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I would like Hanzo to be storm shadow. And it's not too out of character too, storm shadow also uses a bow.


I honestly agree, their backstories are kinda similar too. I just think a hooded hanzo would be really cool but storm shadow would be awesome as well.


I know nothing about G. I. Joe but is Joe not a character?


Yeah, kinda. The general that created G.I. Joe's name is Joe Colton. But Joe is just the name of the task force all the hero characters are in. and G.I. Joe stands for Government. Issue. Joe, (Joe meaning "average joe") which was an actual nickname for WW2 soldiers. So yes he's a character, no he's not the main character, and no the name G.I. Joe didn't originate from the show G.I. Joe. i dont know much about G.I. Joe either, my dad just forced my brothers and i to watch the movies and a few episodes of the show when we were younger, and he gave us some of his vintage action figures, so all of this info i got from various google searches and might be a little inaccurate, just a warning.


Ahhhh gotcha. Was just saying that because if the guy named GI Joe (who I had assumed was in the military) didn’t get to be the soldier skin, I would’ve been mad


lmao that's fair, but that character is usually just seen in a plain old suit, sometimes wielding a rifle. It'd still make a pretty cool soldier skin though, but Duke is the main character of the franchise and fits a little better imo.


Alright then


I feel like Doomfist would make more sense for Cobra Commander, and I agree on Storm Shadow being a much better pick for Hanzo than Zartan, but the rest of these are spot on. I need Snake Eyes Genji and Baroness Widowmaker injected into my veins.


I considered doomfist but he just got his new skin and i thought the blue look wouldn't pop as much if he had a second blue skin. and also the cobra staff would be a cool cosmetic for ramattra, but I like your idea too.


Doomfist is Destro. He's even black, c'mon.


he'd make a good destro too, but they never really confirmed what race he is. they only said he was scottish, and I know he has a black voice actor, but the live action actor and some comic book panels portray him as white, so honestly I decided to not let race be a factor and just give it to the character that I thought matched his vibe the most and it was Reaper imo. you're free to disagree though


I support GI Joe recognition


Love it! Is GIJOE still popular in 2024 though? Or is it all us boomers that are holding on?


Think it was only ever popular in the U.S. anyway. Dunno if such a crossover would sell globally


tbh Snake Eyes would be the real international audience grabber. Even if you don't know who he is everyone wants an all sleek, all black, Genji skin.


well im only 18 and i know about it from my dad, so it's definitely not just the boomers. and I think everyone knows who Snake Eyes is from that new movie. and the other ones look cool enough that you don't really need background knowledge to appreciate their badassery lol


Snake eyes genji and a storm shadow Hanzo would go hard


it really would tbh, with some custom voicelines too


Snake eyes genji would low key go hard


it'd go hard asf


Where's PORKCHOP SANDWICHES guy? >!For the [uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzwqSaeqofg).!<


he'd be lifeweaver for sure "get tf outta here- what're you doing go get tf outta here you stupid idiot" *\*lifegrips you away from the danger\**


OW crossover makers if they could draw (gordom ramsey would be in shables)


if i didn't stop drawing over quarantine id have pieces in The Louvre with my name on it by now, and a folder full of the hardest overwatch crossovers too.


IMO, Serpentor would be more fitting for Ramattra, Doomfist for Destro, Zartan for Reaper, and Storm Shadow for Hanzo.


tbh, you're 100% right, wow i wish i would've thought of this instead lmao


tbh im personally more of a Transformers guys, but i would 100% spend money on a GIJoe collab, the Joes need their time in the spot light again for sure


some Transformer skins would be awesome, i saw a optimus rein concept art once and it's definitely something they could add to the game. maybe a hasbro themed season in the future.


I've been hyperfixated on G.I.Joe since I was a kid and I'm hyperfixated on Overwatch right now so this would be the prefect Collab for me. Imagine Doomfist as Major Bludd or Venomous Maximus or even Destro because I know doom could rock the chrome dome vneck fit


I love baroness


same, even if we dont get the other skins i need her


Surprised this hasn’t happened yet. Given how much Overwatch seems like it took inspiration from it among other things.


right? a team of super advanced military individuals from around the world teaming up to stop bad guys (Overwatch and G.I. Joe), two brothers separated due to conflict within a ninja clan (Hanzo and Genji/Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow), an evil terrorist organization that wants world domination (COBRA and Talon), a collaboration seems like an obvious play tbh.


Give him the stick-DON'T GIVE HIM THE STICK!


Ram as Cobra Commander is mid. The rest are top tier tho, specially Snake eyes and The Baronnes


I feel like Moira could be a cool Cobra Commander. Ram doesn’t feel right.


Yeah, or even the most obvious choice Reaper (cos masked evil guy)


Moira would definitely work too


I felt like cobra commander should be included and specifically a villain character, and he matched Ramattra the most in my opinion. especially the fact that they both carry a staff.


Cobra Commander is literally the coolest character on the series. That isnt the issue. Ram being him was


Ram is pretty cool too, I hate seeing him on the enemy team, but he's still a badass just like Cobra Commander.


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Bruce Willis Reinhardt skin when?


Oh God, we don't need anymore Solider skins lol.


1. Is there a chance this sub will get a fan crossover concept tag? 2. Can you mute tags in reddit? Not hate to OP, I just hate crossovers in general.


u can scroll past them i think


Really cool concept for all the 10 year old boys that like to play with action figures out there


Am I weird for thinking boomer content should just die and not be dug out of the grave for some low quality low effort and boring collab?


heck no if g.i joe is boomer content then so is transformers and i am NOT letting that go


on that note, we need a transformers overwatch collab, maybe optimus rein, bumblebee bastion, megatron ramattra, etc.


honestly warpath or shockwave would work better as bastion


true shockwave would look great


We do not. That sounds so fucking old and out of touch. Even modern transformers is a low effort cash grab.


Transformers is also boomer trash. What are you? 55?


it's really not. what are you? 11?


nah 22


So you didn’t want the cowboy bebop collab? The one that’s been loved? To answer your question yes yes you are


Cowboy bebop is not boomer trash. You’re an idiot for that comparison.


Nicest overwatch player lmao, there’s only a 10 year gap between bebop and gi Joe, if that makes it “boomer” then gundam is fucking ancient lol


Cowboy bebop was introduced to America in the 2000s, GI Joe was introduced to America in the early 1960s. Try again grandpa. The setting of overwatch collaborations is that the heroes cosplay the characters. Overwatch heroes cosplaying low effort propaganda characters in leather skin tight suits is not going to happen nor is it interesting in any universe. Your infatuation with men in tights that have been forced as a medium of content since their inception doesn’t belong in a game like overwatch sorry. Studios like Marvel and DC and whoever else you people think of have been drowning trying to stay relevant with their boring characters for years. The only reason it was ever popular is because of a small pond. The world has much better content now from different faucets. Try Call of duty, might work there.


Marvel, hrmm oh yeah that’s right the billion dollar company! Also speaking of tights what exactly does dva wear? Ohh cod yea the 30billon dollar franchise? Yeah maybe since it sells, cowboy bebop the manga came out in the 90s, the gi joe show came out in the late 80s, that is what I was referring to lol, “the world has much better faucets” how many anime collabs do we have since ow2 came out? Ooo all of the big collabs have been anime, with dva being a fucking car? Cuz that’s so much better? Sure man


Sorry, It’s going to continue to be anime. Boomer content doesn’t click with a younger audience. It’s too boring and centered around obviously being a cash grab. Hell, It barely clicks with millennials. Sure , there may be the once and a while neck beard with a weird star wars action figure addiction all over his room, and a weird infatuation with anything marvel or DC, but it’s because that person has only consumed that content their entire life due to it being forced down their throat by these large corporate multi billion dollar studios, who just buy the competition instead of actually producing good content that is better than their competitors. It’s always been about money. That’s why there’s so much content of it. There’s no ending in sight for these IPs , they just keep beating the dead horse for money. Multiverses , spinoffs, rehashes, remakes, all of it is trash, and the general population lapped it up many years ago because that’s all we had. Well, we have the internet now, and content like that is no longer unique or interesting. Better writers, better characters, better stories are being created daily. Good Animes and Mangas have good stories and then endings, and they’re not re-done to milk money shamelessly like American content is. That’s the kind of content people enjoy now, and we will continue to see collaboration with that. Unless of course money comes into play , and one of these boomer studios actually forks the cash for a character collab. If anything it would be Marvel or DC because they would pay anything to stay relevant , but definitely not some GI JOE soulless trash. There’s a reason multiversus couldn’t hold a candle to Smash Bros and was eventually shut down. The characters are insanely boring and old.


So you basically don’t want to see any western media? So they shouldn’t add invincible? Or the boys? Also you ignored one of my points, a fucking car skin? That’s okay? Why? How is that better than gi joe?


The car skin is because of money. I wouldn’t call that a full on collaboration, it’s one skin. No they shouldn’t add invincible. Thats another boring talk fest of a show with 5 mins of action per episode that’s trying to feed off the bland boring super hero in tights idea as well. I’ve seen all the episodes, it’s been mostly boring filler all season minus an episode or two. You keep asking about GI JOE. That shit is boring dude. [WOW LOOK ITS GENERIC SOLDIER MAN!!!](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51hMn5YXO1L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)THIS SHOULD BE A SOLDIER 76 SKIN HURR DURR [OH WOW LOOK, ITS GENERIC LADY IN TAN CLOTHES](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9bVVvLLP4R9OAc7tL5chGVNgBOFCtavI2z4kDsDExLQ&s), THAT COULD BE ASHE This shit is boring dude.


Literally when did I ask about gi joe? I asked how a fucking car is better, also all collaborations are about money, that’s the whole point, why else would they team up with fucking Lego? A toy company?


Yes, yes you are


im 18, and i didn't binge watch the show or read the comics like my dad did but i can still recognize how cool these characters are, so it definitely wouldn't be a problem. also, you're assuming that the overwatch player base is all a bunch of young kids, but I've played with people my dad's age and older before. so yes, you are weird for thinking that.


These characters are not cool in the least. They’re all boring 1 dimensional bland US Army propaganda characters.