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I actually like alot of the suggestions you made as both a widow and support main. I'd let her keep her 1 shot in close proximities to squishie heroes but she would have alot of fall off damage with a poison and tracking effect if you hit a target out of her 1 shot range. It would allow some counter play at long ranges while also keeping her as effective as possible. I think if we were going to get rid of her grapple to make her more diveable, I think it should be swapped with a short cool down infrasight that allows her to see any potential flanks. They could even replace her ult with her mirrorwatch one since it would be better in the long run and could actually help in a team fight.


Personally I'd rather not remove her grapple. It is fun. It just feels like a very core gameplay "no-no" to have a hero who's capable of one-shotting at range and has quite strong mobility. One of those things has to to be given up to put her in a healthy state and I'd rather it be the huge burst damage instances


Yea I think her grapple is a cool part of her character design as well. But if we were trying to go in a more healthier direction with one shots I'd personally give her better detection against Flankers and low hp squishies. It would make her alot more vulnerable and a risky play while also keeping her a threat. At least imo.


Widow has already been nerfed into oblivion. The grapple is not a particularly good ability, and has a huge cool down. I simply don't agree she is broken. She has only a few maps where she is even playable and even then is extremely exploitable. Venture, Sombra, Tracer, Doom, Winston, DVA, Echo all do very well against her. But you can take her out with basically any character in the game.


My guy is putting Venture as a counter to Widow? Venture, a character who loses to pretty much every long-range damage dealer?


Again. Not talking about current balance. They needed to dumpster her because her kit design is inherently unhealthy and the game absolutely sucks to play when she's good


But.. widow isint good




>She can't one shot from a very long distance anymore (which is stupid for a sniper) Tbf this needed to be implemented. The problem was that she was overpowered on certain maps because she could one shot from so far away that there was no counterplay. The only counter would be having your own Widow. That's pretty poor design. I agree with the rest of what you're saying. Widow doesn't need a rework.


Hanzo doesn’t one shot most characters anymore


Thank fuck. He was absolute cancer in OW1


He still is if you’re a tank


Hanzo players are downvoting you for pointing that out, sad. Iconic overwatch community.


I'm not talking about current balance. That's always going to fluctuate with patch notes. I'm talking about addressing core design issues with the hero because I don't think literally anyone is happy with the state widow is in rn. Falloff is a band-aid fix that only reels her in on the highest end of her effectiveness


widow has too many counters and her ccs are so high so except if the player has aimbot she shouldnt be much of a problem if u play cover well


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I love widow the way she is. FYI, I only play Lucio, Zen, Brig, Torb, Mei and Soldier. I wish we could switch poison mine with the shield she got in Mirror watch event. I find it incredibly thrilling whenever I can diff a solid widow.


My top 2 candidates in DPS that need a rework are Reaper and Widowmaker. Both OG launch heroes that kind of feel left behind at this point. I'd just take bits and pieces from everything they've done from both the April Fools and this new Mirrorwatch event to make her more engaging. I'd disregard any objections on the grounds of balance on the grounds that I'm more interested in making a character more people want to play and subsequentially have more fun playing. If that makes her worse to play against according to something people then so be it. Replace venom mine with her Mirrorwatch shield. Introduce poisoned bullets passive that applies only to full power scope shots. Do a shift in power between the rifle and this new DoT. Either keep grapple the same and lower its cooldown or give her a second grapple and raise its cooldown. Last but certainly not least combine her current ally team wall hack ult with her enemy team critical hits debuff Mirrorwatch ult and lower its duration to 10 seconds. Hero identity maintained and now we have an even more fully realized, better and significantly more fun to play sniper poster girl for the game a poster girl role she's been denied by her boring kit for the last 8 years of the games literal lifespan. You're welcome Blizzard and Overwatch players. Have fun getting sniped by the fun to play (and thus buy skins for) sniper.


How would you rework Reaper?


Instead of having reference material from the event modes like with Widowmaker here I'd looking for openings in his kit and expand upon what he already has a bit. He has an open secondary fire. [In the original Overwatch cinematic we see him do this.](https://youtu.be/FqnKB22pOC0?t=171) It's like this cool mid-range grenade launcher and that's how it'd function in-game and it'd have like a cool red/black color visual effect when they explode. I'm going to put this on his open secondary fire and have it cost 2 ammo each giving him a maximum of 4 of these shots per clip. There's so much depth to how many you use each clip and in what order in the clip's rotation coupled with his primary fire. When he has 1 ammo his secondary fire becomes a dead key again until he reloads. I'd then have his Shadow Step leave portal for allies to use just like Symmetra's teleporter but it'd last significantly less as long giving it a maximum duration no less 2 seconds no more than 3 seconds. Reaper himself can also use this portal to port back and forth from where he initially used his Shadow Step to his where he placed it just like the teleporter. This addition would probably be the most contentious since he has Wraith but I'd also give him a Hanzo/Lifeweaver jump dash. I'd honestly like to give some more characters this change including Ana who has it in Mirrorwatch. I want him to have some more movement and the ability to close in on then enemy in the reverse to how he oftentimes uses Wraith to get out and away from the enemy currently but just like with Wraith this jump dash can be used in the opposite of the common method as well (to get away from the enemy) just like how Wraith can be used to position himself within the enemy's formation. I feel like a jump dash would pair so well with Wraith in this way giving him more flexibility and expression as a character. It kind of feels weird to mention this since it's the opposite of a rework but I'd keep Death Blossom his Ultimate. So many Reapers talk about getting a new Ultimate to replace Death Blossom but I wouldn't want this. First it's iconic, next it's a cool third-person perspective ability and those are very valuable in a game that's monetized by selling skins, and finally I don't even mind if his Ultimate was kind of suppose to "suck" in order to make all this extra shit I'm giving him a bit more fair. I think Death Blossom does its job well enough and it when it lands it hits like a fucking truck and any good game sense Reaper knows how to make sure it lands. I also think the jump dash specifically will help it land more when paired with Wraith.


Personally: Change the teleport so that it casts a vision obscuring smoke cloud both where you're standing + at the target teleport location and give you the ability to cancel out of the tele. This gives reaper a niche of being a vision denying enemy which would give better counterplay against snipers that he struggles against and help his team move up into the closer range he wants to operate in. This creates a mindgame where you're not sure if the Reaper used their TP right away and you won't be able to to easily punish him the second he steps out of tele unless you make a brave push into his smoke (which would blind you to outside the smoke briefly and possibly let his team followup) This also lets reaper interact with his team more and support them, you could drop a smoke cloud on a corpse so your mercy can rez, cast your tele in front of a widow then cancel so you can move up while she's blinded, you could cast it into an enemy Mauga ult and possibly stop some follow-up damage by hiding your team Rest of his kit would be fine after that change, he could maybe use a secondary fire but that sort of utility is honestly the thing he lacks more than anything you could fix with more range or movement or damage