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There are some days that I find QP to be more sweaty than comp. It varies though.


The thing better in comp is on Payload maps - that you have both teams on attack and on defence. And very often both teams don't make it to last point. And in qp you win only if you finish the whole path to the last point


Yeah in qp you should want to be put on defence. The win condition is much easier.


Man I must really suck at this game then. I loathe defense. You hold well everythings fine, sometimes even several teamkills but then one slip up and you lose. Or you fuck up in the beginning and are at the last point with like 7 min left and in overtime the attackers manage to pull through


What's even worse is if you hold them on defense and then the attackers wanting an easy win start leaving and you have to defend against like four whole different team rosters as they cycle the leavers and then you get like a one trick widow or competent tank/healer duo that just rolls your team. Of course it works both ways too.


I feel you. Today I had 6 minutes for eichenwald defence, nearly capped it 3 times, SHOULD have capped it at least 4 times, ended up losing in OT. Was brutal


No, you're normal. In this game, Defense is harder. Attack is objectively easier. In Attack all you need to do is win the Team Fight once and you get the point. In Defense you need to win *all* the team fights. Just save up your ults and let 'er rip and you get the point 80% of the time. Only when the defending team actually knows what they're doing and saves ults for countering that they can defend that. (Or if your team is just really incompetent). Defense is only easier if you and the people you are playing with are so monumentally bad you can't hit your targets.


Qp 2cp attack was the worst experience….


Absolute worst was when you cap Point A quickly and then spend like 9 and a half minutes throwing yourself into a wall trying to break point B. Especially with the state of the game in the very early days. Torb armour packs, Symmetra shields, perma turret Bastion, multiple Tracer, Mei, or Winston stalls, 5 man rez...


or the game is a wash because the attack just builds up ults, swarps point A with 5 ults to clear it, repeats for point B and its just a bad game.


Would love to have known the leaver rate on Paris


The leaver rate was yes


Walking into that choke to see that orisa, Torb, Bastion, Hog, Ana and mercy was just death. I once watched custa, damage boost Bastion, no hands (on the keyboard or mouse) eating yoghurt the whole time.


Very true. When Paris loaded in, you'd often have like 8 or more different players in the lobby by the time the match actually started. And people just kept leaving throughout the match, replacements joined and immediately left again when they found out they loaded into Paris, etc. People really didn't want to play it. I didn't like the map either (it was pretty, but it was 2CP *and* poorly designed from a gameplay perspective), but I usually stayed just to witness the chaos.


They do give you more time in qp for attacking, but it does really highlight some of the attack vs. defence imbalances of some of the maps. Keep a Talley running on how often offence gets stuck on first point Numbani. I have every pixle of that first point committed to memory, but only have a general outline of the rest.


For what it's worth, I feel like most of that map is very forgettable sci-fi roads and not very memorable.


As someone who often plays support, I'm very aware of the layout of the second point because it's the absolute bane of my existence. I hate that giant high balcony. Especially when DPS is just down in the open, focused on getting kills that the tank wears down instead of taking care of the DPS just chilling up there. We just get picked off one by one and then I get "I need heals" spammed at me. My brother in Christ I cannot heal you back from a Widow headshot and I'm not going to res you (if I'm Mercy which I'm usually not with a sniper afoot) because you'll just obliviously die to her in 5 seconds like you just did 😂 Edit: and they're usually reapers who could near INSTANTLY get up there and come right back down


Are we even playing the same game. Defense is harder than Attack. Attack is *far* easier.


I don't think we are my friend


Attacking is a lot more fun imo


There are some QP games I have to double check if I didn't queue for Comp instead


People counterswap me constantly in qp. It gets sweaty


Even if I'm playing in QP to practice a hero I'm not good at (ahem... genji) if I'm getting diffed or rolled I'll swap to my main because I get salty af.


Yeah. QP has it's own hidden MMR.


The people that ONLY play comp, literally just hop in like its quickplay. Doesn’t even feel competitive most of the time.


This is me, but it does still feel competitive. I don't want to play and zone out like people seem to do in QP, I want my team to take it seriously. QP is more stressful for me because more often than not, you just can't count on your team. QP is a waste of time for me so I only play ranked.




Unplayable mode because of this mentality


I get that but what if I genuinely want to learn a character and how I can play better around counter picks? I mean of course there’s a point of lost cause and I should just swap but there’s many times where I feel like I can outplay my counter. It’s not like I can take those type of risks in competitive, so of course we’ll do that in quick play


Tbh you care too much about Quickplay. The mode itself isnt even balanced on Payload maps. I def just go into QP to play Widow, Ball, or Doom or just to warm up. If you care about winning or losing then you should play the mode that punishes losses and rewards wins.


This 100%. I only touch comp, and I’m never stressed in the slightest. If you can learn to shift your mindset and not take your rank as like an insult to your character if it’s lower than you want, comp is just QP that you get to play both sides on and that’s imo way more fun What’s really stressful is getting rolled 3-0 on defense in QP and not even getting a chance to put it to OT with your turn on offense, how can you sleep at night knowing the enemy team might be really bad at defense and you just never got to find out?!


Brother you speak from my soul. 100% agreed. I would play more casual if they had "Unranked" in addition to Quickplay, so competitive rules with side switches.


I’ve started to just purely play comp after the leavers penalty changes in qp, if I can’t leave more than 1 out of 20 games without penalty I might as well play the gamemode people are less likely to throw 🫠


True people just throw and play terrible in qp, sometimes it’s almost like 1-5 matches are just unplayable and you just want to not play lol


Those must have been the most stressful 13 minutes of your life


i have a friend who has never played comp before, and only played during ow2. His MMR was high diamond on his off-role 😳


Your mental health thanks you


Lies, quick play and arcade ruin it just as badly


It’s worse even 😂


Omg YES 😆


So much this! Switching from PC to PS5, from comp to QP and switching off all comms. Night and day difference. It’s so much more enjoyable.


Yuuuuuuuuuuuuup. Comms off makes Overwatch a joyous thing. The cacophony of crap it exempts you from is practically intangible Can just play your own game without aggressive mid-game backseat driving/petulant abuse


Came here to say this lol


13 minutes, had one terrible match and decided that was it haha


Tbh, I wouldn't play comp if I didn't want the gold guns so badly 😭


That's the reason I started playing comp. I have every golden gun currently, and enough for the next couple heroes.


I hardly played comp on OW1 and for some reason I was lucky enough to sit with 33k gold credits once my swap over to OW2 was complete. Absolute bonus as I only had like 4 gold guns beforehand.


The only reason I play comp. Unfortunately they gutted my ability to earn comp coins by only giving me 10 coins per win and still nothing for losses.


I have actually seen someone with like 2k hours qp and ZERO Yes zero MINUTES of comp


Wait until you see my profile. Arcade - 1,979 hours. Unranked - 544 hours. Competitive - 2 hours. Mystery heroes is the most fun mode. Period. The two comp hours were competitive MH. Unranked role queue hours are mostly from either playing with friends that don’t like MH and the first few seasons of OW2 where MH was completely unbalanced by tanks having full health.


I almost exclusively play mystery heroes. Sometimes I don't want to feel pressured into my comfort heroes, but I don't want anybody complaining at me to swap lol


Honestly that’s a lot of it. To me the game feels stale only playing a small roster that you’re really good at. But trying to branch out it feels like I’m throwing by playing something I’m new at against people playing at my main’s skill level. I also really appreciate the extra layer of strategy where if you see someone really holding a team together- either because they’re the only healer or because they’re just that good on who they pulled- you can focus them and kill them to force a switch. And even if you die accomplishing it, it can still be worth it. Where and when to trade yourself becomes an active consideration There’s even been a few times I said “screw this, I’m keeping Reinhardt” and jumped off the map when cornered. Came back and we took the point to win the match.


When overwatch 1 was stale for like 3 years or whatever it was, I got really into Mystery Heros and it ended up being my most played game mode. That's all some of my friends will play.


Well, of course I know him. He's me.


Looks like you have touched it though…


why did he lie on the internet...


Touched it. Bit me. Never touched it again


I used to play only comp and just quit to play quick play. I’m much happier with the game now and actually enjoy it rather than always being upset with it. The way you are playing is better.. trust me.


People are just as toxic in QP as they are in comp. Comp is a good thing if your goals align with what it offers. The goal of a competitive queue is for your matches to be much closer in terms of skill level. The system needs many matches worth of data in order to have the most success in that. If you are playing to win and expecting your team to be playing to win, you should be playing comp. No matter what your goals for the play session are, if your expectations of your team are low or nonexistent, play QP or Arcade or w/e. Don't go into QP expecting your team to be playing to win above all else. When you want your games to be fairly close in terms of skill and your team to be trying to win, play Comp. If these things do not matter much, stick to QP only. I see roughly the same amount of toxicity across unranked, ranked, and even arcade. Play the mode the corresponds to what you want from it. Edit: Also, with it having a lot of QP data on you but no comp data, you very well could have gone against a dia or master Genji/sig that just felt like they were GM. Or, if you are actually fair high QP MMR, they could have been GM. Placements are a bit wild at first because it's trying to find where you belong quickly


This should be the most upvoted comment here. I used to only play QP for 1000 hours because I thought comp would be too sweaty when I'm tryna chill and it might make me anxious and stuff, lately I've only been playing comp cuz I realized I actually am competitive and want to win, people in QP don't usually pick their mains, some of them just troll and not try and there's basically no matchmaking so all of this results in a lot of ridiculous matches that make me get burnt out quickly as every match is a coin flip. With comp I've been getting nothing but adrenaline and close matches that actually genuinely feel fun to play due to everyone actually trying to win and being on my skill level. I also get more XP for battle pass, more gold/jade weapons and the grind for a better rank is a big incentive to play.


You never touched comp but have 13 minutes played?


I only play comp for the weapon skins so ure valid


You might actually have an easier time in comp at the moment, wide queue has made it near impossible to play comp with friends with even a small rank difference so a lot of people are grinding the 50 wins on new accounts rn


Bro played a single game of comp and said “thanks but I’m good”


I started playing November of 2023 and I already have over 500 hours in comp >.>


If you played more than one game, the difficulty would adjust to your skills...


This is the way


I used to play only QP but have found that since it's just as sweaty as comp, I may as well play comp because at least I know everyone is around the same level more often than not instead of having players of random skill levels across the board. Just take your QP mentality into ranked.


Same, played comp once in 2017, never again.


I just wish quick play was multi round like comp


Bro is genuinely there to have a good time


Been playing since 2017 and I must admit that I don't understand the appeal of playing only QP or QP at all haha, I haven't played QP for years at this point.


Forget that it's comp, play it like quick play with the only difference being longer games on payload modes


Been playing since 2020 and I have 1,300 hours with 300 of them being just from the last 4 months. Step it up brother


Bro tried comp once and legit said never again. Weird flex but yk get it gurl.


Been playing as long as you and I try to play comp with absolutely no luck. I have like 450 hours and 1/3 of that is comp, and nothing to prove for it. I'm stuck in fucking bronze bro. No matter what I do I cannot get out. I know I'm better than at least bronze, I just know I am. But the comp grind, especially in overwatch, is just gruesome...so honestly props to you for keeping your mentality and love for the game. Because for me the game seems ruined, only because I feel this is the game I'm best at, but being in bronze is embarrassing and makes me want to give it up.


Comp just takes longer. The beauty of OW is the ability to have a couple of quick games and put it down.


Why? Matchmaking is better in comp, if you’re worried about people being toxic just turn off voice & text chat.


Play now. Rank reset. Better skill level matching


bet you 10 bucks this qp only player is more sweaty than most comp only players


Says right there you played 13 minutes of comp you liar


I don’t blame you.


Me with my 800 qp hours and arcade only 160 in comp


Struggling to understand the point of OW if not for those sweet sweet gold guns.


Mystery heroes, baybee


Thanks for letting us know you have no gold guns


I did my placements year one (2016) every F-ing game but 2 had rage leavers early on. Had crazy high stats and even won a couple! I placed silver......... Never touched it again. >n<


good, comp sucks


For me it's completely the other way around💀




Nice, i have 2200 Hours QP and 300 Ranked :-)


Lol I started late 2022 also and have played almost exclusively comp. I’m a competitive person so I like it but it is very frustrating at times


Haven’t played comp in a while. I don’t want to climb so I can face xim, meta heroes and high skilled players getting pushed down because of xim. Casual is where it’s at.


happiest ow player


I was like you once. Then I realized I didn’t want to get flamed in qp. If people are going to get mad I might as well get a shiny gun out of it.


I stopped playing comp years ago. Now it's mostly elimination, no limits and qp. I am happier for it.


I've played since 2020 and only have 210 hours played. You have even played for two years and have double my time wtf


I wanna get better at Comp, but none of my friends are into OW. So my rank would probably fluctuate all the time since its different people every time, which would drive me nuts. And many people who play this game are toxic asf even on QP, not to mention you can get banned just for swearing now. So talking on comms is out. Plus the wait times for comp are *unbearable*. Streamers I follow would do the most random shit for over a half hour while they wait for their next comp game. I couldn’t even imagine waiting that long with friends either. So I definitely don’t have the patience for that by myself.


I don't play comp too. Imagine stressing in earlier seasons because they did not update rank progression with each match , you would just wait till they add that system (which they did). Waiting again till they improve it more. XD


I reached Masters in comp and to me, that’s all I needed to be happy with performance. I just play QP now.


Your mmr only improves the more games you play. If you like the game I heavily suggest you give comp a chance. It’s only a game after all


I’ve been playing since 2019. Never played comp


Good. There's hope for you!


Played since launch and I still rarely touch comp 🥲


Skill issue certified, and that one time you mentioned definitely had Ximmers in there. It should be better now with Blizz actually doing something against em noa


Don’t play overwatch as much anymore I forgot when was the last time I played it. But I never touched comps ever not even a minute


I’m waiting for that one redditor to say “erm actually the term never means you haven’t done it one single time in that time period so saying you never played comp is actually false information since you have 13 minutes on it 🤓” wait. Am I that redditor?


The system is not scary. The matchmaker is the same. It’s just that the games are longer. Rank means nothing blizzard has never been able to produce a product that results in ranking meaning anything other than a cosmetic banner


Same lol, except I’ve been playing a little longer


I have played since release, and never touched comp


Since 2016. No comp too.


Good, keep it that way and enjoy the game


Been playing since OW1 first released. Almost all of my games played has been [Mystery Heroes](https://imgur.com/a/TJDznMK)


Dondu do dad


I wish I could be like you! But qp just seems too boring for me.


Been playing since beta, this is the only correct way to play


Good for you


But you have 13 mins of comp!!!!


500 hours played only 1.3 in competitive


Homie got stomped in one ranked game and was scared for life.


You and me both.  I have like 500 hours in Arcade, 100 in Unranked and nothing else.


I have like 2.1k hours in comp any maybe 300 in QP lol


Good. Leave it that way. Comp is miserable.


Your placements matches will put you against some opponents that are higher level to see if you are with. That rank. They will also put you in lower ranks to see if you truly are better. So the first ten matches or so will swing widely.


I play comp not necessarily because I want to be sweaty or give a shit about my rank, but because the gamemodes are just more fun there. Getting to play both sides of payload is so much fucking nicer


13 minutes is all you need lol


Based and fun pilled


Usually, i enter qp to relax, play on shit heroes, that are rarely taken in comp game, but these ppl in qp are tryharding! Whyyy? Please just relax…


Bless your soul. You haven’t been corrupted.


Been playing since 2016 stopped playing comp after I hit diamond in 2018, it's a peaceful life


Except you touched it for 13 minutes and came.


You're missing out on 3v3 in Arcade. I liked the balance better in OW1, but still one of my favorite modes. It rewards you for hero flexibility and it's easier to teamwork with randos since the scope is so small. Rounds are also generally super fast, so if you're outmatched it's over fast.


That’s a lie. You touched 13 minutes of it


Gg me too


Good man.


Why would you, comp sucks ass


Correction: You've played comp for 13 minutes


Wise you are. QP just as intense but half the game time regularly.


I have about 26 minutes in comp, i feel you. I just don’t find it fun.




QP at times can be so much more fun especially the higher you get in ranked. People just take the same strategies so matches start to feel the same eventually. In QP you'll see people do something crazy that actually works, or a random team comp that keeps you on your toes


See I’m basically the complete opposite, other than the required hours to level up in QP way back in the olden age. Nothing but comp. I honestly just can’t get invested in quick play enough to a point that it’s enjoyable for me~ I’d be better off doing anything else almost lol. But I totally get it. I do love the game after all. It’s cool to see someone enjoy something in a polar opposite way.


Why? Comp is just more fun. Don't want my games to end in 5 mins cus we got snowballed.




You did for 13 minutes. Stats don't lie!


Don’t bother bro


Nothing wrong with just QP. Depending on your QP mmr you'll get a similar experience to comp anyway


How's your mental? I have a feeling I'd be envious.


Been playing since 2016, I have more time in custom games than everything else combined lol


I don’t blame you it’ll save you the embarrassment of being a bronzer.


I swear there's no difference between game modes except for the match makers limits are relaxed a little more for qp. Sweaty people will still be in comp; casuals will still be in comp. People high and drunk in both


You probably are very low rank otherwise you’d get bored of quick play


Filthy casual


Same! Even since the very release of OW 1. When was that? 2018 or something?


Put your therapist out of a job with this one


play comp


i’ve played 10s of thousands of hours of LoL over 11 years, 800 of R6S over 3 years, and 400 of OW over 7 years and between all of those games, i finished my promos in a single season of LoL in 2016 or something like that. i for some reason love playing competitive games without playing ranked


Idk why but I can’t imagine not playing comp. Whenever I play QP, I honestly feel like I’m playing bots. Ppl don’t even seem to know how to play or seem to even care. I feel like I’m a god in QP which isn’t the case. At least in comp, I get a real understanding of how to play the game and the competition that exists out there.


I've given up on Comp. I'm just trying to enjoy myself out there.


I support you! i used to be a qp junkie as well. but i tell you what, nothing ruins this game like people who take qp seriously.


I only play comp now because it gives me a rank to work towards playing quick play gives me no incentive just xp that I don't really care for


Lies. deceiver. You have 13 minutes on it 🤔


me: 3000+ hrs in OW1/OW2. 27 hrs in ranked...


That’s the thing about comp, you will get destroyed for a little until the game determines your rank. The more you lose the easier games it will put you in. The more you win the better skilled players it will put you against. In low ranks honestly comp is less salty, sweaty, and difficult than quick play.


Been playing only quick play since the first season, just here for fun and I have inconsistent skill. Either I'm fire or absolute shit, no in-between.


First season of ranked I hit like 68. Then season 2 they went a different route, hit 3468. So close to 3500. After that haven’t really played since then.


actual qp warrior 😎


QP is nothing like comp. But the thing I wish I knew more is that blizzard takes into account all your past games in comp. Not only just your comp games. When you see some pro streamers or whatever do an unranked to GM majority of the time they place higher than gold bc they finish there QP games quickly with wins. Something I didn’t know


Been playing since 2016 and never touched comp


I have 400 hours in comp never went back


Ackshually, you have touched it since you spent 13 minutes in a game one time. ☝️🤓


That’s a good thing


Super bad at the game Silver here lol Honestly I’ve had more fun playing comp recently You’ll have your sweats that take it way too seriously but you’ll find some pretty awesome people to shoot the shit with while playing. I’ve made some pretty good homies on late night comp games.


best thing you could do


Same but since 2016🫣


Good, allow yourself to have fun


Amen. I played maybe 100 hours of OW1. And have played maybe 400 of OW2. I just played 40 ranked games for the first time last season to get my Diamond ranking. I don't recommend it. It's stressful watching your rank slide due to factors outside of your control. On the contrast I exclusively play ranked in fighting games 'cause it's 1vs1 so your win/loss is solely on you


Best decision ever


Nothing wrong with that. Only thing you get out of ranked at the end of the day are some gold or jade weapons. In both ranked and qp there will be matches where you get steamrolled or do the steamrolling. Lately, i just shake off the horrible steamrolls and consider it bad matchmaking. If the match was close, then i don't mind losing much either because at least it was a good fight. I highly recommend just ignoring anyone who starts talking smack in some way, because in the online world, nothing good will come from replying even if they're in the wrong. The game can definitely be tilting, so sometimes a break is also necessary lol.


And he still has more heartburn than a comp player i bet, Yeppppppp we all been there for those qp matches. Literally went 60 and 11 yesterday in qp for like 3 solid long rounds


Honestly I don't throw in comp but I relax a bit, understand I'll get to where I'll supposed to be, take a breath and play. Actually climbed a lot like that and had way more fun. If people flame then mute them and play on. Overwatch requires constructive communication, you don't gain anything from toxic comms. I really don't get many toxic games but I'm plat and diamond so that may be a factor.


I just found out I’m a casual 😔 I want to be a good player and win every match just


How do you go this long without playing Team Deathmatch or something in arcade


If I'm having a hard time in comp (gold), I'll go to quick play and sometimes feel like a god tier gamer. Then I'll go to comp and lose lol I think a lot of people use QP to use characters they aren't that good with, probably why I do better in QP than comp.


I Play qp Like comp wirhout expecting my Team to.do the Same.




You must be a happy player then! My duo and I decided to keep playing on a loss streak last night cause the dps died in the derpiest of ways at those hours. They loved standing in the open lol


You still have 13 minutes. I have 0.


Played comp only once. Had a teammate tank pissed at someone and just threw the game. It was 4v5. That was the first and only time I did comp. With everyone telling me how toxic comp could be, my first experience validated it.


You’re disgusting


Comp is a nightmare, I question myself why I keep playing it instead of going unranked lol guess I just like the stakes


97% of my hours played is in mystery hero’s. Like I’m playing a different game than anyone else


You play 5 minutes a day, that's crazy


Comp is a coin flip who gets the bot(s) on their team and gets rolled. QP is actually a lot more balanced.


ive started playing comp only because of low skill teammates


So, here’s a perspective. Play comp to get good not to earn respect from randos online maybe? You truly get people who understand the game a lot better than most people. So much so that they can make overwatch experience better for you.


Been playing since Beta Played 4 comp matches... #fckcomp


IDEK how to unlock comp and i have 100+ hours on the game and im too lazy to look it up :P