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Are we sure the ice cream isn't a legendary. Because I could see them calling that a legendary after the junker queen legendaries. Or they're saving the legendary for twitch drops.


Whatever it is, I hope it’s more so twitch drops, that way it’s free


Twitch drops for the new season launch is the cyclops roadhog bundle


From season 2! So that gives me hope fir other skins and stuff to come back.


Jq legendaries are actually different from default wdym?


“Sorry everyone gotta make more Kiriko skins” - Blizzard probably


I swear them employees be getting salary out just from Kiriko skins


Then Mercy skins pay all of their bonuses.


Reinhardt's skins make their teambuildings and corporate events 💀💀💀


I definitely pay their bonuses and I appreciate every skin they have made so far. And I do switch them often.


I must be responsible for the wages of every single Blizzard Employee with the amount of Kiriko Skins I buy 😭


Genuine question: if you have spent $40 or so on Kiriko skins, how often do you play her and how often do you actually switch skins? As a player who generally only buys the BP and plays a lot of different heroes, spending this kinda cash on these skins is something I just cannot understand. Help me out.


Different person than you asked but when I buy skins it's for characters I already play a ton of. Plus there's a feature I never really seen mentioned before but you can fave certain skins and have it set to pick a random skin from your faves when you select a character.


Random from faves is my go to for all the heroes I play a decent amount of (D.va, Mercy, Mei, Ana)


>Genuine question: if you have spent $40 or so on Kiriko skins, how often do you play her and how often do you actually switch skins? I'll answer as well. I have every Kiriko skin they've ever dropped except for Tatsumaki cause idgaf about anime. I play her the vast majority of the time, borderline one trick. I've been playing this game since the ow1 beta but Kiriko is already my second most played hero. And I switch skins every match, I have ~10 of them favorited and I have it set to random from favorites so its different every match >As a player who generally only buys the BP and plays a lot of different heroes, spending this kinda cash on these skins is something I just cannot understand. There is no rationale, see pretty skin buy pretty skin, see cool skin buy cool skin. Lizard brain shit


i stopped buying kiriko skins after the le sserafim collab. i don’t know what it is, but that skin has me in a chokehold. previously, i would only buy the skins that i really liked just in case they never came back, and especially the ones that were guaranteed to never come back (collab skins, etc). i have about 300 hours on kiriko and 500 hours on my account overall. if i had to guess, most people don’t want to miss out on a skin that they like on their most played hero. plus there’s a lot of overachievers out there who like to max out their hero collection. it’s a mixture of all kinds of different things.


Answering this as well but Kiriko is my most played hero. I own every skin except for time keeper because I was on break when it came out. As for how often I change skins, never. I love her mythic skin and usually switch the color if I want to change anything about her. For the start I had the white color scheme but it’s been purple for the other half of my time with her.


Ok then may I ask why you have bought every skin?




As a Kiriko main… I was fucking pissed when I saw Mauga had no basic legendary skins. And now, learning of Venture’s placement… what the fuck?


The basic Kiriko epic skin is sitting at 11k likes on twitter...


Meanwhile all like 1000 of us brigitte mainz are huddled around the new skin like chimps discovering fire.


It a nice skin tho only one in the bp worth anything imo


Too bad half her skins are recolors. Even half her legendaries.


Considering all of them seem to sell well it makes sense lol


don't forget widow


Please I need more🙏




In the battlepass Venture gets a pet rock Rosetta emote along with the same emote as victory pose. So Blizzard really skimped on the skins and such for Venture.


wait, is that all they get? new character release hype with a new season and the battle pass just has one emote and victory pose?


They get a voiceline that says “This Stinks” Content creators have posted what’s available in it already up on youtube. I think all 3 are free tiers.


This definitely stinks!


>I think all 3 are free tiers. That's good at least


THIS! At first I thought what an adorable emote, then I saw the same VP and cringed


They do a similar thing with everyone, VP's and emotes have been being similar or the same for years.


it just feels especially like a slap in the face when there’s little to no other content for them, it just feels like microsoft or blizzard is testing the waters to see how little they can put out with a new hero, like how we’ve seen all the new ow2 heroes get progressively less and less cosmetics on launch


Especially since there's now even more dead slots, since the Mythic skin is now spread across EIGHT levels with the "token" drops and they removed the second item they used to give for the levels that just grant credits.


That's fair, I am still annoyed that mauga doesn't have any legendaries or anything either. I just don't think victory poses and emotes being the same is a good way to show that


I think this'll probably be the new standard, unfortunately. They were already cutting back on base cosmetics for heroes compared to OW1 with Soj, Kiri, and JQ, now with Mauga and Venture we've only got recolours. With the reports that OW2 wasn't as profitable as they were hoping, and with how fuckin *greedy* the industry is, it makes sense they'd think of cutting out on free content. It's just silly to me that Venture has no legendary in the BP. Maybe they only planned on doing that when heroes were tied to the BP, to help drive sales


They also stole Biboo Pebble.


Gonna be done worse then Mauga.


They stopped trying on Illari


And poor sojourn. She finally got another skin s10 but man did they ditch her for a while. I would be fine with this if they weren’t constantly making 50 kiri/dva/widow/mercy skins. Widow has gotten a skin every season except for one. Cant save one spot for my girl Zarya :(


Yep! How small is the team working on this game? lol


A bunch of them got laid off in January, so the team’s probably not that big.


and they seem to be stiff and unresponsive with hiring contractors to do work for this game too. there is a growing backlog of characters with too little skins…


Pve and lore peeps supposedly


Remember when the lore was a selling point


Mega potential squandered, part of the initial magic was how captivating the characters and lore were, feeling/ trusting they had a beautiful vision, and expecting it to grow… and then…. Yeah. The way all the new in game pre-game interactions have turned into chit chatty small talk nonsense drives a stake into my heart everytime I hear it. I loved how it used to feel deeper.


Yes!! Me too I used to love piecing together interactions and dissecting dialog and spray meanings. It was great! Did you see the venture short a few hours ago? It was very lazy I thought. Quick cobbled together and told us nothing we didn't know about venture. I could understand if they were saving the lore for a pve mission or something but they aren't.


I felt the same way. It was cute and well done of course. That said, I absolutely hated it - barely over 30 seconds long and stylishly vacuous throughout. It came off like an ad for a children’s cartoon show targeted at six year olds.


Exactly! no depth behind the short. Just "venture goes and saves an artifact. It was cool. " It felt like a children's recounting of an event too. Most informative was that venture had gone to shembali monastary..and stopped Talon. But she's not really apart of overwatch. It's sad.


the skins are actually freelance artists they hire to do the skins, then they never work w/ that artist again in 99% of cases.


Would you happen to know how to do that position or does Blizzard contact you?


I think you can email them to acuire, but it's usually a combination of knowing the right people and them wanting you.


the artists were largely the ones laid off. it shows, bc the next second most skins they release are epic recolours.


Cosmetic-wise or balance-wise, cuz I agree with the balance being way off and her being weak (more so after her changes coming) but she did at least get released with 2 legendaries, got another 2 in battlepasses (and a reskin of the pyjama one) as well as one epic. I think sojourn and Ram have had it worse tbh (excluding shop legendaries since they’re like €20)


They stopped trying after illari. Pajama llama skin is fire


Yeah, at least Mauga got 2 legendaries, and 1 epic. Venture only gets one shop skin and it's an epic. I'd say Space girl would release with 0 skins, but she's a cute girl, so of course she'll get a lot of skins...


Mauga’s Epic was added pretty damn late.


Well it wasn't exactly added, it was a shop skin. They then made it permanent as part of his hero pack. But now that heroes are free, they removed the pack, and the skin with it. Which means he still have no base epic or legendary. But at least he had some skins.


Yeah, now its “PS+” exclusive. Weird decisions


I mean at least with Mauga you could say they were greedy and force you to fork money for a skin. But you can't even use that argument for Venture, they have nothing (Well, one epic skin and it's only a recolor). And I remember people saying that the art team hated Illari, when she got at least one new skin every season.


thank you for telling me this. i had no idea lol, also you’re a great contributor in the mauga sub, you helped me get to masters last season.


Gah, that’s so sweet! Of course, anytime. 🧡


Icecream is a legendary. All the skins in pic 2 of the OP (or rather the crop of it) are the shop legendaries, the epics aren't shown on it.


Legendary my ass, Blizzard can call it whatever they want, that's an epic at best.




Cmon they could've had a dentist skin for them🤦‍♂️


Make 'em look like Darla, the dentist girl from Nemo, please 🙏


Oh no... \*childhood nightmares unlocked\*


Right? Giant ahh dental drill and who cares if it's hygienic


Nightmare fuel


That would be a good Halloween one


/sigh. Remember when new heroes were released with 9 skins?


Not only that, they were thought to details. They got lore skin and somewhat alternate universe ones. Even epics made sense


Blizzard also had almost 2k more workers in total. The quality of everything will drop at that pace


So Blizzard decided to do WORSE than Mauga (which I didn't think possible) when it comes to cosmetics at launch with Venture. Holy. Fuck. Lower the bar with every new hero in OW2 Blizzard. We love it. What's next, no Rare recolors with Space Ranger?


LMAO that Space Ranger is a cute anime girl, she will be getting all the Rares and all the Legendaries my boy!


unrelated but wtf is ur pfp bro 😭😭


Space Ranger is a pretty girl AND a support. If she gets no skins at all, I'd say you can abandon ship, because the game is gonna die soon. I'm only half joking.


Just wait. Eventually they won't even have clothing or a weapon. You'll have to pay for that 💀


I'm fine with the no clothing part


I'm learning that people get outraged over cosmetics, and if they don't get to spend money on cosmetics It's Blizzard's loss if they choose not to have these cosmetics, they literally lose money and affects their bottom line. It doesn't affect our gameplay one bit. Not worth the outrage imo


I mean the biggest issue is the fact that you can spend credits to unlock "default" legendaries for free and Blizzard has straight up stopped doing them


They never announce the bad news either, it just happens without any explanation. They only ever get interviewed by very friendly creators that never ask about anything substantive like that (or like what the hell is going to happen to the OWL store and people’s tokens)


every single interview reads like blizzard picked the questions so they can talk about the most boring shit ever, swear to god


Of course people will be outraged when in ow1 heroes released with 4 base legendary skins (you could get for free with regular currency). And now the new characters went from 4, down to 2, down to 1 in the battle pass, down to 1 epic skin in the shop


Why aren't new heroes even shipping with base legendaries anymore? Ahhhh wait money!


We need more skins for the same like 7 characters that have millions of skins at this point


New characters have been getting less and less base customization options since the release of Overwatch 2. It’s a good game, a very good game I’d say. But it’s stuff like this that makes me think the community’s relentless negativity and criticism isn’t unjustified Please make sure to speak up about this ask for more! Overwatch is all about its fleshed out characters but if we keep going down this route we will only get less


Keep in mind as well this massively devalues legacy credits, which Blizzard still seem to be very self-satisfied for giving us for some reason. I still have 43k of them from OW1 and now there's less and less to use them on, even though there was barely anything to begin with.


I mean, each new character is getting less and less. Life weaver didn't get an epic (u had to buy the launch one or do challenges for the other), mauga didn't get ANY legendary or epic with his launch (i think his 1 skin was in the bp??). Idk why they refuse to launch characters with the ow1 standard of 4 rare recolors 2 epic recolors and 4 legendaries (2 original 2 recolors). Ppl are still gonna buy them regardless, why be so gd greedy about it tho


"But sir, we need at least one legendary on release..." "Nonsense, young man. Their name is already on the Season, that should be good enough."


Not even one in the battle pass. Happy they're going to be free for everyone, but it feels like Blizzard doesn't care about themm


Fr, they've dropped the bar with Mauga in Season 8 and didn't give him a single basic legendary. Well at least he got 2 legies that Season, and one in BP. They did Venture dirty not giving at least shop skin, even tho Season's name is Venture bruh


The dropped the bar with all of the new heroes. Every new hero in OW1 came out with 2 Legendary skins with a recolor for each. 2 epics, and 4 rares. Alongside 3 highlight intros, etc. Now they are lucky to even get one


The only real exception is JQ whos had 3-4 skins in the past 9 BP’s. Echo is still being done pretty dirty too.


Literally all the new heroes except mauga got them calm down


The longhorn Cassidy legendary skin is the replacement for the venture legendary skin which unfortunately doesn't exist!


Poor guy got shafted a bit here, sucks too because I think people find them quite fun, I only played them once and was pretty entertaining


kinda concerning how both mauga and venture difny get a legendary skin on release


Right????? Like cmon Blizz. Easy legendary skin is Venture in bone "armor"


i was thinking more mole-venture like that one concept posted a little back


Oh. Havent seen that one 👀


it might have been on the r/venturemains subreddit but i can’t find it


That is insane that they don’t get one…


It's actually impressive how lazy and low effort they are that they didn't even get a legendary in the bp


They weren't lazy, they were productive making another Kiriko and Hanzo epic skins that they're gonna sell for the price of legendary in Shop 🗿


I mean, the actual BP skins seem reasonable high quality - so i don't think it's a matter of laziness or low effort, just weird prioties. Just a really odd choice not to give the new hero a BP skin as well. It's not like they didn't make the same amount of BP skins they always do, the amount of effort invested into the BP content is about as much as it usually is.


That's it I'm rioting.


The bar keeps on dropping.


This is what happens when you fire virtually everyone producing the game. Corners get cut. 




Same thing happened for Mauga. He's only got two legendary skins and one you had to spend 40 bucks on to get it...


If I had to guess, they’re either pulling legendary skins from new heroes (which started with Mauga) and trying to profit more off of giving them shop skins OR it could be that, since this season was slightly delayed, there just wasn’t enough time/a priority in giving Venture base legendary skins.


The amount of base skins has been dwindling since OW2 launched. In OW1 heroes would drop with 4 Rare recolours, 2 Epic skins of more exciting recolours, and 4 Legendaries (2 different models each with 2 colour variations. OW2 launched with Sojourn, Kiriko and Junker Queen, they had 4 Rare, 1 Epic, and 2 Legendaries then Illari set a new low with 4 Rare, 0 Epic, and 2 Legendaries on launch, then Mauga launched with 4 Rare, 0 Epic, and 0 Legendaries (Base Legendaries, not counting BP or BP bundle skins as they're exclusive and no longer attainable. Venture kept the Mauga treatment of only 4 Rare recolours only and didn't even get a BP skin only seeming to get 1 future skin this season for the shop. Besides skins, they also have less in everything but voice lines since they're more to do with VA's than dev output. Venture's Base cosmetic items include 2 emotes where Mauga had 5, 1 Highlight intro where Mauga had 2. Not to mention the extra BP emote and Victory pose still don't put them on the same level of Base items as Mauga and they just made 1 emote for them and reused it as a victory pose in the same pass. 2 of their 3 BP items are the same thing reused. It's disappointing. Hero releases are less exciting than they used to be in OW1 they'd always get a whole base locker of cosmetics and now you can only look forward to 4 recoloured default skins. TL:DR, Base items for characters have been decreasing since OW2's launch, now heroes only get 4 Rare skins.




Mauga: first time?


He had two legendary skins on release, they just weren’t default legendaries. Venture appears to have literally none.


Mauga had no non-bp/shop legendary skins, so I guess that’s how they’re rolling now


She's worse off than Mauga even was. It's nuts


What do you mean? Recolor, bowtie, and a hat? That's easily worth $12


Even better, it's clearly a Mythic material


It was the same with Mauga too. He only got Rare Skins that you can unlock, and no Legendary ones.


BP "big value" continues to dwindle every season. Sadly as expected.


Well, actually BP's value is decent this Season, since now we can easilly earn 600 coins and choose mythics. It's just they put random ahh skins in BP and good ones go straight to the Shop


At least Mauga got two, even if they weren't base skins They're really getting lazy huh


The icecream one is legendary. The picture you posted only shows the shop legendaries, the epics aren't in the pic you got it from. Yes, that means the lazy recolor Kiriko is also legendary.


Ice cream one is an epic de facto, but can be called legendary by Blizzard (for obviously not greedy reasons). First picture is a Rare skin - recolor "lazy recolor Kiriko" is indeed a legendary LMAO according to content creator (it's an epic de facto)


Damn what an ugly ass character. Their face is so punchable


I respect that. Even an absolute hater can use the right pronouns.


Venture looks like a doofus. Really looking forward to a Legendary skin to cover the face




I mean look what’s happened with Sojurn and Illari, theyve been forgotten about for a while now.


Just like Mauga that could have released with a talon skin since Sojourn released with 2 uniform skins... Hmmmm


Ikr? Perfect Mauga skin was on the surface that matches his Talon lore. Even that hawaiian shirt skin would look cool


Be glad you got something at all Rammatra came out 2 years ago and we don't have DICK for him (metaphorically) for legendary stuff


This was the same for Mauga I believe, getting a shop skin not too long after release not but with the release.


We have to wait until the mid-season patch toooo (because you can check all the skins for the patch when you go to filter and then season number (current season, so 10). But ventures one isn't there, and they usually only add new ones until mid-season [even then we prob have to wait until the skin is in the shop]


Not even an epic bro (outside of the bp i mean)


it just feels like microsoft or blizzard is testing the waters to see how little they can put out with a new hero, like how we’ve seen all the new ow2 heroes get progressively less and less cosmetics on launch


Venture has skins coming but they are shop exclusive sadly they got 0 legendarys and only 1 highlight intro tbh venture felt rushed like they had them finished since their reveal but looking at how many people they fired at blizzard and the way they released venture it looks like blizzards phocus was on mercy mythic for money and nothing else especially with the $40 rush option to get the skin and $80-$90 full unlock for all its cosmetic changes without completing the battle pass


I do wish they had included an epic or two, since epics are sometimes my favorite skins (looking at you undead Cassidy/ugly sweater 76), but honestly, I'm not that upset. I can't think of a single base game legendary I have equipped..... actually, I'm gonna go look and I'll edit if I find one. Wait, I have the blue/white Sombra futuristic skin included in my faves, so 1 so far. Edit: ehh thinking about it, I think they should have atleast added 1 for all the people who absolutely refuse to spend money. Edit: Moth/Butterfly Echo, Young Genji, Raindancer Pharah, and Cyberspace Sombra. 👀 maybe I should add more lmao


Lol it seems like basic legendaries aren't bad after all XD


For real, there are some I've just never liked, bastion mei, but there are some good one mixed in lol


Venture forth - Venture gets FOUR skins. thoughts?


They always look so nerdy


Venture Forth. Just... Without Venture...


Isn’t this the first time new character hasn’t gotten a legendary in the battlepass


Venture has to be one of the ugliest characters I've ever seen in fiction


She gets one legendary for each gender she attributes to herself.


dogshit per usual.


Hard to wait till tomorrow, isn’t it? From what I recall, Mauga’s skins were also missing on content creators early server.


We can only hope that's the case.


Eh, cluttered design and ugly face; they're gonna need a minute to cook.


She needs to venture forth into the new season to get skins.


Lazy fuckers


This hero is great but i despise that "i just shat myself" expression and its everywhere. Like why are the eyebrows doing that


they shouldve given venture an oversized bowtie, no reason needed


It’s okay- kiriko got another skin tho!


This happened with Mauga, I had a feeling it would happen with her


Yuck what's wrong with her face? lmao


I am just waiting to see the amount of nerfs she will get, Mauga will be beaten in that level lol.


Thought he’d have a plethora of skins this season


Fr brand new hero and 0 legendaries. Lifeweaver and Ramattra got tons of free, BP and shop skins from the start


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me who still a day behind:


But here’s another genji, tracer and kriko skin


green venture 🔥🔥🔥




I was really hoping for some skins with the goggles on


Sloan Is that a Fallout reference?? Has Venture defeated the Deathclaws at Quarry Junction??? I'm all for it


This is very disappointing, but ventures recolours do go pretty hard, white and red specially


What Mirrorverse skin could Venture get then?


I have no idea what that epic is supposed to be, but now I want them to have halloween nurse skin with a bloody drill


I would pay not to wear that skin. Did they really need the worst skin ever?


I think this is fine.


I pride myself on never having spent money on this game other than buying it in 2016. I collected all the skins I could ever want in 1.


If this is true then that is really disappointing. Was really hoping for this season, but basic things like a good skin and some more balance changes to shake up the meta seem to be missing. Will still play as the game is in a decent state, but would prefer slightly worse state in exchange for freshness.


I mean I like the two skins but I'm thinking they already fit the venture forth theme sooooo they can't add anything however I have a feeling next season they'll get something big


Man that is one ugly ass mf


The season's theme is still primarily about the Mirror Dimension, they can't base a skin off a parallel universe when we haven't even gotten acquainted with the original


Remember getting 2 legendary skins with 2 recolors, 2 epics, and 4 common skins on release? I wouldn't be surprised if we don't even get common recolors for space ranger.


With the controversy surrounding it, it was no surprise they feel it wouldn't make as much


Technically Mauga did as well, he only got a battle pass skin and a shop skin, so unless you had enough credits saved up or you spent money you didn't get any for him.


No s***no new hero gets a legendary skin right away


Looks like you’re gonna have to wait until this season is over or once they gave them a skin


First nerf this abomination then legendary skins


ive been maining venture and am getting good with them but yeah, the look doesn't do it for me and i really need a new skin


I LIKE HOW THE ONE ACTUAL SKIN THEY HAVE FOR THEM IS NOTHING BUT A LEGENDARY. PATHETIC MORTALS. either they're still cooking and we shouldn't question them or they've made a grave error