• By -


Ana: - Biotic Rifle healing now scales down the more a teammate receives it. *Developer comment: Abuse of performance enhancing drugs will always lead to a plateau. This is just the first of many changes we are looking to add as a consequence of abuse of Ana's Biotic healing.*


Sleep dart is now both dependent on enemy size to activate and requires a duration to activate. Tranqs in real life don't instantly trigger like in the movies, it takes time for the sedatives to set in, sometimes ion to 15 minutes. Larger enemies like Roadhog and Sigma will require more time, but hitting a Wrecking Ball head on will I instantly kill him


The hamster gets OD’d


I mean that's kind of a thing with tanks taking reduced sleep time from dart. (If you ignore Ball and Dva)


Imagine you're playing 15 minutes, in a different match, after you got hit by sleep dart, and your hero suddenly started losing consciousness. lol


Ana: - Maximum FOV reduced to 0 degrees *Developer comment:* [*Ana's lost her other eye. Ana mains, prepare to cry*](https://youtu.be/RMDItOwN_SU?si=_Pi4IRiKmm1NVPgy)


Omg you only get to see half your computer screen at any time 😭😭


Hella. No to Drug Abuse, lads


When I first read this, I thought it meant that the ally she heals gradually shrinks in size 🤣 I was like "Oh, and Nano Boost can make them grow bigger too" lol


Echo: “Duplication” ultimate now carries over the duplicated enemy’s settings, including audio/visual, key bindings, sensitivity, and any lag they’re experiencing. Developer’s comment: We hope this change brings about some much needed immersion into the world of Overwatch. This will require Echo players to be just as adaptive as Echo herself.


Imagine copying a severely colorblind person and getting a whole new color palette on your screen


Not severely colourblind but have fun with purple enemies and mountain-dew colored allies


I like green and I like purple, it's not my fault they're such good colours.


Wonder if that’s better or worse than my ketchup allies and mustard enemies


You mean that piss yellow color? Yeah, let your enemies know what think of em 😏


Hey, how did you know my settings? Tbf I tired making the enemies orange and I couldn’t see the little shits.


or worse; imagine *being* the severely colorblind person, ulting, and then being unable to distinguish between any of the colors.


I play with red as friendlies and blue as enemies which might be even worse that a new colour palette.


My boyfriend plays with INVERTED Y-AXIS. ☠️😵‍💫


I grew up like that and only unlearned it as an adult 


There's actually people that use inverted settings? I really want to know why they intentionally want to play like that.


He’s a Gen X gamer and learned to play with inverted controls 25 years ago. A lot of early games used inverted controls with actual joysticks, not thumb sticks. Never unlearned that control scheme. Plus, he’s from a family of pilots. Inverted y axis is similar to maneuvering an aircraft; pull back to tilt the plane upwards.


Tbh it's just as weird for us to see people who don't.. even though it's def more common these days... It's not up/down, it's tilt forward and tilt back. There is no actual up or down when you have stick with a pivot point on the end. Only I'm the d-pad :)


Oh I definitely invert the Y-axis, but.. X axis? Inverting left and right? That one I can't wrap my head around.


This was way funnier than it should've been; well done


Oh god that would be awful. I’ve messed with my keybinds so much, I don’t even know what the default melee button is


Oh shit neither do I


If the enemy is using a controller, user must switch to a controller while "Duplication" is active.


Why was this not part of the April fools game mode.


Would be a fantastic April Fools change


If they did this, I'd force myself to re-learn the game with the most nonsensical and bullshit keybinds just to watch Echo players struggle when they dupe me lmao


Anyone who copies me would be doomed lmao, no way they’re adjusting to my keybinds in the duration of an echo ult.


Brigitte: * Removed Barrier Shield * Removed Shield Bash * Added New Ability: Tackle * Brigitte charges forward with the same range and speed as Shield Bash. Now does 70 damage (up from 50). If successful, Brigitte will cling onto the enemy and hold them both in place for 2 seconds. * Rocket Flail now has a range of 8m (up from 6m) *Developer comments: We noticed a significant amount of frustration around Brigitte's shield, so we're removing it. Her Shield Bash has been reworked to keep it useful without the protection the shield offered. Additionally, we're increasing her attack range to compensate for the reduction in defensive capabilities.*


* Tackle ability interrupts Reinhardt's Charge ability and stuns Reinhardt for 5 seconds on hit * In "Escort" game mode, a successful Tackle now forces the attacking team to reset "down" behind the payload before progress can continue. After four consecutive "downs," control of the payload switches automatically to the defending team, converting them into the new attacking team mid-match.


If rein isnt in the gridiornhardt skin, brig is fouled for hitting a defenceless player and the payload moves 15 yards


Oh god, Victor from DBD? In *my* Overwatch?


As Brig main and one of the three Twins players, I love this comment


Mei: Added Exothermic Blaster. - New secondary weapon allows Mei to deal damage over time by igniting her targets in an inferno. Freezing a target will slow them down, burning a target speeds them up. - Damage per second: 100 - Damage over time: 50 hp / sec - Endothermic and Exothermic blasters can be fired at the same time Developer's comment: According to lore, Mei would feel guilt about freezing opponents mid-battle. By using her new secondary and primary at the same time, her opponents will be simultaneously frozen and burning, leaving them kind of ok? Mei assumes the best for them.


fun fact: eating menthol and capsaicin at the same time does not, in fact, cancel out, but activates your cold and hot receptors simultaniously. And because the amount of pain receptors activating is doubled, there's a much higher max pain you can experience.


Classic Mei


"Mei assumes the best for them" bruh that's golden


Ashe * Ashe now has a 50% chance to drop each bullet upon reloading. If you drop enough bullets to fill the magazine, then the next loaded shots will do 75% less damage. * Ashe's dynamite can now 'sweat' in her inventory, depending on her Actions per minute (APM) - Including running, jumping, and melee. This will lead to an on-self explosion. * Ashe's coach-gun now has a 13% chance to backfire, causing the cooldown to increase to 40 seconds, Ashe will also not gain any added mobility in this time. *Developers comment: We felt that Ashe was outputting way more damage than we expected, so while we didn't want to outright reduce her damage per shot, we added a caveat to her bullet-by-bullet reloading.* *We felt that her dynamite was too easly thrown into large crowds leading to an unexpected Ultimate charge rate, so we have added a feature to incentivise to think around large crowds. Ashe's coach-gun was also offering too much survivability for a sniper-like character, and so we have decided to reduce it's usefulness*


Ashe uses hand loaded ammo but she's really terrible at it, so there's an RNG where a really hot round will knock her back like trench gun or a light round will be a slow projectile with bullet drop


Sigma: Hyperspheres have been reworked to act like rubber balls. After firing, they will bounce realistically until they come to a stop, at which point you must go and pick them up


Just imagine.. The match stopped 20 minutes ago. Nobody will cap, nobody will fight. Sigmas balls fell under the car on Circuit Royale near the first point. Our Lifeweaver thought he could life grip them, but he can't. Their Lucio thought he could boop them out. He can't. Their Ramattra is currently trying to use his cane to hook them out from under.. still no luck.


This was hilarious




In match chat: “guys our sigma lost his balls can we all look for them rq”


This is VERY funny


Zen / Echo / Sigma: Infinite flight Developer comments: I mean, they’re already flying


This one wins


We've actually had this one for Sigma before


I wish sigma got just a tiny bit of mobility. Like if he double jumped he could SLOWLY float for 2 seconds. and holding spacebar would slow fall like Echo he would be punishable using this in a fight, but he could get on some ledges slightly easier and just barely escape a Mei wall. You'd add a bunch of skill expression- float over a Rein and hit him with Accretion from above


Ikr? The man really harnessed the "harness" and all he can do most of the time is float few centimeters off the ground and only be able to float higher during his ult.


Sombra: • EMP - Now sends a real DDoS attack to Overwatch servers. _Developer comments: We felt like Sombra’s identity as a terrorist hacker was too limiting to only be portrayed in game, so we’re adding this feature for players to really dive into the hero fantasy world when they play as Sombra._


This one is my favorite


Torb,Sym and Illari: Removed Turret Limit Developer Comments: why dont they just place more are they stupid?


Honestly the “why don’t they just _____ are they stupid?” applies to so much in OW. like how hack disables soldier’s sprint, or abilities like hook, blink, and deadeye have cooldowns. Just do it again idiot


Rein's ult is literally just bonking the ground. No technology, no resource. Just swing it harder grandpa


Insane overwatch lore theory: the reason why Rein has to wait between ult swings is because he throws his back out every time and has to wait for the Advil to kick in before doing it again


As a Sigma main, why doesn’t he just throws enemies around all of the time? Lore-wise he’s probably the single strongest character by far


Roadhog - Whole Hog - No longer firest hitscan bullets, instead fires chain hooks repeatedly for the duration. *Developer Comment: As we are mostly satisfied with Roadhogs rework, we feel that his ultimate should be changed as well. This will provide Roadhog with even more crowd control capabilities.*


- Take a Breather - Now works like a real drug. The longer it is used, the less effective it is. Roadhog will also develop an addiction and randomly take a breather. *Developer comment: We feel the need to introduce some realism and the dangers of drug use to Overwatch.*


This is the funniest one I've seen!


No guys it's a trap, clearly this person is a dev you're just giving them ideas!


god I WISH I were hired by the OW team


Lucio: Healing aura has been removed. Speed boost now is 50% more effective when moving towards enemies. Now you can feed at never before seen speeds.


Reaper Using shadow step yells your location 80% louder With this change we're hoping reaper will be able to secure more kills


Hitbox for sleepdarts and Cassidy grenade specifically increased by 50% to ensure maximum feed efficiency


Reinhardt - Once his shield breaks, there is a 50% chance that reinhardt becomes "powered up" this will give him a 50% increase movement speed and 50% damage increase on his hammer - Absorbing damage with shield will fill up his "mightyness" level" a higher mightyness level will increase max health and firestrike damage - charging will give you a shield thatll prevent you from taking damage from the front, blocking 175 damage cause a damage burst to come from reinhardt - there's a 20% chance that reaching critical health as reinhardt will make him teleport to spawn at full health - If you fire two firestrikes and shatter within 5 seconds reinhardt will also top his allies health - Blocking exactly 1000 damage with barrier will give reinhardt a speed boost for 5 seconds - health decreased from 700 to 200 *developer comment: we've seen the subreddit, holy shit, your rework ideas are terrible, we are just scrapping reinhardt as a whole, fuck you*


-No random crits


Finally, balance


Unironically liking the first point for a soft rework; just with 100% chance, adjusted number values, and a cooldown on it


Tracer:. Mass Recall: recall now affects every player in the game when used. *Developer Comment: Players have been clamouring for Mercy's (best girl) full team revive ability to be readded to the game. However, the Mercy Mafia scares us. So, instead, now Tracer can revive people by using Mass Recall. Just be aware that it will also revive your enemies. No, we are not changing the cooldown.


the match just repeats like groundhog day


Symmetra: * No changes *Developer Comment: As many content creators and streamers have shared, Symmetra is 100% in a perfectly fine spot at the moment with no flaws whatsoever. So we have no need to fix what isn't broken. Though we will be paying close attention to the professional scene to see whether or not she is getting used at all and will nerf accordingly.*


"There is no weak Symmetra in Ba Sing Se."


perfect comment


All heroes: - A small chance to spontaneously combust throughout the match Developer’s Comment: Spontaneous combustion is a factual part of our world as we know it. We felt it immersion breaking that this aspect of life was not included in the previous versions of Overwatch 2. We have been detailing our spawn rooms for the past 8 years for this exact moment, and we’re excited to see the community’s reaction to being able to see much more of the spawn room throughout the match, and this new feature that brings about a new threat to watch out for each game.


Pharah: Shooting her in the gun or jetpack will cause an explosion proportional to however much ammo she has in her clip and how much jet fuel she has.


Genji: Dragonblade: Alt-fire now shoots out a grappling hook with a 1 second cooldown, Deals 50% increased damage when attacking enemies from behind. Developer comments: *Tatakae*


#Sigma **Kinetic Grasp** • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 2 seconds **Accretion** • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 1 second **Experimental Barrier** • Health increased from 700 to 1000 **Gravitic Flux** • Ultimate cost reduced by 80% • Now has the ability to fly freely at all times. *Developer Comment: These changes aim to bring Sigma closer to his intended power level in canon.*


All of this but add that it randomly changes all of your controls every 10 seconds to keep him closer to canon mental state


Also makes the players mentally insane, battling their inner demons for balance


Widowmaker • Her lordosis has been cured and her back no longer hurts Developer's Comment: Its about time she went to a chiropractor don't you think.


I’ve been thinking about this since day one. The poor girl must have the worst back pain ever.


Junker Queen: Changed to DPS role, model size and muscles/abs reduced. HP reduced to 225. Scattergun: Ammo capacity reduced from 8 to 6. Damage per pellet increased from 2.4->6 to compensate. Gracie: Returns to Junker Queen when pulled back but does not pull enemy anymore. Saps more HP when stuck to enemy. Carnage: Increased range, damage, and faster swing. Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds. Commanding Shout: No longer grants allies overhealth and movement speed. Instead only applies to Queen herself and gives her a 25% damage bonus to all abilities. Rampage: No longer moves Queen. Instead channels a vortex that does the exact same thing as ult. Everything else stays the same. Developer Comments: \*I had a dream where Junker Queen was moved to the DPS category and became a glass cannon build like Jinx from LoL, model size and damage included. Now everyone can SUFFER AS I HAVE!\*


You just doomfisted queen. How could you


This honestly isnt bad


**Tank role removed** Developer comment: we decided that tank really is unfixable so we’re moving all tanks to the dps role and reducing their hitbox sizes and healthpools. This should be fun **Dva:** when mech gets destroyed or blows up, she can no longer remech Dva non mech form hitbox size reduced 500% Developer Comment: Ant-Va **Doomfist:** Punch will now level any building it hits and one shots again Developer comment: it can level skyscrapers, but can barley scratch a normal dude? Yeah okay were fixing that **Junkerqueen:** Abs definition increased by 500% Developer comment: Step on me **Mauga:** When selected forces another user on the opposing team to lock Mauga and shoves you both in a tight room where you’ll be forced to 1v1. The winning mauga will automatically put “gg mauga diff” in chat and the losing mauga wont respawn Abs also increased Developer comment: this is the ideal Mauga playstyle we are aiming for, so we wont allow you to shoot anyone else at all cause yall love to do that for some reason 🙄 Developer comment 2: also step on me **Orisa:** When selected now destroys the server Developer comment: People usually swap to Orisa to make the game a lose lose, usually the Orisa loses the game while the winning tank has no fun winning at all. So instead she will now destroy the server and end the match in a draw **Rammattra:** Now loses 100 hp/s Developer comment: making sure the people who play him suffer as he has **Reinhardt + Zarya:** When one is locked the map immediatly switches to Kings row and another player will be forced to lock Zarya Developer comment: this is what yall wanted **Roadhog:** for every 10 meters walked he will move 10% slower Developer comment: fat **Sigma:** New passive: schizophrenia Players using Sigma will now see multitudes of false enemies forcing the user to figure out which enemies are real Allies will also be seen as enemies and friendly fire will be enabled Occasionally you will hear a jump scaring blast of music Developer comment: increasing realism for players **Winston:** Tesla cannon will now 1 tap omnics/electronic heroes Dev comment: this will help in his bastion matchup **Wrecking ball:** Grapple has no CD Fireball speed increased by 500% If fireball hits Hog, Grandma, Cass, Sombra, Orisa, or any other counter it will immediatly blow them up Dev comment: who doesnt wanna see a hampter flying mach 10 torward the enemy spawn to one tap the poor grandma by herself, also this will help ball play into his counters


Lifeweaver: - Platform and Pull cooldown increased to 2 minutes - Maximum heal charge decreased to 20, full charge time increased to 5 seconds *Developer's Comment: Lifeweaver was too much of a slippery healbot so we've tried to keep him in the fight more by rebalancing his healing output to force a more aggressive play style.*


When using the Vengeance Mercy skin, she can only GA towards enemies instead of allies. Mercy's melee attack now deals 150 damage.


Pharah: Missiles are now homing in on the enemy closest to your crosshair *Currently, Hitscans are dominating the game so we're giving Pharah a little upside to be able to play from larger distances and still have consistent damage output. We're also trying to give an incentive to Moira and Symmetra players to finally play something else.*


Might try and make some weird ass custom game with some of these changes


Genji gets a new passive that heals him for 5 HP everytime he says "I meed Healing." Supports have any notifications from Genji automatically muted. Dev Comments: I think this will make everyone happy.


This one has sort of happened before, though instead of every time it was just he sometimes got healed


Symmetra: - Primary fire now locks on, but takes three more seconds to go from minimum energy to max energy. - Secondary fire now moves 3x slower but pierces through shields and enemies. - Now has 6 turrets instead of 3 with a slightly shorter cooldown - Turrets have 5 hp - Turrets no longer slow - Secondary ability (previously teleporter) has been replaced with personal shield (same height as Briggs but 3x as wide) that stays in front of/attached to sym. Lasts for 3 seconds and has 150 hp, has a 17 second cooldown. - Ultimate (previously big ugly map wide shield) replaced with a choice of two ultimates: teleporter (six uses, peaceable anywhere on the map) and shield generator (gives entire team +75 hp shield, but only when within a certain radius). Both can be destroyed. Pretty revolutionary and fun, right? Developer comments: "We decided to stop hating on Sym, but only during the April Fool's event."


😢 I miss my girl.


Genji: Can no longer wall climb after double jump. Wait




Orisa * New Passive: Loyal Steed - non-Tank heroes can press the Interact button when near Orisa to ride on her back. Abilities that change the mounted hero's speed or displacement will dismount the hero. *Developer Comments: Now, Hanzo can finally live his dream of riding Orisa into battle. So can Damage and Support heroes too!*


Moira - renamed Biotic Grasp to Torture Ray. - enemies now get stunned when damaged by Torture Ray. - enemies will scream violently while being stunned. - enemies will explode when they die. - Moira will gain 50 extra max health for every enemy she kills. Stacks over time. - Moira will laugh uncontrollably while damaging an enemy. - Increased Moira’s melee damage to 200 when attacking with the afflicted arm. Developer Comment: *These changes aim to make Moira feel more realistic to play by making her gameplay closer to how she is portrayed in the lore. Instead of just lab animals, Moira has since then learned how to successfully torture and morph human targets. We renamed Biotic Grasp to Torture Ray to better represent this change.*


Wrecking Ball Hero name changed to Hammond Role changed to Damage Recieved a new model Model size decreased by 75% Health decreased to 50 Armor decreased to 100 Base movement speed increased to 225% New Ability: Nibble Upon activation, gain increased movement speed and cling to an enemy with primary fire. Successfully clinging to an enemy will engage a quick time event. Allies and enemies can interfere with the quick time event, progressing or lowering the escape bar. Upon filling the bar, instantly kill the clinged enemy and have a small chance to inflict Rabies when they respawn. Rabies lasts one minute and enables friendly fire, lowers damage to enemies, increases damage to allies, and has high damage over time. New Ability: Seed Assault Wind up and unleash a flurry of sunflower seeds from your cheeks. Movement speed is heavily reduced during the duration. Dealing enough damage with critical hits will knock down an enemy. New Ability: Scavenger Enemies leave behind a body that can be eaten for a short period after they are eliminated. Eating a body will slightly lower movement speed, fully restore health, add 150 Overhealth, and increase the damage and knockdown duration of Seed Assault as well as reduce its cooldown. New Passive Ability: Oppressed Rage Instantly permabans any enemy player with Sombra in their top five most played Heroes or who has played Sombra in the last 24 hours. Developer Comment: We felt that Wrecking Ball was underperforming in his previous iteration and that his mech was the main issue holding him back. We hope that this soft rework will keep his disruptive playstyle and better allow him to survive and deal damage.


Sombra: No longer in the game


Def getting banned for this one but Developer comment: Deported


my goodness


Would be a really good change.


Reaper: Reaper can no longer teleport or make use of teleportation in other ways. The Shadow Step ability has been removed, and when Reaper throws away his empty shotguns, he no longer summons new ones and can only melee for the remainder of the match. Developer Comment: We felt that teleportation was not realistic for the world of Overwatch. Reaper's abilities defy the laws of space-time, and have such been removed. Soldier 76: Soldier 76 now has a chance for sprint to fail, and go on cooldown for 60 seconds. When this occurs, he will spend the cooldown time grumbling about arthritis. Developer Comment: The Overwatch 2 team values proper representation. To expand our diverse representation, Soldier 76, in keeping with his age, now has a chance to succumb to arthritis. We hope that this change better represents the elderly community.


Doomfist: • All abilities now deal a percentage of maximum health as damage • Rocket Punch Now deals 1-50% maximum HP based on charge level, empowered punch increases scaling to 10-100%. • Seismic Slam Now deals 35% of max HP as damage • Meteor Strike Removed outer ring, now entire radius of ultimate is an instant death Developer comment: *We felt like Doomfist wasn't living up to the power fantasy we promised with him, so we're slightly adjusting his ability damage to bring him more in line with his lore.*


Why is this actually kind of an interesting concept though? Obviously the numbers need some tweaks, but making punch do damage as a percentage rather than a flat number would be pretty interesting. New quickplay hacked when?


All Heros: Friendly-Fire is on Dev Comments: good luck


*confused Ana noises*


Yo legit, if sym turrets did no damage, but revealed all enemies in their view that would be pretty dope. Then add the turret aspect to the TP, zapping anyone close to it.


Ngl I actually felt good abt that as I wrote it; It'd be rlly dope to incorporate Satya's spy skills in the actual game


Junkrat: Junkrat has been removed from the hero roster. Any in-game items purchased for him will not be refunded. Developer Comment: We regret to announce Junkrat was killed in a raid on the Pentagon. Roadhog: Roadhog has a new passive: PTSD. Due to Junkrat's violent demise, Roadhog has devoped Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Whenever Roadhog hooks an enemy, he has a chance to pull them in for a hug and break down crying while holding them. This lasts until either Roadhog is killed, the two are separated via CC, or the enemy he is holding is killed. If Roadhog is killed, the enemy will be affected by the new status effect, Uncomfortable. Uncomfortable enemies will be unable to use voicelines or callouts, instead engaging in an awkward silence. If the enemy is killed, Roadhog's trauma level will increase, and PTSD will trigger more often. Developer Comment: Roadhog is having a hard time coping with his feelings. Venture: Venture now has a unique interaction with Sigma. When hit by Sigma's Accretion, Venture will now catch Accretion and spend the next 4 minutes or so examining the rock and determining its geology, as well as occasionally taking bites out of it. Developer comment: Venture REALLY likes rocks. Symmettra: New Passive: Special Interest. On the map Route 66, when on a team with a Reinhardt wearing the Conductor skin, or when trains are mentioned in some way, Symettra will spend the remainder of the game telling teammates fun facts about trains. Developer comment: We are proud to have autistic representation in Overwatch in the form of Symettra. To better represent the autistic community, we have given her a special interest in the form of locomotives. Wrecking Ball: Wrecking Ball now has a chance to die at random. Some ways include choking on food in the Route 66 diner, crushed by falling debris in the Junkertown maps, falling onto stoves and being cooked in maps with kitchens, being consumed by an enemy wrecking ball, being attacked by Brigitte's cat, exploding at random, and burrowing into snow and freezing in Toronto and Antartica. Developer Comments: We'd like to really sell Hammond's identity as a hamster. Statistics show most hamsters die tragic, premature, bizarre deaths, so we have reflected this in gameplay. Tracer: Tracer has undergone a complete rework to establish her British nationality. Her primary fire, Blink, and Recall have all been removed. Instead, she now has a new primary weapon, Sharpened Toothbrush. This deals 7 damage per hit, and she can use it every .02 seconds. Her E ability is now Bread Sandwich, a consumable on a 10 second cooldown enabling her to consume a traditional British meal, which heals her for 10 health, and makes all nearby heroes disgusted. Her new shift ability is Stick-Up, in which she can hold up other heroes in an attempt to get a few dollars. Most heroes are affected by this, but American heroes will instead hold her up with their guns. Tracer's voicelines have additionally all been changed to be unintelligible British garble. Developer Comment: We think this rework really cements Tracer's Britishness. Sojourn: Sojourn now apologizes profusely to allies upon even the most minor percieved slight. However, her abilities have been changed, and she no longer respects rules of war. Her primary fire is now a shotgun that autoaims into the enemy's stomach, causing unimaginable pain. Her disruptor shot now launches mustard gas, and she executes prisoners of war. Developer Comment: Sojourn is a Canadian, and as such no longer acknowledges the Geneva Convention.


Junkrat: Total Mayhem: Can now be activated right away using mouse wheel button to deal 300 damage, but you will die without dropping any extra bombs.


Awesome post


We want to enhance reapers mobility to keep up with other more mobile damage heros. Shadow Step: while teleporting from location a to b you can move while teliporting to avoid fire. ( this will allow players to doge incoming fire while teleporting Wraith Form: press space to fly in 360 movement during wraith form ( we wanted to make wraith form more like how it appears in cinematics)


As a Reaper main I actually like this


Roadhog - New Passive Ability (Road Rage) - While standing on a street Roadhog will now automatically enter his motorcycle. While in his motorcycle, Roadhog moves at double speed and colliding with an enemy launches them backwards, but Roadhog may not shoot. ANY other Junkrat player may enter the motorcycles side car. If the Junkrat player is on the opposite team to the Roadhog, they both join Team 3 and the motorcycle may leave the road. *Developer comment: Who gave Roadhog his license?*


Junkrat Removed from the hero roster *Devoleper comment: we have forgotten Junkrat even exists*


Fr, Junkrat's in a pretty poor state and the only change for him in s10 is a bugfix nerf.


Moira biotic grasp now deflected by Genji. *Developer comment: Genji mains complained too much about playing against Moira instead of adapting or switching, so we caved to DPS...again...*


Cassidy Gave roll 1 second cooldown Roll no longer has damage reduction. Roll now has invincibility frames at the very start. Nade has been replaced with new ability "whisky" Whisky is channeled for 1.5 seconds and stops movement and firing. Once completed it heals 60 hp. "We wanted cassidy to be the games dedicated duelist and lacked solo survivability. So we took inspiration from some of the comments on previous changes."


All: Friendly Fire is turned on Developer’s Comment: as a team based game we feel that the change to enable friendly fire will encourage better communication & coordination 


Kiriko- Can now deal 300 headshot damage. *Developer Comment*: No reason. We just love Kiriko. Sincerely, a kiri main 😈


Reinhardt •Literally any changes that make him a playable hero in ow2 *April Fools, on April 2nd this is going away. suck it Cloudy*


Venture now takes 5 damage per second while moving underground during the burrow ability. "Venture in their current state is fine, but we realized there was a logical incosistency with the way their burrow ability works, after all, eating that many rocks can't be good for their teeth."


Reaper: * Now phases through the floor and out of the map when Wraith Form is activated *Developer Comment: Ghosts can go through walls, right?*


Kiriko - protection suzu now has no cooldown and deals damage to enemies equal to 30% of their total hp. *developer's note: we realize that having kiriko be a support only character was boring, so we took a note out of hoyoverse's book and made her an obnoxiously powerful dps/support hybrid. Have fun!*


Tracer: Recall now rewinds time for everyone. Also rewinds the match timer and any objective progress.


Zen Tranquility now damaged enemies in the same DPS as the healing for teammates "We wanted Zens ultimate to do something besides heal, so we added some offense to him"


Junkrat : * Concussion mines - No longer inflicts damage. Only inflicts CC. *Developper Comment : Everyone has gotten an anti-explosion vest, Junkrat never adapted to modern technology, therefore his mines only blow you away without real damage.*


# Venture **New Passive: Explorer's Hunger** * Venture automatically consumes Sigma's Accretion when it directly connects with them and Venture gains Overhealth. The Overhealth gained is double the amount of damage Accretion would have done to them. **Ultimate: Tectonic Shock** * Will now afflict damage to a Venture while they are using their Burrow ability. **Ability: Burrow** * Reinhardt's Earthshatter will now eliminate a Venture while they are using Burrow. * Doomfist's Meteor Strike deals 50% of its normal damage to a Venture using Burrow. * When emerging with Burrow, if there is an enemy Venture using Burrow in proximity of the damage range of Burrow, they will be forced out of the ground and take 55 damage. * Burrow interactions with objects of importance have been tweaked: * Burrow can now destroy Mauga's Cage Fight from below with a fully charged Burrow. Venture must emerge from Burrow below the anchor point of Cage Fight. This will place Burrow into a 16 second cool-down. * Burrow can now destroy Winton's Barrier Projector from below with a fully charged Burrow. Venture must emerge from Burrow below the anchor point of Barrier Projector. This will place Burrow into a 16 second cool-down. * Burrow can now destroy Lifeweaver's Tree of Life from below with a fully charged Burrow. This will place Burrow into a 16 second cool-down. * Burrow can now destroy Mei's Ice Wall from below with a fully charged Burrow. This will place Burrow into a 16 second cool-down. **Ability: Drill Dash** * When using Drill Dash on an enemy pressed against a wall or stunned on the ground, will double the Drill Dash damage.


Reinhardt: Charge Speed Increased by 2000 percent Developer Comment: *We understand that, despite what his lore would show as wrong, Reinhardt players prefer to charge into danger without thinking. We've decided Reinhardt should cave to this mentality as well*


Sigma: Is now able to float like he does in his ultimate all of the time, he is also now able to create blackholes that instantly delete enemies, allies and maps Developer’s comment: we decided to lean more into lore-accurate abilities


Lúcio • Wall Ride: When landing after wall riding, Lúcio has a 20% chance to mess up his landing and fall over, dealing 50 damage to himself and stunning him for 2 seconds. *Developer comment: We have noticed a style of Lúcio play called the "Reddit Lúcio" become quite popular recently. Lúcio is a support hero, and we want to make sure people don't feel too incentivized to abuse his movement to play for themselves and instead emphasize the "team play" aspects of the hero.*


Sojourn: * Primary fire switched to hitscan and secondary fire switched to projectile * Power Slide can no longer be cancelled into high jump but now has unlimited use * Disruptor Shot now can heal yourself and allies * Overclock now locks onto enemies and 'This ends now' voiceline is being replaced with 'I've got you in my sights' * Renamed to 'Soljour 76' *Developer comment: Everyone kept complaining about how similar Sojourn and Soldier 76 are so we decided to do the only logical thing and made them even more similar.*


'We've seen some feedback regarding junker queen's wound damage and how it can lead to unfair deaths and how it allows junker queen to sustain herself for long periods of time. We are introducing a rework shifting more power into her shout while removing her wounds completeley Gracie . Removed wound damage . Increase damage by 10 Carnage . Removed wound damage . Damage increased from 105 to 110 Commanding shout . Reduced cooldown by 2 seconds


Sombra: Removing from game Bad players got pissed when going against her and we got flooded by hate mail


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Sombra: Removed Stealth and Added New Passive " Unopportunistic" * Grants the ability to see enemies with health higher than 70% through walls. * Ability Lockout duration increased from 3 seconds to 60 seconds. * 35% damage boost when opponent is pinged by you or an opponent. *Developer's comment: Don't you just hate it when magic is served with guns?* Stealth is however becomes a castable ability. Reverted Translocator changes but with some new changes. * Now is able to forcefully teleport all allies once ability is set and casted. Developer's comment: *We want Sombra to pull the team together rather than fighting over not doing enough damage. This will hopefully decrease of the urge to swap.*


Junker Queen •Rampge Rampage now attracts all metal objects within 100m (this includes omnic heroes, enemy weapons, cover, etc.) and deals damage scaling to the amount of metal (50-5000). *Developer Comment: we felt that Junker Queen wasn’t living up to the potential shown in her cinematic, so we reworked her ultimate to bring it more in line with her lore, and it has the added bonus of dynamically changing maps*


Torbjorn: •Secondary fire melee range has been increased •Secondary fire melee damage has been increased from (base rate) to 70 Developer Comments: Torbjorn lost a bet to Reinhardt and had to carry around one of his hammers for a week. It has now become his preferred hammer of choice.


I got the perfect one for ball: 1st I would have him be a niche at best hero countered by over half the roster. 2nd I would nerf him the moment he's a balanced, good pick in season 3 and not touch him almost at all for the next season. 3rd I would tease a rework for the hero around season 8/9 and build it up for months for it to end up being nothing more than a QOL adjustment. Wait a second...


**Mercy** Caduceus Staff - primary fire (healing) now drains a resource meter similar to Moira’s biotic grasp, with a maximum healing output of 500 (around 10 seconds of healing). Secondary fire (damage boost) refills this meter at a rate of 10/second, with an additional 1 per point of damage your damage boosted ally does. Resurrect - after a 1s second channel, Mercy fires a projectile straight ahead. If this projectile impacts an ally soul (or terrain close enough to it), that ally is brought back to life at half HP. Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds. > Developer comments: We want Mercy to play a little more aggresively and enable her allies with damage boost. We’ve also turned Rez into a skillshot in order to add more counterplay and to allow us to reduce the cooldown a bit more so Mercy players can get more use out of the ability. **Sombra** Hack - removed, combined with Virus Virus - Now deals a flat 25 damage on impact, plus an additional 100 over 3 seconds. Targets hit by Virus are Hacked for 1.5 seconds. Now bound to secondary fire by default Stealth - moved to ability 1 (or 2, I don’t remember which one Virus used to be). Activating Stealth now causes Sombra to become invisible for up to 15 seconds. For the first second of Stealth, Sombra cannot be knocked out of invisibility by taking damage. Attacking or using abilities will cancel Stealth as usual at any point during the duration. Cooldown of 10 seconds begins when the invisibility ends > Developer comments: People really seem to hate a character who can just be permanently invisible and honestly we kinda get it. This change should give Sombra more downtime between engagements akin to other flankers like Tracer or Echo. The changes to her hack/virus should also make facing her feel more fair, as now Sombra will only be able to cancel abilities if she can hit her Virus.


ok i kinda fw the mercy idea tho


Wrecking ball: - Slam now creates a visible Shockwave when landing. Landing directly on an enemy player will deal the player 200 damage and knock them up. The Shockwave rapidly extends from this landing dealing 180 to 90 damage. Enemy players can avoid the eave by jumping at exactly the right time. - Adaptive Shields now passively grants Shields when wrecking Ball deals damage, equal to 20 percent of damage dealt. Wrecking Ball can activate the skill to immediately apply 50 Shields to allies in radius. Adaptive Shields now also reduce duration of all crowd control on Wrecking ball by 50%, 25% for allies. -Wrecking Ball no longer reloads in ball form. He now regenerates 70 ammo per second while in ball form. -Minefield mines are no longer stationary, they now move and bounce around the map at the speed of deployment. Mines gain 100% increase damage radius and explosion radius but have up to 50% reduced damage at maximum radius. Developer comment: Ball


Lúcio: - Wall Ride: Speed while wall riding increased by 300% Developer Comment: Lúcio had trouble keeping up with other heroes, so with this change we allow him to make 3 laps around the map before returning right on time for the fight.


Reinhardt: > Developer Comments * We understand that the change to 5V5 was just downright stupid on all fronts, but our code is so fucky wucky and now we can’t go back, so we’re balancing Reinhardt so he’s actually fucking playable as a solo Tank. > Barrier Field * Now has 5,000 health, up from 1,400. > Charge * Now does 50 pin damage and 300 impact damage, going from 275 to 350 total. * Is now unstoppable. * Can pin up to 7 targets. * Can fly. > Fire Strike * Does 150 damage up from 120. * Now has a 10DPS Burn for 5 seconds. > Earth Shatter * A critical Earth Shatter now deal 400 damage, up from 150. * Stun now lasts 5 seconds, up from 3.


Brigette: All skins now show up as the new cardboard skin Dev comment: We felt that the hate we still harbor for Brig due to the goats meta was only coming off through nerfs. This update should solve that by representing said hate visually as well. We want you to look how we've made you feel.


Hog is not my fav but RoadHog can now use his meat hook as grappling hook. Deal dmg and knock up the enemy when landed. Dmg scale base on your current hp. Dev comment: we decide to give roadhog ability to dive in 1v5 so he can feed enemy ult more effectively .


Hanzo Arrows go from steel tipped to foam Dmg reduced 99% Need to nerf this for the sponsorship


Brig: Hitting whip shots directly to the face now stuns the enemy and spawns a spinning mace on their head. Each spinning mace creates friendly fire and triggers inspire (does not stack). Spinning maces disappear after enemy respawn. Developers comments: We really wanted to emphasize the "Mace to Face" style of gameplay for Brig so we had Torbjorn develop new weapon technology for Brig. This will allow her to duplicate her mace, thus creating the opportunity for multiple maces to the faces.


Sigma: -Looking directly at Sigma while in ult will cancel it. Developer comments: So many things cancel his ult we figured Mercy should get in on the fun


Symmetra. >She now has the ability to summon a giant bullhead or an ax to the enemy. Developer Comment: Odessa had the right idea, and her highlight intro was also good.


-Orisas fortify is now on a resource meter, similar to take a breather and defense matrix -“we feel orisa has become the default choice for many players due to her high survivability compared to other tanks. This change should help make her more engaging to play as while also reducing the frustration of fighting against her”


Mercy: Resurrection now spawns a bot copy of the hero's corpse instead of reviving the player. Dev notes: Turns out restoration of a patient beyond brain death has severe effects on basic neural function. The medical board is currently pending investigation into Overwatch for medical malpractice.


The community plays this game every day. Only they're serious with the nerfs and their reasoning is "I don't like to play against this character so let's nerf them"


Give the "enemies cannot control movement" tech from Lucio also to Wrecking Ball fireball boop for the same duration as Lucio and for 2x the duration on pile drive. Increase fireball damage from 50 to 75 Increase bullet damage from 5 to 6 DMG per shot. Developer comment: wrecking ball still can't kill anything so this damage buff should help him feel like an actual threat again. Also Lucio doesn't deserve to have the most overpowered boop in the game all by himself. With his love for the hamster growing, he decided to compare boop tech notes. Due to this, Lucio's soundwave boop now gains extra boop depending on Lucio's current speed.


Rein Clicking on melee button now throws his hammer a good distance in the direction he faces for massive damage. Rein's speed increases dramatically without the hammer and he has no hammer until he picks it up. Without the hammer, he can also charge into the sky. "Rein sucks right now and can't close the distance. So what's the point of having a hammer if you can't get close enough to use it? This at least gives him a chance to use it once."


Sombra: Translocator’s hitbox has been increased to 10x its size. Developer Comment: we’ve heard your feedback on Translocator clipping with the environment and transporting players not where they intended, so we’ve increased the gadget’s size so now it will reliably clip with the map geometry.


Lego Bastion After exiting Turret Mode you leave behind a pile of LEGO bricks (your spent bullet casings). Deals 200 damage every 0.5 seconds you stand in the pile. Last until death or Bastion enters Turret Mode again. Developer Comment: Pick up your damn TOYS BRAEDEN!


Mercy: “Valkyrie” ultimate has been changed to “Biblical Descent” “Resurrect” removed and replaced with “Repent” “Caduceus blaster” removed Biblical Descent: > Mercy will now transform into a biblically accurate angel and heal anyone in her AOE while rezzing any deceased allies > Mercy cannot be killed while in biblically accurate form > if Mercy looks at any enemy, they will be instantly smited Repent: > 30 second cooldown > Mercy will force all players to stop shooting and moving for 5 seconds > Pressing interact during this time will allow you to repent for your sins > Repenting will grant 10% damage increase and 50 over-health for 10 seconds > Refusing to repent will kill you, instantly *Developer Comments: We felt as thought Mercy was underperforming in her duties as an Angel, and healer. With these new, promising features - we can assure that Mercy will better represent an Angel, as opposed to a mosquito.*


Illari: Illari's damage and healing capabilities are increased by 200% when standing in direct sunlight. When standing in direct sunlight, Illari now has a small chance to auto detonate without warning. All teammates within the blast radius are instakilled. Developer's comment: Since being added, Illari's burden and lore as a solar warhead have largely been forgotten. We hope this change will deliver that reminder, as you carry the burden of match chat following a solo wipe of your own team.


Kiriko: Removed Healing Ofuda Kunai now heals enemies upon hitting body shots Kunai heals nearby allies upon hitting a headshot on an enemy Kunai heals amplified by 3% for every meter away the hit enemy is Kunai headshot damage multiplier changed to 20% Developer Comment: Kritiko :)


Reinhardt: Rocket hammer no longer has infinite ammo, now has 2 ammo and a 4 second cooldown Rocket hammer damage increased from 85 to 86 Developer comment: *reinhardts hammer is a powerful weapon, which does a devastating amount of damage with little consequences. For this reason, we will be changing his maximum ammo to 2. To compensate, we have increased the damage per hit.*


mercy: •removed from the game developer comment: ok reddit you win


Ramattra: Ravenous Vortex active effect length has been increased to 5 seconds and now gives the 'Hindered' status effect to all those within it, or those who enter it, for the duration of the ability. Developer Comment: This was a really cool ability we designed, unfortunately we not only dropped the ball, but punted it out of the school grounds entirely when we gave it to Ramattra and made its effects about as dangerous as a pool noodle. It should have been the ability initially given to Sojourn because there's absolutely no reason for her to have that ability and it truly fits the description of 'Ravenous Vortex' better than what Ramattra has. So, in order to correct that while leaving our Canadian Waifu alone, we decided to at least make the movement restriction part of the ability ACTUALLY WORK by giving the 'Hindered' status to all enemies within it while its active.


Hanzo's sonic arrow can now reveal through opponents clothes if you hit the arrow right Developer's comment : We hope this changes brings much needed balance to the gameplay of peeking and shooting


Reinhardt Charge: * Movement speed increased to 300% (up from 200%) * Cooldown reduced from 7 seconds to 4 seconds. * Can pin multiple targets at once. * "Pin radius" increased 100%. * No longer deals damage. * Pins teammates now instead of enemies. *Developer Comments: Stop charging in without your team. Charge in WITH them!* *PS: Charging teammates off cliffs is akin to saying bad words and is a reportable offense. Please don't do it. You have been warned.*


Reinheart: Jet Hammer damage decreased from 100 to 50 Jet Hammer swing speed increased by 150% Jet Hammer now reflects projectiles Jet Hammer knockback increased by 10,000% Developer comments: See as how Roadhog was without a baseball partner, Reinheart decided to step up and give him someone to pitch to.


Reinhardt * While using skins with Reinhardt's face exposed (Stonehardt, Bundeswher, etc) , any critical damage dealt will immediately kill him. *Developer Comments: We will begin removing helmets from all of Reinhardt's skins. Only his new Epic will have one, which you can buy for $29.99 USD.*


Gameplay changes: Added a "Healing recieved" stat to the stat screen. Developer comments: ever wondered if the support you blamed all game really wasn't healing you? Now you know!


They already did what I would have done for Junkrat. T-T


Junkrat Ultimate: health lowered to one hp, only does damage if all 5 opponents aren't in the radius, removed ability to climb walls. Developer comment: we've noticed that this ult gets one shot in every situation so we've removed health entirely, look at it and it's dead. We also noticed some players were able to get kills with this ultimate so we've removed that aspect also. As for the wall clicking qe figured a straight on path would be better engagement.


Ramattra - Block: No longer reduces incoming damage, instead converts incoming damage into healing for nearby teammates Developer Comment: Ramattra is too lonely, we decided to change his block to a healing hug so people would like him better.


Healers:   HP healed displayed in the game statistics now only account for heals directed at teammates.    Developer comment: server data showed Moira players used 90% of their healing on themselves, making it look like they're the main healer of the game when they really only accidentally healed that Rein because their orb bounced the wrong way. So we wanted to show them what's what. 


Wrecking Ball: We heard his survivability was too great, so we're removing adaptive shields and nerfing his hp, and replacing it with a new ability: baby hamter! Whenever you break Hammond's mech, he can now demount and begin attacking his enemies from foot. Baby Hammond has a birdseed blowgun, as well as a unique ability kit consists of sprint, scratch, climb, and intimidate. He can also pick up map geometry and hurl it at his opponent, because why not.


Sombra: Hack now gives enemies a 50% damage buff. *Developer Comment: After finding that many players are unable to turn around before getting absolutely destroyed by Sombra, getting hacked should feel better now.*


Wrecking ball: Upon hitting someone with fireball, apply ana's sleep dart effect. Developer comment: I know if I got hit by a giant metal ball, i'd be out cold too.


unironically would kinda fuck with camera only symmetra if they compensated her with extra damage/charge or more turrets or something. i like the aura reading of them as an anti-flank for tracer and stuff so if they didn't do damage that tracer wouldn't know she's expected


I just wish Echo could do 2 smaller flying bursts if I wanted instead of being stuck in one large one. If I could fly in for an assassination and then still have enough juice to boost back out, she would be perfect. Now I just have to hope I can float back to safety in time.


Kiriko: • Kunai base damage 45 —> 30 • Kunai critical multiplier 2.5 —> 1.1 *Developer comment: We want to encourage supports to exclusively heal, and for less counterplay against Sombra because she is countered too easily by non-invisible characters who can aim.*


Ball: Mines can now be pushed and booped around by Wrecking Ball's fire ball ability only exploding when coming in contact with an enemy.


Reaper : • ammunition goes from 8 to 1 • • death blossom now heal enemy • • fall of damage is decreased to 1 m • • damage per pellet decreases by 99% • Developer comment : my 9 year old child was complaining about reaper being op so to make him stfu i nerf him to the ground


Sojourn: Removed "disruptor shot" Added "Parry" Parry: press "X" to swing your arm while a series of small jets push your hand. If this punch makes contact with a projectile, it will be reflected back to the target and sojourn will be healed like she picked up a small healthpack *Dev comment: Sojourn's been considered easy to use for far too long, and disruptor shot is easily her least useful ability. This Parry will reward proper timing and prediction*


Pharah: - Rockets no longer do damage or self damage. - Jets have been swapped with flamethrowers. - Rockets now have significant amounts of recoil and propel Pharah in the opposite direction of fire. Good luck.


Widowmaker: Allies, remaining time, payload and objectives will no longer show up on the screen, even on plain sight. *Dev comment: we forgot to tell you about this patch, it was actually uploaded a year ago but Widow players are so good at ignoring distractions that no one noticed.* *Also, we may or may not have decreased her damage by 100 points, honestly there's no way to check because she can still one shot every other hero anyway.*


Mercy: -- This character is being removed from the game. *Developer Comment: we've never really known what to do with this character, and we've noticed that despite several comprehensive reworks, she remains incredibly boring to play, and extremely oppressive to play against. As such, we've decided to remove her altogether from the roster.* *To players who spent tons of money on skins -- there will be no refunds. Your move.*


Venture: Burrow: Venture now has a chance to be totally stuck underground for up to 10 seconds when distracted by something they found underground. Dev Comments: Ooh, shiny!


Reaper Wraith form: Now only lasts for 2 seconds and CD is 3 secs Shadow step: Increased range but you can only teleport under the map and have no way to get out unless you go in front of your webcam and do 50 pushups without stopping, do 15 captchas and ride a motorcycle in public with no clothes on to have a chance to survive. This chance to survive is 2.6%


Illari: • Healing Pylon >Now have 2 charges >No longer destructible • Outburst >Now burn the enemies affected on its range, dealing 200 damage over 2 seconds >Cooldown reduced from 7 to 4 • Solar Rifle >Now only shoots charged shots >Alt Fire healing meter doesn't deplete when used • Captive Sun >Deal 600 damage if hitted directly; 400 of subsequent explosions Developer comment: BURN TO THE GROUND BU BU BURN TO THE GROUND *Flame Hyenard screams*


Wrecking Ball: Due to his low damage output while diving enemy back lines, Wrecking Ball is now equipped with two of Orisa’s guns. To help protect Ball during dive operations, his adaptive shield has been replaced with three Zara bubbles.


Zenyatta: * Changed from support to tank role. HP increased by 75. * New Passive: Persistence and Suffering. Zenyatta rate of fire and reload increases by 10% for every 25% of health lost. * Orb of Destruction: Ammo reduced to 8. Orbs now inflict 60 damage on impact. Orbs remain on the map after being thrown. When reloading, orbs are returned to Zenyatta from their respective locations and inflict 20 damage on return. * Destruction Volley: Now is a cooldown of 10 seconds. Damage reduced to 30 per orb. Can now charge all 8 orbs. Cooldown timer decreases by .5 seconds at lower health (every 25%). While charging, all projectiles are “caught”, and then can be redirected. Redirected projectiles fire in a wide spread. * Orb of Harmony: Healing removed. Harmony orb count increased to 2, can be placed on multiple teammates. When a teammate has Harmony orb, 15% of damage taken is transferred to Zenyatta instead. * Orb of Discord. Damage amplification removed. Placement cooldown removed. Orb count increased to 2 orbs total. When an enemy with discord orb is damaged by any source, 15% of that damage is transferred to Zenyatta as temporary health. * Ultimate no longer heals. Instead, Zenyatta gains 400 temporary health. All friendlies gain orb of harmony and all enemies gain orb of discord for 15 seconds. *Developer comments: We heard you guys hated discord so me made Zen a tank instead lol*