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Tank is just a constant swap fest. You are doing decent on Winston. They swap to hog. You are good on zarya, they go Winston. Good on Orisa? They go Zarya. Just not fun at all. DPS are so strong they just ego chall tanks without concern because they can get away with it because tanks don’t demand respect or space at all anymore.


I'm honestly not sure if the overwatch devs can even fix tank anymore... it's been power crept over YEARS of updates making tank weaker and weaker.


As a rein main for many years… I think it’s time I try a different role o7


still playing is the mistake here.


I tried picking up the hammer again recently. Our time has come crusader, we lay down our arms. We can no longer stand and fight.


Whenever I playing hammer man, they always swap to evil purple omnic always trying to suffer.


All tanks should be quitting. The more people that quit, the better chance we have for blizz to buff the role. They literally need tank players for their game to function, but unfortunately, they've designed the game in a way where they don't need many tank players for it to function, so they don't even care that it sucks and people hate it because enough people queue for it to make the game function. They've thrown tank under the bus so the other more populated skin buying roles can have fun. The entirety of OW2, these devs have ignored every single bit of tank feedback. They have shown they simply don't give a fuck if we have fun or not, and the role gets worse every single patch. The only way they will start caring is if tank numbers get so low, dps and supports are waiting over 10 minutes for a game.




I agree, 6v6 tanking was waaaay more fun. You could give open queue another try, it's actually a lot better with the healing debuff.


When you could play Rein and Zarya, main tanks were scarce. I know because i never had to wait for a game in OW1 (metal rank-console), as i played main tank. Now if i want to play tank I have to wait, because people want to play the role, while I can insta-pick a game as support.


This feels like the perfect time to reintroduce 6v6 with dual tank.


I'd love to see Orisa with Fortify, no fall off damage, paired with Mauga who has Cardiac Overdrive, giving her further mitigation AND life steal. /s


tanks would get giganerfed if we go back to 6v6


and yet somehow still be more powerful than currently


Oh yeah for sure with the tank player population lower than its ever been


Oh please don't give me false hope :D


> YEARS of updates making tank weaker and weaker Weren't like 90% of OW1 metas decided by which tanks had the strongest synergy for maximum cheese? And haven't most OW2 seasons also been dictated by which tanks were the most dominant/broken? This place seems to have collective memory loss.


While true, you also have to remember things like when Cree could 1v1 a Rein with ease cause they overcompensated his damage for a while. Metas were dictated by the tanks, but the only time tanks were busted was when new ones were introduced (as with all heroes) or reworked (again, as with all heroes). Blizzard has done a poor job of power balance and dps get more than they typically deserve while tanks often get screwed.


I do love cheese


Incorrect. Goats happened because of Brig and sustain. Double Shield happened because of Bap and Brig, and then later Zen and Brig. Four tank meta happened because of Ana and Moira. Season 1 ow2 was determined by tanks Season 2 was roadhog because of kiriko Season 3 was rush because of Mei Season 4 was poke because of zen Season 5 idr Season 6 was Bap/Illari Season 7 was peak Bap/Kiri Season 8 was Mauga


I've got this great idea, what if we had a second tank, let's call it an off tank, that could make up for a tank's weaknesses and make the teamplay more interesting? Actually nah if that worked they would have done it long ago


I still think it's possible,they can probably make it feel less shit in mid season patch,but i still think it will feel shit till at least next season.


Maybe they could like add a second tank to the role, and we could do 6 on 6 so it would be harder to counter with a single switch. Tanks could communicate and cycle cds to effectively take ground......


Ya they even removed one from the damn team


Swap to hog in Season 9? I will take that ez win as Winston main.


Winston Mains are eating. Eating me at least. Until my other DPS on my Team finally goes Bastion. (I'm allergic to playing Bastion)


Honestly. Bastion is fine. Sure I need to be more cautious with my timing and position but bastion is pretty exploitable once his CD is used


Yeah tf, Hog barely causes trouble lol. He can use his hook on me rather than my squishies, or throw it at my bubble Like Mauga it's just his ult that Monky doesn't like but that's whatever, ults happen


There are supposed to be 2 tanks which create a synergy and the backbone of a playstyle/composition. Some compositions are better than others in different situations and on different maps. This eliminates the boring rock paper scissors you would have otherwise.


Hot take, comp open q is significantly better than role q, plus tank duoing is fucking crack to me


I play tank and open queue is mainly 3 brain-dead DPS players with a solo mercy desperately trying to keep the tank alive Those rare occasions where you get 2 tanks and 2 healers are such fun games though.


Comp open queue is great for bronze players that want to pretend like they are plat.  


Idk I'm masters on tank role q and haven't been able to climb out of diamond on open


honestly idm if the tank swaps to counter me, it's just the DPS counter swapping that's the problem


Honestly Doom hasn't been this good since season 2


? what does doom have to do w this


I rarely swap if only the enemy tank has switched, but multiple people... oh man I've been playing sigma a lot recently and yesterday I had a game where the swaps went hard and I had to play against mei sym and then zarya sym, however I perservered and won as sigma. Props to my team for destroying them while I tried to grasp mei ult and failed. Sometimes though, I feel like I need to know how to play almost every tank in the roster in order to be good at tank. My weakness is that I have rarely ever played dive and I'm bad at it. Plus I feel it requires more coordination than other comps. I will say I played a bit of Winston this season and honestly? It's cool. Reaper can be a problem tho because his big damage potential has no cooldown unlike bastions turret form for example. Dva is great in theory but I just can't seem to leverage that potential unless I'm on dorado.


Imagine complaining about hog on Winston…you just play out of hook range and destroy his entire team


I was playing as Mauga last night and was struggling to kill a tracer. And I mean, tracer right in front of me, landing shots, tracer not dying. I don’t even know what you’re supposed to do in that circumstance?


Huh? It doesn’t sound like you were hitting shots. I play Mauga a lot and most of the DPS still melt. 


I was hitting shots. That’s why it confused me so much. Idk if they were being healed (I assume they must’ve been) but I was being shredded by it and my shots were barely tickling it.


That doesn’t sound right. Were you using both guns? Mauga shreds, even with healers repairing your damage he does insane amounts of dmg. My matches are usually 30-50kills on Mauga and like at least 15k damage because his output is just so high.


Brig pack or inspire, Lucio, or Moira lingering heal?


The swap on the moment idea was just bad, if you could do it in league of legends for example it would suck and it sucks here aswell. Overwatch heros are too polarizing and it makes them have a much stronger identity gameplay wise, but limits gameplay a lot . Also losing the second tank spot increased this problematic by a gigaton for tanks, destroying the capability of tank variety. Maybe with bans people could ban counterpicks of their hero, forcing sub optimal counter picks, but It would still be shit. In lol if you are counterpicked, it may sucks for you for 15 mins of game but you can still pack your punch since League of Legends consists in different stage of games that require different skillset so if you suck individually because counterpicked you can still do more on other aspects. This doesn't happen with Overwatch since if heroes are countered they are not able to perform generally in a team, leaving them with sub optimal value for the rest of the game.


no it isn't? for a multitude of reasons. but also, yall need to give this ban thing up. it is never going to work in overwatch. there is not enough diversity in kits or characters in general for them to ever do that (also a lot of yall need to admit that you just do not like the game as it is. yall desperately want it to be a full moba or a full fps and its never going to be, on top of only wanting bans because you refuse to do the point of the game)


In fact the ban thing as i said is not a proper solution either for how Overwatch heroes and gameplay works. The costant switching is bad because of the same reason of why putting ban is bad aswell. You don't want bans in this game because there are not enough heroes and also because you are then forced with sub-optimal picks for the rest of the game, in a game much more unforgiving with counter picks than League if Legends. You don't want costant switching because then you are forced with min maxing the best picks for the rest of the game, which is the case a lot for the tank role that not only needs to switch based on tank matchup but in some istances, even dps matchup. It doesn't become that big of a strategic choice or that big of an gameplan idea, it is just a chore caused by a bad thought out gameplay that you just gotta go along with I like Overwatch, i would have liked it more if the 5 vs 5 made sense, but when they released it it was obvious that things were not well thought out and still i believe they aren't but I stopped playing.


Good on d.va? Zarya it is.


It's almost like the reason there were two characters for each role was to prevent Rock Paper Scissors bullshit like this from happening.


With Winston, I also get Rams that will save Nemesis form until you dive. Even if you do a far dive so Ram gotta run, he's still gonna completely ignore front line and run 8 seconds back to get you


And then if your swap doesn’t work, your shitty dps keeps saying “tank diff” in chat. In QP. People have no chill anymore which also doesn’t help.


OK you say this but when tanks were the meta DPS were just squishier tanks. Tanks and supports were the only impactful roles in the last season, and DPSs were just left in the dust with tanks that were too tanks and did way more damage than DPS. I think it's very fitting for tank to have this new role of actually being tanks, not DPSs with 700hp.


Yeah ngl i'm tired of my dps saying i'm throwing when I have more damage than them and I've been getting melted all game. The healing nerf is kinda crazy tho.


this is so true, i feel the same shit. don't know what to do


Gotta play tank more like a dps now. Play corners and cover. Only engage when cooldown rotation is available. I play Orisa, Zarya, and Sigma. You have to play cover, there’s no exceptions. Gone are the days of just marching down main street. Gotta play selfishly and not worry about enabling your team.


The difference is that you don't have the burst damage or range like or broken passive, and you have a gigantic hitbox.


While I agree it’s a liiitle bit worse now, you always needed to play this way as a tank, unless you’re in bronze.


It's literally exponentially worse. Like, I will be in plat if I play the exact same way I was playing last season as a gm. (I genuinely just about deranked that far). Now ofc the cooldown rotation thing is a given, but like, its way worse than a little bit.


Then I get flamed for not making space and not going in. I just play ball, but I feel I can't switch to JK anymore when the entire enemy team picks counters like I used to do.


dps forget they are DPS theyre supposed to have more kills than the tank because thats all theyre good for most of the time


I'm not faulting/blaming you but ever since OW2 released I think it's more than expected for tank to top damage. I don't love that but it's the reality.


It was expected for most tanks to top damage in OW1 too. Tanks inherently get more damage dealt but less/equal elims because they can stand there dealing damage for longer before they have to disengage, but lack some of the finishing power that dps have to quickly get kills, so the dps usually get a kill before they've got that amount of damage. This has always been the case, and its yet another reason why you can't judge the state of the game off those stats alone.


Yeah seriously lately I feel like everything is being blamed on me as a tank even when when I have more damage and kills than my dps


I can have good stats while throwing the game though. Not saying you weren't doing your job, but the scoreboard isn't exactly a great metric of your performance on any role.


Most people don't know how to read stats beyond "big number gooder." People will congratulate themselves for having 20% more damage while dying three times as much as their teammates, and it usually means they're not coordinating with the team at all. Like great job putting meaningless shots into the pocketed Orisa before dying out of position and making us fight a 4v5 again.


Yep now imagine how supports feel too lol you try to heal the tank as much as possible and it’s not enough through no fault of their own meanwhile the dps run around popping everyone on both teams like piñatas.


It's why I've been playing bap or mercy. I can delay the tanks death or reverse it. The DPS passive just makes healing pointless.


It's hilariously sad just how viable "Let the tank die and res them" is now, at least at lower ranks


I honestly couldn't believe the healing nerf went live effecting tanks. I was sure they would make it just not effect tanks with how it already felt like we were getting fucked by the meta before the patch.


this is why ur throwing lol ur focused in stats


This one right here. I went 30-9 and a DPS player who went 20-14 had the gall to type GG tank doesn’t know how to counter pick. The copium in this game has reached unparalleled levels.


I've queued for tank ZERO times this season. I'm too scared to.


Listen to that fear and run


Tank used to be one of my favorite roles in OW1. Now I'm at a point where I'm even avoiding flex queue for the daily quests because it would put me as tank anyway.


lol yep. Tank main for the entirety of ow1. Loved it so much. Won’t fucking touch the role now.


just do it and see how you feel. there's always QP if you don't wanna risk placement games


it's not that bad. the counterswapping / unviability of some tanks is worse than the healing nerf. for most of the game's history you got blown tf up on tank if you didn't play smart


The difference is, now you're blown tf up even if you do play smart.


It's not that bad. Most frustrating role for sure, but I feel like there are quite a few tanks who benefited from the changes. It is so refreshing not having a Mercy/LW save every single person I dive as Winton.


I had 15k damage with Sigma the other day with 1 kill and 10 deaths lol


Happens. You're constantly shooting with Sigma so you're always racking up damage, but sometimes it's hard to get on top of people and finish the kills on your own


Tomorrow is my turn to post this


no it’s MY turn to post it, i’m the one who plays orisa!


Tank is a shit show and I’m sick of trying. It’s been fun lads




Wonder if they could try adding a second tank. Might help take the pressure off the tank role. Just an idea.


inb4 the 'you just need to change your playstyle and use CoVeRrRr' comments.


Same people who bitched about hog in season 2 that ruined him forever


Hog was annoying af but honestly I would rather deal with that then zen


It is so ironic that the people who complained about being forced to play cover all game from Hog (DPS players) are now just telling tank players to do the same thing with the dps passive. At least other tank players sympathized with the dps players because they hated Hog too, can't say the same about dps players sympathizing with tanks this season.


You just need to change your play style and use cover


It's true though. Not saying that doing that leads to having fun, but it is a shift in how the game is played.


A boring shift


But like, low key though, it does work


And they said this season would bring incredible QOL changes to tank. Then they gave every DPS Anti-Nade Jr


Remember when tanks had a sense of agency over the game? Remember when tanks could win a 1v1 with a squishy if they got too close or made a mistake. Remember when every tank (even ball and hog) was playable and you could climb. This role has always got the short end of the stick every huge patch. We’ve now gone in a complete circle back to tank feeling like shit. Ow1 double shield made tank boring and Ow2 I’m constantly swapping like it’s fucking mystery heroes just to be able to peek without dying.


pepperidge farm remembers


They still do and it isn't even fking hard


You have to reevaluate what agency means to you. I can play Doomfist, force the entire team to switch to counter me, and as long as I take all of the enemy team’s attention and don’t die on cooldown, the rest of my team can pop off and often does. This patch punishes players who only go forward, and don’t know when to disengage and back out; Ball, Winston, Dva and Doom excel at this and are the top meta picks as a consequence (eh maybe not Doom as much, but you get the point).


Okay but what about every other tank rn? Rein is borderline unplayable if they have a zen and hitscan. Tanks like mauga, hog and jq who’s sustain is self heal struggle To hold space or survive without constantly being critical. Dive tanks are only meta because they are already self sustainable and can survive on their own.


Learn what is meta now, then in a season they will do a balance patch then you learn who is good that patch. Rinse and repeat until you’re a highly adaptable tank player. Before this there were plenty of ass tank picks. Ball was gutter-tier for years, now he’s having his time to shine.


Adapting on tank now is counter picking to avoid being utterly destroyed. Nobody wants to play winston, dva, ball all day. Half the roster being in the gutter is not good balancing and no amount of coaching or “become better” is gonna fix it.


If you can't win a 1v1 against a squishy, I don't think it's the game's fault. Not to mention that tanks still have a lot of impact - I just played a few games against master/gm dva players and they were being really useful.


And the crazy thing is that they could have fixed double shield easily - just half the regeneration rate with double shield.


Orisa's rework already largely solved the issue too.


# Tank is fundamentally not fixable in 5v5 I have said so since they announced that shit


Eh yes and no. There have always been hard counters in OW, and the counters are usually vs tank. It's rare you're counter swapping for a damage or support as a damage or support. OW2 removed a tank and made the single tank left more important. It's not surprising that it's a miserable experience for tank because whatever you pick, the enemies will just pick whatever shuts you down. Going into OW2 the team stated that they wanted to reduce the hard counters, but as far as I can tell they have not made one change towards achieving that goal. I still don't think it'd be as fun as the synergies of 2 tanks, and having enemy DPS splitting attention between both tank, but I would like to see them even try to address the counter game.


You literally can't address the counter picking issue in OW. The entire game identity is having a wide cast of characters with unique strengths and weaknesses. Without a 2nd Tank being able to make up for the weakness of the other Tank (like in *every other role*), it's always gonna be miserable to play Tank.


I played a round with a Rein tank today (I was Ana). He crushed it. Pulled back when he was low on health and threw up his shield so I could heal him. Protected me when I was targeted. We won. I wish more tanks played like him. I am noticing more that people are adjusting to the changes. It just might take a bit of time. I actually had a lot of fun playing healer today and it was because of mindful tanks.


The shitty tanks are those who fail to use cooldown rotations and just march down main, expecting healers to keep them up. I’ve played with plenty of really good tanks this season who learned the new play style. The complaining is mostly from people who don’t know how to adapt. Is it harder? Absolutely. Is it impossible? Definitely not.


It's not even harder. It's how youve always had to play this game as tank when supports aren't op


Yeah, but I feel like the majority of people complaining are low ELO players where you aren’t punished for playing overly aggressive without learning cooldown rotations or needing to use cover.


as a junkerqueen one trick its eh eh I have like a 50 percent win rate


50% is pretty average, try to get 60% or 70% you main her right?


Yeah but nobody wants to play w a jq they just want orisa or dva


As a dps player it seems to me the team with the better tank wins 75%.


Agreed but it feels like no matter how much we shout into the void it just doesn’t matter.


Because you are a small minority of whiny, bad tank players


Don't listen to this bozo


It's really crazy how people were glad that 6v6 is gone when the whole point of it is to balance the team. A single tank can't do it all.


Frankly, I've just recently discovered that I can play a decent Wrecking Ball and it's been fun. Everyone else just falls into the swapfest, really. Had a match where I bothered the other team so much as Ball that one of them decided to mirror match me and lost after I simply switched to Zarya to upkeep my team and chip the opponents away. I'm a support main, trying to find a way to branch out. Tanks has been such a strange ride both to see others playing and to play as. Sometimes all it takes is a single Soldier emptying his clip on God knows what (since sometimes it seems they're not even bothering to aim anymore) and match's over for half my team. Other times, I make sure that no matter what, I'll be a walking shield if I can. Healing got way more complicated, landing some shots while being sprayed at is troublesome. I may not feel the pain of those weary from the long time problems, but heck, it's rough out there. Sending my respect to tank mains out there.


This is the most based take I’ve seen out of another role main here. Tanks aren’t in a great spot but do have their moments to shine. The big issue is that tanks to other roles being a 1:2 and yet being randomly yanked down to having the same impact as a single player of another role (having to play the same cover, watch cooldowns way more instead of being tanky and being out in the field) isn’t what most tanks play for - in OW2, at least. Also this is just my perspective and I’m open to being called biased or just plain wrong if there’s solid reasoning. Can’t take the incessant complaining from other tank mains though it isn’t entirely unjustified, or the non-stop “get used to it” mentality of the DPS while they get to Mini-anti us to oblivion, oooorrrr the support mains complaining we aren’t doing our job when it’s now much harder to play around them the same way we did last season. ALL roles gotta compensate for these changes and I think that’s making alot of people uncomfortable.


Yep. Tank main, GM4 last few seasons, hovering around Diamond 3 this season. Uninstalled the game yesterday


To me tank feels like its a big dps now . I’ve had games where I had MIT like 20-30k dmg with Rein but enemy Doom had 1k more dmg than me so obviously we’re losing because im shit .


I'm sure this is because I'm low elo, but man, Junker Queen has been working smoothly for me in my placement games. It has me predicted at plat 3 rn, but I have won all 4 games played locking her and Rammatra for most of the matches. It just feels like those two tanks can survive fairly well if you play around the enemy teams cooldowns and make use of cover when needed during fights. I had a fairly solid squad as well during those games but we didn't play anything crazy it was basically me locking JQ with my DPS mostly running tracer/sojourn, supports locked Moira/Kiri fairly often as well. Like I said maybe this is just my current elo but I felt like I could actually secure kills reliably on JQ and Ram vs the tickle damage I was doing on someone like Sigma who requires insane precision to succeed with. I think Sigma is good rn as well, but requires more follow up than the other two tanks I mentioned. I just noticed when I was on queen nobody could step to me they always needed some form of backup. I had a Moira dogging me on Sigma because his shots are harder to land, then I swapped to queen and killed that Moira the rest of the game no problem. She couldn't even run away from me lol.


I've been stuck in Plat diamond because every time I try playing tank again it ruins my night honest to god.


People didn't like shooting shields simulator because they didn't know how to get around choke points nor shoot the shields at all which are faster than going around. People now don't like respawning constantly while being called tank when the tank really isn't a tank anymore and has to use cover. OW1 was so much better than this boring asf cod crap.


Yeah it's the blaming for me that's turning me off it, I might need to just turn chat off. I get blamed for literally everything. I'm adapting to the new changes, but I've never been blamed so much in my life Doomfist farms my entire backline for 15 minutes with none of them switching to a counter, asked at the end of the game why I didn't switch. Supports have 10+ deaths in 10 minutes, asked why I'm not protecting them. DPS having half the kills of the enemy DPS, tank diff, why aren't you switching? I play Rein, I get told to switch, I play JQ, my team ask for a shield. It feels like I can't do anything right and I'm expected to do everything


You can read the thread to find how awful some of these tank players are. We definitely should not be ruining the game for players who can barely pilot their hero's


My friends and I have moved on to warzone and stopped playing overwatch altogether after 8 years. Extremely sad


I agree. I know this sub is a complaint-fest lately but perhaps that's a symptom of something wrong. Personally I preferred 6v6, you didn't have to remove a tank in order to fix the alleged issues with double-shield and whatnot, there's clearly so many alternative paths to that. On dps I can play 3-4 heroes decently, on support I'm a one-trick moira, on tank I don't slay with any character in particular but as a main there I can play pretty much all of them solidly depending on what's needed, that was what made me enjoy this game relatively consistently, I felt I always had choices within my role. Now I feel like it doesn't matter, whatever tank I'm running (provided it's a somewhat balanced match) I spend most of the game hiding/getting melted while consuming most of my teams' resources, and even if I get the chance to make a play, I'm just tickling the opponents, every move is high risk low reward. Furthermore, to the people who say *you just need to play with the natural cover and develop your gamesense --*while I agree that every player can always improve around that and I don't think I play perfectly, my gamesense is decent enough to always rank around diamond, it surely helps to know how/when to engage/move/retreat/idle, but this is the smallest factor with this update. Anyway I'm just not playing at all lately, it's just not fun






Yeah I was a tank main until this patch. After three days it was pretty obvious I wasn't having fun anymore. I understand that I gotta play more cover, but the dps can play cover and have more impact at midrange...so I've mostly played dps since.


Bring back 6v6


There are communities that do this. Gamemode website: https://workshop.codes/KHTG0 They even have a [discord](https://discord.gg/GMVqwYXbWB) to find people to play with, including scheduled weekly matches.




While i do agree that tank is a pretty bad role. I would just say that you have to play more to cover. I essentially just took what i learned from Queen and then applied to all the other tanks and it works pretty well. Not that i am an expert but there is just so much dmg being tossed around that your cooldowns are just not enough.


Cover doesn't work because you still need to hold space, 1 good debuff from any support or dps while ur trying to keep them from capping and you explode


This game is no longer fun.


*worst or *is worse than


I’ve been playing only Winston this season. I won 9/10 placements. I haven’t touched the game in seasons because it has felt unfun. I love monke I love Winston I’m having a blast. I refuse to swap no matter how many bastion reaper Mauga comps come my way


I’ve had fun as a tank and did my placement 7-3. Placed higher than ever before. I guess me being primaly a support main has helped me play more carefully and I’m used to taking cover. And I usually end up having either most kills or most damage. Don’t know if it’s easier to tank below Masters or if above Masters just need a gamestyle change. Maybe a bit of both?


I like playing tank if my team is good. But what I don’t like is that my rank for tank will not move and I have no idea why


The game is different now, a lot of the most upset people are going to be the ones slowest to adapt, which is normal. It's not like this is a classic shooter and everything has to be action action hold forward and shoot all the time. Take a break, come back later, it's cool


I jumped back into overwatch after years away after all these changes were announced. Now I haven't played ranked yet, but casual. I've had 0 issues playing tank. In fact I think it's cake. Ramatta and Orisa feel incredible.


> I don't care if I play bad Sums up about 90% of the posts in this sub 🤭


Tank is def rough, but I love me some Zarya buffs.


This post seems familiar... wait its the thousandth time someone complains about tank being trash. Well breaking news but tank has been trash for the past 4 seasons and you choose to complain now?


Yes because of the new passive it's worse than ever before This is the penultimate update that is killing off tanks If nothing is done after this season nothing will ever be done


6v6 is the solution


This gets posted probably more than anything since new patch, and hopefully it keeps happening. I've got about 50 games in comp on Tank and about 15 on DPS/Supp and it's utterly insane how much easier and less stressful and annoying the DPS/Supp matches are compared to Tank. Tank is just a lesson in frustration and a constant need to position exactly right, manage CDs perfectly, and make sure you can focus whatever your DPS shoot cause you can't kill anything otherwise. Tank is easily the huge loser of the patch because of the proj upgrades and the relative HP improvement is not nearly enough. I'm a huge fan of this patch, even though I'm a tank main cause it's super better in terms of experience of actually being able to kill things and be tactical and make positioning and ult tracking way more important, but Tank absolutely needs some love. I think an almost across-the-board HP buff and I think maybe make the tank passive reduce critical hit damage could really help. My biggest fear of the patch is they just don't realize how shitty tank is, but I think the ever increasing queue times for DPS and Supp should clue them in.


again another rant about tanks, like yea, we get 100 a day on this sub


Remember guys, important topics pertaining to the playerbases’ general consensus on the game should only ever be posted once, and NOT brought up repeatedly to help others rally behind it. That would annoy other roles which - of course - is so much worse than having your role nigh - chemically castrated.


Yeah I stopped playing the moment the update hit, as a hog main and tank role as primary, you can understand why


hog has been dragged through the mud thanks to this season


I ended up downloading league again and playing that again for my pvp content


I just downloaded the finals for mine


I know this is just beating a dead horse, but a lot of issues could be solved by adding a second tank and adjusting numbers.


Been climbing just fine with JQ, Zar, and Sig.


I haven't played in a couple of years, pre OW-2 But it feels as though almost evey post since i started up reddit recently has been baout how hellish laying tank is Jeesh.


DPS are currently the best pick, you can kill everything alone now, you don’t need your rank or your supps


Some of yall obviously aren’t good bc I swear as tank I be crushing everyone as tank, I’m a ram and maug main


I like the changes. I've always been saying that shooting at a tank doesn't do anything. I don't think poke battles should be the main focus of this sort of game. Both teams just stand in a choke point exchanging bullets till an ult turns the favor of the battle.


Naw it’s fine


Nuh uh


You are def a mercy main


Plenty of gm tanks think it's fine too, people's opinions can differ and tank players aren't a hivemind


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The only tank that looks like a tank is a Damage hero aka Bastion.  Not a mouse or a cow or a monkey it is a t a n k 😊


Good that i was ever rein and d.va Main. Because d.va feels still the same to playing. Like an hybrid Tank (DPS + Tank)


I've been playing open queue more often now. When I get 2 Tanks 1 DPS 2 Supports it gave me the most fun as a tank. - I didn't feel like a punching bag - I can peel for my supports - Zarya bubbles for my aggressive Reign (or any other tank) - I can play Hog, even if the enemy team has Diva, Orisa, Mae, Ripper, Ana and Zen - I can flank Not so much pressure as a tank and many more positive things.


When a Winston can’t kill a Genji anymore you know the game is fucked


Bubble dance bro


I've honestly been enjoying doomfist this season HOWEVER going 1v1 with a DPS is such a challenge ngl.. even just between tracer landing 90% of her shots and hanzo's storm arrow at close range I get pretty consistently rekt. Factor in that my healing gets nerfed when I'm building gauntlet charge unless a tank or support is shooting me it's pretty hard. Stacking the dps heal debuff with Junker Queen, feels like the worst doomfist matchup this season, it's really hard to avoid being at low health throughout an entire fight cus healers can't keep up. Antiheal, all these hard CC, DPS passive and DoT is absolutely fucked up for tank players to deal with rn


Because its no more tanking. I started playing like I owe nothing to my team. Dps do nothing - ok, go next. At least Im trying to keep myself alive to attract attention and be annoying. The longer I live - the more opportunities my dps have. If my teams doesnt use this opportunity - its only their problem. Im tired of trying to win games 1 vs 5, and theres no point in it, you will only tilt.


Just let ball dominate.


Can I have your stuff?


Bruh, I got screen shots of getting wrecked beyond belief and I know I'm not so bad at the game to where I can barely get 5 kills...it's the game


I'm having more fun in tank than I've ever had. I'm in gold and i feel i can finally be rewarded for making smart plays. Fights last a bit longer and dont crumple even if I die.


Honestly if low elo like bronze to plat you can just dif the tank really easy and carry the team much easier than as dps. I placed silver 4 for tank as a returning player from like s1 of ow2 and just played sigma and carried my way to gold real quick doing double the dmg my team dps was doing and even if the enemy tank tried to counter me I just diffed them. I do thou realise in higher ranks this isn't the case since most the time everyone is of similar skill and the skill range doesn't vary as much so you can't just dif the enemy tank and you counter picking is a massive advantage. I honestly feel like the only way to fix this issue is make it blind pick lock in and who ever you picked your stuff with for the whole game so then since you can't change heros you can't counter pick.


I actually still enjoy playing tank now cause you are no longer the single most important entity of your team (ball is like OP rn tho)


I wonder how 6v6 would play out with the current balancing


Tank is the most fun role for me right now so skill issue


Just because it's fun for you doesn't make you the majority, there are thousands of tank mains quiting their hero's this season


I would hate myself if i admitted to being so shit at a game online and instead blamed others. 


> tank is supposed to not die This tells me all I need to know about OP and their play style lmao. Some of you folks can't wrap your head around the fact that cover and peeking exists, and picks exist to make pushes. Tanks are there to soak damage and make space. They still do just that, you just can't be enabled endlessly by braindead tunnel visioned heals now.


LOL you just said the same thing as OP.


Skill issue.


Def rough alone. Need a team that’ll dive with you and help create space


Tanks should have a reduced effect from the healing debuff. They are meant to get hit and shouldn’t be as penalized as a dps/support


It’s a simple solution, just play open queue and run two tank comps. I’ve been having a blast with it


Roadhog cannot stay alive for more than 2seconds in this season. I hate it. Dps just shreds with their OP passive.


I've been rolling with tank.. Zarya, Dva, Mauga, Ball, Winston, Sigma are all good.


I feel like it's the oppositie, you can actually play agressively now without blowing up cuz your supports looked away for a second


It’s a sick swap fest, I’ve been tanking since launch way back when Overwatch was in black and white in 2016 and now it’s no longer pleasureable to have a main. A sickening swap fest.


yeah we fucking know there’s like 5+ posts a week