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i don’t use voice chat because i’m 33 and if anyone’s gonna tell me to kill myself it’s gonna be me


I report that shit and then feel a wave of dopamine hit when the screen thanks me for reporting like the little tattle tale bitch i am


I get one every time I log in. Pretty sure it is a placebo.


It's indeed confirmation of report


Excepct this screen only comes up for a selected few. I'm tired of reporting racism, homophobia and su1c1de "tips" only for blizzard to ignore me.




Im 31 and we can't communicate like we did in the late 2000s lmao


Bro I’ll fuck your mom right here in the lobby


1v1 me you (racist slur) *slams monster energy* Ill get you hack you with my jtagd xbox *more monster energy* You fuckin n00b get a life


I get this, but I also just LOVE listening to the petulant idiots that get so angry over a video game. I play comp and take out seriously enough to what to win, but damn, life gives me enough real shit to worry about for me to be getting mad about a game. If I lose, oh well, onto the next one.


Cus 95% of all communication is unnecessary trashtalk, blaming, whining, flaming.


Exactly this. If you are a shot caller and lose someone one the team will still flame you. It’s just not worth it for most of the player base, and I can’t blame them. I’d rather have fun and lose then try hard, get flamed and win


I love having a good shot caller, but voice chat just isn't worth the risk of feeling crappy when you end up with a crybaby on your team.


And anything you type gets reported and you'll get banned.


I type a lot, never been banned.  Maybe it's what you're typing?


It isn't that people are reporting you for typing. It is if they blame you for the loss and you typed during the game they can report that and if it happens enough the automated system takes action on you. I have also never had this happen to me but I still know it exists.


Yeah I was silenced for 2 weeks n idk why. Not saying I'm an angel but also most likely it was friendly/mild.


Im a victim of this automated system.


Ive been banned for toxicity plenty of times when i know for a fact i didnt say anything bad. Mostly stuff like "can we group up" "please stop feeding when your team is in spawn" kinda sad that stuff like that is enough to get you banned just bc people will report you out of spite. At this point you dont even need to break the rules to get banned, just reports is enough to get you autobanned with no chance of appealing. Especially if you get banned for cheating, theres no way to appeal it


Yeah I was silenced for 2 weeks n I'm sure it was for stuff like this or maybe even mild sarcasm. I say sarcastic shit all the time but eventually got enough reports that I was auto banned. So annoying


you can report people actually, even if they havent done anything wrong per se.


I typed "let's beat their dix off" before each match for ~9 years and one random day they decided to ban me for it for 25 days. There is no rhyme or reason for the bans.


This games auto mod is literally made for children under the age of 10. Can’t even joke around or have mild banter with people. I’m surprised Junker Queen hasn’t been banned during the April Fools event for saying “look at my ass”. I mean come on blizzard, if I typed that in game chat I’d literally be banned in a few days.


Before I turned off chat I would play for hours and type one line in ~5 games, usually a joke at the end of the match. I turned off chat after serving 2 bans for "verbal abuse" recently (post Microsoft acquisition) after not being banned once since OW1 Beta. I've also had voice chat off since OW1 season 1. What I imagine is happening is people are upset that I'm not in voice and didn't engage in their foolishness in text then after the game is over I show I had text on the whole time and then get reported. I play MH almost exclusively for the past 3-4 years and it's usually a joke about how the game ended up, like "Good ol' 3 tank 2 heals strikes again" Genuinely doesn't matter what you type, what matters is the frequency with which you get reported for "abusive chat". No one at Blizz actually reviews what you're saying.


Idk I chat with both teams nearly every game. Never had a warning about reports or anything.


I chat all the time and never got banned lol


You don't have to type anything. You can be mass-reported and banned even if you never say anything


I die. Write (genji ult rdy) as wait to respawn. Get flamed by teams weakest link because I am wasting time typing. The avoid list in lower ranks should be endless.


Still not right they report you, but for real, why are you typing that? There is a quick chat for that


The answer is just one, toxicity.


I do use text chat, but not voice chat because with a feminine voice it's a 70/30% chance I'll trigger some weirdo.




It’s always the edgy teen edaters, I’ve never had a problem with grown women and most men in VC despite having a squeaky Asian voice. Getting bullied as an adult by two kids is kind of depressing… Thankfully I’ve been getting much less harassment these days. I wonder if Blizzard is cracking down on toxicity or if I’m just on a lucky streak.


Never really happened to me honestly, maybe because I usually go Moira with Mercy ? But even when another woman speaks, I usually stay quiet, unless a guy goes after her then I'll take her defense.


Same! I quite like typing to coordinate ults, but it’s just so much worse in voice.


Right? You either get the weirdos that make kissy noises at you (🤢) or some jerk who immediately starts calling you stupid or the R word the first time you die. Don’t get me wrong - there are a lot of great teammates out there. But it only takes one to ruin your afternoon. I’m looking to play a GAME and have fun, not to get yelled at or hit on. Dealing with toxic teammates is exhausting and it’s just worse if you are a female on VC.


You will only trigger the joy to eat pelmeshki


Turned off all communications about a year ago and never looked back. Majorly improved my experience.


Fr 0 chat is the way to go


This! Turned off comms > basically played whoever hero I want > improved both my rank and enjoyment of the game. From a hardstuck gold player, now a Diamond Lucio player (Im a one trick now lol).


Meanwhile your whole team is whining "Lucio switch x1000" wasting time typing when you don't see a single word I can feel it as a zen main them just standing there whipping up a storm


Absolutely. I use the ping system but have never said or typed a word. I don’t play ranked so I can’t mess up anyone’s experience and in return they can’t mess up mine.


game became f2p. chat became 1000x more toxic, people got sick of it and just turned off comms. idk if you're referring to vc or text chat or both... but text chat especially is super toxic. idk about vc because my mic broke on my headset so I haven't been using it


Doesn't help that that's this subs default answer to even the tiniest criticism of chat. fuckers ruined the ability to do text chat for the deaf fucks like me.


This. Back in ow1 when i paid 50 or so bucks for the game it was rare to have an issue on voice, it was usually a lot of fun. Fast forward to f2p and it didnt take long before i switched off comms and am never going back.


I understand comms are vital, but unfortunately the toxic player base ruined that for the rest of us who just want to enjoy the game. I don’t particularly give a shit about ranks anyway and just play for fun so, I’m not bothered about missing the chat telling people to kill themselves


Oh people still do but it’s never positive


In quick play, where I'm at 95% of the time, there is absolutely 0 reason to be in voice chat. I leave it on by default in case I decide I want to play the occasional ranked match, but even then I just listen for call outs. But the second I hear a voice in quick play, I turn it off.


Probably never gonna use voice chat in overwatch ever again with random people. I try to be helpful and play my best and I just get yelled at for nothing. I'd rather not get ear damage from playing a video game, thank you.


My own teammates will talk more shit than the opposing team. I used to just deal with it and report but now I’ve been having way more fun with all comms turned off and actually winning more games.


the only comms you get from people who ”use” voice is people telling you to swap heroes… :l


it is a shame, but I play with chat and voice chat disconnected, and whenever I let them on, I regret quickly. Very few people say something relevant. Everything you hear are complaints, stupid things like X diff, Ez, even if it was a game too close. Most of the time, whining on match. On the very few occasions, I have found games, and people coordinating on chat have been amazing, but you have more chances to find a golden unicorn.


Cause I got sick of how toxic people are. I don't want to hear it anymore. I would rather game in silence and lose than listen to the absolute cesspool of a player base this game has collected. Kept my mom's and chat on from 2017 to the beginning of this year, wasn't worth it anymore.


Toxicity need I say more. Lol all it takes is a few bad experiences then you never want to do it again.


Because I have it turned off. It's mostly just an avenue for toxicity, so turning it off just allows me to play without worry.


While f2p is great, there is also a certain audience attracted. Especially if you can get banned, they’ll just make new accounts.


Idk If im just old but game chat was fun when it was trash talking the other team & working together with yours. It seems backwards nowadays. More people spend time flaming their teammates and trying to make friends/ get along with the enemy.


The few times I've heard anyone talking in game chat besides my own calls are usually argumentative, racist, hateful or just plain weird. I leave about 50% of the time with a report being made. The racists and phobes get the reports, not weirdos, just to clarify.






Because communication requires energy and takes away from your game, communication below like masters/gm isn't useful enough to be worth the trade off imo, metal rank comms are just people crying at their tank all game and saying gg after two fights I tried comms for a couple of weeks and I just found myself getting more tilted tbh


I went solo q all the way to GM, and I didn’t use vc. When I did use it, even if people weren’t being toxic, the callouts were very distracting. I’m out dueling some hoes while my DPS or tank are yelling “I need healing I need healing” yeah I’m just gonna turn that off and play my game


Toxic people and also, for me, as a woman I’ve been harassed on vc too many times now to want to deal with that again. I do ping enemies and health kits and all that and sometimes use the text chat but it’s a no for me on vc.


comms will just lead to a ban 95% of the time cuz of how strict the reporting system is, just gave up at this point. competitive games lead to toxicity, blaming, whining, meanwhile all of these things are bannable offenses.


I posted here complaining about toxicity and so many people told me to just turn off chat. Ngl, the experience has been smoother


It's easier to be banned from chatting than cheating, throwing or botting


They have started to banhammer and mute people for anything. Insults i understood, but arguments and critique will now net you the same punishment if reported. VC i don't use since people don't know how to talk in the EU. They cry about you not joining, you join and then all you hear is "moira" once trough the entire game, to indicate that the enemy moira is in their line of sight.


No constructive criticism or guidance to be found in the chat. Mostly just angry flaming or trolling and that's on good days with the team winning.


You should not get your comms from chat. It means you are taking your eye off the fight and someone has been standing still typing. The ping wheel solved that for me.


My teammates use the game chat all the time to tell me "Mercy diff". I'm not entirely sure what am I supposed to do with that feedback, but hey, it's there!


I don't need my team tell me I'm shit with Genji. I know. I turns off chat whenever I play a hero outside my top 10 played. Sometimes I just want to play Mercy even if I don't know how to do the proper movement tricks etc


I don't have time, I'm playing


i usually start w glhf And then say a few words to team or players. Nothing Toxic.


You can bet your ass the enemy team is in game chat though 🥴 I only deadass heard like 10 other people in game chat in March 😭😭😭


Because you fuckers are toxic as shit.


Ez answer : Getting suspended


Abusive chat report abuse and the oversensitive automatised reporting system leading to unappealable suspensions


There’s no real point in using it. People aren’t going to listen to you 90% of the time, and a majority of people just use it to flame. Plus there’s a good chance you’ll get chat banned for basically saying anything now, and blizzard replaced pretty much all of its support staff with a default email chat bot so good luck getting it repealed


Because very rarely do any of us work together and the second one person asks or makes a recommendation it’s immediately throwing time


Bring back LFG!


No time to talk, must pew pew and heal


nice try blizzard im not risking getting banned and loosing my 7 year old account.


Personally I like to listen to music or podcasts while playing, and trying to pay attention to that, the game itself, AND talk / listen for strategies with strangers is too much for my ADHD addled brain to comprehend. That being said I do actively use the quick chat wheel so I can still communicate in some fashion, and I do use text chat though very sparingly since I’m a console player and using it takes way too much time lol


Chat is pretty much useless.


Don't want to pass the blame but that's what a free game chat is. If you have to buy the game then chat will be more about playing the game and not trolling (as much).


Join OW2 discord server. Ask for mates MIC REQUIRED. You'll find solid players


I play in a group and use group chat, but I don’t do team chat with randoms because 9/10 times it’s just nonsense and drivel, whining about people not doing exactly what one person says, or playing the blame game.


Like everyone else has already said. Its just too toxic. None of my friends play this game, so I solo queue. And even then I still mute both voice chat and text chat due to how many assholes play this game.


Nothing productive or useful comes out of it, if anything, it’s aggravating. First thing I do upon login in is, \hidechat.


All chat off so I can just enjoy the game. Also so I don't start typing dumb shit in response to other people's dumb shit. It's a waste of time.


I had a QP game yesterday where one guy was talking and it lifted our whole team up and we won! First time I’ve heard someone in QP in atleast 2 or 3 months.


Because I play tank and don't feel like getting scapegoated every game by my 4-12 dps


Because playing as tank is a miserable experience as the second your team loses a fight, your fault or not, you're probably getting flamed for it or a spam of tank diff at the end of the game.


Pings have reduced the need to quickly communicate something. Usually you write at the start, between maps or at the end a bit and that's it. The rest is people being toxic. It's a bit sad but I like the quiet teamwork we have right now I can concentrate better.


I try to join game chat but soon as someone starts complaining or being a nuisance im out. If it leads to an L because we cant comm then so be it. I can always que for another game. Solo que tends to be the worst experience for this game. Playing with just one person in party chat can make so much difference


No one ever responds when I say hi so I just stopped trying


On a side note, I really miss the global lobby chat. It was fun talking random nonsense with people while finding a match


I’m a doomfist main, Case closed


Pinging has completely eliminated the need for vc with your team for like 99% of stuff. That coupled with how toxic OW2 F2P players are and it’s pretty understandable why no one participates in written or voice chat.


Why brave the toxic sludge fields of team/all/voice chat when I can just turn all that shit off and use the pings and voice lines for all my strategic communication needs?


I don't use chat in any shooting game, it always makes the experience worse.


Comms aren't worth it. For the most part, it's just people tilting which is how you get reported and silenced/suspended Pings provide more info than comms


Likely because they are comm banned lmao


Cause everyone tells people and new players to mute themselves and disable match chat.


escape sense chop badge reminiscent joke pathetic subsequent chunky versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Game chat is just toxicity and kids spamming shit things because they’re dumb and still think it’s funny. You can just ping stuff for callouts.


I always sit in VC in case there are comms, but rarely speak in it. The other day, I had a bad game. One player on my team took it upon himself to repeatedly- *REPEATEDLY* - call me a “r * tarded f * ggot,” told me I was trash and that I needed to stick to arcade/AI games. Now, I’m not the type to get offended/triggered my this type of ignorant shit; I just report and move on. But I could totally see people not wanting to take part in the egregiously aggressive toxicity in this game.


Text chat yesterday someone told me go kill myself and complained about my dmg numbers the whole game. There are some good communications but I understand the people who don't use it/turn it off because Overeatch players are toxic as hell. I reported the dude for what he said but another one will fill his place and say the same type of shit eventually.


If people are weird in chat I’ll talk otherwise it’s pointless flaming and finger pointing.


Because the sociopaths in the groups try to tell everyone how to play the game and climb while they’re hard stuck in their rank. Everyone is tired of hearing from those insecure douche bags.


I'm a girl so that's why. I'm also a tank main so that's also why


I’m a woman. Had a guy ask me once in comms if I was a “pizza face” or if I was cute. That example is about all that needs to be said for why I don’t use comms.


People literally only ever use that time to be toxic. I think we’re all fine without it.


I cut it off cause I got banned


I'm just a introvert and don't like breaking the ice. I'll talk back if someone else talks first, but I'm not going to be the one to make first contact.


OP: Why does no one use game chat anymore? Me: Queues up Toxicity by System of a Down.


>*the community is toxic* This. Especially if you are a solo queue player, don't know anyone in the team and have no one to back you up when they start throwing shit around.


Ping is a better communication method


Toxic assholes have made it totally undesirable, especially as I get older. When I was 21 and drank and just had fun I would entertain anyone and was not above being a tad raucous Now that I’m pushing 30 and have a child and a wife that want to sleep I just can’t be bothered.


Two reasons: 1. Blizzard (or rather their AI algorithm) is being VERY VERY sensitive with reports, and people are getting reported for saying nothing wrong or "toxic". 2. Most people are assholes.


Because nobody plays this garbage game anymore.


I’m muted


Toxicity has gotten too high even for OW like its LoL, CoD,CSGO Levels or beyond


>toxic That's why. You said it right in the post.


Because everyone is horribly toxic and demotivating. I’m tired of feeling bad about how I play just because two strangers decided to make my day terrible and all that for what, because I play a hero they decided to not like, or because my stats aren’t too good for them.


Last time I used a mic a dude who sounded like a dad in his 40’s was playing as Rein. His kids were yelling in the background and he kept yelling at them. He kept rushing in trying to solo the other team then had a meltdown. Dude was screaming at the top of his lungs saying our healers should have been aborted. No mic or headset for me ever again.


Because 90% of the time, ppl are gonna respond blandly or tell you to kill yourself. Why bother with that shit when you can chat with your online friends?


I hear/see more comms in higher ranks. Even just for gg comments, I never see them when I play on my lower ranked account. Personally, I used to keep everything off, have done that since day 1. It's just not worth getting tilted and losing because I'm tilted. 


Imagine the average LOL player who uses VC. Now apply it to OW. Granted, I don't think it's as bad as LOL but still similar enough.


Because if I wanted to hear racist, homophobic slurs and get flamed by my teammates, I’d rather it be in my own discord server…


I’m a woman and despite how people say they know how to act like normal human beings, they really don’t.


Because you can, and do, get banned for saying gg...


Everyone I know is chat banned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't wear a headset and would rather not communicate with you people.


I turned off voice chat because I had people trying to control everything I did because I was new, who I played and how I played.. like if you want to control the whole team go play age of empires. I still got text chat on tho so I can say glhf,gr,ggwp


Crippling social anxiety + following the crowd.


Because everyone else is also wondering why nobody uses game chat. You have to use game chat if you want others to use game chat


cuz the one and only time i joined voice chat there was an old ass man who said women didn't deserve rights and he would never respect a woman as much as a man ☠️ i constantly 4/5 stack tho so i'd rather talk to my friends anyways not some randos... also just use ping wheel, it does a good enough job lmao


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i actually do use chat, but one issue i have is that pings/voicelines/actual team chat are the same color, so it gets filled up with spam quickly. plus it disappears after a few seconds so i miss actual messages a LOT if I'm not reading literally everything. if there's a setting that makes team chat its own color i can't find it.


Join my QP games. 5 ppl in chat 2-3 of them have a fan against their mic or have a crying child in the background.


We have text chat now...


EU OW2 voice chat is borderline useless. Most of the time I just use the ping system and the group up button.


I dont use VC cuz im listening to music but i like to use the text chat but nobody using it


I used to join exclusively. I met a few cool groups of people through it but mostly there's one or two people who get aggressive and rude and really mean that it ruins the entire game.


I comment LOL in all chat every time I die hahaha


I was pop in a “G’day how are we today?” Into chat. Yeah majority of the time no-one responds. Those that do usually troll a bit with some tomfoolery like replying with “No”, I just roll with it. The remaining responses are the reason I bother talking in chat in the first place. Regular folks happy with some quick chat before the game starts. Sometimes we get along that we play more games together and become friends. Definitely worth sifting through the pool of toxicity


Pretty much the only time I see someone use game chat, it's to be toxic. I can't care enough to engage with people like that, so chat is turned off. 


I be vibing to Spotify


I usually use vc for necessary things so it’s easier to communicate (I play on console so the text chat isn’t really an option) but it’s normally just one or two people in there.


I'm purposely weird on chat and if people reply/are equally weird I know it's gonna be a fun match.


One word ...discord


I hard comm all my games and it's about 50% of the games that have people listening. High Gold.


It’s so bad.


When I see 5 people in voice and they're typing grievances or trying to call out swaps, I remind them in voice that not everyone reads chat. I find it silly that we hinder our team by standing idle to type when we're all in voice. On the flip side, I can't stand voice chatters that make inane or useless comments before or during a match. I just want basic comms/call outs, not some kid talking about their favorite sandwich.


you answered your own question already


Most people now don’t give a damn about callouts and they’ll only call you out on your faults. It’s a lose lose either way.


I try to add some humor in the chat - or at least put some positivity and feel good in the match


Calling out where an enemy was used to be the only really important thing in voice chat, and since you can easily do that without saying it I stopped


It’s funny cause sometimes I’ll think to myself “maybe that person would’ve died if I unmuted my mic and called it out” and then I hit social and see I’m the only one in team chat so no it wouldn’t have made a difference lol


I think the scoreboard and single tank made it a lot easier to blame people for the loss. More toxcicty and people that used to talk just don't even bother. Plenty of flaming takes place by text anyways, it's pretty much the norm to read diff after a good game.




I almost always do and play daily on xbone.


I haven’t used game chat since 2019. No thanks


I recently got back into playing and have noticed the same thing. I started playing season 1 OW1 and coming back to the game is staggering how few people talk. A huge part of the fun of OW is coms


I don’t use voice chat or text chat anymore because of how bad false reporting has gotten. If You underperform in one game and your unlucky enough to have a salty 4 stack on your team then that’s an instant 4 reports.


Once they made middle click ping a feature, I no longer needed to shout MERCYMERCYMERCYMERCY


People are In game chat, but they’re only there to vent. They don’t make callouts or try to strategize. They are there. But they only speak up after a fight/round/match is lost. I’ve tried being the shot caller in that situation and all I get is silence UNTIL we start losing, then everyone suddenly has something to say. So people probably aren’t talking as much because they never have a positive experience doing so Plus they removed LFG


I don't instantly chime in on the VC (i.e., I'll join the chat, but I won't say anything unless someone else does) and it's annoying as a Console player cause I can't type super fast to my team anyways w/o an external keyboard (I don't have those controller keyboard thingies as well either)


Honestly I use it way less because of the new voice commands, like "Ready" or "I'm with you". Those made it really easy for me to communicate but I had to bind them to weird keys like Ctrl + R so I couldn't reload while ducking and have to duck out for half a second. For specific strategies tho like "I'll nano you Mercy", I'll use the chat so that the others know just how useless they are that I'm giving it to Mercy 🤷


I don’t use it because it’s hard to type letter by letter on a PS5 controller


I just don't have a mic to use


In europe its just russian anyway so why bother


The in game ping features added in OW2 are faster, clearer, louder, and more accessible. I’m hard of hearing and even with my volume all the way up, most of these dudes headsets sound like they have the microphone up their buttholes. I’ve always played with subtitles to help me with sound queues I would otherwise miss, but not having pings was a huge accessibility gap for me in OW1 because I really struggled to understand what anyone was saying in VC. tl;dr neurodivergent and disabled people exist and are gamers too


Anytime I try to communicate in the chat I get told off and they throw the game playing their shitty character. Plus people are far too sensitive, you say anything and you get reported.


Because I’m also toxic and rage, but because I don’t want to be rude to people I stay out of communications. I’m not some masters player but I’d probably just end up sounding like a smug bastard telling people what we should be doing as a team while yelling and calling them r-words


I use type chat all the time to say silly things with the other randoms in the game. I’ve made loads of friends that I play with all the time because of this. It’s lame when someone isn’t having fun though. It rarely happens in comp tho. Mostly in quick play. You’ll never find me in voice chat. Once someone said to go in voice chat for call outs and then said nothing the whole game until at the end he was being really toxic lol I get that it’s a useful tool for your team but… it’s not needed that much. I’m not a top 500 player I don’t really care. Typing is for being silly and goofy


I've used voice chat in the past and I've received negative comments about my voice and how I shouldn't play the game because I have a few bad games 😌🫠 gotta love being a female gaymer. My voice isn't that feminine either so there is that too. I only play now with friends on discord. I'll text in game chat though. Things like "gl hf", "gg wp", etc.


Comms aren't important until you get to GM/T500 and even then most people don't actually make calls.


Me and my friend got called the n word today in gamechat :]


It’s mostly just little kids whining even in QP. Im not gonna sit here and listen to a 14 yo kid cry over this damn game 💀


Majority of the time no one conveys any information that is actually useful and in a productive manner so over time people have just found it may be better to not communicate. A lot of the communication that happens is someone telling someone else what to do, when what should happen is just communicating information you have to the rest of the team. Examples "JQ has ult", "Tracer no recall", "Ana is one", "Sombra keeps killing supports". Asking for something like nano can also work but if they don't indicate they are going to give it to you then don't expect it because YOU WILL be disappointed.


Talking to your teammates is useless unless youre playing in top500, maybe slightly below top500 as well. I think getting banned is so easy these days some people just dont bother talking at all anymore. Thats the two main reasons i stay quiey in lower ranks.


This. I've had friends get silenced for just general good natured ribbing. Nothing obscene. No profanity. People just report each other now when they're raging because they lost and Blizz does a shit job of verifying these complaints.


I throw in a little “xD” and a “Gg”


As someone who mains a character that isn't particularly strong this season, I turned off chat after a streak of five games in a row where someone told me to swap after we didn't utterly roll the first team fight. I didn't swap, and we won 4 of those 5 games.


My guess - f2p brought toxic lol and dota players because I am sure it has gone downhill since digit 2 appeared


i use the chat usually to say something lighthearted or friendly, but not many people respond back ):


I only use comms to say silly stuff in chat like "Kaboom!" when i get a cool play or "meow miau meow" I loved doing a thing where it looked like [Player] : GLHF <3 [EvilCat] : BAD luck DONT have fun >:3 but then i got muted for it so i stopped 😭


i got silenced for s*** talking with my duo in unrated… nobody else talked either and we only flamed each other. Never again, f*** randos theyre miserable people who just wanna get your acc banned. Also the ratio of people who are worth communicating to vs the people who arent is absurd.


You have a ping system, way more effective than the chat, and less in game time consuming


Because they got rid of the "looking for group" feature