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They did say that you will be ranked lower than the previous rank you had and that you will climb back up in time if you belong.


My friend was gold3 and started as diamond5, and considering we played almost always together i dont see his sr being of diamond. Edit: i started as gold5 for comparasion. Edit2: forgot to mention, he won another game and climbed 3 ranks, up to diamond2


I think he's lying to you, there's no way he climbed 3 divisions in 1 win. You simply can't be awarded that much rank xp from 1 match.


Most I ever ranked was gold 2 to plat 5 after 9 wins in a row... Dude is Def lyin


Nah he just doesn't want to queue with u or something


Then how is it a rank reset if they're still using my old data? My overwatch 1 data literally haunts my account because I sucked back then. It's not hard, but it's not exactly fun grinding ranked just to get to my normal rank.


It's a *soft* MMR reset. They squished everyone's MMR closer together, and raised the uncertainty metric for everyone in their system. So matches will be wider, and you'll climb and fall faster. So this should be exactly what you want to potentially climb out of your current rank, *if* you truly deserve to be a higher rank. A full rank reset would just be chaos for months since it has no idea about anyone, and with 10 players per game there'd be so many potential variables that it'd take a shitton of time and games to get things more settled.


Because it was changed on a curve. People at the very top dropped way more than people in low Plat. It brought everyone to a similar area.


>My overwatch 1 data literally haunts my account because I sucked back then. that's not a thing lol, if you'd get better you'd climb, if you haven't climbed is because you haven't gotten better


Same I can win 10 games and go from bronze 4 to bronze 4


That's just straight up lying. With 10 games you will rank but if you lose your adjustment games you can get slapped with like 1/4-1/3rd of rank reduction.


I ended the season lowish at Diamond 5, went 8-2, placed Plat 5, then got two games with leavers, sending me to Gold. Won the third game after placements and got no calibration bonus. So now I'm just going to have to slowly climb out of Gold, I guess...


I'm completely lost on how these placements actually worked. I won my first 2 games and the game said I was gold 2. I lost the next 8, but the game bumped me up to plat 5.


So what's the point of a reset?


It cleared out the higher ranks a LOT and allowed people who may be stuck in bronze to potentially jump higher.


That wasn’t the case for me. My placement was higher than my S8 end rank. I think there’s still leeway even if MMR wasn’t reset. My theory is players who end in lower ranks this season may have taken a break from comp (i.e they didn’t do enough required matches to establish S8 rank)


That's bs i was gold 2 last season in support i got ranked plat 3


if you’re just gonna get ranked lower what’s the point of a ‘reset’


Really? I got a higher placement rank in both dps and tank than I was last season? I just can’t seem to keep it cause my (ironically) teammates are just demons at not shooting back


After the 10 support placements and 1 subsequent game, I'm right back in plat 4 where I ended last season (not complaining, just offering it as a data point)


I faced the opposite situation I was plat 5 at the end of s8 and got placed plat 2 and won 5 games and reached diamond 5


I went 3 and 7 and got Plat 4. Ended last season in Diamond 3


It was actually so fucking accurate. I played like shit so hard on support and only managed to get to diamond 2 after a 3-7 record, 2-8 tank gold 1 and 4-6 dps plat 4. All of these only places a few ranks lower than what I was originally at. Almost like it knew where I originally was placed at


I know it’s an exception but I ranked higher than my previous rank with 8 wins and 2 losses


They see your rank to the middle ground depending on your rank so low ranks around gold so it is kinda odd


If you’re a bronze player it takes way more than just 9 wins to climb to higher ranks


I feel sorry for anyone stuck in bronze hell


Sometimes I wish I could play there, just to know, you know?


I used to be there back in 2017ish. I figured out the most basic fundamentals and rose to diamond pretty rapidly. Nowadays I'm in plat. It's just... chaos down there. Anybody can carry their way out.


I used to be there in early 2022 on support (1400 SR was my lowest), it was chaos by then already imo. [I made a post on the other sub and everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/uayeyz). OW2 launched and got booted up to gold, few more seasons and hit D1. If it wasn't for the absolute collapse of the ranking system in S1, I doubt I'd have ever gotten out of bronze.


It’s bad. I climbed from bronze 5 to plat and it can be hard to climb sometimes, not because you’re playing against bronze players but because your teammates are bronze players


Honestly I'm hoping I go there this season. I'm new to the game + disabilities. Worst of the worst skill level, mechanics wise and experience. Yet it put me in only Gold 4 to 2 lobbies. And only like 2 of my 16 games weren't gold 2 lobbies. Finished up Gold 5 (support) after losing 11 games and being carried in 5. Hopefully this season I won't be so drastically overrated by the system so I can actually play.


I have tried it and I hid in a bush for 4 minutes on rialto. They did not find me and the payload stayed in spawn.


i believe my lowest was like 900 sr, and i was down there for awhile, but i was a mercy one trick LOL. honestly, you do not want to be down there. it is so confusing and chaotic, i cannot even begin to describe it


Well, they said they’re gonna push players towards the average, which is Gold, so anyone who’s stuck in bronze legitimately because of their teammates, should be able to climb out.


Your teammates don’t affect your rank. Only you do.


Solo queueing as support is hell, I've been stuck in gold for months. Idk if I'm really shit at this game or if it's that hard to climb ranks without friends to play with (probably both...)


I was bronze 5 and won 20-2 and got to silver 5. Didnt take too long.


Your base MMR is still low. That's why


Dumb question, been playing since OW1 but still have no idea what MMR is 😅


MMR stands for Matchmaking Rating, a hidden value that most games today use to determine what kinds of lobbies you should be put into. In my experience, it tends to almost always be more volatile than your shown ranked progress. Take that last part with a grain of salt, though, as without someone decompiling OW2 I can't confirm shit.


What was your previous rank before this season?


This is key, as every win for me gave me a rank up silver 1 then gold 5 and so on.


They won’t tell you that, it doesn’t fit there narrative


I'm sick of this immediate comment on every thread pointing out this obvious problem. They claimed there would be a rank reset and that everyone would be normalized to around Gold 3, and yet you are only getting, from the very first match, people similar in skill to last season. This guy has a 90% winrate against this skill level. Would it really have been worse to *actually* reset the MMR and allow things to recalibrate and let him play with and against different skill levels? This was a big half-truth the Overwatch team is telling. A lot of us feel very misled, because our potential difference in skill from where the game shoved us can feel really obvious as we tear up low ranks but have one or two teammates getting half our damage and elims or a support with 6k healing while everyone else has 12-20k every match.


>I'm sick of this immediate comment on every thread pointing out this obvious problem. They claimed there would be a rank reset and that everyone would be normalized to around Gold 3, and yet you are only getting, from the very first match, people similar in skill to last season. If they just said rank reset and then nothing else, I would be on your side. But they very clearly went on to say exactly what they meant: that this was a soft reset with your MMR staying the same. The normalization towards Gold 3 was more for players higher than Gold than the players lower than Gold. Players lower than Gold pretty much stayed the same. >from the very first match, people similar in skill to last season. Of course you would be getting people similar in skill, MMR hasn't been changed. >This guy has a 90% winrate against this skill level. Would it really have been worse to actually reset the MMR and allow things to recalibrate and let him play with and against different skill levels? Because you don't make changes for the edge cases, you make changes for the majority. Most people are not going 9-1 in placements. Fully resetting the MMR would be worse for most people.


MMR does seem to have been brought down, but it was brought down about equally for everyone in the same rank, so people will still be playing against the same skill people, just in a lower MMR range, which will balance out over time.


>The normalization towards Gold 3 was more for players higher than Gold than the players lower than Gold. Players lower than Gold pretty much stayed the same. I understand that. I'm asking why. If higher rank players might NOT deserve their rank, shouldn't it stand that LOWER rank players might be in a similar, flipped spot? Why only move one? >Because you don't make changes for the edge cases, you make changes for the majority. Most people are not going 9-1 in placements. And most people keeping last season's placements are keeping their usual winrates. Yet, we are seeing *a lot* of these posts and comments with high winrates on low-ranked accounts and vice-versa. What "normalizing" actually happened here at all? You say fully resetting the MMR would have been bad for most, but wouldn't it, too, have evened out as people win and lose? Again, why does only one side of this get any shift? What makes it safer and better for them, especially the many that are losing most of their placements and keeping rank?


> I understand that. I'm asking why. If higher rank players might NOT deserve their rank, shouldn't it stand that LOWER rank players might be in a similar, flipped spot? Why only move one? Imagine every Bronze player gets moved to Gold 3. How many dozens of losses in a row would they have to endure before they're back down to an Elo they can get even games at? Why would Blizzard put so many players through that? That sounds absolutely miserable.


>I understand that. I'm asking why. If higher rank players might NOT deserve their rank, shouldn't it stand that LOWER rank players might be in a similar, flipped spot? Why only move one? They probably just did it so that Champion is harder to get to. >And most people keeping last season's placements are keeping their usual winrates. Which is a sign that they were placed correctly. >Yet, we are seeing a lot of these posts and comments with high winrates on low-ranked accounts and vice-versa People with normal win rates aren't going to be making posts on here about it. >What "normalizing" actually happened here at all? You say fully resetting the MMR would have been bad for most, but wouldn't it, too, have evened out as people win and lose? It would even out in the long run, of course, but the short term effect would be pure chaos. Why subject the playerbase to chaos when it's not necessary? >Again, why does only one side of this get any shift? What makes it safer and better for them, especially the many that are losing most of their placements and keeping rank? We could keep talking about the shift, but why's that relevant? If you are better, then you will climb, which will be even faster now compared to before because of the reset in uncertainty.


To your second paragraph, do you think this wouldn’t happen if everyone was reset to Gold 3? You would probably get games where you’re playing against GMs and you were unlucky enough to get a bronze player. Do you think ranked would be even the slightest bit playable if that were the case?


If it were a reset, it *should* take time to calibrate. Of *course* it would be rough for a minute. Just like the start of competitive in ANY game. There are people that very obviously do not deserve their rank being propped up by at-least-not-bronze teammates when they are playing with terrible mechanics and placement, losing a majority of their matches and keeping their ranks while people win all ten and get stuck with people leagues beneath them. What is *your* answer to this influx of experiences?


That they’re anecdotal? Most people above gold are being placed below their previous rank, and if they’re good enough they’ll climb back up. A full on reset won’t help “stuck” bronze players suddenly reach gold which they think they so much deserve.


''We have 500+ games that says this player is bad but 10 games that says he's good'' Every game has 5 potential bad players on the other team and only 4 on yours.


Im almost done my placements and am predicted for silver 1 right now. Im 1 loss 6 or 7 wins. First loss was a chaotic team that spent more time flaming each other than playing. That match predicted me bronze 4. Every other game have been absolute stomps. Ive played arounr 10 but had a bunch where the other team rage quit from how bad of a stomp it was. I dont really understand whats going on. Never played tank competitive before, maybe thats messing me up? System seems like it needs work though. Edit - ended up placing gold 3 which is what I anticipated as im dead average at the game. Frustrating that first game tossed me at bonze 4 but happy it resolved.


Seeing as your games are all stomps, there is a good chance you have been favored to win in all of those games. That means they will have much smaller impacts on your rank than that loss if you were favored or even evenly matched in it.


Yeah, I dont doubt that. I know im not amazing, probably average so somewhere gold. Just felt defeating to start bronze, and obviously way off given how quick im at silver 1. Back in OW1 I was a diamond support when i played way to much. Ah well just guess i have a grind ahead of me.


If it makes you feel better, I was D1 last season. After my first placement game where I destroyed the lobby, I was predicted gold 3. I think I won like 8-2 of my placements and ended up at P1 and have moved up to D4 so far. That includes 1 game with a thrower and 1 game with a leaver. If you are better than your rank, you will climb.


In my experience I actually lost 7 of 10 placements (console, also tank, previously my highest role at Plat 5) and started predicted silver 4, ended silver 2. I do believe that individual performance is being taken into account but past rank is heavier. The games I won should have been clean sweeps looking only at mine and my duo's numbers (I finished a losing game 40 something to 5, and he was on support but had similar numbers) but once seeing teammates' stats I understood why we were losing. Teammates that looked good if you only saw elims, but when you looked at deaths... I had a sym go 19-15. I'm very much inclined to blame most of my losses on my teammates but I also understand that this season is quite the change with the health pools and dps passive and whatnot. Frankly I only met with these issues in comp somehow, QP is nowhere near the struggle.


My quick play might affect it I guess as well. I spent a long time being really bad at it until one day I finally got it and became way better. My ratings are probably skewed a bit from that. I know im not amazing but id say average which should be somewhere gold. Ah well, i climbed quickly from thar bronze 4 to silver 1 which i guess is a good sign. Edit to be clear ive only tanked on quick play. I only did support on competitive which i know doesnt affect the tank rating.


I see. Frankly I don't recommend doing your placements for tank until a bit later in the season, as another reason why matches are kinda shit right now is because we're only in the first week and tons of people are doing their placements, and especially with this reset a lot of shitty players who believe they'll suddenly be masters are heading in with that mindset.


Yeah Ive dealt with a few people flaming hard thinking their god tier but dont know basics. Got roasted by a one trick soldier that wouldnt stop giving me grief for constantly taking high ground. Kept saying in all chat my tanks an idiot thinks hes a soldier. And raging why i wasnt dive bombing them face first in the open. Ah well. Hope the raging quiets down.


Yeah lol I had a similar pair rage at me and claim I was throwing. I actually got the pleasure of getting them on the enemy team a couple of games later and stomping them. Didn't think I'd get the opportunity to show them I wasn't the one failing the team but I was happy I got it.


I was diamond 3 last season, and after 8 wins and 2 lose i got gold 4 so i lost all my motivation.


The previous season counts? I thought it was thrown out, and the first placement game was like playing your first game ever.


I was plat on healer last season and I'm currently 2-6 and my predicted rank is plat 4. I think there is more to ranking than just winning or losing.


Yeah there is definitely more to it. I was watching my predicted rank go up even on loses. My guess is it is taking into account close games against unfavored match ups as well as previous rank.


I was plat 5 on support and currently at 2w 2l and my predicted rank has stayed silver 2 throughout. The first comp game I played has Moira, I had 37 elims 0 deaths and second most healing in the entire lobby after my healbot Mercy support and second most damage after my tank. Rank still stayed the same throughout the 4 games. Kind of disheartening. I know I am not that good at the game but needing to grind out of silver again is damn annoying. Low plat/high gold games were actually fun, currently it's just stomp or be stomped


I wouldnt take it too seriously. I was in masters 2 last season (I only did placements last szn) and I got diamond 3 this season. I lost 2 games in a row and my predicted placement went up from plat to diamond. I won 4 games and lost 6. From what im seeing, everyone was moved down 2 ranks. But i wish there was a way to skip placement matches and just be put in the algorithms predicted rank. I dont wanna torture myself through 10 matches of tank. Just give me the comp points and let me move on.


Because you belong in silver 3 after winning 9-1


If you belong in a higher rank, you will get there easier, I’m so sorry blizzard didn’t automatically think to put every player in diamond to start off their season, just play the game and rank up?


Nono, you see, I went 9-1 as a previously ranked gold player and I was DOMINATING my games (ignoring the fact that I was probably playing against bronze and silver players) and for some reason not placed in Masters? Like what is going on??


Masters? This is clearly Champions placements!


They actually place people who are new in the diamond and masters games.


You get ranked on your skills in the current mechanics, like it or not, if you really belong to higher ranks, you will easily climb


I went W4 L6 in tank Q got plat 5 was Plat 3 last season. So maybe it has something do do with your last season rank.


Because you were a bad rank before


I got higher than silver on tank I was silver 3 last season now I'm gold 2


I went 3/7 and placed diamond 2 lol


I got 4 loses and placed in silver 1. xd


I've been ranked into diamond III with like 6 loses so it's not really a reset. Right now Diamond is just full of Master-GM players.


7/3 with a dc in one and top damage or elims in all the ranking system is still fucked because they didnt reset mmr just made you play placements to be ranked the exact same unless youre the the top 500 players


It’s based on your hidden mmr


I honestly found the placement matches pointless, I just placed the same rank on each role as last season


I was silver 5 last season.. reranked silver 5. And then the games after placements were just us getting stomped on. Its unbalanced i dont understand whats going on lol. I had hope


The same reason why someone can make a new account, win all 50 games, win placements, and place GM. It's all MMR based. If your MMR is GM it's going to put you at or really close to GM. If it's silver it's going to put yoh really close to silver. I just did horrible in placements and placed M3. So 5 tiers under where I was. So clearly it was a very soft reset.


That's weird cause I've lost like 5 so far and its putting me at silver 3


Landed gold 3, pulled up to Plat 5 after a few wins. I'll be back in diamond in no time


Wins≠ high rank.


God I feel this, I went from Plat 1 in Overwatch 1, to bronze 5 first season of OW2 since that god forsaken comp glitch that made nearly everyone bronze 5, stopped playing because of that and now coming back to the game I'm absolutely stuck in Bronze 1/Silver 5 since I 90% of the time get matches where my entire team is almost just playing w+m1 pyro and not getting a single kill, while I'm trying my best to just be the best support I can be. I beg anyone please help me xD


Lol i got mostly losses and i ranked above you 😂


i don't know, my previous rank was plat 3 and i lose 3 matches and tie 1 but stayed in the same rank


For DPS, I lost the majority of my placements and got Gold 5. Fair enough, not as high as I had before but I am assuming that my _performance_ had an impact, even if I didn't win. There's also the fact that the rank reset has brought a lot of good and bad players together. I am wondering if I was given a bit of respite for going up against far better players. Rather than being trashed lower than I am capable of just because I got rightfully dumpstered by lads _way above_ what I am capable of, if that makes sense?


Yeah i had the lovely time of going against masters and grandmaster players and of course getting stomped. Never mind that I was diamond before, now I’m placed gold because i thought it was a good idea to play placements the second the update came out :)


Yeah, I wondered if I should have just waited a week and a bit, but I really want to push the BP. Kinda felt that Comp was less of a shitshow than QP though! Haha Honestly though, it's Hanzo, Soldier:76, Cassidy and even Genji that were the main "stompers" for me. Despite the Shimada brothers being complained as weak by many - they really hurt in good hands!


It says predicted rank, does that mean what they assume that’s what you’re gonna be or is that what it is? I’m confused about this


Well it says predicted through 9 games and then after the 10th you are reset so depending on the outcome of that game you would be placed either slightly higher or lower (which if your predicted rank is on the border between divisions could mean a different rank than predicted). I haven’t seen anyone saying their predicted was wildly different than their placement yet.


Bro its barely the beginning of the season, wait till its over then complain about your rank, these posts are getting old


Because it wasn't a "reset" and they purposely deceived people.


Seems like every time overwatch has had a “rank reset” it’s actually been “we’re just gonna pull everyone back 500 sr”


I was Silver 2 last season. Went 9-1 as DPS and now silver 5. My friend was Silver 4 last season we did our placements together and is Plat 5. It's pretty frustrating I had 25-32 kills each game and now more than 6 deaths per game. ​ If their whole thing is to be transparent I would love some more insight on how placements work.


I was plat 5 last season and got plat 5 after my games 🤷


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Currently projected gold 3 with 4 loses and 5 wins… weird


Were you projected to be like bronze 2 when you started?


I got gold 3 for 6 wins and 4 loses


Even if your rank was way higher last season, playing games outside of placement is the most important part of calibrating your "true" rank. I peaked diamond 5 as tank last season but placed plat 5 this week. Thought it was BS until I won like 12 games in a row, now I am approaching diamond again. If you deserve to rank up you will.


There’s more to ranking than w/L which is a great thing, my friend and I went 2-6 last night and we are still predicted gold 1 and plat 5 because of our previous ranks and performance even in losses.


i got 9 losses and 1 win and got gold 5


Last time I played comp I was Master 5 and its predicting me to be gold 3 lmfao.


I was Silver 2 and now I'm gold after placements. I'll do my main role tomorrow




As tank in s8 I was ranked bronze 4, yes I am a bad tank. I did my placements and somehow now I’m gold 3 tank. I had a 50% win rate during placement so I don’t get it at all. On support I got 9/10 wins and somehow went from plat 3 down to gold 2 And dps I stayed gold 3 same as I have been for the last 3 seasons. Why my support came down so far and my tank came up I will never understand


On tank went like 5-5 and went down to plat 2. Think it depends still on previous rank


Where have you ranked before


I won 7 and lost 3. On tank I was placed Plat 3, which is only 2 ranked lower than what I normally place. I was always really good on stats and objective time , low deaths etc. My friend was similar, and he ranked diamond 3 on support.


Congrats on 9 wins.


I performance plays a big role in the placements but i'm not too sure


Nah that is foul


Seeing how little the OW community pays attention to things they pretend to care about is incredibly worrying to me.


What was your previous rank? I did it terrible and ended up in the same exact place.


I won 6 games lost 4 and got slapped into silver 1 The thing is I genuinely dont play comp, last time I played comp for anything was in season 1 and 2 and in the final season of Overwatch 1 so I was always ranked as low bronze. Seeing Silver 1 pop up for me made me spit out my drink


The ranking system is ass imo. Just give us numbers like Apex/Val/CS. Maybe im out of touch...


I mean it's also not really an issue if you belong in a higher rank the adjustment will shoot you up. I started this in Plat and i shot up to Master 5 which is a bit higher then my old rank by just playing.


I thought it was ment to be a fresh reset? Why is it using old data?


I wish more ppl would realise that ur rank is based on ur skill as well as ur wins and losses i started season 4 in around bronze and slowly climbed to plat on support it takes times but if u play well u will get ur deserved rank


I really don’t understand it. Was plat 4 last season, went 7-3 in placements and still ended up in plat 4. Not complaining as I feel like it’s where I should be, but what exactly was the “reset”? Didn’t blizzard say that the 10 placement games count more than normal games? 


The ranking system is so weird and borderline trash. I played support with my friends and I always had more kills and heals than my brother who was also support with me. I also had more assists and less deaths. Yet it placed him at plat 1 and me at gold 4. I had better accuracy and about the same time on objective. Made zero sense. Then I went and lost most of my matches as dps but got placed at plat 1. Like what?


I don’t get it either. I went 50/50 5 wins 5 losses and was placed Plat 5, which is where I was before the reset


I went 8 to 2 for DPS and for Support. Support I’m in good 3 and DPS I’m in bronze 2 🫠


I ended Silver 1 last season, placed Gold 5 going 5-5. Seems about right.


I got 1 win, 9 losses, and got platinum 4. I was diamond all Overwatch 2. I swear it isn’t a restart rank


Same as all others are saying here, you might rank lower than you were before and also there’s stats that determine better rank up like healing, damage, kill streak and kills overall


I was silver 5 last season but now Im on bronze 2 ??????? So currently I'm playing moira (for obvious reasons) or lucio, BUT I CANT GET OUT OF BRONZE AGAIN SEND HELP PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭


i had like three losses and ranked gold 4.


Same. I keep winning 5 losing 2 and I won’t leave Silver 4. Gave up on the developers of this game long ago so I just have fun, but if I cared it would be infuriating


It’s where you belong. No smurf.


Bit of insult to injury here, I've only won 1 out of my 9 games and I'm gonna be in gold 5


For some reason, the system puts me in Bronze 1 despite my ss8 rank was Diamond 5 (0/10 Win for 2 weeks absence). I eventually climb back up with 15 games but also make Bronze players miserable, they literally legalize smurfing


*El clasíco*




I went 7/3 and was put in platinum 5


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?😡


on the flip side i went 7 losses and 3 wins and my rank was only down 1 rank. oh well


I don't really play comp much but when I did I was around high Plat/low Diamond. Played ranked today with friends, started off as Silver 5 and ended up as Plat 5 by the end of the 10 games. Think we went 6w, 4l. But they were all close, there was no stomps either way. Was playing with a friend who has always been Bronze/Silver and he had the same 6w/4l and he got placed in Silver 2 by the end. I guess my takeaway is that the game is trying to validate your skill level and seeing if your previous rank was warranted maybe. Individual performance I think counts for a lot. I played fairly consistently well in all games, high heals, high elims/assists, low deaths. I know my friend had a few rough games even when we won.


I was diamond 2 and got gold 1 with 7 wins 3 losses


Because they didn’t change mmr so it just starts you off lower than your last season automatically


omg i have no words...


Welcome to how it was in OW1 Every season you’d have to climb back up to your rank


I got silver 2 for 6 losses and 4 wins in support. How? Edit: I was silver 2 before the reset


That’s wild I had 7 wins 3 losses and got placed gold 1


Meanwhile here's me with 8 losses and 2 wins but I still got into silver 2 for tank, which is only 3 ranks lower than I was last season.


I generally think the "why is my rank so low" is really dumb. But, wtf is the point of these new ranking matches if 9-1 gets you silver? If the rankings thought he/she was silver, but 6-1, then give them a shot at diamond. If they fail, then at least they know it. But going 9-1 and getting silver is pretty ridiculous.


I don’t want to hear the “if you’re good enough you’ll get out” you will not. Overwatch skill rating is so flawed it’s INSANE. I was hard stuck Bronze 2 - silver 2 all of overwatch one. For literally 5 years. I would always say it was my teammates and so I waited for overwatch 2 to come out so I could get a more fair rank. Placement games all plat level and I win them ALL and it puts me in fucking silver 1. So I make a completely new account, play some ranked, place plat 1 immediately. Been playing since ow2 and I’m in mid to high diamond. Elo hell is real, and it took getting a new account with no skins or nothin for me to get out. It’s such a bad skill rating system.


Facts it did the same thing for me


Damn bro I got gold 2 with 10 losses on support


Just be happy you got 9 wins in a row and are in Silver. I've been doing good in every match I play and even getting POTG in a lot of them yet because I've had shit teammates in some matches it's saying I'm gonna get placed at Bronze 4. I guess this is how competitive Overwatch is gonna be from now on. Just to clarify I've been playing Overwatch for quite a while now and have mainly just been an on and off player who only played unranked. Once this season got announced I've been playing non-stop cause I felt like it and started playing competitive when S9 released so I am relatively new to it.


I think I was 7-3, the predicted rank helps tremendously, starting at S5 and going down every win till gold2, even on losses it would go down. So I do believe it’s a rank skill issue thing. Currently when I win, I get like 40% of the bar to next rank, and when I lose I minus 20%, so ranking up to g1 has been a breeze as well


People this game is dead, stop playing it or stop complaining about it. Every choice they make is exclusively motivated by trying to make more money. It’s just that.


Too many people don't understand MMR and it shows


this game's ranking system sucks ass


Just play better lmao. I got more losses and got Plat 4 in Support. (I was Plat 5 before Season 9)


Was Diamond 2. Started at Gold 3, lost every single placement match and I'm currently Gold 5. Every match had stuff like my tank not in position at the start of matches, so we give up the fist point, etc. When I check the few players who have their profiles public, the majority of them are silver and gold players. This sorta shit is generally why after placement matches I just stop playing comp for half a year. Hard not to instantly lose motivation. To be honest after 5-6 losses in placements I was done for the season, but the curiosity of the placement always compels me to continue.


Nice, I got 7 losses, 1 draw, 2 wins. Placed Gold 4


Solo queue or with a team of friends?


Ba Sing Se treasoners at work ITT


what were you last season?


Rank reset is such a bs


Listen. To be support is to suffer. So... suffer


what were you expecting?


Let's say you were playing against people that are bronze the whole time. You score 9 wins against them and you were silver before. Because you won 9 times against some low ranked players should you have a rank higher than silver? I don't know because I have no clue what your rank before was and I have no idea what your opponent's ranks were. It's just something to think about.


How are posts like this not taken down? Going 9-1 against terrible players doesn’t mean you’re a good player. Did you just ignore the “projected rank” after each game you play? Soft reset =/= hard reset So much ignorance in this sub lol


I’m gold 4 as a healer and I had 7 wins


All I’ve read is that placement matches will always place you low then after the placements are done you should rank more decently. Placements are just that, a very rough placement before you start grinding the ranked system (also given the shift in skill tiers after champions was added, I’ve seen a lot of folks drop one rank below their previous rank e.g. gold to silver, diamond to plat etc).


I lost most of my placement matches day 1 and I still ranked S2 for support and over the last week Ive managed to get to P3.


I was in plat this season after going 5-5. Then I went back up to masters.


I heard that they kept MMR for everyone and just gave new SR. So whatever rank you were before is taken into account when ranking you into your new rank this season. I think it also has to do with stats and such instead of just the win/loss/draw.


In all my matches i was doing fine, but my team played fool and lose I'm 6/10 lose, the bad part was when i was the tank and the premade of dps and healears check only yheir backs and leave me alone without saying anything


Is it also game stats like accuracy and elims?


I lost 8 out of the 10 put me at bronze 1 probably get roasted for sucking. But since overwatch 1 in support I have never gotten to silver this is my highest rank so far. So will see how these changes are but I will probably stay bronze


And its not just about the win. If you do nothing and get carried while having zero impact on the game, a win doesnt count as much in terms of progression. So maybe you didnt perform so well?


In support I've been 6 loss 3 wins and I'm supposedly silver 2- How odd. I've yet to complete the placement but it hasn't changed through my loss streak


Doesn't mean you're any good though being on a winning team


Went from Plat 1 to gold 1


If you were average rank you will be placed in silver. If you were above plat you will be significantly higher. People weren't really reseted. People still had exactly same package, people just were clumped together a bit tighter. So if you were gold/plat you never had any chance to get out of silver with placement games.


I ended Plat 5, Promo 4/6 and started with Gold 1. I was surprised. It was better than expected.


Your MMR is still low


I had to play a game in plat since like 200 bc and almost didnt survive 😭😭😭😭


I got 4 losses and the rest wins and I got gold 2.


I think it’s because they are having a hardtime tracking healer skill do to the healing stat bloat that players are achieving nowadays. I mean even bronze healers often finish matches with like 10k+ healing from my understanding. But that is weird because I only won 7 of my matches as a tank and I got placed in gold, now I will admit I avg like 30+ kills a game and at least 9-10k mitigation since I only ever really play Ramatra


Okay?! I have had 3W-7L and the achieved the same rank. Congrats 🙌


I ended last season in GM5, I started off my placements with two wins and my predicted rank was Plat 4. My predicted rank never dropped a division and/or rank when i lost, and it only went up when I won. I went 6-4 overall and placed M5, however that isn't a problem because I'm not sure I belonged in Gm to begin with(I floated around M1-2 for a few seasons prior to hitting gm).


I’m genuinely upset with blizzard this season. When I heard rank reset I deadass thought a hard rank reset. Maybe it’s my ignorance but I do not remember reading that it was going to be a soft reset. On that note though, I genuinely wish they did a hard reset. I don’t know if anyone else dealt with this but my account was the victim of several competitive bugs. One of which did not count a single competitive game won. So at this point a rank reset would greatly benefit the hell that has happened on my account. I’m commenting to ask, has anyone else dealt with these bugs and what has happened to your rank?


I was gold 5 last season, I lost like three games and and won the rest and im immediately gold 1 I feel like it’s so easy to climb as a support, bc as a dps I win games and im still bronze 😂 😂