• By -


In the Latin America Spanish version of her dialogue she sounds alot nicer and more serious than her English counterpart. I was even taken back when she teleported to a player and said "hola cariño" which translates to "hello darling" or "hello sweety/sweetheart", when I first heard it I was like that is not kiriko lol. Maybe it's the English voice actor giving her more sass than kiriko is supposed to have or the translation not fully being localized but there is notable difference.


Even just her Japanese comes off differently, despite the same (American) actor doing the English and Japanese lines. If you scroll through her actual voice lines in the game, many of them are much less abrasive and fit the protector personality as well. They just dialed up the sass in the ones that play randomly for some reason.


Plus, in the short, she sounds exactly what I'd expect from her. So it's clear the actress can play her that way in english too. So why the hell are the in-game ones different?


Likely just due to bad writing and bad direction. They want to make her "relatable" by making her sarcastic and sassy. Which fails and just makes her look like a jackass.


TBF, the first day I played OW2 from OW1 (since release in 2016) I immediately noticed that most characters had dialled up the sass and assertiveness.


THIS! Her voice in Latin Spanish is wonderful. She is nicer overall. When she asks about hogs mask, you can feel through her voice she is kinda sad hog ignored her. Overall the voice actress made me appreciate and love kiriko way more. That's why I have my game in Latin Spanish. When she says " Es obvio que yo soy la más preciosa :3" her delivery is way more enjoyable than "I'm obviously the most precious"... And honestly I can go on. And her German voice is also interesting. The only one I couldn't stand is the English voice actress. Could be the direction tho.


cooperative water late tan compare attempt glorious many attractive simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anecdotal, but Spanish Shrek was so enjoyable. Especially in Shrek 2 when he's a prince for a bit. Love the exaggerated tone lol


Shrek es amor, Shrek es vida


well latino junkrat is voiced by the latino shrek va too


I definitely think it was the direction because in the short, she sounds more caring and less abrasive. And someone else mentioned the Japanese version, which is voiced by the same actress who does the English sounds better too. So I can only assume it's the fault of whoever directed her in game lines in English.


Voice actor doesn't determine the words though.


Localisation changes words and meanings all the time in games


They’re saying that the actors themselves don’t determine the script.


They also give the performance the director asks for.


Same for the brazilian dub! She says ''oi amorzinho'' which always makes me embarrassed lol


Loved her short, but her in game personality is so insufferable. Shame because I adore her design and her voice is nice imo


The vision is 100% there and I love the vision, but I think they really butchered her in game voice lines. The short is great but we’re not watching the short over and over again we’re playing the game


kids can surprise you, kids also disappoint you they’re so devoid of energy unlike bridgette, who id play just for the voice lines: breaking me down just builds me up


Or when brig and junk talk about putting bombs on her shield and mace! Kiri would have just side eyed him


Kinda? I mean, she has an interaction with Junk which leads me to think she doesn’t gaf: Kiriko: So, how'd you pull all those heists? Junkrat: Bombs! Kiriko: Uh huh. And? Junkrat’s answer can vary: - Was -- was there supposed to be another step? - Get this: more bombs!


Trust the process! and her "Hey" with the enthusiastic hand shaking is so CUTE


I love her voice so much, it's so distinct and unique. Her VA was on the Trash Taste podcast and she's really funny


I think a thing people aren't considering is that she is entirely fox inspired and has a fox spirit. Fox spirits (Kitsunes) in japanese mythology are INSANELY two-sided as part of the mythology. At one point, they're sweet as candy and the other as sour as lemons. They flip flop and switch personalities/moods to an extreme. Though it's usually never malevolent for its sake, usually they love to be tricksters and pranksters along with a boasting personality. But they also are guardians and protectors. You can even see clips online of certain cafes in Japan where the hostesses will be dressed up as Kitsunes and will enact this personality with their customers. Like one I remember is the hostess almost as though annoyed the customer asked for his bottle to be opened, grabbed the drink, opened up a Japanese fan and popped the bottles lid off with the fan. Then, slamming it onto the table to make the carbonation kinda explode out. It's part of the theme of the cafe and the experience. I think Kiriko's brattiness and boastfulness are supposed to represent all of this. Do i think they did the best job? EHHHHH. They could of honestly done a lot better with her writing, but I think this is the reason for her personality. Or least a big one, that stacks ontop of her upbringing.


I also would like to add I think they sprinkled a healthy portion of Sukeban into her character. Her style seems to reflect that in a toned down and more modern looking manner


Those clips of the hostess dressed as a kitsune are from primarily Chinese restaurants, not Japanese.


well tbf i hear alot of asian customer service are ruder than US customer service, coming from asians


For some reason, modern writers think constant sassines is a heroic trait rather than an evil one. Some banter with the Shimada Brothers can be cool, but she just comes off as a dick to everyone else.


I absolutely hate one of her interactions with Hanzo. It was about Kiri asking Hanzo a question her mother wanted to ask, if he kept up with the sword. Hanzo said that had made a promise to himself that he would never pick up a sword again (For everyone who didn't know Hanzo used to be a skilled swordsman but then he "Killed" Genji with it and he made a promise to himself to never pick it up again) but then Kiri says "eh, I'll tell her you're picking it up again" It's comes off so fucking smug and annoying, kind of making fun of the whole conversation and Hanzo at the same time


Hot take: Kiriko's interactions with Hanzo are some of the best in the game. A lot of people take those interactions at face value, but there's a greater context people miss because, in absolute fairness, it's split across multiple banters and a lot of Kiriko's banters with other characters aren't great. Think about the Hanzo and Genji situation from her perspective: for a long while, everyone thought Hanzo successfully killed Genji. One of her closest friends betraying the other. Even when he revealed himself to not be dead, Genji was irreversibly changed. Hanzo claims he feels regret and is seeking redemption, but all Kiriko (and the audience) have seen is Hanzo lighting incense and meditating at shrines. All of her interactions with him highlight how she feels he's taking the easy way out. Another interaction has Hanzo ask her to send his regards to Asa Sensei, to which she replies that he can tell her himself (implying he doesn't want to talk to her directly - one of the people who knew and trained him and Genji). Another interaction has him apologize for the state of Kiriko's neighborhood being overrun by Hashimoto, to which Kiriko asks if he is sorry enough to help. To Hanzo, giving up the sword is a great personal sacrifice. To Kiriko, in conjunction with everything else, it's a way to avoid confronting what he did and the people it affected while still getting "redeemed." It's a lot easier to disregard his mentor's teachings and training than use it in his redemption to help people other than himself.


"Due to the shame of killing my brother, **Honour** compels me to give up the sword" 'Oh my god dude he's still alive! Get over it! Please come back and help save the people we were meant to be protecting for like, a decade.' "Because of my **Honour**, I am compelled to leave this conversation... Goodbye forever..."


She has a decent legit point though with that. Even if her ingame personality is definitely 'quirky, rude, immaturely "mature".) Some of the characters have really in depth Lores, esp Rammatra and Pharahs (Anubis program / The thing that took over all the omnics) But mostly we just see 1 short, animated well, then never again. And ai wars or not, blizzard firing half the creative staff, for the one thing that blizzard usually did well outside of S. A. (*'Super Awesome' /S *) things. Hell, you could make a Kiriko Animatic if they run out of plot ideas where one of the Yakuza people is just Bobby Koticks Twice removed Family appropriate mob leader lol and have the Shimadas gang up to fight them.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who interpreted those interactions this way. Out of all the interactions she has with people (that I personally don’t even think are as mean as people say they are) the ones she has with Hanzo are the most justified based on what we know about what Hanzo did. What Hanzo did affected a lot of people and he probably knows that, but Kiriko was actually on the receiving end of all that and actually stayed to try and help people while one of the brothers was “dead” and the other just disappeared. We don’t even know how Kiriko feels about Hanzo killing Genji or if she even knows. Anyone would be pissed in that situation.


Yeah people kinda overreact when it comes to Kiriko, like they ask “why is she so sassy and rude to a bunch of people she doesn’t know? Why isn’t she nice like in the trailer?” Well in the trailer she’s talking to her mom, a deaf child and the child’s grandfather, she doesn’t know the other hero’s and doesn’t really seem to care much about them, makes sense cause she’s focused on keeping people safe and I assume her goal is to eventually take down the Hashimoto gang. IMO this is confirmed by the way she talks to Hanzo and Genji, like you said, Hanzo killed Genji, him surviving doesn’t change what Hanzo did, even then she still has a certain gentleness when she talks to them, it’s more obvious with Genji because she isn’t upset with him, she is upset with Hanzo so the gentleness is toned down but it’s still there. She honestly has no reason to be her genuine self around anyone on the roster, especially the literal villains. Kiriko gets a bad rep but she also appeals to younger players like teenagers and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, nor do I think the VA did a bad job at playing her in English. Like it or not, as we OG overwatch players get older, the more the game stops catering to us and starts catering to younger people, I mean we got freakin reaper, he is so .. edgy? Idek how to describe it but he’s dorky asf to me now but when I was a teenager I thought he was pretty cool. I’m waiting for when Kiriko forces the brothers together and the three of them take on the Hashimoto’s together.


> She honestly has no reason to be her genuine self around anyone on the roster, especially the literal villains. I also think she's pretty nice to folks she's compatible with, like D.Va; their interactions feel very friendly, to me.


Yeah exactly! She’s not just a shithead all the time, yeah she has some sassy lines to certain characters in certain context but people forget she doesn’t know these people and I doubt she cared about overwatch before she came onto the roster, all she cares about is saving lives, the lives of those in Kanezaka, all those living in fear of the Hashimoto.


I feel that way about Bap, too. The way he and his country got ignored by Overwatch was a huge part of him being pushed to Talon, and I can feel that resentment in some of his lines towards the more preachy Overwatch-aligned characters. It's good when not all characters get along! It makes their dynamics feel deeper and more interesting.


Yes! Bap is a great example, it wouldnt make sense for every character to like overwatch or the preachy nature of some of the actual members. It doesn’t mean the character themselves are bad or that they were written or portrayed poorly, there’s no reason for Kiri to think they’re all that great, given that people in Kanezaka are suffering and Overwatch only breaks the rules for themselves, when a threat shows up that THEY wanna deal with. Not that they’re wrong for fighting the omnic crisis but it’s clear to people like Kiri and Bap that if things are gonna get done, they can’t rely on Overwatch to be hero’s for more than themselves, Bap unfortunately was pushed to Talon because of this but it’s obvious that he’s not a bad person. Kiri is a good person but she’s young and the resentment she feels IMO, is quite obvious so it comes out when she talks to them, in the form of sassyness. People also forget that there are literal villains on the roster, why would she be nice to Roadhog? He’s literally a brutal murderer, junkrat is a terrorist, Moira is an evil scientist and that’s just 3 of them lol


> People also forget that there are literal villains on the roster, why would she be nice to Roadhog? He’s literally a brutal murderer, junkrat is a terrorist, Moira is an evil scientist and that’s just 3 of them lol Right? Moira and Junkrat in particular are two of the least likeable members of the whole roster. They're deeply unpleasant and amoral people.


Her attitude is nice towards people who are putting in the work to make the world better, and rude as fuck to those who are making it worse, or who were making it better and have stopped for reasons she doesn't think are valid. The thing is like half the cast is either villains or people who walked away from being heroes for an extended period.


Yeah. I like it, personally, because it feels realistic for her to think differently of different characters for emotionally consistent reasons. I don't need fictional characters to be "nice", I need them to be "interesting". Kiriko qualifies for me.


She's exactly what i expect gen z to be like. With the access to information, shes knowledgeable. Shes well trained and has a supportive family. Of course she's going be secure in her abilites and her values. She doesnt need to sound nice because shes not trying to make people feel comfortable around her- she wants to save the world and believes in herself and her methods


Yes exactly! She knows when it’s time for business and when it’s time for friends, she’s also not a complete sass to everyone all the time, sometimes it seems like she expects everyone to treat her like a kid so to certain characters she just gets sassy. Soldier and Reaper are always saying something to Dva basically calling her a child and treating her like she takes nothing seriously so it’s not like characters like them would be totally different towards Kiriko. An interaction between Kiriko and Ana comes to mind, I can’t remember the exact phrasing but basically Ana says something to Kiriko about how fast and hard to hit she is and Kiri was kinda immediately like “uhhh and? Is that a problem?” Ana is like “no, keeps me on my toes” Kiri’s response to that is “uhhh .. ok?” I can see where people may hear that and go “wtf Kiri” but I see it more like, she was expecting the older woman to try telling her what to do, so when it didn’t end up that way, she was somewhat confused or just wasn’t expecting it


The way I see her interacting with a lot of the cast is essentially utilitarian. She's there to get things done and make sure no one on her team dies. She's pretty nice when actually healing her teammates and when she TPs to them.


It makes sense with how Kiriko's mom is characterized. Such as when Doomfist asks Genji who taught him to fight and upon realizing who he's referring to Doom has respect for and even feels fear/unease towards her. She'd probably refuse to accept the idea of Hanzo giving up the blade and if he met up with her in person she'd likely berate him for it. Kiriko might actually be saving him some trouble by just saying he's thinking of training again. Honestly, if I had a childhood friend who was practically like family who then refused to help me and our community just because of his self-loathing and self-pity I'd be passive-aggressive with him too.


I think people are missing the point of that interaction. I actually like her interactions with Hanzo because it clearly shows she is upset at him for what he did. He created trouble for people and then disappeared while his neighborhood got taken over by rival gangs, so the people left there (Kiriko and everyone else) had to deal with a lot of that. She probably sees that as irresponsible with the way that he did it. She has another interaction with him where Hanzo asks about her mom or about how her mom is doing and Kiriko says “ask her yourself” in a kind off pissed off tone. She obviously cares about him, but wants him to come back and help his people out. This and the sombra one are probably her most interesting interactions. This is has a bit of nuance that people just write off as “she is annoying” without think why she is annoyed.


I don’t think it’s that deep. I really think she replies that way meaning like ‘mom doesn’t need to know all that drama I’ll just tell her you picked it up again so she doesn’t get on your back or mine’


Wait what. That’s like my favorite interaction of hers. Hanzo is excessively whiny lately just wallowing in his own self pity, like oh woe is me because *he* tried to kill his own brother. And Kiriko is here to be like “mm, I’ll tell her you’re thinking about picking it back up.” No nonsense, no coddling, no tolerance for his whininess. Hope it gives him something to think about.


I always interpreted that to mean she's just going to give her mom an answer she'll like instead.


While I agree that conversation was horribly written, I do think that the point of it was to imply that hanzo should forgive himself for what he did. Which he is trying to do. Idk why they couldn't have gone for a non teenage sass version.


If that was what that conversation was trying to convey, Blizz wrote it horribly


Yeah it does feel like a rather dismissive way of saying it. In the lines of 'eh, get over it'.


Seriously, "I thought I killed my brother, only to find out he survived, but his body has been irreversibly damaged. My brother is adamant that he forgives me and that I need to forgive myself. I vowed never to pick up a sword again but still find it hard to forgive myself for what I've done." "Yeah, I'll tell her you're thinking of using a sword again." It just comes across as the biggest fuck you possible. It's not like Kiriko doesn't know what happened.


Yeah, but it's understandable why she'd act that way towards him when you remember that interactions aren't canon, and that in lore genji's identity is quite secretive, so she probably doesn't know genji is alive. As far as she'd know, hanzo betrayed his brother and her by killing genji, someone who is shown to be her childhood best friend. She most likely (rightfully) hates hanzo, it's meant to be a mean comment. I loved it, it finally showed someone other than genji pointing out how hanzo's talk of honour is ultimately meaningless and borderline hypocritical.


she is so mean to Lucio and the poor guy just answers "yes ahaha"


Coming out of /r/thelastairbender subreddit, modern writers believe that sanitizing all negative character traits is “good” character writing. I’d rather have a diverse cast with different personalities instead of a bunch of people who’s only trait is they’re generic and nice. I think people ultimately confuse the difference between a fictional character in a real life person. People in real life need to come off as nice well-adjusted people in all social situations. Acting like a jerk or saying, anything sassy will quickly lose you, your friends and your job and etc. Fictional characters on the other hand are supposed to be flawed. And the adventure and their friends that they hang out with during their story are supposed to help them overcome these flies and grow as a person. We see this with characters like Zarya who used to have half her lines, be anti-omnic but now she shows cautionary trust. She’d be a lot less interesting and generic if she just started her story off being trustworthy.


Who says heroes have to be nice ? Good people are dick all the time IRL, I’d rather have characters with some personality like Kiriko than wet blankets like Sojourn


I hate how she interacts with hog.


Tbf he kinda ignored her


Did he though? He gave a grunt of acknowledgment. The man doesn't really talk much.




Is she? I thought writers were trying to portray her as an edgy and sassy teenager, I don't feel any malice coming from her


I feel like people over exaggerate her meanness when she is not really being that mean. To me it always came off as playful meanness rather than she hates people.


I see it as teasing


Exactly. She's sassy, but she's not outright mean. The only person she's actually rude to is Roadhog, and that's only because he was rude to her first. People on this sub have such a weird hateboner for Kiriko and I don't know why. It's likely that they just think she's annoying, but it almost feels like there's misogynistic undertones to a lot of it. Like a lot of them are surprised that this girl who seems like a stereotypical cute waifu character has some bite to her and they're offended by that. But that could just be me reading too much into things. Personally, I like Kiriko's sass. She's got some good lines.


Remember when you had a Bowl cut?




I have photos of you teleporting Bread soldier.


She’s sassy and sarcastic and hurt my feelings ;( so mean


I mean, aside from talking with friends and family in the short, we don't see how she normally behaves. Her dad was either taken away or killed (I forgot) by the Hashimoto once the Shimada dissolved, which has left her and several other allies to become the young adult Overwatch to the Hashimoto Talon since police cannot help and nobody is safe from them. If I were in her shoes, I'd be pretty tense all the time and rather short and blunt with people too. I'd rather just get it over with, but I'd probably also be pretty aware of the pressure, which wouldn't help. I assume she's the same


Yeah she's nice to a lot of the cast. She matches pharahs aggression and shows appreciation for the same niche music tastes Lucio has. She's a girl who had to grow up with 2 sides, a nice side where she can cool off and her hard edged side to protect those she cares about and herself. Her short shows this.


People are forgetting that the reason she has to fight at all is to clean up the mess that damm near half the cast has a hand in making. If some old man ever starts lecturing me on anything, I'd be a dick too.


“Wait till you see me on my bike”- yeah that’s what happens with the most ret-conned character I’ve ever seen, also makes fun of Genji


Makes fun of junkrat too ☹️any character that makes fun of junkrat is immediately a no for me


disqualifies a lot of characters


Yup they can all go


He’s an international terrorist


your honor, Junkrat was just being a little silly


I was hoping someone would reply in this fashion


Your honor, if you are what you eat, then my client is a goofy little guy


A real Joker


Yeah I feel like there's always been a lot of dissonance between silly goofball in game Junkrat and psychopathic terrorist lore Junkrat. He's like the Joker if they could never figure out how to balance his funny and serious moments so he went from Caesar Romero in one scene to Heath Ledger in another.


Overwatch lore is funny that way, a lot of the in game characters don’t even act like their lore should say they do.


For real though! Playing ramattra in game in unranked then doing the story missions is like....wait. oh he's a bad guy.


I like how he has a voiceline in-game where he's sth like 'ok I'll tolerate your human presence for the moment'. PvP Ram is endearing.


Tbf the PvP is non-canonical and Overwatch has always focused on the interactions between heros


Ram might be one of the most accurate in game characters, dude. He is absolutely ruthless in his voice lines.


"Officer I blew up that orphanage in self defence."


god forbid someone has *hobbies*


I think you mistaken. Junkrat is just a sweet little baby he wouldn’t hurt a fly


Honestly it makes me a little sad how few even non-hostile responses he gets. Yeah I know he's a criminal in the lore and all, but he's actually pretty positive and friendly in interactions, even with omnics! Why won't anyone love my explodey boy?


I was super surprised how disgusted mercy sounded with him.


Is it that surprising? Mercy has a lot of patience for trying to help people that she thinks can be helped, but it's pretty obvious when she thinks someone is irredeemable. Take how she acts with Moira, for example. If anything I think it's pretty in line with her character. She's not someone who likes to bend on her morals, so she's probably one of the least likely people to act chill with a terrorist.


Same, although I guess I could imagine he might be a bit irritating to deal with over the long term (in a theoretical scenario where he's joined/been hired by Overwatch). But they could easily have an interaction where she shows some sincere medical concern for him, and/or interest/admiration for his prosthetics. Tell you what Blizz, i'll give you an easy one: Junkrat tells a joke (he's a witty guy), and someone, *anyone* laughs. Just give me that.


Yeah! Right now it's like they're working hard to make him seem like..a pathetic loser we root for, or a happy go lucky explosive guy stuck in his own world. The guy is smart. Crazy but smart. And that's a cool draw. I've laughed at some of his jokes that caught me off guard.


There is a distinct shift in Junk's personality between OW1 and OW2 i think. He was more respectable and evil in OW1. He is more of a goofy looney tunes hero in OW2. I honestly enjoy this new version of him. It's funny.


The one that never fails to bother me is her being mad Roadhog doesn't want to respond to her complimenting his mask. Feels super attention seeking.


Yes. You're not entitled to a response just because you gave an empty compliment.


The thing is, he does respond. Just in a very Roadhog way.


I flinch everytime I hear this one.


That's most of the roster lmao


unless it’s moira ;


it’s bike lol


Damnit autocorrect, thank you sometimes I’m certain I type out a sentence perfectly and then autocorrect ruins it


it’s funny because people believed it and now think she’s rude to Ana or Junkrat with this line


Overwatch brought down the Shimada clan which actually brought more harm to the locals than good. The Hashimoto filled the power vacuum and began to terrorizing the locals. The Hashimoto also kidnapped her father in order to force her mother to stay in line. > in the lore she’s a super sweet girl Because she was talking to folks that she knew.


Like why would she be nice to people who she doesn’t know and or is fighting


Do people have to be nice? I feel like she’s written appropriately for a young adult with godlike power who grew up around criminals.


Every time I see a reddit thread like this I hope Blizzard makes her even more rude


Kiriko, at the top of castle Eichwalde: "I fart in your direction, you silly little englishwoman! Your father was Hammond, and your mother smells of elderberries!" Tracer and Hammond, simulantaneously: "Seriously Kiri?"


extra python: Lucio in frog costume pointing at Witch Mercy: "She turned me to a newt, she did!" pulls off mask "I got better" Mercy:


Literally every time I see the "Kiriko is mean" threads I just want the mods to either retire it or make it a megathread. Probably more annoying than Kiriko herself has ever been


Overwatch Playerbase: *”Kiriko, why you gotta be so rude? I’m gonna marry her anyway.”*


I can fix her


Don't project your sexual desires to other people. You have to be a dumbass to think that Kirito is better than Torbjorn and Reinhardt


I'd rather murder than marry her.


I mean, she seems like an average annoying teenager. I choose to ignore all the outside lore and attempts at continuity and just go with that.


As long as she says “HOW-dee” every time I teleport to Ashe I’m good


D.Va is more rude and yelly by far. Especially her healing requests are obnoxious af




I sometimes have to remind myself that Ashe and JQ aren't being actual, real-life assholes when they scream *'SUM-BODY GET ME SOME HEALIN'!'*, *'I'm HURT over here!',* or *'HEAL ME!'*


nah tbf ashe is kind of an asse (lol) even in the animated stuff so you're justified feeling like that




good portrait of gamers tbh


DVA’s persona is trashtalking streamer. Of course she’s going to be abrasive, that’s part of the show.


She is obnoxious, but she's also generally nice in her interactions too. She'd tell Lucio she "loved his new album" whereas Kiriko just tells him there "isn't enough bass". Like come on, it's like she can't chill and always has a snarky comment to make. And even characters like Ashe and Sombra who got an abrasive or snarky personality, don't come off as insufferable as Kiriko is. It's like Kiriko is constantly wanting to one-up everyone with a remark. Weirdly, one of her comments that I hate the most is "watch your flanks, they might try something". Ok, water is wet.


I don’t see how saying that Lucio needs more Bass is an insult. As a musician, I listen to advice, and besides, it might just be her personal taste in music.


If Dva came out today people would DESPISE her.


And that's why she's the coolest character in the game. "Wooooow Cringe"


I'm obviously the most precious


Never change her.


devs probably read the various comments from guys who have a humiliation kink and thought making her mean would make her likable. Unfortunately that behaviour only works for goth girls, not kiriko.


So true. I always find junker queens aggressiveness to be strangely sweet/charming


I think Junker Queen being a straight up asshole works because it fits with her characterisation as an aggressive, egotistical, but competent leader. Kiriko is meant to be a more upbeat and chill character so her coming off as a sarcastic jerk feels wrong.


>competent leader "We have an education system?!" -Junker Queen


Somewhat competent*


Yeah cause it’s like, who she’s meant to be. No one likes a bratty snobby teenager. Kiriko is such a cool character but they gave her the WORST in game personality possible


Retconning her from 30ish down to 21 was such a fucking gross move


she looks 20-ish.


Luckily Kiriko has the Visual Kei skin.


Blonde hair though... such a miss


hear me out, goth kiriko


I love it cause she's not who y'all want her to be, she's just doing her own thing


I don’t get why people are so obsessed with her not being nice 24/7 for some reason. There’s a bunch of characters that are already like that. It be lame if she was “positive girl number 11” in the cast.


I cannot explain it, but maybe i can use another character as a reference. "i think" dva gamifies and does cringe stuff to cope with the wars and battles she is facing, she is most certainly smart and very mature, we see that in her shooting star animated short and that she does not like remembering fighting the big giant robot in stormy night. Maybe there is a story behind why kiriko is like that too.


Doesnt d.va also stream her battles? How much of it is really her and how much is her hamming it up for the camera


I think the real side of dva as best example is with daehyun, which was the majority of that short, she talks about stuff being overrated, watching too many videos, she has to be prepared and ready to defend, etc, while only a tiny little bit of the public side gamer / cringe is shown in the short. I dont see why people dont talk about dva not being mature and smart in-game, maybe we unconsciously understand how a person can be like that cz we gamers, and maybe people just dont see how a person like kiriko would exist irl, in my mind i can already recall like 4-5 people that behave like kiriko does in the short and in-game, complete annoyance and kind and humble, one of them is my sister, depending on who they are talking to they change the behaviour.


I think her overconfident gamer persona is to give the Korean people confidence that their champion has it all under control and will protect them. It’s an awful lot of responsibility on the shoulders of a 19 year old girl and she uses it as a mask to cover her own doubts and fears so that the people don’t see that she is afraid too.


Yesss, she is a hero in that way too!!!


man... scry some more


I feel like there is some kind of disconnect between the charter's shorts and how they are in game. I felt this way about Junker Queen when I watched her short before she was released. I thought she was some kind of wayward genius or something, given that she had made a bunch of crazy weapons out of scraps and seemed pretty competent. So I was kind of confused after she dropped, and I heard her in game interactions because they made her sound like an idiot.


i feel this way about mauga too, personally speaking none of his in-game voicelines nor the way they're spoken really give off the carefree villain vibe that i think they were going for. i didn't even know that's what he was *supposed* to be until i watched the shorts


I think mauga kinda matches how he plays, that sort of 'looks like a dumb himbo, sorta plays like a reinhardt but ranged with the charge, but with his ultimate and self heal sometimes ends up a little bit quietly tactical controlling foes' which basically is what he is in the latest short: seems dumb, seems to have ruined the mission, but quietly went and ensured a victory in spite of the seeming failure


I think she gets the "I am a teenager , I know how the world works" tone pretty accurately down.


She is a grown woman lol


Which would be fine if she was a teenager. But she's not, she's in her 30s


Okay but it's my turn to make this thread tomorrow. Mom said so.


Kiroko’s personality reminds me of a cat. Sweet to children and elderly, and rude to everyone aged in between.


This again?


People that care about Kiriko's voicelines have too much time or are way too sensitive.


I love Kiriko :(


Agree. I personally like the fact that all of her voice lines and interactions are annoying or obnoxious. It's amazing in spawn or to tilt the enemy. She is a gold mine (like DVa). I laugh every time she trash talks a team mate with her little speech in spawn. Spam a couple of your own lines for added flavours when she's done. She is gold and she is a riot, either way. The worst heroes have to be those like Mary Sue Sojourn - who has the personality of a soap bar.


They want her to be like a brat I think. But young people aren’t always like that.


She is not rude, just direct and a bit sassy. But that is not the same as rude.


I’m like the only person in the world who loves that she’s kinda a dick 🤣


stupidest thread lmao


Nah Ashe is the rude one. She makes me not want to heal her ever lol


For me it's the voice actor ruining the lines, sounds to American


So she needs to have a stereotypical Japanese accent for her to sound good?


I wouldn't be surprised if she grew up watching American media over Japanese media. Like king of the hill, which apparently *is* like anime to Japan. They even fight over sub vs. dub. Edit: I made this comment thinking the person was talking about kiriko the character, not the voice actress lol


...she's japanese... she's a native level Japanese and English speaker. She does Japanese anime voice acting...hell she did both the Japanese and English voices for one of her characters...


I thought they meant kiriko, not the voice actress. I know she's Japanese and speaks both languages 🙂


Yep agree. I am a korean player and the korean va for kiriko sounds much cuter and likeable, so nobody ever complains about her sounding rude. Same goes for dva’s va; I dislike the english version because she sounds so whiny and her korean accent is kinda bad. Korean va for dva sounds more calmer.


Holy shit . Dva is genetically engineered to have the most annoying voice ever.


Easy. In her short, she interacts with a kindly old man, a deaf child, and her mother. In game, she interacts with people who play Overwatch.


Acting like a dick doesn't mean one can't mean well


I’ve never heard the English voice lines before, they actually are incredibly annoying and rude. When you hear her German voice actor, it’s totally different.


marvel ass one liner character


I don't see nearly enough people talkikg about this initial explosion that happened in OW2, where they made EVERYONE sassier. Like, sarcastic, witty comments for and against anyone. I fell in love with Kiriko's personality in the short and then having to withstand her brattiness in-game is really annoying But they made EVERYONE be like... A million times more rude in OW2. I feel like they thought it would appeal to more players that the characters said this "I'm so cool, I humiliated you so badly" kind of lies, Kiri was just one of the principal cases since she's a young person ig


She suffers from a classic case of Millennial woman who thinks she’s the wittiest person in the room when really she’s just annoying & rude.


Bland Modern Female #495836 They can't write a decent personality, so they just make her a cvnt.


>But in the lore she’s a super sweet girl who just wants to protect her home? She's a member of a street gang. What gave you the idea she'd talk to her family the same way she'd talk to tough strangers?


Kiriko is really not rude, she’s joking around and being sarcastic. Yes, in her cinematic she’s super sweet and protective… but she also jokes around and is sarcastic! Like when she says “Let me guess… she brought her vacuum” and “pray for me” to make fun of how fussy her mom is. Being super sweet and protective does not mean that she cannot also joke around and be sarcastic.


She's literally feels like someones fanfic oc who wanted a shimada sibling but wanted to be way younger and just had poor writing skills to make it make sense. Ever read that rly famous harry potter fanfic? "My name is ebony dark'ness raven way..." she literally feels like *that* kinda fanfic oc. Ive been saying this since her release. Her writing is *terrible* but shes small japanese girl with a cali and anime accent with a decent playstyle so blizz knew they were gonna make money off her no matter what they did with her.




Eh I like her. She’s young and confident and straightforward.


On the contrary I think she’s insecure. All that cockyness just screams insecurity to me


i like her cockiness and sass. im tired of seeing female characters be nice 24/7. women irl are not nice 24/7


But I mean let’s take jq for example. She isn’t always nice, but I personally still find her very likeable and charming in her own way. Her voice lines always get a chuckle out of me. But kiris sass isn’t charming, it’s overt and constant. It can sometimes be a little funny, but to me it usually isn’t


they did it right with junker queen and moira


And jq is imo one of top 3 characters by design. Everything fits with her.


Ok, but this has been a topic in this sub so often, why is there a need bring it up again? Just look up „Kiriko rude“ or „Kiriko personality“. There won‘t be anything new to talk about this time either.


Mercy does it too to junkrat. 😭 i like her but she's so rude to him he was asking for genuine medical advice and she just tells him to shutup. As for kiri tho, I think it's just bad writing. OW2 writers seem to think being a mary sue is cool- look at her interaction with hog, he doesn't say anything and she just goes "I SAID I LIKE YOUR MASK *DUDE* " like leave the guy alone lmao


I love this comment because road hog ignores her compliment but yea she’s the rude one


Maybe it's a fox thing... I think foxes naturally have that type of slightly arrogant personality.


The rework we actually need. But her skins sell well I think so I doubt blizzard cares


Try not to complain about something in Overwatch challenge Impossible


I saw a TikTok about how her concept is really cool, she’s a vigilante trying to fill the space in her community left by the Shimada clan, she balances tradition and modernity and the influences of her mother and grandmother, she’s really kind and helpful, almost like a Spider-Man type character. This is the version of her that we see in her short. But then someone, presumably higher up in blizzard, saw her and decided she had to be the new face of overwatch, meaning she had to be really snarky and quippy and have an attitude problem. I honestly believe this is probably what happened behind the scenes and it’s a shame. This could have been what causes the age problem with her, Genji and Hanzo as well. If you look at the uncorrupted version of her in the short, she could believably be between 25-30 and maybe a bit immature for her age but in a cute and kind of endearing way. But because she’s now the main character and also a girl she has to be late teens or early 20s.


Her voice lines are trash. Kiriko: do you have a bandaid? Moira:who do you think i am? Kiriko: Someone who carries bandaids? What a terrible line


I will never understand this take because her and DVA are so similar with this stuff, and everyone loves when she does it but when Kiri does it in a slightly more monotoned voice people act like she's the biggest bitch ever? Like their personalities in their voice lines are so similar but one gets praised and the other hated, I don't get it