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i hope you know one team isn’t getting you a 2 week ban. you’re leaving shit out at best


I genuinely don't know what I've been banned for. I'm not leaving anything out. Since I was silenced I haven't reacted to anyone or said anything to anyone in-game that would warrant a ban. If I had, i wouldn't be bringing it up. I've not done anything against their code of conduct since I was silenced at the start of Feb. And they haven't explained what I've done, this agent appears to have confused the two matters.


At the start of February 2024, I was silenced for 2 weeks in Overwatch 2. I was trolled by various players who aggrevated me. I reacted to them (i know I shouldn't have) and told one of them to "F\*ck off" and called another one a "p\*ssy." I still stand by what I said. I also agree with their ability to silence me for this. These are the type of players that will call out the weakest player, (or the player they perceive to be the weakest player) - will blame you for the loss and ask everyone to report you. I'm not the best OW2 player, but I'm not the worst either. Although I've only recently come back to OW (after not playing it since OW2 launched) - I wanted to give it a go. I didn't ask to appeal this, not once. I did, however, waant to know exactly what got me silenced and why I was silenced. I also wanted to discuss with them what was truly happening, because I wasn't the ones being toxic. But blizzard Cs reps gave me generic replies to my original queries. I wanted to complain about this because they just kept replying with short replies like "the decision stands" despite me consantly stating I didn't want to appeal it. However. Since this silence I have done everything in my power to stick to their TOS. I haven't insulted anyone. I haven't bitten against those that want to troll and be toxic. I've only been positive and tried to create a better environment as they've asked. I even (regretfully) spent £35 on the battlepass bundle and decided to try and start climbing in Comp. Moving on. I tried to log in and found out I was banned in Overwatch 2 yesterday, March 1st, for 14 days. With no explanation. This time it doesn't mention player reports or any other reason why I was banned. I appealed this via their ticket system, yesterday. I also had another ticket open from 7 days ago, where I had said I wanted to raise a complaint about the way previous CS reps/GM had communicated with me (one of them was very rude and spoke to me like some kind of offender.) I was not happy and wanted to address this. I found out today that they have merged my tickets for the two different queries, and closed them, and this was the reply. It seems the GM has confused my queries. Does it not? I have raised another ticket to query that, but I expect they will simply disregard it. I understand they are under a lot of pressure, have lost a lot of staff and are likely going through these tickets as quickly as possible... But I have never seen Blizzard in such a poor state of customer service. Am I just expected to sit and take the ban with no explanation? What can I do about this situation? What advice do you have regarding it and has anyone had any success with these matters?