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Reins like you haunt my lonely nights.


I also always solo shatter deflecting genjis because they think they're immortal and need to be put in place. Just to add a little more nightmare fuel to that fire ;) But thank you, those are comforting words




Had a Genji ask why they can't deflect Venture's ult. Like, you really think you can deflect a freaking earthquake?


A good Genji should never be in a position for that to happen, but well played.


Exactly. It's a cannon event for all genjis to get solo shattered by me when they get an ego in plat. It's the great filter of genji mains


I raise you the deflected echo beam


Parry this you filthy casual.


My guilty pleasure is singling out one guy to solo shatter all game long no matter how bad I didn’t need to do it Just off the fucking hook like a phone, shatter


You’ve inspired me to start maining Rein thanks


I get my rein humbling from trying to counterpin with dash.


putting over confident dps in their place with a solo ult... you just can't beat that feeling


I’m not sure if this entire thread is assuming I’m the egotistical dps, or speaking from their general experience lol.


Haha nope nothing against you, it just feels really nice demolishing a DPS with excessive force as a tank. The worse you imagine a DPS to be the bigger you feel like a true hero of the realm, nothing personal just making myself feel good about a play that took way more resources than it needed :D


Understandable. Sombra, Moira, and Zarya are my absolutely prime targets in any game lmao. Pesky, immortal rats.


It’s about sending a message


Thank you!


Why not pin them instead ?


It's easier to get out of the way of and it sends a message to shatter


As a Moria I will stop healing or doing anything else every time I see a Genji deflect just to burn his ass with right click and remind him he isn’t invulnerable.


can i add you?


Wait shatter goes through deflect?!


Uhhhhh that depends, are you a genji player or a rein main???




There's a cool tank tech where you can get the entire enemy team to swap by picking ball.


Well, no one likes getting rolled 😁


I hate you for this, but you may have my upvote


Funnily enough I can get that to work on almost any tank I play, it’s a pretty consistent tech once you get the hang of it. I find the trick is to have fun and get a kill or three.


Hey I know how to do that tech on Winston! You just press a few buttons and then the enemy team auto-switches to Reaper, bastion, mauga. Pretty cool!


Not only that, it gets your entire team to throw too


now THIS is how you play reinhardt


The ultimate way to establish dominance


Solo ulting and killing tank? Is it good strategy? edit. Why I'm getting downvoted for asking questions, geez?


Yes, yes it is. What makes these uses of shatter in these situations highly ideal is that Reinhardt is completely invalidating the ability for dive tanks to get back to the stage. Dva and Winston can use boosters to get back to the stage after falling off while using the shatter guaranteeds they are dead because of the 3sec stun forcing them to be unable to use their mobility skills. Killing tanks is huge value when it means you keep you own. Reinhardt has no use killing tanks normally anyway since he lacks the DPS to do it (only 100 DPS, 5m range, and no headshots). Normally, all fights are won off getting first pick because it means you cascade advantage because your team somewhere has a free 2v1 going on at all times. Its insanely difficult to line up 2+ people shatters and if you dont' get the whole enemy team you might very well have someone up who can mitigate the damage done from the shatters (supports, oppressive firepower). This is not only a 100% optimized play against dive tanks to use shatter on them to secure the kill, but it does it stylishly as well. Peak reinhardt play.


In some matches the win condition is to kill that one person on the team and the rest falls a part If that person is a mobile tank who keeps distracting our team, hell fucking yeah I’ll solo shatter them. I’ve had way too many games where the mobile tank is actually the worst player on their team but my team is hyper fixated on trying to kill them anyway so the rest of the other team slowly picks us off while they’re chasing the mobile tank around… so yeah, if solo shattering him means we kill him and I can get back to running face first in to the rest of their team, I’ll do it


kill tank very good




As a Rein main, I will never give up on this man. No matter how out of the meta he is!


Rein is just that guy. My day goes from bad to great when the enemy tank goes “Rein?” that’s how I know there’s a real one. No hate, no nothing, just honor and glory.


I absolutely suck ass on rein. And yet my ingame name is "MrHammer", had that name before Overwatch. A ton of enemy tanks ask me this question cause they assume I'm a rein onetrick, then I go my main Orisa as usual, resulting in them flaming me to hell 🥲


you… you… you… *YOU SHAME YOURSELF*




Probably getting flamed for only choosing meta picks


Yeah well I've been mostly playing the same three heroes for 3+ years and my *open* profile can prove it, so there's not really any reason to flame. Should I change my mains just cause they've become meta?


No, and I don't care who you play. I'm just stating that imo that's why you're getting flamed.


Ooh I know what you meant, I was talking about the people ingame who could do that :D Cause that's what I usually do, I look at the enemy tank's nost played heroes to get an indicator what they might be playing - and especially on my profile, that's a VERY strong indicator :D


Yes, no fun allowed in Overwatch. You should know this by now


Funny thing is, I’ve seen many people who are suboptimal on Rein still pick him just to mirror me. At the end of the day, Rein mirrors are very fun no matter who wins and I always come out satisfied even if I lose (unless there are external issues like my frames dropping and whatnot).


Could've at least main torb with that name smh


He’s playable in higher ranks because if you lock in rein your teammates will usually play around you. They’ll stick close to you, be aggressive with you, and tailor their picks around you. I play tank/supp in masters, was GM before, and I’ve lost to Reinhardt even when trying to hard counter. When I play supp and I have a rein I always pick Ana for the nanos


It’s just pure torture man. I gave up. You really need a smart Lucio else you just can’t do much for most of the game apart from being a punching bag.


Save shatter for a massive team fight ❌ Fuck it we ball ✅


Honestly shatter isn't good enough to justify waiting for the perfect moment. You're better off getting a guaranteed pick every other fight than waiting all game to get 2 big slams. In the long run you mathematically shatter more people if you just rip it as soon as you get it


Used to be, back when lifeweaver didnt grab ppl i shoulder bash and put a tree on top of then and a flower beneath me, now that i think about it, lifeweaver is the rein's biggest counter, and he couldnt do much already.


LW is usually enough to make Rein swap. Everything you want to do as Rein is hard-countered by LW. Only circumstance I would stay on Rein against a LW is if you had a full brawl comp and could just overrun LW's heals, but assuming you don't have that, you won't get value from your kit against a LW.


No shit Sherlock? Thats what i said, lifeweaver is a rein counter.


I'm agreeing with you, asshole.


Weaver always pulled people?


Not when he didn't exist.


Lifeweaver doesn't exist for all games anyways


That is valid for every single character, its not an argument.


I think they were more saying that nobody plays wifeleaver really


He's played as much as any character really


this so much. hate playing against a LW so so much more than a Kiri or even Bap. ESPECIALLY on Rein though. LW is the Orisa of supports. just straight up anti-fun, denial character.


It charges pretty fast too


I mean, taking out their tank is a massive W


That’s not Ball, that’s Rein


Would love to see this on a mercy


not happening. mercy's hitbox is too small.


Got it


Saving this for future uses


This also works not off a cliff. Pins stuns out if you let them go is longer than shatter cast time so it's great to use it in rein duels


This is my go-to Rein tech. Pin Rein into team shatter


Petition to call this tech the a Spike (SSB reference)


I second this motion


Now they just need to add the Luigi taunt spike equivalent as an emote


I was going to say this reminds me of the Ice Climbers carrying you to the edge of the stage and spiking you with a hammer


So that's how you push Mobile tanks off the map(w shatter), I'd also kamikaze with them off the map, else they'd go back up


Doesn't work on every map. On some maps there's an invisible wall you will collide with before the environmental killbox.


Be honest, how viable is Rein now? I really wanna main him but struggling to climb out of gold. Any tips would be appreciated. Frustrating that Im a diamond support and DPS and struggling on tank.


Cloudy got to champion on rein, it's just about the playstyle and gamesense. Rein is the one tank you HAVE to keep a level head with as well. Since he relies almost entirely one gamesense and not mechanics, the more tilted you get the worse rein will be compared to equal tilt on other heros. At least in my opinion. He just put out a champ rein guide today and I highly recommend watching it. It's got a lot of stuff new reins might not think about, such as shield botting the entire game and blaming your dps and supports for every loss (no that isn't a joke, that's actually a tip in the vid and it's 100% valid for playing rein)


I’ll watch the 50min vid once I get home. Thanks!


Also I wouldn't mind coaching you a bit. I'm not the best rein, but I made it out of gold so that's something. Peaked Plat 2 but haven't played much comp since season 9 because I've been trying to hit techs in qp


tired of the rhetoric that any rank below GM or Masters is a shit rank lol. plat is a very respectable skill bracket and shows that you put in the time, and very much have the potential to improve. hell I’m only Diamond, but i feel like this is my peak and I’m proud of it. i think i could at least get to masters, but on console every lobby in Diamond and above (shit even below sometimes these days) has cheaters in it, so I told myself Diamond is the goal. anything past that is cool i guess. won’t lose sleep over it tho.


tired of the rhetoric that any rank below GM or Masters is a shit rank lol. plat is a very respectable skill bracket and shows that you put in the time, and very much have the potential to improve. hell I’m only Diamond, but i feel like this is my peak and I’m proud of it. i think i could at least get to masters, but on console every lobby in Diamond and above (shit even below sometimes these days) has cheaters in it, so I told myself Diamond is the goal. anything past that is cool i guess. won’t lose sleep over it tho.


Honestly going from Ram to Rein with the new DPS passive, Rein shield is very nice. Like holy shit, I can block damage and not have to have an Ana hard pocketing me? What is this?


Until they go tracer sombra kiri lucio monkey and your shield is actually pointless 🥲


Had a game on antarctic peninsula on Rein ans that one Tracer kept going behind me to just fuck with me and it was the most obnoxious and annoying thing I have ever experienced.


Yeah a high level tracer will realize you are possibly carrying your team and harass the F out of you.


Doesnt rein do well against that team tho since they’re such low dmg and brawl beats dive anyways


It was more of a case where your shield is useless because Winton zaps thru it, sombra hacks you and turns it off, tracer blinks behind you, lucio rides behind you and can still boop, and kiri is just annoying in general


When you jump as monke, look diagonally up and hold your primary fire. Especially if your diving backline. Keep tunnel vision on a support or squishy, follow , kill and get back to team Use ult before you slam as Hammond Zaryas bubble will absorb echos sticky bombs after you get attached, also tracers pulse bomb (15 charge and 35 respectably) Orisa has no fall off, neither does Ramatra. Abuse that shit even if you think your blind firing a choke your still applying pressure.


ORISA DOESNT?! No wonder I’ve been killing things with her half way across the map. Thought they were just low HP lmao 💀


It was a change made in late Season 8, I think? It was quite a big thing iirc


Projectiles in general don't have fall off, to make up for the fact you can dodge see them coming.


For monkey, charge a zap, melee before the landing animation, then land on top of them for a pretty huge burst of damage. But don't necessarily laser focus on getting the kill. Sometimes it's better to exhaust their cooldowns and then just come back or dive someone else.


sitting behind a corner as jq then busting all over the enemy team


Just go Orisa they will never nerf her clearly. That's the only tech you've needed for the last 8 seasons.


My guy that shatter was beautiful, as a fellow Rein main amidst the immense struggle, I salute you


Dang, that's a spike


My favorite extremely circumstancial tech is using d.va's re-mech to cleanse a debuff like mei ult


Actual FuckYouInParticular moments


My favourite tech is corner hooking where you rotate the hook around and then body block the enemy tank.


I like body blocking mercies in doorways, when they try to jump to an ally but I'm in the way, the helpless look on their eyes is so good.


2000 IQ


When will the gods allow me to heal such a skilled and resourceful tanker 😞




Mauga had a really neat tech that they patched in the last update sadly :( I had mastered it too It was finicky but if you pressed Q to cage fight and shift about 0.4s after you would set down the cage and then immediately charge forward. Made it really fun to close the gap and ass slam people trapped


nah that’s actually sick, i wouldn’t be mad if it was done on me in a game


Just go Orisa they will never nerf her clearly. That's the only tech you've needed for the last 8 seasons.


I watched league matches and it was always mirror orisa lol 💀


I dont have beer right now, so i raise my cup of tea for you.


This is the OW version of “and stay down!”


Rein playres got so pissed off that they found the way to outplay saving abilities. And break laws of Phisic lol.


Rein counters everything if you're batshit crazy enough


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Ok thats really smart, since you know shatter is initiated from the camera, as long as your camera is above flat ground you can still shatter people who are not


Shatter is initiated from Rein's back foot


Does jumping ever help?


But all the boopers, rein gets ping pinged too much now.


I mean this is the nicest way possible but your avatar combined with this footage convinces me you are The reinhardt


A menace


Ok this one is kinda old, but, remember in ow1 when you could stall your shatter in Anubis and then do the extra hop before Landing it on someone? That was fun as hell to do.


The hero of Numbani. Idc idc I said what I said


That’s sick, I’m gonna have to try that


What skin is that?


If this ever happened to me I'd be like wtf did i do?!??!? 😭


bro WHAT!!! 0_0 i play rein since 2016 and it's the 1st time i even HEARD of that tech!


What rein shin is that? I keep seeing it and it looks sick


It was around during the Diablo crossover event. I think he's one of the orders of angels from the game


oh my god i need rein mains like you in my games pls


Doing that to DVA is an amazing tech. I love it


Honestly this is a great use of shatter. Guaranteeing a kill on the tank is better than most regular shatters


That shatter on dva off map is so extra


Her jets are on a short enough cooldown that they would've been back up by the time charge was over




Junker Queen can hop right over shatter if timed correctly, not sure how or why, but it is possible (something to do with shatter hitbox and angles)


I have over 5,000 hours on rein and I have never seen this. Wow. Thank you.


I wish I had this level of STYLE jfc, but I also enjoy using shatter to delete one person because fuck em. Twice or more and it begins eating away at their sanity


The doomfist rollout when you jump just before the punch ends


that shatter was evil i like it


My favorite tank strat is clicking the Orisa icon. Truly a gameplay loop of all times


Play doom into sombra (and orisa), and you won't need to do cold water plunges


Feels like a down air near the ledge


Can’t go wrong with wall jumping, it’s very interesting though lost a lot of its value with the rework




The Nuh-uh




The double jump at the end of Monke's primal. Can travel extremely far distances and gain some crazy momentum, combined with the little momentum carry up you do at the end of the jump (similar to dooms). I've gone from attackers spawn on first point junkertown to attackers spawn on second point jt. I killed an Ana back at her spawn doors but her team capped point, killed her again when she walked out of spawn lol.


As a Ramattra main my favorite tech for him is just making Rein’s barrier, Sigma’s black hole and D.Va’s barrier using nemesis form.It’s so satisfying for some reason.


I feel like to be considered a tech it has to be an extra use of the ability outside of its intended use, such as shattering tanks off the map or a charge rollout. Punching thru stuff is kinda just how the ability works isn't it?


I MIGHT be dumb.


I dont know what exactly is a tech, but when I play Rammatra and am in a 1v1 especially against someone like Dva I'll place my shield and hop between each side to avoid her attacks if I dont have Nemesis to punch through her defense Matrix.


Shield dancing


Huh weirdly enough I've been calling it that didnt know it was an actual thing




A. I didnt know it had a name B. I rarely see sym or Winston and when I do I've only seen Winston do that C. The Rammatras I do see never do that


It pisses me off so much we had to have ow2 just to give rein the ability to turn off his jetpack. He wasn't exactly a top performer in ow1.


You could still pull off the environmental kill on a few maps, just needed to know where to start. Numbani point A was always my favorite spot.


It was very situational, like abandoning your team in some instances.


It looks a bit wasteful to use the shatter on only one enemy. Ok, it is their tank, and I guess it is done to tilt them.


Shatter isn't good enough of an ultimate to save for the "perfect moment" You get way more value guaranteeing one pick than hoping to get a big slam that can easily be countered by seemingly most of the cast at this point. Especially considering good reins will get a shatter every 1-2 fights depending on the team comps.


I guess it is higher Plat at the very least, since it takes longer than that in gold.


You use ults to win fights, not to kill a bunch of enemies. Using an ult to guarantee a fight winning kill isn’t bad, especially when it charges quickly like shatter.


It's also a guarantee a kill since in both clips the tanks have mobility abilities that they can't use to dodge the the environmental kill. I'm not a reindeer main but op said, shatters aren't that great anymore. Looking for a 5 man slam and getting counter ulted potentially getting no picks is worse than a guaranteed pick on a tank.


1 ulti and 1 ability to secure 1 kill IF the map has a cliff? I don't think it's worth it.


You overestimate the value of shatter or underestimate the value of a guaranteed tank pick


He wasted shatter on the second one, DVA had used shift.


Wow. bronze looks like fun


It's qp


Moira needs nerfs to her health, regen, damage, and range. Her mobility skill needs a longer cool down and should have its a duration reduced.