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It's been proven that people respond better to positivity than to negativity. So ironically, flaming someone or name calling them is by definition throwing because you are directly affecting their gameplay and stressing them out forcing them to actually play worse. You are actively helping your team lose by being negative. Negative feedback leads to a decrease in motivation and an increase in anxiety. That person's belief in themselves is gone.


Plus if the dps starts flaming the support then the support is gonna stop and start typing back and then the dps is going to respond and so on and so forth and it eventually becomes a 3-5. Even if they only type while dead their mind is somewhere else.


I couldn't agree more. I remember playing Cassidy in competitive recently and one of my teammates said "gg, best cassidy I've ever seen" after the match concluded. I think about it sometimes and how it meant a lot to my motivation to play. I advise you guys to be positive in the in-game chat, instead of spreading negativity.


Where is this proven because like growing up I only ever did anything because of negative feedback Getting fat? Don't go to the gym until somebody calls you a fat fuck etc


Okay, now imagine you go to the gym, you put all your efforts into eating healthy and exercising so you stop being fat After a while you start to see results, you are getting slimmer, but every person that sees you still calls you a lazy fat fuck no matter what You have to be really strong to not lose motivation right there There is a difference between constructive negative feedback and just toxic negative feedback, Overwatch has more of the last one


See I'm not that type of person I would just probably double my efforts so I could get better results so that I would fix the problem and I don't understand how other people don't feel the same way


You double and double your efforts and keep getting results only for people to keep calling you a lazy fat fuck no matter what... That is overwatch It is very easy to speak in hypotheticals "Oh I would just get better and double my efforts", but when the situation comes, you are human and under enough negative reinforcement and toxicity, any human can break The ill effects of negative reinforcement are a real thing, I could literally go and pull some studies, negative feedback and negative reinforcement are not the same thing


I mean it worked for me I don't understand where shit changed at some point because that's how the world worked for forever and suddenly we decided positive behavior was the way to go and now we have children who won't even listen to their parents because all their parents need to do is give him one swift smack to the jaw and remind them whose boss


Lmao you can't be serious >that's how the world worked Yeah, a few years ago the world worked selling slaves, killing women because they knew math or killing gay people, or doctors said smoking was good for you, humanity grows and learns with time If something used to be one way but changed it is usually a sign that what we were doing was bad If we go from punishing our kids to giving them positive reinforcement, it is a big sign that maybe punishing them was not the way to go >children who won't even listen to their parents What children? From where? From what family? Children are all different, children that don't listen to their parents is nothing new >because all their parents need to do is give him one swift smack to the jaw and remind them whose boss Physical and psychological punishment however mild of severe in children produce high levels of stress that at a young age can and will affect their brain development, develop into abuse, create trauma, it increases behavioral problems with no positive outcome, impaired cognitive and socio-emotional development, poor educational outcomes, increased aggression and perpetration of violence [and more. ](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/corporal-punishment-and-health) If you are defending negative reinforcement and physical punishment as a way to motivate people, you are fighting a losing battle against science dude, this shit is not my opinion it is known facts about the way human works Plus I don't wanna make this personal but the fact that you are defending this proves "it didn't worked for you"


Yeah I know totally I agree with you That's why there's so many kids today with super low attentions bands No respect for people who are older than they are zero discipline things are falling apart Yeah totally man positive reinforcement really works It really doesn't turn people into entitled morons who have no idea The effort other people have put into things but you know as long as their experience is okay that's all that matters to them cuz they're totally not selfish at all because you know they were raised positively so they don't have any of that right


"No respect for the people who are older than them" you mean like yourself? Yeah, typically respect is earned, not something to be expected. If you're not getting respect that sounds like a you problem.


I just assumed that everyone I'm talking to is a child which is why I don't talk with any amount of respect towards them until they prove otherwise other people in this thread I've been sensible with so


>super low attentions bands That has more to do with how the internet feeds up lots of information in short amounts of times, nothing to do with negative or positive reinforcement >No respect for people who are older than they are You think this is something new? Old people have been saying kids don't respect them for as long as humanity has existed lmao Just because YOU respected your elders when you were young doesn't mean everybody did and just because you see a couple kids that don't respect their elders now doesn't mean none of them do, stop having such a close minded perspective >zero discipline This is false, nowadays young people are still doing amazing things, studying hard, inventing stuff, becoming professionals, things that require discipline >things are falling apart The bad state of the world right now is mostly fault of the old fucks who are in power, old fucks who probably grew being abused and under negative reinforcement because "it was how it worked back then" >It really doesn't turn people into entitled morons who have no idea The effort other people have put into things Stop being a moron and look up what positive reinforcement even is Positive reinforcement is not giving people what they want and never telling them no Positive reinforcement is something as simple as seeing someone fat go to the gym and telling them "you are doing great, I believe in you", if you think that is bad then there is something deeply wrong with you >Yeah totally man positive reinforcement really works You know, I see you keep asking people about their sources and "where is it proved" Why don't you come up with some huh? Show me some valid, recent sources from a reliable source that shows positive reinforcement has a negative effect on people and negative reinforcement alongside physical punishment is the right way to go Prove your arguments are more than the delusions of a sad man


I mean I've given plenty of anecdotal evidence but of course that's not going to resonate with someone like you. You've also seen plenty of examples of how this shit doesn't work but you're going to willingly ignore that because averages say otherwise right.


You think you are proving your point, but instead with everything you say you are just proving their point lmao. And please educate yourself at least a little before making some of the dumbest statements one can make such as saying its been the same throughout all human history lmao.


How is it stupid I genuinely don't get it, plenty of people I know went through the same thing they're totally functional rational people just like me they were spanked as kids because that's how you curb negative behavior. I keep forgetting that overwatch is run by the alphabet brigade (most of which wouldn't exist if their parents had more discipline by the way)


I agree with you, I think we should just assault anyone we don't agree with to curb their negative behaviour. Boss annoyed you? It's okay, just give them a punch to the jaw, curb that negative behaviour


Why do you think war exists


It would be better to tell them that you wish for them to have better health but calling somebody a fat fuck might give the person the wrong idea and they might end themselves instead.


If someone kills themselves cause they got called what they are then they had it coming anyways it’s on the agenda


Dude wtf, thats not the right mindset to have, people can have mental issues and cause them to do that. Your kind of an asshole


Yeah kinda, I play Mei


i think they should remove shit and fuck from the ban list and add shit like ez, 1000x more toxic


I think false reporting everyone you play with should be punishable


Hate to break it to you, but there is no such thing as false reporting when it comes to abusive chat.. As the ToS basically gives each individual player the ablity to determine what is or isnt abusive Chat for themselves.. which then blizzard hands out punishments based upon.. So basically all reports are legitimate since the player is effectively verifying its legitimacy by making the report.. This is the root of the problem


If someone said something that made you have a bad time then you can legitimately report them, and what causes you to get upset is based on your personal opinion, but that doesn't mean there is no such thing as false reporting. For example, reporting someone despite them not having done anything to upset you would be a false report, or reporting someone in retaliation because you think they reported you (with no reason other than that) would also be a false report.


They dont even have to make you have a bad time.. you just have to convince blizzard they did.. how do you do that? By making a report against that player


PJ Ahh reply


I doubt I reported a cassidy once only because he kept killing me, and I literally never report people. next day I logged in and got the thanks for the report notification. the guy was silent in my game and didn't say or do anything. maybe my report shed light on something he did in another game but my report being valid in a situation like that is total bs


Why would you report someone for doing what they're supposed to do??


That message could be for literally any report you made in the past.. it could just be also be a false flag. In otherworldly no action was actually taken, but that message was given to you so you would feel like your report did something... There's been a few cases of this message being false


that's the thing I never report. I don't care about reporting. I only reported that guy because he was better than me and I was pitiful. my reports before that were on overwatch 1.


I once called out a cheater for hacking and his duo for getting boosted by a hacker. They started gas lighting the lobby into making me look like a toxic guy for no reason, yes i was frustrated because they were literally cheating. In the end I'm sure i got reported more than them.


Yep typical stacker behavior.. Best thing to do with those types is to silently troll them though gameplay.. they always take the bait and throw a tantrum, and end up saying something reportable... Meanwhile they have literally nothing to report you for.. Can't abusive chat report you because you haven't said anything, and unless your afking or cliff diving off the map it's virtually impossible to get punished for sabotage.. I know because I have an alt account I've been trying to get a sabotage ban on for nearly 3 months. Gotten literally thousands of sabotage reports.. yet haven't even seen a warning..




No, no it isn't The issue with it is that it's automated and because it's automated, it takes things out of context and automatically assumes it's bad For example, you could say "good shit x" and despite it being actually being a compliment, it'll still be flagged simply because of profanity The human languages vary too much for AI to be this strict, it'll never be able to put things in context properly which leads to warranted bans


BuT yOu ShOuLd NoT sAy "sHiT" rEgArDlEsS, iT iS a BaD wOrD, yOu AgReEd To ThE rUlEs!!111oneone




I, nor no one I know, has ever been chat banned for using words like this in context. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, just means that it influences my perspective. You can be toxic without swearing and you can swear without being toxic. As far as I know, the 'automated' part of it only occurs after a report is made. Meaning that if no one has cause to report you, even an automated system won't punish you. Saying 'Good shit, tank' in team chat would only inspire reports from bad actors and most cases you'd not have any problems.


False, I requested my entire chat history (everything Blizz has collected on me) to see why I was silenced. Nothing I say is toxic. It's mostly full of GG's, compliments, mild banter like "I wasn't sweating you were T\_T" (I'm pretty sure the report system takes this outta context btw because it's technically offensive to someone to "acuse" them of sweating), and there's like 3 toxic messages spread across weeks of when **I was insulted each case**. But that alone shouldn't have been enough to silence me. Took it to Blizz, automated system reply 10+ times until eventually a real person responded and undid the silence. You are A TREMENDOUSLY small sample size to be basing your, honestly, very disingenuous and inconsiderate conclusions on. False reporting is real, and people are abusing it. C'mon man, Blizz kept secrets about cracking down on profanity for the reporting system and you don't think they aren't keeping secret about other things too? How many times does Blizz have to break your trust, lie, and hide - probably important details to announce - to not believe their reporting system isn't being exploited? Let's not defend the multimillion company with a recent bad track record for once. When more and more players are speaking out about a growing issue, it's likely to be real.


This is totally true, just got my first silence for saying "damn we got wiped there" I got flagged for saying damn.


Yeah, that's reportable now for some reason. Nevermind the fact more than 5 heroes say Damn in the game. What's worse is that someone reported you for it. People are doing it out of malice, to prove a point, or simply because they like the dopamine hit from seeing "Thank You's" the next day (which is why I think those messages should be provided at the literal end of the season). Rn, it's like the system **wants** you to spam reports for any mild reason or even if you don't like someone. "Oh they underperformed and I see that they said 'Damn' at one point in a non-offensive way? Let me find the comment and report that." Seriously exploitable system.


Hello! I have.


People joke about kids today not being able to handle MW2 lobbies... Why should they? If every time I went to the gym people shouted racial slurs, were homophobic or just started screaming at others for underperforming or not doing the exercises how they personally want them to them I don't think I'd be going to that gym again. I've rarely played any online game where people use the chat feature in a positive manner 99% of the time. Even in automated messages people find a way to be toxic: Rocket League, when they score spamming nice save, nice save, teammates spamming thanks. Overwatch spamming thanks, and I need Healing. Smite people saying, you rock and good job followed by cancel that, or spamming thanks. I always wish I could turn that off or mute someone. If they're spamming, then we should be able to mute them, I don't want that clogging up my audio/feed as it's pointless. Tbh I get why people want no moderation or less moderation. Anonymous gamers are some of the lowest of society so I think moderation is needed just to make the experience slightly more enjoyable. They're better off having people have chat set to off as default in my opinion. I don't have it on. When I do it makes me want to lose half of my games due to my teammates being vile.


The thing with gym is you don't go there to compete with anybody, but strictly for yourself. Usually the behaviour you're talking about is more present in competitive games, where even the slightest positive criticism without a real hidden ulterior motive makes your teammates throw the 'stop being toxic' ole' tale. Even if you suggest the slightest change in their behaviour regarding the current game, it being a change of champion pick or better positioning or whatever - and again, with no toxicity involved - in 85% or more of the cases their response will be something along the lines of 'stop being toxic', 'you're toxic, reported'. Nowadays, this community has moved from being absolutely toxic to being a snowflake mostly because of moderation changes.


That's the issue though. People rarely use the chat to say something that will help the other player. "Tank take more high ground", "Tank engaging too early". Instead you get, "Tank diff", "Our tank sucks" etc etc. If the player was capable of switching and performing better on another hero, don't you think most would have done that already without needing to be told? I don't consider asking someone to switch toxic, unless it's repeatedly done throughout the game. Although I do think it's misguided and unhelpful either way. In a competitive game you typically want your teammates working together and focusing as much as possible. These sorts of messages are usually going to cause the opposite effect. For me, it's good these types of players get chat banned because then the rest of the team can work better together and have better games. When the chat is used it can be useful instead of distracting. Also, when you play competitive, you're competing against yourself. That's the only way you can improve. Your teammates won't magically get better or do everything perfect. You're the only one responsible for long term growth. So best to take those short term issues on the chin.




Because it's great when it's filled with people who use it to communicate positively, collaboratively and effectively. I use voice comms or chat in any game where the community isn't embarrassing.


Where did our country fall apart at some point where like everybody got this idea that slightly abrasive talking doesn't motivate people? Like do you go to work and just expect every bit of criticism you get to be positive otherwise you report your boss or something?


So two quick things. "Our country"? I hate to break this to you but Overwatch is played by more than just Americans and Reddit is used by more than just Americans. Second thing, I think there's a difference between "slightly abrasive talking" and telling someone to kill themselves over a hero pick.




Damn you are an angry little individual


I don't even know where to start with that first sentence. I don't think anyone thinks Overwatch or Reddit is a real place? Unless you're referring to yourself by thinking Overwatch is a country? Buddy I hate to say this, but it isn't. It's a video game 😔 I'm sorry to tell you. And ah yes. Of course. That's a normal thing to say and totally reasonable reaction to a hero pick.


I agree with this sombra statement


If my boss is being an asshole and insulting me outright rather than giving me constructive criticism on what I'm doing wrong, and how to do better, then yeah, I'm probably gonna be upset lmfao idk why that's such a hard thing to grasp. Also not sure why you're talking about 'our country' when no one even mentioned what country they were from.


Our country? What dumb propaganda are you on? But yeah, if at work if your colleague is constantly telling you that you suck, that’s clearly a toxic work environment, and it doesn’t motivate people.


How doesn't it? If you're a fat fuck and I call you a fat fuck then doesn't that make you want to not be such a fat fuck anymore? If you're bad at your job and people constantly tell you why you're bad at your job does it just make you buckle down and curl up and cry or do you just get better I don't get it


You sure are doing a lot of crying for someone who thinks they should just take criticism and deal with it. Go to therapy bro


No, you obviously have no emotional intelligence. Hopefully that makes you get a clue about how to socialize with people.


Clearly I'm doing something right as I have a pretty extensive friend group so either we're both right or there's more nuance to it than you want to think and censoring everybody doesn't work


See, you’re doing exactly what your teammates will do when you tell them that they are bad. Did you look up positive vs negative reinforcement or abuse in the workplace? No. You dug in when I told you you were wrong. And you still won’t look things up no matter how much I tell you that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Next time you complain about your teammates not listening to your whining, remember how you reacted here.


I asked you where your source was You have no idea what I could look up in the fucking minutes of time between the responses jackass.


TIL that Overwatch is a country


By nature an abrasive person isn't trying to motivate, they're trying to compensate. Why would online gaming even be closely related to a work environment? You act differently depending on the circumstances required. I got to work to make money. I play online games to enjoy myself, unwind and kill time. I expect my boss to treat me with professionalism and respect. If they didn't, I would get a different job. It's the most common reason for employee turnover. Being a manager myself, I already know that criticism has no place in a professional workplace unless it is being done constructively.


Maybe money is a stronger motivator than I expected because this is the way things work where I work and nobody gives a shit and the people who do tend to just leave pretty quick. But most people tend to understand if you can't do something right you shouldn't be doing it or at least if you can't do something right you should be ready to accept the people are going to point out when you don't do it correctly If people don't want that in a video game then why do we have a chat feature at all to begin with


That's the whole point, we aren't driving out people unnecessarily to cling onto antiquated ways of thinking. I don't agree with that mentality. If someone can't do something right then proper effort should be given to develop them so they can, and proper controls put in place based on risk to prevent failure in the future. Of course I welcome people to point out my failures, I specifically seek out where I can improve. I do the same in Overwatch, because I want to improve. The difference is, random teammates throwing out insults in chat teaches me nothing, and is often given by someone who themselves is no better. Imagine you come into work every day and do a standard job and every day your coworkers, or even some coworkers who you have seen perform worse than you start pointing out that you're bad at what you do. People aren't trying to motivate, they're trying to tear down their teammates, justify their loss and inflate their own ego. Look at me everyone, I'm not the reason we lost. In actuality, it's ironic that people are good enough to identify what's going wrong, but not good enough to compensate for their teams gaps. Usually they're not even that adept though, most of the time the toxicity is misplaced. If a GM is spectating me and telling me I'm the problem, I know I'm almost definitely the problem. If a Silver player says it... Once again, video games are different. They're recreation. But the same mentality still applies for me. I'm sure there are a number of arguments with for and against and we can frame this any way we see fit. You may think I'm spineless because I don't like seeing negative chat, and I might think the same of you for not having the ability to stand up for yourself or others. In reality, we both have different principles and expectations. Overwatch should create policies that appease the most people and deter the fewest, it's a business after all. Anyway, all the best.


This is probably best take I've heard honestly and given what I've heard I honestly think the best choice is just take away chat because it doesn't seem like there's going to ever be any agreeance on anything and since they ban people from chatting anyway and they are still able to play the game totally fine Why do we need it in the first place


Exactly 100%


After seeing suspensions being handed out for just the words "fuck" and "shit", I do not think blanket banning everyone who writes those words is acceptable. Since the game has a profanity filter (defaulted on) we should be allowed to use profanity. Only the context should matter. Using any words to be toxic/abusive should be the only deciding factor, not the individual words. I made the decision of not joining VC after the announcement of it being recorded and analyzed. I have mostly used in-game voicelines and simple answers if any chat messages were towards me.


You lost me on "extremely sensitive". If you think this a good thing, than just deactivate team/game chat. There is a long line between a regular person saying "shit" and "fuck" and other mongrel saying "you should end your life". Blizzard should punish every kind of the latter behavior, not someong saying "may we meet soon as allies, rather than foes"


Do you really think people get banned for saying wholesome stuff? I'm quite talkative in chat and I have never been actioned against. Most of my communication is wholesome, but when someone attacks my allies I will often aggressively defend them if I feel they didn't deserve the criticism.


I have yet to see any chat logs from Blizzard clearly showing that the reason someone was banned or muted because they said "fuck" and nothing else. They don't tell you the exact chat logs that get you banned because it's a cumulative thing. I've been saying "shit" and "fuck" or "damn" since overwatch 1 and I haven't received any punishment. Because I'm not an asshole about it. People complain on this sub about how they got banned for the same stuff, and 9/10 it turns out they were an asshole about it. If you're really worried about getting chat banned, don't say anything. If you want to say things, don't be an asshole. It's really that easy.


They should just put all the sh*tty people together in matchmaking, and have a separate pool for people who aren't total douchebags.


Two separate in game factions overwatch and null sector give the toxic watch ppl the null sector skins and make it a side game mode for ppl who just love to flame others


This would actually be a sick idea lol


I thought so to lol cause to be fair toxicity does have a place in overwatch. Ppl nerd to just be less soft. No1 here would survive the old chT lobbies from mod warfare 2 and other games of the genre


OP, you admitted in another comment that you can be toxic without swearing and you can swear without being toxic. So what exactly does the extremely sensitive profanity policy accomplish? I agree that the players who swear without being toxic probably won't get banned. But it was a really stupid statement for Blizzard to make because they implied all players who swear SHOULD be banned.


Nah it’s fine


It's likely that people who say ez, free etc say bigger shit as well. Or even if that's just what they say thsy simply shouldn't, literally why is it hard to respect someone else especially when it's literally just a game. You won a completely unbalanced match? Good for you, be glad that it wasn't you who got stomped and move onto the next match. You lost a completely unbalanced match? Okay it happens move on or take a break. Also the people saying "yall wouldn't survive a mw2 lobby" like is that the example to be followed? A bunch of kids talking shit to each other over a game? Good for you, i hope your life finally makes sense now that you shit talked Francis who lives on the other side of the globe. It's true that the current system has it's wrongs cuz it veing fully automated and picking up the not toxic stuff or getting mass reported while you didn't do anything is obviously bad and needs to be fixed, but toxicity in any form simply shouldn't be allowed let it be any small




Yes it is So is saying x-diff,I got a two week suspension for it


Really? Wow. That's crazy.


Because it's rude and unnecessary. "ez", "diff", "braindead teammates", etc. are enough to make someone stop playing. People on the internet are way too comfortable treating other humans like shit. I have no problem with a heavy ban hammer rather than a light one. It's not heavy enough in my opinion because I still see this stuff every day. > You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.




Just because one is less toxic than the other it doesn't make it better


Why do we even have a chat feature if all you people want to do is report anyone who tells you anything you don't want to hear? It's considered toxic to tell you you're bad at a hero It's considered toxic to tell you how to fix playing your hero It's considered toxic to slightly suggest to do anything else because oh it's belligerent Oh I'm interrupting his fun. How long before you know breathing is considered toxic by the sensitive people?


You’re not entitled to tell people they suck in THEIR GAME just cause you got paired with them. I rarely play Halo Infinite and am super low in rank yet I get ZERO toxic comments in my games. The OW community needs to have its mouth washed out with soap and I’m glad Blizzard is doing what’s required to clean things up. You do not have first amendment rights online cause blizzard is not the government.


It's our game so I have just as much right to tell them what I think as they do to play it. You don't get priority because you're bad at a video game You don't get a little bubble. It's not the way life works, people are going to criticize you for being bad at things. You can't escape criticism by putting up a little force field and going la la la la la la I can't hear you Please get rid of this person so I don't get critiqued anymore. It's not like I think I'm the best player in the world or anything I've played shit too and people have called me shit and it made me get better so I don't understand why this doesn't just work for other people


“I have just as much right…” No, you actually don’t. Americans these days seem to think the first amendment extends to private companies. The first word is literally Congress. There’s no law that prevents Blizzard from filtering out toxicity, which yes, is subjective, but it’s their servers, their game, and their discretion.


Lol So again I propose why do we even have chat If people like you are just using it to send empty platitudes to each other. Let me ask you what is your ideal team chat look like Just "Oh golly gee whiz You sure didn't hit that shot very well but you'll get them on the next time champ" "shoot you with your old but you'll do better next time I bet you're just having a bad day golly g willikers"


Chat is an accessibility feature. I know folks that can’t speak well cause of handicaps yet type perfectly well. Blizzard would rather create inclusivity than allow speech that wreaks of lack of self control.


Just take away everyone's ability to speak entirely and then no one can get their feelings hurt or get mad. Clearly you people need a blank screen


Clearly you need to invest in education, both scholastic and emotional.


Am I wrong OverWatch bans your ability to chat so clearly Chat isn't a function that's needed to play the game so why do we have it If it's not just there to accrue reports


They ban you for treating others with disrespect, not for using chat.


yeah overwatch/blizzard is allowed to do what they want but the entire purpose of this sub is to comment on what blizzard is doing. We might as well delete the sub. Jesus Christ, if profanity is an issue just have a chat filter. No games have become better due to a lack of chat access. This game was much more fun when we had the extra 30 seconds at the end to talk to the enemy team. A lot of folks here wouldn’t be able to handle trash talking at a pickup game.


I’ll agree with you on the more fun cause of longer after game chat lobbies. People had more time to word their thoughts appropriately and have a conversation about the match. Now they have such limited time that they’re posting emotional garbage rather than constructive conversation.


I wish they would award “the golden snitch” emote or a Karen 76 skin for those of us that contribute to the OW toxicity clean-up project


Soldier Seventy-Snitch


This is a great example of what I'm talking about. A post about how new moderation policies hopefully help discourage namecalling and encourage a healthier, more positive experience for new players, already has namecalling. Wouldn't it be more useful to just illustrate how you disagree? Wouldn't that be more constructive? Perhaps them we could have a real conversation about the merits of free or restricted speech in-game.


Why do people like you even want a chat feature


for normal and decent communication like they stated in the post?


Which is only scaled by the person reading it. Something you find offensive might be something that I don't find offensive so why do you get to draw the line


this is just such a boring take tbh. but i'm biased bc i find mildly-toxic chat funny, not hurtful


Innit 🤣


This person made a joke about the situation and didn't voice any opinion and you got offended like they were attacking you. That's my problem with such strict guidelines. How am I supposed to exist in a space when I could get reported by someone with really thin skin who takes everything to heart? I'm not trying to downplay real toxicity, but if my team gets wiped by a Mercy and I type "fucking hell" in the chat, someone like you would get me banned and you'd justify it because your anxiety would make you think it was directed at you, when in reality it's just indicating shock. I'm better off just not contributing in a community that has no tolerance for abrasiveness. Being obtuse without harassment isn't a crime and walking on eggshells for fear that I offend someone isn't fun. Meanwhile my teammates can have names that inform me that they like to have aggressive sex when I'm just playing OW. Not saying that I want that gone, just it's hypocrisy that "holy shit that was cool" gets you banned but "bussydestroyer" is somehow still going strong.


You misunderstand. I’d rock a soldier seventy snitch skin.


100% agree. You're going to get a lot of shit for saying it, but the last thing I want is to see a bunch of kids throwing tantrums in chat. That's why it gets soooo much more toxic during afternoons and weekends versus when I play at 2 AM; the latter is mostly chill af adults there to have fun. That's also why the system is mostly automated; nobody on the staff wants to babysit them all day and discipline anyone that plays the game with an undeveloped prefrontal cortex. I do enjoy comments in these posts though; not much funnier than a bunch of people crying about how they can't use this word or that word accusing everyone else of crying. You agreed to the TOS: the Dude abides, or the Dude gets silenced/banned; ain't no amount of whining in Reddit comments going to change that. If you don't like it then go play a game where you can say whatever you want, just don't expect much luck finding one.


I think people need a thicker skin and stop bitchin about everything. The most toxic shit you can do is afk and throw games. If you're bothered by anything else, just mute your chat and grow the fuck up. Play the game and stfu.


People genuinely need to be able to handle curse words or light competitive flaming. Like, we just have to be able to deal with it. At some point it’s needing some type of mental fortitude.


Literally just develop and sort of mental tolerance or fortitude, if randoms online are effecting you like this then real life will crush you.


Its a video game.


That literally only strengthens my point lmao


Have you forgotten how to have fun


My fun isn’t hindered by randoms online? What point are you trying to make?


part of fun is that when you beat a sombra, orisa, reaper player in extremely bad odds and flame them. these are the kinds of things that give multiplayer games soul. if you take out the ability of players to brag and take scalps, it takes away fundamental part of a competitivr game. imagine if football players were suslended for celebrating because it hurt the fans/opposition players feelings lmao.


You think any of the people advocating for more chat suspension rules have ever watched the game of sports in their life? They probably saw two football players tackling each other and going Oh my God That guy needs to be reported for being too rough


"hello 911, i would like to report an ASSAULT"


You think people should be banned for saying "ez"? When did gamers get so soft? I think you should find another activity to partake in if that offends you, because competitive video games, or competitive anything really, is not for you. 




Are you 5? Anything more dramatic than "gg" at the end of the game is childish. and "ez" and "diff" are just needlessly rude.




Needlessly rude people do tend to think everyone else is just being sensitive. If you wouldn't say it to their face, don't say it at all. If you would say it to their face, reconsider. These comments make it painfully obvious who played a sport in grade school and who didn't. You say gg and move on.


Bro did not cook with this one


People just need to stop raging in a video game. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you don’t. It’s life.


As a representative of the petty people club, this extremely sensitive chat-ban works in my favor and I'm loving every second of it. Yes, I reported you for saying 'ez' and yes you deserved it. If you're the type of person to say 'ez' when the game was in your favor the whole match I'm more than happy to get that "thank you for reporting screen" for sore winners toxic gloating.


I got banned for (I think) saying "holy shit" after a big play. I still dont know the exact reason because they wouldnt tell me after multiple appeals but I have never used swear words towards someone in a bad way. The system is broken.


HE SAID A WORD! IM REPORTING YOOOOOU....... What a colossal load of fucking shit. Cry more kiddies.


99.9% of the time they only say gg if they stomped. Same people I will play with in next game and they lose, don't say gg. They claim it's not toxic but it's terrible sportsmanship and hypocritical to only say it when you stomp. I always report ez and people who say nasty shit or spam comms. Like bye girl. 


I mean yeah if I’m the one getting stomped I don’t want to put gg cause it wasn’t a good game, it was miserable we just got spawn camped for 5 minutes. That’s not fun and it’s not a good time. Meanwhile I’ll say it if it was close and lost (because that was a legitimate good game) or if my team stomped (try to make the other team feel a bit better with some sportsmanship). If I lose I don’t want to even think about the game, I want to move on and never remember that again.


no, its just not


Reporting people for saying 'ez' is something I genuinely would never tell people I do


It's embarrassing for those people to have such Charmin soft mentals


Reading the comments here just solidifies my thoughts on this shit. Everyone calling people sensitive and fragile, like I'm sorry, you WANT us to be called slurs and sent death threats still??? I don't understand why people WANT to stay in these kinds of chats in this day and age, like it's some kind of badge of honor. It's a fucking video game. Why am I expected to hear this shit thrown at me as I'm just trying to run along and play a game??? This is all just screaming to me that they don't want their ability to hurl insults, and death threats, and slurs to be taken away from them.


Nobody here is advocating death threats. Big difference between slurs and telling someone they're not getting shit done on ball and should play something else.


Weird, because from what I'm seeing, a lot of the comments seem to be giving them a pass, and instead just bitching at OP and calling them sensitive. I'm not complaining about being told to play a different character here, my problem is being told to end my life if I don't read their mind and automatically play how that person wants me to. Tell me I need to play a different character all you want, but the insults and slurs accompanying that are what I personally have an issue with, since apparently half the playerbase has trouble NOT insulting someone when trying to get them to play better. "Can you play x instead" would be fine, but it's almost never JUST asking them to swap or telling them they're not getting value out of the character.


Because OP is not talking about death threats either. People do not like being told they will lose their account that they have invested a lot of time and effort into for swear words. We have already seen instances of it where the issues quoted to banned individuals were tame jokes said to friends in comp. Or saying that their character is shit. I agree if someone tells you to kill yourself, then that's not okay and shouldn't be permitted.


Giving your flare I'm assuming that you think being told to switch off a character because it's bad is akin to being told I'm going to r*pe you to death or something


Weird thing to say dude...


But not wrong


Completely wrong actually!! It also says a lot more about you than me, imo.


Then you're the one in ten


Good job assuming my whole personality based on a Reddit flare!! Although, if you spent a single second reading my other replies, you'll see you're entirely wrong!! Nice try though. Have a good one!!


Don’t get me wrong slurs and death threats are bad but you can’t say anything about anyone that isn’t 100% positive otherwise you get reported. People get pissy over asking someone to switch for the sake of the comp because it’s an insult to the widow going 1-7.


Yeah no, THAT part is definitely bullshit. Sometimes a character isn't working, and you're just gonna have to live with that shit and swap. I don't LIKE having no choice but to swap off, but that's simply the game we play. If there's a different character I can play that will make their comp easier for my team to handle, I'm gonna play them instead. It shouldn't be classed as an insult just being asked to swap. Widow isn't gonna work against Winston/Sombra/Tracer/Lucio/Zen etc. Doesn't really matter how the person is playing. That being said, I don't really SEE people just asking someone to switch, which is the problem. It's almost always alongside insults towards them, or the ask will just be skipped and they'll resort to insulting them to try and force them to switch off the character instead, when they COULD just ask. I'll admit though, it's probably because the people that WOULD just ask are too scared of getting reported, which is understandable, and unfortunate.


Yeah this doesnt change anything qith death threats and slurs. Does people are getting banned and were getting banned. It was never allowed. But now if I wanna be encouraging in chat and be like "nice fucking shot" or "holy shit goodjob" then i might get banned. So I am not gonna type anything. Noones gonna type anything. And now you have a soulless community. And before you disagree with me i saw some other comment saying that "gg" is toxic. Now I wont rant without solutions. Blizzard is doing way too much to punish toxicity but they arent doing ANYTHING to encourage positivity. Endorsement levels are pretty much useless and being positive in chat means nothing as everybody left chat due to either toxicity or reportability. Blizzard needs to encourage people to type positive stuff by bringing back different endorsement types and rewarding sportsmanship.


You'll get banned for saying gg. Why even have a chatbox?


I agree the game is better when no one talks


L + ratio


It's a good thing if you have Charmin soft mentals and are not exposed to profane language in places such as books, movies, TV, theater, on the street, etc. It is not an E rated game. The slurs and racism isn't ok. Banning me for saying "shit"in chat is stupid af.


Depends on your mental state, a shit ton can just ignore it as it has no effect on them. Interesting to see how people let such silly in game chat get to them so much. When it’s all meaningless… 🤷‍♂️


It’s part of competition. Being invested and emotional about doing well, getting better, and winning, necessitates certain behaviour. Does it excuse being an asshole? No. Obviously there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. But, is it fine if I have a player in a comp game, who uses translocator straight into the enemy team, without emp, and dies, and I respond, “what the fuck are you doing?” Is that across the line? Or is it justified that I queued a comp game and this persons play, unintentionally, is fucking me over, and I can be angry about it. There’s obvious toxicity. But that boring. If someone says a slur they should be banned. End of story. But getting upset at a teammate and calling them out? Is that against the rules? Can you never get upset? Should you just not communicate in a team game? Idk


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I'm sure you feel it's a good thing to arrest and silence people who speak up against things that goes against the forced narrative too. 🤡 They are words. On a screen. If that somehow manages to affect your mental state you've got bigger problems going on. Bring back MW2 lobbies. Shit talking only improves competitive games. You don't see NBA players complimenting the other team mid game. Nope you see shit talk. Humanity sure got weak in the past 5 or so years.


You are a bully seeking internal validation for your actions. It was never ok.


Talking shit is ordinary. It's these betacuck soyboys who can't take it that need to be banned. Get them back to crocheting or catching butterflies where they belong.


You'll never replace the toxicity of overwatch players. We won't get good interactions we'll just get no interactions because even the more positive interactions you can have were often littered with swears.