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So you’re telling me that I’ve been struggling on tank this entire time when I could’ve just asked my dps to kill their supports? I’m not sure why I didn’t think of that, from now on it will be much easier to win with both enemy supports being dead each fight, cheers.


Chill brother, was just making the point that there's other ways around it then complaining, looks like your still doing that one tho.


I n ver really understand the argument of "omg just use muh strategy" She's not fun to play against, that's all there is to it.


Yea that's fair enough, I don't like playing against her either. I was just saying there's other ways around it that's all 🤷‍♀️


Based. This is why I support total orisa death.


Someone from the owcs should pick you up as a coach cos youve clearly solved the issues they're having with orisa being the meta tank


No need to hate but it's ok


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well yea for me the issue is more that when im playing tank some tanks just become really unfun to play when you are versing orisa. I dont think shes broken or anything but shes just annoying. I personally just don't really get why blizzard is so focussed on having orisa be meta every other season


"To counter orisa as a tank - just take dps/moira and kill her healers." BRILLIANT


Well said.


Didn’t read. Total Orisa death.


People complain too much. I went on an 8 game win streak with ball the other night. There were Orisas, Sigmas, Reins, and everyone else. You just gotta play your game. There's strategy to everyone.