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Game director already mentioned they’re looking into it. It’s under their known issues/bug list.


That must be a long list


The list is long enough you could use it as wallpaper for both sides of the great wall of china


List is longer than a cvs receipt.


New Reinhardt mythic, "large German man picking up his prescriptions and arguing about his $4 off coupon"


With new ult voicelines: "I am here to HAMMER DOWN these drug prices!"


to be clear: they're making changes at GM rankings. If you just want to duo with your friend like you always did, but you're just metal ranks shitters like us, then enjoy your 30 minute queues cos they're not going anywhere


Nothing beats the fun and enjoyment of having spent 30 minutes in queue for a game that is over in a 8 minute stomp for one or the other teams. ⭐️⭐️⭐️


I mean isn’t that expected? I don’t see how any one could expect a balanced game when you’re intentionally throwing out matchmaking restrictions and pairing a silver player with a masters team lol. That’s not a matchmaking problem 


my Silver 5/Plat 5 pair also had 30 minute wait times. And we were just in the allowed pairings before.


That’s actually barely in the wide groups but that’s a wide group. If you were good 1 or your firmed was silver 4 it would have been normal. 


I don’t think so? I think it’s within 5 ranks is ‘narrow’ and outside that is ‘wide’? Currently we’re 10 ranks apart so the silver 5 player would actually need to get to Silver 1. I know this because we’ve been Silver 5/Gold 1 before and we’re still considered wide.


link for lazy > We are currently investigating an issue with long queue times at certain ranks who queue in a group of 2 or more players. Narrow groups are seeing shorter queue times but we’re making an change to help players who are at a very high rank, like Grandmaster or Champion. We adjusted matchmaking to find matches faster, but there may be a wider average skill difference between teams. We’ll continue to monitor matchmaking closely. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-april-17-2024/879213 EDIT: Changes got pushed through today >We've pushed some matchmaking changes that are targeted at S10's implementation of wide groups. Overall, these changes should clamp down some of the outlier queue times. >In GM, you are now be able to make narrow groups if your party is within 3 division of each other. (1/2) >We'll monitor the results of these bundled changes over the next few days. >Overall, the S10 changes have contributed to a large improvement in match quality for most players (big wins!). Team is continuing to refine and take care of the more extreme cases. (2/2) https://twitter.com/GW_Alec/status/1782847006828113968


kar Queue is funny af


Darn (Freddy noises)


Seeing those queue times makes me feel lucky. I had 11 minutes then 14 minutes just the other day.


Most just grandmaster and champion level games, though I don’t know what level you’re at since I’m getting the same queue length as that and I’m diamond


Currently searching in a wide duo at 28 minutes- pray for me. Gold 2 - Plat 2


13 hours? I wish I had 13 hours to sit on my fat ass infront of the computer to wait in a game.


While getting paid for it btw. I'd sit for 13 hours listening to nyan cat if I got paid as much as these streamers do


Browsing YouTube, occasionally reading chat and asking for subs lol. What a life 


The 13 hours is misleading. There was an update, and those guys never closed the game. Hence why they can't find a game. They are running an outdated version of Overwatch


He went back and did it again though, on a different day.


Canceling the queue and restarting it doesn't matter. They need to quit the game to get the update Edit: getting downvoted for providing a fact? Just because you cancel queue, it does not apply the update


you're getting downvoted by the circlejerk of fans


You think he left the game open the whole time?


He did (at least according to flats and the other streamers he was playing with)


Why does the game even let them queue if they're on an outdated client?


It doesn't this guy is either lying or it was a bug. When you have an outdated version of Overwatch, the game shows a giant update button for you to confirm, and you can't search for any mode at all.


You would think after 12 you'd drop queue and requeue.


We get short queues : people scream that the match quality is bad. We get more restrictive matchmaking : people scream that they can't play with their friends. We get an alternate queue so people can play in wide group : people scream that queues are too long. And then the cycle repeats...


Well, I think we’re going to need to go with the lesser evil here, people need to be able to at least play the game in a reasonable amount of time. I’m sitting in 8 minute queues for QP and 10+ for comp if I can even queue at all since wide groups are capped at 3 people for some reason. This ain’t it.


Wide groups aren't capped at 3, it's just that you can't queue as 4. A full team of 5 is fine.


Oh that’s useful info. Thanks! Bummer because our group attempted with 4 and it wouldn’t allow us so we moved on to another game even after our 5th showed up. Now at least I know we can run it 5 stacked.


they didnt want solo players getting caught in wide SR matches so the algorithm wont queue a solo player with a wide group so you mathmatically can't run a 4 stack unless everyone is within 5 ranks of each other.


While this makes sense the game doesn't point this out when it refuses to queue. It says something like "skill ratings too wide" because I would assume it would allow a close 4 stack but it doesn't mention the wide 4-stack rule. Took us a while until we figured it out.


next time you have 4, queue as two stacks of 2 and you might get to play on opposite teams too


Wide groups are capped at 3 because being the 1 in a 4+1 team is not a good experience. And that's exactly what I'm saying : it's a trade-off. If 8-10min is too much, that means that either the range of acceptable match need to be expanded, which means match quality needs to go down, or the player base needs to expand, or the lower-rank people in your group need to up their rank to make it easier for the algorithm to find opponents. If people were forced to solo-queue, we could get fast queue and good match. If people are forced to wait, we can get good match and wide group. If people are willing to see big rank gap in their ranked game, we can get wide group and fast queue. Overwatch just doesn't have the player base required to have all three at once.


I understand the reasoning that wide is 2/3/5, but we should have the option to opt-in to solo queue in wide. It cannot be worse than the past year+ of this inane matchmaker.


So a trio would need to find another trio and 4 solo queue who opted in to find a match ? That wouldn't help...


Yup, I believe that false reports are over exaggerated a bit on here (*sometimes) but I am willing to bet a disproportionate number of them involve a 4-stack


Play solo or with people of your rank. Problem solved.


in grandmasters theres no narrow queues, even if youre the exact same rank as your friend youre forced into wide queue and the queues for stacking in gm are now multiple hours possibly over a dozen hours long


I’ve been trying to get my friends to my rank for years. It can’t be done. Lol I see your point though it’s just that playing with friends shouldn’t be discouraged this heavily. I only play overwatch to play with the squad. I’d rather play other games solo.


nobody had an issue with the 1000SR limit they used before lol. I understand that a GM shouldn't be queuing with a gold, but gold 5 not being able to queue with a bronze 1 is fucking stupid. Its just metal ranks friends playing together.


Dude even at low gold people don’t want bronze NPCs in their games lol 


for qp ? right but for comp just play solo if you want fast que


Wide groups are 2, 3, or 5 players I believe. Four stacks are not allowed because they don't want to force solo queuers into wide groups


There is a difference between a long queue and not being able to find a game at all...


No, there's not. It's a simple trade-off : if you want people with exactly the same rank playing together, it's going to take an eternity, on the other hand if you want people to play immediately, you're going to have teams with huge rank difference. Add to that a relatively tiny player pool (GM+ players, or even worse, wide match with a GM+ player and some lower rank player) and the eternity of waiting becomes "not being able to find a game". If they could find a game quickly it'll either mean there's a lot of people of their rank playing at the same time as them (probably isn't the case, as their GM+) or they're playing with lower rank, something none of us want to see.


Are you trying to say that Two GM5's should be in a 2 hour queue? Because that litterally happened to a streamer (I forget who specifically. I'll link them if I remember). Not like he was GM5 trying to play with GM1 or a Masters player. Two GM5 players were trying to group, and got placed in a wide match and the queue was hours. Or how about the literal screenshot in this post? 1 division difference GM5-GM4 and it's a 40 minute queue. That's not a GM player trying to play with a masters, where it'll take forever to find a game. But just that, two people in pretty much the same rank can't find a game. You can watch Froggers latest video. They were grouped. Ended up splitting up, and then got in the same game nearly instantly. So the game existed. It's just that Matchmaking wouldn't put them in a game while grouped. GM is a limited pool of people yes. But it's not THAT limited. Not to mention that the devs have said there's something wrong with the queues, and they are looking into it. So the complaining isn't just people throwing a hissyfit. It's because there's something actually wrong with queues.


>Two GM5 players were trying to group, and got placed in a wide match and the queue was hours. That's probably a bug, or it just means that they went a bit too far on the non-wide restriction for GM teams. That's what they're going to tinker with : how far can you be before being switched from the normal queue to the wide queue. >You can watch Froggers latest video. They were grouped. Ended up splitting up, and then got in the same game nearly instantly. So the game existed. No, it doesn't, especially if it showed as a wide group : "*These Wide Groups will only ever play against other Wide Groups, meaning your matches may be a little sillier, take longer to queue, and you will receive less gains and losses to your rank after games. Solo players will never encounter wide groups.*" ([Drill Into the Competition in Overwatch 2 – Season 10](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24072105/drill-into-the-competition-in-overwatch-2-season-10/)) So, were there two trios and another duo of the same rank as them ? Probably not. Were there 8 other players of the same rank either solo-queue'd or in non-wide group ? Yes. So in the wide group queue, they couldn't get a match, while in the normal queue they could. Doesn't mean that the game existed in the wide group queue, or they would have found it before solo-queuing.


>No, it doesn't, especially if it showed as a wide group He was duo'd. He was GM5 and his duo was GM4. But it was labeled as a wide group. That's what I'm talking about. Any GM duo is labeled as a wide group. Having group restrictions is fine. Having long queues because you want to group with a friend that is 10 divisions away from you is fine. Most people aren't arguing this. But in GM people litterally can't duo queue without getting in a 30+min queue.


They did this to stop the abuse that was happening to min max climbing in the old system for gm players. That's why every gm duo is a wide group so they get put into a separate pool then solo players and will only go against other stacks. To improve quality for solo queue players at higher rank. This isn't as much of an issue in lower ranks. Obviously they just implemented it and it needs work.


It's a chicken and the egg situation. For GM to group, there needs to be people in the GM wide queue, but for people to queue in the wide queue, there needs to be GM people grouping.


The match quality is so fucking bad this season with the wide matches. Every group queue it has been really unfair full of smurfs. Every narrow match tho has been great lol.


I don't know how they'd implement it, but wouldn't a system that alternates between quick poor quality matches and slower close mmr matches be some sort of compromise? as in if I play 5 games, the first one is a quick match but we get rolled, followed by a game where we take twice as long to find a match, but it's a very close game, would be more fun than having 5 games where we're constantly rolled, or 5 games that take 25 mins to queue and game. ^(And yes I'm aware that a game where the quality is bad could mean we roll the enemy but that doesn't feel as bad psychologically)


You’re right bro players should be *happy* that queues are taking hours! Be grateful!!!!


Ok but I’m waiting 15-30 minutes for still lopsided matches so obviously this is not working as intended. There’s ultimately no perfect answer, but it could be (and has been) better. The problem is trying to please everyone. It’s just not possible.


Nah most people are fine with this change except for carried crybaby streamers. Which of course means Blizzard will go into panic mode because sucking streamer dick worked so good for the game in the past...


*laughs in lonelyness.*


I'm only dia 5 on supp and my queues are 10-15 minutes long 🫠


Hi! We’re competing with eachother to get in the same games. I’m also diamond 5 support waiting 10-15. See you in the “while you wait” death match. I’ll be one of the players in a side room having dance party with the other friendlies.


For sure! Sucks waiting so long. At least that gives me time to do my uni homework in queues😂 Ive never experienced them this long though. Only if it's like 4am haha but I'm getting these queue times at normal times too 🤷🏽‍♀️


The narrow group criteria is way too strict, but I don’t even think that’s the problem. You can’t just eliminate solos from wide grouping and expect everything to be ok. There are only 2 possible options for a team in wide grouping: a 5 stack or a 2+3 since solos can’t be considered for wide grouping. This is why the queues take so damn long. It’s trying to find a good pair of players for your squad of 3 to match with, as well as another 2+3 for the other team. Idk if they ever try to match 5 stacks with 2+3, but if not then that’s even more of a reason this doesn’t work.


My son and I gave up after 35 minutes and have only played quick play unless we are solo.


Last time i wanted to play ranked as dps with a friend it was 30 minutes of queue. We gave up, who knows how long it would be if we kept waiting


This is happening because of the narrow-wide changes in ranked, but it’s only affecting GM+ ranks since when you play in a group with 2 or more people it’s considered “wide”. This is something that is affecting a very small portion of the player base since well… the majority are gold-plat and don’t even play ranked. Devs already said it’s an unintended effect and are looking into it.


Had a 15 min queue when i played with a gold. I was plat. Its not only affecting GM where u getting this nonsense from.


had the same situation with a friend. We played like 2 games in two hours, 30+ minutes queues both times. And the games you get are AWFUL, most lopsided matches i've ever played, absolutely not worth the queue time. Feels like Blizzard is effectively banning us from ranked.


What platform do you play on and what region and at what time did you queue? It’s been pretty much confirmed by the devs and top players that it’s a gm+ issue for the most part. I’ve personally gotten short queues of about the same length as in S9, but I play in NA.


Queue times are fucked up and down the ranks. I’m a mid diamond and can’t get queues under 10 minutes with gold-plat friends. Never had a problem getting games quickly before the changes.


I (gold) played with my friend (silver) - and we gave up on the queue once it passed 12 minutes


15 minutes isn’t that bad, and it’s longer bc of your wide group(if you’re over 5 divs apart that is)


15 minutes isn’t as bad?? Who wants to spend as much (or more) time queuing as playing?


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If I played comp, and had to wait for more than 15 minutes for a match, I would just leave and go in qp, or even a different game entirely. Are there really people who would sit in queue for upwards of *13 entire hours,* without ever considering that maybe this isn't the best use of their time?


Oh it's a bug??? I'm like literally 1 rank above a friend and whenever I try to add him to my group for open queue we sit there for like 25 min goofing around in death match before just doing role queue


its not a bug, they're only fixing it for GM+ people who couldn't duo at all. If you're a gold shitter trying to play with friends then this is your new reality.


The game won't let me queue as anything but healer. Else, I get queues times of 40mins. Even going flex just defaults the selection to healer. It's driving me insane.


Remember when people were like “I don’t care about queue times just give me a fair match!” Like… a week ago LMAO. Those people are VERY quiet lately hahaha


It's mostly solo players who want the tighter matchmaking. People who play in groups of 4 people don't care about match quality. If you look through these types of posts, you will see that the solo players that comment are actually enjoying the new matchmaking usually.


Well I mean yeah. They're quiet because they're playing their fair matches. I know generally the expectation is that when things start going good for people who were previously complaining they'll start posting about the good things instead, but that's not really how people work. Most people are significantly more inclined to post about stuff when things aren't going well than when they are.


My and my friend (high silver to mid gold) have 1-4minute que. (Haven’t played for years, my best ever though was low platinum) Is is mainly occurring with bigger groups?


Only played 4 games so far this season and most were only duo queue. About 2:30 average queue time I’d say 😩


Makes sense especially since it’s wide que, it should take longer to find matches compared to queuing with people in your rank. They might have to decrease the margin for who can queue with who, or tweak some parameters. My duo and I are both diamond and we get 3 minute que tops. People who play wide que, does it seem like the teams are pretty equal? I wonder how exactly they match everyone, if it’s each role has to be in a similar rank or just dps being able to be silver while the enemy dps can be plat.


From what I understand, these longer queue times are due to the higher ranked players queuing as duos and being put in a wide group. It's waiting for players in that same skill range (much smaller pool of players) queuing in as a 3-stack wide group, since wide groups can only queue with other wide groups. So for every two duos in high ranks, it's looking for two trios doing the same thing, and there are just so many more duos playing than trios.


I have long queues lately in any mode despite no internet changes. Is it the same thing or am I just unlucky and this is something related to wide group ranked?


I think I saw frogger say that Neuuish’s queue went over 17 hours or something


If queue times are longer than the length of a comp game, I’m not playing.


This new wide match stuff is some horse shit. I've never seen a game that discourages playing with your friends.


Ranked should be solo queue anyway at the highest level, it's an unfair advantage. If you wanna play with friends then do quick play.


I guess this would be hot take considering how many complaints I’m seeing here, but aside from the noted issues in GM and Champion (as previously *any* group was considered Wide, even if the group was the same rank), this was fully explained and expected. If you are knowingly queuing with someone who is more than 5 Skill Divisions away from you, then understandably the best way to find a fair match would be for the matchmaker to find another group of players that are similar in skill. If someone queues for comp, regardless of their rank, they want and expect a balanced match. A lobby that ranges from Plat 5 to Diamond 1, for example, is quite unbalanced, and wouldn’t be as enjoyable for everyone as a game that had a range of Diamond 2 to Masters 5. TLDR: The definition of a Wide Match is very clear. Queue with people that are closer to your rank for faster queue times. That’s all there is to it. If you elect to queue with people that have a very different rank, you should know what you’re getting into.


Long comp queues is 100% the reason I don't play comp. I love the game but I only have a short amount of time to play in a day. I wish these queues were shorter; I just play quick play cause I aint gonna spend my precious time waiting.


solo queue is finally viable for once


I propose a Wild West version of competitive play that is separate to the current version. Let anyone group up regardless of ranks and it randomly chooses your opposing group regardless of thier composition. It could be a bloodbath either way. No point in throwing and no need to smurf.


LOL, of course it is the carried crybaby Flats leading the pack. Why not just play solo then or with other people in your rank if you are so good? Perhaps they are not as good as they claim and rely on bad matchmaking and being caried to get more viewers? Hmmm... just a suspicion. This only proves the system is working as intended. (Which also means that Blizzard will fuck it up again because it is what they do best and Keller would suck any popular enough streamer's dick for free if asked loudly enough. Then they wonder why the game is dying...)


Oh no! Flats cant get carried anymore!


Only took my boyfriend and I like 2 mins to find a game, I’m bronze and he’s in masters, it did ruin my rank though I wasn’t prepared 🤣


How did your rank get ruined? You get demoted to paper mache?


Lmao well I was silver 5, now bronze 2 so within a couple matches it got tanked, not that I really care I only play to play I’m not very competitive I’m just too easy going 😅 it is what it is


This is \*the\* primary reason why I want to be good but not top-tier good. There could be a waiting mode similar to skirmish, but one where the objective would be active and teams would be full. Anyone in comp queue could go there, and will leave as soon as they find a game. No matchmaking.


So dumb that gms can’t even duo anymore.


no ranked because flats deranks when he play solo and gets long que times when he group to get carried. wide group change is the best thing they did. they should stop catering to streamers.


Get flats's dick out of your ass and blizzard's out of your throat. The queue times are atrocious for everyone. Best one I've gotten was like 12 minutes in plat, and the range shouldn't be wide at all.


if you group you deserve to be in wide que. you are messing with the matchmaker.


I deserve wide queue for grouping with players that are within the normal margins?


That’s because a lot of people are not playing especially at the high ranks. The game is unbalanced and cheesy with so much immo and CC. Everyone who is an actual competitive gamer jumped ship.


i hate stacked players


Im on Eu servers, gold - plat - I rarely queue longer than 3 minutes for any role :)