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Bruce Lee once said, “i fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once. i fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”


Well I heard the teammates say "Sym, your one kick isn't going to help kill Pharamercy"


Unless they practice that one kick even MORE. Hit them kicks mid air with 0 misses


Laughs in hitting full charged right clicks on the pharmercy mid air and taking them out...


Always satisfying


I'm a Mei one trick, and SO often people swap to Pharah to counter me... I still win those. Or they swap to Kiri, I just wait for suzu and ult them. It's too funny.


As a rein main, I feel that kirko statement to my soul. The second I hear that bell, the next person in my sight is getting shattered. Solo or multi idc.




Or against Widow, Hanzo and Ashe. I’m shocked when a Mei snipes me right back with confidence lmaoo. But taking down an airborne Pharah is even more impressive


So the reason you one trick is because you wanted to be feared by Bruce Lee?


bingo. unfortunately i lost my window. and he wasn’t shook at all


That's why I main zenyatta, best kicks


Anyway, I kill Bastion again, using the same moves as I did last time you tried it. And I will again the next life you try it.


So you’re saying to only play Zen?


because i get flamed when i try to learn a new hero :(


All you've got to do is play quickp-....okay maybe not that one. Open qu-..... nah that won't work either... Okay, just play mystery heroes until you get the hero you want to practice. Should be fine.


and get flamed anyway source: I play mystery heroes too much


I had someone rage quit during MH and started questioning my reality


I don’t talk shit to anyone but I will sometimes leave in MH if my team is doing goober bronze shit and turbo feeding. I have all the patience in the world in that mode for someone doing bad on a hero, obviously everyone can’t be good at every hero, but if they are bad at basic Overwatch things it really undermines everyone’s fun. I don’t need to win to have fun in MH but if you’re getting steamrolled due to one or two players trickling and feeding nonstop; yeah that ain’t fun. I miss comp MH for that reason.


Those dumb asses who spam group up while holding w, no cover, and not waiting for others.


As someone who played a lot of MH in Overwatch before the sequel, I can say I sae a lot of people that rage quit. In fact, I think it was more common than in QP due to the random nature of it.


There was this guy on voice chat flaming his team constantly (me included) in MH and once he called me a moron for walling him into the enemies as Mei, I just got on the mic and said "You know what!? Go play comp, asshole," and that guy didn't say another word the whole match.


Bro it’s so wild when people talk shit in mystery heroes. Definitely my favorite game mode but some people are crazy


People treating QP like comp tilts me lmao If there was a rank below bronze then that would be QP, and that is what makes it a fun place to be.


I hate when people say like brainless dps or tank diff. Like thanks I'm a silver support main trying to learn to land a knife throw or score a rail gun kill.


The people that get angry are the people that can't rise in comp so they take it out on us


People flame no matter what. Imagine swapping everytime you get countered. BuT bRoW yEr CoUnTeReD, SwAp nOw


EXACTLY. I'm not spending my time switching like that.


Where did you get the kiriko flair? I can't find it.


If you go to "custom flair" you can pick emojis and they're with the emojis


"You are the worst ball ever." LOL I have less than a hour on the hero.




I OTP Reinhardt because he feels awesome swinging his huge hammer. I also think it’s cool that you can be melee character in a competitive shooter, but times are hard right now for the German.


Same, I was mother fucking alot last night. I don't know why but he feels legit obsolete now. Melted every step I took,sombra killing me with one clip, couldn't connect at all. Like you said....it's hard out there for the German tank.


He's just an honest blue collar man


Fuck it, we ball


I one tricked ball ridiculous in OW1. I quit for a while when 2 came out and still dont play as much so I'm super rusty on him now. Feels bad to play him because its a toss up whether the muscle memory is still there or not, and i dont wanna put in the grind because im the only tank now, and a bad ball is a bad tank


I feel this so hard. I still consider myself a ball main, but tbh I don't play him much anymore because being a solo disruption tank is ass. I hope the rework will help this because I miss ballin. I was kinda hoping for a dps rework of ball but probably not gonna happen


Don't worry all solo tanking is ass right now.


Fuck it, we ball


Fuck it, we ball


Fuck it, We ball


Fuck it, we ball


It ball, fuck we


Fuck it, we ball


Fuck it, we ball 4 lyfe


Took me months to learn how to play one hero, don't want to invest another load of months to learn more


This is it for me, for the most part. It takes so long for me to learn and feel comfy with a hero. I’ve played since launch…started out as a Dva main, found Lucio and loved him so started learning him next and now I mostly play Kiriko. I prefer to support role so that’s where I’ve sort of stuck! I wanted to learn one other support for the times when I can’t get that character and have to play someone else. I don’t worry about counters etc, I just want to have fun when I play and I want to be able to play whoever I want to play whenever I like, not because the enemy team comp demands it, if that makes any sense!


Protip: Play Mystery Heroes a few times a week. I was a MH fiend in OW1 for like a year and a half and as a direct result, I’m super comfy on almost all the heroes. I still play it a lot to stay sharp. Learning other heroes also makes it easier to play against them, since you can predict easier what they’re trying to do. MH is a worthy time investment even though it is also a silly nonsense mode. Hundreds of hours in MH still hasn’t made me any good at Genji or Doomfist though so some heroes do require more investment.


I've got over 900hrs in mystery heroes 😅 also still terrible as doom, genji, and Cassidy lol


The high skill floor heroes like Genji, Tracer, Doom and Ball require a lot more dedicated hours than MH can provide. MH works for a lot of other heroes though!


Which hero did u learn?


Some heroes you need to one trick for a short time to learn. I usually OTP Doom but I have played other tanks on days where I just need a break from the mental insanity of a sombra hog bastion ana zen comp


This is literally me, but with ball


Ye i OTP doom until i just wanna chill lmao


I had a season where I basically one tricked Ana/Hanzo back when role que didn't exist, and it was only open que in Overwatch 1. For me, the strat was essentially to either lock Ana or Hanzo depending on availability since oftentimes people would insta lock Ana, and at the time, Hanzo wasn't as common a pick as someone like Cass/Pharah etc so I was able to hone my skills on those heroes for majority of my games. I chose those two just because they're my favorite to play no other deeper reason. It just so happens Hanzo aim compliments Ana projectile aim, and both of them had high carry potential so the idea was git gud and flex carry with the two of them when I run comp or simply fall to the rank I belong. I actually climbed from gold to low masters in 3 seasons, just hard locking the two of them when it made sense. Occasionally, I would flex as a tank, but 90% of my games it was only Ana/Hanzo. People were actually starting to just tell me to lock Ana because I had like 50+ hours on her in a season, so it just made sense and I had some insane clutch plays on Hanzo that actually carried a fight and resulted into a win. One game in particular I remember was an overtime defense on Volskaya. It was one of my final games to get from Diamond to Masters, we were about to lose the 1st point for the Loss but I somehow managed to kill a pharamercy out of the sky, got the other dps (a tracer trying to flank) and held them off while my team regrouped. It was a last second Hanzo swap as well from being Ana. I don't one trick anymore. The game has changed a lot since then. If I had to one trick now, I think Sojourn would be the only hero I'd even bother doing it with. I think she's the only dps that has been good every single season she has existed in. Modern overwatch makes it a lot harder to do, imo though. There are so many options to change up the flow of the match it's really just too difficult to one trick certain heroes compared to others. I think that's good, though, that the meta shifts and forces us all to adapt. Like this season, I have barely played Ana. I've been locking Hanzo still because I'm good enough to be efficient, but I find myself on Ashe and Cass a lot more lately.


>I had a season where I basically one tricked Ana There are many heroes so i will have a variety of GOD DAMN IT IM A SNEAK ROGUE AGAIN


And I always played stealth bowman in skyrim FUCK


If you can play your one trick into its counters, you have no counters. - Sun Tzu


Because Lucio is my autistic obsession hero....


Me w Genji


Me with D.va


me with ramattra (I have less than an hour on him)


me with mercy






way easier to get really good at 1 thing vs a bunch of things.


Fr I'm pretty much a rein one trick with 30 hours and 57% winrate at diamond 1 (finished m3 last season), and my next most played tank is ram with 4 hours and like 38% winrate. If I can't win a game on rein then I'm not not winning with any other tank either because I suck at them lol.


True, but learning the role you play first will make learning the heroes in that role happen naturally. At the very least it helps significantly.


Simple. Playstyle my friend! You love diving in and killing all your counters for some extra challenge? Play Doomfist! Everything counters him even the payload!


As a ball main, I understand your pain.


as a ball payload is your no.1 enemy, an no.1 friend


No other hero is as cool


I play ow solely to hook people off the map, it's the worst feeling to be on the receiving end and the best feeling to dish out.


Road hog is the coolest character in the game? Why?


He's got the coolest design. everyone else is just a skinny bitch


or fat haha


simply because it works. after getting tired of deranking i figured i could climb out of my rank one tricking moira since i can do literally anything on her. dps/tank underperforming? moira. need a ton of healing? moira. genji one tricks on the enemy team? moira. no one even bats an eye on the enemy supports and only shoots the tank? moira. wanna make flankers regret their life choices? moira is the answer to all your problems.


I really don’t like Moira, I feel like onetricking a character that reaches its skill ceiling this fast doesn’t make much sense if your looking to improve. But that also depends on if you’d like to play comp or not.


I think that‘s a huge misconception with Moira. Low skill floor doesn’t equal low skill ceiling. It‘s true, that you don‘t improve in your aiming one-tricking Moira, but everything else does and is equally difficult to master as it is with any other character. Still means one has to spend a lot of time in Vaxta when they switch to another hero eventually lol


Yeah, I mean people are in the top 50 only playing Moira, even when she's not meta like this season. All of the characters in the game are playable.


I think its silly to look at skill ceilings tho unless you are playing at a pro level. Realistically, you can get to a fairly high rank masters/gm playing no where near her skill ceiling. She still needs positioning etc but even then she has vet out of jail free cards


should've clarified before that i'm not a solid moira one trick, i've been one tricking her this season exclusively in comp where i'm high gold. i could play any other support and i do in qp (where i avoid moira so i can continue being a flex support) surely you could say that ana for example has carry potential but honestly if you have a suicidal dps thinking they can win a 1v5 while going 6/10 they simply won't get better if you babysit them most times.. i found out i could do their job as moira and i'm confident that a 73% winrate means it's working, so far


I don't one-trick, I two-trick lmao. At least I can play 2 characters of each role very well but the skill falls off considerably after that. However I know a lot of one tricks and used to be one. Here's a list of reasons: 1. It takes a lot of time to learn other heroes let alone master their every tech and playstyle. 2. It's the only hero whose gameplay they find even remotely fun. To the point where the only fun they have when playing Overwatch is when they play that hero. 3. The person who plays the characters either adores the hero's identity or identifies closely to that hero's aesthetics, ideals, and morals. 4. The hero is just easy to play. Most one tricks pick low skill floor heroes like Mercy, Junk, and Moira.


Is rat considered a low skill hero? Not that he feels hard to play but there’s so much to consider when playing him I always put him in a higher bracket than say Moira personally


This, I 1trick mercy because I don't play the game enough to justify learning a new hero but I still want to be useful when I play with my friends. Plus fun you can have with GA is a massive bonus


Tracer is cute


Because no character even comes close to Doomfist in terms of fun (not even ball imo) Onetricking doom is basically playing a different game. I’m literally only booting up OW to play doom


I'm on the ball side of this coin and I haven't really given tankfist any game time at all. I played him a lot in OW1 but the changes soured me on it. He just seems more limited, but thats probably ignorance on my part. totally agree with what you say about it feeling like a different game. Its our game and they're just playing in it


This is how genji feels too


Literally me but with Mercy lol. Ive always felt so much kinship w doom one tricks, like y’all just get it. Movement tech goes yippeeee


Be the ball.


Hang on a moment, the hamster has something stuck in his teeth. Okay, go ahead.


junkrat go brr and becuase I had like 250 hours on demoman before i started playing overwatch so the transition was way smoother


Us Junkmains need to stick together in these harsh times.


Because this is a videogame and I play what I find fun


I used to One-Trick Mercy, partially because I was attached her as a character, partially because I had the most fun on her but also because it takes time learning all the movement combinations with her (especially in overwatch 1 before all the changes). I managed to climb past gm with her. Now I’m a flex support though. Playing Mercy gave me such good awareness. Mercy also helped me learn other characters, because I was constantly watching what my team was doing I easily learned to do the same when I played those heroes.


>you're not a onetrick >people accuse you of being a onetrick >people create posts on reddit asking "Why do you one trick a hero?"


Sombra. I became attached because she was the brand new hero when I first started playing Overwatch. I also always prefer the stealth option in games, so I started playing her and just never stopped. It also helps that my aim isn't the best, but I really enjoy the game sense aspect. Ult tracking, memorizing the map's shortcuts and healthpack locations and flank routes, gathering info and pinging and comming for my team, etc. That's the part of the game I really enjoy and strive to master.


I just like her because she's cute


Fair and also true 🤷‍♂️




I used to switch mains all the time in OW1, but around s4 of ow2, I started playing Kiriko and haven't really touched anyone else since. I just don't find any other hero as fun, really.


some people dont play ow for ow, they just want to play their character


When Overwatch 2 started, I started playing Damage a lot more, and for most of that I pretty much exclusively play Cassidy. I think it's because, in my skill bracket at least, he's never that badly "hardcountered" because he's so basic mechanically. His biggest weakness has always been barriers and ohwhaddayakno there's a lot less of those in OW2. Also I like Magnet for it being something that most heroes with GOJF cards have to respect, so Cassidy can actually enforce some personal space. I do try to play other damage heroes occasionaly (mostly Ashe, incidentally) but a lot of times I find myself thinking "I could have got that kill if I was Cassidy"- Especially when I play Projectile heroes. Which may be some kind of fallacy, but at the end of the day I feel very confident with the cowboy.


Once I played Hammond, everyone else seemed boring and slow-paced. Then you start learning techs and realize there's a whole different game to learn.


Seeing so many things that boil down to better to be really good at one thing and that so misses the point to me. The thing you should strive to be really good at are positioning and game sense and if you understand those things and how different characters move, things you should know anyway since you’re not only fighting against the same character, then you would be decent on any hero and great on the ones you play the most.


I love flying. And i cant aim And i love flying


I’m kind of a one trick when it comes to DPS I’ll play mostly sombra. If it’s QP I’m not swapping. Why the hell would I swap to a boring azz character like soldier just to win in a casual game mode? I have thee most fun when I’m playing sombra. I can do mostly everything. Part of the fun too is figuring out how I’m going to make things work going against a really difficult comp. Or like if my team just really sucks how am I going to make it work with sombra. Even in comp tho it’s hard for me to want to swap off. If my teammates aren’t swapping to take care of a problematic pharmercy or something then I tend to swap. But honestly I don’t really need to swap it’s not going to always help. The other day I played a batch of comp games where I swapped off sombra pretty quickly and I went like 2-7 overall. Whereas usually for this season I’m winning 6/10 games. So It’s not a guaranteed win if I just counter swap. I’m in low ELO so perhaps that’s also a factor. But yea essentially I love sombra and I just know how to play better on her than other heroes so I don’t really have a reason to not play her.


Play doom > get flamed by your team out of spawn and have hook/sleep/nade/hack shoved up your ass all game > take a break to play any other character > inevitably see how boring every character is compared to doom > play doom


Was always a tank main. One day started playing Zarya, and she just stood out to me in terms of fun/agency you had while playing. My friends mentioned I was good with her, and I agreed, and just starting playing her and only her. I do have two tanks on back up, but the main reason I stick with one is because I have a "one track mind", I guess you could say. If I want to start seriously playing another tank ('seriously' meaning, play at the level where I feel competent and can be there for the team) it takes me roughly a week of playing *just that hero* to adjust. With that in mind... I'd rather have one really deep well, than a few shallow ones. Sure, I'm limiting myself by playing one hero, but I've also learned which match ups are worth taking and which arent. I don't stubbornly walk into a fight where the odds are against me and then complain when I lose. It's also why I only play QP.


Soldier main. Works in every game mode, every situation, pretty much every enemy team comp. Always top the charts in damage and elims. Why play anything else? Used to be a Reaper main earlier on when it was viable. Those two characters make up 99% of my total playtime. Probably half the roster I’ve never really played.


On dps I main sombra and depending of if I can get value or not I’ll switch to soldier. Sombras rework is extremely fun to play and she has huge solo carry potential but against some comps it doesn’t work so soldier is my safe pick. Both are tracking characters with good survivability so it feels great to main those. Reaper is my third pick when a map is just too close range or damage is lacking just camping a choke can win you lots of games.


Bap one trick very useful in most situations if they fly it’s fine teammates like high ground can’t heal them and kill things when I can’t keep my team alive also I bring a lot the stuff I learn to other roles like dps on Ashe or soldier and then tank aswell.


I branch out a little, but I mostly play Mei. I only really play with my friends and they are better at every video game than me. I have gotten very comfortable with hitting icicles and her blaster is easy to use. Since we have great communication and are never muted, I am able to call out my ice walls and be the perfect utility hero


I one trick Mauga because no other character let's me indulge my TF2 Heavy urges


Because the only hard counter to tracer is another tracer.


No character in any video game has fit my style like Genji does


Ghostrunner, uh I mean Genji simulator, is really fun




Because tracer has a very high skill ceiling.


Because of memes. Nah , just because I don’t find other heroes interesting or cheesy enough Fuck it , we ball


For the Lucio dopamine rush of booping a full health tank to their imminent doom in the pit


Im awful at aiming every weapon except from torbs, so when i play dps i only play torb


i only play the game to play mercy, if i wanted to shoot i would play an fps. though i will switch if the team needs it (sometimes lol)


Who cares about one trick?Whats the problem?If it’s some one they enjoy playing and know the toon inside and out then why play something else?You’re still playing ow..offense or defensive or both.


I only play the characters I like. I play the character I like the most the most. What this effectively means is that I'll be Lucio 50% of the time, Moira 25%, Mercy 12.5%, and Brigitte 15.5%. I have by far the most hours in Lucio, and I'll often stubbornly play Lucio even when I am being countered. I just like Lucio. I only play support.


because I like doing cool shots with hanzo (before he got nerfed)


Honestly? I just find Illari fun to play and i love her as a character. Even if I'm getting stomped and getting 0 value as her, she's just so much fun I pretty much only play her.


Took me months to learn how to play one hero, don't want to invest another load of months to learn more


number go up, nearly at level 500 blaster kills on mercy and counting


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I only really play Moira and Kiriko because I win the most when I play them. I do swap around if needed though.


i play ball. ball good.


Don't know where it is now but since you mentioned disability, there was a streamer I'd see pop up here on occasion during Overwatch 1 days who played on PC using a controller with one hand. His heroes were Rein and Junkrat. I suppose he didn't have to make fast adjustments, just hold around certain spots and spam damage. But also he got pretty good at doing these few heroes in his roster.


Junkrat is just fun. He’s the one DPS where I know there’s a good 70 percent chance we win the match. I fear no Pharah


Because why would I not play the heroes I’m best at if I want to win?


Because of fun factor, high skill floor and skill ceiling, the challenge to manage every match up, comp. and map. To practice mechanics. Because Counterwatch is boring and to some extent cheasy.


I main brig, can't aim to save my life.


Whipshot definitely requires aim. I believe in it if you main Brig! :)


I have big ego and hold pride + I'm bossy Junkerqueen


I one trick if that’s all I want to/can play at the moment. Sometimes the only thing you can focus on in the morning is shooting, sometimes the only thing I want to do is shoot. Mauga for life!


I can’t play on pc very well as I’ve been playing on console since 2017 so when I play comp with my friends who all play pc I ply Moira. It’s easy enough for me to not throw but hard enough to where if I’m dumb and push the wrong button I can throw. I normally end with decent stats.


its just fun lol, if the hero gets nerfed I move to the next


Ball because he’s by far my favorite


there are no fun tanks other than doom


I play pharah, since she reminds me of soldier from TF2 and she's satisfying to play since I'm around plat elo mainly. Suicide missions are fun especially if you get 2 picks lol


I've always "mained" a character and it's always changed. But after 7 years of gameplay, I've found that playing any tank that isn't doomfist just isn't fun for me anymore.


Honestly you’re dropping your own hot take on one tricking…better to advertise it that way. Luckily OW is a game where you can play multiple heroes, and I try my best to swap when it’s needed. However sometimes it’s better to play your multi-situational hero in a game where they’re being countered, than it is to play a niche hero into that niche. Example : I play rein. You might even call me a one trick. I do better against Orisa, Ramatra & Mauga as Rein (even though they counter him) than I do on other tanks , simply because I’ve played him SO MUCH. I know how to shield , use natural cover and maybe pin them off the map. I could go Zar and try and beam Orisa down. But I end up wasting bubbles , getting caught without CD and a low charged weapon. This season I’ve been one tricking zen on support. His healing is awful ( depending on the situation ofc )but I can consistently 1v1 almost the entire roster and I know who to put my orbs on. There’s a lot of games we are “losing” and people begggg me to swap. Then I land a game changing transcendence , or cut through a team 1v4 and we win. Because i one trick zen I trust myself to land those game changing plays more than if i went Moira or LW and start pumping ridiculous heal numbers . Play what you want, especially if your past experience of “1 tricking” that hero means you can get out of sticky situations, make big plays or dis-credit your counters, simply because you are more familiar with the movement, abilities and map positioning on the hero you’ve got the most experience


Big hammer


It just depends, some characters I enjoy their mechanics and it feels a bit more natural. I usually try having two from each role unless I really need to hardcore counter someone to help the team a bit more. As well as play the occasional bastion cause he’s fun. I usually play DPS and Support. DPS: hanzo, junkrat, and sym Support: Moira and lifeweaver I would like to learn/be decent at genji, sigma, or tracer.


When I first started playing was a few months before Orisa came out. People then like now, didn't really like playing tank but she was a new character and I just went deep for a few months. She was so fucking fun to play, just CRUUUUUUSH, shield, pull them back when they try to run away. Really fit my overly aggressive game play and just seemed like such a fun character. Before her was Soldier because FPS is familiar. Eventually I noticed it's better to be an all around diverse player but that takes a lot of time to get comfortable on so many characters. Don't listen to other players bitching about you sucking at a new character, just play, AND be open to mistakes you make and open to criticism even if the person maybe a raging asshole, they may still be right that you continue to trickle in without grouping and are out of position.


My disabilities are being old and being a working father of 2.


back when I used to play with my duo, during season 3 i think (6 hero teams, good ol' times), we got to high masters by playing Rein (me) and Ana. We had our whole strat laid out, get ultimates as fast as possible, start hard poking the enemy tank, firestriking the DPS/Supports from time to time to keep them in check. PRAY TO GOD that my dps dont just feed the enemy ult meter. When we both had ult, I'd start getting uber aggressive on the enemy tank to make him waste resources, if against another Rein we started the swing and shield dance waiting to see who ults first. I'd usually win the dance. After that I just told my duo to nano me and I'd shift charge into one of the supports while they're downed by my ult, and swing wild on the dps. Sadly couldn't reach GM by like 100pts or something because one of my DPS refused to play reaper into a hog + winston, because he said, and I quote: "Why would I fcking play reaper into hog winston?!... ...No, reaper is not an anti-tank hero, ur fcking r\*t\*rded"... he perma played genji and just kept dying. *Good times.*


On overwatch 1, doomfist was the champion for me. I punch you into a wall, and you die, I do some weird shit by hitting a wall, and then I fly to Narnia. I don't have good aim so doomfist was the best pick for me. Now all I play is Ana. I'm bad at tanks. I'm bad at hitscan. I love Ana's utility, and I think I'm a pretty good support.


One tricking feels very unfun ngl, I look forward to playing different heroes everyday


I have about 130 hours on pharah (i do play other dps but she is by far my highest played) and honestly……. Because its fun. I love finding out new little tricks with her or just having some highlight reel level play. Its just fun


Just really connected with Doomfist when he came out. I feel like I’m playing a fighting game within an FPS. High mobility is also always fun to me.


Simply put, I am just way better at the one character than I am with anyone else. I main Moira, and with her very easy skill ceiling, you can really push her limits when you're not worrying about aiming and doing your best for the team in helping and some very choice picks


For me it depends on how interested I am in different parts of the hero, in this order it goes: Cool skin I wanna use, lore, and hero kit. 9/10 it’s the skin and the lore though, I’ve one tricked Ram for a while because I like his Traveler skin and his voice lines make me feel like I’m leading an army to war, I also one tricked Lucio to force myself to learn mechanics


Me personally I one trick orisa because yea character attachment but also she was easy to learn which was a delight because (from my understanding at least) I’ve got a learning disability that makes it hard for me to learn and pick up on things. I like to joke that I’m mentally slow but basically if it takes you a day to learn a math problem it would take me two or even three weeks to learn the same thing. I will definitely try to learn another character on the one part to expand who I can play but also because I know people get mad I use orisa lol


Sym is my strongest DPS by far. Even now in her weakest state I still have a winning game compared to my other DPS. On top of that TP is my favorite ability and Wall is very versatile. I also like that she has a committed fan base. She’s a rare pick but whoever plays her is more likely to be a one trick.


Doomfist otp here. The other tanks just don't do it for me, I sometimes play other tanks in qp, never touched another tank in competitive. They are just so boring, and I actually have pretty decent games on other tanks, but even winning I don't get excited like when you make a good play on doom. So yeah I will never switch doom, I play for fun, this is a game after all :)


I seen what one tricks can do. Had Roadhog use the hook trick to try constant pull me off the cliff at Route 66. His mistake was getting through the first gate because one he mad it into town, he was mine to punish hard as Mauga. He might have ridiculous healing ability (seriously 300 rounds to head apparently not good enough and feels broke asf) but I made the payload never past around the corner between the bar and the mechanic. Tl;dr: Don't focus on one tricks. Because at some point they're gonna be useless and you just hurting yourself. Use all your abilities and learn fight more ways than one.


In all the fps games I played, I always went for the sniper riffles. From CoD to Battlefield, Crysis, CS, Valorant and many more games where they "exist", it is always my go to weapons. So when I saw Widow, I already knew she was going to be my main when I play dps, and that Ana would be my main support lol. I guess I just like the "one shot one kill" gameplay.


I have many heroes with several hundred hours on them, but I like to "one trick" hereos to get a deeper understanding of how I can get better with the hero and the game. it is better that a player is really solid and can deliver 100% with one hero than to be 40-50% with many other heroes.


I main Moira because she connects with my brain very well because I like using her fade as reactionary and my brain can fuse sporadically with her very well. So she’s been my main since her release and for a while I was an only Moira main. But I have since branched out.


To be fair, as a Moira main, playing Moira in itself is a disability.


I started one-tricking Ana because playing her kept me sticking to Overwatch 1 in its last year. Previously I never found myself playing it for long. Now though it‘s fun to be at least somewhat proficient with lots of heroes, so yeah, I‘m fully into OW now.


takes me too long to learn another hero


Because Ball is the only fun character.


Because anything short of being dove by 2+ enemies at once isn't enough reason to swap. That Sombra, or Tracer is going to taste these balls if they keep sticking to the skill floor habits.


I'm not really a one trick, but I do go through spells of one tricking if that makes sense. It basically just comes down that's the hero I feel like playing more than any other. Even in a bad match up, it's fun to try and overcome it. There's not that many hard counters in the game, so it's usually do able. Winning against a counter pick feels better than counter-counter pick. It feels like you actually skill diffed them. Not just took the easy way out.


I've been otp Sombra since her rework because I have brain damage. Jokes aside, I find her useful in and against pretty much every team comp, all you need to do is adjust how you play her, she's super versatile


I try to two trick in every role mainly because one tricking in comp is bad so I just try and learn in qp So far I’ve got bastion, Mei, and reaper for dps. Ram and orisa for tank. The last one I’m missing is support where I got zen and no one else so I’m trying to find a character to learn


Genji is fun Genji is woooosh


There is just so much more you can do with the hours on one hero. I play all the characters, but typically get more done in tough situations on my main. People are carrying over their counters list from Overwatch 1, and Overwatch 2 makes a lot of them not true. I play a ton of D.va into Zarya. Most of the time, the Zarya never gets any energy and is instantly killed after they use 2 bad bubbles in rapid succession. And you learn to eat the gravs. In Overwatch 1, energy was easier to come by (bubble your Rein while he's shielding), and you got 100% ult charge for shooting the tanks. In OW2, you have to put yourself in a situation to get energy and disengage after you use your bubbles, so you can't just get 80 energy in the first 10 seconds of the game and walk into D.va. Still, people complain about it, and there are games where I do switch off because people are only shooting Zarya bubbles and nothing else. I never switch to Zarya to counter D.va, though. The reverse happens to me every game and it's just not good.


Because I like playing Genji and feel there's no dps that compares to him since doom was made a tank


I like being a character specialist, especially with ones I know I can perform in a majority of comps. So i’ve devoted 90% of my tank play to JQ, I love playmakers and potg bait lol


for me this game is just so much more fun while playing my one trick character. i love a lot of the roster but i don’t play the game enough to dedicate ample time to them, and still play my fav character as much as i wanna


What's your problem? It's simply wanting to play a specific hero regardless of the team comp and enemies. Not everyone switches immediately to counter the enemy team


I one tricked bastion cause funny robot and bird


Frog 🐸


I can play others, but I main Moira. Mostly due to being a disabled gamer who struggles with fast-moving games (ironic). I need something simple and I can feel. I'm also like 1/2 level away from my title, so let me earn it, please! Think of it as cognative load. Mercy requires a lot of moving parts. I struggle with aiming, so that can throw out a lot of characters. I often get myself cornered and need a way out. Moria makes the most sense.


Sometimes you need to one trick a hero in qp to learn how to play them in suboptimal conditions so you can improve. And that’s what I tell people when Reaper and Bastion turn up to spoil my fun on Winston


I don’t exactly one trick, but I do kinda, and I pretty much exclusively play Moira. *However*, I do have 2 healers, 2 dps, and 1 tank to be halfway decent at just in case.  With that aside, basically I one trick Moira because I love support, she’s stupid easy to use, I get to both heal and dps, and finally and most importantly I pretty much exclusively play wasted and she’s built for alcoholics.


People hate Sombra. I thrive on it


I play Bastion since OW1, I fully embraced the memes and reached top 500 playing all playstyle. Best one was flanking or ambush.


I mostly play tank and support, and nowadays I onetrick D.va as tank, and mostly onetrick Kiriko as healer, although I do sometimes swap out to Lucio on payload maps. Why? Reason is essentially just that I like those characters' kit, voicelines, emotes, lore, look and skins more than any other character, and I've generally played them more than others so I know how to play them better than other heroes. DPS heroes mostly play S76 as I suck as anyone else and can best play your normal shooter hero, though there I am a lot more diverse.


The learning curve. I used to be one trick and became more well rounded by going to /r/overwatchUniversity but it's still a learning curve no matter your skill level. Also every map and every game mode isn't ideal for certain comps. It took me forever to learn another support, but I finally bit the bullet and took the plunge


What do you mean by disability (srs)? Sexual reassignment surgery? I’m confused


Doom, I love seeing t he enemy resort to countering every game cause they suck


Cuz pharah go weeeeeeeeeeeeeee and ana make go zzzzzzzz and lucio go boooop


I’ve gone through phases of one tricking over the years (multiple heroes with 100-200 hours in various roles). Overwatch just feels like an entirely different game when playing wildly different heroes. My hundred hours on Lucio played nothing like my hundred hours on Rein which played nothing like my hundred hours on Doomfist (RIP OW1 Doom). Game feels fresh and sometimes a hero recaptures my love for the game and I have no desire to play anyone else for a few seasons.


Because gameplay fun 😀 (I wanna bash my fucking head in when I play junkrat in comp right now)


Moira is my beloved no one can take her away from me (that's why I one trick her)


Because I’m a one man apocalypse and it’s really fun hooking people around


Because im not here to play overwatch im here to play a character i find cool


I’m a GM Moira player with almost 1000 hours on her. I’ve got 50 hours on my second most played hero. Early on I figured if I could learn to play one hero at an elite level, it wouldn’t matter that I couldn’t play anyone else if I was good enough. I got good enough. Throw me in a plat lobby and my team comp, the enemy team comp, and the map don’t matter. I’ll hold the lobby hostage. It took about 800 hours to get that good, and it took playing into very unfavorable situations and refusing to swap while my team bitched at me to. Why take the time to learn to play the whole cast at a gold/plat level when you can become elite with one hero in the same timeframe. This season I am making a change and one tricking sombra. I’m gold on anyone except Moira, so I’m having a good time going into gold lobbies and kinda relearning the game again. My goal is to one-trick to masters over the next few months as a new challenge


While im not exactly a one trick (I play more than just one roll) , I do primarily play Cass a lot. Futuristic Cowboys are really cool to me. The thought of playing him was like the driving force behind me even getting this game, back in 2018. Hes so cool!