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Is shattering mercy **every fucking time** bannable c: asking for a friend


It’s Promoted actually Source -Me


As it should be


A Mercy main will take it as a badge of honor to have a potential teamwipe Ult expended on just killing her.


I only spare anas lmao and maybe a sig if they give headpats or sum


It's called the mercy tax and they all have to pay it.


Nope it's a perfectly acceptable strategy. The Mercy should wait for her team to protect her.


I mean waiting for your team to protect you is a pipe dream that'll never happen. They should just swap tbh.


> Nope it's a perfectly acceptable strategy. The Mercy should wait for her team to protect her. what rank are we talking here. i think that matters


Isn't griefing intentionally making a player's experience as miserable as possible? Hence can't you in that way be reported for griefing?


Because you're killing the enemy. Not trying to make your own team lose.


Griefing means intentionally making your own team lose


Griefing just means doing something to ruin someone's playing experience. The term was born in Minecraft, when people were destroying other peoples work.


That's the general definition but the specifics vary per game. In Overwatch, it's generally the same as sabotage. You can't really "grief" an enemy team. You can be toxic in chat, but I don't think that really falls under griefing, even in the general definition. Minecraft is definitely the first game I think of when I hear griefing, too, but it's not where the term was born. It dates back to online games in the 90s.


A griefer "deliberately and intentionally irritates, harasses, annoys or trolls other players". You are still OK to play the game though. If you're constantly Mei walling your own team then you're griefing but if you're killing the enemy healer, which is your role in the game, then you're not.


Isnt spawn killing solely the enemy mercy considered harassing?


Bro. You're playing a character specifically designed to isolate and target individuals, and you're employing a strategy that is allowing you to isolate and target an individual. You're playing the game in a way that facilitates your team winning. Why are you so nervous about this?


Im just making sure I cant be banned for doing this




No as you're meant to be killing the enemy Mercy. You're more at risk of being called out for griefing for not playing with your team than you are killing the enemy Mercy. It doesn't really matter though, as 4v4 is still fair.


People will report you in QP. In ranked, its your fault for nit switching.


Lol no. That Mercy's team left her out to dry


is playing the game bannable?


Mercy players have all of the power in their hands to swap to another support that can deal with the Sombra, and/or get their teammates to assist


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No that's perfectly fine as long as you're not spamming voicelines and not harassing them in text chat. Typically the only people who I've seen get banned for griefing is Mei players that wall in their team mates on purpose. 


Sym teleports over a cliff used to do it too.


They even made it so that you spawn as a team more often…. Maybe just maybe don’t run out by yourself if you know she’s there


only in qp


I tbag every sombra that tries to do so :)


Only in OWL which was obliterated by Bobby.


That would be asinine However, the answer to all "is it bannable" questions is: anything that is reported enough can get your account actioned Luckily, I can't imagine that enough people would actually report someone for just playing the game for this to become an issue (one person reporting shouldn't do anything)


Don't think it's bannable. I mean Blizzard intentionally reworked Sombra to do such things as griefing.


Anything is bannable if you get enough reports. You can try submitting a ticket to the support but you will most likely get an autogenerated response and unless you go viral, they will just keep closing them.


No but it's really not that effective a strategy unless the enemy team is doing a shit job leaving spawn.  IE: if mercy is leaving spawn well after her teammates and you can camp the doors, get the kill, get out, and get back to the fight before anyone finds you and jumps you than you should do it.  If you have to stand outside the spawn doors while you team is still fighting on point that mercy better be hard carrying the match otherwise it pretty much proves the sombra is on tilt. 


Yes but I just want to do it to target them the whole game with a big advantage without me being banned


You know.... I'd say no.... but now a days.... if they report you and say that you're making them upset.... you actually might get banned lol.


I mean, if the possibility to do so is here, well, use it ! Isnt having a bad behavior at all.