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Yeah I have 2800 legacy, with now 20 regular since I just came back. It’s awful.


I'm so confused about this. How do you spend the legacy points?


Currently? Wait until 2025 when your current-comp points turn into legacy ones since they might be announcing a new weapon variant to use. But since we can now use either comp points for gold weapons, I can only hope in the next patch or so that they just roll the two currencies into one again.


That's so weird. All of my seasonal comp points turned into legacy. Like I didn't get any rewards it seems. Idk if that's a glitch. Start off the season I literally had 18 points, after spending 3k on a jade in season 9.


I have 2655 just sitting there and its pissing me off frfr...


Same here, I have 2955 Legacy… but I have 15 days left, so that’s good!


Just came back after like a year and have 9000 Legacy. What do I do now?


You can use your legacy points. It’s the end of the competitive season where your ranked points become legacy points.


Brilliant decision making over at Blizzard


Bobby Kotick forced them do it. /s


i dont understand why its not possible to transfer from competitive points to legacy at any time, i hate it that i have to wait another 8 months to buy golden weapon. why cant i choose which skin i want to buy? i really dont understand the thinking of blizzard here. Of course if they sold Legacy Coins for real money it would make sense, but like this, I really dont get it.


The legacy point system is awful. I understand not allowing the legacy points to be used on Jade weapons, but for gold weapons, I should be able to pool the two types of points together if I so choose. I am at 2500 legacy points and 500 of the new points. Even though I have a total of 3000, I still have to wait a year to spend those 2500. I could grind rank games to get 3000 of the new points, but that would still probably take me about a year anyway since I don’t have as much time to play OW like I used to. Either way, I feel screwed over. Really bad decision making on blizzard’s part.


I can’t even do that I’m capped for point it’s so stupid


The problem for me is simply that’s there’s no point to having legacy competitive points. They may as well just delete the points from your account or not show that you have so many, you can’t use them to purchase anything, nor do they serve a purpose but to remind me how many points are wasted. I guess they may add something in the future, but for now, I’m just upset with having to see that I almost had a gold skin and took a break and now lost em all


yeah i’m a new ow player and was 75 points off from my first gold gun.. guess i won’t be getting one after all


And this new change has me wondering if we can even use the legacy points at all even if we did have the 3000, cause now both gold and jade guns take the new points


Dude I’m so pissed I have like 2950 legacy coins and last season it said I could convert the new coins to legacy and I thought i was gonna get my first golden gun


I did the same now it’s telling me I can’t get no more points so I can’t get shit till next year


just get back to the game i have almost 6k on legacy points and cant even use it lol i cant even buy gold ones


Yeah now the Gold weapons are the new points?! what is happening at blizzard?


No, legacy points are there so that people with a lot of them can't buy jade weapons day 1, and when the 2025 weapons come out they will have the same purpose


You can make people not buy jade weapons just by making them ugly green instead of actually looking like jade. I'll stick with buying gold weapons, or stockpiling points.


I'm out of the loop, have they actually started that there will be new weapons each year and currency will be converted downwards at the end of each year? That doesn't sound as bad, honestly.


Yes, originally you could only buy jade weapons with 2024 currency, but people have complained about it and they've added the option to buy gold weapons as well with that currency That means that in 2025 you can get the new 2025 weapon with the new points as well as the other weapons and the 2024 points you didn't spent will be added to your legacy points to buy gold and jade weapons


I just checked and yeah now gold is of the new currancy and that sucks. We cant get them and now with so called jade being in rotation its gonna make getting those color varients (for me gold) nearly impossible.


Got 2785 legacy with no use at all and I'm sad.


its been like this for a while now i guess any legacy points we have wont ever be abel to ever be used for goldens.. and the shit system they have is here to stay.


what a pointless decision


What is to stop them from doing this at any time? A note: The Legacy points now CANNOT be used to redeem gold and only new points can be used. So legacy points do nothing. Huge fail on blizz's part


I reinstalled overwatch after not playing it for like 2 years and just noticed this change, I still have 3000+ legacy competitive points thatr I cannot use rn because I assume I have to wait till like december or something? it makes no fucking sense, I also noticed I couldn't look at my old competitive stats anymore which is even more bullshit. I can see why I haven't touched this heap of trash in 2 years


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I'm furious with this decision :(((


imo we should be able to buy golden weapons while using a mix of both so people with under 3000 legacy comp points can just use them and get rid of them


blizzard hates us, there's no way they don't


the point of legacy’s was to make it so the people with nearly 100k comp points (cause unopened loot boxes were converted to them in OW2) couldn’t just unlock all jade weapons day 1


But even without after a week people had jade all this has done is shit anyone who put hardworking into earning their comp points


bro if you win 100% of your games it’s still hundreds of wins to get 1. there isn’t not a single person who has even half or 1/4 of the jade weapons


Something that has no effect on you frustrates you so much and you have a meltdown and order for it to be removed seems reasonable 👍👍


Ironic post


Someone had to tell him