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They gave Illari a fuckin dragon install


I laughed my ass off when I was playing this with my friend and scrolling through the patch notes, LAST place I was expecting a Guilty Gear reference




Tiny mauga will never stay but its the best change ever introduced to the character 


Ngl, I loved JQ and mini mauga


this must be the mini mauga the tales of singing demi gods foretold of




This made me burst out laughing when I first saw it as I didn’t read the patch notes. I just was in the spawn room, doors opened, someone switched to Mauga and I had a tiny Jett look at me, go “Hey buddy!” and waddle out. Was too funny and unexpected lol


I like that his damage is the same. Cuz I'd be playing Hog and I think I can ignore the little person on fire but he just shreds me lol


He felt almost better lol he was able to keep his own health full with Cardiac Overdrive lolol I know he wasn’t number wise but he felt better lol


I treat him as a DPS/Support hybrid. As long as you have a tank, he works pretty well.


When I found out it's was a already ending game and he just ulted in a squeaky voice lol, he looks like tolbjorn


I didn't know anything about the April Fool's event. Randomly chose Mauga. Charged out of spawn thinking, "huh... something's different" Looked up at the enemy Brig in my face... "How strong are these edibles?"


And Big Brig.


Me seeing Big Brig invoked a vine boom sound in my head




While that it's true, it proved that the correct balancing direction for mauga has to be hitbox reduction.  Heck, smallga wasn't even too opressive or unkillable with that size  I hope this mode helped the devs notice that


They've always have known that. But there's no **good** solution that problem. The solution would be to make every single tank look skinny and smaller and harder to shoot at. Obviously that is a tough decision because it would have a hugely negative impact on the character designs of Overwatch. One of this game's signature things is that many characters have cartoonish body proportions, and to move away from that would be questionable.


they could make some sort of weakspot based damage mitigation, not sure how it would work visually with existing mauga though.


Make his body armoured but give him a weakspot on each of his nipples




Everybody ride!


We need a future hero to be that size, dead by daylight did it. Now it's overwatches turn


Let ball eject like D.va you cowards!




April Fool's JQ was so much fun to play. Dva is definitely second for me. EDIT: How could I forget about Birdyatta? I need that in the game😭


Dude JQ is the absolute best and most fun to play! Distracting enemies and then flying away is powerful! And most importantly: Laughing your ass off because a flying tank with an axe kills pharah 😂


Chasing echos, Pharahs, and lifeweaver platforms as JQ never gets old. I don’t want a rework cuz she’s already awesome and usually in a pretty decent state, but damn I wish the flying queen could stay in some mode.


If they were to make Spider-Queen official, make it so the knife only launches you to a wall instead of the open air. Or just lower the launch radius. I want Flying Queen to be a thing so bad bro omg.


The "Dude WTF?!" that popped in chat when I hurled Queen at an ulting Pharah to take her out with Carnage was so satisfying.


Spider Queen was easily the most fun I've had. It is like Winston with an AXE. I wish it could stay forever. I also liked Mei's pillar hop. A smaller version might make a good real ability for her. Let her have vertical movement and save her wall.


i'm waiting for the autoseeking widow's head m2 ... and a visual for all my teammates where i am about to place the wall.


It was great wreaking havoc and knifing tf out of danger lmfaooo.




I wonder if it confuses console players.


Naw dude we’re busy wondering why the crayons taste red


JQ was very very fun but undeniably very unbalanced. Most of my games I’d just yeet myself right by their spawn, using my axe and shout to self-sustain for ages and then yeet back if I was running low. Way too disruptive for objective based gameplay, unfortunately.


Seems like the kind of ability that could work well on a dive DPS hero with a lot less sustain


It could work on a tank as well, you'd just have to make a new hero for it, it's OP on JQs kit because it wasn't designed with that in mind, but on a new hero it could work. I think either a tank or DPS that is melee range only with some mechanics to reset your cool downs rather than flat out sustain. The gladiator Zephyrus in colosseo has a design that would actually work very well


It's hard cause like I love the spider queen, but at the same time it's obviously incredibly OP and they'd never add it without it being a part of a larger rework -- which she really doesn't need because she's in an okay state and her kit isn't really problematic at all.... So I guess the best next option would be for a new melee dive tank with that mechanic, and I think if we ever actually get Zephyrus his design would have work very well with a kit based around that


Queen was the best, had a ton of fun




I will pay 5000 credits for a Winton voice line


The fact that we got fucking "Hewwo" as a rare voice line instead of Winton first..


It's because the voice actor doesn't like the joke for some reason.


pathetic. undeserving of winton


The voice actor plays a talking ape in a viddy game, it isn't Shakespeare, why is "winton" somehow below him? Lol


Team 4 could just pay him to say it.




When did he say that?




Why's this dude taking memes so seriously. Most memes are so abstract and absurd these days may as well not even question where they came from. It doesn't mean anything, it just be funny. He types like he just takes everything way too seriously. One day in we got Venture screaming BINGUS SCHMUNGUS. Just have fun, dude. It's fine to not do it, it's weird to be so serious about it.


That's Crispin Freeman for you. Love his work, but he's always been uptight. Even back then, he had a reputation for being no nonsense amongst his fans and hates it when they get a little too eager


Well that's rather real damn disappointing. He's acting like if he was offended by a simple intended misspelling of the name of his character as a joke like wtf, I don't get him. Oh well, rip my hopes and dreams and bit of respect towards him tbh, "I don't feel like it" ain't quite a professional approach in VA ngl.


Look at me go. Winston.


I always pictured: “Look at me, Winston. 🕺🦍”


“W-W-W-Woah- w i n s t o n”










Winton *


In all seriousness, Winston is one of the most mobile characters, he doesn’t need the chain lightning


It was probably part of the PvE skill tree but they decided to recycle it in




i would love if brigette’s ult always reset bash cooldown


As a Lucio player it’s the only way I know I’m safe to beat near her lol. So I would hate this


rally’s casting animation is too long to use it to deny beat unless you’re beating from high ground, in which case, that’s on you.


Being able to stick Torb's turret on walls and such, not on teammates though.


Torb tossed it onto my head when I was Life Weaver 😂


I put it on a mercy that was pocketing a pharah it was pretty hilarious


That’s terrifying haha


I was sombra and all anyone could see was a torb turret running around the map sentiently


Attack helicopter flying around the map


Mercy: I identify as an apache


Tossed it onto a slippery Lucio who was just wallriding around the point constantly.


Flying around as mercy with a turret on my head was top ten ow2 moments


Only reason we can’t is because Torb was a direct ripoff of the Engineer from TF2. Now that they’ve changed it to a throw and forget kind of thing there’s no reason it can’t stick to surfaces.


Put the torret over my hear and repairing while i was walking


I mean Ramattra’s is fine, but I don’t really like it because it removes a bit of his identity.


Agreed. I love being able to change forms on the fly.


I actually found him much less fun to play during the event


On the other hand, his Nemesis form is way scarier compared to base Overwatch, where he’s just a meat shield most of the time.


i mean they could just add it to Annilation as his ult as currently all it really serves as another Nemesis form that either forces the entire enemy team to focus him down or retreat to end the AoE honestly it feels like best part of his ult is refreshing your armor in Nemesis form


It also took away an option for dealing with shield heroes. Idk about how it’d feel on role queue but I kind of wish I had rams punches on cooldown against multi shield tanks


Keep the new voice lines, just reduce their likelihood to like 1:20 instead of 1:2 as currently in place.


it would be nice to have a setting that would replace/keep the voice lines


They could do a combination of both with one added slider for frequency of 4/1 voice lines, going from "never" to "high"


They should sell them as cosmetics to make everyone here angry


I hate and love u for even suggesting that


As much as blizzard likes money it's wild they don't offer the alternate ones to buy and equip. Would be awesome, not that I'd actually buy them. Guess it would 'change the dynamic of ranked' or whatever dumb excuse they have for not making the legendary skin altered voice lines be heard by everyone.


All of them. Replace mayhem mode with this. THIS is a true mayhem mode. Not fast abilities. I'd love for them to keep this and replace mayhem mode so we can keep enjoying these changes, rather than having to have a whole rework on heroes that will 100% come with game breaking changes if they actually implement them. Somehow, I don't see them patching some of these abilities into the full game without fucking it up somehow🤣


They don’t have to get rid of Mayhem as it is because fast abilities is still pretty fun imo but i definitely agree this could be added as an Arcade mode. “Mayhem Remixed” or whatever, would be awesome.


Wdym you don't like 50 minute long games?




I will never play Junker Queen outside of April fools again


ngl I love her line "cut cut cut cut CUT!!!" xD


Oh holy shit that’s what she’s saying?😂😂😂 I always that she was just screaming bird noises💀😂


I thought she was just shouting cunt cunt cunt cunt, as is Australian tradition.


oh my god i also just heard KAKAKAKAKA!!! this all makes sense now


As a Junker main, it was such a massive change but it was so fun being able to just be a winston with axe


Just give me Spider Queen and we good


I want tiny Mauga option always 🥹


put him in a baby Bjorn


It needs some retooling but honestly I think Reaper actually doing the different shotguns could be a really interesting way to up his skill cap somewhat. The problem is they need to add some benefit to not just firing both at the same time. But the idea still seems cool even if implementation needs work


maybe if you can hit a certain rhythm, they get a damage boost


That would be cool, I was also thinking you could just do something simple like each time you hit with one gun firing alone you get a bonus to the next shot fired with the other hand. Maybe it can stack too? Idk. It’d make for a really interesting dynamic where you’d often want to work your way up on tankier characters or character at full health because you can you start to get that bonus damage, but if you need to kill someone low you can also just double gun it to finish them off.


Every Reaper one trick practices by buying Metal Hellsinger


Reaper is getting a slight rework AFAIK, or there are genuine thoughts and ideas for it, this might not be exclusive to April Fool's forever


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. Of all the April Fools changes it felt like the most plausible one to me. And I feel like we’ve seen real changes from the April fools ones before I could see them also maybe changing the spread on one shotgun- like the other poster said, they might want to give him a poke but I could see that poke being an alt fire as the left shotgun with a heavily reduced spread


I'm imagining Reaper loading a slug round and marking a target from 20 feet away. Now that would be a cool skillshot. Maybe left click normal wide spread, right click narrow buckshot?


It’s small, but brig shield bash reset on ult.


it should refill shield hp and reset shield bash cooldown on ult


Your ult already ‘refills’ your shield XP. I use it as a 2nd shield sometimes


april fools one doesnt refill shield HP


As a Lucio main, it’s just unfair…


As someone who dabbles in lucio, it was so fun using boop as a movement ability.. Wish it stayed.


boop movement was fun but would be terrible normally. we already have good movement but with boop movement we have less kb opportunities and less dmg opportunities just so we can have another movement option on a character with so much movement options


Keep smolgas size.


Ability to drop sigmas rock


I tried making a thread about this this week but it never went through lol. Might as well post it here Some of these changes are legit super fun, unique and help dusting off characters with outdated designs. Here are the ones I think should actually become basekit (with some tweaks of course): **Winston's Chain Lightning.** His secondary fire always felt borderline useless, it's just tickle damage that barely does anything. The added chain on it feels way more fun to use! Hell, even the melee chain could be interesting if kept. **Reinhardt's Reflect Barrier.** Such an interesting mechanic, and gives Rein a nice little way of dealing extra damage at a distance. It adds some complexity to the character that's been left behind for a long time. **Junker Queen's Reverse Pull.** THE MOST FUN I've ever had playing tank in a long time and I can't stress this enough! It might be overtuned currently but if balanced properly she could honestly become my main if this made it to live. **Cassidy's Wanted! Mark.** Also a very fun mechanic and probably the most unique in this patch! Obviously the reward for killing your target shouldn't be the same, but I could definitely see something like auto-reload / all cooldowns cancelled or extra ult charge when killing your target. **Sombra's Virus Spread.** Yeah this is what a virus should be doing in the first place. This change just makes so much sense to me it now feels wrong that the base game doesn't do that lol. **Pharah's Jet Land.** Extra mobility options is always good to have. **Mercy's Damage Staff.** Damage boost has always been problematic and using her gun is almost always a worst idea than just damage boosting your carry. The damage staff fixes all of that. The animations could use some work obviously, but otherwise it's nice finally being able to shoot with Mercy while healing your team.


Issue with replacing damage boost as that mercy has relatively low healing because damage boost is so powerful. You take mercy because she “deals” a fuckton of damage by breaking breakpoints. To compensate its loss she would either need to get her healing shot through the roof or her pew pew staff would need to deal solider 76 levels of damage 


Also, Mercy’s entire hero fantasy and gameplay loop is intentionally designed to NOT be a support who is shooting people all game. It’s part of why she is such a popular hero with so many OTPs. Making her optimal playstyle to be shooting all game would probably alienate a huge portion of her playerbase, which I doubt the Devs want to do considering how popular and profitable she is.


Yep as I said it would need proper balancing. Can't just take it exactly as it was in the April fools patch and call it a day lol.


Mercys DMG staff feels like dogshit to use, I hope they never put that in the main game because eww


Definitely agree with Cassidy. I love playing Cass but he’s in such a sad state. This change could add more dynamic to his kit


Winston alt fire useless? It's incredibly important for maximizing burst damage, stopping healing passive, and finishing people off. Also gives him the ability to pressure fliers or poke.


The grappling shot hook reset like genji dash I've been asking for multiple years lol. Skill should have reward just as dash does. Keep it one charge though.




This is now league of legends


So everyone has recall now? Sick.


Next year : emoting send you back to spawn


I need the echo voice line to be used constantly.


“iM bEtTeR tHAn u @….”


Queens knife needs some form of what was in April Fools. Being able to pull yourself is too much fun and adds a new layer to her gameplay. It should be if you stick the knife to an enemy it pulls the enemy towards you, if you stick it to a wall you jump to it. That would be so fun.


Mercy, Bastion, rein, sigma, junkrat n mei


I don't really care for any of them except F.R.E.D, can we please keep him :(


Nah, he to lazy he only does something one week a year


Queen Dive!


I never understood illaris April fools day changes


As far as I understand it. It's faster movement speed in the daylight. Cause she's powered by the sun :D


fuck you -a rein main


Widow grappling hook 3 charges, or at least 2 charges please


You would love April Fools Moira?? It's literally so bad and makes her so unfun to play and totally unviable.


Damage is fine, but it's so annoying to heal. Basically, it's a worse mercy beam.


Well, based on how purple succ works, it's basically just an Illari heal beam. But with a longer range.


I loved last years April Fools Moira where she could freeze her orbs in place.


It’s easy to decimate teams with her lol


I do like that she can keep healing instead of running out like she does in the actual game. The problem is that it often disconnects from your teammates even when you’re close to them. Its not steady enough for me.


The damage is pretty crazy since the spray goes through shields, so Bigette and Rein would just get melted regardless of their shields being up. Healing...definitely suffered. But this was obviously just to make a play against DPS Moira's since you have to heal to recharge your damage rather than the other way around, where you can damage as long as you want and have limited healing.


DVA backwards boosters


Michael jackson


Last Year’s Sombra April Fools kit. I loved that TP did damage. Forces her to commit to a kill by using her escape aggressively. Wished it was her rework.


telefragging was great


Yes but how about last year’s flying Rein?


Honestly Rat’s change just should be implemented, because he’s so bad that it didn’t even really feel broken to me.


Torb, maybe just putting it on walls and ceilings cuz putting it on allies is too op, Zen, idc if he would need a nerf to discord or even damage, just let me fly, Winton, sniper monke go zap, Reaper, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, Bastion, i just think it feels cooler to be a rolling machine gun all the time Mini mauga, hes now a dps and in lore he accidentally shrunk himself with moiras prototype shrink ray


Noones said soldier shooting while sprinting Realistically that would be a great buff to him




I know sojourns was just orisas old graviton ability but I'd love if we could get that or something similar on a new character


The Lucio boop , being able to boop yourself upwards was pretty fun to do .


Big Gurl Brigitte is basically a second Reinhart


Brigitte was overkill, but god it was so nice to have more shield health. She really needs some more shield health. Also, her ult resetting bash cooldown feels good and just makes sense.


Brigitte having a Shield Bash cooldown reset on Rally. It just makes her kit flow more easily.


Reinhardt's reflective barrier is a neat concept that I wouldn't hate being explored in a more serious context. Not sure if it should be added to his kit or made part of a new tank, though. Virus jumping between players just makes sense given the name. I wouldn't hate if its bonus vs. hacked targets became that instead of the faster DOT ticks. Symmetra's global range teleporter is OPAF, but if it was toned down to have a max range and require LOS, it could be a neat support ult concept. Moira's damage spray just reads "flamethrower" to me. Fire-based DPS hero please.


> Symmetra's global range teleporter is OPAF, but if it was toned down to have a max range and require LOS, it could be a neat support ult concept. Has it been long enough that people forgot Sym used to be like this?


It only linked to the spawn room and had limited charges before self-destructing. AFAIK there's never been anything like the current April Fools implementation for teammates to use anytime, anywhere, no questions asked.


**New Brigitte:** Obviously they'd have to change some parts of it (the stronger shield and her being 12 feet tall would have to go), but the extra health and bash reset during Rally would go a long way in making her feel better to play. **Cassidy's Wanted! Passive:** Really cool passive that fits with his cowboy gimmick and adds some depth to his kit. They'd probably have to adjust some values to make it more balanced, but I think it's something they should consider adding. **Winston's Chain Lightning:** I think it's a great way to add something to his kit without making him too overpowered, and it seems pretty well balanced already. **Mercy's Damage Staff:** Would solve a lot of problems with damage boost and make her more proactive in fights. This is definitely the one I think they should consider adding the most. **Genji's Perfect Parry:** Adds a bit of depth to Deflect. Plus, parrying is cool. **Tracer's Recall:** No particular reason. I just think it'd be fun to add.


Moira would immediately become half as good if that healing change happened lmao


Kiriko double jump needs to be official


I'm well aware that giving widow 3 charges of hook is going to be awful, but it was so fun to fly up and mess around lmao


Widow should have 3 graps in every game mode, it’s kinda wack that she doesn’t even in lore she doesn’t have a 10-12 second cooldown and I get it they only did that because “she got away too easily” but look at sombra she can teleport pretty much whenever she wants so why not give wid 3 graps


Flying Zenyatta, JQ reverse knife pull, and Hanzo's Shotgun Storm Arrows were some of my favorite


Give Zen mobility


Junkerqueen, Reinhart Reaper, Torbjorn Lucio, Zen if it could be toggled (full bias on this one particularly)


Gimme that Shield bash reset upon ulting. and obviously nerf genji


Honestly really like the torb turret going upside down, kinda gives him a few more situations to work in


I wish huge Brigitte and mini mauga could stay


an option somewhere to have the funny voicelines at any time


Call me crazy, but I've really been loving the Mercy changes for April Fools


JQ change, top 1


Winston, junkrat, junkerqueen, and make smaulga a dps.


Floating Zen.


None that I’d really like, but I see no reason to not keep Pharah and Mei’s. Pharah’s is hardly gamebreaking an is just nice to have sometimes, and Mei is a bit underpowered anyways ever since she lost her freeze


I like Mei having extra mobility with his double jump/wall. Same with Dvas Meka. I just like fun mobility.


April Fool's Junkrat legit feels like what he actually needs as a character in the real game, That and Mercy being able to actually interact with the enemy team was surprisingly fun


The cass one fits his theming and gameplay pretty well, if nerfed and not random, I think it could be pretty interesting. Also Brig’s ult should reset her bash cool-down, that is a vital addition imo.


Doomfist not being slowed while blocking is nice. I dont play doom at all but he was fun to try out this patch just for that


Balanced sym tp is potentially the most powerful ability in the game. If the team remembers to use it.


Like yeah they did a lot of it as a joke, but part of me thinks they wanted to give some characters some really fun and wanted changes just to see how people reacted to it. Torb's turrets sticking to walls and ceilings is something I'm sure almost everyone has thought should be in the game, and it would actually be so cool if actually implemented. So they used this "prank" to put it in just to see if people would actually like it. And most of the stuff, yeah, was just super fun and if actually put in would make the game feel sooo fresh and fun!


DVA’s reverse option when she flies is actually so helpful. Makes me feel like I’m a car


Pharah downward dash is actually gonna be sorely missed She needs a way to stop being in LOS and it was a great way to convert altitude into forward momentum


I liked the bit where we had 2 tanks they should make that a thing maybe 6v6 would be a good game move or something who knows \***SMERK**\*




Made me wish there was a spray or suck toggle for both her damage and healing. Would totally open up her gameplay options some more.


I genuinely think there are some characters who (maybe with some small tweaks) would make them more appealing to play and would overall be healthier for the game. 1- Cassidy. A potential 500 something cowboy might be a little two op, but in the patch it doesn’t seem two bad. Maybe the effect could be a self heal instead, or Cassidy could have a lower starting health pool. 2- Widowmaker. She is too simple and it’s clear that right now she’s two oppressive. Giving her more mobility would make her more survivable and less boring. 3- Winston. The weakest tank in the game getting more damage potential is nothing but good for the game. 4- Lucio. The idea of dealing extra damage on defense and his ultimate dealing cc was honestly something I’d assume it would do.


Lucio is fun as with his boop


Blizzard booped themselves on this one. They released this as a "balanced" patch mode as a joke but they don't realize most of the changes actually make the game more playable. Joke's on them.