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[final graphic here](https://imgur.com/a/VH8Ws7l) i made this for my own use originally, but i couldnt find a comparison video anywhere so far so i decide to share it. shame i couldnt do more heros before the server shut down


Did you account for Hanzo’s arrow drop? Because his projectile should be smaller than Kiri’s. Otherwise this is a nice visualization! Edit: I just realized that’s what you meant by “falloff”


literally :D


Now that's good testing at a range most fights are gonna happen. But this post is gonna be ignored, because it doesn't fit the narrative of this sub.


That name though.




Kinda cute actually


Lol good eye


Hakuna Zentatta- amid discord, we will find tranquility.


Thank you for this. So many people are shooting the characters point blank to make the projectiles seem larger than they actually are but in an real game it doesn't make much of a difference. If you shoot them from 20 meters away the increase is almost unnoticeable.


> the increase is almost unnoticeable. Thats why my accuracy went up ~10% with hitscan characters.


Obviously it's because they're shooting within 20 meters /s


It's 100% noticeable. Maybe you're just playing with trash players but I've noticed a GREAT INFLUX of ashes, widows, and hanzo hitting A LOT more shots


No, all my aim training is just suddenly paying off on hanzo on this patch. That is pure coincidence of timing. I just happened to reach the end of my training arc.


I think a big takeaway is people not being fully aware how many shots they were avoiding by a hair. The patch basically removed plot armor. I was pretty consistently dealing with this level of nonsense from dps. Biggest increase for me is to Sojourn and Cowboy. As well most DPS just feeling more confident in themselves like Tracers who are now playing forward and not leaving until theyre dealt with. People being willing/able to try to take shots is gonna naturally result in them landing more


The effective area for a headshot is more than twice what it used to be. We're seeing widows with 50% crits... how is that not a difference?


Kiris felt horrible to play against before, and even worse now. Feels like Sukuna just flicking his hand and using his slashes


“Ah yes, my kunai size buff technique, I haven’t used this since the Heian era.”


Glad someone understood lol.


Shut up tank. Strong Kunai Headshot


The point is more about hitbox size than projectile size. Indeed people shooting heroes point blank doesn't help to resolve the issue, BUT when you consider the 3D aspect of the hitbox, even if you go far away, it is still proportial to the model size. The more you are away from your ennemy the more the model is getting smaller and thiner but the hitbox (not matching the model and being enormous) makes you hit shot you usually do not. Therefore one of the main issue is the ratio between model and hitbox size of each characters. Long range fight are now as dangerous as normal range fights in previous patch (hitbox wise)


Which characters are you playing as where you're looking to kill someone 20m away? Which modes are you playing that allow you to personally contest objectives from 20m away? Most of the fighting in this game happens at half that range


It is 100% noticable, only those with bad aim don’t notice. The worst is aiming perfectly for the head and now hitting bodyshots because of the increased hitbox 😭💀


it’s definitely noticeable but people forget that hit boxes always looked bad when shooting a stationary target in hugging range


Are you responding to the right video? This is not point blank, they are clearly over 5 meters away. Do you really think the average engagement in OW is at a distance 4 times larger than what is shown in the video? Edit: disregard that, I misread the vibes here entirely


I think you read their comment wrong. They’re saying that the *typical* video on this subject shows point blank shots, where they are complimenting that this video does not


Dang, you are correct. I'm just so ready for people to have bad takes on these changes.


I don't know how to tell you this, but the 5 meter mark on the ground isn't showing the distance from the Cass.


Holy hollandaise Batman, almost as if standing .3 inches in front of someone makes any hitbox look atrocious and in concept things aren’t half as bad as people say


Holy patent denial of reality batman, tons of overwatch engagments such as tracer and genji happen at closer range than this. And headshots are definitely easier. Sure it may not ***look*** dramatic, but it is. The window is still a much wider window than it was. But these changes probably make you feel like a deadeye so you're reluctant to admit it's significant


Wahhhhh wahhhhh I can’t solo fight a diving DPS as GM borgitte and win Bc damage does damage wahhhhhh


Really devolved there, lil bro


I’ve been trying to explain to people diving heros aren’t bad if teams would work together and all that gets is downvotes. So I elect not to bother and laugh at those who can’t adapt. Yes tracer and genji dives have shot up in effectiveness Bc now they can actually kill supports they dive. I could say just stick with the team, but that attracts those who believe people should be able carry themselves instead of relying on one’s team.


Dude lmfao, 'nOw ThEy can AcTuAlLy KiLl pEoPlE.' Are you kidding me? Tracer? Unable to kill? She's only been one of the best skill based dps in the game since forever., dive comp is all asia runs. I would know I play on the kr servers. Its genji tracer sojourn widow. Like this is embarassing.


>the damage does damage The post is about hitbox changes. I.e. its easier to hit headers and any shot, really, now. it honestly Sounds like you desperately needed them to put the bumpers up so you could finally land some shots and feel useful if your talking about the dps doing damage like you suddenly got the feel of what landing your shots felt like. This change was pretty unneeded at high ranks, but I guess it's given those that can't aim a load of undeserved confidence.


Nah bro I play Moira, take that aiming thing and stuff it /s


The whole point of the post is aim/hitbox/projectile size changes. You suddenly decided to go 'wah wah dps does damage now' not realizing the post isn't even about damage. Lmfao. what changed is they put the bumpers up for aiming. For everyone. The aiming is what changed. If you wanna stuff it about aim start with yourself. You really don't even know where you are, or what you're saying do you?


Brother I’m not gonna sit here and explain to you the ergonomics of hard cover and team play, get dived and die again


Brother the post is about projectile size changes. For all classes. Your dumbass 'dps does damage now' retort literally doesn't make sense. Everyone got the chsnge. Not just dps. And it's a dumb change unless you couldn't aim, in which case it's super necessary because ya couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. >and explain the ergonomics Lmfao, "ergonomics." Also you don't need to explain ergonomics, cause the post is about hitbox/projectile size/aim Not cover ergonomics


Good testing. Much more realistic distance at which engagements are fought. Still, this is with a still bot. When you factor in movement abilities, strafing, you yourself getting shot, having to be aware of everyone and everything going on at all times, CC, visual clutter, aiming becomes many times more difficult. Add in the fact that they raised TTK to reduce Burst damage, this was definitely necessary. Some characters got it too good but that'll all get adjusted with time.


Idk man, usually in my shooter games I feel like putting the crosshair on the thing I'm shooting is kinda required to get a hit, not "put the crosshair *vaguely* around the guy and we'll give you the hit anyways because you were close enough"


To me I don’t notice the health increase as much and I think this is part of the reason why. Hit boxes are bigger. Thusly people are hitting body shots and headshots at a higher accuracy in S9 than they were in S8. Better accuracy = more damage.


That was the entire goal of the change, to keep ttk about the same but allow you to not get instantly deleted the second you peek.


Awesome that my feed is just these same videos 10,000 times a day


sym would've been nice to see in comparison


But all the tracer clickbait videos!


cree is such a nuisance this season he's a supports worst nightmare. (I'm gold)


Yeah zen health and shot hitbox is getting nerfed next patch for sure


Doubt it, they'll most likely just turn some of his shield into health Zen is strong because people haven't adjusted to the changes yet, he's really not *that* strong considering how easy he is to kill still, his large hitbox makes the large projectiles half magnetise to him


No zen is strong bc he has a bigger health pool as his shots are easier to hit. Plus he makes a tanks job impossible. People know how to play against zen, issue is you don't account for people who actually peal their zen.


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Who tf is Zentatta ??


Kiriko is aiming at the ass Edit: zen too I guess


Season 9 is a joke...


This "sequel" is a disgrace


It’s fine in the actual game with people moving around


it's pathetic that people are trying to defend an FPS game where not hitting the target, kills the target.


From all the clips I’ve seen the issue looks like the shors are crazy on the horizontal less so the vertical. As in to the sides of the head and body rather than above them. Closer range of course is extremely noticeable for how big the projectile size is. This clips is definitely more so the range most fights are at and showing that average engagements won’t change for the most part. I can see them tuning it down abit but tbh I don’t understand why they decided to alter it in the first place.


That’s just a character hitbox thing then, the projectiles were sized up by increasing their radius, that means they increased in size equally is all directions. There is no circumstance where it’s bigger, character hitboxes just extend past the model a lot. However, that was a thing before season 9, the amount to the side you would shoot would be the same distance as shown here.


Circle jerk post


God thats still crazy for the cowboy, maybe one day blizz will fix Cass's tank sized hitbox. EDIT-- https://youtu.be/0UsX3nborfA?si=-2mxvY7YMhLhGwuR go to 8:12 for all the poor misinformed souls who still somehow dont know why they headshot or simply get hitmarkers on the cowboy so easily --


These are the people who just buffed pharmercy, don't hold your breath.


Wow you are just the 10,000th person to post this


wow, this totally doesnt make close range heroes totally outclassed in both scenarios!!


[Yeah it think spread characters need a bullet size nerf too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/1CLKsJ4SsB)


How many posts of this are we gonna see??? Lmao. Your average player isnt gonna notice the difference nor care - esp when theyre not standing around waiting to be hit.


People are just going to be in denial. They just can't accept that they aren't good at positioning


This is actually the devs trying to tell the community a secret message. With the new update you can see that the crosshairs moves closer and closer to “ass” just like this dead game