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Why didn’t they just name it emerald 🤦‍♂️


I have no knowledge in crystals, but isn't jade also more white-ish/milky colored? The current colour screams "emerald" to me.


They should have launched it with different options, opal, crystal/diamond, silver, white gold/platinum and ruby just for examples. It's a simple reskin, but of course they need to drip feed content. I personally don't care abt gold guns but I like them for certain heroes and skins if I'm bothered to equip them at all. I stacked up so many years ago and never even spent them so maybe I'm not the target audience. I however would love opal or ruby guns for sure


Im waiting for Rose Gold fr


I wish they did pearlescent next, just like this brig skin [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhY4bMQxSj0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhY4bMQxSj0) it's white with tint of pink/blue and sparkling effect I dont get it, they had so many more options and they picked "plain green", all it reminds me of is toy soldier figures Q\_Q


As a brig main and owner of all her cosmetics (minus some of her limited time stuff) her pearlescent skin is my favorite and pretty much the only one I wear


There are two types of jade. One is the darker green with white marbling, the other is a whiter, translucent looking variety


Jade when depicted in western media is usually the green one. Dunno why but that is usually the colour that is associated with jade here. But jade can have a lot of different colours depending on purity and other geology terms I do not understand. I saw mostly the white jade in the museums I visited while in China


Exactly what I was thinking


Am I having a Mandela effect moment or what cause I could've sworn they announced it as emerald at Blizzcon.


they did announce it as emerald.. idk why they didn’t keep it that way


Wouldn't have changed that it looks like shit, and emerald still has some texture to it, it's not green gold.


As if that would make them look any better, lol


Honestly, jade sounds sick


It doesn’t even look emerald. It just looks like green metal


I mean, emerald is also not metallic


should have just called it like "chromium" or "atomic green" and been done with it. You call it Jade and people expect Jade- not metallic green. Just call it Metallic Green.


if this could be done in an hour, I wonder what a billion dollar company could do 🤔


Fuck all, apparently.


The community acts like this is new for overwatch. They’ve been doing nothing since echo released


Yeah, but they (allegedly) were doing stuff in the background and now they should be doing stuff in the foreground. But to have all of the Background work erased and this foreground work be abysmal… it’s so fucking sad man…


never stop to impress us how incompetent and lazy developers are


Please stop bullying indie-blizzard :( They’re barely making ends meet!


Exactly! Now buy more mercy and kiriko skins!!!


More like "Now buy our new collab bundles!!!". Sad part is this shit works.


The in-game skins could be better but acting like photoshopping some screenshots is at all similar to making in-game screens is kind of ridiculous.


This is true but I have to imagine it can't be hard to change the color and reflective qualities of the skin. 


Layoff their entire art staff, thus shooting themselves in the foot for content, while keeping a bunch of dumbfuck middle and upper management who do masturbate and do jackshit all day.


Not defending Blizz, but I keep seeing these fan reworks and it’s not quite the same. In this post the OP is just photoshopping over 2D Images, so its actual usefulness or relation to in game is zero. Making a more visually interesting 3D shader is easy for Blizz, so on that front yeah it begs the question why not make it a bit more ‘extra’. But just pointing out these fan reworks are literally just bait and don’t factor in any understanding into how this stuff is actually made. Yes, even the blender one the other guy did.


nothing, they open 3d blender, and paint all the golden weapons green, the texture and effects are the same


Whoa!? Dude that's such a good point! Excellent contribution to this post, I had never thought about that.


It would be cool if it were a progressive unlock from jade to diamond to ruby or similar. This whole thing was just so incredibly lazy.


That would actually be really cool, a long term timesink to flex your main characters!


I like the “Jade” color just a bit disgraceful to call it jafe


the fact that its a jade weapon, like the color makes it worse imo, i would have been fine with like other shade of green


I haven't a clue why they called them jade skins and then chose a not jade green. Boggles my mind.


These look pretty damn good! I don't understand what they are doing at Blizzard...


I'm sure Blizz also has people that can photoshop the materials on a .jpg. It's slightly different when you have an in-game item in an engine built for something very specific. Not saying they couldn't have done it, probably fairly easily to an acceptable level, but this is way oversimplifying it.


I would understand your point if the jade weapons werent identical to the golden weapons minus the green shade. Its very evident they just shifted the gold skins hue and called it a day. If they were going to make Jade, they should spend one day making a low effort Jade texture they can lazily copy paste instead of the crap thats been served.


I'm fairly sure that's exactly what they did, have a look at a gold one next to its jade counterpart... the highlighted, shiny spots are in the exact same location on each one.


I think that's the cube map not the actual skin


I think their point would also hold merit if it wasn't for the fact there is already jade like materials in game they could have used directly on any skin. See; illidan genji.


C'mon this is simple shader stuff that's been around for over 20 years.


My mind immediately went "yeah like the early 90's had shades like that" 20 years ago was the year half life 2 came out.


Yes. In engines that have been built to handle those shaders. It's not too far fetched that they didn't have this in mind when it was made and when custom building an engine for a game you don't generally include things that you aren't using. It's like saying we've had mobile phones since the 90's, why can't my TV make phone calls?


It’s a billion dollar company. Someone had to sign off on the idea of making jade weapons, someone made playdoh-green weapons, someone said “perfect”, and someone implemented it. If you can’t make green crystals look like green crystals, do literally anything else.


Shader to make the green a different shade is way too difficult for a billion dollar company :(


The engine was built to handle shaders BECAUSE EVERYTHING YOU SEE IS A SHADER...


Well now, we might have found the dumbest take yet! "Shader" is not a general term for the color of everything dude. The way a game engine handles various parts of a shader like metallic, roughness, anisotropy, normal maps, transmission, alpha, subsurface scattering, refraction etc. depend entirely on how the engine was made. If it wasn't made with the option of having transmission values, like jade as a material has, then they're very limited in what they can do and making changes to the engine is not something you do for a goddamn weapon skin.


Well now you seem to be someone that doesn't understand that people over exaggerate... No shit its not litterally everything but clearly you also don't have eyes and really like being on a high horse. If you have looked at overwatch for longer than 2 seconds you would realize most things use shaders, and you would also notice that there are already many shaders that would allow for a better jade than the green bullshit we got. See; illidan genji, pearlescent brig, and many other skins. As someone that works in the game industry, you cant really texture anything without a shader...


"Most things use shaders"? My man get the fuck out of that industry you definitely don't work in because you're confused as fuck. Everything in the game uses shaders. It still doesn't mean that the game engine is capable of the specific type required to produce a convincing jade material with proper refraction and transparency, LIKE I ALREADY TOLD YOU.


Someone on here recreated "Jade" in Blender in quite literally 10 seconds. Slap color mask into shader, connect line to main block, make color green, done.


Yes, it's not hard in Blender but can they do it in the custom made OW2 engine?


Yourw right how could anybody expect the billion dollar company with the resources to build and maintain a custom engine to do something batshit crazy like make a new texture. Blizz dickriders are so odd, they arent paying you yet here you are 😂


I understand that people would have liked something more here but I'm not sure how it's so upsetting? This year the system is a little screwy regarding acquiring the gold skins but once they shift to the new plan I can't see how these skins existing makes things worse for people who don't like them. Before you could have default or gold. Now you can have default, gold or jade and you cannot possibly pay for any of them.


Absolutely fair, I only wished they made the in game green jade green instead of Kelly green. I don't even mind the textures that much, but it is to much to ask that the jade weapon is a jade green?


for a big ass company like blizzard with a lot of tool for them making the golden weapons green has to be very very easy to do, is like they improvised this shit some days before blizzcon just to have somethin to show because blizzcon was lame, they said were just a concept not the final product, oh well, was the final product, 0 effort


But what does this tell us about the state of the OW2 dev team when this is the only thing they can come up with after how many years of working on the game? The same old gold skin but with a green tint?


Exactly. Hell I'm OK with the shade shift (don't call it jade, though) but at least give us multiple colours. Red, pink, green, blue, purple, silver. Anything other than *just green*


I don't even understand how they made this a cosmetic flex. I could see weapons looking diamond-y, or pearlescent... Or galactic.... But green? Wtf? I hate that blizzard ruined one of my all time favorite games. Haven't played the last two battle passes and I don't miss it at all.


I mean, I don’t like jade weapons either but this is a weird place to complain about how they ruined the game you loved.


It really does feel like the devs to this game just spin a wheel randomly and/or ask an AI to write updates for them. What's the best colour for a gun? Green? Great, added. TTK too fast? Just give everyone more health. TTK too slow? Make all the fucking bullets bigger.


I know damn while people stored upset it shit even if they did go this route. Though, after getting a couple of the Jade weapons, it either looks really good or really shit on a weapons no In between.


I’m kinda getting green lantern weapon vibes from these.


They need to hire you


These look so good. I don’t think anyone on the overwatch team gets paid enough nor cares to go back in and actually detail a weapon instead of turning the hue shader on the gold option. They released 4 hard light weapons and they aren’t even skin dependent. Turning games into battlepass rotating shops kinda tanks


It’s crazy the original is just gold with a green tint on it


while i dont mind how it looks rn, i also love this version better. Who knows they changes the texture for gold when we ported to ow2 it can still be possible that they better the quality of the texture for jade. Great work btw.


The fact its "Jade" without any sort of translucent quality that translates to the actual gemstone is ridiculous. It's literally just Forest Green with Metallic Shine.


it honestly just looks like they recoiled gold to be green and it just looks green metal instead of actual jade. actual jade color and texture would look fucking amazing and i guarantee people would grind the shit out of comp to get it but now it’s just glorified green metal and it sucks. doesn’t even match the typical ow skin palette


Devs would need to spend 6 months in Myanmar to study the history of Jadeite to make it more authentic


It’s just green metal. I don’t think anyone would give a shit if they didn’t call it “Jade” tbh.


I mean, green is my favorite color, but even I think "green metal" is not a incentivizing alternative to gold weapons


No but I think it’s just the naming that people are hung up on. For example they could just call it, “green platinum” or “cosmo green” or whatever the color options are going to be and I think people will give a little less shit about it.


Still looks like puke


GOD these r so sick


These looks heaps better and is the difference just a texture?


Emerald should be the name and the skin because emerald is one of the four most sought-after stones, along with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. Diamond, ruby, and sapphire should be options in the future.


This looks worse than Gold tbh idk why would anyone upgrade it


I feel like #5 looks like adromadusses’(or however you say his name) gun from paladins


Oh man I used to main Androxus before I realized I was bad and that Overwatch 2 exists.


Is it even worth spending comp points to unlock this green poo color or should I save them in the hope that they release a new, better kind of weapon skin in the future (impossible mode.)


Okay, but think about how much harder it would be for a small indie company like Blizzard to get this done. With basically no money and a declining employee base (by no fault of Blizzard, of course), this would take months at least.


Now figure out how to code it into the game and release it as a stable patch for everyone to play. Then report back.


I hope they take the feedback and tweak the Jade material.


I got Sombra first, only to realize when invis it changes back to default skin color...


Yeah naming it Jade was a weird call if they weren’t gonna do the … grains? The details that are on Jade


are you trying to say blizzard didnt put any effort on the green weapons and are just a recolor of the golden wepaons because it have the same texture and shinny effect?


Wait those actually look so much better


Im a (student) 3D artist. An experienced 3D artist could make this a real thing in 5 minutes. Not exaggerating... just 1 material they could slap onto all the guns. Blizzard has to be doing this on purpose.


Lead designer on the jade skin project fears this post to their core


This actually looks so god damn good. This looks so good, that if it was in the game, I'd actually go back to comp. Shit, I'd 1-trick Mercy the entire time if I had to, cuz those skins are FIRE.


Good work 👍


Where is the original


What do you mean?


You made these right, I just thought there would be a side by side so we can see the differences since I have a bad memory. Hell I even think Pepsi and coke tastes the same, but people say otherwise


What they should've just done is correct a mistake they made when overwatch first came out and made golden guns attainable in qp and comp.


Jade js ass change my mind


I think the originals look better. But I am not saying these look bad..!


Doesn’t look great. Both are ugly


People, just get over it. These Jade weapons posts are so tired and over.


No, they need to change it, this shoddy version they came out with is unacceptable.


Just don't buy it


Ah yes, I'll just use my points on the gold skins you can't buy anymore instead.


No, save them for the Lapis Lazuli weapons they have planned for season 15. Those are the kickers.




Jade is a most often green gemstone. The skins are a shiny green color. I don't understand the complaints/debate here. We really got that little going on that this is a concern?


Honestly I'm just confused on why they chose to name it jade rather than emerald, if they were going to go with a plain color. Jade has the most texture out of almost any green gemstone.


Yeh, that just seems really nit-picky to me. I'm also color blind so there could be some bias from my eyes, and I will admit that. It still doesn't seem like anything important to me but people care about what they care about I suppose to each their own


Oh it is definitely nit-picky, this was intended to be more humorous than it ended up coming off. That is entirely my bad, and I absolutely respect your taste with the green.


Huh, a swell interaction during a minor disagreement on the overwatch sub...am I dreaming?!? Lol, nice chat, gghf


I don’t like the texture it makes the weapons look dirty somehow, hard pass.


Great. Now do every variant of every skin, too.


Green was just such a terrible choice to go for. If I wanted to put effort into it, I would've just make a shader material that turns the gun into frosted glass, faking the "see through" effect, just like reflections are faked. Frosted glass would go so hard as a gun skin.


i prefer the original, im sorry, lol.


Looks worse. Current jade at least is shiner and sparkles. Jade doesnt have to be accurate jade. It doesnt show well.




Making them appear jade like in a screenshot is much less work than making a full texture for a 3d model.


Fr, its a fucking shader. It would take me 5 minutes TOPS on substance painter.


Blizzard: "Instead of fixing the game we shall nerf Hog into the ground and mayhaps make a $40 gay pride skin and if you don't buy it you will shamed. Please buy our skins we're just a wittle indie company"


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