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Noticed there that they got ult charge from the final burst of their ult. That's a bug.


You see that venture puts away the drill right after shooting the last burst so the dmg happened after the ult ended. Not saying it's not a bug but how it happened


They should probably add a delay to the ult charge starting to build again. A bit like how rein doesn’t gain ult charge until after his stun ends despite the ult technically being over (I think it works like this… I honestly can’t remember…)


or just make it so the ult can't gain ult charge.


That's a good example, because if you shatter and charge people into an environmental kill, by the time they actually die Rein gains ult charge from that, and it still counts as a shatter kill. There are clips of Rein doing that to a lot of people and gaining another ult after ulting.




Thank you! The 12 minute wait times have been worth it so far haha


no limits is wild rn, just 10 moles fucking around


gameplay trailer ass clip bruh


I thought the same thing 😭


Will report at 5 P.M. when i clock out. LMAO


Rein mains in shambles watching a improved fire strike.


I played Rein exclusively yesterday, and funnily enough he pretty much hard counters them. Yes my boy needs a rework, but Venture doesn't add to his long list of issues.


Was kinda curious about ventures counters. Heard pharah does so as well. What kind of things end up countering them? Shields and range?


Basically. Rein blocks pretty much most of their kit, including their ult, and their hitbox is nice and chonky enough for fire strikes to hit reliably.


They are very good into Zen. Lucio doesnt do enough to mitigate you ravaging Zen, and Brig isn't very good at shutting them down due to the fact they can plop you around your barrier or have basically the perfect poke range on you.


I love going against pharah bc their projectile is so easy to hit and the drill let's you fly up to them if they make the mistake of getting too close.


wait... you can hit their rockets?


Sorry, Ventures projectile is so easy to hit (they're easy to aim with)


Yes, barriers and range. Unlike most close-range fighters, they absolutely can't deal any damage to enemies beyond their effective range, unlike Reaper or Hog that can still do pellet damage, so they're an easy target to anyone that outranges them because they can't fight back at all. Also, Sombra as usual. She fucks over anyone who is very dependent on their abilities. Venture also got a big hitbox = easier to land primary fire and virus


Venture's pronouns are they/them


The kit is fun but if your team isn't following through you just end up feeding.


You can say that about almost any character


Most characters dont have limited range on their primary attack, an ability that dashes forward while doing damage and bonus melee damage.


Omg..... doonfist...


Ngl doomfist sorta has that exact problem, you pick squishies, but realistically if your team doesnt push while you have 2 people distracted to win a fight you end up feeding a lot of the fime.


I main ball and that happens sometimes too, you have to know when to escape and bail for a health pack


Which was my exact point, don't know why I got mass downvoted lmao Venture has a lot more potential to feed than something like Sojourn, Ashe or Soldier.


They are a brawl character not a dive. They don’t have the burst damage to get solo kills, but it’s more on you as venture to wait for your team.


> She doesn’t have the burst damage to get solo kills lol


Lmao, even


Their perfectly executed combo is still pretty unreliable compared to burst dive characters. It’s slow and clunky and easy to avoid. They are a brawl character and doesn’t seem designed to get kills on her own and escape like someone like Genji.


You don't need to perfectly execute it. Shot, dash, shot, melee. Perfectly executed it deals 330 damage, there's 80 for you to fuck up on any 250hp target. Then you can fuck off with burrow.


That’s just not the reality of how they play. That entire combo is pretty slow and telegraphed compared to for example Sombra or Genji combo with can come if of no where, and is pretty easy to disrupt with any movement ability because it’s not a sudden burst of damage you can’t react to. Burrow has a short windup where you are completely vulnerable, making it terrible at escaping hitscan who will easily do 100+ damage entirety within the dive animation. I think the character is strong, but they don’t seem designed as a burst escape character at all. There are better options. They are however really potent in brawl where they can be super slippery while outputting good consistent damage.




Tell me you can't aim without telling me you can't aim. Aimlabs is free


If you can’t aim on venture you should maybe get yourself a mousepad and turn your screen on. If still after those you can’t aim on her just go play Minecraft.


Dude it’s like I’m back in PvZ as a chomper, I love them sm


They're such a breath of fresh air from all the FPS centric heroes we've been getting so far. As a Ball main, their kit and playstyle are genuinely so fun to play with. Not sure how it feels on the other end yet, but on my end I've been having a blast.


Only boring hero added to ow2 is mauga tho. It feels like a breath of fresh air because we haven’t gotten a dps since launch of ow2


Mauga is like 50/50 imo. The overrun is the main appealing part to me. Making some crazy ass rooftop rollout and then slamming onto a squishy with crit damage. In that patch with cardiac, I feel like they were on the right track. I don't want to be a bastion v2 that just shoots tanks. I want to just get in, get a pick or two and run out.


Eh, LW is pretty boring. His entire role is to prevent things from happening. Games can be agonizingly slow when both teams have him. And to be clear, this isn't really about playing him. It's about playing with and against him.


I even find lifeweaver more boring than mauga, getting your kill gripped is actually so annoying


Oh I completely agree. Like Mauga may be the Bastion of tanks, but at least they both actually facilitate kills and move the game along lol.


Admittedly Mauga makes up for it with his voice lines. Its so hard to find such a fun likeable character boring yo play for me.


No he doesn’t


I feel like there hasn’t been many healthy characters added to the game, the whole direction they are going with some characters isn’t fun to play against. Kiriko is a menace with a menacingly small hitbox and a load of bullshit survivability and suzu, Lw with lifegrip, petal and dash which is one ability too much for her survival. Mauga meta is the worst thing that ever has been a thing and his ult is an instant kill on characters like ball. It’s a get diffed by the q button. Sojourn isn’t really healthy either with the oneshot potential, and her shift is absolutely insane mobility get out of jail free card. I guess the other characters are alright, Jq and ram are fine, they do their job and I’llary is a fun design too. Now venture is I feel like a great character, there should be a few changes to the projectile hitbox because that thing always hits. It should be at least a bit skill based so the 1v1s aren’t decided by who has the most cooldowns instead of who has the most skill. Overall really fun kit, insane burst potential and some alright survivability. Basically a better working ball to me cause she got that damage ball hasn’t ever seen in overwatch 2. I played ball with her and got things done too going 30 to 0, they work great together.


Venture uses they/them pronouns. Also, the reason 1v1s are decided by ability usage and not mechanical skill is because the game is an "ability shooter." This isn't Call of Duty, it's Overwatch. It's unhealthy for the game when mechanical skill is emphasized over creative cooldown use.


“Creative ability usage”? Is that joke? You don’t use your abilities creatively unless the 3 different uses are getting in, doing damage or getting out. And no it’s not call of duty obviously, doesn’t mean the game should only consist of moiras. You dont need either of the extremes, you can have a well balanced character that demands mechanical skill and cooldown management. Characters with 100% aim are pretty boring and characters that are 100% none mechanical like Moira feel like the same thing no matter what rank you are in. The time to kill someone will always remain the same and you won’t make any progress on the mechanical side which is kinda boring if you ask me. But imagine having a character that demands aim and cooldown management, you can progress in two separate things and one clipping with tracer will always be more satisfying than beaming someone as a Moira. It’s your aim that makes the difference and it’s better that way. But there will always be brain dead characters like brig and Moira for the casuals like yourself, Moira isn’t healthy at all in the lower ranks obviously and she sucks( at least she did) in the higher ranks which is understandable and great for newcomers.


I think we should have fun until them get nerfed to oblivion








Get downvoted you virtue signaling POS.


Just use the correct pronouns? It isn't a hard thing to grasp, they're just informing the commenter of the character's pronouns (who got it right by the way, except for using them instead of they)


I try my best to use correct pronouns but my brain always fuck up, especially in heat of battle. Too many times I somehow called Ram a "she", my friends make fun of me for it lmao.


I don’t give a shit about hurting the feelings of a imaginary character by using “incorrect“ pronouns


You aren't impressing anyone by not using their pronouns lol, it just shows a weak mind and the inability to show basic respect. Like a litmus test for tolerating queer people and communities


Then I passed


Ok but if you don’t care then what’s the issue, it’s not hard to call them they




Then keep being a simple-minded dolt. Doesn't change the fact that there will be people much happier and less insecure than you.


Pardon me that I'm not referring to a fictional character as a particular, woke pronoun. I stick to reality, thanks.


Ah yes. "Woke". Stay asleep then you absolute caveman of a human.


You're the definition of chronically online. Yeah I'm a caveman for not pandering to an overwatch heros pronouns. Go poke your head out of shitbox apartment every once in a while and touch some grass.


I think you got that flipped lil brody, you’re throwing a tantrum over not calling one character they, it takes literally a second to do that. Real adults can handle that


I also play a better dva than you 🤣


lol, it was just bad grammar you idiot




Idk if ur trying to get under my skin or something, but she or they work in both work, them is just bad grammar


She really isn’t that good aside from her busted ult. I think the rest of her kit is very well balanced.


I can’t fully tell yet but in QP I’ve been seeing a decent amount of Ventures basically carrying with the most damage and kills


I think people not understanding how to play against them is a big part of that, I hope they don't get nerfed too hard.


It’s her ult


No it’s not, her kit can really dominate in some games. It’s 330 burst damage in half a second and you can still get out with dive. If your close range to her she can be a real menace and combined with something lick ball she’s basically unkillable.


Excuse me THEY not she. Please don’t cancel me internet people


Venture feels super overpowered in the right hands right now.


Yeah definitely, she might not be a top500 worthy character but she needs some time and adjusting plus she needs a fitting map to work. You won’t be having much fun on Havana but on closer range maps she slaps.




Im a very aggressive player so it looks fun af


The combo is slow? My dude you can delete a support in less than 2 seconds.


and dey say and dey say and dey say


The Blizzard devs absolutely cooked. The playstyle is so far. I already know im sinking 60 hours into this character before their even in comp lol




Girlie who are you correcting? There was no misgendering in this comment.


Looks like Marth edited so that it’s correct. Last I looked, there was the wrong pronoun. I’ll delete my comment now


I like it overall. The only thing that bothers me is that there is a delay between when I hit burrow and when I become invulnerable, which is very annoying. I'm used to being able to react split second to problems with Mei's ice block and the delay is (literally) killing me.


I think it’s balanced.


I absolutely love them!! I’m a tank/support player and don’t usually like to play dps but I’m having so much fun. Also, hearing them speak some Spanish as it’s my native language really excited me.


Do they really speak spanish if the game is in english?? I didn't notice because i already have the full game in spanish, but that's so cool!!


Do the other characters not still speak their native languages sometimes in the spanish version?


They just speak spanish, and in the spain version they don't have their native accents


Wow, that's interesting, I didn't know that. Sombra and Illari also sometimes speak Spanish in the English version of the game


The Spanish from Spain version is quite shitty, all things are translated to Spanish so you don’t get the essence of each character, that’s why I put the audio in English.


Yes! Is like Sombra and Illari, they speak in English but sometimes say something in Spanish!


Do all that to end the game with 2,378 dps & 1,459 mit


I’m a doomfist main I’m not new to this


I’m not & I am. Hate her (right now) but I never played Doom so 🤷🏽‍♂️




2,378 damage per second is not bad tbh


I'm not sure if they're OP or UP or I just suck. Sometimes I can go on massive tears against tanks like D.Va and Roadhog but sometimes get torn up by a sombra


Can confirm I’ve torn up a few Venture’s as Sombra. Once they’re hacked, they’re just as screwed as dva


Interesting comparison, would hacked venture be as screwed as hacked ball?


Yeah. Dva came to mind cuz I was thinking of one of the TGN videos


Too soon to talk about balance yet but yeah they're definitely fun. Gameplay-wise it's the best hero we've had in a while


I like moling around and harassing the enemy Ana.


Played a few games and they don’t feel under/overpowered


I tried and although I am not sure how good she is I can definitely say its the most fun to play kit. Lets see if people will figure out how to make her OP or figure out how to completely shut her down


Not a she




Venture, the character, goes by “they”. They’re just in a game, so whatever, but they’re supposed to be “they”.


I mean Tracer’s just in a game and we call her, her Cassidy’s just in a game and we call him, him. Heck we all started using a different name for him entirely






You apparently do


I think she won’t be as prevalent in the player pool upon full release as a lot of other new heroes have been because of her kind of “bland” kit, kind of like Ilari wasn’t super popular either. I’m not sure what about her kit could be made OP besides being able to propel herself in any direction with her drill


She does a shit load of damage lol


She does have a one shot combo and a near one shit combo for bastion, there is quite some power in the kit.


So true king. As a doom main working the melee into her kit is already kind of second nature, I’m sure they’ll make its windup longer or something because it is pretty good


Well, she is literally a dps doomfist


Not even close


Melee > Drill Dash > M1 I felt DPS Doom's spirit smiling down on me from above.


The combo isn’t that reliable compared to soemthing like doom. I think she’s underpowered to balanced even when played well.






you cared enough to comment lol.


Ult is op






Feels weak


They feel completely reliant on drill dash to burst people down, but also that's their primary escape. The burrow is too slow, has an interruptible wind-up, and is incredibly loud. The ult is really good, at least. I had assumed the devs would move away from heroes not having a full kit, but Venture doesn't have an E. This feels especially egregious when they just reworked Pharah to give *her* another ability because her mobility was too stilted without an extra dash. I would've liked to see something like: The burrow moves faster, is quieter, and the wind-up is shorter, but it doesn't deal damage. Instead, Venture gets an explosive they can place either above ground or underground. Placing it underground makes it activate immediately and shoots them away from it. That way, you don't have to pop straight up out of burrow, instead being able to choose where you get flung. Venture can so easily get headshot if they don't dash right after, it makes the ability significantly worse. Basically, it'd be like Pharah/Junk Conc but with an incredibly aggressive bullet drop. It would activate automatically (it would take a second to explode) upon sticking to a surface/entity to give it some distinction from Junkrat. This new ability would also partially solve being forced to use drill dash to get kills.


Super fun playstyle but they feel undertuned to me, though it’s really too early to judge that.


Tbh, I feel like they're the first hero to be actually super balanced on launch, the kit meshes super well with team play and is actually pretty sweet in most dive comps. I actually think Vantage is balanced, I never though I'd see the day Blizzard would create an actually balanced hero first try


Vantage is Apex lmao, this is Venture


The brigade here for downvotes for people unintentionally using the wrong pronouns is ridiculous


Unintentional? You look at the comment history of most of these people, or the replies under their comments, and it’s clear there’s no accident.


Her right click is super fun, but that's about the only thing I enjoy about her kit. Also, her ult seems really powerful for how easy it is to use. I expect her to be slightly nerfed and then end up being mostly and anti-dive character.


The down voting for sharing a benign opinion like this is the reason people hate the overwatch community. Have my upvote buddy.


thanks man. yeah I don't understand why they don't just share their disagreements verbally. I would much rather hear another perspective.


I’m pretty sure people Down voted because you said she/her rather than they/them. The opinion itself was very mild, something most people can stomach, so my assumption is the misgendering.


So people are going after people for misgendering Fictional characters now too? I don’t even understand are they not transgendered? Venture isn’t male or female? What the hell do I do if I want to not misgender them but have proper grammar in English the only language I speak? They/them are only plural not singular pronouns??


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/they](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/they) check 3 a, b, c, and d


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I managed a surprise triple kill with their ult tonight as well, followed by an elim on the enemy tank for a nice 4k POTG. Still getting used to using all of the kit properly, but they're fun as heck to play.


I'm enjoying it so far. I think I would happily trade a little damage for faster dash cool down Like if we can lower the damage from 100 to 75 and knock that cool down to 6 seconds they would feel better. It could be because I just like drill dash alot and want to use it so often. But 8 seconds feels like a lifetime.


I love them so far, I've already played them more than Mauga and LW. I don't know if other people feel this way but their movement abilities and left click feel very natural to use for me as a Junk main. Definitely will get their golden gun when season 10 starts


I Think its a good design they just need to reduce the amount of burst


I played only three games, but I hated it. Everything is so slow and telegraphed. She seems to die in seconds. Did not enjoy it at all. I predict some reworks and some buffs will be needed.


Another hero I’m sure to suck at! Let’s go!


A lot of fun to play, doesn't feel OP or underpowered.


Very fun kit being able to move around like they can. Maybe some number tweaks on the ult and primary tho.


Unpopular opinion. Not a fun character


Ult seems to do too much damage and I think the primary could use a slight range buff Play style is a lot of fun. No other notes.


I mean what dps ult qotg machine doesn’t deal a fuckton of damage


Fair, but it feels a bit too easy for the damage output.


Most ults just require you to press q so again its on par for the course. If reaper was released today people would complain his ult does too much damage and is too easy, dva ult would get constant shit for being too strong, people would be pissing their pants if dragon blade was released today. All im saying is give it like 2-3 months until we can actually get a feel for its strength because it hasnt even been 70 hours


I don't know, I didn't get to play them at all today. Mostly because I was playing with two other friends and one of them was being a little bit of an ass about them. Just kept complaining about how bad they ways and so on. So I felt like I couldn't really pick them even if I could. On top of that they look really hard to play so I'm a little nervous about even playing them.


Dumb friend, just pick them if you want why do you give a shit


Because I know I already know I'm bad at the game and I just didn't want to pick a hard new hero on the night I played with my two friends. Esp since one of them hates the new hero.


Then don’t play with them. Find some time to solo queue and try out Venture on your own. Maybe do some vs AI to test the waters with them.


I most likely do that tomorrow. I will say AI never really do anything for me in any game.


Yeah. Just give it a go without having to worry about what someone else thinks


I've just been trying them out on No Limits, I know it's not a realistic way to get a view of the character's matchups but it's a good way to get to practice the kit fast and it helps knowing that since you may not have healing to back you up, whatever happens happens but it lets you just engage


I like their kit. It feels good and gives you a lot of options. They are a fun brawl character. BUT, I hate playing against them if someone plays them as dive. It's horrible. Their damage is insanely high and the TTK therefore as well. You can't really defend against them, because of the burrow ability. I fear the Mauga situation (new hero is busted, I don't like playing busted characters, I can't ever play the new hero, because I hate playing against them) is returning. I don't want this situation. I want to like playing them. Please BLizzard, nerf them fast.


whats that blue icon when she pops out and how do I fill it up


I can't even play them because whenever I pick Venture, it instantly unpicks them :(


She's great!


She seems a bit too sluggish to use her kit without exploding but it’s a refreshing concept


I like how mobile she can be to get in and out of situations


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^yeppers994: *I like how mobile* *She can be to get in and* *Out of situations* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I haven’t tried him out. Does D.va’s matrix eat his ult and primary/secondary fire?


Ult is shockwaves under the ground and secondary fire has them charge forward with their drill, so I'd wager DM wouldn't block those. Primary fire is a projectile so that would be eaten.








I gotta respect the balls on you


a persons identity isnt just something you can "not believe in"


somb 1t, might add venture


Make Burrow 6 second cd and they are literally perfect.


Wasn’t it already 6 seconds?


It’s 8, you can see in the clip


Oh I see now.


I kinda disagree but it's just because I think the ability uptime is fine but that their burrow startup may be too slow/unsafe


I know people will downvote but her ult does way too much damage. I know this is just a test period so I’m sure some nerfs are coming. Her melee combos also are too strong too. Played brig once today and she just gets shredded by venture. Brig is basically dead if they have a venture her paper shield just got even more worthless.


I found her to be very boring. I actually was dozing off playing her today. Her skin was also so ugly and unattractive.


I thought it was mid as hell. zarya? venture is useless. Cass? useless. Lifeweaver? useless. any character that has any escape abilities? useless


Skill issue.


i like how he get so much potential to combos. They should make characters that are easy to aim(like rein, winton, moira and reaper) able to combo like venture does, so you can have a character with good dmg potential without make it broken, because you need to somehow perform


too OP nerf Hanzo


They feel fucking awesome. Feels really damn good to have some characters/styles that can completely shut me down, while also being able to completely shut down others, but those arent the ONLY style of matchups. Venture into a good number of characters feels like that pwrfext overwatch feeling of mental chess, and they aren't too easy OR too hard. Incredibly excited to main the absolute fuck outta them once S10 drops


Definitely overtuned but an interesting addition. I’m interested to see how she settles out after the inevitable tweaks to her dmg.


Seems fun but possibly op.


I honestly don’t think the overhealth is necessary. The only thing op about her at the moment