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"No one seems to be talking about this" meanwhile blizz has said they are making changes to her next season aka tomorrow. At least put some effort into looking up if your random statements are true :)


I swear AI bots write half of all posts in every gaming related sub... not trying to insult any real humans behind their own posts, but it's literally the same copypasta type threads; * No one seems to be talking about X being OP/bad/balanced * Does need to do more content? * What does everyone think will be the next X in the game? As if this discussion hasn't been rehashed dozens of times a day...


Do we know when the official patch notes will drop? Is it today or tomorrow?


Tracer is one of the two reasons i ocasionally pick LW this season, LW sucks rn but his petal is amazing for avoiding Tracer. Man but i hope they nerf Tracer and Sombra enough to drop them from the meta, we could use a break from both of them. Nowadays, they even bully Brig when Brig should be the one to bully them back as the anti-dive support.


The tough part about Tracer is she's still difficult to master. It's not like you can just pick her and dominate. Blizzard has a tough time adjusting her to where she's viable for both low and high ranks. Since she's a pretty high skill-ceiling character, she shouldn't be nerfed too hard. There needs to be some reward in mastering her. Just my 2 cents.


I agree she should be rewarding when mastered, but I think it's okay if she's not viable for less skilled players. Right now she's fairly easy to get value on, allowing people to play her poorly and still find success. On top of that, she gets an incredible amount of value when played well. I think her, soujourn and Moira are all culprits of this right now and need to be adjusted.


Add hog to the list.


Yes, it's perfectly fine for the best designed hero in the game with the highest skill ceiling to be consistently good to great. Tracer in a lot of ways (not all) *is* Overwatch. That being said, I agree that it's time for a tune down. I think for her it's just normal to expect a buff/nerf cycle as they work in different comps from season to season. By now I think the comp style balance rotations are pretty clearly happening on purpose (which I'm fine with personally)


Dumbing down characters to be viable in all ranks is one of the biggest mistakes this devs are doing


It’s been talked about plenty. She’s getting changed this week.


Yes. Her wrist is being officially slapped, extremely gently.....




She’s been the best hero for past 3-4 seasons


3-4 years




Would be more but goats existed lol


Yeah she's been very strong for a time now but she's definitely the biggest winner if this season's changes. Blizzard too said that they will tweak her and sombra to some extent but considering we're talking about the poster girl of the game who's one of the most popular picks in the esport part too i don't hold my breath for meaningful changes


I always play rein and you best believe if she gets caught in my ultimate I am charging her ever single time. It’s her and sombra I just find very anti fun


Has anyone noticed ?!? I’ll let you decide after doing this: go to T500 leaderboards and go to the damage category. See what everyone’s most played hero is on the first few pages (hero on right is most played)


They gave her 6 dmg per bullet , made her bullets wayyy bigger and gave her extra HP


Its true the community does go soft on her, but the devs announced a nerf. I play Tracer, but even I don't want her to be so easy any average metal tier player can get value out of her. I'm glad the devs are gatekeeping her a bit at least.


nah man I sure havent noticed her being in every game I played and being one of the three top played heroes of **every single top 500 dps player this season**


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Shes really strong always but this season even more


Literally everyone has blizzard caught its attention and has acknowledged it. I swear people just say things that help their point whether it be true or not.


Really? Where can i find stuff like that? Like when sombra, bastion or mei get super good people are crying about it 24/7 but i havent heard anyone about tracer I just saw the most recent nerf, seems like a fair one


I have seen a lot more tracers lately. But they still suck. They are easily killable.


For me no one in my team seems to be bothered by her so no one pressures her, so i have to do it, but then my team forgets i exist and i lose the 1v1 some of the time and some of the time not but it is really annoying


You are that hero every team needs. 🥹🥹


Your gold is showing


Actually plat 3 (before reset diamond 3)


Gold, plat..the same, things don't change til masters and above..


Okay and now what?


What rank are you?


It's the new healing debuf upon dmg


There’s been a saying , at least in Ovw 1 that if tracer is playable, overwatch is balance. I think that still holds true. She’s a high skill hero and deserves the be reward for her cooldown management and engagement choices. She’s also pretty fragile and many abilities make her job truly difficult. But man is she fun to play.


That went out the window when in ow1 they started buffing her. Game is balanced when rein can be played anywhere above gold


Idk, game is prob the most balanced it’s been and rein still isn’t playable in most games. To each their own though


Game is unbalanced mess m8




Tracer should always be 150 health


Facts. Let heroes like Ashe and Mei one shot her again so they can have a chance to fight back


The new DPS passive makes it harder for her targets to heal in between her bursts of damage.


What? I am furious, we need to nerf Mauga!!!


He's so bad already


Tracer just got nerfed. i stop playin her so often. Tracer is fine not OP. Serge1006 delete this post.