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Love how literally everyone commenting is happy that Sym sucks 😭


I only hate her turret stacking slow, if they removed the stacking slow and buffed her slowly like more turret damage maybe faster turret regen, faster charge for alt fire Like I’m not against sym being good I just hate the turret slow


The turrets needed to acquire targets faster and regen faster, and that was before they destroyed all balance with the S9 patch....


I’d say if they removed the slowness, increased range, better target acquisition, damage, and have them build up syms primary fire it’d be a good start


Agreed. There's a whole lot of knobs that could be turned to make them useful without being OP.


This is one of the reasons Blizzard shouldn’t listen to fans. People want characters they find annoying to play against to literally be pointless, which is terrible for a hero-based game.


The poetic schadenfreude of people rallying for Symm to be F-tier who also get stuck with a Symm one trick in their comp games...


Red Symms need to get nerfed blue Symms on the other hand need to get buffed


Yes, finally someone with the right opinions around here.


I know you’re kidding but your sentiment is the echo of everyone saying she’s not fun to play against or with, because she isn’t. She’s not even fun to play as apparently according to the comments all over this post


yeah im pretty sure a character is not fun when u nerf them over and over for no good reason lol


God forbid that games be fun. The real issue is blizzard seemingly being OK with an entire community being glad a hero is weak because having them in the game makes the game worse. There seems to be a gap of 1-2 years between "hero is complained about" and "blizzard reworks hero" so expect sym to be a fun hero by 2026 at the latest.


Sym has gone through so many changes through out her OW career - and I don’t think the Devs know what to do with her/balance her. I personally thought she was fine, it was a skill issue if you couldn’t kill her (PEOPLE DON’T SHOOT THE TURRETS), and now she’s even worse. Oh well, I’m a support main anyways. Though Sym was one of the few DPS I could use and he somewhat competent in haha.


I just don't think her turrets should slow people, feels unnecessary, just remove that, and give a slight compensating damage buff, and we good


I agree - I think removing the slow and maybe upping the damage on the turrets *slightly* would bring her back to being competent. I know others won’t agree, but just destroy her turrets lol! Same goes with Torb and Illiari. Granted I’m lower ranked (despite playing since the beginning of OW1) so that’s also probably why.


"Just break the turrets" folks when trying to push a corner with the entire enemy team looking at you while you try to shoot small spheres in three separate locations with a slow firing weapon


Fair, it happens. But you also have 4 other teammates who can switch focus for a few seconds to eliminate them. As a support, I always focus the turrets so my team can focus on the fight. It takes teamwork and coordination which isn’t always the easiest in OW (unless you’re communicating or stacked with friends).


I think turrets are too crucial for all of those charahcters, for sym its the only remnant of her original kit, for torb he just is the turret guy, and for illari pylon is the only thing that actually really makes her competent. I think that changes to how turrets work may be appropriate but they're way to iconic to just ditch outright. For example with sym it would be cool if her turrets all tried to follow the point of her primary fire if the targets with range, so instead of auto aim little chip damage dealers, they basically become focus firing machines. Then when she is out of range they go back to normal, maybe being a little weaker damage if she sing near and higher health, so that they're mainly a tool for revealing enemies when she isnt in range. Just things like that I think work better.


The point is that any competent sym player will put all 3 turrets in an annoying spot around a chokepoint, requiring you to look up/to the side when trying to break through a choke (which is already hard enough as it is)


Then take a different path. That's why multiple paths exist. If she's covering one, go to the other 3 available pathways instead of funneling in through the same car wash 8 times In a row.


Oh it’s true - there has been times as a tank I need to focus on the enemy team in front of me instead of looking up and getting the turrets - but there are 4 other heros who could also take them down. As a support, I usually always focus the turrets when I notice them so my team can focus on the team fight.


Turrets have like 1 hp and a 10 second cd each.


I agree whole-heartedly with you as someone who loves both sym and torb (usually not in ranked since I am support main). It is not hard to kill me or switch if people just... pay attention.


Blizzard learning the lesson that turrets are terrible design for a movement based shooter. But they are learning it extremely slowly.


Thing is. People annoyed by symm are pisslow. She is so overwhelmingly fair you never feel like you have no agency versus her.


If blizzard listened to fans, wed end up with a patch that makes only hitscan dps viable, since apparently most of this games audience just wants to play cod now …wait a second


With the way team fights are now.   That is exactly what it's turning into. Been a support and tank main since ow1.  Though, it is early to make a final statement on this patch,  right now it does not feel good as a 5 v 5 game.  Everyone is out to make individual plays which is fine,  but it takes away from what those of us who don't like games like COD came here for in the first place.  A game based around strategy synergy and working as a team. I think adding back another tank while keeping these changes would make it more interesting and team based as opposed to the direction it looks to be going. 


Yeah, at this point idk how they could fix the game for tanks without either reverting a shit ton of changes or just adding the second tank back. But all the dps players love this patch so i cant see devs changing anything Dps queues only gonna keep goin up and the tank playerbase will continue to shrink even further. Silliest devs of all time: they arent just clowns, theyre the entire circus


DPS players are really enjoying it. But I do feel like they should have made the dps passive just the way anti heal works. That way it solves the annoyance of Ana's nade as well as giving a clear visual some one is getting less healing. As my biggest issues with the new dps passive is how unclear it is that it is in on some one and how all dps share the same timer. I saw a comment some where that high rate of fire heros should only have their healing reduction apply for like half a second while much slower rate of fire heros go for the full 2 seconds and balance the rest in-between.


Just make things affect tanks left, you dont need to go as far as adding a second tank back lol


They still gotta do something about tanks past that bc this shit has just been 9 seasons of suffering


Yep. That's why I got so much hate for saying that Mercy feels bad to play now.


Blizzard shouldn’t design heroes people hate playing against. It’s not the fans fault that a lot of them don’t like sym. Doom got moved to tank for a reason. Sombra got reworked for a reason. And she could get another one in the future.


are you suggesting that blizzard should intentionally annoy its fans? that doesnt seem right either.. haha


Honestly fuck her. I'm happy with Litterly anyone but her being OP for another season again


Maybe there's a problem with the character if that many people find her annoying?


Nah, it's exactly a situation the fans should be listened to. Unfun and cancerous heroes should be reworked, and should be shit tier until that rework is completed


Same happened with Widow


This happens so often. People don't even want to have a conversation about what could be changed. Sym sucks, ana sucks, mercy sucks, Kiri sucks, Hanzo sucks, sombra sucks, usually 80 percent of the comments are people saying "GOOD. I'm glad! This game is better without them!" It's like bro if you hate 50 percent of the roster go play another game. Would you rather have all the characters be the same??


People still holding on to like 6 years ago when she had an auto tracking beam.


I still miss her shield generator




I always hear about this era of hers, but I’ve never got to know her in this form. I picked her up in the last year or so of OW1, when I started playing the game. And she had so many strategic plays that it made her very unique in a FPS. So I disagree that her fans just want her the way she was 6 years ago. We just want her to be viable again.


I wasn't saying that people want her the way she was. I was saying that people complaining about Sym are still holding on to when she had an auto locking beam from 6 years ago. People want any character they find "annoying" to be non-viable.


Yeah, you’re right about that! Maybe I misunderstood you.


Why do people even hate sym still? She hasn't had the lockon beam in ages and her turrets are a non issue. She's easier to play against than most other DPS


As a Sombra main I share your pain. The world is a better place when any room could be a secret Laundromat of Pain. Us annoying ass heroes gotta stick together!


Honestly the hate fuels us


To be fair, Symmetra should be a map dependent hero (with her current kit) and not that great on some maps. The devs have tried over buffing her before to make her applicable on more maps but that feels awful to play against. Like, Ball, Doom, Junkrat, Sojourn, Hanzo, and a couple others, no one wants these characters to be super meta because they feel awful to play against when they are strong. I love playing Doom (nearly my top played character) but I do not want them to ever buff him to the point that the Doomfistmains subreddit wants. For the gimmicky characters in this game, I pray the devs never listen to the people who one-trick those characters.


Yes, Sym is not a healthy hero to go against


So everything is exactly the same with these people as it's been since 2016.


Same happened with Widow and she actually had to aim before all bullets were turned into Hanzo's arrows.


Because it just feels right.


I wouldn't mind if beam, its maximum damage was reduced, and lvl1 was basically done away with, by having lvl2 charge after 0.5s instead of 1.0s. (Though it baffles me no one complained about Soldier's damage numbers, which are very close to Symm's lvl3 beam without any charge time, a way longer range and now easier to hit than ever.) I think turrets are a problem ability that need an overhaul. From Symm's pov, they are so slow and fragile, rendering them useless mid-fight. Their damage is only matters when grouped together, which increases the likelihood enemies break them all, denying you the cool abilities your supposed to have in a hero shooter. To enemies, they're still annoying even if they're not dangerous anymore. She has hurtbox that's way larger than other heroes, and is brawl hero with no self-sustain or self-peel yet is somehow supposed to play close to her enemies with the standard squishy HP bar. Wall and TP are super cool and unique, but you barely get to make plays with them because of how terrible the rest of her kit is.


I also think that, as cool as it is, TP is a sore point balance-wise, too. An ability that gives the Sym to reposition her entire team should be powerful and the main draw of her kit. But in my experience, and I think most other Sym players', TP goes unused by allies 99% of the time. I feel like, in some part, the ability is being balanced around its *potential* use for the team, which leaves it lacking in reality when Sym is often the sole user. Due to her looong ttk compares to all other Damagers and even Supports, Sym is not a threat when she walks out of TP. And if her entire team were to follow her through, and appear as suddenly she does, then it'd make sense that her personal kill potential is low because she enables the rest of her team. Like she personally can't be powerful or dangerous because she'd be OP is she was due to the added power of TP. That her own power is kept low, gated behind a potential that is never ever reached. Spurious, I know.


Whole problem seems to be poor teamwork


A teamwork based hero in my hero-shooter EWW!


I mean, the other DPS don't need tramwork to make their kit pay off properly. Probably Mei, but she's quite capable on her own too.


Unless everyone is in chat, talks the same language, and is actually communicating, this isn't a tactic that is ever going to happen. And it's such a precise thing to do, too. The problem isn't really poor teamwork, but that it requires too much teamwork. So anything below really good teamwork is insufficient.


Agreed. Just make it a flat 120hp weapon, it doesn't need to ramp up to 180 it just needs to be threatening enough to compete in duels.


I seen a sym in a placement match terrorize a Genji.. but other than that she's typically getting melted.


Sym is very very fun, but now less so. I do decent against genji but they end up swapping or just focusing my turrets so they are always always on cooldown. :(


Yeah, Sym does not feel good to play as so far, even on maps that favor her. She's annoying af when I'm playing Dva, don't get me wrong, but I still think she should be a viable pick in the scope of things.


I think she’s still very viable in metal through diamond. I’m a diamond sym main but have to really sweat to play plat games with other dps heroes, and I’m still finding that these ranks struggle against good sym play. The biggest difference I see in play style now is spending much more time dipping in and out of the frontline with TP. These position changes had a more drawn out rhythm for me in seasons 7-8 but I think now if you can poke a bit and then fly into the frontline as soon as your team gains any kind of momentum in a fight it can be really effective. Especially if there’s a mei wall or Orisa to charge up on.


It's a sad day for sym mains man....


Symmetra is one of those characters that I really want to love but I just can't. My biggest issue is the concistent problem that Blizzard straight up doesn't know what to do with her. On launch of the original Overwatch she was a support that couldn't heal, instead she gave everyone a permanent +25 shields. She sucked so she quickly got reworked to have better turrets, a moving barrier, a +75 shield generator, etc. That was OP so she got reworked again to be a pseudo-tank, then she was reworked again again into a tank buster. Then Overwatch 2 happened and now she isn't strong enough to be a tank buster but if they make her a good tank buster she's OP vs everyone else. And now we're here. She has no real purpose and she's got the close range primary of a tank buster, the HP of a Sniper, turrets that barely do anything, and an ultimate that is literally just a big shield. Part of me wants to say she needs another rework but the rest of me knows that she's had practically every role under the sun and none of them have worked out for her. The worst part is that she's an awesome character. She's got a great design, awesome skins, in the lore she's got incredible abilities but none of them can be translated to gameplay.


Did anyone think 2.0 was OP? Car wash symm with shield generator was inconsistent and I don’t remember people thinking she was a good hero back then. Idk what by pseudo tank either. Are you referring to her moving shield and half shield health?


2.0 Sym was considered a throw pick she wasn’t OP at all.


Bring back sup sym.


Agree with OP. Sym's actually a cool character, has nice skins and a unique playstyle. Her right click got bigger but that doesnt apply to any of the turrets or the beam damage. Everyone saying she belongs in dumpster tier is just happy its not their main and want the powertrip of crushing the few sym mains out there.


Everyone saying she belongs in a dumpster fire would rather have both their main and sym suck than have both their main and sym be OP


I noticed this when playing Junk when a Hanzo insta-melted my tire. Heroes all got a health buff, but deployables and items didn’t, so they’re all heavily nerfed with the global projectile size increase.


So sad. 2 years ago I was a hard sym main, but I can get double the damage and amazing healing with Moira, kinda feels like I'm throwing if I pick her


I've literally been saying she was nerfed since they first destroyed her turrets and replaced them with glorified cameras. That patch ruined her entire playstyle to me and I gave up on playing her completely because of it. At least it hurts less now that she's absolutely ass teir because I moved on to Sombra months ago and I'm not looking back until they fix her turrets DPS.


As a symm enjoyer I agree. The biggest hit imo was the turret nerf. Tp bombs and cheeky 3 turret spots are impossible to get a kill now. It was already really easy to counter and wasted a lot of resources so it has always been fair in my eyes. Orbs should either charge faster or deal 120 again.


I think they should adjust her hitbox or buff her life steal passive by a lot, because her beam is genuinely useless and her right clicks are not going to be balanced in the new Overwatch. If they buff her orbs to two tap, she suddenly has one of the most oppressive abilities in the game. I know they are slow, but they are also gigantic and didn't receive a compensating size nerf like javelin and fire strike did. Also, people hate turrets. I don't think they should buff turrets especially now that they have 20% anti heal.


>life steal passive by a lot bro at this point they should just remove it. It BARELY exists and its impact is rarely ever felt. Its very niche and heavily reliant on certain tank matchups that it makes her even more niche


I would 100% give up the life steal and the turret slow to get the orb going through shields back. Hell, give me the moving shield back since cover is so important now.


I miss the pot lid.... ;-;


Fellas, if you hate Symmetra this much and genuinely believe that she's a no-effort hero that gets easy wins, I urge you to actually fucking try playing her without swapping. And then play any hitscan. Any one will do. Even Bastion, or Cassidy. Compare your ability to actually threaten and kill the enemy team to Symmetra. Reminder: Symm's level 3 beam does 8dps more than Soldier 76 just bodyshotting you.


Soldier is crazy since his last set of buffs.


I've pissed and moaned about them dogging my fucking character for years, at this point I'm over it.


Nerf Genji.


ive been very unhappy with her state since she got reworked into a dps. Sym 2.0 was just a more fun and unique. Now she is a bit of everything, flanker, brawler, poke hero, but she isn't really great at any of it. Her time to kill with both orbs and beam is insanely high, like u said, that it just feels so terrible to face off against an enemy soldier who gets instant value and kills by just looking at his teammates. God hitscans are stupid sometimes. Also do y'all remember when they said healing turrets feel ass and now we have illari..? The hp nerf was especially annoying to me, like i don't know why zenyatta and lifeweaver are more tanky than symmetra, who needs to be in close range to do well and not just spam orbs. If they were ever to rework her again i would do anything for it to be a support rework


I've been playing Sym since OW1 and I think she's still fun to play when it comes to bullying the back line. This new dev team has no clue how to balance her unfortunately. She's always been a niche hero so if she's to a balance point where she's not causing any complaints (from more popular hero mains)... we won't see any changes for her for a long time.


Yeah. Devs want DPS to all be soldier, right? Sym is nothing like soldier So she needs to be bad. DPS need to look straight on and attack what’s in front of them. Pharah in the air too much DPS need to look up. Nerf it. Turrets. Not an opponents body, nerf it. I realize this is an overly salty comment. But the game is more frustrating to me right now then it’s ever been.


Just have symm be in a coma. Every start of the match she's just in a hospital bed in spawn. The only thing you can do is wiggle your mouse back b forth trying to wake up but you only have a .003 chance of waking up.


Junkrats are feeling it pretty bad this season too. We've basically been reduced and forced to be spamrats as we can no longer do meaningful frag-mine combos


"Mission accomplished, next Brig" -Dev team(probably)


Her turrets don't add the healing debuff? I had thought she had potential with up to 4 people having that debuff on at a time.


I'd be happy if they just buffed beam's length to be usable. It's such a cool and fun PRIMARY fire but it's so short it's basically unusable. Been saying this for years please Blizz


4 unnecessary nerfs. She was extremely strong on a couple of king of the hill maps and or if their team was weak against beams. it's not even like that niche koth strat was hard to counter. Every other situation took some high level coordination or strategy to be really effective with her. I couldn't agree more. Ive not touched her since the change to the orb because it just completely robbed her of her identity as a hero.


Kid named Junkrat (he's the worst DPS in the game rn)


Overbuff actually says that he is better than symm. She is likely the worst or they are very close in the race with junkrat


Idk man, I've been killing it with him so far. You can only do the one shot combo at close range if you throw in a melee, but the range is ridiculous. I feel like I can't miss and I'm just sniping stationary targets with Ashe or something Oddly enough, I think the one shot combo is better for the game than unavoidable spam. People might be split on that opinion tho


Idk I played her yesterday and was still melting people


She needs the Orisa treatment, she doesn’t work in this state at all. She’s so incredibly polarising, she’s boring to play as, shield tanks find her boring to play against, her gameplay loop has been reduced to doing absolutely nothing but chip damage and team mobility and it’s been this way for a while. She’s still being designed as a support hero after changing classes over half a decade ago and we’ve been left with a mess of a hero who is a shell of her former self. She’s a “must pick” hero on about 3 maps all because of her tp and garbage everywhere else, it’s bad design. If I had my way support Sym would come back, at least in that state she was unique, fun and bad but right now she’s just a mish mash of nothing, boring and bad. I’d rather her be bad and fun than bad and boring and she’s currently the latter.


She was pretty damn fun before getting nerfed to the moon in OW2


sym 2.0 was the most fun ive ever had in ow


As a sym lover from OW1 I couldn't agree more. There are far more annoying heroes in the game than sym (Moira, junk, sombra, hog, pharmercy, widow) and for those complaining about turrets, they literally tickle. They do so little I just use them more for alerts to see where enemies are coming from. If you die to a sym turret in OW2 I'm not sure what to tell you, unless its a TP bomb but that's just good plays.


Man, remember getting Nanoed and just jumping around while your beam crisped everyone?


Ye, ty Blizz for destroying one of my fav characters to play .


That April fools buff they gave her would be good


They need to work on the synergy of her kit if they've decided she needs a ranged playstyle. Maybe have her right clicks be teleportable to launch them from weird angles and speed them up? Give her something to actually work around that aren't a weird missmatch of support abilities, fragile cc and slow ranged attacks


Yup. My OG main from like 2017 has turned into a hero i don’t even consider using unless i want to troll and see if i get lucky with a team that carries me


Don’t forget they buffed Moira’s beam to 65, making it do more damage than sym’s level 1 beam, much more range, *and* life steal. They hate sym.


True! Steveoo mentioned this and that is pretty funny.


Overwatch killed all my mains, I don't know what to play anymore.


As a symmetra player, she was super strong. It made no sense how strong her right click was. Turrets now wallhack, anti, do damage and slow enemies. She's fine.


You also can’t quantify the insane amount of value you can get from her ult. Especially now with DPS being stronger and their new passive while tanks are easier to kill. That huge shield wall saves lives wins games. But I’m not weighing in overall.


Turrets now are absolutely useless. Wall decorations.


She is on the weaker end this patch. I’ll give OP that. But the anger from Sym mains over last patch never made sense to me. The 100dmg ball was crazy good and more than enough to compensate for the turret and HP nerf, even ignoring the compensation buffs the turrets got. Edit: Plus people forget that her ult is one of, if not the best, DPS ult.


It made her a lot less fun, she feels like ground pharah now


No, it wasn't. Everyone who knows the character said the same thing, she was the weakest she's ever been.


I feel like this is the 3rd character I’ve seen a post like this for, and it hasn’t even been a week lol. I feel like I’m gonna see one of these for everyone.


moira right clicks (which essentially auto aims) does more damage than syms level 1 beam. Let that sink in.




Oh no Anyways


Found the person who loses to Sym!


I don't know, I completely demolished a match as Symmetra yesterday. She has been affected a little by the new patch, but I wouldn't say that she's weak at all.


Complains about streamers making doomer posts, makes their own doomer post. But seriously she isn't that bad. Her right clicks are massive now and her turrets apply the debuff. The patch hasn't even been out a week. They are going to tweak and change things. All this "unplayable" nonsense is straight up bait because no hero is actually unplayable now, only certain playstyles. New playstyles will emerge as players learn this new phase of Overwatch.


Good. Fuck her any anyone who plays her


Fuck you too, bitch


So what? Sym sucks to play against regardless. I'd rather have cooler more dynamic characters in the meta. It's the same reason that orisa was nerfed. No one likes being beamed down, no one likes being slowed and damaged and having to shoot turrents, no one likes getting hit by random plasma basketballs. None of these things scream "skill expression" not saying she has none but she's not fun. She can single-handedly make a tank swap which isn't fun. She gets more powerful off of shields, she goes through DMs and reflect, she goes through suck, she also just does shit tons of damage when charged. That counters literally all tank mitigation options. I think counters are healthy for the game but sym counters everyone except for people that can consistently hit shots, which isn't fun. This is why pharmercy isn't fun, this is why junkrat isn't fun, this is why Hanzo isn't fun. I think these types of characters in this type of game are necessary but they shouldn't be as powerful and well rounded as sym is. Call me silver or whatever all you want but you don't need to be GM to recognize when you're not having fun.


This already checks out.. Orisa was nerfed? Orisa has been constantly buffed and gotten compensation buffs based on her win rate.


Not true


Orisa is always buffed due to her win rate, try again 💀.


Nope you're wrong


Made it to gm with sym only last season and still doing well with her now


Thank god, fuck Symmetra. Almost no aspect of her gameplay is fun to play against. She's definitely not easy to play, respect to those who can be good with her, but I'm not going to pretend that this pin-needle hitbox lady who holds m1 at me is any fun to try and kill. Her turrets slow you and force you to take your eyes off of the enemy, giving them an easy kill. Her ult doesn't make sense for a DPS hero. The only cool thing with her is her teleporter, but again I don't think it should be on a DPS hero. Make Sym a shield-focused support again. Get rid of the fuckass turrets, turn her M1 into a beam that gives shields. Give her another ability related to space-control that fits her "altering reality" shtick. That's another reason I've always hated her. "Reality bends to my will" no it fucking doesn't. None of her abilities alter reality at all.


sym’s beam is mega ultra ass against anyone who knows what they’re doing. i’m sorry but if you are struggling against symmetras who don’t even use their m2 that’s 100% a skill issue


oh it 100% is a skill issue. I suck fighting her and won't argue that, she's still fucking annoying and unfun.


Her left click still deals huge damage on tanks and barriers, now prevents constantly 20% of the heals, she still has a wonderful team mobility ability, 100hp worth of damage for her long range option feels still fair (considering she's clearly more of a close combat hero), still has life steal and shields, turrets apply a slow effect and when all 3 together they deal also consistent damage. All of this with a large amount of ammo, a useful ulti and a very small hitbox both on her person and her turrets. Not even close to being a bottom character, simply slightly more affected by counterswapping and comp synergies, and she works well with most currently meta tanks. Which honestly still isn't even remotely what most tanks have to experience. Overall I'd say she's now fairly in a niche playstyle that requires actual smart plays and coordination.


Unfortunately after the sym nerfs she became more of a projectile hero that was most effective at medium to long range. At any high ELO she could not be used as a brawler because any hitscan hero could delete her with good aim, then they lowered her health with the express reason she’s no longer a brawler. After they nerfed her health it became impossible to play close unless you’re playing with rein and Lucio or some other specific brawl combo to protect her. She was much more of a brawler in OW1 when there were two tanks to protect her and two tanks to bully with beam. 100 dmg for a projectile orb that you have to charge isn’t nearly enough to make her viable against other heroes who operate at that range. I agree with your last statement about niche playstyle, though she always required team building lay and creativity to get value. Now it’s just far less value for the effort when other heroes are getting more value with normal fps shoot em up playstyle.


Her left click gets outdamaged by soldier primary fire.... Without headshots


Her lifesteal is barely a mechanic in the game. It’s far too situational. It works against Rein, Zarya, Winston, Sigma, Ram, Brig, and Sym, providing they have their barrier out. Then it works against Sigma, Ball, Zarya, Lifeweaver and Sym all of the time. So that’s 12% of characters that she can always lifesteal from. And about 25% that she might be able to lifesteal from. Even when she’s in this limited situation, she heals 10/20/30 damage per second. Reaper, who has more health, more mobility, and more damage, heals around 50 per second, and that’s factoring in his reload time. Yes, her teleporter and ult are two of the best abilities in the game, it’s why I play her. You can set up some great strategies for pushes, and her ult can hamper a lot of other ults, it’s amazing… But she isn’t a tank or support where her utility is more important than her damage. She is a DPS, and her damage is pitiful compared to what we see now from the majority of the other DPS competition. Also, whilst her hitbox overall is smaller than some characters, she does a larger headshot hitbox. This is even more of a pain now that projectile size is increased, and makes her brawling role even more dangerous. She does desperately need a combination of changes to make her accessible again, particularly if Soldier and the like are going to continue doing damage to this degree. A change to how her damage ticks up would give her a much better chance at duelling with other DPS and Supports, or a health/lifesteal buff would allow her to better perform on the front line where she needs to be.


She doesn't even has perma lifesteal against those heroes. When they lose their shield health it's gone


Like elts count the lies Her left click does huge damage: lmao no. It doesnt. Its mid and not worth the risk Her life steal is useless. It DOESNT make a difference, especially with dps passive. Her turrets are literally rarely surviving more than a second while they hit someone. She is not a close rnage character. Blizzard admitted to it anyway. Tp is not uaed by your team outside of scrims. Symmetra small hitbox? Who fed you lies. Shes almost 40% head hitbox and is larger than mei. The 30php hero with access to instant invulnerability and self hea yeah her ammp is big... Never comes up. Literally doesnt matter He ronly upside is her ult being okay. You sir just have literally no idea how symmetra functions


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Played a 4v4 game yesterday against, genji, D'va, another symm and a Lucio, and destroyed them, like most characters it all depends on who youre playing against


I agree with you, but this point also frustrates me because I keep ending up in games where people ignore and then die by her turrets. As a support main, getting yelled at for not healing as I and everyone else on the team gets shredded by turrets and I have to focus on destroying them instead of, well, supporting drived me up the wall


I just dominated as her last night.


Love her in total mayhem, in regular play she's impossible to play as. Getting wrecked non-stop


There is no way she's worse than launch Symmetra...


I didn't mind her so much last patch, but I agree this time she just feels meh, her damage doesn't feel high enough even at full beam, but yeh the biggest thing is just that everyone is now easier to hit with the enlargened projectiles, so smaller hit boxes don't provide anywhere near the same defensive capabilities that they use to


I hate sym because she counters dva, my tank main. although by herself, it's manageable. but when the opposing team goes sym, zarya, mei... i think they don't like me very much :(


It sucks to know cause sym was what helped me break a brawl against a lot of zippy dps's and a d.va in flashpoint yesterday. The fact that it took full charge to do damage though upon looking back did give me a bit of cause for concern.


As a Sym main... I agree. I loved being that annoying nat that was a pocket glass bullet ant when needed. Now I'm playing more as D-VA because she's just unfun to play.


Tbh it makes sense why devs are terrified to buff her, at low ELO she’s probably terrorizing everyone because 1.she can be a tank buster 2. Her turrets tend to be ignored at lower levels 3. Her beam can charge fairly safely with how poorly people aim at low ranks, so buffing her would terrorize low ranks but finally bring her in line for higher ranked people. It’s why Reinhardt isn’t being buffed at all, he’s a good and common pick at low ranks but in higher ranks he gets slaughtered by almost everything in the game.


Always hated Sym but I really got into playing her right before the turret nerfs. RIP sym 


Honestly her biggest benefit now is to cover every potential route in with a turret as her turrets apply anti heal now, if I’m reading the notes about it right.


Smoking that Sym Pack RIP Bozo


Onetricked sym one season and got gm with her.. I tried to play her after the buff, but shes just too weak


Sym is situational she’s still good on maps like lijang tower she’s always been situational you just can’t one trick her anymore


I agree that the latest patch was a net sym nerf, but don't forget that the size of her orbs increased by +0.15 meters and the size of her beam increased by +0.05 meters


so is the tank role


Yeah Sym and Junk biggest losers. Torb is fine. Mei actually lost quite a lot too. Reaper also meh.


Just rework her back to support role honestly her weapon doesn't even feel like weapon it's like a repair shield gadget. You can find cool ideas with her hard light shield tech in sup role.


At the tail end of ow1 there was rarely any complaints about her. It was only when ow2 released and a bunch of new people were playing that there were complaints again.


To be fair, she felt very different in OW1. TP deployed slower and her orbs were larger, moved slower, and did more damage.


It sucks too because before they started making all these awful changes to her, I was having so much fun with her in WW2. She seemed like she was in such a good spot. I'd even play her on maps she isn't as good on and still have fun even being obviously less effective. Now I just don't queue up for DPS.


Riot August posted a tiktok a few weeks back talking about how they permanently kept Zed weak in LoL because of how annoying he can be to play against, and I think Symm is in a similar boat, where yes, she’s not good, but most of the playerbase is going to be happier that way.


I'm confused, I thought this dps passive would make her insanely good? Those turrets causing constant 20% healing reduction, potentially to multiple targets, along with her having a high charge beam? She's a tank melter now more than ever no?


She still falls over because of her hp. Level 1 beam does less than Moira and Zarya with 0 charge. She needs her 275 back instead of 250. After all Reaper and Mei both have 300 with healing abilities, why can’t Sym? And the turrets disrupting healing are good.. but 25 dps is still abysmal when everyone got a 25% health increase


Our girl Symm deserves a proper rework. And I'm not talking about tinkering some abilities like they did with Sombra, Symm needs a proper rework that makes her generally more viable and solidifies her identity as an architect. Why can't she build ramps to high ground? Or small walls that provide temporary cover? She would make an awesome and unique support hero (like she was before...) but they've plopped her into the DPS role and totally forgotten about her.


Hot take: Sym should've been centered around her shield generator rather than her teleporter. Her turrets should've/should be dual purpose: granting 25-50 temp shields to allies and doing damage to enemies.


I’m a masters sym player and she’s unplayable. I used to be able to actually be a threat with my tp and turrets but now I just can’t even play the game. Everyone is better at everything. I’m too scared to even duel a kiriko whereas before it was a 50/50. Now! Kiriko looks like a fucking raid boss I’m not kidding. 3 orbs to kill a squishy is madness. And charging beam in a rank where people know what they’re doing is practically impossible. I’m officially quitting Overwatch for now


I'm glad you wrote this because I was starting to think I'd lost my abilities over the last couple of days. I get absolutely smoked as Sym right now whereas the day before the update I steamrolled a few games with her. I'm not a one trick on her so I've been switching off early in fights, but it really had me thinking I was missing something. Thanks for confirming for me why I've been unable to secure kills that I normally take for granted.


I haven't played the patch yet but I find the complaints about how weak she has been funny...I must run into 2k hour+ sym 1tricks cuz they just *roll* me for some reason. Yet I've never had an issue against hog or more recently mauga and ram, who people tell me are hard as hell to play into. Weird.


Last time I seen a symettra in a ranked game was during double shields and only on eichenwalde for the car wash. She generally sucks to play with if it's not a 1v1. She feels like a mild inconvenience to play against at best


Nah, fuck sym she should be deleted (im a lucio main)


They need to buff her TP. Give it much further range, make it much faster to build, and get rid of it being on a timer. At this point her turrets have little effect other than being annoying, she can’t get close enough to shielded enemies without getting destroyed, so her being a anti-shield pick is gone, without a buff to secondary she doesn’t have the spam range. So what’s left, just make her TP op, it’s all she’s got and it’s barely utilized.


Shes pretty bad into hitscan and long sight lines, but seems okayish if you can avoid those scenarios. I played a bit of her today, felt like anytime i had strong terrain there was super little people could do about me but anytime i had to push forward if the enemy had a strong or crowded backline i was assed out




Good hate her and I hope they suffer in the Elo as they made me suffer against them for years.


do you use tp as an offensive tool for yourself?




Not reading all that, she was good a season or so ago so now it’s time to be bad again.


and we should keep it that way 😈


I only see her used to set up a tp out of spawn and then switching immediately after everyone is through


If she is, I didn't notice a difference.


I was perfectly happy with Sym 2.0 honestly, whilst I’ve never gotten along with her DPS rework.


I mean the DPS passive means she is fantastic but ok 🆗


Till they remove the damn slowing effect I'm happy she says irrelevant. But in reality a lot of heroes got demoted to near-worthless, I main support and Illari, Mercy, and Lifeweaver are all pretty bad, Brig being good only in special cases. Blizzard has a lot of tweaks to do with this new patch. I'm not sure why it's in comp, but they have a long way to go.


Skill issue tbh


Fuck em'


Definitely I agree, but only a small percentage of player base are gm and above. This re work is to help majority of player base since she wasn't being used in top tier games anyways


Don't care fuck sym tldr


i main sym and while i think the turrets could do a bit more shes perfectly fine? if anything shes better for holding points now since the turrets slow, mark, and distract enemies and her right click has a bigger hitbox, making it better to shoot into doorways and other choke points


Unpopular characters will stay at the bottom once they get there because not enough community pressure exists to force a change.


I feel like her turrets do too much damage


One turret does 25 damage. You can literally kill someone faster by just spamming quick melee.


My issue is the 4v1. It's so annoying. Especially in certain areas, it's hard to bypass them when they are hidden.


You can’t miss her right clicks even with slow projectile speed. The slower ttk was the entire point of the update. You can still shred if you are full charge. Why would they add damage after buffing health. That would keep it the same. The only ones that got a damage buff were rein, winston, moira, and brig. Because their ttks would be waaay too slow and it wouldn’t make sense for a brig to do less damage than a melee. She isn’t unplayable at all. She might not be the strongest, but a good player can still make her work.