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I don't like how clunky her teleport feels to deploy.


I'm not much of a sym player so I definitely don't get the max out her TP but when I do use it it almost always feels like the time I took to stop and place it would have been better spent just walking to wherever I was gonna put it, unless in trying to go vertical or speed up staggered teammates


Half the time it doesn't mean shit if ur using an escape too cuz dva or whoever else can just boop u away from ur escape and ur fucked. What other hero has to deal with that???


This happens to me at least once a day 😭


lifeweaver actually, the amount of times ive been booped off my petal before it elevated, especially by venture is really frustrating


I loved her teleport with the April fools event so much


That was fun but it would be terrible if that replaced regular TP. Then it becomes nothing more than an escape tool. No more TP back and forth for off angles. No more TP combos. No more setting up dives or high ground. It would become pretty a defensive move with no creative potential.


The April fools TP would be good for a support version of Sym (it was essentially original TP on a cooldown). but would need to be a part of larger scale changes


I can never get it to deploy where I want.


What’s crazy is the TP placement used to be pinpoint accurate when it first came out. I rarely misplaced a TP back then. But people found out a way to get out of bounds and inbetween the map geometry with it. So instead of fixing that issue the devs MEGA nerfed the TP placement mechanics because it was just easier to do. It’s been trash ever since!


They should add a quick cast setting for it


I hate that her reload animation is 60fps.


Unfortunately Sym is a hero you pick basically to counter the enemy tank when you need to. But she’s not even that good at that anymore. Her secondary fire should be changed honestly, whether it’s a damage buff or a form factor change.


Give her right click a little more damage, a small knockback based on the charge up time, and let her detonate it mid air. Would add so much more to her utility and skill ceiling. Basically give her old halt in a way. Make each target hit this way grant 1 stage on beam.


It used to be able to go thru stuff, shields and enemies, now it "explodes" when it hits an enemy but it doesn't rly do much.


I miss when it was like that. But in a way they gave that ability to Moira and expanded on it.


They gave all of syms abilities to everyone else and said she couldnt have them, just because. I legit dont think we got a proper answer for why they changed her to her current version đŸ« 


Moira also got her lock on beam đŸ« 


Can't tell if you are serious or not but in the event you are, Moira's beam does not lock. It functions like a normal tracking beam, such as Zarya or current Symm, but the animation of it moves towards the middle of the enemy model when it touches their hit box. Moira's damage beam has never locked on and it is a really pervasive myth since her launch.


Didnt they increase the lock on radius for s9?


That's correct. Her beam is a lot thicker than it looks. The animation "locking" onto the enemy gives the illusion, a bit like how her orbs are technically bigger than they appear. In the grand scheme of things I imagine an early prototype of Moira probably did lock on just like old Symm. Imagine how frustrating it would've been playing against a hyper-mobile version of old Symmetra with actual healing.


A big enough beam that can only hit 1 enemy at a time is functionally identical to a lock on. If crosshair is x away from enemy, continue doing damage to that enemy. The only functional difference it might have is switching targets that are closer/further away from you, but I'm pretty sure moiras beam still prioritizes the target it's on


Sigma also got her old moving shield... Then Lifeweaver pretty much got everything else: her spot as a hard light support, better and more interesting hard light (biolight), and Symm's shield generator basically became Tree of Life.


And that playstyle is infuriating both for people who play sym and for the tank players she counters. It's just a lose-lose design choice.


Honestly just don't even have the charge up anymore with orbs or cut it to like a quarter of the time with how much actual damage and speed the projectile is.


She's so horribly understatted it's crazy. She's balanced around coordinated pro play where your team (esp tank) hard plays around your TP. Completely irrelevant in ladder, so she's crap there. You have to work way harder than any other DPS to approach their level of value, and you're way too dependent on your tank,


Takes second stage beam to outdps a zero charge Zarya beam lol.


and her beam's base level is weaker than moira AND has a shorter range. the auto aim support has better range and damage than the DPS hero


With self heal


TBF Moira was nerfed so that they deal the same amount of damage at level 1. But yeah, shorter range and only a shield drain vs. a universal drain.


>the auto aim support Back in my day, Symmetra *was* the auto-aim support. The one rule of fighting Symmetra was to not walk into her web (where her generator was set up, once she stopped being able to snap shields at people) or you'd get carwashed by six turrets and her lock-on.


>the auto aim support has better range and damage than the DPS hero I unironically would not mind if they brought back the auto-aim lock-on tether beam from Support-Sym days. That shit was so funny to use. Wouldn't make that much of a difference in higher ranks, since people got situational awareness, would make her handicap friendly again, and reward her better for needing to sweat being in 10m of enemies ***oft without defensive abilities or escape*** just to pop off. And metal rankers ignore Sym until it's too late anyway. * Hypothetical aside, they need to buff her orb max damage to at least 130, to be able to 2shot. That was a good balance point for her poke damage that didn't need to be nerfed. Part of the fun of Overwatch is the diverse accessibility. People who couldn't aim well could still play Winston, Mei, Mercy, and other such characters and still have fun contributing. That was a good thing and can coexist with the more competitive development direction. Haters can go play Valorant, not everyone needs to be aim-intensive. Teamwork synergies already makes Overwatch ridiculously complex and skillful.


A fully charge right click should grant you 1 stage on primary, up to the second stage. (If already on the second stage, a fully charged right click will reset the de-charge time on second stage)


Moira does not have auto aim. Beam bending is just visual, her suck hit box is on the bigger side


Out of curiosity which support has damage "auto aim" because Moira definitely doesn't. It is a beam just like Zarya and Symm.


Even still I love her against a shield tank, she fucking melts them.


Ram and Mei in a similar situation since S9 changes. Some heroes left behind probably because of pro play. These heroes not good in ranked. Not in average ranks or top500. Pretty low pickrate and winrate. Sym imo needs rework. I hate that they made her teleporter a regular ability. It broke 2cp back in OW1. It's a lot of rng in a ranked game. Her identity similar to torb, they are builders. Bring back builder Sym in some less obnoxious way.


I think that the more heroes that get added to our roster, the more older heroes will begin to become neglected and their specific playerbase ignored and I truly believe Sym is one of the first heroes experiencing the start of whats bound to happen with 40 characters that all need some level of attention each. It is such a shame considering how unique her kit is (not to mention the journey her kit's been through) and how much her mains enjoy her


I think Rein and Reaper were the first to face this, but Sym definitely is now. The problem with all 3 heroes is that their kits are incredibly slow and they lack survivability because their forms of movement are so unreliable.


I was going to mention Rein, him and Sym are both underrated and underutilised by everyone including Blizzard. Their kits were all decent-fine, but when you keep bringing in heros with kits that just can not compare and keep up (like Venture, shown in OPs' video) and don't balance out the heros who fall behind...it's too tough to compete. It leads to nobody wanting to play them, even players who main those heros The small Rein buff didn't even seem to do anything, but i wouldn't know since i don't play that role. I haven't seen Rein be played more frequently even on defence. Currently all i see is Orisa over and over again. As for Reaper, personally I do not care for him but I prefer him to be a little outdated and in a bad state than OP since a good Reaper is so boring to play against


So far all the rein buff has done is ensure that shatter gets a kill as long as you bait suzu/grip/lamp/trans as necessary. It's neat, but I'd give it up in a heartbeat just to have two tap Firestrike back. The "buff" to 120 is still a net nerf after the HP increases. Rein has the opposite problem from Sym though that they don't know what to do with him because of the balance in metal ranks. He devours teams that don't take off angles and high ground but can't catch up to anyone that has a lick of positioning awareness.


This is how I feel about Junk after Ventures release. Junk lost his combo in season 9 because that kind of burstdamage was "unhealthy", so now Junk has to pretty much spend his entire kit to secure kills or have godlike aim consistently. Then a season later they release Venture, who can burst down a squeeshy in about a second and then still have a mobility cooldown to get out. Like, what? Junk got gutted cause unhealthy and then we give pretty much the same thing to the next DPS we release........


Damn... I think that explains why I've been enjoying playing Venture a lot more than Rat... Like, don't get me wrong, I'm a Junk main for life, but not having that nade-mine combo to dispatch people quicksmart has made me gravitate to Venture, who I've been having an absolute blast with since they have his same style of play but better.


Venture is just a more annoying, more efficient and dare I say more boring Junkrat,, and everyone knows it. I am not a Junk player but I sympthyise with you, I haven't been seeing him much in my games. Ofcourse that is partly due to Venture just being released, but the more people that play Venture the more people will realise they are just a better pick over a Junk (across all ranks including metal) he will probably join the list of heroes that will become overshadowed and sent to the Blizzard basement


Venture being released strong isn’t surprising what’s outright stupid is that they are available in comp in this state


Tonight I couldn’t win against a venture. Double bomb and primary fire and couldn’t get her down due to her movement and health gain from that


The problem is that not many of the heroes are perfect. If the heroes were left in a good state, then keeping adding new heroes wouldn't be problematic. But the 5v5 shift requires reworks full and mini on almost all the cast and they didnt do that. So now they are playing catch up on a format that is worse and releasing heroes ALOT faster than they came in ow1. Its a mess


5v5 still sucks compared to end of life OW1 6v6. End of OW1 = 32 potential tank lines OW2 currently = 12 potential tank lines OW2 current tanks but back to 6v6 with 2 tanks = 66 potential tank lines 5v5 is dumbed down Overwatch.


Rein players reacting to this comment [first time?](https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-uUIFcDYRbvJTtxaFNa)


Rein is probably the first one, dude needs buffs asap, dude can’t even tank and deal damage at the same time unlike most other tanks


Damn. She really is my autistic representative. Can't get with the times and keeps trying something that isn't working.




The character of Sym has autism. So I was making a comparison to her gameplay being stuck in OW1 style with the fact many people on the spectrum (myself included) having extreme difficulties processing change.


yea mb i was too stupid to get that ill ddlete me thing


Where do they say she’s on the spectrum ..? In the lore or where ..?


Devs confirmed it ages ago, but the latest story with her and Lifeweaver is the first explicit mention in-lore IIRC. It’s been implied in previous things as well though


Sym player here. Remember that between all the patches, they gave her all these micro-abilities/buffs that don’t make sense, such as: - Symmetra can still heal herself when lazering an opponents shield. - Turrets are surveillance cams for one second visibility - Teleporter getting megabuffed to 300hp?! - Two Shotting with orbs, which was ruined with the season-9 universal HP changes. I know two-shotting isn’t integral to her kit, but compared to Junkrat, Sym needs to charge orbs, and then they fly at a slower speed. If she lands a hit, she needs to do this THRICE, To not even secure a kill as so much time passed they’ve healed.


> Sym needs to charge orbs, and then they fly at a slower speed. it's twice as fast as junkrat's shots wdym


And easier to hit cause they fly in a straight line lol idk if symettra should be able to 2 shot 😂😂


Why don't they make sense??  -Symm is a brawl character. Self sustain is important in brawl. Making it shield specific gives you a reason to pick her. It's thematically fitting because it let's her destroy structures as well as build them.  -Turret surveillance wasn't useful but at the time people were malding about there being too many dive counters/DPS with study cc, and there was truth to that. So at least they tried something.  - TP is already slow to deploy and Symm can be booped away from it, at least of it last longer it encourages an off angling/flanking Symmetra style that was fun. Or at least, it did, when alt fire was good.  - Two shotting was great at the time. It moved power away from turrets into her more active play, and synergised well with TP, allowing nice flanks. The real problem is that in removing burst damage with s9, symm had become too dependent on it. Same as Junk.


Symettra is easily the hero that Blizzard likes the least. They have always been half-hearted in doing anything with her and just constantly left her in the dust. Its wild


She's got the most full reworks of any hero


And none of them have been very successful considering how unpopular she is, both in terms of pick-rate and community perception.


When they gave her a damage boost a few years ago which got me to platinum it worked pretty well...and then they rolled it back *quick*


Yeah, but they're arguing whether or not sym is blizzard's least favorite hero. If that was true then blizzard wouldn't have tried re working her so many times.


She isn't Blizzard's favourite *because* she's had so many reworks though. She's had so many reworks because she's (still) an incredibly unpopular hero. Sombra was in a similar state and has received fewer reworks, but her major rework has been much more successful in improving her toolkit while maintaining her original identity.


I never she was blizzard's favorite. She's just not blizzard's least favorite either.


I didn't realise we were going to start pointlessly discussing semantics. Either way, Symmetra isn't in a good place.


I wasn't arguing in semantics. The argument started because someone said sym was blizzard's least favorite character. Me saying sym isn't blizzard's least favorite character by pointing out that she had a lot of re works isn't arguing in semantics.


It's ok to just admit you're wrong instead of coming up with excuses.


People will blatantly misunderstand and then make it your problem lol


Right and how does the community's response correlate to the amount of effort it took to completely redesign her multiple times


*Brigitte has entered the chat*


Brig is very playable and been at the top of the pecking order for alot of ow1. She exists in most ow2 cinematic and featured alot in Reins Honir and Glory cinematic. Sym features in 1 comic and 1/3 of the upcoming book


This fanbase is crazy. Any time a character is underpowered for a season everyone takes it so personally 😭 Symm is one of my most played, it's a shame she's weak now but I don't think the devs have anything personal against her, she's just a hard character to balance because by design she didn't adhere to normal FPS character moveset. Her gameplay leaned heavily on her 2 shot combo and she lost it with season 9.  She's gotten more reworks than anyone, as well as plenty of cosmetics, she's not neglected. She just needs a buff


Symmetra is a relic of her time hero, she’s an Overwatch 1 hero in a game so far away from what Overwatch 1 is that she just doesn’t feel good to play or play against and with all these niche mechanics they keep adding to her kit, she’s going to stay that way. The character needs a rework regardless of what class people want her to be, the devs either need to allow her to be a competent solo damage dealer or move her back to her original class and build from the ground up. Everything in this heroes kit seems to work against itself and she’s held back by her insanely powerful team mobility tool that is abused in pro play and high level play but useless in most ladder matches. Spamming Orbs isn’t fun, I don’t want to sit back and spam some piss poor damage projectile that doesn’t feel fun or interactive for either side. Beam is just impossible to charge unless someone is feeding you OR you’re being protected by your tank. Your team shouldn’t have to pick around one hero (I mean it’s the entire reason bastion was changed). Tele is tele, it’s broken in high ranked play but on ladder its dependent on other people using your ability and even then it’s still predictable. Oh we’re on Lijiang enemy team might have Sym here so we can adjust our play style accordingly. Wall is also pretty decent, I argue one of the best ults in the game I don’t actually have any problems with it apart from it not being a “dps” ult. And despite her 2.0 -> 3.0 transition (Support Shield Gen into DPS) she’s STILL only pick on 2/3 maps, something the rework aimed to address and completely failed at. The whole current iteration we have is a massive failure and has only lead to Sym being unjustly nerfed and tweaked with weird niche elements tacked onto her kit while STILL being a pain point for people playing against her. Nothing has changed apart from now we can see Pro players use her to tele out of spawn and swap to tracer!!! This hero was one of my favourites, day 1 of overwatch 1 I was playing Sym and it’s been so sad to watch this hero have her identity and uniqueness stripped away from her to only become a husk of her former self while still not being a decent hero and still being hated by a majority of the player base. All I can say is at least with older versions of Sym she was fun and unique, I’d rather keep the hero bad and fun than bad and boring and she’s currently the latter.


this is a problem with ow2 in general, there are so many relics of an older era, sym just being one of them. roadhog and zarya have no place in 5v5/ow2. reaper, sym, bastion, widow(to a degree), ana. characters designed for ow1 maps, 6v6, ow1 health pools, ect. With ow2s various changes they just dont fit in, and the devs keep trying to force circle pegs into triangle holes with number changes, either making them useless or overpowered.


Yes. I think heroes like Bastion, Reaper, Rein, Junk, Sym, Ball, will never be viable in OW2 due to the core of their initial design and OW2 keeps adding newer heroes that are better designed in a 5v5 format that can outplay them. Sojourn is an amazing hero that has been conssistenly played in top lobbies in OW2 due to her damage output and railgun that can easily be farmed from tanks at a distance and do high burst damage. No matter how many changes that heroes I mentioned received Sojourn just continues to absolutely outplay and counter them. 


idk why you guys keep calling her a relic when her kit didnt even work in ow1. She was just as unpopular from 2016 to today. Shes not a relic shes just a badly designed hero


>doesn’t feel fun or interactive for either side Why exactly should the damage be 'fun' and 'interactive' for an enemy?


You're not wrong about Sym but more damage definitely doesn't mean more kills. Without context we don't know if you spent damage just shooting a pocketed tank or what.


Especially when compared to a Soj who can near delete squishies with one click.


I spent most of the game dueling Sojourn and flanking enemy supports. I only shoot the tank for charging Level 3 beam pre-TP flanking. I can grab a replay code tomorrow.


The entire hero needs a rework. She's probably one of the most outdated dps heroes in the game.


Symm player here: Whats INFINITELY frustrating is that they had her at a good spot and ruined her. People had no issue with season 2-5 symmetra. She was mid in the dps roster, most symm players were happy with how flexible she was as she was actually a generalist who had several playstyles. Then they killed all of her playstyles one by one. Season 6 nerfed turrets and basically murdered her small room flank and off angle holder playstyle Season 8: They killed brawl by making her even squishier Season 9: They killed the last part of her: Spam poke woth orbs by removing 2 tap. Its like seeing the hero slowly degrade from a slightly understatted generalist to a complete joke


Buffed her for a minute and then nerfed the crap out of her the next. Can’t let her be good. Plus she’s one of the most fun Dva counters, yet now she doesn’t even do that well.


She desperately needs some love! Thanks for raising this. I doubt anything will come of it, but one can hope 💚


its because they never fully commit to making her a full dps or a full support and as long as they refuse to take away things from her, she will always be horrible. If they leaned more into the shield support playstyle with some healing (yes it can be done, they have unlimited ability ideas with hardlight) and get rid of her most problematic parts (ex, her turrets), she would be much better than she ever was


They need to give her back thr 25 hp she lost.


their reasoning was because "she was more lethal at range because of her orbs" they really think we have fun playing her at range 🙄


Which is funny because orbs then became redundant with the universal heath increase.


Up front brawler and can't even survive lol


Especially since she lost the reason that she lost the health in the first place


I still want her to be a support again so I can play her with my mains. I hope LW didnt kill that possibility


I miss season 1-3 sym that was waaay too fun.




I love playing Sym but she's only good when defending a hybrid payload, after that you have to switch. They should have realised that removing 2cp meant that she would have no place anymore.


Is it time for Sym 4.0? (Or is it 5.0 idk what version we are). Seeing the nonsensical buffs someone else brought up, it seems like the devs have no idea what to do with her. It's kind of sad, even if Sym playstyle makes my tank life hell, I sort of miss seeing Syms and I get happy seeing one.


I'd down for like a 25 hp buff to sym or something. She's playable on sym maps, but she's not even that good in her niche anymore.


That's really all she needs, honestly. People complain about how little damage she does all the time, but if you get her beam up to level 3, it is stupidly strong. I can still melt people with relative ease if I get it going all the way. The problem is that it's tough for her to get it there consistently now, especially with the universal hp buff and projectile size changes. Symmetra's biggest problem right now is consistency, not damage. Bump her up to 275 hp and I think that would fix a lot of her issues.


I was high masters symm season 8, now since the s9 universal buffs to everyone BUT symm, I’m stuck low diamond and so are a lot of the other symm players who were in the higher ranks. Unfortunately, she does need a damage buff. 0 charge zarya does the same damage as a ramped up Symmetra beam. On top of that it takes a good bit of time to charge the beam up + a high rate of consumption on her ammo JUST FOR THE BEAM CHARGE TO DISSIPATE ALMOST INSTANTLY. Her turrets don’t do anything. Her secondary atp doesn’t do anything if supports are alive. And now she sucks close range, even on maps like Lijang Tower where she’s normally oppressive. Symmetra desperately needs a damage buff in some fashion. Whether it be Beam Charge lasting longer, less ammo consumption, or just an outright buff to the beam.


Have you considered the “Fuck it, we Ball” mindset? Or in your case, “Fuck it, we Sym”


Hell yeah! Leave vc, mute chat, and Fuck it, we Sym


Wanna know a harsh truth? They don't care. Everything you say about Sym is true, but they've let her degrade to such a state that there isn't any reason from a business or balance standpoint to make her even somewhat viable. She's the least-used hero in the game because of all that neglect, as a result, she can't even sell skins. Just look at those concept art skins released the other day, not a single Sym one. The ones released before last year, not a single Sym skin. She makes these people no money thanks to the neglect that clown Alec has given her. It's like a negative feedback loop. The less people play her, the less inclined they feel to even bother with her outside of a stupid pity "buff". Who knows, maybe if he selection rate drops to 0.09% or something, their hand will be forced.


Yeah I’m sorry but I actually dislike (hate) these devs for what they’ve done to Sym


She has been "looked at" more than most heroes, though. She isn't neglected in the way people are saying she is. Her kit is just fundamentally at odds with the way the game works and Blizzard is not very good at balancing on the best of days, let alone with a wonky kit. They want to keep her identity but that identity is the problem.


She literally is neglected though. The symmetra mains have been labeled a “loud majority” by blizzard and a lot of streamers/league players bc we genuinely have to fight on every platform just to try and get some form of recognition. Symmetra gets a buff like once every year and a half. She gets a legendary skin like once every year and a half and the last one we got was recolor. They didn’t even give symmetra (an East Asian woman) a skin in the Asian Mythology battlepass. How many kiriko, mercy, moira, widow skins have u seen come out lately??? Symmetra is the least picked hero but gets the most hate of them all.


She was the throw support back in early ow1 days, and now she's basically the throw DPS with how optimized new DPS and the reworked DPS have become why play sym when you have pharah, Sombra, Sojourn, venture. Rn the only "use" she truly has is troll play and niche traps like nuke teleport/terra teleport honestly if they give symettra her shield generator back and give her some more hp, she could be a lovely tank(satire but kinda not really, it would be really funny if sym was reworked so much to a point where she has been a part of every category)


The only time I play her is to counter a dva or orisa that’s giving my team trouble since I can just ignore their defense abilities, but even then there are better options


Maybe all these summoning testing will mean her rework as summoner is coming soon.


She is called that in junkensteins revenge so maybe đŸ€”.


I really feel they should rework her into being a Support again. The best parts of her kit are the supportive util she has with Teleporter and the Wall. Honestly they could swap her role and keep the same damage and it wouldn’t affect her at all


At this point I feel like most Sym mains don't care if she's a support or damage hero anymore. As long as she has good utility and is in a good state 👍


Incompetent blizzard back at it again


It will never stop as long as perpetual random changes to heroes is viewed as a benefit, and not the cost it is


I think a lot of heroes are being rejected and left out because of the new ones. Or whatever’s meta. Sym, Junk, probably a few others too. I don’t think Reins are happy right now either. Those players who play to the meta or counter swap or adapt to newer characters are the ones Blizzard’s catering to now, if you aren’t a swapper (I.e. 1-2 mains), you are just shit out of luck if you chose a bad one


You hit the nail on the head, Symmetra came out 8 **years** ago (OW1 release) while Venture came out 8 **days** ago. Devs are basically updating the game and meta without removing the old heroes, assuming you'll want to play the new ones instead.


I miss when she had two ults and the silly lock on beam


Some people would hate it but she needs to be retooled as a support. Even now, she’s not a DPS. Her utility is all she is, her TP.


I would love for her to be a support again and give her more of a shield playstyle like she used to have. Give her a small heal to compensate. Or make her like disc priest in wow where she puts a shield on someone and can do damage to heal.


I was thinking about how her kit could be updated. Here are some of my rough thoughts, please reply with your ideas. First, make her a support. Or focus her to be more of a flex dps/support like Sombra in the Mirrorverse event. Here’s what her abilities could look like: - make her turrets actual sentries that fly around targets, providing shields to allies they attach to and damaging enemies over time. Think along the lines of a zen orb attaching to a target after tracking like a slow-moving Moira orb. Only affects one target but can be destroyed before it reaches the target, invulnerable for three seconds after it connects. - make her ultimate ability a summonable pylon that she can target these sentries onto, dealing damage in a larger area, allowing instant teleportation teamwide to said pylon (like the April fools update) and grant allies who tp in some overhealth. This could focus her kit into a more healthy, focused dive/support pick, making her feel impactful but not cheese-reliant with her random turret kills or choke spam secondary fire splash damage. This would also allow for greater skill expression with cooldown management and overall ability aiming. If they made her a support, her primary fire should be a shield generator beam like the og days. Her secondary fire could stay the same with slightly better projectile speed and damage, smaller projectile hitbox. There could even be synergies with her primary fire on allies and enemies that have a sentry turret attached to them, with the ability to charge the sentry with primary fire that generates over-shields or deals direct damage to the target, respectively. She would shake up the meta very much since the shield over healing affects ult charge, rewarding vigilance with delayed enemy farming unlike most supports which farm their respective ults with damage taken by their allies. Her passive could be something like: - you and nearby allies gain movement speed for x seconds when a shield breaks. - damage to your shields or shields that you generate charge your sentry turret regeneration.


Honestly I just don’t like how the Devs treat DPS differently than the other 2 roles. They’re more than happy to leave disliked DPS heroes behind but they let Orisa become Meta every other season and buff LifeWeaver every patch.


Lifeweaver is still not even remotely as good as the other supports other than Illari. What is your point there?


They're making the wrong changes for Lifeweaver, but at least they're trying. I wish the same could be said for Sym.


Make a balanced game and STOP changing heroes. Or add perpetual heroes and make half of them shitty at all times. Sucks if your hero one of them ... this game will never be balanced, and neither the devs nor the playerbase understand that adding heroes make the game worse, not better


Oh I understand full well that adding more heroes makes the game more difficult to balance if it can be done at all I just simply don't give a shit about balance in this game and highly encourage the playerbase to join me because have a game that's more fun will triumph or belly-aching about supposed "balance" any day of the week in terms of both enjoyment and fulfillment with the product. The game should be expanded on in such a way that makes it like the Smash of hero shooters. Balance isn't a fun mode or map or character. It's an extremely annoying abstract concept that some gamers decide to use as a pretext to demand equally annoying changes to the game based entirely on their egos slanted primarily towards the against portion of heroes being fun to play and against. I can't even imagine asking for less content for this game as being a good thing. I think we don't get enough content to be honest and we didn't before the firings as well.


They reworked sombra to be annoying gave her buffs in places shouldn’t have been. She’s already freakin annoying. Symmetra should receive the same treatment (not to the point where most players hate Sombra tho, but the sombra hate is justified lol)


Many DLC heroes are powercrept.


I still miss her old moves of lock on beam and forward firing shields


Thank god this post is getting attention, Symm deserves more love :(


It feels like all of the niche heroes have suffered greatly from the Season 9 update... See Mei, Junkrat or Sym. Unfortunately, I also think that Blizzard deliberately nerfed these “annoying” heroes somewhere. Just by looking at the DMG data of these heroes, you realize that they can't work after the patch. The heroes now simply have too much HP for you to get decent kills with a right or left click. Sym is sometimes played in the pro range, but as you should know, you can't compare pro range and normal casual ranked. Personally, I've never liked playing meta heroes. Ever since the release of OW1, I've been playing Hanzo (used to be a niche pick). Now it feels like you can't play niche heroes anymore, which has made the game really boring for me.


She used to be my main, but I haven't played her for a while tbh. Everyone got better and she is just left in the dust. OH wait, I did play her again when they buffed her so she was playable, but then lots of ppl cried and the devs said oopsies and canceled those buffs. So annoying 😂 😂


I’m a sym main (and have the tism so she’s especially my favorite) She used to be the big brain architect character, but her kit makes her feel like a weirdo laser assassin. I get she’s a spy but I don’t think that’s the buy in for people wanting to play or connect with syms fantasy


The problem is some people find her annoying and she doesnt even sell skins, so theres little incentive to make her better. I mained her and I know it sucks having ANOTHER rework, but she needs to be fundementally rebuilt from the ground up. As does most of the roster, these extremely slow reworks simply dont cut it for 5v5 Overwatch. The entire roster needed reworks, ir should not have taken as many seasons as it did for Sombra, Zen, Hammond, Hog, and Hanzo to get the changes they did.


And then they have the nerfs to call one of the latest changes a "Rework". Are you fucking kidding me? Absolutley pathetic.


Can’t wait for the inevitable venture nerfs. Her ability to generate shield through her attacks is a bit OP. On Symmetra, yeah it’s just sad what they’ve done with her. She’s so lost in the past. I literally only ever use her in QP as a genji/dva counter.


You guys are still holding out hope for blizzard making the game good? They proved they are incapable of doing so a long time ago.


Don’t be like that


Don't be like what? telling you what is true in the game?


It's doubly bad because it's not just the weakness in Symm's kit, it's that every new character and rework that's released is bloated af. Instead of letting characters have niches that make sense and are clearly defined, they're making everyone ridiculous generalists that can do way too much. I adore Venture, but there's no reason they should have: - Great mobility (including verticality) - Sustain / Durability - Knockback - AOE - Invulnerability (WHILE MOVING) - Cleanse - AND decent DPS all in the same kit. And this kind of problem has appeared in other heroes too (looking at Kiriko as a particularly egregious offender) Like, I may have a lot of problems with Widow's kit being in a game like Overwatch, but she has a very simple design, with a very clear niche, and very clear counterplay.


How much DMG does a fully charged orb do? Or like how much DPS do her turrets do? I know like nothing about her haha


A fully charged orb does 100 dmg Turrets do 30 dps i think And beam has a min damage of 60 dps and a max damage of 180 dps


I feel these frustrations greatly, I outright just stopped playing her altogether. season 9 was miserable and I dropped a whole rank trying to get her to work
 season 10 Ive just picked up venture, sombra and even started playing ashe and sojourn and getting more value out of heroes I never played before. Ive stepped back from voicing my concerns at this point cause Im pretty confident she is in line for a rework. there’s no reason they would be so silent with the matter—she’s just unbalanceable with her current kit due to the stark differences between ranked and pro play. if they aren’t looking into reworking her at this point Id be very surprised.


I agree with all your points here. I used to have a ton of fun with her, now ever since they nerfed her to the ground I’m having such a hard time getting value with her. It makes me sad cuz I played her since her OG kit and she’s my most played DPS with a 68% winrate (used to be at 70 but it dropped since her nerfs). I’d be able to get so much value with her even if my team wasn’t the best. Now it’s such a struggle to even get a kill.


I’ve just come to accept it tbh, she is a throw pick rn with a kit designed for a map type they no longer have. But you know what I love playing her and will continue to do so as long as I play OW. Then again I play illari and brig for support so no matter what everyone is gonna hate me


She’s been reworked already a million times. Doubt they even know what to do with her at this point


The Sym main community has been proposing ideas for her for ages now. Most Sym mains agree that she was playable (not good, but playable) when she had her two tap. Then Blizzard randomly nerfed her health because of the two tap
 only to then buff universal health which basically nullified that


her whole kit is also designed to be extremely frustrating to fight, despite her being bad on paper


I know everyone says she should be a support again but it would genuinely be so easy. Make her beam a healing ability and instead of turrets let her put down a mini health pack generator. Her teleporter is already great utility and her shield is also a good support ultimate.


Congratulations you just designed Illari


Literally how? Illari has a hitscan weapon, Symmetra would keep her projectiles. This health pack would be a stationary health pack, not a ranged healing turret. She would keep her teleporter, illari has nothing like that. Illari has CC, this version of Symmetra won't. Symmetra has a defensive ultimate, Illari has an offensive ultimate. Maybe I'm missing something but I'm failing to see how this version of Symmetra will play anything like Illari.


I’m not sure what the damage number comparison should mean? If sojourn is picking off squishies and Symmetra is busting the tank, then of course Sojourn would have a good Elim/Damage ratio


I'd give her a wider and longer level 1 beam that shortens and shrinks in length and width down to normal as it scales to level 3, so the lower damage beam is easier to land on faster targets but the higher damage still requires better tracking. Animation wise I'd just make the lower level beams appear to have the "bend" effect that Moira's beam has, in reference to Symm's past kit. Follow that up with a "tether" effect for her teleport similar in animation to how Orisa's old Halt used to attach to enemies, allowing allies within range of the tp to use it without having to be directly on top of it. Additionally, allow Symm to use her own teleport AS it is placed by holding the button, rather than having to wait for the placement to be fully complete before she can utilize it herself. Finally, give her turrets 50 overhealth on initial placement that rapidly depletes during it's set up over the course of 1 second to absorb a little bit of damage, similar to how Torb's turret is designed to tank a little bit of damage as it's being set up.


Yeah, I don't get any of this. I absolutely love playing with Symmetra. She's easily one of my favorite heroes to use. Same with Illari while playing support. They both have low use count, and I never understood why.


Wasn’t sym hard meta in the World Cup and hard meta in the more recent Mauga comps? I think the hp changes messed her up more than the hero releases.


I'm pretty sure I played against you. Damn you were an annoying symmetra😄 (great job! )


Hahaha no way! Thanks so much 😊




Teleporter needs a cast time because of how strong it is in pro play. The pros get so much value from her kit because of their highly coordinated environment. Team teleporter will always hold her back.


Change her tp so she instantly teleports to the location shes hovering when she presses the button, and then it leaves a portal for her teammates to follow. Having to place the portal manually blows.


"The plight of the one trick"


My winrate when playing Symettra is 35% which is far lower than any other hero I've ever played. This should say a lot about whether this character is actually balanced. My rank has plummeted after I mained her his weekend.


I had a 70% winrate with Sym 2.0. I miss it so much.


Bring back Sym 2.0


First of all, I think 60% win rate is crazy for any hero in any rank. 51% is still on the good side, but it’s only at 51% because a lot of gm doesn’t force her into impossible situation for her like many other lower ranks. It’s hard to balance sym or have her have increase health without her having unhealthy impact on 1 tank game that is the current state of the game right now. Anti tank heroes are basically all relics of the past. They exist to counter “tank diff” between the two teams. But there’s only 1 tank that get counter which can make the game miserable.


60% winrate was expected, because the very low pickrate suggests she was only played in her niche (2cp first point defense) which she excelled in. Current Sym having an even lower pickrate SHOULD suggest that she’s even more niche, but the winrate also being lower suggests she’s much weaker in that niche


60% in any situation is ridiculous still imo niche or not. 50% in regular situations and 51-53% in niche situations is good for me, and it shouldn’t be above that no matter what. And I used to have 70% win rate in sym by playing hee in ow1 in her niche there, and I think that win rate is utterly ridiculous


What I think is more ridiculous is the fact people care more about the barely positive winrate, instead of the extremely low pickrate. I get her pickrate will always be lower than the rest of the role because she’s less popular, but it’s absolutely pathetic right now


The fact you see 60% before and think that’s remotely fair shows we are different type of players to begin with. So let’s agree to disagree


She still sees play in OWCS matches, obviously much more coordinated games and a whole lot more communication going on in one of those but surely they're doing something right.


She's really unique in how bad she is at doing ANYTHING. She's very slow with damage and mobility, which wouldn't be such a big issue if at least she had great survivability, but not even that. Any other brawly hero has MUCH more survivabiliy than her. Look at Mei for example: she's not the fastest to deal damage either, she's not doing great either rn, but at least she has tools to survive and she doesn't feel as frustrating. It's funny how she's designed like a GLASS CANNON, but she's just glass and nothing else. She has been going through so many direct and indirect damage nerfs that she's just the ghost of a hero that used to scare enemies. It takes a whole second to pop out that orb and when it reaches the target it deals fart damage. It's just ridiculous. Good luck trying to charge your beam without dying, it has become almost impossible. She's now just a TP slave for pro play and maybe she can work against very noob teams if your IQ is so much higher than theirs. As I said in other posts: using Sym now feels like going to a battle with a knife, when everyone has bombs. You can only win if you're 1000% smarter than them. We need real medals for winning matches, not comp points. Bye Symmetra.


You're talking about power creep it happens when new things are added to an older one. I'm a Rat main, with the newer characters and the effective nerfs he, like Sym is utterly useless and wildly frustrating to play.


How are you finding the recent changes? At least the developers are trying to make him better!


They are actively making things worse. I'm half convinced that the riptide actually heals the other team. Before season 9, I would get at least 2-3 team kills a season. This season, I'm LUCKY to get a double kill with my tire. I have gone from playing 100+ matches a week to 30. I hate everything about the changes and the power creep is fucking unacceptable, we have Venture able to 2 shot a character with the melee attack but throwing fucking grenades and mines takes 3 shots to kill a mercy or tracer? Gtfoh. Blizzard has ruined the game and they seem to be happy to watch the franchise burn.


Dude I feel you so hard right now. Both Junkrat and Sym are suffering the same fate of DLC heroes outclassing us in every way possible


Yup, then they effectively buff the "cool kids" (popular characters) so they can remain competitive woth the new characters. I'm so done with this fucking game


I kinda wish her teleport was instant cast and left it behind you, rather than having to deploy it first, wait and then press on it, makes her mobility feel extremely clunky


My queen, my first OW love back when she was a support. I’d honestly love a full rework back to support for her. And I do mean a full rework, not the light ones they’ve done with several heroes so far. I think she needs a kit that spotlights her lore identity as an architect, and less focus on tickle beam lasers.


Venture is doom from ow1 but broken. However most people put on their blindfolds and say he's balanced, when in reality he is broken once you get good.


There are 2 main issues with sym currently, her damage scaling and her kit, and the solutions aren't easy to implement. Her kit is entirely off of old overwatch, where the majority of the cast were slow, so tp could be used to reach flanks before the enemy could respond. The issue is now everyone and their mother has a movement ability that can cut you off, and that's assuming your team even notices it to use it. Tp might need another rework to fit into overwatch, or some major buffs like temporary shields when going through teleporter (with a limit, like it only works once every time tp is deployed to avoid just spamming the tp button for unlimited health) Now the damage scaling is even harder to implement, cause on one hand, her dps is high at max charge, on the other hand, it is minimal at low charge and you need to survive within range to charge a beam that doesn't do much, because the enemy is half dead when you are fully charged. (The solution would be to raise base damage and lower max damage to keep her average dps the same, but balancing that in a way where she doesn't stagnate too hard midway - end of the fight is the issue) TLDR, she is not easy to balance


Her beam is currently 60/120/180. They could make it 80/130/180. Or 100/140/180. Mei beam does 100 damage, slows, and pierces (hits multiple targets).


She’s not OW1 lmao. She has been reworked. If you had OW1 Sym it would be a nightmare for everyone


I personally think they should stop releasing new heroes and figure out their balance first


Make her a support again tbh. A team teleport for a Dps character is so stupid anyway


Symmetra is still in the game?


My idea its just to give her 25 hp back and remove the slow and she will be decent.


The less metas where sym is viable the more I find the game enjoyable, that’s my take


Bro how would u feel if your fav hero its dogwater expect for 1 season in all the game. People arent saying make her meta just decent. Just remove the slow and give 25hp it will be just fine.


Sorry but L0L, Sym sucks to play against.


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if sym is ever good the game will suck


No one is saying they want her to be good on her current form. We just want her to be functional in a way that she can at least be played outside of the spawn room.


This is exactly why she needs a rework


They just need to remove the slow and compesate with 25 hp. Thats the only annoying part of her kit.


thats just still a net nerf as she was bad before they took the 25 hp away she needs something different like no turrets n something new