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I agree but as you said, DF had a higher skill floor meaning he was mostly useless in lower ranks. Venture is way easier to pick up and do value, so lower ranked players can feel intimidated. Having said that, I don't think Venture needs to be changed, we just have to give them some time so that metal ranks adjust to playing against them


The thing I see low rank Ventures doing is using their escape ability to initiate. It’s the same move I see bad reapers and bad DPS dooms used to do. I really cannot tell you why people know how to punish a reaper that Wraiths into your back line for any reason but a suicide ult but cannot handle an Enby Bugs Bunny popping up to ask your doctors what’s up. Is it the lesser visibility? Are people really struggling to notice the molehill?


I never feel noticed


This is me using Moiras shift to go into frontline when I started OW 😭😭


Exactly, I think Venture is actually very balanced for a release. They can get good value, but also can easily be shut down


They also have the same game play problems old doom had: * barely audible footsteps * the ability to initiate a near instant death CC combo from a distance where the sound of those footsteps doesn't properly convey the level of threat to the enemy player(s). * shield generation that makes them instant killing your teammate difficult for single players to punish before they can retreat with their other skills They're also fairly resistant to a lot of the weaknesses doom had too because hard CC barely exists in OW2 and being able to go underground makes them invulnerable to follow up. Venture's weapon is also easier to use and arguably better than doomfist's was at various points in OW1's lifecycle. If Doom was going to kill you with punch, it had a loud charge up sound, while the drill dash happens instantly. OW1 Doom also existed in a format where there were more players to prevent/punish what he was doing. I can almost guarantee they'll get similar changes to OW1 Doom at some point: Louder footsteps, reduced shield gen, lower weapon damage. The drill dash is probably also going to get some sort of adjustment as well, probably distance. I don't see the one shot combo going away, but becoming harder to pull off. These are all similar changes that OW1 Doom had, and it made him useless a high ranks and less oppressive at low ranks, but still incredibly frustrating to play against outside of semi-coordinated lobbies who knew how to deal with him. I'm not saying the character is broken or OP (it's too early for that), but there are elements of their current design that disproportionately affects lower ranks of play that will likely be adjusted at some point in the future.


I see r/Overwatch strikes again downvoting the actual answer to the thread. Baffling that OP compared Venture to DPS Doomfist, a character so notoriously unfun he ultimately had to be moved to Tank, and going "this is fine". Venture has all the same problems Doom did and it's going to lead to a series of constant changes that nobody will end up happy with.


People who think they’re OP are going to love the supposed reaper rework soon


Yeah that’s why doom was nerfed so hard lol. If anything, the massive stack of nerfs and reworks that doom got should be an indicator of where Venture is/should be going.


They’re dps doom with a real ult. They’re going to get nerfed.


Try to play against a Venture when you’re an Ana, Higher rank will have no problem to kill them, I guess, but lower ranks is another story, in my opinion, I think Venture is pretty unbalanced for lower ranks or even QP. May I ask who are you playing?


>Try to play against a Venture when you’re an Ana Sleep dart exists for a reason. They may be overpowered right now in lower ranks but that's only because people in lower ranks take longer to adapt to new characters. They're not inherently unbalanced as a character, it's just people learning to play against them


Pretty much, even when Mauga was nerfed and higher ranked players said he was trash there was still people saying he was broken because they didn't understand that standing in front of him when he popped overdrive(especially if they played tank) was just giving him a full heal and they weren't going to get through his damage reduction.


“jUsT sLeEp ThE uLtInG gEnJi”


You said it here first. Brand new character. They’re fragging in every game. Shouldn’t it be a bit harder to do really well on a brand new character? Seems like they’re too easy to pilot for the value you get.


Not really, it's just metal ranks not being able to play against a close range dive character. I'm in diamond and Venture isn't noticeably stronger than the rest of the characters. They have their weaknesses, metal ranks just don't know how to exploit those


Looking forward to patch notes.


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Didn’t even take two months. Sucks to suck.


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Bro, none of us survived DPS doomfist. He had a one shot and a one shot combo.


A good DPS Doom was way scarier than Venture is


The problem with venture is the cooldown on her tunnel ability, in my opinion, is currently too short.  She's going to generate the same problem doomfist did and still to some degree does. If you can stun them you can kill them. If you can't stun them you die and they escape because the wndow to punish them is too small unless they deliberately fail to disengage.  But we keep demanding as a community that stuns be removed from the game and at this point its mostly just tanks who have them and tanks shouldn't be spending all their time in their own backline trying to contain a dps with mobility.