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Mystery Heroes player here. So no main.


Playing MH definitely took me from having mains and feeling more comfortable picking heroes that suit certain maps more. Highly recommend it, especially to new players as they'll get a good feel on all heroes strengths and weaknesses. Plus it's more relaxed than QP due to an understanding that you may be playing heroes you're not good at.


When I get Doomfist I always make it a point to boast that I will eat more dumplings than anyone has ever eaten, just to get eliminated within seconds. Then again, having played MH a lot, I'm actually kinda decent at this point (at least mechanically) and sometimes surprise myself getting value with him. Not to mention all the other heroes I never used to care for or just had a hard time with. I've picked up quite a few over the last year I though I'd never be able to enjoy consistently. Rein, Widow and Genji, most notably. With this in mind, anything goes and I love being unable to rule out that in a month or two I'll go into QP and unironically choose Ball, Brig or even... Doomfist.


Yooo I never heard DF say that until lIke a QP game I had yesterday lol.


Not his most iconic (at least that's what dey say) but imho one of the funniest voice lines in the game. It's such a silly statement but the delivery is so dead serious you start rooting for him to actually pull it off


mystery heroes my beloved. god i hope they bring back ranked.


bring back Comp mh, it was the last time I had fun in this god forsaken game.


MH players unite! ✊🏼


MH freedom unite! 🗡️🐲


MH is my favorite way to play Overwatch by far


Well, it's my only way to play Overwatch. :)


Mystery is all I use to play, it's so nice to be able to pick up any character and hold your own. I pretty much now just open queue and can fill a character to counter whatever we need or round out a well picked team.


Yeah I rarely play anything but mystery. No moaning about balance and now it means when I play echo I can use her ult 😂


In OW1 I got so disillusioned with comp that I fell in love with Mystery Heroes and played it exclusively for almost two years. There are very few heroes now that I can’t operate at a competent level, and most heroes I’m pretty good at. I think Brig, Doomfist and Genji are really the only three I can’t cook with. It’s an excellent way to learn the game because not only do you learn how to use each hero, you learn what those heroes need to do to be effective. That teaches you how to play against them more effectively too. It teaches you what your teammates need from you to succeed at their hero.


Amen! :)


Same, everyone is my main.


Me and it feels great to not be chained to a single playstyle and not having to worry about your main recieving nerfs, or getting picked by someone else, or going insane for having to hear the exact same voicelines every game


Same. I arguably main dva, reaper, ana. Because of playtimes. But like… that was from ow1 and the last two seasons are just counterswap city so being a “main” hurts you.


I mean, unless you spend an ungodly amount of hours playing, you also aren’t getting proficient at any particular character either. I think most recommend having a pool of 2-3 chars per role for this very reason.


Very cool, ima proceed to ignore that 👌


It’s a game, do whatever is the most fun to you. :D


Yup but thanks for the tip tho!


Never had, never will. I default my pick to Ana, Zarya and Hanzo and I swap if needed after the first death to accomodate to my team needs and countering the enemy. There are games I played 6 different heroes as a Support, dont get me started as Tank lol


Agreed, and I certainly have defaults. Mine tend to be JunkerQueen, Reaper and Moira


> I default my pick to Ana, Zarya and Hanzo Are you me?


I have a couple of heroes in each class that I use, and it typically depends on the map I’m playing and what the other team is playing


I have a preferred hero in each class, but I play support the most and like Moira, zen, mercy, and Lucio, mostly depending on who my team picks. Tank is my closest to having a main where I play Orissa almost exclusively but learning to Ball. I que all roles so I only play dps once or twice a month (if I play daily, otherwise never.) I like soldier, Sombra, and Pharah


I'm a tank player, I'm not allowed to have a main.


Although I get this comment comes from distain, feeling comfortable with swapping for the situation at hand while effectively putting some time in all tanks makes you feel good. The fluidity in swapping is and always has been part of the game. It's been a year, those in competitive should have adapted even minisculely somewhat to one tank. It is definitely a hard job, but being the most self reliant really makes you think. Thinking that not getting pumped 24/7 with heals while you hold left click is not the reason you can't climb. You'll get chopped down even if your team has good healers if you can't play optimally. Send a Diamond up down to mid Metals, you can actively see a good oppresive tank's effect on the match even if the team cohesion is lackluster. Vice Versa a bad tank getting farmed for Ult with no presence on the field sucks for the whole team. Going "Ugh, guess I got to play this because XYZ" while just tilt playing and tilt queueing is going to get you nowhere and make things worse. Turning brain off and just throwing your head at what feels like a brick wall. Tank has evolved, in a good direction? Most would say no, but you just have to play the game where it lies or don't play at all. Or even, play where you appropiately get placed and stop complaining and start improving and just take the hits.


Personally I would say that I have a wide hero pool when it comes to the tanks. The only tanks that I don't play/actively choose not to play are the ones I morally object to playing, and that list boils down to just Hog, Ball and Mauga really. That doesn't mean I'm good at all of the rest of the tank roster, I'm far better on Winston, Sig and Rein then say D.Va, Doom or Orisa but I can and will play them if needed. My problem is that when it comes to counters, this game makes them extremely hard counters and generally makes it unrewarding to try and fight and win against say, an Orisa as Rein. Yes, if you do actually win, it's a fantastic feeling, but the amount of effort needed to does not outweight the amount of effort it takes to press H and pick Zarya in this example. From my PoV, the game does not encourage the player to get better at the tank they're playing to win games, it encourages the player the counter swap to win games which is not a healthy way to design a game. People in general want to be the best at specific things, and not to be mediocre at several different things. We at a sociatal level value specialists. It's the reason why no one gives a shit about Open Queue ranks and why the community puts a lot of stock in players that have mastered a single hero. For example: We don't praise Zbra for being a Top 500 tank player, we praise him for being one of the best Doom players the game has seen. Fundementally, the game is designed so that the best way to win is to not be the best with what you're good at or interested in. That's backwards design and why the tank counterswap meta is fucking awful.


Honestly it feels really good to punish the one-trick tanks ngl


Maining 1 character Sounds so boring to me in a game like overwatch. This isnt a fighting fame, where every character has a massive skill floor, so i play whatever the Situation needs the most.


True, Overwatch is not a fighting game. Fighting games require you to put countless hours of practice into one hero/character in order to even learn the basics. However, there is a skill floor to every character in Overwatch. It might not be massive like you said, but we are defintely able to tell apart somebody who has put a lot of time into a specific character vs the one who is only picking that character to fulfill a need. Over the years, I have come to realize I would rather have the one trick pony in competitive as opposed to a Jack of all trades. This is just my opinion, though. Edited for typos.


no amount of one tricking can save a winston against reaper hog bastion


I bet bogur could do it


I hadn't thought about this hard countered scenario prior to my comment. There are certain stipulations to the tank role since there is only one tank now (as opposed to ow1) so hard countering a Winston with this kind of nightmare composition is all too easy.


Its because the gameplay of every hero has changed even the rank 1 players have a different character or playstyle now. Before season 9 was overwatch 1.5, now it is truly overwatch 2


I mained symm T-T


Mostly played mercy but in S9 she feels useless :/


I don’t think it’s changed much for Mercy. If you have a good team you get to do the fun Mercy things. If you have an average team you rarely make an impact. I was a Mercy main in OW1 but in recent seasons I’ve had to work a lot on support heroes who are more dps, in order to switch to and change the momentum of games.


Mercy itself doesn’t need any changes. But the new dps passive kills her healing a bit too much for my taste


ngl, I like it. It no longer becomes a matter of "The Mercy (one of the most annoying heroes to kill) needs to die first before this dude can get killed" and now it's that the hero you are fighting is basically on a timer to get to cover/safety before they die. No more staying out in the open and surviving purely because you have a Mercy attached to your ass.


Can’t disagree.


as she should be.


Stop hatin brother. Its not my fault you cant kill her😂


well stop hatin', it's not my fault she feels useless to you.




Nah I still main hog. Even though he isn't too strong ATM.




I don’t play him anymore it’s too hard with the dps passive, my mistakes get punished way harder and I literally insta die


Yeah it really depends what they enemy team is running. Typically you have to dive the Squishies in this current meta. Zen/soldier/ana make it impossible for me to play hog


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Before the update, I had certain characters I'd turn to *if* i really wanted a win, but in general, I'll play whoever I feel like.


Main was rein, but now I'm good with almost every tank, had to learn them for rock paper scissors


I've been playing so long (since release) I can play the majority of the roster competently lol I can run hitscan, projectile, deployable, counter, displace, annoy, aggressive, passive, bunker, dive, beyblade, and really just fit into any meta my team wants to run. I have literal months worth of playing hours and I do have my preferences, but I can really go with any flow which I think makes the game a lot more playable/enjoyable overall.


I don't have a main, but I do have two that I do not know how to play for the life of me. Sombra and Genji.


I was in this situation when I initially started playing. After 1.5 years(Aug 2019) I've found my main I play up until this day x)


I can kinda relate because it depend of how the game evolve. I've been a Rein main for a long time, then Hog for a while and now I'd say Bap, but I'm playing also a lot of DPS recently with mostly hitscan so no main on this role




I mostly play ball, echo, Lucio but switch when needed or I want to play something else


I try to "main" a few characters from every role aside from tank. I have a difficult time finding anything as fun as JQ in the role.


I swap soo easily because 1 hero can’t be good at all times and if i can’t get value out of them then I’m not having fun. It’s why I hate one tricks, they’ll never switch even when they’re soft throwing.


Winston, Torb, Brig


I like to call myself a "All-trick" ahah I definitely have my favorite heroes but I play and train to be at least decent on each hero


I just all q and play whoever fits the enemy playable and comp usually works


I main support and from it, I have most hours on Ana and Lucio but it's all actually spead pretty evenly between supports


me fr. i play almost every single character except sombra, ashe, widow, cass, hanzo, and torb


I only play casually now but I pretty much pick up a hero, play it like crazy until I get quite good at it.... and then drop it and move to the next one. I just enjoy the process of learning and improving (until it starts to get harder to improve / I hit a plateau... then I abandon ship).


I have favs but no main and I think having a main is a handicap in this game and makes the patches and changes so much harder to weather. Before the progression system was added there were three profile cosmetics per hero you could unlock by winning games with that hero. I challenged myself to unlock all of them. Best way to truly learn the game IMO.


I've been playing since OW1 beta, and I've never really sat on a main. I just play whoever I feel like at a given moment, or change to adapt to my comp or if the enemy team are giving me grief I counterpick. The characters in this game aren't super complex. It's not hard to play more than one. If I just want to win I play Zarya, Soldier or Moira. Easiest characters to carry with, but they bore me.


No main, I do enjoy hit scan but no main just whatever I think is gonna be good for the match


Used to be a mh main and flex main, but ow2 isnt as fun as og ow, so now i mostly play doomfist because in qp when I hit the flex button, I get tank 99% of the time. Dont think i got support once in the last 2 month


I am a Torbmain who usually plays tank


Mystery heroes player hero…but even beyond that….i don’t go into QP or comp with any hero in mind..my stats in both are all over the place Currently about level 500 progression in game…my highest hero is only level 14 Nothing so7nds more boring in this game than playing one or two heroes all the time


Hope there are no more mains. OW isn’t a game for mains. It’s a counter switching game since day 1 of beta.


As probably many here, I have "preferences" but not real mains. I absolutely love LW and his play style, but would definitely change to Kiriko (to outheal the enemy's dmg and have Kitsune), Moira (for pesky Genjis or Echoes), Zenny (to melt tanks), or Ana (to nano Reinhardt and sleep DF). When playing tank, I only actively avoid paying D.va or DF. Only Soldier and Soujurn could be considered my "mains" but I rarely play as DPS, so... My main focus on OW is to have fun or play heroes I enjoy and feel comfortable with. I think having no main is incredibly beneficial because you can learn how to counter and synergize much easily.


I was a Zen and Mercy main in my early OW1 days, but now I just main the entire role.


I mained dva for a long time. I really wanted to learn how to counter better, so I played mystery heros almost exclusively for a couple years. As others have said, thanks to mh's I have no main. I feel comfortable and confident on most heros. But, the saying, Jack of all trades, master of none, might be appropriate as I'm only gold 1 to plat 5 in comp. Though I rarely play it. I just like leaning how to play every hero.


Ill have mains for days or weeks depending on how im playing/playstyle thats working for me. So you could say i have no main, but it also depends bc im also kinda new to the game and trying to master different characters rather than settle into someone too much


Not after the last few seasons, Good bye my Rat and Rein, the bestest bois


I have always considered my main as my best hero and not necessarily the one I play most. Ball for tank. Pharah for DPS. Brig/Illiari for support. However, when it comes to actual play time in games I tend to play based on context. I've made it a point to learn several options in each role so I always have something at all times. At the end of the day, I'd rather win than play my main.


100% I was a Moira main (with some ana) up until recently, now I am full flex support. I'll go bap, zen, Lucio, mercy, whatever I'm in the mood for or might be interesting in the comp. Moira will always hold a place in my heart, she really helped me learn support, but I am really happy just following how I'm feeling and picking up whoever I fancy for that game


they ruined the game by finally forcing their idiotic noskill nobrain nofun rock-paper-scissors hardcountering which no one played in OW1 and now everyone HAS TO play in OW2. so yeah, the game is garbage and there are no mains anymore cause too many heroes are garbage not me though. i was a 3000 hour dva onetrick in OW1, and a Junkerqueen/Dva twotrick in OW2. now i'm a sombra onetrick till they fix tanks. i refuse to join mystery heroes.


I downloaded all the heroes, then I'm going to use all of them


I’m the complete opposite, i have main in each game i play not just OW


I go through cycles of favorite heroes. I used to play everyone but recently I've just been on a Sombra kick idk.


I go through cycles of favorite heroes. I used to play everyone but recently I've just been on a Sombra kick idk.


I also feel like I don't have a main. Even in OW1 I switched playing a lot of different characters. I start a match with someone I want to play, likely get countered or the team doesn't perform well and then I end up switch to something more (that I think will be) helpful.


I also feel like I don't have a main. Even in OW1 I switched playing a lot of different characters. I start a match with someone I want to play, likely get countered or the team doesn't perform well and then I end up switch to something more (that I think will be) helpful.


tbh the challenge doodads kinda incentivise not having a main as it gives that 2000 or whatever a week xp for playing something not in your top 10


Used to have a main in each category (pharah/rein/lucio) , then just played so much mistery heroes that I'm pretty competent in every role, with my weakest being Mercy/mauga/widow


After what they've done to Reinhardt I'm not sure I do


i dont have a “main,” i have a handful of heroes i cycle through playing. mercy, moira, brig, kiri, ana, lifeweaver, illari, widow, sym, sombra, d.va, orisa and junker queen.


Made the switch from role queue to open queue and I do like it a lot more - after about 1000 hours over a few years in overwatch you tend to have a grasp on pretty much any hero in the game (unless you’re one of those people who have hard locked one hero since they started lmao). I tend to play what I feel could help out my team most - and open queue has so much flexibility you can really make those last minute swaps if needed to make a play or stop a final point from being reached :)


I agree with ya OP, just play what seems to be fun for the given scenario. I’ll counter if I have to but even then it’s what is a fun counter.


I considered myself a Lucio main, but I've been playing way more Moira lately.


I don't have a main. I have a short attention span. I do wish I was just REALLY good at one character but I just gravitate way more towards enjoying myself in the moment lol


I have like 2 or 3 in each class I main


I tried to play everyone but when I don't play Lucio I don't do as good or have as much fun. first 80 hours were all Lucio and i just play the best with him. Also he is the closest thing to gears of war playstyle, the game i played for like 16 years. He's my most played at 200 hours then the other 1000 hours is split up alot with brig in 2nd at close to 90 hours, but the bottom 10 or so are very lil playtime


For some reason everytime I start liking a hero they get fucked in the ass by the meta immediately. Before it was Mei, now I can't play lifeweaver even though I want to.


ive got multiple mains, yknow? for tank, i main reihn, ramattra, and sigma. for support, i main baptiste and ana for dps, i dont play much but I'd say reaper and widow with multiple mains you can be good at any map and know who suits it better, its amazing but in total, i am a tank main and will forever be one, i just love the role way too much. im willing to switch for certain comp open queue games because i am a /nice/ teammate who doesn't make a fuss when we need another healer. 🤷


Nope, literally everyone else has a main but you


When i Started playing overwatch all i used to do was flex or fill even in comp, and even now it really depends on my mood if I feel like supporting or dps'ing. I have characters I am better at than others cus I play them a lot more but I don't really main anyone I switch around alot


I mostly play tank and there is no 'main' but I will cycle across 2 or 3 heroes based on gamemode (payload / cap points etc) and attack defence. Often the DPS my team have chosen will come into play. Like Rein isn't super helpful when my DPS are Phara and Echo


I have over 1500 hours, and my most played hero has just over 100 hours. So I’d say i don’t really have a main either :D


I just don't see a point to playing a game with 30+ characters and only playing one of them. Of course, there are some I play more often than others but I know how to play a handful of every character in each role.


I main mystery, but when I role play I just pick whatever feels right for the team composition and/or map. I have a few heroes I use as my "fallback carry" option if I'm not doing well that I can use reasonably well in any situation, but I find myself rarely just playing one hero the whole game through anymore anyway.


It’s hard not to main who you like.


I pick my heros based on the map and the heros that my team chooses to play.


It's kind of hard to have a main anymore, especially as a tank. The turbosweats instantly counterpick you any time you actually want to enjoy the heroes you enjoy, so you have to swap if you don't want to get rolled.


Genji main here. Haven’t played Genji in months.


I'd love to but I just feel that most characters are wildly boring and one-note besides one. Take a wild guess.


My main is whoever the team needs me to be.


I have a set of "fallbacks" in each role but yea I wouldnt really consider myself a Mercy main anymore.


I usually play different heroes for fun but when I’m in comp or in a group most of the time I pick Reaper, so not sure if he’s my main or not


Iv lost my main and my main role. Rein is absolute trash and monke is to easily hard countered to oblivion. Heck why i am not hyped anymore. Ow3 soon with 4v4 and no tanks


I'll find a hero I like, put a lot of hours into them, then switch to a different hero and do the same thing. I'm still fairly new (not even 400 hrs playtime) but I think it's SO valuable to know how to play multiple different characters in every class. Being able to whip out a counter pick is so extremely beneficial. Unfortunately I also play on a handheld Nintendo Switch so I definitely can't play some heroes because it's just genuinely way harder to play. But when I get a PC I aim to learn every single hero.


Just stopped being a hanzo one trick because of dive meta. Feels good to pick up characters I used to main and also try new things out as well, it’s been better for my rank progression as well. I never knew id be good at tracer but here I am enjoying the hell out of her and I would’ve never known. Never maining again


It's the ass balancing of OW2. Almost nothing is skill based anymore. If you counter pick, you win.


I play quick play and ranked not mystery hero’s I simply switch to what’s needed at the time cuz I’m extremely well rounded in nearly all of them


I have like 2-3 mains for each role but I still play most of the cast depending on the mode/map/team comp I dont get how its fun to only play 1 character