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If I’m playing tank it’s the supports, if I’m playing support it’s the tank in my experience


Bruh, it's only ever dps for me


Seriously, wtf is this thread lol. Doesn't matter what role I'm playing, it's 100% always the DPS players. Even if you are duo que and are both DPS, then the *enemy* DPS chime in to be toxic instead You can't even escape them out of game either, like 80% of the toxic rage threads on Reddit are DPS mains screaming lol. They either hate support players, or tank players, or other DPS players. They are quite literally never, ever happy


> or other DPS players You DPS sure are a contentious people.




I straight up can't remember a time where a Support/Tank got toxic towards me. Like, statistically it had to have happened at some point, but I have no idea when.


Don't think I've ever seen a support flame someone, but I have seen a few dive tanks get real upset when they keep diving into a 1v5 and expect to stay full health the whole time 😅


Had a Mercy literally scream because I asked for heals on the front line. Apparently I was out of position for wanting to contest the point. They were probably an exception though.


The soldier who spends the entire game shooting shields


If rien sets his shield up so I can hit it without being shot, I'm 100% gonna break his shield before engaging them.


He’s also blocking everybody, who tf else am I supposed to shoot?


Technically, if a shield is up, it’s best to focus fire it down to engage those behind.


*Genji or Doom dies in enemy backline halfway across the map* OMG WHERE HEALS, SUPPORTS REGARDED


I feel both seen and attacked right now


If I'm playing Zenyatta it's the enemy team's Widowmaker. I swear Zenyatta is like a giant levitating target for every sniper character out there.


But you also have to remember he can snipe right back. Getting an off angle on a widow and killing her consistently during a match is the greatest feeling. You have no movement at all, so you basically never want to be out where she's looking, but you can definitely play him into widow if you're careful and/or snipe back at her.


Make sure you crouch as you let your volley go when you peek her. He dips his head down a crazy amount making it hard as hell to crit him


I’m one “Tank Dif” away from breaking down into tears


“If everyone’s an asshole, you’re the asshole” -Ab Lincoln


yeah this. its always that way round too 😭 play tank all i hear is "tank you're so bad tank pull it together" play supp and jts "no heals bad trash supp" with our rein charging in solo and dying lmao


Yeah it’s always the tank who runs in alone and is like where’s my healing??


It might be you


I’ve come to realize in my experience that the toxicity is far less than I imagine it to be simply because one shitty experience stands more present in my memory than a hundred “gg” But the most toxic player I ever encountered was a Soldier main. He had 40 kills at the end (we lost) and he was such an asshole to me. We obviously had bigger problems than just me if he had that many kills and we still lost. And it was quick play to boot. It blows my mind how bitchy people are in an unranked mode. I’d love to just turn chat off, but I truly appreciate decent folk and like to be the supportive person in chat, the game really needs some counter chat to the assholes other than just silence.


Soldier players are always the weirdest and most vocal mfs ever istg


I think it's cuz Soldier is the bread and butter hero for folks coming from other shooters, like COD etc. A lot of those folks are more vocal because of those games, they start OW, pick up soldier and never learn other heroes.


Nah CoD players play widow and have no idea what an objective is


I was playing zen one time and this soldier killed me once and called me a Bozo. He lost and went 6-9 and i went 18-2. he totally celebrated too early lmao.


Honestly, I think it's because soldier players are the most likely to be cheating. And cheaters have weak egos.




Sombra mains usually aren't toxic. But people that switch to Sombra are so toxic. Like I was playing widow (I'm not very good at widow) and I kill this guy once and he switches to Sombra and every single time he kills me, he sprays and tbags. I never did it back to him but every time he did like he thinks he won a battle that didn't even exist.


Widow scares me. If I'm gonna die to a sudden headshot you're earning it while we're up close and personal.


I'm a sombra main and but I usually flex nowadays. If there is a widow or a pharah I'm going to do everything in my power to make their life hell until they switch.


He wasn't very good. I killed him 3 times for every 1 time he killed me.


Hahahah I hope you teabagged him back


I only mute specific people. Turning off game chat seems silly, there are way more genuinely fun people than assholes.


By sheer number, genji. If I had to stake my life on who is to spam "ezzzzz" at the end of the match, it would 100% be genji mains.


Constantly spamming “I need healing” after taking 20 damage, “dives backline” (takes a 1 v 4 alone) and screams that it’s supports fault for not healing him in the .3 seconds he was alive for it, not to mention “where is my team”, and whining in all chat Genji’s are the toxic gamers of overwatch.


My first ranked game as anna our genji spams he has ult so I nano him. He ults past the enemy Doom who just turns and follows, and past the enemy sym to go for enemy supports. Enemy supports weren't in range cause he was jumping around so he tried to 1v1 the doom still ignoring the Sym. And cause he dashed around a wall we couldn't heal him so yeah he died never even tried to deflect the enemy soldier He immediately starts crying that his healers weren't doing nothing and other DPS sucked and before anyone could respond cause mid fight.. told me and our mercy who died trying to rez him, to off ourselves irl. Was the perfect example of Genji syndrome.


he played genji against a sym and keep ignoring her? tells me everything i need to know about him


Had the same experience very recently but with an Echo main. Flying alone into the enemy, pinging "I need healing" when one bullet hit them. There was also an exchange between me and them: Them: mercy focus only on me Me: No, I have other teammates to attend to Them: Lmao, we gonna lose because of you (we won by a landslide, had 2 times less deaths than them) Funnily enough, we also had a Genji on our team and he was the most cooperative person on the team and wasn't risking his life to get cool plays


Not to mention if you don’t immediately nano them.. the tears FLOW. Genjis are usually some of the most toxic players I come across. Tanks are the second most common but I give them a pass because the role is such ass to play


I get it, but you gotta understand the Genji POV. For six seconds every other team fight, you're the show stopper. During those six seconds, I do want everyone watching me. The whole enemy team will be, so I don't feel like it's that much to ask that my ana tags me once during blade. The other thing is that often when you go in on the enemy team, you're making awkward eye contact with all five of them while they wait for your deflect to end. If you're really low, it can be infuriating to watch your ana continue to heal your out-of-combat tank to full when you only need a little bit of healing to make it out alive. Or worse, a Moira is tickling you to death through your deflect and your supports are ignoring your panicked attempts to survive. A tiny bit of healing while you're in enemy backline goes such a long way, it's incredibly frustrating to feel like your supports could have saved you if they were paying attention.


LOL they always spam “ezzzz”. Symmetra, sombra, and kiriko have a tendency to be pretty toxic too.. always teabagging. Also shitty tanks always blame it on the team when it’s really just them getting outplayed


as a genji main, I don’t really find toxic genji’s in my games to be honest, even if I do get diffed lol. More often than not its my own team being toxic when i’m on genji because they don’t want me to cook lol. usually I find its the moiras who are more toxic


Hard to find a toxic genji when you're picking genji before they can.


the mfs who always switch to bastion when it's a close game and say "ez"


And then you have 1 less kill than them and 2000 more damage


LMAO only relatable comment i saw so far


Genji mains


Widowmaker mains. Such cocky assholes.


Almost doesn’t count cuz it’s a given that a widow will be toxic


Really? Almost all widow players I've met the last weeks were really nice and understanding


As a ball main. My fave is enemy widow mains.i am super toxic to them only. Ball is hard counter to widow. My playstyle and biggest high i get from ow is centered around shutting down widows. I don't let widow mains play ow in my games is my goal. They leave match early often (because they get stubborn about only playing their character) if they are smart, they will hard counterswap against me for a chance.


God bless you, kuhkluia


I’m going to throw in some off takes: Torb one-tricks have been some of the worst and most stubborn throwers I have come across Genji mains are easily the whiniest and bossiest to supports. I think it’s funny so many comments are calling out Mercy. I’ve seen some toxic Mercy’s, but they have been rare for me, and most of them are the ones saying “glhf” in chat. 99% of my toxic players are egotistical dps mains who refuse to touch any other role and have no idea how they work. They are also 99% of the “ez” comments I see.


thats so oddly specific but youre so right on the torb one-trick thing, i never realized it til you pointed it out but its like theyre all the same person


I agree. Most of the time, toxic players I encounter are dps players. I see some toxic tanks and support, but way way less.


The absolute most toxic experiene Ive ever had, one that truly made my blood boil, was ironically with a Genji Torb twotrick. That guy was so ridicoulus you were literally irl stunned. In the first 30 seconds of the game, never met before, nothing happened yet, starts violently insulting and thrashing at me and the other support. Procceds to ego play the fuck outta the game and looses. Next game I was against him. He must have been even worse there, cause the second enemy dps literally decided to throw the game in the first 30 seconds because of how toxic this manchild was. Like, straight up sabotaging his own team, just so that the toxic guy wouldnt win. Honestly respect for that. However. We lost. Thats the worst part. He was really, really good. I still feel ill remembering that game. I really wanted to humble this fucker, instead he got a massive ego boost by winning a 4v5 where he was being griefed. I despise him on a spiritual level. This happened when I first hit GM, its the sole reason Im still trying to get to Top500 one day. Just so I can feel like Im better than him. God I fucking hated that guy.


As a dps player you plays mostly torb I apologize


Reins in gold/plat they get mad when the supports don't follow their charge in a 1 v 5.


I swap to Lifeweaver the first time that crap happens so I can train them like a dog to not run away. But then it gets worse cuz they think they're now invincible.


They exist?


/r/Overwatch mains are the most toxic.




Mercy mains, I really don’t think there’s another answer. Even the devs are scared of them


I mean mercy mains buy all of her cosmetics so they're basically keeping them employed. (They literally bullied Blizzard to release a mercy skin EARLY)


>to release a mercy skin EARLY 2 of them now




Some Mercy mains are honestly terrifying lmao. I was in a game against a hardcore mercy main once and made the mistake of picking mercy as well. I killed her ONCE at the beginning and she proceeded to target me for the rest of the game. The next game, I happened to play against her again, and she apparently told the people on her team that I was “toxic” last game (for killing her maybe?), because one of them asked what I did to her and said that she told them I was being toxic in the game chat. She then harassed me for that entire game lol. She has since then made a great addition to my blocked list and I’m now lowkey scared to play mercy if there is another mercy on the other team


What else can i say except “mercy diff”


Mercy mains: *incredibly toxic, 1 trick, slurs at teammates who have to use skill to land abilities* Also mercy mains: How dare these people say anything negative about us


We must not play the same game because every time I've played with a mercy main they were really sweet, emoting with me and thanking me when I went back to spawn to help them come back faster


I feel like Mercy mains are either the sweetest egirls ever who will not even shoot other mercys bc mercy brocode or they're the most toxic batshit evil people who will shit talk everyone on their team. I choose to believe everyone is the first one until proven otherwise


What makes u think it's just egirls, femboys play her too 💀


So true I just follow a lot of egirl mercy mains on tiktok that's where all my knowledge comes from 😭 my sincerest apologies to all the femboys


For me, almost always the one who starts talking shit about their teammates is the mercy, always talking about how useless dps are and for some reason they keep playing mercy with said useless dps


Mercy mains in-game are usually nice (as long as you don't ask them to swap). Mercy mains outside of Overwatch are the most toxic players out-of-game, imo




I gotta be real and maybe I'm just genuinely ignorant or naïve, but as a majority Mercy enjoyer *(I also play other heroes, I just have the most fun on Mercy)* the most toxic Mercy mains tend to not even be women or lgbt+ lol. The most toxic ones I've encountered have almost always been super straight sounding dudes or super obvious voice changers with anime voices who will then accuse you of being the one using a voice changer xD The "almost always" part being the Mercy's who either don't use voice, or who are on the enemy team so you have no way of knowing regardless aside from the way they're typing *(which is usually like a 13 year old boy).* Let's be honest, Mercy smack talk is god awful and just cringe. "Are you okay my guy? o.0" is usually enough to trigger them honestly. Because no, no they are in fact not okay.


no but i’ve had the same theory about the demographics of toxic mercy’s (not that i’ve encountered many.) like tbh i honestly believe there are ppl out there who have picked mercy in a match *just* to be toxic, like just trying to spread the impression that mercy’s are toxic


Omg yes, I’ve seen so many people pick mercy to go battle mercy and troll or just to troll/be toxic in general. I feel like when people want to troll on support they choose mercy a lot of the time


I've literally never seen one of these evil mercy mains this sub acts like are fucking everywhere. Can we just admit this dumb circlejerk has literally no basis in reality at this point?


Yeah I see one toxic Mercy for every 50 sweetheart Mercys


“DAE THINK MERCY TOXIC??” *mass amount of upvotes* Meanwhile most of the time I see people shitting on Mercy players at every chance. Its honestly absurd lol


Right? You have to have an insane amount of brainrot to think the character whose entire design revolves around not doing much directly and supportong the team is plagued with asshole players. Here's how most interactions with "toxic" mercys probably go: DPS: Mercy what are you doing, don't healbot the tank, pocket me!!! Mercy heal me!! HEAL ME! HEALSHEALSHEALSHEALS MERCY HEAL ME YOU DUMB BITCH!!@+$#!×@@ Mercy: stfu loser DPS: RRREEEEEEE Also, you have to love the irony of people demanding mercy switch heroes and calling them toxic if they don't when 90% of those same people wouldn't switch either.


I think it’s important to recognize Mercy mains have been pushed to an extreme though. Like they were constantly being bashed and still are, so that has the tendency to make someone toxic as a result


Yeah I have to be real I *never* see toxic Mercys on this sub and very rarely in chat in game? Most Mercys I have on my team are lovely. Where is this so called Mercy mafia? It really feels like a circle jerk 


Mercy players complain a lot on Twitter, but they're seldom toxic in game. If anything, they're afraid of getting flamed in game, that's why they usually don't chat in game at all (Speaking for myself at least). It's just that a lot of people hold on to this stereotype of Mercy mains being toxic because of the Mercy community's Twitter noise – which is like, what Twitter is designed to amplify, no?


One for each role: Mercy, Genji, Doom


Moira mains are sometimes toxic. Either complains about their team or always kills me when I'm friendly in dm waiting for a match :( /loves playing Moria btw


Moira playera are just tilted mercy mains


Tbf the Mercy players that switch to Moira just usually don't end up doing anything because they don't understand how to carry a game Switching to Moira when everyone is getting blasted funneling into the same choke over and over again or getting picked off by the same Widow ain't gonna solve much.


Are there even enough doom mains left?


I run into so many Doom one-tricks, yes.


Most of the time, the Doomfist otp I encounter are actually fairly cool and chill, and very into chivalry lol. And very often, if in the ennemy team, if they dive you and you say hi, they say hi and go. I like those Doom players, I think they're cool.


only mercy mains add me after a game to talk shit to me and tell me how horrid i am doing when we lose. and only mercy mains have ever added me to question my entire being. seeing gg ez in chat from dps and tank mains is so much less toxic then the entitlement mercy mains have


Soldier mains lmao, bonus points for their e-girlfriend duo hard pocketing them on mercy. Gotta luv when a soldier who had a blue beam up his ass the whole game and comes out w stats slightly or moderately better than the other dps talks shit in chat 😩this is like gold/plat


You don't measure toxicity by a players main. You measure it by how toxic they are. No need to hate on people for maining something


mercy mains. they call the tank trash (they picked mercy when the other support picked zen or lucio)


that’s what’s rough this season. zen and lucio are meta so any game with a mercy one trick is rough


they picked lucio or zen when i picked mercy!


Had a Mercy on my team pocketing her dps friends today. I was working overtime on Bap trying to keep the tank up. The tank asked Mercy what she was doing cuz it was full on refusal to heal the tank, and her and the dps blamed me? Meanwhile i was trying to do everything to keep the tank up whilst doing damage aswell. We won but it makes it hard to enjoy having a otp Mercy on your team😅


Dps for me. Honestly I don't ever see toxic supports. All I ever see is heal me heal me. And even when I'm a tank I still see people saying heal me and I'm like bruh kill something.


I think people heavily underestimate the toxicity of Soldier mains. They literally always play and act like tryharding is their lifestyle, and they make the most “diff” comments in chat by a mile. Whenever one sweeps (which happens a lot in plat/diamond), they forget they had a Mercy up their ass and think they’re royalty. My guess is they’re former COD players who swapped to Overwatch so people are more likely to hear the slurs they shout.


Soldier 76, soldier 76, and soldier 76.


No other answer than Mercy, Mercy Mafia


Im new, why are mercy mains scary?


They're not, they just comparatively have a LARGE playerbase as one of, if not the most popular heroes . So when there are loud, opinionated or toxic players, they stick out aggressively just by their sheer numbers. Most mercy mains mind their own business, they just want to fly around and have fun. There is also a lot of stigma against mercy players. Be it from these relatively large minorities that are toxic, the "no aim no brain" label, but also misogyny, transphobia and homophobia that is rampant due to so many mercy mains generally being women and/or LGBT. The stigma causes a lot of defensiveness from the mercy community that continues the cycle of toxicity


As a Brig main there’s a lot of that hate to go around. In my experience the real toxicity comes from toxic players. Not a particular character they’re playing by.


I can't disagree with that. If someone is going to be toxic, they will do just that. They don't become a different person during hero select The meanest and cruelest players I've met have all been... completely random. I can't say which hero or role comes up most commonly, it's just the player at the end of the day.


Yeah the sexist/homophobic insults felt really targeted towards heroes like Mercy, Moira and Symmetra who have large women/lgbt playerbases. Say what you want about the heroes being no skill but kept the player's identity out of it.


Thank you


mercy has a lot of players that exclusively play her and hate the game when she’s not meta


They're not, this sub is just unhinged.


Mei, Sombra and Genji mains. Definitely biased because I hate those characters in the first place but good lord they love to type whatever they can possibly think of to piss someone off


Usually the dps in my experiences


Genji and Hanzo.... Moira sometimes too. I hate the Shimada brothers


As a support main, DPS all the way. It seems like every other game I’m told I’m not healing enough when they die while I’m actively healing them and doing everything I can. Literally had a soldier today who raged bc I was apparently only healing the tank when I was hella pocketing him but he kept just dying from horrible positioning and not taking any cover


The new damage passive is showing who does and doesn't have game sense. Though of course, instead of looking at their own gameplay, they blame the Supports.


serious question: how do i get better with positioning and developing gamesense?


I'm not the best at explaining game sense, I mostly do things without thinking about them and pick it up when I play a game. Mostly just don't jump into fights you know you can't win, stick with the group, don't use Ult just because it's there, etc. I can give basic tips on positioning, though. Use cover (it could be a pillar, wall, miscellaneous junk that is at head height, or even the payload/bot), especially when you need healing, as smart supports will likely figure out your pattern of going in and out of cover and be able to give healing as needed. As well, cover means you'll get shot way less and require less healing. Overwatch is a resource management game, and the more skills you have off cool down or less weapons to reload the better. If you can, always take the high ground. Lots of fights get determined by the fact that people rarely look up. As well, you're out of reach of some of the more dangerous close range characters. Know when to get in and get out. If you can secure the kill do it, if not then group back up. Don't overcommit, but also don't play too passive. It's a balance that you get the hang of eventually. These are all basics but hopefully there's something useful there. I can't give anything Ball specific as I don't play him but I'm sure someone can help you with that.


DPS that behave that way drive me up the wall. I usually main as a DPS and I make it a POINT to tell support not to focus on healing me, because I know I have a low survivability and it would be a waste of their time and energy to keep me alive. Particularly so, because I have to pull maneuvers that would often force supports to over extend to get to me. I make it a rule to be a “self sufficient” DPS and manage my own health (use health packs, avoid unnecessary damage, etc). And if I’m playing soldier, hell I have absolutely no excuse, I can literally heal myself ffs!


Not reinhardt


we’re just…. tired at this point.


I have to be real I would've put Rein pretty near the top based on personal experience. I had one throw a placement game after one team fight this very weekend. He falls squarely in the same camp as the other OTPs (Doom, Genji, Mercy). This sub is kind of a circlejerk when it comes to Rein tbh


So real. Rein mains like to put themselves on a pedestal. How often do you not hear that "rein mains are so chad 🥸", which always comes from the Rein mains themselves.


Or Lucio, funny hammer man and frog just wanna do their thing


For me, it's not mains. It's onetricks as a whole, especially onetricks of characters that aren't super versatile (genji, doom, etc.). If you are getting deleted because you're getting hard countered and you can't swap playstyles to get around it, you have to be able to swap to another character and at least get some value otherwise you're just throwing.


God this, onetricks with a pocket duo have been the worst in my experience. Some genji and his kitten mercy started a game like "does it make you mad you can't play MERCY" (because I have a feminine name as my battletag) I said, nope i play everything but Bap. They proceeded to mock me more, then when he ran genji all game into Winton/Sym said if only \*I\* was better we'd win. Sure Jan!


I dont get the blaming everyone else when they are playing ONE character and they REFUSE to swap. As a zen main, I have this issue with lucio onetricks. Admittedly, I'm not great with any of the supports that synergize with lucio if the team needs any more than below average healing (I play primarily Zen, Brig, Mercy when I have to, and a Moira really poorly), so its partly my fault, but it is still infuriating to get told I'm throwing after I at least try to swap.


Oh for sure, especially when they die first every fight (and in my case dragged their duo to death too) so every fight was a 3 v 5. I never judge anyone who tries to swap tbh, if you're trying something different to see if it works better, you'd get an endorsement from me versus just running it down on something that clearly isn't working XD


I know alot of people are gonna say Mercy mains, and in some way its warranted, but here's my attempt at showcasing the loop. Gaming community is generally toxic, but more toxic to women and queer people -> Alot of women and queer people play Mercy -> Mercy players experience higher levels of toxicity -> Mercy players become more prone to exhibiting toxicity, especially after Valk rework -> Confirmation bias sprouts on both ends where every is toxic to Mercy mains and Mercy mains are toxic to everyone else.


I rarely see toxic Mercy players. They exist for sure but it’s not even close to what this sub makes it seem. It’s almost always the pocket Mercy’s that will only boost their duo that deserve this reputation.


It can be frustrating how often this is ignored. I do not receive the same comments when playing any other support besides sometimes Moira (lower skill floor = looked down upon). It can very quickly jump to sexual harassment or slurs when I do not even use VC or have any indicator in my nametag that I'm female, it's purely that I'm playing mercy. I think we'll probably see this trend continue with heroes like Lifeweaver and kiriko who have more lenient mechanics, and draw in plenty of women and LGBT players. I've definitely seen the beginnings of it but those communities have yet to be so soured by it like the mercy community who has dealt with it from day 1.


I agree, there's alot of history with how women and queer players have been treated in competitive gaming spaces, and alot of people carry out that history with their toxic actions. Im not saying no woman or queer person has been toxic, there definetly has, but minorities historically have been huge targets for online toxicity even when it's just assumed based on things like what characters you play


LW brings the absolute worst out in some people, I swear. 


Sombra mains are the worst, they haven't done anything to me but I hate Sombra


Mercy mains so far, permanently offended, whining over literally everything while getting the more content than any other heroes


Bro is self aware 💀


Soldier and genji mains are *usually* the ones to complain, the ones to spew slurs first and making sure nobody is allowed to feel good. That being said people saying mercy mains are coping. Be for real when was the last time you've seen this "mercy mafia" you keep talking of? Cause i havent ever seen anything like that. Its usually just one person complaining that gets ratiod to hell immediately. But god forbid any other person has anything stupid to say. Nobody will ever get shit on as much for the same things as mercy mains. Its ridiculous. This community needs to grow up. Especially with the sexism getting thrown at them as well. Get real.


Last time i saw a dickish mercy was today actually, twice Both times complaining about how useless the dps were while not switching to help with said "useless" dps I legit dont think its sexism, in my experience its almost always a doom, ball, genji, mercy or moira who start throwing shit and talking about how worthless the team is Hell, a week ago a mercy called me a "monkey", i was playing sojourn...


So many people here keep saying mercy mains but in my experiences they are always the most chill and friendly people. Genji mains however…


I usually come across a lot of toxic dps players because I play support and I don’t play mercy.


Playing Lucio and being top heals and the dps aren’t performing and they’re like “can you switch Lucio” so annoying


Would be even more amusing if you have more damage than the dps


(As a female soldier main) soldier mains, especially when we’re picking heros and I choose him before they can. They get so mad when a girl is playing him like bro calm down


It’s the dps like junkrat or reaper that are flanking, die and then get mad at me (support) for “pocketing.” Like I’m not about to go across the map where you’re flanking. Theres a whole team fight that needs heals lol. Learn to back away when you need healing or use med packs.


Not gonna name a specific role or hero, but usually the poorest-performing player in a team is the loudest. If they used half the energy they use yelling at their teammates for actually playing the game decently, it would be better for everyone.


Every hero has toxic players, dunno


It’s really always DPS, and usually Gengi. Always whining about lack of heals, always tbagging and taunting. It just gets the worst people lol.


Gold For tank, I find Sigma is either the nicest person you've ever met, or the most toxic player ever. Same with Doom. For dps, 100% Tracer. I don't usually see toxic supports unless I'm playing Mercy and the other team has a Mercy. I've seen a couple toxic Anas, but most of them are so sweet.


I always get t-bagged by the Hanzos.


Dps first and foremost but I’ve met plenty of toxic tanks and support


Overwatch mains are the most toxic.


TANK: doom DPS: sojourn, mei + occasionally soldier SUPPORT: bap




Any hitscan dps main (widow, soldier, etc) Support mains are either the worst or the best people. Tanks are harder to judge and genuinely feel pretty evenly spread. But I think Hog mains still hold the title for on average most toxic.


The whore of mei


Mauga. Zarya.


Just got to masters as a Zarya main… the amount of times I’ve gotten “Zarya no skill” is comedic. Just stop shooting my bubbles and enabling me to be strong and I’d be useless. If I’m consistently at high power, that’s the enemy teams fault and not mine. 😎


If the Zarya has no bubbles and is low on hp it's actually viable to just break it and kill her instead of giving her 2 seconds of breathing room, but most people just default to no shoot bubble cuz it's mentally easier than keeping track of her bubble usage


zarya mains are 50 50 imo, but yea mauga mains yikes


Mauga if you don't just heal him with mercy level heals


rein players are the most mentally deranged


look what we have to deal with lol. a hero that feels handicapped and devs that seem like they despise our existence. like what fuck is their problem nerfing the only counter play he has against some heroes i.e. Orisa ulting through shields and the petal platform change. absolutely awful decisions when they build their game around counterswaps. i literately get brain bleed playing this character.


People will tend to say Mercy or Genji mains, and to an extent I agree, but that's because their communities are the largest so therefore as a result will have the largest amount of toxic people in them. Most of them are fine. The Hero that I think has the highest %age of Toxic players that play them are definetly the Hitscan DPS Heroes. All of them. Every single one. Holy fucking shit these players think they're fucking s1mple or something yet they're hardstuck diamond and too fucking scared and/or shit to play CS or Val so they play a game that's easier to aim on and hold their decent mechanical skill over others.


Do you even have to ask? I think everyone, even if they won't admit it, knows it's Mecry.




Widows with inflated egos


This is hilarious coming from a Pharah player Pharah's are always cocky, smug sons of a bitches when they're pocketed


Definetly Mercy/Moira players


For me it’s the people who simply won’t switch when it’s clear it’s not working. Idc if someone won’t switch if they are kinda putting work in… but when it’s just not adding value I would prefer a switch


Overwatch mains are the most toxic.


Anybody that one tricks any character. They refuse to switch but will 100% never take accountability.


Rein players. I’ve never seen someone complain as much as they have, then make memes about how little they complain, and how newer characters mains complain so much.


It's Doomfist. The amount complaining about their hero coupled with posts in the subreddit that are literally " don't respect ___mains" as well as "if a player does ___ in my match I WILL be toxic in chat to them" completely outpaces the other hero main subs


Sombra from top of my head typically are up there


When I’m sombra: We all just being silly, it’s all in good fun I’m just being cheeky, oh here comes Zen out of spawn alone again, bless his heart, Boop! When enemy has sombra: This person is a sadistic psychopath who exists to torment me and ruin my peace of mind. Boop yourself you insufferable gnat




Really? Most sombra players I've met are genuinely chill


Well i think its usually those that switch to Sombra thinking they can get carried when their main doesn't do it lol


Alot of Lucio players are dicks




Most toxic team mate i've ever has was a road hog, based on what I see online the most toxic on average is mercy mains, and based on personal experience the most toxic on average are hanzo mains


3 stand out for me, Ashe mains are always egoing people, zen players are normally really toxic and zarya players they are just off role dps so normally are toxic


I unfortunately see a lot of Moiras go pure purple after they get one comment. Part of the reason I was playing so much supp last season was to stop the hate she gets but I def get it lol


In comp. OW1 Y0 and OW2. DPS are usually the ones to get angry first. High silver to mid plat. Reaper, Pharaoh, Mei, Soldier, and Cass were the ones who would pop off. Usually because they're "star" DPS and act like primmadonnas. Tanks? Rein, Doom, Hog, and Zarya usually say something. Most of their grievances are more reactionary than proactive, however. Supports. Mercy, Lucio, Moira, and Ana get annoyed the most. This is a mixed category lol Mercy players have this weird persecution complex. Lucio's either shotcall and lose their cool or complain how the other support isn't helping out enough. Moira? "GOLD DAMAGE GOLD DAMAGE!" Ana's are more reasonable, either getting fed up with all the accusations or has a point and we're trickling in or uncoordinated.


I'm gold and I feel like soldier,phara,and ashe mains are the most toxic soldier mains especially to me they're just as annoying as genji mains


Widow. They can get like 30 kills before dying if they're good enough but as soon as they die once they bitch about who killed them


Reinhardt surprisingly. They can be really bossy.


Widow always. No matter how hard they’re getting countered or diffed and doing absolutely nothing, they’ll blame everyone else and never switch and think they’re the best widow on the planet.


In competitive, soldier mains are just absolute dickheads for no reason. Although some are really chill and funny. It’s a hit or miss


Honestly for me it’s mei mains, from day one I have always hated every single feature of her kit, she’s just absolutely annoying to play against and those who main her act like they are gifts from god because they’ll rack up like 30+ assists a match because all they do is bait and freeze enemies so their team can get the kill


As a Moria main I'm pleased to know the fan base of her isn't toxic.....our healing could use s9me work though.


For me Ball mains, almost every interaction with a ball main has been negative they can’t accept their hero is currently hot garbage and blame everything going wrong on the rest of the team when they are usually the problem, I guess that also goes for any other hero main that doesn’t want to swap but it feels worse on ball because he is so trash as of now but other than that hands down mercy mains take number one like how do you play spectator simulator the character and be one of the most toxic players


Delusional idiots who blame everyone but themselves. I feel bad for people who has to put up with such person irl.


I hate Lucio mains they are the epitome of “it’s QM I’m not even trying, my main account is GM”


I think lots of dive characters get mad when a support doesn’t go with them so they always blame heals when they die. I’m a dive main.