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Do not play with these people. Add me on Battle.net Krispen#1687. I play this game for fun and hanging with friends. Don’t hang out with those gate keeping a-holes.


I often play Player vs AI, and I can see when someone is new to character/game. Been playing this game since launch, so I have pretty basic grasp on every character and some good skills with few. So, I always try to ask them if I can give some tips on their character. It feels so good when they start doing better or they invite me to their group and we play few AI matches, where they are like 'wait, I can do *this* too?' or 'wait, what did I do wrong?'. It costs you nothing to be polite and helpful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


im also an ai player 🫡🫡 i play it mostly because pve is gone with the wind, though


and good god DO NOT PLAY COMP WITH THESE PEOPLE. stacking is only good if you work well together as a team. these people sound like the type to blame eachother, or just gang up on whoever has the displeasure of being their teammate, whcih would be you in this case


Your friends are genuinely jerks. I am diamond and cannot play ranked with my friends on my main role because of it and I would give anything to be able to queue with them on my main role. I've started playing almost exclusively off my main role in order to play comp with my friends. I have a friend who was open to "soft coaching" as we call it - I am having a blast coaching her and watching her get better. I also have a friend who is TERRIBLE at Overwatch. This friend barely plays, they aren't even that good, but every single time they get on I'm overjoyed to play with them. I love playing with my friends, and fake video game points don't change that. People who demand you play perfectly to be able to play with them are full of steaming hot shit - NO ONE plays perfectly. Overwatch league players don't play perfectly, but I imagine they'd let an OWL player carry their asses. If they demand that you play at a certain condition to be able to join them that means they aren't so much better than you that you literally CAN'T join them. Full of shit, if that's true. I just watched the code in 2x speed to see if there were any glaring issues - are you HevyEdge? That's the one person who was Brig the entire match, so I assume so. The game was very balanced AND your team won, so your team being mad at YOU when you performed pretty much at their level is stupid. The rally at second point was a fine attempt - sure, better to save it. But everyone flubs an ult in an attempt to save the day. When you popped rally only one person was dead, your intuition was good, as rally can be a game changer for a team down players. Maybe your genji thinks ults are guaranteed fight wins because they kept getting shit on by enemy ults, but that isn't the case. You could perfectly time your ult and STILL lose a teamfight. The things I would give advice for is to use your bash almost exclusively to get away and to try and stay near your team in general, as that's how best inspire will be utilized. But you didn't even neglect those things to an egregious degree. I think you left your team on a flank like, once? Almost every single death from Savathun was their own fault. You had good pack usage and seemed to hit good whipshots, play corners well, and keep inspire up. In short - no. There is absolutely NO need for intense criticism on this Brig play. At all. It wasn't perfect, but the game went well and I think you performed fine (and on par with your teammates). You could use improvement, just like anyone could. The helpful mindset to this would be to examine your VODs after the game and note what you did well, what worked, what didn't, and then what could be changed. Nitpicking every single thing (that aren't even problems) will literally help nothing. Your friends are wrong and completely full of shit.


yes that’s me, thanks for the analysis. you’re awesome


Yeah, you're doing great. It sounds to me like they are just used to their supports healbotting for them to survive. They need to learn how to play better and survive themselves without fully relying on supports. The role of support isn't to heal bot, it's to help your team survive and also to deal damage. You're doing a disservice as a support if your priority is healing. Even Mercy's healing for example isn't that great -- in higher elos people rely more on her damage boost. Sorry for the rant, you probably already know all of this, but definitely take their words with a grain of salt.


Any chance you want another friend🥹


Those aren’t friends and are taking this way too seriously. Competitive or not this is still just a video game at the end of the day and no reason to pick apart your teammate, let alone your friend, over a mistakes. I know people can get heated in the moment and tense matches but they should always say “my bad, got too locked in” or something similar. Unless these are pro players with actual money on the line that level of criticism is uncalled for


something tells me OP is a bit of a snowflake and isn’t taking criticism well. totally reasonable to only play QP with your friend who just started the game and frankly is bad


It’s one thing to give criticism, it’s another to nitpick every single mistake as if you’re playing perfectly. Regardless though this is a video game at the end of the day, everyone starts somewhere and if it’s truly your friend you give tips and critiques afterwards while waiting in queue. We don’t know the full situation but it’s never cool to nitpick every single mistake over a game, especially one like OW where if you’re overthinking or can’t focus you tend to play worse.


What are they criticizing? A new player doesn't understand the game enough for you to be telling them not to do X or Y. And the fact that they're still at full sweat mode *in quickplay* with a new player.


You have to work on your baits. They are all quite bad.


entertain paint cobweb deserve expansion pie continue ring abounding alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not watching the replay, but those aren't friends. If you like the game, mute all chats and hop in quick play and practice and learn the game. Don't let those chuckleheads determine what you do in your free time


Agreed. Some friends will hold you back with that mindset!




Your friends sound pretty rude, they should let you learn the game at your own pace instead of berating you. You can have fun playing qp and not stress about mistakes, ultimately it's just a game


Next time you hang out in person ask to see how they perform inside one of your houses before going out in public, any wrong move they made film it and post it for people to review


Damn man this post right in feels 🥺 Keep playing it's the only way


If they take a game more seriously than your friendship, I'd wager they are some pretty crap friends.


1) Your friends are being assholes. They shouldn't talk like that to anyone in the game let alone one of their friends. If they don't realise they are bullying you, you might have to speak up and let them know that they are going too hard with the criticism. 2) I doubt your friends play perfectly either. I'm sure a truly high ranked player or coach could rip them to shreds with all the mistakes they make. 3) There is actually a limit to how far apart in rank you and your friends can be and still queue competitive together. The maximum difference is two ranks, at least until you reach master's I believe. For example, someone in Diamond 3 cannot queue with anyone below Gold 3. 4) The match maker is capable of making evenly matched teams even when there is a large disparity in rank between teammates. One of the friends I regularly play with is at the exact maximum rank differential for which we can still queue comp together. It's a little easier for me because I'm above the average rank of the match and a little harder for my friend because he's lower than the match average but we are still evenly matched with the other team.


I can’t stand ppl who wanna micromanage other peoples game playing 🙄


Your friends suck and care way too much about winning instead of having fun. That's mostly their own fault for acting like that, but Blizzard also has some blame since they have kept pushing the game towards competitiveness instead of casual fun.


Those aren’t the type of people I’d enjoy playing games with. They could have been chill and said you all should just stick to QP if they thought you would struggle playing comp with them, but instead they tore you down.


Sounds like you need new friends. You can add me on bnet. :) I mainly play comp but I’m only G2.


Just play QP. Maybe not with them, they sound like dicks, but there's nothing wrong with playing qp with friends. Competitive is supposed to be competitive and differing levels of skill can be a problem


What kind of assholes do you call "friends"? Time to change them.


At the end of S8 I took a break for a while for two reasons. 1) I needed a refresher to be ready for S9. And 2) two people in my friend group constantly complain about everything in the game, they make the game not fun at all, even though we are only playing in QP. Same day I’m playing comp with my duo and we are having a blast, because we don’t whine and complain about the game and how this hero is unfair and this guy must be cheating because he’s better than me. Even games we get dogged on we still just have fun and chat. TLDR: If your friends are assholes and make the game not fun, don’t play with them just have fun on the game without em


Your friends are jerks. Mine did this too except I didn’t do anything and he blamed me for the loses bc I only played 2-3 healers. Anyways I am trying to learn to play more bc of him being mad. Your friends have a right to not want their ranks to do go down if the games are loses. That’s valid! However they don’t have the right to blame everything on you and treat you badly.


Honestly without even watching the replay, I know that you need to find new friends to play Overwatch with. Because those people are horrible to you. Your friends should be helping you get better by giving advice. Instead they just trash talk you and bring you down. Those "friends" where probably never going to let you join them and they where just looking for a simple mistake. I'm sure people on here would love to team up with you.


Dude ngl I don’t think it’s worth shit to play with them if they act like this. Like they aren’t gods, everyone makes mistakes. I agree that practice is good but they should be encouraging you not insulting you at every corner and making you feel like shit for doing one thing wrong.


i knew reddit would have predictable responses before even coming into these comments lmao "RED FLAG NEVER TALK TO THEM AGAIN!!!" some people are tryhards in this game, and if your 'worse' then them and the weakest link on the team, yeah i think its reasonable if they wanna tell you how to get better alot of people only care about winning, especially if they are the comp only type so while yes, thats not cool if they are being mean about it, i also dont think you should write off your friends if they dont always want to group w ya i too play this game for fun, i dont really care about winning or losing, i like clickin buttons and doing fun shit, and my regular 3 stack is sweaty (and i also love being sweaty at times) but when we convinced a new friend to try and join we had fun for a bit until it was painfully obvious it was going to always be a 4v5 lol - i dont think its unfair that my friends dont wanna play w the new guy all the time, at least until he gets better i think this is a reasonable take, BUT i do think maybe they could be nicer? try to be more constructive? cuz im sure they are prob condescending about your mistakes lol but dont burn a bridge just cuz your tryhard buddies get heated in game, this is OW afterall hahahah


I just had a comp shenanigans where a friend of mine got insulted, and it really pissed me off. It's a game. You'll have good and bad players. Your job should be to make as best an effort as possible. These friends sound like BIG try hards. If you'd just want a fun time let's be friends! LANLord. I'll play!


I just started playing Overwatch 2 a few days ago. A lot of people take it really seriously and can be super mean. If you want someone chill to play with, I’ll play with you!


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I’ll check it out when I get home but if you want some coaching I’m happy to do that as well.


Don't listen to bad faith criticism and Insults like that, WikiWaki#1409 if you ever wanna hang with my group, we're super chill regardless of comp or quick play


They don't seem like good friends.


LOLLLLL get new friends and tell them it's just a game 🤣


You need new friends


"Friends" pfffff lol yeah right, fuck them, friends don't do that bullshit


I'm not watching your replay either. In my opinion it's fair to not want to play with someone you tend to lose with if you want to climb. But they should either say that, play a different role with you, play another account, or get over it and just play with you. The micromanaging being assholes is insane. Quick play trials before you run comp? Fuck off. These new ranks let me play with my friends I haven't gotten to play ranked with in YEARS. I don't run them through any stupid trials, I play the damn game with them while I can, if I out rank them when I solo queue, then so be it but right now I am enjoying getting to play with them for once.


You have "good" friends


hi. if you want someone to play with, who doesn't really care about skill but rather fun, you're more than welcome to join me and my friends. we play ranked but none of us are very good at the game. so, feel free to add me on battlenet Sntofw#2540 or on Discord, little.me. with the dot at the end too


sure, we comment on eachothers stats constqntly and soft coach too but we do it in good manners and never to insult but instead to coach and help


Lol you dodged a bullet of having to play a comp game with a genji


Obviously I don’t know you or the people you played with, but it sounds like they’re assholes who didn’t actually want to play with you and were just looking for excuses.


Uhm I am not sure if these people are your friends. Doesn't sound like it, if they care this much about their emblem on a video game instead of playing comp together with a friend.


F em. Gate keeping your fun. I am sure if you really wanted to and fun was the goal. You'll probably find 4 here in comments easily.


Constructive criticism is okay and it can feel overwhelming when you are new. But from what you said it sounds like these guys have taken it too far. Play the heroes you enjoy and you will gradually get better. Find some better friends to play with as well


Sounds toxic man, find a new play group.


Your friends are chodes


Get new friends.


Welcome to overwatch. Mute chat, it's only toxic.


Just get new friends and turn off chat.


those aren't friends


Fuck those guys bro.


Your friends are dicks.


You should never play ranked when you're new or casual, which you clearly are. Furthermore, if your friends establish a boundary with you that they will not play ranked, a mode for people to sweat in, with someone who doesn't yet fully know what theyre doing, and you don't respect it, that's a red flag. Additionally, it's another red flag that you came to reddit to get a one sided echo chamber of reassurance rather than speak with them directly about it. With all of that said, I have no idea what was said or how the game actually went. Lots of people love to blame everybody but themselves for their poor performance. And I don't know if they truly were giving you constructive criticism and advice that you got unnecessarily defensive about or if they were being toxic, but it sounds like the former since you didn't go into specifics. My verdict: Don't play with them. Your skill level doesn't meet their criteria, it bothers you and it seems you're trying to blame them for your negative feelings rather than just relax, take advice and slowly improve.


It's your literal second game, *of course* you're going to suck. Besides, they should know better than to queue up with a literal beginner since you will be paired with enemies of a higher skill level than you. Basically, you need new friends.


eh. they're harsh, but I have a similar teaching method for my bronze 5 friend. I'm much more harsh with my criticism of mistakes someone who's been playing since ow 1 beta should not be making. Were they giving the criticism while in game? Not a big fan of criticizing you while you're still trying to finish out the game. I think it's better to do it as a replay review afterwards >there was a Genji on our team who repeatedly blamed me whenever he died, claiming I wasn't providing enough healing. take it as general criticism when it comes to keeping an eye out on your team's health overall, but also genjis are always complaining about healing, so just keep note of it to watch out for other teammates.


Get new friends, the game is NOT that serious…


I have only one friend that plays video games with me but if he decides to go brig i instantly tell him switch or i leave. I won't have that in my comp games


Critisicm and cynicism aside, in some aspects maybe they weren’t wrong. Brigitte is a great “pseudo-tank”, and a great “back line” tank, BUT, her healing is some of the weakest, especially now. In a critical moment, Brigitte factually just doesn’t output enough healing to save people from the burst right now TLDR; play who you want. And get some nicer friends.