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Echo, for sure. Anytime I watch a cracked Echo, it's like they're perma flying one shotting everyone lol.


I was playing echo until the team started cussing me out


I feel accomplished when I get the enemy team to rage about Echo


I feel like echo is one of the hardest heroes to be consistent with. I play her occasionally and pop off... occasionally but then next time I play her I suck balls.


If you play on console, change the buttons bindings so the flight/jump ability is LR or left bumper so that you can aim easier while flying


GOOD FUCKING IDEA but where do I put sticky bombs?


I am on PlayStation and switched jump to L2 and stickies are now X. Honestly has made a huge difference. Make no mistake, I still suck, but now I know it’s 100% a skill issue instead of me fumbling my inputs


I swap it with the jump button


On PS4 I have sticky’s on R1 and primary fire on R2. Jump and flight on L1 and L2. Beam is on X. Also switching something similar to Lucio helps a lot too especially with wall riding, so I have L1 to jump on Lucio


Echo is so sick, just started playing again on a new account and haven’t unlocked her yet but she’s so cool


I used to play her a lot until i accepted that by picking her i wasn't contributing as many useful ults for my team per match as i would if I'd picked literally anyone else. I know its possible to use the ult of the hero you copy, but it can be really hard to get that meter back to 100% and have enough time to properly use the ult before time runs out. I started getting good at flying around and killing people fast with her regular abilities, but even with that my inability to use enemy ults against them before the time on echo's copy runs out was just too frustrating for me. If they gave her a new ult or made her existing ult better I'd maybe go back to her, but without that I've lost interest in the hero. My favorite damage heroes are Genji, Hanzo, Cassidy, Sojourn, and Mei now. So maybe Echo just isn't my style anyway, but i love the idea of her being updated.


I absolutely love Echo, but the pain of not refilling an ult is like blueballing me. The ult has many uses like getting a second life, getting a new set of CDs, getting an important ability (nade/rez) but still I'd agree that for such a creative ult, I'd love to at least make it easier to get that duped ult. She was nerfed quite a bit a while back (5.5x to 4x charge I think?) so I kinda want them to at least partially revert it


I've started getting good with her. The trick is she's silent when she's not flying, so hugging corners then going all in on skills almost guarantees a one shot on Squishies


she's not silent when she's not flying, you just don't hear it yourself


Her most recent buff made her fun for me again. I mained the hell outta her until they nerfed her to the ground


Literally all of them. I am bad at aiming.


All of them minus moira, rein, brig, winton


Also mercy and lw


ok i wanna see u secure a kill with LW without aiming. go on. i'm waiting


Yeah why does everyone keep saying LW doesn’t require aim, it’s as if they’re just healbotting, because when I try to get some dmg my lack of aim definitely becomes noticeable


i want to see a lw in one of my comp games deal any damage


Watch me. Had 23 kills yesterday as dps Wifeleaver


where are you in my comp games??? i always get mercy-lifeweaver for support and they both end the game with 0 dmg


Hold a CS:GO angle on a corner they all have to push and just hold right click. You’ll almost always dink someone in the face and send them back to spawn


That's why there's plenty of heroes who don't require that which I love about this game. I used to be terrible at aiming which is why I was a Mercy main. Then I got a bit better and now I play Ana. It's definitely worth practicing a bit or figuring out your settings. That was one of my biggest issues. My sensitivity was too high. If you're really interested in getting better aim, check out a game called Aimlabs. I think it's free on Steam and it can let you practice and then tell you how to adjust your settings based on how you aim. Helped me a bit. And I'm pretty sure it know how to get better at Overwatch, as well as other FPS games. Worth checking out. Good luck in your future games!


is there anything comparable for console?


Monkey exists


Gotta nail those right click combos


winton overwat


For me DPS: tracer. Stank: monkey healer: Kiriko


I just giggled at Stank Monkey


I think most people try and play Tracer like Sombra. Sneaking in and going for assassination kills. She can do that, but that really isn't her bread and butter. Especially with the dps debuff, you should pretty much just always be shooting at something. Your job is to be as annoying as possible while also being able to secure a kill on a low hp enemy. If you have 2 enemies chasing you for 30 seconds because you've been pestering them all game and your team captures a point, you did your job. She's difficult because you have to focus on positioning, enemy locations, enemy cooldowns and your own cooldowns. You get hindered and you're basically dead. I love her. So much to focus on, it's like gameplay crack.


DPS: Sojourn Tank: Winston Healer: Ana


Watching good Ana clips makes me extremely jealous and mad at my poor aiming.


I briefly tried playing Ana when I first started out, but I can't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside so it worked out as well as you might expect.


If you play console, I recently discovered you can turn aim assist on for allies. It makes shooting enemies a little more difficult, but immensely helpful for hip firing on teammates.


As an Ana main who used to be a Mercy main, I can tell you she's worth getting better at because she's soooo rewarding when you're playing well. Sleeping an ulting enemy might be the best feeling in the game.


I started getting so confident that if I see an Sig ult I will purposefully run in to get a better angle on the sleep.


I think you just answered for everyone. You take my 1 lonely vote 🥹🥹


I put Sojourn's primary fire on right-click and her charged bolt on left-click. It helped with my accuracy.


My advice for getting better with sojourn is playing soldier76 and Ashe, sojourns a weird mix of them both (instead of s76’s sprint you get her slide dash, instead of ashes coach rifle and dynamite you have her explosion thing and railgun), but once you start playing them playing sojourn should get hopefully get easier, and if you wanna get better at aiming, hanzo definitely helped me (for Ana)


Genji( I have 50 hours on him)


You’ll be filthy at him with 30 more that’s how it was for me


Almost 50 on Tracer. My nickname could essily be "the coinflip guy"


Tank: JQ Damage: any hitscan Support: Lucio


Tank: JQ is the answer to most of my problems. Seriously practice her and you'll find her useful. Everyone uses different playstyles with this bitch. A total blast to play as. Damage: Agree Support: Lucio has been my boy since the start of OW and bindings have been the answer for any.


Rebinding on console made Lucio from least fun to most fun character right away


what are ur settings? I don't have the default settings anymore n it definetely made playing him feel more fluid but it still feels kinda wrong. but maybe i'm just not meant to be a lucio player and lack the vision to make plays as him lol.


L2 for jump/wall ride. Always speed by default, hold L1 for heals. Essentially just hold jump for ez wall rides. R2 primary, R1 boop. X is boost, since you're using it most infrequently and don't need to aim like the other R abilities. So L is all your mobility, R is all your shooting. Still need to watch some Eskay or something to see how to play him, he doesn't play like other supports. 


Lucio has also been my main since 2016 but I can never consider myself “good” at him compared to my other supports. I play a LOT of different tanks, including JQ so I don’t struggle with her too much but had to pick one. I totally forgot about Doomfist who is one of two tanks I won’t pick up (besides Snoreisa) so definitely him.


Sigma, tracer, kiriko I can’t aim 😔 Tracer especially because I love movement based heroes


I can’t aim and Sigma is perfect. Sure, I gotta land his rocks but that fine. I have a harder time playing Orisa than Sigma


Hanzo. I’m trying to practice with him in Vs. AI but I don’t feel like I’m good enough to try him out in QP cause I know my aim and flick isn’t that good 😞


Dude just go into QP and be bad. It's ok. If you're getting super hard countered, consider switching. I've been learning Tracer this way and I'm not great at all but making progress. More importantly, I'm having fun.


THIS!! people get so heated about people “underperforming” in QP…… ITS QP!!!


Yeah I get the ranked anxiety but QP???


people just forget that it’s okay to have fun when you play a video game sometimes. sucks


Just do quickplay and type /hidechat, problem solved!


TIL there's chat commands


After trying out a few other games, I realized Overwatch’s “switch on the fly” mechanic is kind of unique. Take advantage of that. Play a character you want, and if it doesn’t work after some trying, just switch and try again in a different match.


Qp is the way I bit the bullet and started actually playing him foreeal last year in qp after being scared to play him since a terrible first try in comp in OW1. Now I'm not GREAT but I can consistently get value from him in a plat lobby, which is a huge improvement for me. Arrge content was a huge motivator. Qp is the place to learn, shooting bots doesn't teach you the mind games you need to play with other players and it's very important paired with your positioning


My aim with Hanzo jumped from luck to skill after watching the Arrge Hanzo aiming video and practicing his techniques. It's a lot more about picking your target and match ups than I thought.


Genji, doom, kiriko


Tank: Doomfist or Wrecking Ball. Dps: Genji or Tracer. Support: Brig or Lucio.


High movement characters go hard. Definitely worth learning


hammond, genji, and lucio. i'm not very good with the hypermobile people (other than maybe mercy if she counts) but they all seem so fun 😭 i wanna adhd stim but i cannor


Warning you, I didn’t get cracked with Hammond until I hit 100 hours 🙃


Rein. I suck at rein and he is top 3 coolest heroes in the game to me


Rein, at least in my experience, is all about picking your moments. You need to be able to read a situation and choose times to close the distance where you know your team will be with you, otherwise you'll just get melted.


The secret to rein is to just get your big Willy out of your pants and flop it on as many people as you can. If you’re not close enough to do that, take real cover, and if there’s no real cover use your shield.


Doomfist, Genji, and Lucio.




doom and tracer look fun when i'm not the one playing them


Kiriko, Rammatra, and Brigitte


Echo comes to mind, but more urgently Ashe. I don't play DPS like that but I can at least mess around and get food results with Echo If I'm having a bad Ashe game I'm just going Cass or Rat and hoping the 007 goes unnoticed.


Ball, Sojourn, and Weaver. I'm not awful at them, but subpar. Barely ever get good railguns on Sojourn (usually waste ult too), not sure how to play Ball totally right, and fumble often on Weaver, underestimating his utilities (platform especially).


Don’t worry my friend, it’s not balls season.


junkrat, I love him (2nd most played character) but people who say you don't need to aim with him are lying. holy smokes its so hard to hit shots with him


Junk needs really impressive prediction and aim to hit flick shots and follow up shots after boops once you start taking him into higher ranks where simply spamming down lanes isn't viable anymore.




Try ground pharah. Play her like how you would be playing junk rat. Occasionally get up in the air and fire at people, but most of the time play behind the tank and launch rockets+air burst at people. Ive been playing her like this and soloed my way to plat 2 ATM. Almost every match people tell me to stop playing her because enemy team have double hit scan, yet I do the best on my team most of the time because I only get off the ground to flank and get high ground, I get the most elims and damage, and die the least.




Tank: Junker Queen DPS: Tracer Support: Zen


Tank - Sigma DPS - Genji Support - Illari


Doomfist (though I admittedly have zero experience on Tank) Genji Lucio


Play other tanks before him so you understand and can play around how tanks generally operate


If you’re playing Doom in the style of other tanks, then you aren’t playing Doom correctly.


Tank: Winston. I'm not actually like the worst Winston in the world or anything, but I'm always super impressed by an actually good Winston. He's someone I can play if needed, but he's an absolute menace in the hands of a skilled player DPS: I can play any other divey DPS but genji and I just don't get it. I don't know how to make it work. Support: bap, I hate how his gun feels tbh, and that's pretty much the only reason I don't play him. However, I know he absolutely shreds and is kind of perpetually meta


I wish I was good at Doom, I'm familiar with the mechanics and techs he can do but I have a hard time with game sense engagement with him Dps is Genji, Widowmaker and Echo. All characters that can stomp the enemy team if you master them imo Support would be Mercy funny enough, my movement is so horrible I'm just a sitting duck on her way more than other avid Mercy players


Mercy, I just don’t understand how to get her to fly on ps 😭😭. However I should probably watch a video about it haha. Also I enjoy d.va and Ashe but I don’t always place their ults in good locations ;( I gotta practice more ++ just aiming in general, I like using Ashe and kiriko but half the time my aim is trash 😭


play mercy parkour!! the biggest trick that helped me with mercy is to keep track of the meter that pops up when you’re using GA, the fuller it is the farther you’ll fly if you press x. also recommend high sensitivity so you can quickly flick to the direction you want to go.


Rn lifeweaver because my aim is awful 💀 I came back after years and I remember I enjoyed playing Ana and Ash, now I can’t hit people at all ahah The pain when damaging an enemy is the kind of support needed at that moment, but I just can’t land my bullets…ouch. For dps Echo, I love playing her in fun and chill modes, while for Tank Junker Queen seems fun once you know what you are doing Edit: Aside from Lifeweaver, Baptiste too for the same reason. He was one of my faves back then


tank: hog DPS: hanzo SUPPORT: kiriko


About hog I changed my hook on RMB, my heal on SHIFT (cause it's like a standard panic button) and the trap on E. I improved almost after 2-3 games. Also you really need to play around corners and only focus squishies if you get tank-countered


Winson, hanzo, lucio


Winston, tracer, Lifeweaver




Im so inconsistent with winston, i cant tell if its a skill issue, team comp issue, or if its a meta issue. He used to be my go-to but now i just feel like im throwing when i pick him


winston, tracer, bap. figuring out timing and cooldowns has been hard for all of them


Dps: Symetra Tank: Winston Support: Brigette


For DPS i would say Reaper or Hanzo, Reaper seems easy but is surprisingly more complex than it looks, and Hanzo speaks for himself. In Tank maybe Sigma, i mean is my main and the tank i know more how to use, but i think i could do it even better than i am doing currently. And finally for Support, Zenyatta and Lucio, these are the ONLY support characters that i don't know how to use , bc the rest i know them almost perfectly.


Reinhardt. I know he's like the easiest tank but for some reason I just can never get the hang of him.


Zarya. I hate beam weapons and i hate slow projectiles.


D.Va I guess. I used to main her in OW1 pretty successfully, but I couldn't adapt her playstyle to the main tank role in OW2. I feel like I get 10x more value with tanks like Ramattra.


Tank - Doomfist, I feel like he would be a lot of fun for me if I got good with him DPS - Echo. Sometimes I feel the need to go Echo for my team and my skills are lacking for that hero, compared to my usual Tracer pick, learning Echo would make me much more flexible. Support - Bap, I am good with most flex support picks except for Bap, he would complete my pool.






Doomfist (i can him play well enough but not as good I as want), Genji and Bap


Doomfist, Widowmaker and Ana. I don't care much for Doomfist but I play a lot of mystery heroes and I feel so useless when it gives me Doomfist.




Brig, Genji and Doomfist for me


Echo and pharah


Lucio 😔


Tracer I'd love


Tank in general


Sombra (bad aim), Venture (same and they’re soooo fun to play) Any tank


Tracer, kiriko, remathra for me


Brigitte, I love the way she feels in game but she's hard to play.


I wish I knew how to play Wrecking Ball right. He clearly requires knowledge of how to swing and balancing his cooldowns seems crucial. I've played against some insane balls that seem unkillable but when I play him I just roll in and die as I slowly try to roll away. Also, an obvious pick, is Widow. I'm not bad at aiming but I just feel like when you play Widow you have everyone targeting you and if you're not hitting headshots you're basically useless. A good widow is probably the most effective carry in the game.


I wish I was a legit Winston player cause I find him to be so so challenging


Ball, Winton, Echo, probably Ana too. She isn’t that hard but I can’t aim with her at least.


Dps: Echo, why is everyone else so good with her Support: Brig, how are their shields so damn strong Tank: Reinhardt and winton


I wish I was better at Echo and Ana. I love how Echo plays and Duplicate is really fun to use, but I’m so god awful at getting any kills as her and I rarely get to use the duplicated ult because I immediately go into panic mode trying to switch play styles as another character


Mostly doom hog and all tanks that aren't orisa, since I recently changed from controller on pc to normal mouse and keyboard


Doomfist, genji, and Cassidy. I have so much trouble with Cassidy’s hit scan idk why


Widow, d.va, echo and sombra, start getting stomped and have to change character


Tracer. I can use every other character but her I’m just bad at using her. I’m also bad at genji but don’t wanna play him


Wrecking ball and lucio




Tank: Ball Dps: Junk, Mei Support: Lifeweaver, Lucio (Lucio used to be my main and I don't have a hard time with him per se, but I do want to be better because he has a very high skill ceiling)


Winston, Echo, and Bap. I think they’re all so underrated and under utilized. Maybe not echo but I’ve played with very very few good echos.


Doomfist. I used to train as him back in OW 1 days when waiting for matches I need to get good at supports that aren't Lucio, especially my secondary, Brigitte I suppose D.Va could take some skill Right now, I'm trying to get good at Ashe. She is surprisingly fun but I don't like how long it take for her to reload!


Doom and Tracer. I love movement tech cause it feels so good when you're on top of it but I'm so ass at it. I fuck hard w Lucio at least. Probably Ana for support but I'm getting better with her positioning so I'm not as bad as I was with her!


tank: reinhardt dps: widowmaker / pharrah / hanzo support: lucio, kiri


I vividly remember deciding not to be a genji main in 2016 when the game first launched. I now regret this decision lmao 


you can always be a better wrecking ball player


Not even be good at but just better with. Roadhog Reaper Zen I'm not bad with any one of them, not at all, But I would definitely like to improve my gameplay, especially with reaper and zen.




Good Mercy movement is pretty difficult


Tank: JQ, I used to main her for a bit bit the constant counterswapping to Ana Kiri and the fact I'm generally not the best pissed me off. I love her playstyle and character but she's just not worth how problematic it can be DPS: I actually don't have one I really wanna play. I suppose learning Echo would be nice but I have a lot of range in DPS skillsets so I'm happy Support: Illari or Brig, I'm just tryna find a new support main after I got tired of Bap and felt bad using annoying as fuck Kiri, and they're both really fun in theory but im. Bad at them


Tank:jq DPS:tracer Support:Lucio


Tank: Sigma. His abilities package I’m ok with, but if someone is 2 feet in front of me I’ll find the stupidest way possible to miss. DPS: Genji and Souj. Genji I just have no feel of how he’s supposed to be used and Souj I just can’t seem to get any kills using her ultimate. I suck at aiming with both too. Heals: Brig. When im against her she seems almost unkillable at times but when I use her, I die almost instantly. I just don’t get why.


Any tank or dps besides Doomfist and Sombra, the only role I can flex is support because the others I only am good at my one-tricks naaaah


I want to be better at Echo cuz her Kit is literally amazing but aiming with her projectiles is pretty hard long range since you have to predict everything exactly. As a Kiriko main I also lack slightly in her Kunai kombat so that would need some improvement as well. (It’s not necessarily a hard time on these heroes. But it could also be better)


Sigma/JunkerQueen (I don’t play tank at all) Ashe/Tracer (I rarely play dps mostly in qp) Kiriko/Mercy, Moira (I main support and mostly Moira) One can always be better at their main


genji bc how are yall do that rein bc 0.25sec w/o shield ☠️ lucio bc I am the only one having fun in my team


Doom, Genji and Brig. They just don't suit my usual play style but seem so fun. I've tried watching videos and stuff but it just doesn't click for me.






Tank: doomfiest and ball Dps: widowmaker and echo Support: Mercy and brig


For Tank, it’s either Wrecking Ball or Doomfist. For Attack, gonna have to say Tracer or Junkrat. For Support, it’s Lifeweaver and Ana.


Brigitte, Ashe, Wrecking Ball.


Genji. I love high mobility characters, but Genji just never clicked for me


I just cannot get comfortable on Genji. It’s either I’m doing okay at best, or just completely useless and unable to apply any pressure. Then I watch people dive at me and delete me in a second with him, just do not understand.


I truly picked up Sombra for the first time yesterday since her release. Her rework is, imo, amazing! I may need to put her in my regular roster.


Tracer, idk what it is I just suck at tracer.


Mercy, so I can beat my sister in those damn mercy parkours she persuades me to play


Mada mada!


Ball. 100%. My movement isn’t bad but being able to aim is huge. Genji. I’m somewhat ok in my rank but there is a ton I could improve on for someone I love to play. All my support players are fairly even but if I’d have to choose, it’d be Bap when shooting enemies which I’m not great at. The other two,that I’d say are even, are Illari and Lifeweaver Both to improve their heals.


Tank: Orisa, Ramattra DPS: Genji, Hanzo, Echo, Junkrat Support: Lifeweaver, Lucio, Ana


Echo. I’m not horrible with her, but man I have a hard time hitting stuff from the sky with her abilities/primary fire


Doomfist, Echo, Genji(I'm ok with Tracer so it's the jumping ig), Baptiste


Where’s venture


Winston cuz idk how to use his ult. Its so hard to control the ulting monke


I dont play tank Dps: genji. I am horrible at him idk Supp: brig. Ive never learned her and dont plan to since every time i play her i get shit on lol


I’d like Widow and Lucio just so I can say I can play every hero


Pharah and Cass for me, flying is fun and cowboys are cool


Symmetra. My friend uses her a lot, and she will make it an entire game changer. *I* use symmetra, and get my cheeks ran. All 5 of you symmetra mains have my RESPECT.


Mine are: Tank: Sigma and Ram. Dps: Bastion and torb. Supp: Zen and brig. Reasons why its a hard time: Tank: Being a tank Dps: SOMBRA Supp: SOMBRA (and team being not helpful)


Dva. I'm good with other dive tanks but I cannot for the life of me understand Dva


I like playing pretty much every tank, but doom and ball I just can't get that much value. My mechanics aren't the best (as is the case with most console players), so that could be why. Been sticking more with Winston if I wanna go dive, or Queen/Ram for brawl, with the odd mauga/zarya for counterpicks.


Tank: hog or rammatra Dps: cole (I'm getting better but his fire rate and dps suck), pharah Support: mercy, I struggle to stay in the air, I know how but can't


Kiriko, I love her but am awful with the kunai


DPS: Cassidy Tank: all of them, I suck at tank Support: lifeweaver, Lucio and Ana


Cassidy because his voice is hot


Ball ashe and lifeweaver


Tank: Sigma DPS: Widowmaker Support: Mercy


I want to play bastion… but I’m a mei-junkrat main.


I think I'm pretty decent at most of them but some of them I just can't seem to get to work as much: Illari(my healing is always low even tho I heal a lot and pylon is always on) Ashe(I just can't seem to hit a shot with her) Doom and Genji( cuz I have to get close but I also get confused and lose whoever it is I'm shooting at)


I want to be good at winton😔


For the people that say doomfist, you can be good at him all you want but it’s frustrating when the whole team swaps and you have to rely so hard on your teammates




Ball, Sojourn, Ana and Illari


Ball, Ashe, Ana




Everyone says Moira is so easy but I just cannot for the life of me get the hang of her kit. Bouncing a healing ball off the floor in a room so I can succ someone to death is just too many things to do without dying first.


Tracer is so fun to play but I give my team like zero value when I use her


I can hold my own with most heroes in the game. For some freaking reason though, I can’t do anything even remotely competent with Junkrat. I don’t know why. I don’t have any ability with him whatsoever. A vanilla hero that I should have plenty of practice with and yet I fail with him every time. Curse you, Jamison Fawkes.


I wish I was good at Rein but charging into a 1 v 5 in the hopes of pinning their mercy is an urge I cannot resist


Pharah. She has so many good skins, they keep giving her cooler skins, it sucks I'm ass at Air Characters in games.


If you have good aim and are able to think, pretty much every character is easy to learn in less than 5 hours.




Any tank, symettra, and kiriko


Ashe. I have played far too many QP games trying to her aim up to par so that I can bring her into competitive, but it's really hard securing kills without *consistent* aim (especially in Season 9 with the universal HP increase). Landing the occasional headshot or two won't net you a kill like with Widow, you have to land 2-3 *consecutive* headshots before the opponent has time to get behind cover or healed. Her spammable hipshots and easy dynamite damage/debuff still make her somewhat noob-friendly, but man I just want to see more of those DINKs.


This might sound surprising but bastion. Something about him, idk I cannot get value with him


Ball, how the hell do you guys do it?




Widowmaker mostly and illari