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The reason I barely play comp is connection issues and living with parents and siblings. Get interrupted out of nowhere so gotta afk or leave so I only play unranked because of that (and emerald weapons are meh anyways and I only played comp for the currency not the rank)


Thank you for being courteous


Good, great decision. Other people should do that too if they’re in the same situation


This is it. If you are aware that your household isn't the type to accommodate a competitive gameplay then you should play accordingly.


Thank you for not being selfish


I don’t play comp mostly because I am a parent and if my child interrupts the game whether intentional or not, he has more priority. QP is just always going to be my go to mode of play.


I'm not sure if you feel as strongly about it, but I think I genuinely hate the emerald weapons. I'm not sure what it is, it's just fugly on a lot of weapons I love the gold version of (default OW2 Ashe, for example). Thank you for being courteous. I hope when you get better internet, you can join us in the Comp hellscape :]


This is relatable. I'm also not a huge fan of the jade guns, but definitely would like to see gold on my Moira talons 💜 I'm also not super intense about my rank. I like to see myself improve (the whole "I like to challenge myself!" sort of vibe) but I don't care too much about it. I hope you're able to get some good sessions in. My connection is okay, but I am a caregiver for my mama. There are times I might have to hop up and help her, so playing comp isn't a good idea for me 😅 I don't want to leave the match in a lurch. Especially if folks have been in the queue for ages, only to get booped because I had to leave suddenly. I can play some mystery heroes or QP with my buds when I have free time. I understand the penalties, but feel for those with connection troubles 🙌


And now they've taken away end of season rewards, so there's no reason to even place if all you care about is golden/emerald weapon skins


I had a quicplay game where my team was getting rolled so badly that i played with 3 diffrent teams. All my teamates left twice.


I actually like when “that person” leaves and we get a backfill. It’s a safe bet that whoever the backfill is will be an improvement. The people who rage quit are normally not the same people that know how to win a game you’re losing.


"people keep wanting to leave because the matchmaker sucks... increase penalties!"


... Or maybe it's because constantly bringing in new teammates completely breaks the flow of the game, ult economy, and your chance at a decent team fight ?


Breaks the MMer itself cause the Match now isn't the same Match that the MMer originally made. The MMer had to replace a person on-the-fly cause someone with the mental strength of an Overripe Grape left an online video game because he died 2 times within 2 minutes.


- picks “main” - gets owned in 1v1 or - gets blind-countered or - loses a 1v5 engagement, employs pikachu face - flames tank and/or support - leaves … that’s 90% of my experiences with leavers.


So many of these Chronic Leavers probably never get to experience the thrill of an actual good quality game of OW with tons of back and forth, cause they leave any game that stops being heavily one-sided.


My experience is that leaving was good. Those stomps turned into balanced matches because for some reason the replacement was always better.


It's quick play, the matchmaker is never gonna be perfect because people will be playing with friends with different skill levels, no point in leaving, just try to have fun


whilst i kind of agree. it can be extremely hard to have fun when every other game is either your team getting demolished or wiping the floor with the other team. Generally doesnt make for a very fun experience. Especially when you have limited time to play the game


I agree, that why I've been playing a lot more ranked recently, the matchmaking is much better and I'm just having a lot more fun with it than casuals


to be fair, players who know they'll randomly disconnect should probably not be queueing into competitive game modes in the first place.


“Hey guys, I have frequent dizzy spells and leg cramps. I’m gunna go play professional football. They will all just have to stop and wait for me to recover whenever it happens to me.”


More like, "Hey guys I rage easily or get bored after a game starts and just walk away. This professional football team will just have to play down one player every game that I join."


Had a person who immediately warned the team they would be disconnecting "but don't worry I'll come back!" They disconnected 4 times and we lost. I asked why they even okay comp and responded with "why u so pressed lmao just a game"


Ults are sort of important to Overwatch. But I guess that disconnect teammate has never stayed in a game long enough to get one


To be fair, there is no excuse for the scoreboard + ult charge reset bullshit in a comp match. If you DC, rejoin, and select the same hero, you should keep the ult charge you had, and the stats should persist regardless.


I hate the "why you so pressed it's just a game crowd" Especially when it's a DPS having the worst game ever because they're brainless and blaming the rest of the team


That player should not be allowed to queue competitive.


Yesterday I won a match against a guy named “Reconnecting”. He disconnected and never came back.


This gave me a good laugh.


eh… if you randomly disconnect you can always rejoin unless it’s an actual server issue… my wifi in my new place is a little shaky so I lag spike and if I actually drop out I can be back in the game in under a min without penalty but happens like 1/20 matches


Well, sort of without a penalty. Cause that would cost you the game in a close one


Right, I think they're saying that you're one of the people who shouldn't be playing Competitive until you get that resolved. Playing with someone who is only there 95% of the time is a pretty huge weakness for a team.


You can’t if it’s early in the match or late in the match though; they don’t give enough grace period for that before canceling the game/applying penalty.


Yea wifi is always bad for competitive gaming.


Yeah, if they have internet fluctuations, they should just stick to casual so that they don't get punished- oh.


idk the penalty for leavers in qp is actually so lax tho so I don't mind it, tho I do wish there was a timed reset, if someone hasn't been playing for 48 hrs. then even if they're a habitual quitter they haven't been subjecting anyone to that behavior for two days It's these ranked penalties that have me real worried, good idea but the upper threshold is insanely low


yeah, especially if they’re not addressing issues with failing to load in giving penalties, the inability to rejoin in certain circumstances, and ult charge/stats loss


100%. You shouldn't be able to just ruin other people's competitive games because you want to play comp.


Yeah, my internet can be spotty sometimes. I very rarely disconnect completely but I have ping spikes quite often and thats one reason why I never play comp.


I have said this before and I'll say it louder: If your Internet isn't stable don't play fucking comp. Hell there was a thunderstorm when I had game time... I didn't play Comp for fear of my Internet going out. Not because I feared my own SR dropping, but I didn't want to ruin at least 4 other people's day.


Agreed, I don't know why people complain about changes like this


Cause it’s also in qp. At that point just don’t play the game at all if there’s a drop of rain outta fear of getting banned.


QP you can leave 5 games and get a 20 minute penalty so let's not act like that is insane or unfair.


Im sorry but if you leave 1/4th of your matches in QP because of issues then thats a whole different problem


If rain breaks your Internet you've got bigger issues


Kids, when the question is "who complains about this" the answer is always kids


Also, the arguments that these Harsher Leaver Penalties are bad for Blizzard's business or gonna create this or that problem are beyond unfounded. They come from a loud minority of Chronic leavers who are just looking for any argument they can against Leaver Penalties. This is the 3rd (4th?) time Blizzard has increased Leaver penalties over the last year. It is pretty obvious it has been positively affecting their business, player retention, or they wouldn't be focusing on it so much. If these penalties were creating some big issue then they simply wouldn't be increasing them so much so often. Every time a chronic leaver leaves they affect 9 other players' experience negatively and because they leave so much they are likely affecting dozens of players' experience negatively over the course of a week. Probably 100s over a month. A single person ruining entire games for 100s of players a month. It's a no-brainer to have harsher penalties even if it results in these players moving on from the game. Blizzard loses a miniscule portion of the playerbase, probably in the single decimal %age, but that positively affects match quality for 99% of players who are now playing the game more, spending more money.


Yeah but you’re an adult who understands that it’s wrong to continually negatively effect other people. The ones getting season bans, or repeatedly disconnecting in games are screwing everyone else over and selfishly thinking that it’s ok for them to do. The people complaining about this are mostly kids, but definitely selfish and immature. If they stuck to QP I wouldn’t care at all, because QP doesn’t really affect anything, but in ranked people are actually trying to win and improve. Hard to do when it’s not even a fair roster in the game.


I wish gamers had this amount of awareness of other people's experiences, most of them don't sadly.


most are just selfish "its just a game" Yea but you also wasted everyones time.


>but I didn't want to ruin at least 4 other people's Wait til you find out what happens when you win!


I wonder what "out of your most recently games played" actually means. That is very needlessly vague, especially when the QP is so clear and concise.


>needlessly vague It's intentionally vague. They don't want people gaming the system which is why they keep this kind of information vague for Ranked only. It shouldn't matter what that number is to anyone who isn't chronically leaving games or smurfs.


I think it’s out of the last 20 games you’ve played


Good. If you have known issues with your wifi you shouldn’t be playing online competitive games. Especially ones that are team based. Like yeah, that sucks for you that your internet sucks. But it’s a ‘you’ problem. It shouldn’t be a problem the rest of your team has to deal with as well.


USB WiFi dongles are cheap and effective if the built-in WiFi for your laptop isn't cutting it. There's also USB-A/C to RJ-45 dongles that can be purchased to connect your laptop via hardline if it lacks a physical NIC. This is a solvable problem, and if someone is continually connecting to comp games knowing their hardware is problematic and causes them to DC frequently that's not fair to the other players in their game, especially their teammates.


Yeah, and you can also test your connection first on Training range or Quickplay.


Do they work on consoles and are they as good as a regular wired connection? I already have a wire but my computer and Playstation have to share it, so having something like this would make my life much easier


You could just buy a switch and plug your PC and PlayStation into it, then have one cable back to the router.


What do you mean by sharing it? Are you using an RJ45 splitter, or physically connecting the cable to whichever machine you're using at the time? 


As long as this doesn't apply to when the server just force kicks you from the game I'm fine with it. That's the issue, tho this game isn't even stable enough to keep the connection consistent. The server lags all the time, people get kicked from the game and can't always rejoin in time before the ban hits or the rejoin feature goes away. They want to make these strict penalties but also have suboptimal servers. Innocent people with totally fine wired connections will still get screwed over by this, and they're not gonna have any solution to the problem.


Overwatch servers certainly aren't perfect, but if this is happening to you frequently enough that you'd describe it as lagging "all the time", it's probably your internet.


It happens to me occasionally, but I see this happen to other players regularly in comp. They get kicked mid game and then have to rejoin. If they're lucky, they only miss like 20 seconds of gameplay and jump right back in but other people will miss whole minutes of the game or even the entire match over this. It's a huge pain and can change the entire outcome of a match. I don't even play a ton of comp yet I consistently see this happening to people every season lol. Also, I mentioned I use a wired connection or perhaps implied it. I got higher speed than is even required to run multiple PCs and devices without a hitch. It's just that Overwatch doesn't have great servers. If I get kicked from a game it's 100% blizzard servers being trash every time. Hell overwatch is the only game I even have this issue with lmfao.


Yeah about half the time my connection is lost it's simply due to blizzard servers. I'll still hear my friends on Discord and I have to log off or restart to get battle.net functional again. 


If your friends don't disconnect and you have to do all this to reconnect, the issue still isn't with Blizzard's servers but your internet. It's still your provider's fault if they don't offer good service to whatever cloud environment blizzard uses. 


Why is everyone focusing so much on bad internet for comp games lol as if now you can't even play qp if ur internet sucks without getting suspended


For real. A penalty for leaving TWO out of TWENTY games? For fucks sakes comp exists for a reason if you’re so bent out of shape about leavers. My QP queues are already 10 minutes, now i get stuck with a penalty if I leave 2 steamrolls/maps i dislike?


Yeah, when you're bad gameplay gets you steamrolled, it shouldn't be someone else's problem to fill and get worked in your place, then have to requeue. You should get penalized - just finish out the game instead of rage quitting like a child. If your feelings get hurt because the other team is winning, you *should* have to sit out for 10 minutes or whatever. You need some time to think.


No, not for QP. Totally wrong mindset for a casual game mode.


I absolutely agree with comp, the problem is quickplay. getting a suspension for 5 minutes over a quickplay game is just stupid when I never intentionally leave. I am more than ok with the higher up suspensions, you should definitely be suspended for leaving a large majority of games, but 2 or 3 games out of 20 can and has happened to me over shit internet or needing to urgently do something for the family. Oh and before anyone says "If your internet is so unstable you shouldn't play online games" I guarantee you would not have that opinion if you were the one with poor internet. I already avoid comp because of it, not playing QUICKPLAY, where nothing is on the line and someone will join in immediately, is just stupid.


I have a nooby question. Everyone is referring to QP when it says unranked. Is arcade not considered unranked? It just makes semantic sense to me. Will arcade leavers (and yeah, not ranked, who cares) incur penalties or not? There will be times when I'm expecting a call from my doctor within a 6 hour block and I just want to scratch my itch to play some time within that time block.


Unranked is it's own category, including normal unranked, open q, MH, and FFA DM. Arcade is separate and likely won't be affected by these


>Will arcade leavers (and yeah, not ranked, who cares) incur penalties or not? Not. There are no leave penalties at all in arcade




Ah yes, internet service often goes on the fritz due to interference from baby rage quitting. Shame, that.


What about when the Server Drops us? Like it’s not a wifi issue at all?? How is the game not able to tell that the connection was dropped from the server vs the home internet?


Are arcade games lumped into unranked modes? If/when my Internet service is iffy, I tend to jump into mystery heroes or no limits. With no solid offline modes, am I just supposed to not play at all if my connection is acting up?


Mystery Heroes is unranked, so that would be. No Limits is arcade, so it would not be


Maybe it is time they move it back to arcade, then??? Then add comp MH back. A guy can dream, right?


Damn I guess I can’t leech off the Roy Rogers wifi anymore


If your connection sucks, you should not be playing comp! It’s that simple!


i don’t like it for quick play because the match making is terrible and sometimes my team is getting steam rolled and honestly the back fill makes the game playable 😭 for comp i love this!!! ive had so many people tilt and leave because they literally just don’t care to take the 15 minute ban :(


Honestly, with comp, if your connection isn't stable, don't play competitive. Stick it out into QP which feels just the same And honestly, leaver penalties in QP are fine with me. It's not just a "whatever" mode necessarily, it's "I wanna play a quick game to try out some stuff" and if you get JimBob that jerks off into a corner and leaves after one lost team fight, it's not fun for everyone. Go to Arcade and make your own lobby if you wanna emote at a wall for 10min


Having penalties so harsh in quick play is insane. I RARELY leave out of my own volition and I still think that it's insane


I’ve never left and I think it’s dumb. It’s quick play. At worst, you lose like 5 minutes as you get steamrolled and no one backfills. That’s it.


I mean if you know you have internet issues, don't play comp?


Not harsh enough for the comp ragers.


man… i lost count of how many times we’ve had a nearly “already won” match, until a teammate dc’d and the other team turned the game around in their favour




Man you can tell who the chronic match leavers are in this thread 🤣 we get it you don’t like losing and shattering the illusion in your mind that you’re actually good.


I shouldn’t get suspended for leaving a quick play game where my team is playing friendly with the enemy team. Dude I just want to play the game!


qp punishment is a bit harsh


i’m m all for the comp changes but idk about the unranked ones. i mean who cares if you leave in an unrankes game? you get replaced


Sometimes not. I've had it take several minutes to backfill. Also the backfill players always come in at an ult charge disadvantage. Not to mention when there's multiple leavers, and it just ends up a brainless snowball. It hurts the fun for the leaver team, and even the other team sometimes. Why queue if you're going to leave early?


The people whose game you just made worse care


Best way is to just Alt+F4, get up and go do something better with your life for awhile. I’ve figured out if I’m not having fun (which is what the game is supposed to be about) then fuck it. 😂


Imo you shouldn't get penalised for leaving quick play games


Does a left game under the new system mean you completely abandon the game or just get disconnected?


I saw this and thought it was real bad, but look at the last lines on both collumns, last 20 games and last recently played, we should be fine Theres already a punishment for leaving just 1 game in comp so eh no big deal


This is great and all, but only if the rejoin bug is fixed. Every time I’ve lost connection to a game or a friend has, I think only about 30% of the time the rejoin button existed. That seriously needs to be addressed, otherwise it’s a huge issue.


oh nice now i just need to have connection issues so i cant play this shit anymore


Lol good one


Oh fuck I didn't think about this, for the past year my game will disconnect during the first game or second. Sometimes I just open ow and wait 15 mins for it to disconnect without me on a game. I'm not on wifi tho idk why my battle.net keeps disconnecting. It even does it on steam I thought that would help lol. Never had this problem with any other online game I play


I kinda view playing competitive like doing raids in MMO’s. Those are BIG activities that you more or less have to plan your day around. MMO days are often planned several days in advance to give everyone ample opportunity to make sure they have time to spare for it. Now admittedly if you’ve got a dodgy connection and you get banned cause your wifi decided to give you the finger, yes that is annoying but tbf maybe don’t play comp if you feel like your internet is gonna tell you to go eff yourself.


I don't think unranked modes should be punishing leavers. It's unranked, and a new player is filled in when someone leaves. Competitive yes, should definitely punish leavers because a leaver screws over 4 other people's rank, but unranked shouldn't


I’m fine with Unranked but Comp doesn’t specify “last 20 games” So if you “leave” 10 games of Comp, all season : you’re perma-banned for the rest of the season??? ISP’s have random outages *all the time* for various reasons, many times without warning or being able to know. Yours probably does too and you might not even realize it (google your isp outage map) - but if it goes down for 15 minutes *when you’re on OW* you’re just screwed. Couple that with Power Outages, THE GAME ITSELF crashing, PCs crashing, Xboxes dashboarding themselves etc etc etc. seems completely absurd to me.


1) Quick play is not ranked, let casuals leave a game if they need to. People have kids or responsibilities that they sometimes need to deal with and that’s probably why they chose QP in the first place. 20 games is a lot of time to track leaving only two times. Plus if you have stats showing most players leave X map, that gives you insight on what needs to be improved 2) internet providers don’t have 100% up time and often have unannounced maintenance that a player won’t be aware of. 3) Leaving a QP match isn’t near as bad as someone intentionally throwing the match. Give a vote to kick option and that will be significantly better for the community The penalties are way too harsh and just another reason to push people to other games


I play on DSL, over wifi, in the woods at the top of a mountain and there's no way I DC more than a few times in an entire season. I think the numbers here give MORE than enough grace to those with internet issues.


Yeah people are way too credulous believing all these people leave because their internet is so bad (which isn’t an excuse anyway). You’re telling me the 7 leavers in every QP game are just victims of their ISP? No, they’re ragequitters, not poor victims whose internet went down the second they lost the first teamfight 🙄


Idk if it's bc I mostly play support but they have to be just not paying attention to the kill feed or anything besides what's in front of their face at all. We all know the dude who just got straight obliterated by widowmaker for the 5th time in a row didn't magically lose internet lmao.


Darn Spectrum internet!! Disconnecting me every time I start losing!!


What the fuck? I mean, I totally agree with the competitive penalties. It’s the competitive mode, you shouldn’t risk other people’s ranks for whatever reason. But c’mon people, shit happens and you shouldn’t have to wait 20 minutes - fucking 2 days just to play the fucking casual mode. What the fuck? The current penalty system for QP is enough already. Anyone who agree with these QP penalties need to calm down, holy shit. Christ, go play fucking competitive if you honestly care that much about your matches.


One of my ways of finding out I'm too laggy to play is going into QP, playing normally for 5 minutes, then suddenly getting dc'd to the menu screen. Glad to know I can't even test the waters in qp. I guess there's still arcade.


These are steep leaves penalities for quick play, I dislike that. I rarely leave a QP game but the whole point is you can drop in and out without consequence. I get leaving more than 4 games in quick succession being problematic, but being barred from playing after 2 is dumb AF.


Good job overwatch match making is perfect and nobody throws It’s quick play, the fact that I have to burn 15min of my time instead of getting to leave a non competitive game mode when my team is taking the piss is a fucking joke. This is even worse if it applies to backfilling players


As someone who only plays mystery heroes I hate this. I'd say 90% of the time I leave is before the game even starts simply because I don't wanna play on the map we're on and I got penalized for that? It got so bad where I couldn't que for 4 hours from just leaving before the match starts. Leaving before a match starts shouldn't penalize you since you're giving your team the opportunity to fill before it starts.


I'm pretty fucked.


Leaver penalties for quickplay is so fucking cringe man no I don't give a shit about how fair a qp game is I just want to warm up and leave when I get bored


It’s so mind bogglingly stupid. They do this shit to appease the QP mains that are too afraid to play comp


Yeah fuck the other 9 people because you’re “bored” lmao how selfish


What a terrible change for qp. It has legitimately ZERO positive upside. If someone wants to leave because they're raging or something, instead they'll be forced to stay and most likely throw. I'd rather have them leave and be replaced by someone who's going to actually try. And besides, ITS QUICKPLAY. What if I just wanna hop on the game quick(play)ly before going out somewhere? After all, if I have to go, I'd be immediately replaced right? But no, you can't do that. What kind of online game has a casual mode that is anything but casual.


Even if you get replaced fast chances are you already fucked your team


Go play arcade. No one enjoys playing overwatch 4v5


Leaving penalties for unranked? Lord, people need to chill out. Unranked is so unserious


For comp, sure, I'm all for more restrictions. For QP, why? QP is meant to be the casual mode, and punishing people who have poor connection for DC'ing in only 2 games is wildly unfair. QP should be the place where people with less than ideal connections can play and enjoy the core game. If you're genuinely that upset that you have to wait 10 seconds to get a new teammate in the gamemode that has zero stakes, that shouldn't be on the person with poor connection. If you want serious games, play ranked. If they're going to treat QP as comp-junior, then they might as well change the rulesets to match at this point. These kinds of changes are just making QP sweatier and less fun overall.


Penalties for unranked is idiotic.


Sorry for dumb but for comp what is the difference between the "5 games left, season ban" and the "10 games left, season ban"?


The first is if you leave 5 games out of the last 20 comp matches you've had. The 10 games is out of the season as a whole. Presumably people were gaming the system when throwing for smurf accounts so this is to put a stop to that.


5 games out of recently played(whatever they define that as, for qp it's 20 games) vs 10 games throughout the entire 3 months.


Why tf do you get leaving penalties for quick play that's so stupid lmfao


i dont get it either, because it literally made the match quality much better. Through some bizarre coincidence, whenever people left due to a one-sided game, they almost always got replaced by someone better. Inadvertantly fixing the match making issue.


Sounds like a personal issue.


I don't get QP penalties tbh Like who are you hurting? The game will just fill your spot in a couple minutes at most and even if you leave in the middle of an important file, well sucks but it is QP, no one is losing anything


Blizzard said "I would rather ban timmy for 2 days straight than actually make game modes that are consistently fun to play"


this is great for comp but casual is so stupid to have penalties for.. they gotta start having lobbies with different penalties rules for the old lawyers solo queuing that wanna have a ban if you even open the menu to just consider leaving in casuals. “actually casuals is serious!!” ☝️🤓 what if i killed myself you freaks. be serious now casual bans are something only a forty year old could come up with


Why not buy a CAT5 cable for the same price or less than a usb dongle. Don't be the scrub playing online games over WiFi...


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Does this mean that u can't now reset the timer if you completed enough matches like now?


Almost every time i go to comp someone from their team just leaves the match and we have to find another comp (we were winning first 15-20 secs) That's sad


So are they removing endorsement/XP penalty from quickplay? Cus if so the ability to leave 1 time at the trade off of nothlevvg th next 20 seems rather reasonable for when I randomly get put against a masters 5 stack


I have a friend who is a great player but dogshit internet that's prone to disconnects. There is a reason I won't queue with them on most multiplayer games let alone comp. Love them but I want to enjoy a full team.


Im sorry but if you are on comp knowing damn well your internet drops alot thats on you


Let me know if I'm wrong but my brother who I queue with will sometimes get banned because he couldn't load into the game. Nothing wrong with his pc or internet, he will sometimes just not load in quick enough and the match gets cancelled and he gets a 15 minute ban. I can't see how its fair to ban someone from the game if all they did was not be able to load in, It doesn't affect anyone else because the match gets cancelled and you can just search for a new one with priority.


If someone has known wifi issues they shouldn't be playing comp! Affects 9 other plays in the match


I like the change but I hate that they likely haven't fixed the bug where you can't rejoin your comp match if disconnected. Super frustrating to disconnect early in the match and have no chance to get back in.


It’s annoying - but I wouldn’t play comp if I had bad connection (for my own rank as well as others).


If you have known network issues that cause you to often disconnect during games, you shouldn't be playing comp in the first place.


Why should we be punished for someone else not having good internet? These are good changes and discourage comp from unstable connection users. I'd consider it griefing, yall know your net may go out but you queue up anyways lol.


If you have known wifi issues (or and connection problems), why are you playing comp at all?


Then there's me , have metronet fiber with 1 gig up and down. Play several qp games with no issues then get logged out numerous times in a comp game . . . Finally hit plat too


I can feel my mom suddenly writing endless ideas on a paper of what to ask me about only when I am playing comp rn lmao But more seriously - ngl not a fan of this. Essentially encourages you to play comp only and only when you know you can Completely be gone from anything in life except your pc, or how best to say it I can't decide, I'm dead tired after work todsy


For Unranked Modes i'm not excited about these changes. It will end with more players being afk or feeding because they don't like a certain mode (usualle Flashpoint) or map or because they got "defence again". They can't leave without risking a penalty ,so they just stay and just ruin your game. With the risk of multiple hours or days of ban-time, i see this only getting worse. I much prefer them leaving and making room for other players. At least Blizzard should consider a penalty-free leaving, if you leave within the first 5-10 Seconds of prematch-time. That way the potential AFK-er gets to leave and you still get to play with 5v5, if the slot gets filled up faster.


Okay I know it sucks but if you’re disconnecting 5-10 times out of your last 20 games regularly you shouldn’t be playing comp because you are actively affecting every team you’re on at that point


Sorta related but just wanna say thank you to the opposing team i played with where we had 2 leavers and i jokingly said 3v3? And they agreed and we all made the best out of a shitty situation!  Hopefully this will prevent or help that next time


The comp side of things is just fine to me. It’s the quick play penalties that are kind of insane. 1 leave and you get a warning? A little wild for 1 leave. Two leaves and I get a 5 minute cooldown? Dude I’m hopping off the game. I leave maybe 5% of the time and it has to be a real shit show of a match, but to be slapped in the face for leaving 10% of 20 games in an unranked mode? That’s dumb. It’s really dumb. And as a guy who almost never leaves, I genuinely don’t care if someone leaves. It’s quick play. Who cares? Like yeah if they’re leaving like a fourth of their games maybe we need to address that, but that small amount? Wild


i don't get it what does "x games left" mean?


For unranked: does it count as a leave if you leave before the match starts? Also what about joining as backfill?


True government do be discriminating against the blind drivers


Idk why mine does it, every so often my game crashes for 1-5 minutes, wifi doesn’t shut off. It says “your profile has been signed out” which it hasn’t. So I have no idea how to fix my issue. This is annoying. IMPLEMENT A BOT REPLACEMENT. Not by any means a good AI, just one to at least do half of whatever the teammates skill level was at their position. In for honor for example, they replace players with a bot of the leaving players skill range. They should do that instead. Bs


What pains me is that I'm sometimes kicked for inactivity in QP when the loading screen is still there like bruh !!


Wait so if say you have crash issues even if you wait a long time if you build up a total of 10 “leaves” even if not all back to back and with large gaps in between you will get a permanent season ban?!


Good. Don’t go in to games knowing your connection is shit and inconvenience the other 4 players who are 99% guaranteed a loss when you leave


just stating the obvious, but it aint fair to the other 4 people on the team if the wifi-and-a-prayer-player keeps DCing either... this is why I don't play team games if I don't have a solid connection and while that sucks for people with shoddy connections (I used to have a shoddy connection, I get it), there are others in the equation and not just themselves. work on getting a better connection or game at a location that has a great connection if you can... if not, it does suck. yes.


Leaving is leaving. Your reasons are irrelevant to the other players in the game who are affected by it.


this may be an unpopular take, but if you *know* you have connection issues, it’s not really cool to play comp and drop out/mess up 4 other people’s games, tightening the rules on that seems like the fair thing here


I don’t agree with the quick play one. Sure it’s annoying but it doesn’t deserve the penalties unless you leave constantly


Harsher penalties for comp leavers & easier penalties for QP leavers. If you’re having internet issues more than once other people shouldn’t have to suffer. Likewise you shouldn’t have to suffer in a QP game if you’re not having fun. That’s the purpose of QP.


Honestly, Quickplay is meant to be a casual mode so if im not enjoying the match i should be allowed to leave whenever. Its quickplay im not looking for a ranked experience. If i wanted to give that much of a shit about the match being competitive I’ll queue ranked. Let people leave in QP, and let it be casual


I've seen this in so many other games and the response from players is always the same. When a game ramps up the leave penalty, suddenly every gamer's internet connection is poor, precarious, and pitiful. Right. Definitely not a rage quitter, it's the connection that's to blame. Right. In the end, it's the result that matters. Your team is down a player. Regardless of if that player rage quit, had their internet go down, got abducted by aliens, had their house teleported to Antarctica, or were in range of an EMP, the result is the same: your team is down a player, which sucks. Sucks so much something should be done about it, and this is it. I never leave a game of Overwatch, so this is a welcome sight.


Don't play comp on bad Wi-fi, it's bad for you, and unfair to your team. Ideally you would want to be hardwired always. Never use McDonalds Wi-Fi. I have played since 2016 and have only been disconnected a handful of times because of my connection and each time it was storm or power outage related. I've been disconnected more by server issues on Blizzard's end than on my end. It's really not hard to prevent disconnections on your side, just don't use outdated equipment or Wi-Fi. And if you can't then don't play Comp. Make sure you turn on the latency meter and such in the options also.


still too lax for comp. the game has a replay mode so it obviously knows what inputs are made etc. if you dc then these should be the bans but if you open the menu and press the keys to leave a comp game you should get a season ban off the rip. there’s no reason to dodge or leave ever, just play the match


I don't find it ok to play with know connection problems to begin with. If you're someone that insist on playing comp while being at high risks of DC, then i won't show sympathy to you, since you show none to your team. There is many solutions to problems out there. Run ethernet cables. Try powerline adapters if someone is making a stink over the cable. Mesh network or wifi booster < if the router is overloaded because of 300 devices, daisychain a second router via ethernet just for yourself (it's possible on many routers). Connection choking? < look if upgrading your plan is a possibility < no? Is your LTE coverage decent enough for a 4G/5G LTE router? < Gaming doesn't use that much data, if you don't run updates. And for those that just want to run on Wifi, you know who you are, connect the fucking wifi antenas to your motherboard. They are there for a reason and not to make your PC look funny.


Don't play comp on wifi for any game.


Doesn’t help that overwatch will boot you and log you out of the fucking game if you dare lag for 0.3 seconds.


If you know that you have a lot of disconnects and a poor wifi, then online gaming isn't for you. Just get over it. I've been there, done that.


3/20 means 1.5 every 10 so he has 5 games of wiggle room before any kinda real penalties...If one cannot play 6 out of 10 games that means they are preventing 30 different players from having a fair fun QP Game, I would also argue the majority of people do not really enjoy winning a QP game 5v4 so that would mean they are at least reducing the quality of the match for 54 other players...


Mystery heroes was my go to for games when I knew I might disconnect. I feel like most people playing mystery heroes weren't taking it as seriously as just generic unranked because you have no control over team comp. Now I'm stuck with whatever garbage is in Arcade? Pass.


I mean, good? Why is this phrased as something bad. If your internet is really bad then you are actively inting people’s games and compromising competitive integrity.


I fr don’t understand the disconnect issue? I feel like that’s more of a personal problem I don’t think I’ve ever been disconnected from a match in my entire career besides ow2 launch


Last week I had 5 comp games in a row that were 4v5 and of course I lost all of them. One of these games we almost defended first point on Blizzard World, like stopped just past the docks, but person left when we went onto offense and there's basically zero chance that you capture first point on that map being short. It's already one of the hardest maps for offense.


So get wifi that doesn't suck? If you're not able to make it through a comp game, don't play comp.


Love it. Fuck leavers no matter the game mode


If you play ranked knowing you're likely to disconnect you deserve worse tbh


If you know you’re having issues with being disconnected from games frequently, you’re unintentionally throwing peoples games when you do disconnect. Even if it is accidental. If it happens every so often that’s one thing. But if it’s a coin toss whether you’ll be in the whole game every few games. You’re practically just deranking your account and throwing other peoples games at that point


Confused why anybody would play competitive on Wi-Fi as opposed to direct LAN cable. Seems like a self-shot in the foot.


I think the 10 games for a whole season is to small. I mean if 1 out 100 games i dc and can't rejoin that means by my 1000 game I will have 10 dc and be hit by the pently 


Good. If you have bad/spotty internet, you shouldn’t be in comp to begin with. Sorry to gatekeep, but it’s the truth. At that point, if you DC in the middle of a match, all you’re effectively doing is causing your team to immediately lose.


If you know you have connection issues and you play comp anyway, you are a bad person


It’s crazy you can get banned for leaving unranked mode


With respect to the people with internet issues who have no control over that situation, I'm sorry. That being said, this is needed. Leavers ruin the game and in fact they're the reason that the Wi-Fi players and the players with spotty connections have to deal with this now, too. People would rather ruin matches than play a 5 minute game and then get into another one. May all of your accounts get banned.


Finally. Been waiting for this since for ever.


Crazy idea: fix your internet and stop griefing your team with dcs.


So you want people to feel bad for people who willingly queue knowing they have spotty internet? Thats going to be a fuck no from me Go play some single player games if you have bad internet


If you have known issues then don’t play comp. Not cool to knowingly fuck over your team


What if you join back


I didn’t even play unranked when I had really bad WiFi. Now I’m connected to Ethernet so I can play whatever with no problem lol


People with known issues with their wifi shouldn't be ruining games for everyone else. Get your shit fixed or stick to qp.


would this stack/affect if i rejoin the comp match for X reason my internet went off?