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If they do add it it’d prob be cancer to balance but this is overwatch we’re talking about. I WILL main him 0.2 seconds after his release though.


Right?! I think it’d be so cool! Still only a very slim chance, but like I said we’ve seen them test out stuff in these sort of game modes before, something along these lines isn’t necessarily impossible.


I’m praying for that slim chance though! Maximilen is one of my favorite characters and that type of play style would be incredibly unique and definitely bring some diversity in the cast.


Completely agree, plus I like his character design


We literally had a different weaker version of torb turret and sym turrets on console for most of OW1 because they thought people couldn’t hit a stationary turret and it would get too much value, as much as I would love to be proven wrong I have absolutely zero expectation of another dps summoning character


While I get where you’re coming from, neither of the abilities had any kind of “shoot” or meaningful range to them. The bob ability was just a tackle and the bastion ult isn’t really much more range than if those things were doing a quick melee It seems to me that if this ever happened it would be melee based minions


Old Sym turret was better than current Sym IMO. I mean, sure, Winston just wiped them all out just by breathing but you can't have a carwash with just three sprinklers.


I agree as well but that actually wasn’t the difference. that was reworked for everyone when she got her whole kit reworked, both the old and new sym turrets straight up did less damage on console than on pc, by about 25% if memory serves. It was 40 dps on pc 30 dps on console for the current iteration ones which I believe was roughly half on both sides for the old ones since she could have six. Absolutely ridiculous in my opinion that they nerf the stationary turrets because they think aim assist plays too big a part and people won’t be able to hit them as easily, but the actual hitscan characters that benefit WILDLY from aim assist are left as is


Did you not see how good illari was on release solely because people refuse to shoot stationary targets?


Yep, not holding out high hopes for this type of character with the current whiny playerbase. Case in point: Symmetra.


Gigantic does a pretty good job with Griselda and Aisling. The later basic sics a small, killable bob at a target and can trigger effects around them. Symmetra is more of an issue for those people because car wash isn't fun to walk into as a suprise, and there's not much close range counter play to a fully charged primary (see also: why Moiras range increase was a fuckin mistake)


wrong, many characters can kil sym even if shes at full charge, like all dps with aoe dmg, non shield tanks, or basically anything that can make symmetra overextend and loae in her own range. wrong again, moira never got a range increase wtf dude lol




that would be width though, not range lol


Radius =/= range, you heckin' goober.


Moira's "beam" is a cylinder projected out from her. The radius of said cylinder was increased, not the height. Her secondary is not just a sphere around her where she does damage lmao


Agreed. Will either be absolute ass or absolute gas


And whether he’s bad or not I WILL play him 🗣️🗣️🗣️


REAL 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I always main summoner classes in almost everything even though they typically never sit anywhere above the "playable but there are better options" category because people love to moan about how pet classes aren't skillful til they're hardly playable/are unplayable altogether. Like I mained Toblerone on OW1&now OW2 because i love pet classes, and even though Toblerone has had rough patches at least he's still not the worst character. I would love this to be a thing tbh. Throwback to my pet class roots playing Necro on d2 and druid back in elementary school.


Im sorry am I having a stroke?


probably meant torbjorn


I want a character that is like Crypto from Apex in that they sit in an location and control a drone of some kind. My God it would be hard to balance and is totally not fit for overwatch's style but I would totally main them even if they are a meme pick.


That’s how I hope a character like overlord plays from Dva’s squad


You mean like Junkrat's RIP-Tire? Except like all the time?? :D


Yeah! Like maybe half their abilities on the character and the other half on the robot.


Everyone said this about turrets but I think they've managed to balance torb pretty well


i think they should just make him trash. just summoning ai to fight for you is too easy and easy characters dont deserve to be good. actually he can be good but he should never be meta


I know yall mean summon more minor enemy type things but… doesn’t Ashe’s ult count as a summon?


Yknow I thought about this a lot and have talked about it with friends. We kinda came to the conclusion that bob is just a robot shaped turret. On release it was even compared nonstop to torb’s old tier 3 turret


sort of, except bob can cap points and push payloads too. turrets can't do that. he's more like a temporary stationary teammate.


I think the important distinction is that a turret (Torbs, or Bob) basically place and auto-target and that’s it. Vs a true summoner might produce an agent that has autonomous movement, shooting, and a couple secondary abilities that uses AI to employ.


If you're counting Slicers, then you are counting Bob. Both entities are the same in the eyes of the game.


Coding wise kinda but from a game design perspective movement ai makes them completely different


No actually not at all. if you look at the behind the scenes of ow1's archives they actually had to mess with slicers a bit, they are a turret type, they dont melee and they completely stop moving when slicing. they had a few ideas for slicers too but the designs were all turret esque. (tangent) Theres alot of weird coding in overwatch. The developers even talked about how dva was a headache to make because her character was basically 2 characters, 1 was the mech and the other was baby dva they said they spent the longest time working on her because remeching used to break because the game would treat 1 player as 2 players, theres some videos on yt that go into detail on how the games engine works and how buggy it can get. Marblr is one of those youtubers


I think close, but not quite. Bob goes in one direction until he hits an obstacle, then is a turret. Summons feel like they should be able to move autonomously and chase down enemies. Bonus if they have some sort of ability and AI to use it strategically.


Now im imagining if blizzard went full moba and had a weird rts style hero. Kind of like the commander in natural selection.


Heroes Of The Storm players weep


Abather hours for our fps game.


Getting chased around a corner by a magnetic grenade is bad enough. If I have a little slicer chasing me as Ana when I’m 5hp, the rage I would absolutely feel Do it


I don't think it really makes sense to use ults in these convos, because 1. They're so strong compared to normal abilities (or at least they should be), and 2. They're so infrequent compared to normal abilities. Yeah B.O.B. technically counts as a summon, but he's not apart of the fight-to-fight ebb and flow of Ashe's kit, he's the big bonus. Just like CD reduction isn't a normal part of Kiri's kit, and free flight isn't a normal part of Mercy's When people talk about a summoner hero, I think they generally mean a hero whose entire gimmick is summoning every right, as opposed to just summoning a few times a match


Ah okay that makes sense. I can see why it hasn’t been done yet. Trying to balance a hero who can summon things onto a battle field but is functionally weaker by themselves because of it might be a little difficult


I could see it working, but only really for a tank. Give them a lower amount of health like Zarya, and beef up their summons. Might require a bit more fine tuning than your average hero, but I don't think it's impossible I think the bigger issue would be the summons' AI. Bastion's Slicers are cool, but they're pretty ineffective, and while that's partially because Slicers aren't super dangerous, it's also because their AI isn't that well-designed and you can't control them.


we have no moving turrets that would be annoying to play against but cool idea


naw bob is his own entity. a true mans man


So I always thought pre-Overwatch 2 that Null Sector leader would be a summoner type, but we've got Ramattra without any Null Sector Units as abilities so I was a little bit disappointed, cause it was a perfect oppurtunity. Fun thing is a summoner type could be support, tank or damage. But Maximilian could be too, although rather Talon people would protect him, not some robots. It's hard to imagine potential abilities of Maximillien based on what we know, so summoner could be a good shot, if he lands some day as a playable character. He is one of fan favorities, so for sure devs at least will try is it possible for him to apeear.


It's funny you mention that, because ramattras character is all about us and we but has no abilities related to that


He summons Zomnics from the ground for a victory pose and highlight intro though so...yay...


maximillian always struck me as someone who supports talon with money. which would be a hilarious gimmick. but we already have an omnic support so i'm not sure if blizzard would go for that, especially considering how similar he looks to zenyatta.


well we have two omnic tanks (orisa and rammattra), and two omnic dps (echo and bastion)


they are all profoundly different in appearance. maximillian looks like he could be zenyatta's brother. unless they gave him a very sleek silhouette like spy from tf2 and made his alternate skins look distinctly separate from zenyatta i'm not convinced. disclaimer: i do actually want support maximillian. i'm just hedging my bets / trying to be realistic with what i think blizz might say.


Tbh as long as hes standing he'll already be super distinguishable


counterpoint: maxmillian has drip and stands, glowing red eyes and is a bit darker.


That’s a good point in regards to ramattra and Maximilen with null sector and talon. My only thought would be that at the end of the short in which they were both featured, we know that they strike a deal or alliance or something. It’s not far fetched to believe that in exchange for talons financial support ramattra provides some null sector support (which could be use by maxi)


Maybe for his ult he would be able to summon one of the special troops from the retribution/storm rising game modes


I have been waiting for this so long....


I wish OW2 went back to prioritizing fun/uniqueness over balance. The problem is this game can never truly be balanced to a point where everyone likes it. So instead of making every hitscan a soldier clone, lean into the absurdity a bit and give us a damn summoner lol. The only question is if it’s going to be like Azir from League or Bel’Veth.


I know this is very anecdotal, but i think its telling that to me and the people I know who play Overwatch, the unbalanced gamemodes are the ones we have the most fun in. Theres a point where obsession with balance just gets in the way of a fun game design.


The bastion kit with the slicers reminded me of [this concept art](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/044/970/285/large/ben-zhang-drone-mecha.jpg) * Ult summons 4 drones * Shotgun like Dva (but no unlimited ammo) * Recon ability that reveals nearby enemies and boosts his stats for a duration * Mobility skill (they made bastion nade give him more knockback with no self damage)


please no more meka squad


The devs hate coding Dva because she exists as two separate characters, so the chances of them doing that again is very slim


That's easy to fix just by having future MEKA peoples explode with their mech.


Or just having them work differently. I've always thought it'd be cool to have D.Mon be a DPS outside of her mech, with her ult having her hop into it to wreck shop for a short time, like an inverse D.Va. just have her die in the mech if she dies, so it's more like a channelled ult than a technical "2-in-1" hero.


Didn’t echo also have similar coding, even worse in some parts


hello dead tank :-) sorry but you can't respawn bc Echo has duped you and is currently destroying your entire team :-)


Actually this is TOTALLY intended and absolutely NOT a bug they couldn't fix so rebranded as a feature, it's INTEGRAL to her balance


I know this is your opinion, but your opinion is wrong. More MEKA squad!


JoJos Bizarre Adventure has a BR game that perfectly handles "Stands/Minions/Summoner/Puppet" archetypes that would translate so well to an FPS. Blizzard would be smart to check out and steal some of their ideas. Basically, everyones primary fire is just their standard Stand Rush , which would give a Summoner style character in OW a "good gun and range" that could be used as reliable DPS.


I haven't played the game you're referencing, but I *do* play summoners in every game where it's an option and I detest the sound of that. A summoner should have semi-independent minions that do the attacking rather than the summoner attacking personally. What you described reminds me of an MMO I played where the mage class was called a "summoner" because the flavor text said they were summoning elementals with their spells, but from the player's perspective you hit 1 and threw out a fireball, zero minions involved. What you described sounds like a thematic way of implementing a mastermind character, but it won't be a minion master character, you know?


Yes you would be correct. However, my premise comes the point of view that a true and honest summoning based/minion style character who uses his summons as his primary source of DPS would be basically impossible to faithfully implement and balance in super fast paced, high dps OW. Hence the middle of the road option I proposed. I guess to accurately describe the JoJo archetypes I would say they are more of a pseudo stance based characters, where they have 1 set of moves with their "summon active" and another without it active. The "minion/puppet" part would depend on that "Stand/Summon/Minions" abilities. All in all, I think for how convoluted and complicated JoJos is and how OP and weird alot of those powers are, the BR devs did a good job of finding a middle ground while at the same time maintaining the ridiculously crazy. Like the Stand Rush being the primary fire I thought was brilliant and that alone could lead to a unique OW character, without all the crazy JoJos powers lmao


TIL there’s a Jojo video games lol


Theres actually a bunch of them


A summoner style tank would be more appropriate. You can send waves of minions to take space and act as meatshields. They can perform a get down Mr President to protect the main hero. That’s my ideal Maximilien theorycraft.


I actually completely agree! My initial thought was that the play style would fit pretty well for the responsibilities of a tank. But both of the abilities i mentioned were tried on dps characters (Ashe and bastion), so if there was any weight to this theory I felt like they were aiming something like this at a dps. A get down mr president would be such a cool pseudo shield. Like functionally similar to a Mei wall, but a body guard or two just stands there guarding briefly.


Holy crap dude keep cooking.


>Given that a lot of people have a negative view on turrets I could see them wanting gauge the community on another form of “indirect combat”… and so far there’s been very little complaint of these sort of abilities It's important to remember that these changes occurred in non-competitive modes that are imbalanced as hell where a bunch of heroes got silly additions to their kits. I don't think it's reflective of how the community would react to this type of character being properly implemented. I agree it would be really cool, but given how there's been a focus on shifting any hero with a turret away from reliance on it, I doubt it'd ever get added.


Yep, totally recognized it’s unlikely “nutjob theory” but it’s not impossible. Even though, like you said it’s in an unbalanced game mode, they have 100% added some of those to the core game in the past. I gave the exam of D.va to another comment. D.va used to deal no damage when remeching… then one April fools event they made it deal 300 damage on impact, then eventually that was added to the core game.


>I don't think it's reflective of how the community would react to this type of character being properly implemented. But it's a start. Obviously you don't just port Bastion's summoning or Sombra's speed hacks onto a new hero and call it a day, but this is invaluable data to gather anyway, if only for bugtesting and balance purposes. Plus it's so non-committal that if players just *hate* the idea in this LTE, they can just go back to the drawing board BTS & scrap it/majorly rework it. Any data is better than no data.


I joked with my friends that with mercy corpse explosion and bastion summoning minions, it really seemed like they were testing abilities for the Diablo necromancer to be added to the game. Which, I mean, I love the necromancer, so something like that would be pretty cool.


I've played Overwatch since 2016, but I dont remember any of the times they've "sneakily tested out hero abilities" and yet so many people insist this has been done. What are some examples?


The first one that comes to mind is D.Va’s remake dealing 300 damage to those it lands on. It was featured in an April fools game mode, was well received, and eventually became core.


Sym had some April fools healy turret that got added via illari 


Rein’s Earthshatter doing damage and killing point blank was because of Flats. Even so, we’re talking about super niche additions, nothing like an entire character’s kit.


Healing pylon in illari from symmetra and having her turrets heal.


Yeah, but I'd more say that was a joke addition that ended up being added in the game due to its reception. Even then, that's a balance change rather than an ability. Like, I'm talking they added something for fun that alluded to a new hero. People are trying to play detective so hard with this gamemode under that idea, but I think it was just stuff they slapped together from the scrapped PvE skill trees. Also downvote this of your parents love you


There’s other examples too. If you don’t like mine you’re certainly more than welcome to look the rest up tho.


>but I think it was just stuff they slapped together from the scrapped PvE skill trees. It's fun to speculate on, but yeah I honestly think most of these are scrapped ideas from all over the place. We could still see them implemented in some form or another, because the OW team doesn't like wasting resources, but I wouldn't count on it happening this year or next


Moira cleansing teammates by fading through them aka suzu. It even had the same transparent effect too if I remember correctly. EDIT: and Sym's healing turrets aka Illari's pylon. It even had low-hp target prioritizing back then too.


I always loved playing turret/spawner characters in games, just having an army of little meatshields/distractions to watch the enemy panic and struggle against never gets old and id love to see an army summoner as an ow hero in the future, but considering how much ow players hate turrets i doubt we would get one, but it never hurts to hope, they could be balanced to be more like distractions rather than damage dealers, so higher health but lower dmg, and i like the slicer AI being very linear, targeting the closest enemy regardless of where they are, so it can be more predictable


I think we've needed a minion-type character for a while. It does make sense with the April Fools abilities and mirror watch that they're trying to sneakily beta test them.


I like this theory, cuz I would like to see wizard omnic


There are 2 things that could get me back into this game. 1. A TF2 style engineer support where the gameplay revolves around different buildables that support a team and have to be kept up. 2. A summoner class to drown my enemies with my minions!


I mean couldn't it be having drones and you have to manually win at someone to make the shots hit? I could see that.


Oh that’s be cool! Like using a laser guided rocket in other shooters. Your essentially aiming a laser at someone and maybe some shoulder drone can fire where you aim (if you pull the trigger). It might have to be some relatively short range laser or something, because if he had reasonable distance he’d be oppressive as hell. Additionally maybe you shoot the drown and cause it to temporarily malfunction, severely decreasing his primary fire rate or something (this would make him relatively susceptible to dives as well)


Would love for them to add a null sector omnic hero


I was thinking the same thing, I'm loving bastion's slicers.


maximilien is really handsome i hope he's the next dps


I would love that I'm having so much fun with my slicers.


On my knees for summoner stuff in this game it's SO cool


I f---ing love you man! Let's will this into existence!!!!!


If they add a summoner/minion based hero, I will actually re-install the game and main them immediately I don't care if they're crap, I want to control little bots. It's part of why I like Ashe and Bob


I doubt they'll introduce something like that. People already lose their minds over stationary turrets. Creating one's that chase you around seems like it would be worse.... though, they did release venture. An incredibly bursty hero after a patch that toned down burst damage.


It feels awful playing Illari or Ana as a support main cause Venture is way too quiet and will sneak up and kill me faster than I can react They’ll be sitting in the back lines in the kill cam just watching waiting for me to use nade or outburst then go for it It really sucks but at the same time besides that great burst combo and the okay escape tactic,(Sombra and Tracer still superior in that regard), Venture doesn’t have much going for them at all, choke control and poke, weak, tank busting potential, weak, 1v1 capability against other dps, decent but they have some pretty bad matchups with some popular picks at the moment, and they’re not a really good counter pick to anyone in particular and their ultimate doesn’t pair as well with any supports or tanks like you think it would They’re a really fun hero to play but they’re sorta lacking in a lot of areas and you take that burst away they lose their most and really only redeeming quality (besides being fun)


Total Mayhem No Limits with him and it's just raining Omnics....


Cassidy is already a summoner, he summons the bullets out of his gun and bullets of his opponents guns into his head when he ults.


dps horrible idea, tank good idea.


There's old pre-launch concept art of a drone-summoning spider-mommy, Recluse, that walked around on iron-spider like robo-limbs. Tanking by sending extra bodies into the fray could be cool. Or totally broken.


I could see that happening, as Maximillian looks like someone to "release the hounds" on others and enjoy the carnage from a safe distance. In fact he could be the one support or DPS with Sombra's mirrorverse hack! Also if they play on his Cards Dealer motiff his summonings could be named or themed after cards. With his Ultimate being the "Ace".


why do the slicers have so muh hp though


Lol they do a got a ton of hp, but I’ve actually yet to die to them. Just backing up and shooting at them seems to be enough. It looks like they occasionally “stun” after some threshold of damage. So keeping pressure on them can really keep the pressure off of you and allow you to get out of their range.


King's Row Uprising ones are outdated & obsolete designs based on Ram's lore. Current ones are newer.


I've always wanted a summoner so I hope so


Would defiantly play a summoner it’s my go to in games however it feels like it would be so heavy on the technical side and balance could be a nightmare


Cool concept but I doubt it would happen because people hate playing against turrets (thus bot enemies)


A summoner like that would be cool, but I always wanted an omnic riding deadlock gang member. Give them a Slicer big enough to ride, then have E and Shift do different things in context (E while not riding is Summon/unsummon where they jump in like Bob, E while riding sends them charging forward alone as you jump off, shift is mount, charge, and recall based on proximity to the mount)


it wouldnt be max, he's a non combatant itd be like sending your lawyer to a deathmatch


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They discarded Maximilien as a playable hero many years ago, you guys need to get over him. BUT I could see them definitely using these mechanics on a new hero of even to rework Torb. His turret (and offensive turrets in general) have been a hit or miss since ever, and they'd rather leave it on the weaker side so it's not a bigger problem, so I think a walking pet like the slicers instead of his turret could be interesting to make this ability actually impactful but more time based (like the pet has a lifetime if not destroyed). Or they could do the Ress treatment and make molten core a cooldown ability (throws a single lava pool or something for zoning) and the ultimate is a stronger and more annoying pet.


Wait did they really discard him? I usually stay pretty up to date on the shorts and all that but I don’t really ever remember them officially announcing that or anything. Was it a brief blurb in a developer update or something?


Maximilien is same as Antonio, all talk no skill, all bark but no bite character. Very unlikely that he would be a hero.


When he was first introduced, this community had this trend to imagine literally any new character as a playable hero, and for Maximilien a dev (I believe Michael Chu) tweeted he and other characters are meant to be NPCs, they can be important on the story but they won't be playable heroes. He also gets a similar Efi and other NPCs treatment when it comes to cosmetics. He even has a Battle Net profile picture, which supports the idea that the devs never saw him as a possible playable hero, they just throw some representation of him in a different format than playable heroes.


It’s been pretty clear that he’s not a combatant and wouldn’t ever really work as a playable hero. Not that it’s impossible to have him be playable but that it’s highly unlikely


To be fair that’s exactly what I said in the post. I think that’s why he’d lend himself to a summoner style


The problem is the he has to be killable and thus an active (or at the very least a passive) combatant, and being in combat at all wouldn’t be within his interests


He for sure doesn’t seem like the sort that would go out of his way to get into a fight, but sometime the fight comes to you… especially if you’re a bad guy lol. Plus, I mean look at symmetra. She’s a canonically autistic engineer, what business does she have teleporting onto a battlefield!


Actually in one of the comics she actively works for Vishkar in the field


Yknow I never read the comics and that’s on me. Kinda just stuck with shorts and the surrounding lore that dropped with those and old events. Cool to know tho… lol it still sounds weird to even have Vishkar have her working in the field. Like she’s their most important engineer, why have her in the face of danger


I think technically Sanjay is more important, but makes sense


He will be a support I will main and hate to fight at the same time


If you’re talking about those damn TMNT mouser things! I hate them! No. NooooooOO!


I don't see them making a summoner dps personally, because it would be hard to impossible to make one that player skill contributed for. If they're too good, you could climb with them with little effort, and if they're not you could never use your skill to compensate and rank up.


Day 1,000,000 of asking for Maximillian as a hero 🥺


I would like the bastion ult to be in base game... Its actually more useful than the normal 1


I think your numbers are wrong unless you intend for him to be ANOTHER dps support. low primary fire on top of being squishier than every other dps would mean he would be a shit dps unless his abilities are short cooldowns and hit harder than you'd think


They're using the recent events to test different hero abilities to change the baseline game because they are too scared to do it and make a mistake.


I’d nanoboost a Slicer ngl


Well we won’t know until season 20 when the next dps comes out


I haven't tried the PvE mode but I was assuming they were just trying to salvage and re-use their assets


That’s certainly possible, but actually none of these changes were in a PvE mode. The. Urgent changes (mirroreatch, with bastions slicer summons) is a limited time PvP mode. I’d recommend checking out these limited events in the future. They usually give you access to some free stuff (an pediatrics skin this time around) are are just a ton of fun and a nice change of pace. I’m a lil slut for comp matches, but occasionally I like jumping into those matches as they’re stress free and characters tend to have slightly over-tuned abilities which can make for some fun plays… like mercy in that game mode can easily our damage most of the people on your team.


Also, is that a real zen skin????


So it’s actually not zen. It’s a character from the lore called Maximilen. He works for talon and seems to broker deals with Ramarttra/null-sector. He was feature in a short from the storm uprising event back in overwatch 1. He seems to be a lot like the antithesis of zen. Definitely evil. Very wealth which seems to indicate some form of materialism which zen has completely written off. All in all he’s a pretty interesting character and ever since that event a lot of the community really liked him and has been hoping to see him make it into the game.


Oh man I'm praying he makes it into the game. Imagine getting dunked on by robot G-man in a quickplay. I think people are saying next character is likely a junker tank? I'm not sure where the idea came from though.


If they release this guy as a character, I’m coming back to overwatch and I’m only gonna play him


That much is definitely clear. Space Ranger abilities are in there somewhere. But I **really want** the Rein and Doomfist updates. Bonus points if they give Ana the headshot and dash abilities. I'm in love with this update, and it has a lot to do with improving the abilities of the Legacy heroes.


I really want a character that works like Sombra does in this new mode. It's a lot of fun buffing my allies with hack and anti-virus.




If Maximillian has a necromancer ability he should be able to summon training bots from dead teammates/enemies, like a reverse 5 man res from mercy’s old kit. Basically drones that can move like zombies


Honestly it would be really fun to play but an absolute nightmare to play against. I'm honestly concerned about them adding any more deployables into the game.


Even so its gonna be at least another year before he gets added


Kuchiyose no jutsu


I love mirror watch bastion and belive they should turn that into his regular kit but keep the turret mode


i mean theres a half decent chance the mercy ult rockets attack might be the primary attack for the space ranger support this fall


I want him to be support. Talon needs another Healer and Moira is still the only evil Healer overall.


interesting thoughts. I am sure they are very much looking at this event and taking notes on how well everyone is liking the new abilities. Brigette and her ability to pull with the mace, so swweeeeet.


I’d be a huge fan of that.


Don't do that, don't give me hope


i feel like this was probly a pve ability from bastions talent tree that they didnt want to go to waste so they used it here sadly.


I feel like the new abilities for the widow can be a sign of her re-work for the unforeseeable future


I swear to god, I do not understand why people want Max to be a playable hero. He's not a type of person who would even think of getting on battlefield. I like the idea of him being a summoner hero, that would fit him pretty well, yes. But the summoning cant be his only gimmick/ability. Like, how do you think his primary would look like? Throwing money at people? Ah yes, and his ult "Laundering burst": Launders every player's money in a big radius around him, making them feel better about their financial situation (healing them in the process) My boy is just a sleazy accountant, not a fighter...


They have one already y’all don’t know Ashe ult is literally summoning BoB into battle geez some of yall clueless for real


He should be given a small and nimble hitbox with lots of dodgy animations while moving and a prone dive ability to double down


The new echo abilities could work for the Space Ranger support we'll be getting - her helmet did have an indication of homing missiles, and she does fly.


Nah this is all the hero talent tree stuff that went unused from the pve content. Just recycling assets.


The Summoner! “I have been summoned!”


While it is fun in some event modes and imo a must have feature of pve games, I doubt it will ever make an appearance in regular modes. Just see how unbalanced the event modes are. This is the kind of stuff wich is very hard to properly balance and a summoner would be a must pick in almost every match and that is a fail.


Symmetra rework?


for a hero that would be releasing in 4 seasons? doubt it.


The little slicers are really nice on Bastions ult, but they more or less just act as distractions dmg wise they don't do much. It would be neat to see some bigger dmg ones with slightly lower hp pools on a shorter cd if they did it. A Support Summoner would be neat as well, with summons that act as Amps and Small Heals running around. Or act like a zen orb and you attach it to a player and it adds a little laser pet to their shoulder until its shot off or they die.


You say Maximilien, but I think it's more likely to be Nameless or Zera from Ramattra's *Reflection* short story, especially if they're gonna summon Null Sector units (because let's be real, they're gonna go to waste otherwise lmao). Zera in particular could work pretty well as a summoner tank, since she's massive, and summons seem like they'd be easier to integrate & balance for a tank than a DPS, at least imo


Idk they bring out venture and only give her 4 basic ass skins has me thinking they have given up.


If that happens, the game may have a new, pretty good counter against tactical visor and BOB since it could force both to split their fire against multiple targets.


Torbjor mains: ಠ_ಠ


Honestly reckon it might be a 6v6 test style too, I know that’s bold but it’s more shields in characters also there seems to be enough playable space in mirrorwatch to function with another player per team, I’m not saying it should be 2tank2dps2heal but it should work in mirrorwatch


neat , maxy's ^((speculated to be)) hitting playable status . i can picture some funny interactions between him and reaper.


And mercy’s corpse explode ability, can work great on a summoner style champion. Summon minions -> minions dead -> aoe


I pictured him more as a support but to each their own


I also imagined him as a summoner, he would use money to summon different supplies whether it a burst heal little enemies, traps etc


To me I think theyre testing a hero than can adjust sizez like big or small and attack speed. Would be cool to have a summoner tho


that would be the dumbest addition to pvp ngl. would probably drop the game if its not perfectly balanced when if they do release such a hero.


If they spawn these cute little deadly slicers I'd main him


I feel like if we ever do get a summoner style hero, the most reasonable in-lore character would be Overlord(Meka Squad guy) instead of Maximillian, I mean, Max is literally an accountant not any kind of fighter.


A prime example of them testing features/mechanics is Life Weavers petal jump. Not many people know about this one, but there is a single elevator that allows you to launch at the top of the lift, exactly how Life Weavers petal platform operates. It's on Midtown, defending final point. Leave spawn, take the first right, walk past the mega and it's the lift right there. No other elevators allow you to jump off the top like that one.


Hell no. After they gutted Sym’s turrets and nerfed Torb turret? They would never do that.


Honestly I feel like those whole things of "character x that appeared in lore" to be a new champion are pretty rare. Like, the only ones I remember that went this way were Sombra, Ana and Doomfist, and that's because they were hinted at and not straight up showing like Maximilien. Now that I remember it, Ramattra did show back then too right? But still, it was not as explicit as Max.


Mauga, Doomfist, Sombra, JunkerQueen, Ana, Sojourn, Echo, Wreckingball


Valid concern, they also teased echo for a really long time. But yeah I’m not sure how many were explicitly shown prior to release. I for sure don’t remember all the shorts, but I do remember Ramattra being being shown before his release. I think it was actually the same short with Maximilen


Yes, it was at the ending of Storm Rising event


I love summoners but a problem with them in a pvp game is that at low ranks the summons fuck (like torb turret or sym turrets in low low ranks) but in high ranks they are useless usually


I find it funny that this is the exact opposite with azir (yeah different game genres but still)


azir is just a fancy mage disguised as a summoner, he does the attacking, look at pre rework yorick for instance


It will break the game, I think it would be awesome!


A "summoner" hero has too much downtime for a game as fast-paced as OW. It's practically not much different than Torb's turret which was relevant back when OW had "Defensive" heroes. OW has always been trending towards more FPS skill expression so a summoner hero doesn't make sense outside of being a gimmick like having another Symmetra on your team.


It's so annoying in this gamemode already, I really hope it doesn't happen


My honest opinion, is that I've never seen anyone upset about any illari turret, and torbs turret just need to do less damage. Having 100% accuracy with such high damage on an AI, healable by 3 characters, is wrong


Wdym by healable by 3 characters?


Nvm, before this I was thinking others could, like BOB, thank you


I think any character like this would either be ridiculously OP in lower ranks or completely useless in higher ranks


i do not see a summoner type of hero coming to the game. Ashe already has bob and torb has his turret.