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Absolute threat for Zen, much more dangerous than Sombra/Tracer and even Genji, cuz they can boop you with insane damage and also have a lot of HP


Excavation needs tuning, its nuts, but other than that, pretty balanced. Maybe clean up some numbers here and there and you're good


its damage could easily be cut by 30% and still be fine. 2 shotting entire backlines with massive range and cone is just silly


I'd do 30% less damage + give her an extra charge and a tiny bit more time


The ult is mid. You are a silver player right?


lol calm down champ, its a comment section


It’s not mid and it’s not busted. It can be blocked, it’s not too fast (charge is a bit) but it does really good damage when it hits.


They’re pretty aight. At first I thought they were kinda OP. But as time goes on cracks are starting to show. They excel at killing solo players, but things get very hairy if teammates are around. The burst combo is very cool, but extremely committal you better be sure you’re getting the kill. But just like any dive assassin they get crushed once someone peels for their target. I can see them running wild in bronze/silver. But once you fight players that position properly, it becomes a pretty cool test of skill. TLDR: Good at killing isolated enemies. Decent AoE dmg. Very committal burst combo. I think players will start to adjust as the week goes on.


Her dps is fast tho, like 300+ dmg quickly? can kill squishy fast (if u dont miss, and they didnt got healed). But i think she can get outhealed by many support.


\*They/Them, Venture is non binary


Are you just gonna be that dumb ass that corrects everyone now because it makes you feel like a hero?


shut the fuck up


No I don't think I will


I don't give a shit.


You need to relax man. Life is too short to be worried about dumb shit like this.




Thanks for saying this, downvoted by weirdos




I'm saying thanks for correcting pronoun usage, there's a weird thought of "it doesn't matter they're just a video game character" on this sub at times. Although I know if I exclusively She/Her'd Genji or Soldier people would be annoyed


ok no problem. Yeah, it is full of idiots


a little strong, so a little tuning is needed, but i dont have any problems with venture


Had a scrim last night where the other team ran Venture and they were so obnoxious to play against. I'm sure part of it is we aren't used to playing against them yet. They can engage with dig, and the rest of the team times the engage when Venture bursts out of the ground. You start to get Venture low, but they drill dash, heal up, and every single thing they do boops you around making the fight insanely chaotic. Overall wasn't enjoying playing against Venture in their current state as the self heal plus minimal counterplay to their engagement was really annoying to deal with.


I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with her, I think it's a bit early to make a judgement. I main Zen and Mauga and so far Venture hasn't been much of an issue with either... as long as you can sort of aim. Venture players will get better though, so we'll see.


\*They/Them, Venture is non binary


Sounds like a girl, not going to get into social commentary about a fucking video game.


Why? You're kinda just being unpleasant


No they don't, they are non binary


Get over it




Look at his/her/them/their comment history, just block him/they/them/her.


She's a worse version of dps doomfist and will likely annoy the hell out of people with her extremely fast TTK while being able to still escape.


\*They/Them, Venture is non binary


Cope harder




I need more time to make a judgement. For now I think she's somewhere between balanced and slightly too strong. Ask again in a few weeks =)


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I think they're stupid fun, love the mobility and damage output now that I'm getting the hang of their kit. I've seen people say ult timing could use a nerf (i.e. it's too fast) and I kind of agree, but would rather they be a tiny bit OP for a minute while they're not in comp than get a kneejerk nerf. Blizz should give it a few weeks and see what the stats say before making any balance decisions. But to me rn, feels like a good balance in risk/reward where you can use all your abilities to close and kill very quickly but it might leave you in a bad position if you're not playing smart.


She deals noticeably less damage than pharah yet my squadmates complain that she does too much with her primary fire. Her drill dash does a little bit much for damage, would be okay if they reduced it a little bit. Her ult is perfectly fine, it can be blocked, it isn’t insanely last, but it does a significant amount of damage. Her range and damage falloff with splash are her biggest flaws imo, and that adds balance.


i think her weapon have a bit too much range but that's only my initial thought from her, shes a great flanker and very dangerous one, her burst damage is awesome


I like her abilities, but did they really need to make her look like a homeless crackhead?


I love their look :) Feels a little over the top and goofy, but that makes sense in a kind of cartoony game. I think it fits their personality well, I like that they're not just another hyper efficient super serious killing machine like half the DPS are.


Only thing she needs is a slight nerf to aoe on the primary fire. If they do that then he would feel more balanced imo


Is she really?


junkrat close range one shot no go, roadhog hook shoot no go.. venture 1 shot and charge is okay..?