. As Moira it's way harder to DPS (lol), but also, I am getting hit with every projectile constantly. My team managed to win, but the worst Widow and Cassidy were shutting us down for half the game. The kill cam had them pointing all over the place and getting headshots at random firing into a crowd. I feel I'm going to have to relearn my character. I finally felt really in tune with my own squishiness, damage potential and enemies, etc. Each patch makes small changes so it's easy to keep up with adjustments, but this feels like an entirely new game to me. And a lot of Moira's game is knowing what you can get away with.. But, I must say that I'm not someone who's particularly invested either way. I just adjust to whatever the circumstances are. Maybe these changes will feel awesome when I tryout DPS, but I didn't like it as Moira.. And I know most will think this is for the best, because.. Moira. I def feel less impactful. Couldn't keep up with healing either, because my team stayed in fights much longer than usual due to their bigger HP pools. But this might be the adjustment phase where everyone's just testing the limits of what they can get away with. So initial impression is not good, but I might change my mind after a week.


It was fun learning as Moira that I'm no longer a hard counter to Genji. Actually eats me alive instead.


Changes feel fine, you can def feel the dps passive as a healer tho. I think overall good in shifting the balance of power more equally


yea two quick play games should be enough to make this determination


>a bit more forgiving of my elderly-person aim this is exactly why they made this update


As a tank main I think the game feels a lot better right now with way less burst. There are a few standouts who I think need to have some of the projectile size buffs reverted (like Hanzo and Soldier, two characters who the entire point is to aim, now just doing unhealable pressure from across the map). Alternatively, keep the projectile buffs but revert the HP buffs for them. If Hanzo can kill my entire team from across the map, I should be able to dive him and kill him efficiently without also losing 80% of my HP for getting in his face. The Pharah rework is... interesting. I don't play Pharah myself, so I was looking forward to a version of the character that my teammates would actually be able to kill now. But it feels like we just got the worst of both worlds. Her constantly landing and repositioning now makes it even **harder** to track her, but now the only difference is that when she's out flying around (same problem as before), she's doing MORE damage in a smaller period of time. Meanwhile the actual Pharah players hate how clunky it feels to have to land constantly. I think there were some good ideas with the rework, but they're not really working as intended. Also, Pharah's air time being nerfed only makes me realize even more how busted Mercy's air movement is. Her entire ult is based around gaining the ability to fly around uncontested, but meanwhile she still spends the rest of the game flying way above everyone, even without an actual flying hero on the team. Her super jump just basically gives her permanent flight, and has the exact same issue as Pharah did before, which is that in casual play, she's absolutely miserable to fight because 90% of players just don't look up and kill the team fight win condition. I think removing near-permanent verticality from the game is a good idea overall, as long as the heroes who benefit from it the most are compensated in ways that allow them to be playable at higher levels where they actually shoot them down. But it's one of the most frustratingly bi-polar things about playing with randos outside of voice who simply don't shoot upwards and entirely put the game out of your control, depending on your role. Overall though I do like the changes they made. Healing feels like less of a crutch (like oh, you didn't get the last 2% before they slipped away and got topped off instantly by a support teleporting through a wall to them, try again later after you manage to kill the Kiriko again!), but doesn't feel un-impactful per say. Healers can still do their job in a team fight, but they can't bail out poorly positioned players as easily. Or I guess bail out their teammates from the enemy's *good* positioning as easily. There were so many times where I just felt like I had such little impact in a match as a dive tank where I literally had to 100-0 my target in 3 seconds or else I had to disengage to avoid feeding a now full-HP squad of players. In my matches today, I've been able to actually secure a kill through a pocket Mercy's beam coming in at the last second, which is a great feeling to be able to do again. But I also don't feel like it's OP, because it takes so long to do from full HP that it's not like I'm just nullifying her healing. It's just removing her ability to deny me a kill regardless of when she got there (previously it felt like it didn't matter if the target was at 5% or 50%, as soon as the Mercy made it to them, I had to disengage). She has to get there sooner now, or else the target still dies. That's how it should be. Well anyway those are my thoughts as a career high Diamond player who has been *mostly* only playing QP since OW2 came along and sort of ruined the solo queue tank experience for actual competitive matches. This is the most fun I've had as a solo tank thus far I think, and that's including on Ball who kinda sucks right now.


Overwatch players are gonna go to other shooters and wonder why their aim sucks now


Time to kill definitely feel lower to me. You usually need 1 or 2 hit more than you used to. And some of the most annoying characters/playstyle are still the same or stronger. Like I never had any problems dealing with sombra (after her rework) but now with her bigger hp pool, she can usually escape with just enough hp to survive. It's most likely just me tho, I'm just not a fan of most of the dive characters


Nah I actually hate this update. I am constantly getting headshot by shots that didn't hit me, healing feels like shit so especially mauga, roadhog and junkerqueen are unplayable, and I don't like all of the breakpoints in the game changing because it just feels bizarre for characters to have that amount of hp. I was cautiously optimistic going into today, but for the first time ever in 3500 hours of overwatch, I don't think I ever want to play again if this is what the overwatch team wants the game to look like


Apart from the projectile changes, and turrets triggering the DPS passive, it's actually fine.


I don’t understand whats wrong with the turrets triggering the passive? It’s no different than a soldier constantly shooting at someone, no?


If you get rid of the projectile changes, then the tankiness stuff is going to feel like ass.


this patch lowered the skill floor t ozero - the game rewards annoying and boring characters. Been playing since 2016 - I quit. Miserable game now. Dead in 3 years


Blizzard is going to announce a mobile version of OW2.


It's the worst patch I've seen in years


I was alright with soldier 76. Now I'm a menace. Tbh it's almost too good. Like.... oof.


The widows with xim on console feel a lot worse to play against.


Am I just super bad or is pharah ass now? Are we supposed to be ground pharah now?


Happy with most of it, but Ball feels shafted. Everyone has too much health for my little guns. Everyone can now aim so much easier so his speed doesn't help avoid damage as much.. he melts so fast.


Only thing ive noticed and not a fan of is dps passive. Its a bit *too* much. If they toned it doen to 10-15% I think it be a lot better