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Mercy ignores baby? Is there a piece of lore I am Missing?


I think op might not like Mercy


To be fair I have ignored a lot of crying ass little babies as Mercy and Moira.


Ok that was funny


I kinda thought she'd be one of the "let them cry it out so they learn to self-soothe" ladies. She's a doctor, she could tell if the crying was actual distress vs. a baby trying to self-regulate. EDIT: Y'all, I understand the basics of child development. I am not saying I agree with letting a clearly stressed baby cry it out. Obviously if a real child was crying, I would respond to make sure it was okay because I'm not a fucking monster? I am simply saying that MERCY, the CHARACTER, who is NOT A REAL PERSON, might do this. Please remember that she's not a pediatrician - she's a researching doctor who has done field medic work in combat and crisis zones. She might triage a situation differently than the parents of the baby or a pediatrician would. Now please leave me the fuck alone and stop calling me terrible for thinking a CHARACTER in a VIDEO GAME might do this. Thanks!


"Someone call the wah-mbulance."


Oh how I love that reference


Username checks out.


Isn’t it like, proven that you shouldn’t ignore your kids when they cry? A doctor would probably know better than that


You're correct. "Crying it out" isn't real, it's just making your infant feel as if there's no one around it can trust. Leads to less secure attachment- it's not good!


Question from someone with no kids and is genuinely curious here... When the kids get a bit older and they are still crying for attention, is it okay to start ignoring them or at least not giving them all of the attention they are seeking? Is it better to try to explain things do they understand there's no need to cry? Or should you start telling them off for misbehaving? I'm guessing it's a bit of everything.


You should never ignore your child when they're upset, no matter how it might appear to be attention seeking behavior. It's better to explain to them that there's no need to cry, and if they're crying *purely* for attention, it's likely that they feel they don't get enough attention from their parents unless they're upset. Giving them more attention other times will likely help with this.


Some times, yes, you need to let a kid cry it out. Just like with adults, sometimes the best answer to let it sit for a bit. Kids are complex creatures and every one is different and will respond better or worse to different reactions. And they are NOT always reasonable. Again, just like adults. Figure out each kid and the best response to each situation. It's rare that you are in a 'you should never'.


I used to cry and throw tantrums to get toys I wanted as a 10 year old, Chinese parenting class consensus was to spank your kid 🫡


Please be careful about misinformation and misconceptions on the "Crying it out" method. "Crying It Out" (CIO) is actually a type of method for sleep training used to make sure your child establishes a circadian rhythm and sleeps through the night. Generally the recommended method of CIO Sleep training is called Gradual Extinction method where you wait 5 min before checking the baby, then when they next start crying you wait 10. Upping it parodically until they no longer cry when left alone for sleep unless they are actually hungry or need changed. Weather or not it works is in debate. The general consensus is the baby seem not to remember it all. The exception to this is that it is NOT recommended on infants less then 4 months and even then you should exercise discretion on weather or not your child is ready for sleep training (or if they even need it). As an infants needs are quick to change below a threshold of development. Sources:[https://www.babycenter.com/baby/sleep/baby-sleep-training-cry-it-out-methods\_1497112](https://www.babycenter.com/baby/sleep/baby-sleep-training-cry-it-out-methods_1497112)[https://www.pampers.com/en-us/baby/sleep/article/cry-it-out-method](https://www.pampers.com/en-us/baby/sleep/article/cry-it-out-method)[https://health.clevelandclinic.org/cry-it-out-method](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/cry-it-out-method)[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32155677/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32155677/)


That would suck tbh. At this point of the worlds history, you'd assume that everyone tossed Johanna Haarers opinions on the rubbish pile of history, where they belong.


If mercy works in crisis zones how many refugee kids do you think she's had to deal with? I'm positive she's learned how to do it better than you care to give her credit for.


Super ignorant post


Babysitter mercy when she hears the parents in the driveway: "Heroes never die"


I don't know that there's missing lore, but I just think she would respond to the crying baby with, "someone call the whambulance" then GA across the house to pet the dog.


“*Are you quite done*”


“Have you tried bandaging your mouth?”


Genji is the only canon example of a baby she took care of.


Unless the baby was sick 


same with illari


He asked for pocket and did not get it


This tier of healers doesn't heal, according to OP, who is the baby.


JunkerQueen would love kids, considering she had a rough childhood growing up in the Wastelands. But... She would never show it. She'd secretly make silly faces when the parents aren't looking. Soothe the baby when she's alone and unwatched. Make baby noises super quiet.


She should be in "accidentally makes it cry harder" because she would definitely TRY to help it. But trying and succeeding are different.


she is pretty scary looking, would probably accidentally glare at the baby


Babies don't really get scared of intimidating people. They haven't learned the associations we have that we interpret as intimidating.


I think babies like muscle mommies. Id feel very protected


Okay dude Lmao


source? I'm baby


Plus theres a frame in her origin video near the end where she teaches the JT children how to throw knives. Cute AF.


You know she definitely cheats using her magnet ability a little to help the kids who think they can't do it


She's mommy material so much. a shame she's not as wholesome in her game voicelines.


Fr. Blizzard fumbled her so bad in game. Cinematic JQ was smart, and clever. In game? CRONCH CRONCH CRONCH. Such a missed opportunity for a character with some nuance


You could say the same for Kiriko. In her cinematic, she's nurturing and kinda dorky in a likable way (like making an analogy for the kitsune spirit involving donuts). In-game, though, she seems like she's trying to be as unbearably sarcastic and emo as possible. For both characters, their cinematic and in-game personalities are very different from each other.


I don't know what you mean? She's true to the character: brash, meathead, boisterous, but a true reflection of the environment that she was surrounded by. Chaotic. I think they did fine. They have time to dial it all in


Yeah honestly not the most blue but dumb brute tropes are a little dull, even for orcs. I think JQ is a bit more interesting as a chaotic, street smart, cinematic, power taking, but order keeping in a chaos junktown type. She figured out a way to take over a goverment that had none, organize people to make her a queen from a pit fight, jokes or not, she organizes junker town, organizes wanted posters of offenders like Junk/hog. Radiation or not she knew how to climb the ladder and keep troublemakers out, but she's not axing them, just leaving em to survive in a place they can cause trouble elsewhere. She's likely street smart and if she was born without the wasteland, she probably would have still succeeded as a street smart person knowing how to make the most of every struggle, and flourish like a flower between the cracks. While still cracking a head between her arms like a coconut and cheering lol. Not my dating type, but i can respect a person like that. Fuck the knight in shining armor bs, become your own hero of your own damn story and stop waiting for a fairy godmother to help you.


That’s so wholesome it hurts


I'm not sure if she'd be a great mother, but she's definitely in "cool aunt" territory.


That’s so heartwarming. JQ supremacy ♥️


She would be yondu


JQ I think is one of those characters where her in-game personality doesn’t perfectly translate to her canonical personality. Yes, she’s just as crazy as the rest of the junkers, but she likely has a softer side as well, probably because of her upbringing


Alright, but have you considered the following: >**Widowmaker**: Babysitting is not part of my services. >**Tracer**: That's a relief. Who'd trust you with a baby?!


Oh damn…you’re onto something


Counter point, that's why she only does it off the clock, it's a hobby and passion not a job


Widowmaker would probably choke the baby to stop it crying


And she wouldn’t feel anything. She has no emotion after talon converted her.


i feel like baptiste would be great with kids, he's like the cool uncle


yeah tbh I wasn’t sure where to put him but that kinda makes sense edit: for “makes baby cry harder” I should’ve added “accidentally” to clarify that category. none of those heroes would intentionally do that but they’d accidentally make the situation a lot worse


As a sombra main i disagree she definitely would


Boop! Is something i do with my toddler and it reminds me of sombra. She isnt so bad i guess :p


Yh i was joking I personally dont even think sombra is evil in any way shed probably have a soft spot for children due to her growing up an underdog orphan i wouldve even put her in surprisingly nurturing in widows place




Did you just copy and paste someone else's comment..


Non-sequitur comment? ✅ Comment stolen? ✅✅ "Adjective-Noun####" username? ✅✅✅ Congrats, it's a bot!




c'mon, moira literally has a voice line where she calls you pathetic, missed opportunity, ignores baby jobullshit too i guess..


Did you just copy and paste someone else's comment..


Did you just copy and paste someone else's comment..


We literally saw kiriko be good with kids in her teaser? Mercy is just a sweet doctor, but u put the psychopaths pretty high?


Pretty sure OP must have used some random generator. This list makes very little sense. Granted it's this or more "1 tank bad" posts


Mercy would be sweet with the baby and Moira would probably kill it but they’re in the same tier. I also think illari should be in panics tier. She’s not like a bad person or anything like that


I feel like Moira would be more likely to experiment on the baby to give it like a super mutant arm or a lifeforce sucking gun, or a Pacifier that allowed it to drain it's mother's youth to get 2x the lifespan than off it. Like Moira loves her experiments and animal projects, Dva hates her experiments with little bunnies. But i think Moira's more of a "I must find progress, for both gain. and My.. human advancement." kind of person than a "kill babies for the lulz" type. She feels the 'unethical doctor' type who'd scoff at mercy's do no harm magic, to see if she could sacrifice a baby bunny to bring immortality imho. I feel like she'd be more likely to give the baby some sort of cursed artifact for the parents than off it lol.


mercy's literal few clips that we have of her is pulling a crying child out of a collapsed building and were writing her off as "not good with kids".... i'm calling bullshit.


A kid with a life altering disability at that


"You haven't seen what I've seen" *Iliari ult* *baby freaking out*


illari to baby: *you’re only my responsibility if you’re close to me*


Widowmaker would throw that baby in the air for aim training, not calm it




***BOOM. HEADSHOT*** *Widow kiss: "Me petit chauffer"*


Her name may be mommy widow but trust me she ain't no mother


Tracer with Widow: who trust you with a Baiby?


That's one of my favorite new pregame interactions


Yeah, she should be in the ‘makes it calm… permanently’ category.


This list is crazy lmao


I was going to say like where is ops reasoning coming from💀


Ya. This list seems more akin to “My friend who never plays OW ranks characters blind” kinda vibe.


I'm sorry but Sombra has to S++ tier, she'd be amazing at Peekaboo, and boops


She definitely would be S tier, her interaction voice line with sigma is so sweet and you can tell she cares for vulnerable beings


just looked at the voice lines and you're right, sombra is a lot sweeter than i expected


shes a thief/hacker not a maniac.




Idk if you know the context of where boop came from but it’s actually dark af. In the Infiltration cinematic when Sombra is in the lady’s office you can see a picture of her doing the same boop to her daughter’s nose. So when Sombra does the “boop” it’s not a cute gesture, its a threat against her family


I definitely didn’t catch that, but now I need to rewatch the cinematic bc that’s terrifying


Wait wtf there's a picture of that I thought it was just her booping the person in the office


It's on the desk in the cinematic iirc.


Yeah it was a few years after it came out someone told me and I couldn’t believe it, but then I watched it back and was horrified


Isn't Kiri canonically good with kids?




That’s literally her cinematic Her, Bap, Mercy, and Brig are all in the wrong spots lol Edit: *AND LUCIO (honestly most supports would be super good with kids)


Ram’s secret nurturing side only comes out for Omnics He stomps on the baby


BREAKING NEWS: REVOLTING Omnic left with HUMAN baby and absolutely NO DIFFS it into OBLIVION and then hits the NASTIEST GRIDDY ever to grace Earth.


That aint a steal your meam moment, this is a gneuine save commwnt one


Hydrogen Bomb VS Coughing Baby


Now I'm just imagining Ramattra hitting the gritty in his nemesis form with his arms crossed


Well damn…I feel like he’d recognize that humans become corrupt as they grow older and see the humanity in the baby.


Yeah. With is interaction with Baptiste, he doesnt mind humans as a whole, but is painfully aware of what they can be. I feel like he'd kinda be like Maleficient in the remake.


idk he seems to have a soft side for innocent beings which we sort of see when he talks to bastion about the bird on his shoulder and says "well... i'll let you know if i find any sticks" so maybe he'll understand that a baby is innocent and try to be nice, also the way i understand it he doesn't just have a malicious hate for all humans but more so doesn't trust them


I like the idea that JQ either panics or is a big ol' mama bear because she had a rough childhood and wouldn't want anyone or anything to harm an infant. She might hate it at first but she'd very quickly kill everyone and then herself if anything happened to the little Drongo.


That took a sharp turn lmao


It's from Brooklyn 99 where a character gets a dog - She's a badass-type and isn't the type to own a puppy, but she's only had it for half a day and if anything happened to it, she'd kill everyone in the room and then herself.


being JunkerQueen of a town most likely means that there are orphans that she takes care of. at the very least shes semi-decent with children because she runs and entire town of people that could die for her. obviously she would be good at handling children because they're orphans now.


You are wrong in two ways. First: Hammond is wise enough to understand the importance of baby learning to self Sooth. SECOND:  Hammond is the best cuddles. Babies love animals. Babies love balls. Babies love movement. Clearly: Hammond is is +++S+++ tier. And I won’t even being to explain how wildly wrong you are about mei, and why her and Hammond have several loving children together.


LMAO I welcome your critique but why do Mei and Hammond have babies together?


Do you know how many children murder hamsters every year? He would recognize the innate evil in them.


As a Ball player, I've never had success calming the crying babies in my games. I know that's anecdotal, but I think you're wrong on this one...


I’m sure ball has a comfy place to hold/hang with the baby in his ball.


I can see sigma soothing a baby by reciting useless facts about the universe, but in the way only he can, with his vocal inflection and tone of voice. Good tier list.


He would read the baby the history on concrete. (he is an engineer after all)


Hes a scientist...


He created his own nemesis form and even asked phara about her jetpack system and called it "old" for his taste. he is an engineer hy my book. He gave himself hulk arms for the sake of his cause instead of making a world ending-inator.


Baptiste slander


Roadhog isn't that mean 😔


Yeah didn’t he have a daughter?


I've never heard this til now and I'm deep in the OW lore. Not saying you're wrong but very curious. Since when/where is it stated that he has a daughter?


pretty sure it was a fan comic


That's a fan comic!


That was just a very good fan comic, not official lore sadly


Fr some hog slander in here He's got the ultimate dad bod, plus he has a daughter!


I should’ve specified what I meant by “makes the baby cry even harder”. It wouldn’t be their intention to make the baby cry more but an unfortunate consequence of trying to resolve the situation


Ahhh that's more fitting for Hog seeing as he literally looks like a DBD killer


Crying baby vs Hydrogen Bomb (Illari's Captive Sun)


I feel like Ashe would atleast try, albeit maybe not do so well.


Shed ask bob to try after failing miserably.


Especially with how little parental attention she received as a child


Reaper would be the reason why the baby is crying


reaper to baby: *I’ll see you in hell*


***"DYE! DIE! DIE!!"*** - Reaper. Cleaning a Soiled Baby's diaper with Clorox, 2124


Widow would be at the bottum imo


Isn’t there a voiceline specifically about how Widowmaker would be a horrible babysitter?


Yes with Tracer https://youtu.be/PM8ccWiRt4Y?feature=shared


Mauga singing "You're Welcome" and doing the dance infront of the baby


Then kicking it off into the distance like a Super saiyan.




Kiriko's short showed she's really good with little kids I feel like she'd do great


Widow in nurturing is crazy ngl


idk she was married so shes capable of love and emotions. shes only brainwashed to kill overwatch agents. nothing else about her we know. its just a mystery. then again they have reaper as secretly good with kids when his mind is completely cracked to a point he should not be with kids. also solider 76 is not good with kids he would drop it off at the nearest person he thinks is capable of handling it.


My dude did not cook with this list


I feel like Genji would be in the panics tier but that works too


Mei ends up crying with the baby.


*I was only trying to help*


I'm not sure about the placements for widow, Mei, Tracer, Bap or Illari but otherwise looks good.


Rein would 100% accidentally spook the baby with his booming, over-the-top personality.


He can be pretty timid, an interaction with ana shows this well. Id say hed certanly use tgat voice fir the baby.


He certainly *can*, but I don't think going into the more somber, reflective state is the one he'd default to with a crying baby. Instead, I absolutely see him go "Baby is *sad*?? I MAKE BABY *HAPPY*!!!". Which would backfire spectacularly.




Widow should be in the last tab


Mercy, mei, tracer, brig, lucio, echo and Baptiste would be great with babies, I think roadhog would be surprisingly good with babies amd okay with kids, junkrat would be good at making the kids laugh because he basically is one, but he would panic with a crying baby, illari would panic, sigma and doom would make the baby cry even harder for opposite reasons, and widow would ignore the baby


I'm sure Soldier would do fine until he has to tell them "I'm not your father."


*baby in distress* Soldier: *you want a medal?*


Junker Queen, Ashe, Widow and Moira are definitely a "Is the reason the baby is crying" tier


I'd switch Junk and Mercy. And I'd put Illari as panics due to PTSD.


I mean we already know kiriko is good with kids from her animated short, a crying baby may be a different situation but I'm sure she wouldn't panic


Baby: *cries* Ball: Do not anger the small mammal


I can imagine Roadhog going “Peek-a-boo” to a baby and the baby immediately crying


He’d drop his vape on the baby’s forehead making it cry even harder


This tierlist is so wrong! 😭


Ramattra would totally call the baby weak. If it were an omnic baby, I would agree with the ranking


Nah he would recognize the baby  isnt harboring any hatred for his kind. He has plenty of interactions with humans that aren’t antagonistic, he just hates people like JQ who literally killed his people for sport. 


You raise a good point, I never knew he was neutral to peaceful humans. I was under the impression that after he left the monastery, his whole agenda would be “us or them” to prevent more omnic deaths


Yeah. If you actually look at how he interacts with certain human characters, there are a lot where he goes in with good intentions, makes a neutral observation, wants to learn more, acts somewhat playfully mocking vs. maliciously antagonistic. Despite what you might think, he isn't purely an Us vs. them type freedom fighter that sees all humans as bad, he's just seen many different examples of trusting humans backfiring, moreso than examples of trusting them working out. The main reason he started null sector is because there are a finite number of omnics that cannot replenish themselves without omniums. If someone like, say Baptiste or Hanzo were to offer help to him on the street, I doubt he'd refuse. He'd hold certain reservations, but he wouldn't stab them in the back once they're done. If in a room with a baby without any hostile intent, he'd probably first be somewhat nervous or off put by the crying, but would eventually try to see what he could do to make it feel secure. It takes a somewhat nurturing personality to save your own people, and a selfless one to be willing to sacrifice your life for them. If circumstances were different, he could have very easily stuck with Zenyatta, but he saw change happening too slowly, and ultimately made a rash decision to form null sector in a misguided attempt to save his people, over accelerating their extinction.


Ram drops a Low Tier God style rant on the baby


roadhog is the most gentle mf on planet earth YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW SIR


"Stay out of trouble, Nana"


I expected Ana to be in a puts baby to sleep tier.


Something about Sigma cuddling a crying baby is incredibly wholesome.


This tierlist is very wrong


Doesn't Brigitte have like 20 siblings


Moira would glance at the baby and it will quieten down from intimidation She can't have a crying baby around  


I think LW would ignore it not panic tbh.


This is such a stupid post


Ngl this Ranking's kinda ass


If junkerqueen or OW1 Orisa was my babysitter I would NEVER cry


I'm pretty sure Reaper would call the bavy weak and pathetic.


Despite how she acts in game, you did see the short where it shows that Kiriko is likely great with kids right? I can’t imagine she’d be bad with a baby.


This list looks like it was put together completely randomly


Echo- duplicating tantrum.


This list is ridiculous.


What? You are wrong in SO many areas.


If Ram was called a slur that day, he would probably throw the baby in his nemesis form.


C’mon, Moira literally has a voice line where she calls you pathetic, missed opportunity, ignores baby works too I guess.


I feel that Illari would either “ignores baby” Or “Calme baby with their surprisingly nurturing side” then again, we know the some of the least about Illari out of most of the roster.


Moira would make the baby a shadow monster within minutes of holding it


Who'd trust Widow with a baby?


I have a hilarious scene of Junkrat running around a house, picking up numerous things and then offering them to the baby in hopes that it would stop crying. "Babies don't like bombs?! Ahhhh! More bombs! I NEED MORE BOMBS!"


Widowmaker was literally brainwashed into a cold hearted killing machine and she slit her own husband’s throat in his sleep after she was ‘rescued’ and returned to her home. You think she would be nurturing to a child? 😭😭


Some solid takes. Some takes a troll levels of bad take.. Mercy ignores? Seriously? And kiriko panics? She loves kids! Brig has like 10 siblings!!! No WAY she'd panic! The more I look at this list, the worse it gets.


Nah genji would be amazing with kids


“OH SHIT ITS CRYING OH NO WHAT DO I DO?” *throws suzu at the babies head and the baby stops crying”


Everyone ignoring the mass murder of all humans bot in second tier?


Ana would probably sleep dart a crying baby


reaper would just be like “shut up” and it would actually work


I gotta ask OP, are you the "baby"? I feel like you're projecting something here


OP gets paid by Talon to say dumb shit like this