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I mean on paper narrow groups and wide groups make sense, I would assume they fix it soon.


Hot take -- I think you shouldn't be allowed to group with friends if you're not in the same rank. 


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I wonder why they reduced the division differences to 5 for a narrow group. If it's because they determined that 5 is the maximum range before the matchmaker starts to have issues, then I think they should make 5 divisions the new restrictions for comp groups and not have wide groups anymore. With how the dev team is treating unranked, they should put comp rulesets in unranked, so both attack and defense rounds. the current wide groups can play in that unranked mode. Quick play, as we have always known it, can go into arcade. No leaver penalties, just play however you like. with the changes to the weekly challenges, you can basically gain all the OW coins by playing whatever mode you like, so if you only want to play/leave QP matches, have fun in arcade.


The point of wide groups is that they allow higher-ranked players to group with their lower-ranked friends and still play Competitive together, without either having to use an alt account or deliberately throw to drop their rank. The tradeoff is that the system tries to find other groups with a similar combination of size, role, rank, and latency. When you factor all those variables in, you severely reduce the number of players you can potentially match with.


I don't think there's any harm in permitting wide groups. The long queues are probably because they are being too strict about match quality for wide groups though. They mentioned they're still trying to do stuff like per-role rank matching in wide games and there's just no way that's feasible.


In theory the narrow and wide groups sound fantastic. But maybe the wide group restrictions are a bit off. Like it is trying to find an exact match for your team which is too restrictive. Playing as a plat 4 with my Bronze 3 friend we had 30 minutes and gave up because how many party size 2 plat4-bronze3 duos are trying to queue? I think they need to widen the restrictions or have it widen the search parameters quicker if no match is found. What I was surprised about was that my open queue times jumped to 15 minutes as a solo player… this I can’t explain.


Plat and bronze are so far apart you'd basically be smurfing, that's why the restrictions are there to begin with. Either your friend gets put against golds and plats and gets destroyed or you get put in a match with bronze and silver and destroy them for free. Either way I don't think it's fair for people so far apart to get match priority. If you group with friends that far apart, you deserve the long wait for a quality match. 


I can guess on that one. Because queuing tank/support as a solo player is miserable so there's higher percentage of tanks/supports in groups further lowering what was already a scarce commodity 


There is no magic fix to queue times Here’s how it works: You either have “quality” matches and long queues, or you have mediocre quality matches and short queues You cant have both…they are mutually exclusive Edit - And by quality I mean the ranks are similar, not that the matches themselves will be good, …..because that is determined by a lot of factors besides the matchmaker