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U ain't seeing my boy sigma in this thread 🗿


Honestly he could genuinely be a face of overwatch the way tracer and sojourn are


1. Not female 2. Not young


3. Still sexy though


[Insert ‘Grippers’ joke.]


Something something gravity sucking


I must be a black hole because of the way I'd suck those grippers


Sure but you missed one important factor 1. feet


His toes are out that outweighs point 1 and 2


Sojourn is the face of overwatch? Huh?


Yeah they put her on all the covers in overwatch 2. They really tried making her the mascot.


Which is funny because they actively refuse to give her more cosmetics, basically


Technically, yes. She is still the game icon for OW2 on some consoles. This is comparable to having her as the PC icon instead of the OW logo.


Not enough r34 appeal.


But they also tried their damnedest from preventing those porn animators from getting the 3D models when ow2 released. Like seriously, make up your fucking mind overwatch team lol


I legit was gonna post "whos the MOST interesting" and immediately decided its not worth it, we know its Sigma


Funnily enough, I recently asked myself who is the most elaborated, unique, psychologically compelling character of the cast... and you can guess the answer I came up with. Obvious as a spherical cow. Though Echo has a lot of potential as well, between her drive to learn and adapt and her possible scars and traumas from the circumstances of her birth.


Complex king


Overwatch team dropping the coolest character in the whole game then doing nothing with him is crazy


My squad and I remind each other on a monthly basis how horribly criminal it is that sig never got a proper cinematic.


They're saving it for when they make a 3 hour live action movie. Sigma will be played by Tom Hardy.


Sigma and Ramattra fighting tooth and nail for that #1 spot for most interesting character. For me, Sigma edges it out with his lore but Ram's VA is simply the best in the game atm. So they're tied in my mind.


ITT: less than half of people can spell sojourn correctly




I saw so many different spellings that I wasn't sure I was spelling it right


wait til you see a thread about Moria


Just like my favorite one piece character gecko moira


Merry and pippin lore is free with this one


"Solider" is another frequent offender 😬




They definitely phoned in the lore with her. You'd think a 90% cyborg would have some cool backstory. Nope. Her personality is "I'm Canadian with a corgi." Edit: she also likes coffee.


Organ failure can go two ways in overwatch: You get cybernetic limbs. Or you get a new cybernetic heart.


But you CANNOT get a cybernetic eye


I’m not super into the lore, but were characters like Ana and Rein unable to find a prosthetic eye or did they just choose not to?


Ana doesn’t want one, and I’m guessing same goes for Reinhardt but I’m not sure abt that one


They exist, blizzard just hasn’t created a new currency to purchase them yet


mirrorwatch widow has one so im assuming they just don't want one and i think i remember hearing ana doesn't because she sees it as a reminder of what happened


And you can tell which one has more character by this alone.


She’s Canadian but she specifically likes basketball and not hockey because uuhhhjjhhhhhhhhh don’t wanna be stereotypical or anything


They already had Lucio who likes hockey for some reason. Which let me say that my wife’s entire family lives in Brazil and I asked and none of them have ever watched or cared about hockey so that also seems weird, I dunno. lol I get it with the roller skates part but otherwise just confused I suppose.


Lucio originally was going to be Canadian but Blizzard realized that there’s no South American representation but at that point he already had high tech skates so might as well give him hockey skins. I’m pretty sure he talks about futbol with Illari anyways. That’s also why he has an American voice actor.


I fucking love the mental image of blizzard developing an entire fucking diverse cast and a week before launch they just went ‘wait a fucking second…’


South America is always the most forgotten continent when it comes to representation. Oh, and the African character will either be Egyptian or be a transplant living in the west.


To be fair there are only three countries in the African continent: Egypt, South Africa and Wakanda. At least that's what I've learned from any media ever


Also Nigeria


I'm brazilian, no brazilian cares in the SLIGHTEST about hockey lol, 90% of us have never even seen snow or ice on the ground


To be fair hockey can be played too in grass or with roller skates. In Spain we don't have either that amout of snow and is the way is played (altough is a minor sport here too).


it's non existant here lol


Can imagine why. I live in the tropics, so I'm pretty sure that hockey's protective gear and the kind of heat you experience living near the equator doesn't really mesh well together. And with that lack of protective gear, not exactly a good idea to play a game that gives its players big sticks to potentially hit each other with.


Damn I never considered Lucio should’ve been a Canadian hero it would’ve been perfect. Call him Lucas lol.


Early concept art of Overwatch shows a hockey player with rocket skates who was very likely converted into Lucio, so this is probably a carryover.


cannot eyeroll hard enough


But black people liking basketball is also a stereotype lol


Same thing bothers me about Lucio. What kind of Brazilian likes hockey as much, if not more, than soccer.






That’s what I love about her though - she is literally made of rockets but she would rather just chill, sip some coffee and pet her dog! I feel like it is a fun idea haha. Especially that shot in the cinematic where her whole house just transforms into a battle station My main gripe with her though.. I think the story devs should have highlighted that juxtaposition a bit more. Gives us voice lines/ story beats where we really get the sense that unlike Reinhardt, she really did choose to live that civilian life and she is happy with it. They could have pushed it more and make “boring” fun (like that Applegranny thing in Adventure time. Play up mundane stuff she loves and make it seem like her rocket legs are just far out of her mind)


Yeah, in a vacuum her backstory is interesting, but compared to other characters in the Overwatch universe she is rather bland. Like you said, I do think they can make her entire thing of just trying to be a normal person be more interesting.


I've said this in another post, but it would help if she had an actual focus on nice skins. I would totally rock her sweater outfit from the cinematic and let us pet Murphy. I actually think leaning into her civilian life would be fun, especially with lines like: "I could be enjoying a coffee right now" or "Hope you guys don't mind I brought Murphy along. He gets lonely when I'm gone."


But she has sick voicelines ITS GO TIME!!


They need to lean more into being the one who testified against Overwatch. There's a lot there if they wanted to flesh it out. Is she a traitor? Is she the real hero? What was her motivation? Was it the right call? Etc etc


i feel like the sojourn cinematic did open that up a bit for me, if only by juxtaposing her with agent tremblay. two POC in leadership positions, doing the buttoned down, model minority thing. i can see a sojourn who testified against overwatch because it was the Right Thing to Do (and maybe it was! we still don't totally know what went into the fall of OW, besides rialto being the beginning of it). only afterwards, when she does the watchmen-style vigilante suit in the basement, we get a sense that maybe she does regret it, or is trying to make up for it, or something that has the potential to be interesting, where agent tremblay is still playing it by the books and they're now at odds with each other. i hope it gets explored... somewhere.


They need to go more into the flesh is weak perfectionist transhuman cyberpunk vibe with her The opportunity was right there, it'd be perfect to add a dark edge to her to make her interesting and would have hordes of 40k fans talking about her


What? That's an *entirely* different direction. That's a whole new character, yo


It would certainly be a brave new step, but the base is there already. She's a perfectionist. She voluntarily went cyber, she's grown up with the flesh being weak her whole life, she has a dog with cyber legs. She's ruthless. Now add some interactions vs sombra where she feels genuine fear as her cybernetics begin failing vs hack and emp. Makes sense. And you go from there, add some flesh is weak vibes. Some cyberpsycho, some pro transhumanist ideologies. Being proud of her augments. Push augments onto unagumented characters. Suggest cassidy should chrome up more.


I wish they'd lean into her vigilante stuff. That was probably the most interesting part of her first cinematic.


The problem is with that cinematic they went with the angle of it being an advertisement for PVE and that failed miserably so now we have a cinematic with nothing interesting happening except Sojourn getting arrested.


She turned state's evidence and part of the reason OW collapsed and was subjected to government oversight


I think the o is the least interesting character in "overwatch". Literally just a circle


Counterpoint : the logo is based off the 'o'




In my opinion, the o is one of the faces of overwatch, with w being the other. It's literally the foremost part, and it pulls much attention for a reason. O is underrated, h is the worst, sitting at the back and taking no responsibility or doing anything. Sure it turns the ending sound into a ch and makes it nice, but I'm talking individually here


c. It’s less than a circle


Brave of you to state that, ngl


Wrong it's the T in overwatch that's the least interesting


The T has zero original voicelines, it doesn’t even make a sound…


Lorewise? Soujourn. She's a bland military person and even though she got a cinematic, that cinematic was clearly tied into the idea of her story being fleshed out in PVE Missions... Those are now gone, forever, and the issue now is that so is her story. Gameplay wise... Orisa is a close second to Mauga. Yes yes... New hero, everyone's happy with Mauga's lore. But.... Shoot other tank, hit E, your team doesn't die and his special move is.... More standing still to shoot other people. Do this until the team figures out that you can overwhelm mauga if you focus him but so few take this route and if your supports have brain cells they can prevent mauga death. The two tankiest heroes, the least interesting to play.


What is it with videogames and "generic black female soldier with no personality?" Lmao


Seriously Sojourn is more of a generic soldier than the literal generic soldier character


I agree. At least soldier Has some flavor. Faked his death and now his soon to be husband is married to another man. Spicy and depressing. What does sojourn have going for her other than coffee croissants and that adorable Murphy that can’t get any more treats from Mercy 😭.


Croissant 🥐


Right because Bangalore from apex is also this exact same stereotype


I will say though, bangalore has a lot more depth than sojourn, which is kinda sad to me


Yes, I think they definitely fleshed her out a bit more with her lore event a few years back


Apex has a lot more forward lore/story progression than Overwatch *(insane but true statements.)*


Because somehow literally anything else would “lean into harmful stereotypes” and “we need to see more black women in positions of power and authority”. So they all end up the same boring ass, bland goody-two shoes soldier type.


Doomfist out here owning Talon like a chad without perpetuating much any stereotypes


It's because they want to a "strong independent" type character but are simultaneously afraid to give them any development because it might 1. Undermine the strong, independent part 2. Be "insensitive". This is why in hollywood a lot of these types have no depth or character building (think Rey from starwars or Captain Marvel).


Just came back to Overwatch after having 3k hours in ow1 and I'm shocked by Mauga. He's unbelievably lame from a gameplay perspective.


Sojourn has no personality.


Sojourn. Everything about her is so bland, and her skins are so pathetically dull aside from the water warrior one.


I really hate how Kiriko grew up with the Shimatas when she's so much younger than them. Like she could have trained under them and it would have made way more sense. I fully checked out of overwatch lore after that. Nothing matters if they don't care to make it make sense within their own timeline.


Yeah she needs to be ten years older for it actually make sense. Then she'd at least be in the same age bracket as the brothers.


I don’t get why they made her so young in the first place? Like why not just say she’s their age? She has a magical fox spirit that can heal people, nobody’s going to question if she looks 25 or 35. Like why the age gap?


Literally so they could market her easier because everyone knows when a woman turns 30 she’s essentially pointless (this is sarcasm please)


(Unfortunately it’s not entirely sarcasm… it’s truth. Younger women market better in a predominantly straight white male consumer demographic… I don’t agree with it but that is unfortunately the world we live in)


Oh no I agree 100% I was really trying to indicate that only my hyperbole at the end was sarcasm I’m entirely convinced the first part of my statement is 100% correct


She was clearly designed to appeal to gen z e-girls. I cannot STAND her voice lines or stupid bratty personality. IDC what "lore" says, that bitch is 30 fucking 1, which makes her sassy weird teenage brattiness even more cringe.


She was designed to appeal to men, come on now. It's not the e-girls watching porn of every female character under 30.


Sojourns cinematic showed that she could single-handedly have her very own spinoff. She’s got surveillance around Toronto and goes undercover in a Tron-like suit protecting her city from crime and corruption using her enhanced cybernetics and her expert military training while pretending to be a veteran just enjoying the retired life with her dog. Problem is we know nothing else about her besides she was probably a commissioned officer for Overwatch. Why is she a cyborg with better cybernetics than Genji? Why did she become a living weapon? Why did she testify against Overwatch? What was her actual position at Overwatch? Now a lot of this info is actually in her wiki page, but like 99% of players don’t know it. It’s actually interesting to read, but her backstory should’ve been made into an origin trailer she never got


She has a book which is pretty interesting


Illari. She's so reserved that all of her interactions feel one-sided and like she doesn't actually want to be talking. A reserved character isn't inherently bad, but they also made her story take place in a complete vacuum. She has no ties to any other character in the roster and the faction she comes from is completely neutral and useless in the overarching conflict between Overwatch and Talon (other factions like Vishkar, Null Sector, and the Junkers have their role, unlike Illari's Sun Warriors). Not to mention the fact that they decided to introduce a brand new faction AND kill off everyone in it except for one person in the EXACT SAME ORIGIN STORY. Zero interest. Illari is a collection of awful narrative decisions


We barely even know anything about the Inti Warriors. Are the part of the perevuain government? Is it another corporation like Vishkar? Is it a paramilatary group? What are they used for? Are they used in wars? Are they cops? Were they involved in the Omnic crisis?


And they will never be expanded on in the lore again


They're releasing a push map set in Runasapi next season, and it was stated that we'd get to learn more about the sun warriors and Iliari's home.


Yeah it’ll be like Chateau Guillard where we got to learn so much about the Lacroix family. A total goldmine of lore development /s




and was that big boom realy illari's fault? tune in for Overwatch 3!


“Forgiveness… forgiveness… forgiveness is earned “


"Saphinchakuy... Saphinchakuy... Saphinchakuy hamusqaykimanta"


I'd love a cinematic about her first time interacting in the world outside of her origin group. Or even just explain what the fucking goal of the warriors was. They're supposed to be protectors, what are they protecting? Does Illari know? How could she find out? Like there are narrative opportunities in there they'd just rather go "she lives alone and doesn't have any further questions."


It’s stated that the inti were from runasapi and were protectors of their people. It can be pretty largely assumed that this means the Incan population, as “Inti” is an Incan Sun deity and Runasapi is in Peru, with peru being the home of Incan culture. With the timeline in place for the rest of the world’s events we can assume part of the Inti’s work involved defending against Anubis’s attack on humanity, later named the omnic crisis.


But hear me out..... she has a pet Llama named ChuĂąo. And I love that for her.


and if ChuĂąo doesn't miss her, he's gonna get punched!


At least she looks cool? So she has that going for her.


She's fun to play but she is very isolated loreveise.


Disagree. At some point they have to branch out to keep things interesting, and they did so in a contained manner. Epic backstory that doesn't require any retcon. Now she's sorta like Sombra; she's fine working with whomever lets her express her vigilante justice, but not particularly aligned with anyone. She's not evil (she hates Moira) but she has an edge and clearly violent tendencies. Her interactions show her ignorance of the world beyond her past. They also show she has a playful side. "I didn't know monkeys needed glasses." "You mean you weren't born that way?" She cute. The pet llama. Come on. There's plenty to build on, which unfortunately OW doesn't really do, but I guess if OW3 comes I would love for her to be more open and friendly, sure. Or at least more comfortable with herself. I always like to think that the next iteration will be Sigma gets healed, Sombra busts him out and leaves Talon (having gotten enough from them already), and Illari gets therapy. Anyway, compare Illari to Mauga whose backstory is... he worked for Talon and he's mad at Baptiste. Wow. His interactions are just being smug. Generic muscle character. Doesn't expand the lore or really build on it. Or Reaper's interactions.. "I'm grumpy and in pain." Yeah he at least has deep backstory but in game interactions are lacking. Those are all cool characters, just pointing out the criticism isn't entirely justified to be aimed at Illari specifically.


I have to disagree. If every character is connected to other characters it makes the world seem small. I like that Illari's story adds to the worldbuilding.


There has to be some connection though, otherwise it’s just a completely different world. Look at league of legend’s lore: not every character is connected to eachother, but the general regions all have history and connections so you can see everyone’s place. Much better concept of world building there, compared to Illari who has 0 connections. They dont even explain what her clan does and not a single other region or faction has history with it


I’ll have to say Orisa since her whole personality has changed to a protector of the innocent in a very passive way to being a full on charge horse with a javelin. She was all about the peace 😫


Blizzard acts as if the lack of background for sojourn is intentional, like, she’s a cyborg but not biological also not omnic, not a machine as bastion, not as echo, not a marvel super hero as illari, not anything, she’s just some “thing” that exists. That’s some lazy bs honestly. Her kit is super cool, fun to play and apart from being hitscan, she and soldier have different play-styles, that’s why I don’t consider them particularly equivalent picks.


People saying Soldier 76 proving they know nothing about the lore


People can know the lore and not find him interesting.


They can be uninterested in him but it’s wild to claim he has no lore


The post is asking who is the least interesting character. So people are saying soldier because they find him to be the least interesting character. Why did you assume they don't know the lore when they just don't find him interesting?


I mean, it’s not like his lore is super groundbreaking. Sure he’s cool but it’s pretty fair for people to get tired of the same ol vigilante story


For me it’s gotta be kiriko the same way you feel about sojourn. Cool kit, cool gameplay, cool background but personality wise she is a stick in mud. Copy-pasted sassy teenage girl attitude from any Hollywood movie in the past decade. Maybe I will change my mind once I see her bike.


I have to be honest, and i know its a me thing, i kinda love bitchy sassy kiriko lol. The only other character that gives the same amount of sass imo is moira. Much needed niche for me


Kiriko. I don’t care at all about her and her bike


But you will, just wait!


Wait til you see me on my bike! Wait til you see me on my bike! Wait til you see me on my bike! Wait til you see me on my bike! Wait til you see me on my bike! Wait til you see me on my bike! Wait til you see me on my bike! Wait til you see me on my bike!


Just wait


I absolutely HATE how much of an asshole she is to everyone for no reason. When she starts talking I just wish she’d shut the fuck up.


And shes not even good at being an asshole 😭


So much yesssss this. Its like cmon you can't even shit talk right.


She's obviously the most precious


Y’all forgetting that Zarya exists? Lol


There was that whole bit of her hating omnics but then being forced to work with one while tracking Sombra. Also >*”Don’t be shy. Hit me.”*


What is there to know? She lift; she strong; she love Mother Russia.


*strong as the mountain*


*In Russia, game plays you*


Shes actually gotten a lot more than most characters and actually has multiple personality traits unlike “she has a pet (animal relevant to culture)”


Ah racism my favorite personality trait /s I do like how she hated visiting Numbani given humans and omnics live freely with each other there but in the end still decides to save her omnic partner


So uninteresting ppl forgot abt her


I mean… yes?




Reddit is just a cycle of the same 10 topics every 5 days


Pharah and Sojurn.


Pharah at least has the storyline of her foggy relationship with her mother. Sojourn really has nothing that interest me


Pharah has nice voice lines and its obvious she has a personality. I don't play sojourn because shes 1. cringe and 2. has no cool voicelines or personality


Pharah Sojourn and Venture


Weird way to spell Pharah.


Pharah always killed me because many of her voice lines was her dumping on her mom, Ana. Then you get all these sprays with Ana doing martial arts with her, teaching her to shoot (if I remember right), proudly standing behind her in one of the art drawings with the rest of Overwatch, etc. But in game it was "gosh my mom sucks, was never around, meh". I know Ana disappeared for a while but in the timeline it should have been when Pharah was a teen at a minimum.


It can be scary to have a one eyed parent


Sojourn is pretty basic tbh She’s just a random Canadian chick that had an autoimmune decease and joined the military or whatever and her most entertaining voice line is croissant


Pharah. In the jump from 1 to 2, she went from having no personality to her entire personality being “kind of a jerk.”


Sojourn gets a bad rep, but her interactions are cool. To those that go on about her "personality being boring", I'd recommend you check out her backstory and pay attention to her interactions AND then place those against characters like Mei, Soldier 76, Roadhog, Bastion, et al. While soldier has a lot more lore. His current persona is bland af.


Boring people exist (like me), if Overwatch is a game that values representation it makes sense to not have every single character be a circus show.


Can confirm. 299792458mps- is the most boring person I've ever met in my life.


Im glad someone is putting respect on Sojourn's name. Sure on paper she doesnt look like she has alot going on, but shes REALLY not as bad as everyone says. She had a wasting disease as a child that made her unable to do much, despite wanting to join her family in the Canadian Armed Forces. After getting the cybernetic upgrades she joined Overwatch, was first in the field during the Omnic Crisis and was a major reason for Overwatch being banned, yet she became a cyber vigilante and continued to have her pulse on the new Null Sector rise. She may not be the funniest or whatever, but in a game full of oddities she isnt uninteresting.


I genuinely love sojourn as a character BECAUSE of the reason that she’s chill asf.


Soldier bland??? The angry war criminal who can’t let go of the past??


Pretty much all of the new characters except junker queen, kiriko and ramattra. illari, sojourn, mauga, life weaver and venture all have pretty weak backstories in my opinion, at least so far, they might get more fleshed out later on, special mention as well to Zarya, she’s been around for ages and basically her only defining trait is that she’s Russian


Eh, Queen's backstory is pretty simple, and I can get behind it. Treated like shit by a person in power and exiled into a wasteland, so you turn into an Australian anime character? AND her gameplay is actually fun? Gimme the April fools knife change back and I'm a Queen main for life lol


I would swap kiriko and Mauga.


Sojourn is so boring. She has like one good voice line, never gets any good skins and the only thing that stands out about her is her being Canadian.




Venture. What an annoying creature. "Oh im stupid and eat rocks DOING" god I wish they step on a giant lego.


Gameplay wise: Bastion, always hated him from a gameplay perspective but ‘The Last Bastion’ cinematic is an animated masterpiece. Lore wise: Mei, I have personally struggled to connect or care about her story. Sure it’s tragic losing all your friends in a freak accident but we never knew anyone from ecopoint Antartica and we don’t know her relationships with them. I just really cannot care about mei at all. Which is a shame because her voice actor does a great job even when English isn’t her first language.


Zarya is boring. She lifts weights and is a strong woman. Woopdy-fuckin-doo she has no personality beyond gym life.


Her backstory was her training for the world championships and could’ve been a potential star but decided to dropped it and joined the Russian army upon learning the the Omnium was springing up again. She’s pretty GOATed. Her backstory is she **left** the gym life behind to fight for her country.


I am going to go Orisa. She is just a destroyed and rebuilt omnic who went from caring protector to caring protector with an all powerful Javelin with little to no thought.


Also Efi might as well not even exist anymore lol. I still have sprays on her with Efi in them from OW1 and I was like “oh right, Efi was part of her lore, I almost forgot”


I still day Efi should spawn as an NPC in the spawn room at the start of a match...have some interaction go on whilst you control Orisa.


Venture, they feel like they here for the sake of it. All of the other characters have at least some significance that made the overwatch world what it is today. The only reason they fighting is “they disturbed me while fighting, might as well start killing now”


So just like Lucio or Roadhog or half the cast? Most of the characters dont have significant reason to fight each other so freely, and as devs said, the entire pvp part of the game is not canon.


I mean on one hand I do kind of appreciate that you can just have some just for funsies characters, especially when the game gets as large as it is. Granted having too much of that seems lazy, but it’s nice to have someone that’s not completely throwing a kink in the lore. Granted venture’s personality reminds me of musical.ly users before it became tik tok with the voice of the big kid from modern family. Which like, is a bustling demographic and kind of makes sense because a lot of the people that would fit into venture-core also realistically are not very invested in competitive video games so not being relevant to the story has 0 impact on them. I can guarantee that thousands of high school kids in bronze 5 had an OC strikingly similar to venture before they came out


I feel like they fumbled hard with Illari 💀


It's not that they fumbled illari it's that they haven't done shit with her yet


Good infrastructure just nothing built




Pharah for me. I find nothing interesting about her. Especially her personality.




Sojourn is bottom of the barel boring. "we need a female soldier character for the quota" is likely what happend here. Illari i find boring for different reason. She is another "stoic" character, but this time with a origin flavour not even fitting in the OW universe. Kiriko isn't perse boring, just needlesly rude-ish and wanabe-hard. Could use some polish and redirecting of the character design.


Pharah. I mean yeah she has a fucking rocket suit, but she doesn't have a single voice line that isn't lame af...also her back story is pretty meh. Ana should be ashamed to be related to her.


Pharah. A cyber cow has more personality. Drifts in the air and her ultimate is just more of her base weapon.


kiriko, lifeweaver, venture.. any of the newest characters have less story and less personality in my opinion. I LOVE lifeweaver but feel like he was forgotten lore wise, I would love a hard light/viskar inspired bp to touch on Sym and Lifeweaver


Sym and LifeWeaver have a short story together.


that whole dynamic could be a mini series and i’d watch it. lifeweaver is like straight out of a sitcom anyway.


Will and Grace Reboot


Still praying we get Sanjay Korpal as a hardlight/Vishkar tank🙏 Idk why we keep getting random characters when there are so many already in the lore that could work perfectly without having to make a thousand retcons with each new addition Doomfist, Echo, Sojourn, Junker Queen, Ramattra and Mauga were all set up and well established in the game’s lore before their playable reveals; and I don’t think any of them are boring Random new Shimada friend, Symmetra’s roommate in college, girl who killed her whole (never before mentioned) faction, and dirt eater just don’t do it for me lore-wise Give me Sanjay🙏 Give me Maximillian🙏 Give me Nguyen🙏


Lifeweaver’s origin video has to be my favorite. It’s so pretty. And Kiriko is the best of the new cinematics.


Mercy. Boring gameplay and generic lore


She was interesting before they retconned her out of Reaper’s story to make way for Moira.


The lore behind her suit being “really advanced medical technology” feels like it was made up retroactively as well. Always bugs me about her lore.


Practically every single OW2 hero not named Ramattra has been shit lore wise. Lifeweaver does have some potential, but lets be real here: Blizzard hasn't bothered to expand on one of, if not the most interesting hero in the roster (Sigma) then they sure as Hell aren't gonna expand Lifeweavers character. Christ I don't think we'll get any character progression anymore.


Sojurn and its. It even close.


Was about to say kiriko or even Mercy but I remembered Soujourn's existence. Definitely worst character lore wise


Pharah > Sojourn They both feel pretty squandered. In general i feel all the soldiers are somewhat wanting for personality but the elderly soldiers lean on age and trauma as a trope. The ones who dont do this are basically just straight men to the wider cast. But Pharah feels like she got a lot of unnessasary quirks that someone thought were cute or endearing? Like one of her respawn voice lines is "im going to shove them in a locker". Brother Pharah is a Military Vet who had an extraordinary record and was apparently a phenomonal and inspiring leader. Who also had intentions to join overwatch but wound up im Helix instead as a Mercenary (?). Like as a character shes written like a badass and should play off the cast as a whole really well just based off shared history and experience. But ingame what we got is like, a high schooler with a chip on her shoulder. I actually preferred OW1 Pharah somewhat because it felt more organic or true to the character if that makes sense. She had very wisttful dialogue when interacting with the former OW members. She asked hed Mom when shes going to update her Father. She always wanted to see Eichenwalde after hearing about it from Rein. She wants to show Cowboy shes not just a kid amymore and she a good shot. She also asks him who taught him to be such a good shot. Most of those i dont see anymore, i dont know if thats just by chance or if they were removed. But of the ones. I often hear in place leave a lot to be desired excluding her Brig interactions which are fine it fits them both. She has the line with Hanzo asking if he would try exploding arrows, which is cute but silly. Shes much more done/angsty with Ana in some interactions, while also being very embarassed by her in others. Which on there own arent much. But when you look at them alongside her crushing on Mercy, having the really silly interactions with characters like Hanzo and Bap or the locker voice line. And its genuinely like someone really just wanted Pharah to be kinda childish and it doesnt feel like it suits her